A few tricks for abundant flowering of clematis. Fertilizers for clematis in spring for abundant flowering How to fertilize clematis and roses in spring

Clematis, or clematis, belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and grows well in fertile and loose soil, the abundance of humus in which promotes normal growth and lush flowering.

IN landing hole for clematis, add 15 kg of humus, 7-8 kg of peat and coarse sand, 1 cup each of chalk and wood ash, 0.5 cups of superphosphate granules. In addition, the soil for clematis is fertilized with an aqueous solution of manure (1: 5) before planting.

In the first 3 years, the surface of the soil under clematis, after watering and loosening, must be constantly mulched with organic materials.

A year after planting, each bush should be shed once with lime milk: 200 g of slaked lime or dolomite flour per 10 liters of water. It is better to dilute limestone material warm water and immediately water the plants to eliminate the risk of various diseases, including wilt, a well-known scourge of clematis. The solution consumption is 1 bucket per large bush.

Also in the spring, once a season, to prevent diseases and pests, each clematis bush should be sprayed with a urea solution (1 teaspoon of the substance per 10 liters of water).

During the warm season, you can feed clematis every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

The first feeding is carried out in spring or early summer nitrogen fertilizers(30-85 ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water), spending 1 bucket of solution on a large bush, and half as much on a small one. Second feeding complete complex fertilizer given in summer during the bud formation phase.

After flowering ends, the plant needs to be fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. At the end of the season, wood ash is scattered around the bushes (0.5 liters per plant).

Proper soil care, regular fertilizing and watering, pruning in accordance with the requirements of the variety, protection from winter frosts, diseases and pests - this is the maximum care that clematis needs for abundant and long flowering for many years.

On loose, fertile soils, clematis roots reach a depth of 1 m. In general, the root system of an adult plant masters up to 1 m3 of soil. Such a powerful plant needs a lot of nutrients and moisture.

How to water clematis

Watering. In order for the roots to begin to function normally after planting, clematis need weekly abundant watering. And in sunny and dry weather, they are watered after 5 days. In the future, young plants require watering once every 7-10 days. To find out whether adult plants need moisture, check the condition of the soil at a depth of 20-30 cm. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water the clematis.

When watering, the soil is moistened to the depth of the roots. Otherwise, large-flowered clematis over 5 years old, as a rule, begin to have smaller flowers. To prevent this from happening, the water must penetrate to a depth of 60-70 cm. But with normal watering, only part of the water reaches that deep, the rest spreads over the surface of the soil.

How can this be? This problem has a simple solution. Around the bush, moving 30-40 cm away from it, dig flower pots flush with the surface of the ground. During watering, they are filled with water, which will then gradually penetrate to the roots through the drainage hole in the bottom. This technique promotes the formation of large flowers even in 7-8 year old plants.

Clematis, how to properly care for the soil

Soil care. Clematis do not tolerate overheating and drying out of the soil. It should always be slightly damp and loose. Therefore, after each watering and rain, the soil around the plants is loosened. Near new plantings - shallow (2-5 cm) to destroy the soil crust and the first weeds.

Good results are obtained by mulching the soil, which partially replaces watering and loosening. For clematis, it is best to use semi-rotted manure as mulch, sprinkled with peat. When watering or raining, such mulch retains moisture longer and gives the plant additional nutrition. Protects in winter root system from freezing, especially when there is ice. Thanks to mulch, many worms appear, which, by making passages in the soil, help improve its structure.

How to feed clematis and add nutrients

Feeding. Clematis requires a lot of nutrients. Firstly, they bloom for a long time and abundantly, and secondly, they annually renew almost the entire above-ground vegetative mass. Large-flowered clematis are fed at least 2 times a month, and small-flowered clematis are given 2-3 feedings per season, using 10 liters nutrient solution for 1-2 bushes (depending on the size of the plant).

During the growth of clematis especially need nitrogen. With its deficiency, the shoots become short, the leaves become smaller, turn yellow, acquire a reddish tint, and the flowers are small and poorly colored. Due to the fact that shoot growth in clematis occurs throughout the entire growing season, nitrogen should always be in the soil, but the greatest amount is required in the spring. For nitrogen fertilizing, dilute organic fertilizers are used: slurry (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15), alternating with mineral fertilizers: nitroammophoska, or ammonium nitrate, or urea (15-20 g/10 l).

Phosphorus is another one important element , necessary for clematis. Its deficiency causes browning of the leaves, which take on a purple hue. Shoots and roots develop poorly. Phosphorus is added during the main soil amendment in the form of bone meal in September (200 g/m2). But at the same time you can apply fertilizing with an extract of superphosphate (20 g/10 l of water).

Potassium activates the synthesis of organic substances in cells and promotes the flow of water into them. Its deficiency causes browning of the edges of leaves, especially old ones. The peduncles and pedicels of the buds become brown and even blacken. The color of the flowers becomes lighter. In the spring it is best to use potassium nitrate, in August potassium sulfate, diluting 20-30 g in 10 liters of water.

N. Ya. Ippolitova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Clematis, or in common parlance, vine, is a herbaceous perennial, most often in the form of a vine. According to popular belief, the plant can replace an entire garden and delight the eye for many years. To stimulate lush and abundant flowering Summer residents with extensive experience use simple tricks, which we will share in our article.

Twice feeding

Fertilizing for clematis is very important, since during the summer the plant manages to grow a large amount of green mass. According to the rules, soluble fertilizers are applied twice a month in small quantities.

The first application of fertilizers occurs in May during the growth of shoots. The most suitable fertilizers during this period are considered to be ammonium nitrate or mullein at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. Chicken manure is also suitable in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for a 15 liter bucket. Feeding consumption is a bucket per 1 bush.

After the initial feeding, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers is alternated, and when buds appear, they are applied simultaneously.

Useful stimulants

To the delight of summer residents, clematis rarely get sick and are attacked by harmful insects, so treating them with herbicides or other chemicals is pointless.

At the same time, clematis like growth stimulants, so it is recommended to repeatedly spray the plant with Elin Extra or Zircon in the summer. Such chemicals have an anti-stress effect, help the shrub survive changeable spring weather without loss, and also stimulate the growth of shoots from the lateral buds. This helps clematis grow quickly and bloom magnificently and abundantly.

Bottom line

To stimulate active growth and beautiful abundant flowering, you need to follow the above rules. Then clematis will delight the gardener and his guests for a long time.

Clematis is beautiful plant, which delights everyone with its appearance, flowering. This is true, but only if you carry out proper landing plants and provide proper care.

It is noteworthy that this plant is planted both in autumn and in spring. For these purposes, two-year or one-year-old seedlings are suitable. “Two-year-olds,” of course, are more expensive in cost, but they are more likely to survive and bloom.


The process of caring for clematis is simple. However, it is necessary to pay attention to certain points. This plant can survive winter period in a cold but frost-free place. You just need to prepare the plant - cover the root with a moistened mixture of sand and sawdust.

Clematis is a southern plant, therefore it tolerates heat well. Therefore, it can be safely planted in an area flooded with light, but in moderation. It should also be taken into account that the plant does not favor drafts at all, so planting in areas open to all winds is not the best thing. best solution. The ideal option for clematis would be a location protected on one or both sides (by a wall, fence or green fence).

On top of that, it is highly not recommended to plant clematis back to back; the distance between flowers should be one and a half, or even two meters. Then the plants will develop comfortably, and it will be convenient for you to monitor them - loosen and weed the soil, remove weeds, feed with fertilizers, and in case of drought, water.

Spring care

In spring, gardeners recommend watering clematis with milk of lime. You can make it yourself or you can buy it at any gardening store. If spring comes early and it is dry, then watering should be done rarely, but generously. In this case, you need to make sure that the water stream does not fall into the middle of the bush.

It is recommended to fertilize clematis at least four times per season. It is produced after watering, filled with fertilizers, which need to be alternated - mineral, then organic, or vice versa. When hot weather sets in, the plant is watered once every three weeks with a non-concentrated mixture of boric acid and potassium permanganate or sprayed with urea. Tree trunk areas should be mulched with peat solution, humus or sawdust. This is done as protection against hyperthermia and overheating of the soil.

IN spring time The branches of the plant are directed on a support in the correct direction and tied up. Otherwise, the growing shoots may intertwine with each other and become entangled so that they cannot be untangled in the future.

From the middle of the spring season, it is necessary to gradually remove the winter covering, but this must be done without rushing. In the event of a sudden tearing of the covering, young clematis shoots that have appeared above the ground may be subject to frost. And frosts will destroy the root system, since this is the weakest part of the bush. Crushing of the root collar from spring frosts is the most common reason for wilting of flowers.

The days of May are the time for seedling inspection. At this time, new seedlings are transplanted into stable areas of “habitat”, and old shrubs are also divided. They also install new supports for clematis or examine old ones for stability. As the seedlings grow, they should be carefully attached to supports.

Generally, spring care completed, and the beginning of summer is, as you know, the time of the most active growth of clematis.

Clematis - amazingly beautiful flowering plant , which can grow in one place without transplantation for more than 15 years. Since the plant annually increases its vegetative mass, it simply needs to be helped to grow and actively bloom with the help of a large supply useful substances in the soil. We can say that feeding clematis in the spring is not a whim, but a necessity to achieve lush flowering plants.

How to feed clematis

In order for clematis to bloom actively and for a long time, it is important for them to consume large quantities of nutrients from the soil. In this case, the plant requires both mineral and organic fertilizers. It is advisable to alternate types of fertilizers. Experts highlight following types feeding that is important for clematis for healthy growth and flowering.

First of all, bone meal. Since it contains a large amount of phosphorus. It is best to feed clematis with bone meal in early autumn. It is important to use at least 180-200 gr. per sq. m.

Useful video:

Also good for clematis humus. For each individual shrub, 20 kg of humus should be used when planting.

Nitrogen fertilization. It is very useful to use for uniform growth of shoots, as well as to achieve uniform, rich coloring of inflorescences. It is best to take in the following proportions: 1 liter of slurry and 15 grams. ammonium nitrate, the mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water.

In what seasons should I use potassium? Potassium nitrate - in spring, potassium sulfate - in summer.

In order to protect clematis from pest attacks, it is important to treat the soil with fungicidal agents.

The best time to feed clematis

If, when planting clematis, the soil was previously well fertilized, then it is not advisable to overload the bush with additional fertilizing during the year. To ensure uniform, moderate consumption of nutrients by clematis, it is best to fertilize no more than 4 times a season.

The most important thing is to feed clematis in early spring. In the autumn season, it is better not to fertilize the soil. Since during the previous seasons of active growth and vegetation, the plant has already received the required amount of nutrients, and it needs to be given time to prepare for winter.

Spring feeding of clematis

Fertilizing in caring for clematis in spring is very important.

Important! In the spring season, it is not advisable to fertilize clematis more than 2 times every 30 days.

After the shoots grow, it is necessary to apply 1 feeding. And it is best to give preference to foliar spraying. A weak solution of synthetic water (but not more than 3 grams per 1 liter of water) is suitable for this. Spraying with this solution is best done in cloudy weather, or in the evening when the sun has set.

Feeding clematis in summer

At the end of August, shoots are more important to such minerals, like potassium and phosphorus. Experts advise giving preference to potassium sulfate. It must be diluted in water in the following proportion: 30 g. 10 liters of the substance are taken. water.

At the same time, in the warm season it would not be superfluous to spray the leaves with a weak solution of boric acid. No more than once a month and best when the sun has already set.

How to feed clematis in spring for lush flowering

In order to stimulate lush flowering of clematis, you can use the following additives:

  • , containing at least 20% phosphoric acids. Can be used in both liquid and dry form.
  • Double superphosphate, in turn, contains at least 50% phosphorus acids. It is important to note that with an increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the substance, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizing.
  • Phosphorite flour- contains at least 25% phosphoric acids in the composition. Since the product is not soluble in water, it is used only in acidified soils.
  • Bone meal counts excellent feeding for clematis, while in comparison with phosphorus it is the most effective.

Important! Fertilizing for clematis flowering in spring should be used in measured quantities. You should also check that nutrients reach the roots of the clematis, because they can reach more than 1 m in length.

Feeding clematis with yeast

To prepare the fertilizer you need to take 200 grams. yeast and stir them in 1 liter. water. Mix thoroughly and let sit for a couple of minutes. Before using the resulting solution, it must be brought to 10 liters. Agronomist experts advise using “raw” yeast. 100 gr. must be diluted in 10 liters. water and let it brew for 24 hours.

Do not overfeed clematis with yeast. After fertilizing the soil, it is important to add ash or other minerals to the soil that can provide the soil with calcium and potassium. Since during fermentation, yeast actively absorbs these substances and the soil may not have enough of them.

It's important to know that yeast feeding used only in warm soil ( late spring or in summer), since at cold temperatures the action of the mushrooms will not begin. Using yeast is an excellent option for feeding clematis in the country in the spring, as it does not require large expenses. Yeast is one of the most economical ways to nourish the soil with the necessary substances.

Photo of clematis in spring:

How to feed clematis with ammonia

Feeding clematis with ammonia is a good alternative to other fertilizers, since in this case it is impossible to overdo it.

Watering the plants requires a small stream from a low height, and care must be taken that the liquid gets exclusively under the roots and not on the green parts of the clematis. To avoid chemical burns after use ammonia, plants are also sprayed clean water. The fertilizer is taken in the following dosage: 25 ml of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Video about what you need for abundant flowering:

Feeding clematis in spring with lime milk

Also in the spring, clematis can be watered with lime milk. This will avoid acidification of the soil. To prepare the mixture, dilute 200 g. lime in 1 liter. clean water. This volume is enough to process 1 square. m. Sometimes you can water the plants with a mixture prepared from copper sulfate and water.

It is worth remembering that it is undesirable to water clematis at this time of year more than once a week. It is very important to control that moisture reaches the roots of the plant.

It is important to remember that using certain fertilizers, in particular mineral ones, must strictly follow the instructions. This is due to the fact that an excess of substances in the soil is as harmful as their deficiency.

For abundant flowering of plants, experts advise using potassium fertilizers in the spring. An insufficient amount of this substance in the soil can lead to blackening and falling off of flower stalks, and the color of the flower will turn pale. It is important to carefully look at the composition when choosing potassium fertilizers; clematis reacts negatively to chloride compounds.


Fertilizing clematis in the spring can be done using lime milk, yeast, ammonia, phosphate or bone meal. It is important to measure the amount of nutrient additives added to the soil so as not to reverse the desired effect. Using the above tips, you can really achieve active growth and lush flowering of clematis.
