Tips for operating refrigeration equipment. Course repair and service of refrigeration equipment Installation, operation and repair of refrigeration units

Regular maintenance is an indispensable condition for the longevity of refrigeration equipment in different areas production and services to the population.

The Ecolife company provides professional technical maintenance of refrigeration equipment in Moscow and the Moscow region. We will ensure the stable operation of your equipment and, as a result, the entire enterprise.
You will be guaranteed against sudden stoppage of refrigeration equipment due to mode failure, malfunctions, wear of parts, clogging and contamination of units.

The list of maintenance work for refrigeration equipment depends on the specific type of equipment, operating features and design.

Cost of work

The cost is calculated individually depending on the form of cooperation. General prices are available upon request.

We work throughout Moscow and Moscow Region with visits to equipment. The guarantee of our work is the use of high-quality components and tools and the professionalism of our employees at an affordable cost. In our work we use low-aggressive detergents"Frionett" and "Convotherm", permitted in the Russian Federation.

Contract for maintenance of refrigeration equipment

We enter into an agreement with clients for the maintenance of refrigeration equipment, in a special appendix of which a list of works is prescribed with all measures to maintain the equipment in working condition.
Each item on the list is agreed upon with the client; the type of contract depends on the long-term cooperation, the type and complexity of the equipment.

We offer three standard contracts:
1. One-time service agreement
2. Permanent service agreement
3. Scheduled maintenance agreement (annual maintenance with a schedule of activities)

One-time maintenance of refrigeration equipment

Includes diagnostics, troubleshooting and preventive maintenance for the further functioning of the equipment.
First, a preliminary visit of specialists to the site, drawing up an estimate with a list of works and agreeing on deadlines.
Payment is made for activities carried out within the framework of the contract after signing the acts.

Typical list of works for one-time maintenance:

1. Inspection and visual assessment of external condition, equipment and functionality
2. Checking and adjusting hinges and locks
3. Cleaning the frame, compressor, air condenser
4. Pulling threaded connections
5. Check for refrigerant leakage,
6. Checking the thermal insulation of the refrigeration circuit
7. Checking electrical networks, contacts and connections
8. Elimination of existing faults, refueling the circuit and replacing worn parts if necessary
9. Testing operating modes
10. Entering data into the journal

Upon completion of the work, the company employee makes recommendations on further exploitation technology.
During the work, the list of services can be adjusted if malfunctions are detected during the inspection process.

Continuous maintenance of refrigeration equipment

The agreement on permanent cooperation is concluded for an agreed period, during which our specialists undertake all work to maintain the condition of the equipment at fixed rates. An exact work schedule is not established; all activities are carried out as necessary or at the request of the client. Payment is made upon completion of the work each time the work is completed.

Planned annual maintenance of refrigeration equipment

Planned annual maintenance includes a set of regular measures according to a set schedule. In agreement with the customer, specialists regularly visit the work site, assess the condition of the equipment and take all necessary measures for further operation in the required mode.
Regular maintenance will help to identify serious problems in time and take action. preventive measures to eliminate them. Timely inspection can prevent sudden breakdown and shutdown of equipment. All work is carried out strictly according to the planned schedule, which includes a payment schedule.

Scheduled maintenance schedule for refrigeration machines

Periodicity List of maintenance work refrigeration machines Additional list of works for pumping station refrigeration unit

Visual inspection,
. checking fences, fastenings,
. checking current and voltage balance,
. status audit power cables,
. control of instrument readings, pressure in systems,
. monitoring the state of automation,
. checking the tightness of the water and freon circuits,
. activation of protective systems,
. oil level control,
. checking freon filters.

Control of corrosion processes in the main components of mechanisms,
. coolant pressure control,
. control of power supply lines,
. checking for leaks from the circulation circuit.


Control of air condensers,
. checking fan blades,
. if necessary, tighten connections, check control and power circuits.

Coolant refueling and analysis,
. air release.
. Once every six months
. control and cleaning of water filters,
. safety valve tightness control,
. control chemical composition coolant.

Once every six months

Condition monitoring and cleaning of capacitors,
. audit safety valves, operation check.


Inspection of internal cavities and fan bearings,
. monitoring the state of motor insulation,
. inspection of pump bearings,
. testing operating parameters (freon humidity and oil acidity),
. introduction of antifriction additives,
. pressure control in expansion tank with possible refueling.

Cleaning all filters,
. instrumentation check,
. for expansion tanks membrane type Nitrogen refueling is provided.

Once every 2 years . replacing compressor oil
Once every 3 years . refilling the coolant and cleaning the entire system

Additional service

Each client with whom we have entered into an agreement is provided with Additional services, including free consultations and recommendations on the operation of refrigeration equipment. Our clients also receive a discount on spare parts and components for refrigeration equipment.

To obtain detailed information and leave a request for individual service, you can call us by phone or fill out a form on the website. Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible and provide detailed advice on issues of interest.

Machines and apparatus refrigeration units placed in such a way as to ensure their normal maintenance and repair.

Maintenance of a refrigeration unit consists of preparing it for operation, starting it up, regulating the supply of refrigerant to evaporation system, caring for the refrigeration unit during operation, stopping and shutting down machines and devices, observing safety regulations, keeping machines and work areas clean and in good working order, as well as filling out the necessary reporting documentation.

The entry on duty of shift personnel begins with checking the entries in the refrigeration station operation log, and ends with monitoring temperatures at the main points of the refrigeration cycle and checking the operation of the refrigeration station equipment.

Both shifts - the handing over and the receiving - sign for the delivery and acceptance of the shift in the journal.

The duty personnel periodically check the quantity and density of brine, the water supply to the condensers, the serviceability of emergency ventilation, the availability of necessary spare parts, materials and tools, and personal protective equipment. Special attention should be given to checking the condition of the rubbing parts of compressors and pumps, the operation of the oil system, valves and seals.

For the convenience of maintenance personnel, inspection lights or other devices are installed on the cooling water pipelines to monitor the flow of water.

In various places of the refrigeration installation, there are also sockets for instruments required both for constant monitoring of the operation of the installation and for periodic testing. Pressure gauges, thermometers, ammeters and others measuring instruments installed so that when starting the installation they are in the field of view of the driver and his assistant.

Automatic control valves are usually duplicated by manual ones. This allows you to continue producing cold if some of the automatic control devices fail.

Medium and large refrigeration units mainly operate with a manual starting system. Their technical operation is quite complex and requires the operating personnel to have in-depth knowledge of the physical principles of obtaining cold, the design of machines, apparatus, instruments, fittings and the rules for handling them.

To facilitate the work of personnel, piping diagrams, equipment layout plans, information about the main parameters of refrigeration units, consumption rates of refrigerant, oil, electricity, safety posters, schedules of preventive inspections and repairs are posted in the engine rooms of refrigeration stations.

In order to orient service personnel in branched pipeline diagrams, they are painted in conventional colors. The most commonly used colors are:
for refrigerant pipelines: discharge - red, liquid - yellow, suction - blue;
for brine pipelines: pressure - green, return - brown;
for water pipelines: pressure - blue, return - purple.

If there are several cold parameters, conditional rings are also applied to the painted pipelines, indicating which machine this pipeline belongs to.

Efficient and reliable operation any refrigeration installation depends not only on good technical condition equipment, but also from its proper operation. Direct supervision of the operation of the equipment is carried out by drivers, their assistants, operator operators, mechanics on duty and electricians subordinate to the shift supervisor of the refrigeration station.

Their main task is to maintain the specified operating parameters of refrigeration machines with the lowest consumption of energy and operating materials and strict compliance with safety regulations.

To successfully complete the tasks facing operating personnel, it is necessary to:
high quality and serviceability of equipment;
provision of control and measuring instruments;
availability of spare parts, tools and repair devices;
availability of refrigerant, coolant, water, lubricating oils, instrumentation air, operating materials and energy resources;
correct filling of systems with refrigerant and coolant; absence of contamination on heat transfer surfaces; timely prevention and repairs; maintaining a shift log to identify violations of the operating regime;
highly qualified service personnel.

The operation of refrigeration units is regulated by special instructions. Failure to comply with them may result in violation technological process consumers of cold and increased energy consumption to obtain cold.

The sequence of individual operations during starting and stopping and the maintenance procedure depend on the design and operational features refrigeration unit, which must be reflected in the maintenance instructions.

This chapter discusses the basic rules and techniques for operating the most common types of large refrigeration units, which in each individual case must be clarified in accordance with the start-up instructions of the equipment manufacturers. Having studied these techniques, the future driver or operator will be able to master the procedure for starting, regulating and stopping refrigeration units of any system.

Persons who have reached the age of eighteen, have passed a medical examination and have a certificate of completion of training in their chosen specialty are allowed to operate industrial refrigeration units.

Operating personnel must know well and strictly follow the rules and instructions for the operation and repair of equipment and devices of refrigeration stations. Engine rooms of refrigeration stations are the workplace of the driver and his assistant. The pumping and equipment departments are serviced by operators who are subordinate to the driver and coordinate all their actions with him.

Refrigeration station personnel annually pass exams of the qualification commission. The exam results are documented in a protocol. Persons who pass these exams are issued special certificates.

Control questions
1. What tasks are assigned to the operating personnel of refrigeration units?

2. List the conditions necessary for successful work refrigeration unit.

3. Tell us how to fill the system with ammonia and freon?

4. How is brine prepared?

5. Tell us about preparations for starting up the refrigeration unit.

6. How to start a refrigeration unit with piston compressors and turbochargers?

7. List the signs of normal operation of a piston compressor.

8. Tell us about compressor lubrication.

9. How is the operation of a compression refrigeration unit regulated?

10. What temperature changes should accompany the normal operation of an ammonia refrigeration unit?

11. Explain the procedure for stopping a compression refrigeration unit.

12. What do you know about maintenance procedures for evaporators and condensers?

13. What causes deterioration in heat transfer in the evaporator and condensers?

14. Tell us about preparations for the launch of freon turbo units.

15. What signs characterize the normal operation of a turbo-refrigeration freon unit?

16. Tell us about the operating features of propylene turbine units.

17. How are absorption refrigeration machines filled with ammonia-water solution?

18. Explain the starting and stopping of an absorption chiller.

19. Tell us about the operation of centrifugal pumps.

20. What causes corrosion of refrigeration equipment?
21. How does tread protection work?

Fundamentals of designing ventilation and air conditioning systems. Modern approach to design. Commissioning and service of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Special course according to the program with the topic of refrigeration supply of ventilation and air conditioning systems:

Topic 1. Basic air parameters. Analysis of processes of change in the state of air. Air temperature by dry and wet thermometer. Dew point temperature. Psychrometric temperature difference. Absolute and relative humidity. Moisture content. Specific heat and enthalpy. Density of dry and humid air. Partial pressure of water vapor. Processes of heating, humidifying, cooling and dehumidifying air. Processes of mixing external and internal air. Examples of calculations.

Topic 2. Calculation and selection of equipment for cleaning and heat and humidity treatment of air. Dry air heating. Calculation of processes and equipment. Heating with air humidification. Calculation of processes and equipment. Air humidification. Calculation of processes and equipment. Dry air cooling. Calculation of processes and equipment. Air cooling with simultaneous dehumidification. Process calculations and equipment. Air dehumidification. Calculation of processes and equipment. Filters, device; cleaning classes; calculation and selection. Selection of equipment for premises for various purposes. Examples of calculations.

Topic 3. Design parameters of external and internal air. Design parameters of outside air. Design parameters of internal air for premises for various purposes (taking into account the requirements of SNiP, SanPiN, technological standards, etc.).

Topic 4. Calculation of heat and moisture inflows. Determination of air flow. Calculation of heat inflows in the warm and cold periods of the year using standard methods and average indicators. Calculation of moisture inflows in the warm and cold periods of the year. Determination of air flow from the condition of extinguishing heat and moisture excess. Air exchange rate. Recommended air exchange extreme values ​​for premises for various purposes. Determination of air flow taking into account the recommended air exchange rate. Examples of calculations.

Topic 5. Construction of processes for heat and humidity air treatment in ventilation and air conditioning systems. Construction on the J - d diagram of air treatment processes in ventilation systems and local devices; construction of air treatment processes in central air conditioners. Determination of the specific load of heat, cold and moisture on equipment. Calculation of system performance: heating, cooling, humidifying and drying capacity. Examples of calculations.

Topic 6. Construction of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Calculation and selection. Installation of ventilation systems for premises for various purposes. Equipment selection. Local air conditioners. Fan coils. Device. Calculation and selection. Installation of direct-flow and recirculation central air conditioners. Calculation and selection. Heat recovery units. Design, calculation and selection. Examples of calculations.

Topic 7. Air distribution systems. Calculation and selection. Purpose, device. Methods of supplying air to rooms. Air distribution devices. Air ducts and distribution channels. Calculation and selection. Calculation of air distribution systems for premises for various purposes.

Topic 8. Refrigeration supply of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Refrigeration schemes for direct cooling and cooling using coolants. Installation of equipment for refrigeration supply of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment.

Topic 9. Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Automatic control of room temperature. Automatic control of air humidity in air-conditioned rooms for various purposes. Automatic protection air heaters against freezing; blocking electric drives of equipment and air valves. Alarm for emergency increase in air pressure behind the filter. Options remote control. Interrelation with the automation of the refrigeration machine.

Topic 10. Energy saving measures in ventilation and air conditioning systems. Selection of rational parameters of external and internal air; operating temperature difference. Choosing an energy efficient air distribution system. Introduction of heat recovery systems and use of natural cold. Selection of refrigeration and automation options.

Topic 11. Methods for designing and calculating ventilation and air conditioning systems for premises of food enterprises. Basic regulations design production systems comfortable and comfortable - technological conditioning for heat- and moisture-stressed rooms. Design of technological air conditioning systems (design examples for meat processing, dairy, cheese making, fish processing and other food industry enterprises).

Refrigeration equipment accepted for operation in enterprises Catering and trade are usually serviced, repaired and adjusted by employees of repair and installation plants (shops) under a contract.

At enterprises operating refrigeration equipment, for each type or group of equipment, an operational laced and numbered log is assigned, in which the act of putting the equipment into operation is filed. During operation of the equipment, the mechanic of the enterprise or repair and installation plant records in a logbook information about all work carried out to service the equipment, as well as about instructions to operating personnel on operating rules. All the mechanic’s entries in the logbook are checked and signed by the enterprise administration. The journal must be kept by the director of the enterprise or his deputy.

If there is an agreement for the maintenance of refrigeration equipment between the repair and installation plant and the enterprise, it is assigned to a certain team of mechanics. The mechanic carries out equipment maintenance work according to the plan. The frequency of this work depends on the overall level of maintenance and operation of the refrigeration equipment. The mechanic also performs preventive maintenance work. The scope of this work includes inspecting the refrigeration machine system to identify freon leaks and eliminate them, cleaning equipment from dust and dirt, tensioning transmission belts, checking grounding (or grounding), monitoring the temperature conditions of refrigeration equipment, regulating automation devices, etc.

The mechanic instructs personnel on the design, operating principle of the equipment and operating rules. At emergency situations or the refrigeration machine stops for a reason that cannot be eliminated by the maintenance personnel, a mechanic is called out.

Operated refrigeration equipment must be kept in proper sanitary condition. To do this, refrigeration equipment should be washed at least once a week. warm water with soap, then rinse with warm clean water, wipe dry with a cloth and leave open overnight for ventilation. External chrome-plated and nickel-plated parts of refrigeration equipment must be wiped daily with rags soaked in Vaseline technical oil.

Preserving the quality of products during refrigerated storage largely depends on the sanitary condition of the chambers. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically carry out microbiological monitoring of the chambers to timely identify the degree of their contamination with molds. Chambers contaminated with mold should be disinfected according to " Sanitary rules for enterprises of the refrigeration industry."

Floors in cells and corridors, staircases and elevators for ascent food products Refrigeration chambers are removed from production premises as they become dirty, but at least once per shift. Oily and slippery floors and doors in cold rooms with above-zero temperatures, in corridors and staircases washed with a hot solution of soap or lye and wiped dry.

To clean refrigeration equipment, use special equipment and store it separately from equipment used for cleaning other premises and equipment.

To eliminate foreign odors in refrigeration chambers, they are periodically ventilated or treated with ozone.

The shelf life of products is established in accordance with approved standards.

Responsibility for compliance with technical and sanitary rules for storing food products rests with the head of the enterprise. Monitoring compliance with sanitary rules for storing food products is carried out by the State Sanitary Inspection authorities and departmental sanitary services.

To save High Quality When storing food products in commercial refrigeration equipment (collapsible chambers, cabinets, counters and display cases), it is necessary to ensure strict adherence to the storage temperature conditions. Refrigeration equipment can be loaded with products only after the required storage temperature has been reached. Counters, cabinets and display cases are not designed to refrigerate food and should only be loaded with refrigerated food. The use of commercial refrigeration equipment to cool hot food or drinks is not permitted. Loading of refrigeration equipment and placement of products in it must be carried out in accordance with technical requirements. When loaded correctly, the products are placed evenly over the entire area of ​​the shelves so that they do not touch the walls of the refrigerated chamber and there is a passage for air between them. If equipment is loaded incorrectly or overloaded with products, air circulation conditions worsen, which leads to uneven cooling and warming of the internal layers. It is prohibited to cover the grid shelves of refrigeration equipment with paper, cloth or other materials that impede the circulation of cooling air. It is not allowed to place products close to the evaporator of the refrigeration machine, minimum distance- 40 mm.

Maintaining the required temperature in the cooled chamber depends on the operating conditions of the refrigeration machine evaporator. During operation of the refrigeration machine, a layer of snow freezes on the walls of the evaporator, the thickness of which determines the operation of both the refrigeration machine and all equipment. When a layer of snow of 5-7 mm freezes, the channels between the evaporator fins become clogged, the process of heat exchange between air and refrigerant sharply deteriorates, which leads to an increase in the temperature in the cooled chamber, an increase in energy consumption and the operating time coefficient. Therefore, it is necessary to defrost the snow coat from the evaporator in a timely manner. Thawing a snow coat should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. If the equipment is not equipped with special automatic devices to thaw a snow coat, then during thawing, remove all products from the cooled chamber, turn off the refrigeration machine and open the doors. Melt water collected in pallets and removed from equipment. It is wiped dry and then the refrigeration machine is turned on. It is impossible to remove a snow coat from the evaporator of a refrigeration machine using mechanical means, as this can damage the evaporator wall and break the tightness of the system.

If the refrigeration equipment is not loaded with food, it should be turned off. At the end of the working day, all products from the display cases should be transferred to chambers, cabinets or counters, and the refrigerating machines of the display cases should be turned off.

To service personnel It is not recommended to open refrigerated chambers unless necessary. This increases the temperature and humidity in the chamber. Lighting in refrigerated rooms should only be turned on when loading or unloading food.

The correct operation of refrigeration machines and equipment can be judged by their operating mode.

Normal operation of refrigeration equipment. The normal operating mode of refrigeration equipment is considered optimal mode, which ensures maintenance of the required temperature in refrigeration chambers at minimal operating costs. The main operating costs are electricity and cooling water.

The following factors influence energy consumption.

1. Compliance with the rules of operation of refrigeration equipment. Correct loading and placement of products in chambers, cabinets, display cases and counters, reducing the time spent visiting chambers, opening doors and sliding walls, timely thawing of the snow coat from the evaporator of the refrigeration machine and other measures ensure the operation of the refrigeration machine with a minimum operating time ratio.

2. The difference between the condensation and boiling temperatures of the refrigerant. The smaller the difference, the lower the energy consumption.

Approximate values ​​for liquid refrigerant boiling and condensation temperatures are:

a) the condensation temperature tk in air-cooled condensers is equal to tk =t air2 + (10÷12ºС), where t air2 is the temperature of the air leaving the condenser. Heating of the air in the condenser is 2-4°C;

b) in water-cooled condensers, closed type, condensation temperature tk =t m water +(8÷10ºС), where t m water is the average temperature of the cooling water. Heating of water in the condenser is 4-6°C;

c) in finned freon evaporators, the boiling point of the refrigerant is 12-15°C lower than the temperature of the cooled chamber. In refrigerated display cases and household cabinets, the temperature pressure on the evaporator can reach 19-21°C;

d) in direct cooling ammonia evaporators, the boiling point of the refrigerant is 8-12°C lower than the air temperature in the chambers;

e) in freon and ammonia evaporators for cooling intermediate coolant The boiling point of the refrigerant is 4-6°C lower than the average temperature of the coolant. The coolant in the evaporator is cooled by 2-4ºС;

f) the average temperature of the coolant in chamber batteries is 8-10°C lower than the air temperature in the chambers.

3. Incorrect relay setting low pressure automatic freon refrigeration machines when a small dead zone is set. In this case, short-cycle operation of the machine and a high cycle frequency are observed. The normal number of cycles is 5-6 per hour.

4. Overflow of the refrigeration machine evaporator with liquid refrigerant and the compressor running wet. The reason for this may be incorrect adjustment of the thermostatic valve, and the consequence is a decrease in compressor performance, an increase in pressure in the evaporator, an increase in the compressor operating time coefficient and increased energy consumption.

5. Compressor malfunctions, valve failures causing a decrease in performance, weakening and slipping of the belt drive, clogged dirt trap, etc.

Operating costs for cooling water in large refrigeration machines reach 50%, and in small refrigeration machines, where it is used only for cooling condensers, 25-35%. A decrease in the flow of cooling water to the condenser is associated with an increase in the condensation temperature. An increase in condensation temperature by 1ºC leads to a decrease in the cooling capacity of the machine by 1-1.2% and an increase in energy consumption. And with an increase in the supply of cooling water, electricity consumption decreases, but the consumption of cooling water increases. The optimal flow rate of cooling water should be determined taking into account operating conditions and tariffs for water and electricity. To save cooling water, you should pay attention to the operation of the water control valves, which should shut off the water supply to the condenser, subcooler and compressor when the machine is stopped.

Visual signs of normal operation of the refrigeration machine are: uniform distribution of a layer of frost over the surface of the evaporator, absence of frost on the suction pipe of the compressor (with the exception of low-temperature equipment, when the suction pipe to the suction valve of the compressor is covered with a layer of frost), warm liquid pipe, the compressor and electric motor operate quietly , without vibration and extraneous noise, there is no sparking and local heating in electrical appliances, the working time coefficient corresponds to the recommended values.

For various refrigeration equipment and machines, the operating instructions may recommend characteristic features normal operating mode.

The actual operating mode of the equipment is determined by the measured pressures and temperatures. It is considered abnormal if the actual cooling capacity is less and the energy consumption is more than optimal. In this case, it is necessary to reconfigure the equipment to operate normally.

Possible malfunctions in the operation of refrigeration equipment. During operation of refrigeration machines and equipment, their characteristics deteriorate. Due to wear, compressor performance decreases, noise and vibration appear that are absent in a new machine, etc. Contamination and corrosion of heat transfer surfaces cause an increase in their thermal resistance and a decrease in strength properties.

Mechanical and physico-chemical wear cause problems in the operation of refrigeration equipment. Among the many violations, the most common are the following: malfunction of starting and protective electrical equipment, continuous operation of the compressor of an automatic refrigeration machine, the required temperature in the refrigeration chamber is not achieved in the absence of a snow coat on the evaporator, observed constant flow cooling water to the condenser (the air valve does not close) when the compressor is running and stopped, extraneous noise in the compressor, etc.

Organization of repair of refrigeration equipment. To increase the service life of refrigeration equipment with high technical indicators it periodically undergoes scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR). PPR system designed to prevent emergency repairs and increase turnaround time. It also includes work on overhaul maintenance, which consists of monitoring the condition of the equipment and compliance with the rules of its operation, as well as performing a number of works that ensure long-term serviceable operation of machines and devices.

Planned repairs are divided into three types: current, medium and capital. Each type of repair includes operations that ensure trouble-free operation of the equipment until the next scheduled repair. Current and medium repairs are carried out without dismantling the equipment. Major renovation are produced at a repair and installation plant, for which the equipment is dismantled and sent to the plant.

By doing repair work it is necessary to strictly observe safety regulations for ammonia and freon refrigeration units, rules technical operation electrical installations and requirements of other instructional materials.

To ensure that your refrigeration equipment operates reliably and lasts for a long time, we recommend following a few simple tips when using it:

Any refrigeration machine must cool appropriately. For this purpose, special slotted openings (grids) are provided in the housing of the refrigeration equipment, which must not be blocked under any circumstances - otherwise the access of air to the refrigeration unit is stopped, the refrigeration machine overheats, which can lead to its failure.

Maintaining the proper temperature conditions is of great importance for maintaining the functionality of your equipment: operating the refrigeration machine in a room with elevated temperature air may trigger protective devices motor-compressor, or to premature failure of the motor-compressor. Try to locate the refrigeration machine in areas with good ventilation, or provide forced cooling of the room in which the refrigeration machine is operated.

At the same time, operating the refrigeration machine in a room with low temperature air can lead to a decrease in pressure in refrigeration system to unacceptable levels and, as a consequence, to premature failure of the motor-compressor.

The presence in the air of the room where the refrigeration machine is operated, oil vapors provokes rapid contamination of the refrigeration unit. Preventative work Cleaning of condensers of refrigeration machines operating in such conditions should be carried out at least twice as often.

Here are the basic rules adopted when operating refrigeration and freezer compartments:

1. It is necessary to lay the goods correctly: the products should not block the air cooler;

2. It is preferable to store hermetically sealed products (especially fish) in the refrigerator. Poorly packaged products release an excessive amount of moisture, and a snow “coat” very quickly forms on the air cooler of the refrigeration chamber;

3. It is necessary to regularly defrost the refrigerating chamber and disinfect it in accordance with the operating instructions;

4. You cannot overload the refrigerator compartment with products, fill it “to capacity”, filling the entire volume. Do not allow food to come into contact with the panels of the refrigerator compartment. There must be a distance between the rows of stacked products to ensure free circulation of air inside the refrigerator compartment;

5. It is necessary to operate the refrigerating chamber only in accordance with the temperature storage conditions of a specific group of goods; it is prohibited in a refrigerating chamber with temperature conditions-18? C, store fresh meat at a temperature of +2? C and use the refrigerator for freezing the product. If it is necessary to freeze or cool products in storage rooms, you must notify the company that sells the refrigeration equipment in order to avoid future problems with the implementation of the warranty (does not apply to equipment used for other purposes).

    trust the installation, start-up and operation of the unit to random persons;

    start and operate a unit with faulty or incomplete electrical equipment, without a fan unit, without grounding or with unreliable grounding, with open live parts;

    turn on, even on a short time, unit with a buried discharge valve, if any. To avoid compressor damage, the discharge valve should be fully open before turning on the unit;

    operate a unit with a refrigerant leak (permissible leakage 0.5 g/year), such a unit must be turned off immediately. Smoking and working with open fire are not allowed near the unit with a freon leak;
