Fire flame dream book. Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of Fire? Other meanings of dreams about fire

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; body burn - bad reputation; feeling of a burn - new friendship, exciting news; in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke - danger; on the water - great happiness; from the earth - to illness; himself on fire - high patronage; burning - illness, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - prosperity in everything.

The meaning of a dream about fire

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream means you will soon fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

I dreamed of fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth. Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work. Seeing the burnt walls of your store or warehouse predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors. This promises success and honors for writers, business people- unlimited success in business.

Seeing fire in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fire has always caused an insurmountable fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is often also associated with purification: to come out of the fire undamaged means to be purified. But if you dream that you are on fire, then life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object, a house, a car, etc., is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: you simply cannot imagine life without it. According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this way, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and control it to the extent possible. If in a dream you successfully cope with a flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Do you question your own ethics? Are you looking for cleansing after some transgression? Do you feel that some significant turn is about to take place in your life, requiring spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Why do you have a dream about fire?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air. Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people. If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are very happy man, who knows that in difficult moment he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless. To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a wonderful impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then in the future the globe will be threatened by a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, for people will be given to know that the drought was sent down to them for disbelief in the Lord, renunciation of religion and a ruthless attitude towards environment.

Why do you dream about a candle?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

lit - good luck in a hopeless case; unlit - sadness; lighting wax is a disease; burning brightly - success; burns clearly (for patients) - to recovery.

Candle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, asceticism. Seeing the light of a candle in a window at night - this symbol means that in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth. Picking up wax candles scattered along the road is a sign of trouble, which is associated with the persecution of religious supporters and their exile to places with a difficult climate. To see a glow in the sky that resembles candlelight - be prepared to take any surprise for granted. Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it. Seeing a procession walking with candles is a harbinger that a misfortune will happen in the spring that will claim many lives, and mourning will be declared. Walking down a street lit by candles is a symbol that your love is yet to come. Receiving as a gift a candlestick on which countless candles are burning is a symbol that at a difficult moment your spiritual teacher will not leave you and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven. To see a wolf with burning candles reflected in its eyes - beware of a person who, hiding behind religion and the fight for morality, decided to enrich himself and break through to power under the guise of virtue at any cost. Seeing how a gust of wind blows out all the candles is a symbol of evil, which will interfere with the implementation of intentions related to spiritual rebirth and renewal. Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

The meaning of a dream about a candle

according to Freud's dream book

Lighting a candle in a dream means you will finally get the pleasure from sex that you have dreamed of for so long. In order for this to actually happen, you need to make some efforts, and not just rely on the skill of your partner. If you dreamed that you had dinner by candlelight, it means that you just need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's great if you're lucky with a partner and he turns out to be very attentive and understanding. But such luck is not at all guaranteed, which means you need to rely first of all on your own strengths, and then expect that your desires will be correctly understood. To see in a dream how a candle flame trembles - your love is hanging, one might say, by a thread, and the reason for this is excessive irritability and reluctance to tolerate what seems strange to you. If you dreamed that you lit a candle for someone’s health in church, it means that you are in vain counting on the support of your friends in the situation in which you find yourself. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish; they just each have their own concerns.

Why do you dream about a candle?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a burning candle in a dream - good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, neither poor nor rich. Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence. If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die. Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him. If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now. Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth. If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

I dreamed about a candle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that a pleasant occasion will bring you together with long-absent friends. This dream may foretell new opportunities and new meetings that will benefit your business. Seeing several candles burning with a bright, clean flame in a dream portends happiness and mutual understanding. Seeing a candle blown out by a draft denotes the revival of ridiculous rumors around your name. In a dream, blowing out a candle means sad events.

I dreamed of an explosion

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being a talker, and circumstances will be against you. Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business. If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women having such a dream should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

hear or see - to illness; you will be recognized.

Why do you dream about fire?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Fire in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden capture by an idea, desire for change. Putting out a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop and simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive changes that will be provoked unfair treatment, the dream promises problems and instability. Saving a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept one in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters. Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 there will be the largest number of marriages in the entire century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after a fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live. Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person in your life under unusual circumstances.

I dreamed of a fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a big fire in a dream, which happily ends without casualties, means changes in the future - to happiness and benefit for you.

Why do you dream of burning?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(someone or something) - force against will; cause unnecessary feelings; to annoy (someone) - to put an end to the past or make a decision (they say “burn bridges”).

Why do you dream about flames?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

severe anxiety.

I dreamed of a flame

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting a fire in a dream predicts that you will have to put in great effort and energy if you are going to get rich.

Seeing a dragon in a dream

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

A universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters carrying the life of the serpent, and the breath of life of the bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting beneficial rains following thunderstorms, and, at the same time, destructive forces lightning and floods. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Heavenly Power that brings good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. On Far East it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, hidden knowledge, the power of the waters that bring life. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, after him, a wise and noble man. Monotheistic religions depict the dragon evil force, with the exception of certain cases when it can personify the Logos, the animating spirit or the omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and serpent are usually used interchangeably in symbolism representing the implicit, the undifferentiated, the chaos, the latent, the untamed nature, as well as the vital force of water. When he spews out thunder and lightning, there is a transition from the world of the unmanifested to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has dual symbolism: it can act both as the god of rain and as his opponent, who prevents the rain from falling. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the depths of the sea, on the other, with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with whom heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or develop the earth. They are also the keepers of treasures and access to secret knowledge. The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. Victory over the dragon represents the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over one's own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. To save an immaculate maiden from the clutches of a dragon means to release pure forces, crushing evil ones. The dragon often confronts the dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon personifies the “flying”, and having lost its wings it is “fixed”, captured. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood and seed. Among the Celts it is a symbol of supreme power, the master. The red dragon is the emblem of Wales. The dragon and snake are inseparable in Chinese symbolism. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of becoming, supernatural wisdom, strength. He is the “Heavenly Deer”, the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, yang male power. The cloudy dragon also means a thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. Blue Dragon “Lun” - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and endless power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, the sign of the emperor. In the imperial dragon it is also called "harrier"; five claws, its head is directed to the South, and its tail is directed to the North. He represents the East and life-giving rain. The ordinary dragon "mang" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. Earlier form Chinese dragon there was a dragon with three claws. This form of dragon was subsequently adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon “li” lives in the sea and controls the depths of the sea; it also symbolizes the scientist. The chiyao dragon lives in the mountains or on the ground and represents a statesman. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has “nine correspondences”: “Its horns are like those of a deer, its head is like that of a camel, its eyes are like those of a demon, its neck is like that of a snake, its belly is like that of a snail, its scales are like those of a carp, its claws are like those of an eagle, its soles are like those of a tiger, and its ears are like those of a cow.” Two “fighting”, competing dragons looking at each other represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth; usually between them either the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon, is depicted. The dragons turning their backs to each other represent the principles of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, it is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often the dragon is depicted with a "dragon ball" or a "flaming pearl". Available different interpretations these images: these are either thunderclaps, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when it arrives, it is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is the “pearl that fulfills all desires,” the pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, the torch and the spiritual essence of the universe. She may represent a Boddhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, the divine potentiality that contains all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double spiral. A dragon depicted together with a tiger can mean voluptuousness, while the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, “that old serpent,” a force of evil, the devil, the tempter, the enemy of God. He represents, in addition, death, darkness, paganism and heresy. In the Old Testament, the “abode of dragons” is associated with the “shadow of death”, Psalms 44:19 and the depths of the waters. The “abode of dragons” was considered a place of desolation and death. Dragon slayers are portrayed as triumphants over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tied tail represents defeated evil, since it was believed that the strength of a dragon is in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, slaying the dragon, represents the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Cado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margaret, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is defeated every morning by the Sun God Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres. Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller. In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifest force, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra killed the dragon. In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma. For the Japanese, a dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual power. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - “adversary”, the force of evil.

I dreamed about a dragon

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a dragon in a dream means that you are subject to your passions and allow yourself to make unkind statements about your ill-wishers. This dream is a warning: control yourself in order to avoid conflicts in relationships with people.

Why do you dream about a dragon?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - wealth; messenger of fate; attacks - high protection.

I dreamed about smoke

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of smoke, this is a sign that you will become completely entangled in your doubts and fears. If you dream that you are intoxicated by smoke, it means that people who are dangerous to you will entangle you with flattery, and, perhaps, subjugate you.

Smoke in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption. If you dreamed of black smoke, it means that times will come when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment. If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you can’t breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps there will be a big fire in the future. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will not be able to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk on the streets without a protective mask. Seeing smoke and fumes in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on Earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream you saw smoke with flames, then in the not too distant future the Earth is threatened by severe drought, which will result in a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time. Seeing smoke from a speeding train in a dream means a very large train accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some misfortune will happen to you along the way: a train will derail or a plane will crash.

Why do you dream about smoke?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

there is a near scandal in the room; from many smokers - general opinion, agreement in important matters; smoke outside is a disappointment (depending on the density); a lot in the distance - to very important news after a while; the smell of smoke, burning - sadness, awkwardness.

Why do you dream about a fireplace?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

burning - good service; cooled down - a lost place.

I dreamed about a fireplace

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a fireplace in a dream means that something very unpleasant will happen in your life. You will receive too hasty an illness message. Going down the chimney promises sadness. Seeing a fireplace overgrown with ivy or grapevine, foretells the happiness that awaits you after sadness and loss of relatives. Seeing a fire burning in the fireplace means that something very good is coming for you. Hiding by the fireplace - grief and doubt will visit you, things will go wrong. For a young woman to dream that she is going down a chimney, foretells that she will do something inappropriate, violating the rules of decency, which will cause horror to others. Climbing up means that she will be able to avoid some kind of misfortune in store for her. If you dream that you see a firewood stand in the fireplace, then this is a sign of your future good relationships with friends. Look into a dream empty fireplace without fire and wood - portends various sorrows.

Seeing candles in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Candles carry a connotation of mystery, romanticism or the supernatural, depending on the setting in which they appear. A candle can also be a symbol of Providence or security, as it can shed light on what is happening. If the candle flame is unnaturally large, then the central image of the dream is fire. Do candles have any ritual significance in your dream? If so, then attention should be paid to other aspects of your dream. Is someone else holding a candle or candles? The appearance of people with candles in their hands is symbolic and means that they are ready to guide you.

Why do you dream about setting fires?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

good luck in business, end of worries; house on fire - incredible news; yourself on fire without burns - success in your next endeavor; you were set on fire - bad personal things, bad company or vices.

The meaning of a dream about a torch

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, walking with a lit torch means disappointment in some person dear to you. Perhaps he will do something that in itself will not mean anything, but will be an important indicator for you. An extinguished torch is a symbol of boredom that awaits you if you yourself do not make any effort to ensure that sex with your partner does not become a routine. And such a danger - to get bogged down in monotony - is always there, and only the lovers themselves can rid themselves of it.

I dreamed of a torch

according to Miller's dream book

Torches in a dream mean good luck in business. If you dream that you are carrying a torch, it means that you will be successful in love. Victory in a difficult and confusing matter also awaits you.

Torch in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The torch is a symbol of revolution, renewal, change, enlightenment. Seeing yourself in a dream with a burning torch in your hand means that in the near future you will be the center of attention and will finally have the opportunity to realize your exciting plans. A dream in which you saw people with burning torches is a sign of turmoil and internal conflicts. If in a dream you saw an extinguished torch, it means that in reality you will be disappointed by the impossibility of realizing your plans. A fire from a fallen torch means revolution. To see in a dream how you light your way with a torch means that your wisdom and life experience will help you find a way out even in the most difficult situation. A dream in which you are standing in front of a book and holding a torch in your hands means that you will witness prophecies come true. To see a hand clutching a torch in a dream means that in reality you are striving to get out from under the influence of others and want more freedom.

Why do you dream about a torch?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - news of death; to carry it yourself means the death of a friend.

Why do you dream about a torch?

according to Vanga's dream book

Holding a burning torch in your hands in a dream is evidence that in the future you will achieve great heights. Your thoughts are pure, your actions are reasonable and correct, which means that higher powers patronize you, for God loves merciful and wise people. Lighting your path with a torch in a dream means that in reality it will not be so easy for you to achieve your goals. The whole point is that your destiny is in yours own hands, and therefore you yourself “forge” your happiness. Unfortunately, for the first quarter of your life you will follow the wrong path, indulging in vicious temptations and indecent thoughts, but then, having come to your senses, you will turn onto the right road. Seeing people with burning torches in a dream means that you have a lot of friends who are always ready to help you in difficult times of your life. Lighting a torch in a dream is a prophecy of good news. An addition to your family or good news about the birth of an heir in the family of your friends awaits you. If you dreamed that a burning torch suddenly went out, then such a dream is a bad omen. It predicts the sudden death of someone close to you. Putting out a torch in a dream is a harbinger of terrible events. You, against your will, will cause the death of several people. Be careful, because there is no forgiveness for such a crime. If in a dream you start a fire with a torch, then you are destined to do something great. And let you work now, thinking that your life will pass in everyday worries, and only dream of fame, money and respect, without even suspecting that these dreams are destined to come true very soon.


I dreamed that I was in my apartment, but I didn’t recognize her: she appeared new room, it leaks a lot. I want to close the window, but the window leads to another room: there are several gas stoves with a burning fire, there are teapots, buckets, and pots of boiling water on them. It's blowing from the open window strong wind, but it does not blow out the fire, and the water boils violently and does not evaporate, boils away and does not extinguish the fire. It feels like it's been like this for a couple of years now. What does this mean? (Anna)

The dream means that in reality you have some aspect of your life that worries you greatly, and which you would like to get rid of at the moment, but the harder you try, the more powerful it is boiling there. Boiling water in a dream indicates that you have been in a zone of severe emotional overload for a long time, and it seems that soon you will no longer cope with it.

It immediately becomes relevant for those who believe in their interpretation. Various sources They give many versions, some of which are similar, while others are completely opposite. Let's look at the main options.

"Dream book for the whole Smurov family"

To begin with, let’s find out what fire means in dreams, according to the popular “Dream Book for the Whole Family of Smurov.” Its compilers are inclined to the idea that fire in most cases is a signal that a person is very hot-tempered, prone to attacks of aggression, and danger awaits.

True, you need to pay attention to the situation in which you encounter this symbol in your dream. Answering the question of why you dream of fire in a dream, we note that if you are trying to save it, not to let it go out completely, then this may mean a struggle for the well-being of yourself and your loved ones, a happy life that you are trying to preserve or improve. It is worth noting that if this succeeds, then internally you will be convinced that you are right, that you can correct and change everything. Then in the near future, most likely, you will be greeted by unexpected pleasant joy, the fulfillment of a desire that you have long dreamed of, but might have already despaired of coming true.

If fire is seen in a dream indistinctly and unclearly, this may indicate dreams of something distant and, unfortunately, unrealizable. But the small lights that flicker invitingly in the distance speak of friends whom you will definitely meet if you have not yet acquired faithful comrades.

On fire

You should pay close attention to the thoughts of your loved ones about why you dream of fire, a fire that has engulfed the person himself. This a clear sign the disease is most likely a cold, so you should take care and start taking even more care of your health.

If at the same time you feel physical pain, then soon expect disappointments that can provoke an outburst of anger, and if you have a significant other, then a family scandal is quite likely, which can serve as the beginning of a serious discord in your family.

You should remember why you dream of fire, a fire, especially of a large, frightening scale, when in a dream you begin to clearly sense the impending danger. Such a plot promises misfortune. But a fire that burns moderately and brightly, evenly and clearly, will indicate good health for you and your loved ones. An imminent family celebration and home well-being await you.

Smoke and sparks

It is important to know why you dream of fire, which is accompanied by sparks and strong smoke. It may indicate imminent small and unpleasant quarrels and the receipt of sad news.

Sparks are a clear sign that you need to protect yourself, as well as your fortune, from envious and greedy people. Such a dream may mean that your fortune or business to which you devote your life will go to your enemies.

The fire went out

But if you are asked, then know that this is a sign of meager income, poverty and serious hardships that will affect the person who had such a dream, or his closest people. Therefore, in such a situation, they need support and help, at least with a kind word. Try to encourage the person who has found out why he dreams of putting out a fire. The main thing in such a situation is not to give up, to believe in yourself, because if you try to correct and improve your life on your own, then you can correct any signs.

True, this scenario does not always mean bad things. One has only to be glad if a sick person is interested in the interpretation of why one dreams of putting out a fire. Such a dream indicates his speedy and rapid recovery.

But if you saw in a dream a fire that burns very dimly and weakly, then you will soon receive consolation in sadness, if any has visited your life.

But making a fire in a dream is a sure sign that everything will be fine in your family, and only success awaits you in business. As you can see, the appearance of this element in dreams is not always a harbinger of something bad; there are cases when one can sincerely rejoice at such a plot.

Fire for a woman

Seeing yourself carving fire out of stone, like a man in prehistoric times, means that you will soon need someone's help to complete an important and significant task. But if you fearlessly take fire in your hands in a dream, be sure that your enemies will not be able to cause you any harm, no matter how hard they try.

Burn and destroy

One has only to envy people who are interested in why they dream of fire in a dream in which they burn and destroy something. This is a good sign. Soon some part of life will end, and you will enter a new phase. A person can expect new acquaintances, important changes at work, in his social position. The main thing is that there will be no return to the old, there are only new goals and peaks to be conquered.

But to resist and fight fire means spending too much energy on some activity that will not bring the desired return.

It is a bad sign to see a big flame in a dream. This can only mean misfortune, and on a global scale - famine, catastrophe, natural disaster, the outbreak of war. It can only be worse when the flame moves across the sky in a dream or appears in different, most unexpected places. At the same time, it is important in which places this fire will arise, where the flame will be directed.

The path of fire spread can indicate the place from which misfortune will come, and suggest what specific misfortune will happen. Good luck if the fire you see in your dream does not scare you at all. This is a sure sign that in the near future you will be able to achieve much that you have planned in life.

Villages on fire

When studying the interpretation of what fire means in a dream, do not forget that such a dream can mean disasters and suffering not only for a specific person or family, but for the entire country. Thus, burning villages and torches are harbingers of a destructive war into which the state may be drawn. It’s as if you will see in advance what will happen around you after a very short time.

This is a particularly bad sign for the sleeper. It may indicate imminent injury or other serious and severe injury.

But it’s always nice to tell why you dream of a fire in the house. There is no need to be afraid of this. A fire in your home only means that you have ahead of you the implementation of new enviable plans that can radically change your current life, most likely in better side.

"Vanga's Dream Book"

Many interpretations of fire in a dream can be found in Vanga’s Dream Book. Here special attention is given to what surrounds the fire you see. For example, what kind of smell comes from it. If he is bad and unpleasant, then very soon you may find yourself in the center of evil gossip and speculation that your ill-wishers will begin to spread. And to refute them, you will have to work hard.

Warming yourself by the fire - alone or in company - is, on the contrary, evidence that in reality you are a truly happy person who, in difficult times, can always count on help and support from family and friends. Such a dream indicates that the latter should be especially appreciated, because not everyone has the happiness of having such people nearby.

If in a dream you look at a fire that is burning in a stove, it means that you are afraid of a fire that may happen in your house. You should be very careful not to be left without a roof over your head.

A small candle light is a good omen. It may mean that your faith in God is sincere, the Almighty will definitely hear you and help you. This interpretation is offered by Vanga.

Interpretation of the dream Fire in Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth. Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work. Seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors. This promises success and honors for writers, and boundless success in business for business people.

The meaning of the dream Fire in Vanga’s dream book

If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless. To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dormouse is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a wonderful impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.

Dream Fire in an intimate dream book

If in a dream you are warming your hands by the fire or cooking something over the fire, such a dream promises a successful love affair or an acquaintance with interesting person. Feeling intense heat from a fire in a dream or seeing a fire means sizzling passion, which can have dire consequences.

Interpretation of the dream Fire according to L. Morozova’s dream book

If you dreamed of fire in a fire - to vain dreams; if you dreamed of fire with smoke, danger awaits you; if you dreamed of a burning house, you will receive unexpected consolation; light a fire in a dream - you will win great love; extinguish - give up your plans, they may not come true; if you dreamed of a brightly burning fire in the fireplace - irrepressible joy; if you dreamed of fire with smoke - to minor misunderstandings; running through fire in a dream - get rid of mortal danger; seeing artificial fire in a dream means short-lived happiness; if you dream of a fire in a stove, good news awaits you; if you dreamed of fire falling from the sky, you will be unfairly punished.

Fire in the English dream book

According to the great astrologer Benevan, a dream of fire is a harbinger happy life, good health, friendly surroundings, true friends. The dream encourages lovers to show a little patience, and as a result, the object of their passionate feelings and dreams will become a faithful life partner. But a dream in which you were burned promises misfortune.

The meaning of the dream Fire in the esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of fire, it means that there is a possibility that seething passions, too violent emotions, fatal attachments will have an extremely destructive effect on you. Lighting a fire - such a dream means that you are the object of other people's excessive emotions. If you put out the fire, you will have to fight your own passions. Something is burning - the meaning depends on what it is. If, for example, your house was on fire, this means your health is adversely affected by your emotionality and passion of nature.

Why do you dream about fire?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth.

Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children.

If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses.

Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work.

Seeing the burnt walls of your store predicts misfortune; you will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again.

If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. you will be able to visit your distant friends.

Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors.

For writers this promises success and honors, for business people - unlimited success in business.

Why do you dream about fire?

Freud's Dream Book

Fire is a symbol of a man and male genital organs.

If a man lights a fire, his potency is in complete order and he is ready for new exploits.

If you cannot light a fire, you are not far from impotence.

If a woman lights a fire, she either strives for new sexual relationships, or her partner does not satisfy her.

If it is not possible to light a fire, the woman doubts her sexual attractiveness.

If a man warms himself, he is prone to homosexuality.

If a woman warms herself, she has found harmony in her sex life.

If you fill or extinguish the fire, you have problems with potency or possible diseases of the genital organs.

Fear of fire means fear of engaging in sexual contact.

Why do you dream about fire?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air.

Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people.

If in a dream a bad smell emanates from a fire, it means that soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others.

Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors.

Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless.

To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a wonderful impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.

If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, a terrible drought threatens the globe in the future. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, because people will know that the drought was sent down to them for their lack of faith in the Lord, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Light it up - you will start love; extinguish - give up your plans; burning brightly - undiminished joy; with smoke - an unfortunate misunderstanding; suffer losses through fire - hunting awaits; to see in the oven - offspring awaits; to see it falling from the sky - you will have to endure injustice; running through the fire - you will get rid of annoying ingratiation; artificial - short-lived happiness; The fires of the wagon train are a fun treat.

Why do you dream about fire?

Family dream book

Fire is a good dream, provided that you yourself do not burn.

A dream in which you see your house engulfed in flames means that you have loving friends and obedient children.

An entrepreneur who sees his store on fire can count on profitable deals.

Fighting fire promises hectic work.

If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. For example, you can visit friends you haven't seen for a long time.

A big fire seen in a dream - good sign for everyone, he promises sailors a successful and safe voyage, writers success and honors, business people unlimited success in business.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fire in a dream symbolizes your emotions.

The brighter the fire burns, the stronger the emotion.

Seeing that fire threatens to cause some harm means that your intemperance can harm you.

At the same time, if the fire is clean and there is no smoke, no sparks, no charred firebrands from it, such a dream speaks of the purity of your thoughts and feelings and can portend success and happiness.

In this case, the threat that you feel when you see fire is just a reflection of internal anxieties and worries for which in reality you have no particular reason.

Sparks, firebrands and smoke mean negative feelings. Such dreams foreshadow quarrels, conflicts and losses. To avoid this, try to look at life in a brighter way and avoid dark thoughts.

Putting out a fire in a dream is a harbinger of great troubles and worries. Perhaps your excessive emotionality will get you into trouble.

Making a fire in a dream is a good sign, promising you a surge of strength and new feelings.

Why do you dream about fire?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Fire - your deepest secret will soon become a reality, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this depressing circumstance.

Red fire - to skin or bone disease; orange - to liver disease; yellow - to illness gastrointestinal tract; green - to heart and lung disease; blue - to a throat disease; blue - to head disease, neuroses; purple - mental problems.

Sparkler - your deepest secret will soon become a reality, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this depressing circumstance.

Why do you dream about fire?

Spring dream book

To see a light barely visible in the distance in a dream is a sign of hope that will definitely come true.

Why do you dream about fire?

Summer dream book

Seeing a light in a dream means there is no hope for recovery.

Why do you dream about fire?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a barely flickering light in a dream means going towards a goal, albeit barely outlined.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Lighting a fire in a dream foreshadows a love affair with violent passions; extinguishing it means you will change plans on the fly, in accordance with changed circumstances.

Seeing a fire burning in the fireplace is a harbinger of events that will bring you joy and annoyance to your husband. A burning fire means pleasant surprises; a torch means you can have some fun in the company of friends.

A weak, fluctuating or fading fire means short-lived happiness, a brightly burning fire means a streak of luck and success in everything. A smoky fire or with strong smoke portends a misunderstanding that you will get into due to your own naivety and bungling.

Seeing a fire in a crematorium oven means adding a valuable acquisition to your collection. A burning candle in the hands of a deceased person means you will have a fun visit with a plentiful treat. Mysterious lights in a cemetery at night are a sign of treason and betrayal.

Running towards a fire in a dream - in reality, rush to help your friends. Putting out a fire is a hectic job with some risk. If in a dream your house is engulfed in flames, you will be loved by your children and friends. A fire in a large production facility that can lead to catastrophic consequences is a harbinger of the development of events according to your plans.

To suffer from a strong fire means you will be disappointed in love. Seeing how your property is quietly stolen during a fire portends a major misfortune, from which you will simply give up and lose interest in anything.

A tree that caught fire from a lightning strike - such a dream speaks of injustice towards you by your superiors. Cooking food over a fire portends a verbal spat with mutual insults; boiling laundry means you will bring those quarreling to reconciliation and agreement. Jumping over fire in a dream means the end of a family war.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To see fire falling from the sky - you will have to endure injustice; run through the fire - get rid of annoying ingratiation; artificial - short-lived happiness; The fires of the wagon train are a fun treat.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were lighting a fire, in the near future you will quarrel with one of your friends or relatives, and it will be you who initiates the quarrel.

Fanning the fire means trouble in connection with an old slander.

In a dream, you watched someone fanning a fire - one of your enemies will be in trouble in the near future.

Putting out the fire means reconciliation with your enemy.

Why do you dream about fire?

Esoteric dream book

Fire - excessive emotions, passions, and attachments can destroy you.

To light a fire is to be the object of someone else's excessive emotions.

Putting out the fire means fighting your passions.

It burns - depending on what exactly.

Why do you dream about fire?

Azar's Dream Book

Fire is a scandal, bad luck in everything.

Run through the fire - you will get rid of annoying ingratiation.

Seeing boiling on fire means you will suffer a loss.

Put out the fire - give up your plans.

Light a fire - you will find love.

Artificial fire is short-lived happiness.

A fireplace without fire means you will lose your place.

A fireplace with fire means you will get a good position.

A fire in the stove is good luck.

Fire and smoke are an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Extinguishing the light or fire is a vain hope.

A bright fire is joy.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Fire - pipe dreams; disappointment; quarrel in personal life; body burn - bad reputation; feeling of a burn - new friendship, exciting news; in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke are danger.

Why do you dream about fire?

Modern dream book

Fire is a dream favorable for the dreamer, but only if the fire does not harm him. The dream brings lasting prosperity to sailors and travelers.

Seeing your house on fire in a dream predicts loyal friends and obedient children.

If an entrepreneur dreams that his store or warehouse is on fire, in real life he will experience great success in business and high profits.

If he dreams that he is trying to put out a fire - similar dream portends a lot of fuss and anxiety due to the progress of his business affairs.

Seeing the charred ruins of your store in a dream is a harbinger of failure. The dreamer will almost give up trying to achieve prosperity in business, as he considers them useless, but unforeseen favorable circumstances will again bring him good luck.

Lighting a fire in a dream is a sign that many pleasant surprises await you. A visit from friends from afar is possible.

For sailors to see a big fire in a dream, it means profitable and safe sailing; and for people of literary work - this dream promises creative success and fame; business people - unlimited success.

Why do you dream about fire?

Eastern dream book

The main thing is not to get burned - otherwise scandalous passions will take over you, and you may suffer.

Fire - portends a big scandal.

Why do you dream about fire?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about fire?

Fire has always evoked an overwhelming fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is often associated with purification: to emerge from the fire undamaged means to be purified. But if you dream that you are on fire, then life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object (house, car, etc.) is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: you simply cannot imagine life without it.
According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this way, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and control it to the extent possible. If in a dream you successfully cope with a flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa.
Do you question your own ethics?
Are you looking for cleansing after some transgression?
Do you feel that some significant turn is about to take place in your life, requiring spiritual preparation and rethinking?

English dream book

Seeing fire in a dream means:

“You saw fire in your dream, didn’t you? - said the great astrologer Benevan. - You saw good sleep. It foretells that you will have good health, happiness in life, a supportive environment and loyal friends.” Indeed, if a young girl or guy, woman or man has such a dream, it means that the one for whom you sigh, cry and with whom you passionately desire to marry will soon be yours. But be at least a little patient! However, if you get burned in a dream, trouble awaits you!

Indian dream book

A dream with fire in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing fire in a dream means hot temper and its consequences. People who often see fire in dreams mostly have a choleric temperament, hot-tempered and angry. If anyone dreams that he is on fire, he will experience a short, mild fever. Seeing a moderate fire in a dream, without smoke, crackling and sparks, means that the person who saw the dream is completely healthy, and only good things await him in the future. Sometimes this dream foreshadows complete contentment, as well as feasts and fun with family and friends. If you dream big fire with smoke and sparks, this predicts light quarrels or some unpleasant news. Seeing a fire extinguished in a dream means poverty, need, misfortune for a person who needs money. For the patient, this Dream predicts a speedy recovery. A dream in which you see one or more houses burning, but the fire is light, clear, without a crackle and did not destroy the house - means: for the poor, that they will receive a fortune, wealth, inheritance; the rich will be showered with honors and will receive important and honorable positions. If you dream that houses are burning with a strong, crackling fire and at the same time falling, this indicates the opposite. If a man dreams that his bed is on fire and falling apart, this means illness, grief and trouble for him. If a woman sees this dream, the same thing awaits her husband. To dream that the furniture in the house has been completely destroyed by fire foretells troubles and grief for the owner of the house. To dream that outside windows are burning and falling apart means the loss of a relative. When you dream that the windows facing the courtyard are burning, this predicts the loss of a relative. To dream that doors are on fire predicts a great misfortune with someone in the family, and sometimes with the one who sees such a dream. If you dream that the bed is burning and collapsing, then this predicts happiness for female children. See what's burning and collapsing top floor, means loss of fortune, friends or lawsuit. When you see in a dream that without much difficulty you managed to light a fire, light a candle or some other lamp, it foretells you many children who will be happy and will become your consolation. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she is pregnant and will safely give birth to a child who will be happy. When you dream that a fire is difficult to start and immediately goes out, this dream foreshadows misfortune for both women and men. To dream that a palace is burning and collapsing portends trouble, illness or great grief for its owner. If you dream that an entire city is burning and collapsing, this predicts a crop failure, war or epidemic for that city. If anyone dreams that a dress is burnt, then in reality they will face boredom, insults, slander and loss of friends. Seeing in a dream that rye, collected in heaps, is burning, means an epidemic. If the rye burns but does not burn, this is a sign of fertility and an abundance of all good things for the one who saw this dream. When you dream that you are burning and feel pain, this foreshadows envy, displeasure, anger and quarrel. To dream that you are holding a bunch of flaming straw in your hands and are going to bring it into some crowded place - respect and good luck in business await you. Burning one's finger in a dream means envy and sin.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of fire means:

Seeing fire is good if you don’t burn yourself;
for sailors, travelers and everyone who works on land - lasting prosperity;
to see your house burning - loving friends, obedient children;
for an entrepreneur - to see your store on fire - a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses;
fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up is a hectic job;
seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) is a misfortune; You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again;
lighting a fire means pleasant surprises; you will be able to visit your distant friends;
seeing a big fire means successful and safe sailing (for sailors);
for writers - fire - success, honors;
for business people - unlimited success in business.
Also see Boat, Lamp, Stable, Fireplace, House, Burn, Flame, Shop.

Vanga's Dream Book

Fire dream meaning:

Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air.
Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people.
If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others.
Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors.
Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless.
To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a wonderful impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.
If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then in the future the globe will be threatened by a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, because people will know that the drought was sent down to them for their lack of faith in the Lord, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

What does it mean if you dream of fire:

Blazing on the surface of the river - longevity, happiness; burns in the wild mountains - you will make a career, become famous; glows in your home - prosperity and strength; the sun or moon are burning with fire - support for a big man; fire grows from the ground - disease; traveling with fire in your hands - appointment to a position; seeing yourself on fire is the support of a noble person; fire and black smoke - disease; in the home, light from fire means happiness and prosperity; hear the fire burning - you will become a district chief or district ruler; a huge flame rises to the skies - establishing order in the country; flames rise upward - wealth; flames flying out of the kitchen - an urgent matter; to see smoke rising and flames burning - all sorrows and anxieties will go away.

Small dream book

What fire can mean in a dream:

If you dreamed of fire, then such a dream will be a favorable sign, but only if it does not harm you. This dream is especially good for sailors and travelers. If you dreamed that your house was on fire, then this promises loyal friends and obedient children. If you dreamed that your store or warehouse was on fire, then you will have good luck in business. But if you are trying to put out a fire, then get ready for fuss and hassle. However, the ashes at the site of your store do not promise anything good. A dream in which you are trying to start a fire predicts many pleasant surprises. A visit from friends is possible. For writers, fire promises creative success and fame; for business people - unlimited success.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Fire in a dream means:

Light it up - you will start love
extinguish - give up your plans
burning brightly - undiminished joy
with smoke - an unfortunate misunderstanding
suffer losses through fire - hunting awaits
to see in the oven - offspring awaits
to see falling from the sky - you will have to endure injustice
run through the fire - get rid of annoying ingratiation
artificial - short-lived happiness
The fires of the wagon train are a fun treat.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dream of fire, it means:

Unfulfilled dreams, disappointments, quarrels in personal life;
body burn - bad reputation;
sensations of a burn - new friendship, exciting news;
in the stove - wealth;
fire and smoke are danger.
Also see Fireplace, Saucepan, Candle, Fire, Torch, Wood, Set fire.

Azar's Dream Book

Muslim dream book

Fire in a dream from Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth.
Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children.
If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses.
Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work.
Seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again.
If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends.
Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors. This promises success and honors for writers, and boundless success in business for business people.

Fire in a dream from Old Russian dream book

Fire in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about fire - bad omen, there will be a quarrel or argument with someone. Fire is a thief. Fire, fire - a quarrel, and an unexpected one at that. In general, this is a bad dream. If you dream of a big fire, you will quarrel with your neighbors about something, but if you dream of a small fire, it will be a quarrel in the house between the family. A fire is a nuisance, a quarrel. Fire broadcasts the news. Fire, fire - before money. Smoldering trees - quarrel; putting out the fire is dangerous, it could hurt someone, beware. On fire, dream about fire: bees that fly over the house; a man who walks around the house in the evening; a bumblebee hits the face; a lot of dogs are running around the house. If you dream that a fire is burning in a stove, someone will come. Fire in the stove is a disease. Will-o'-the-wisp - they will deceive you and deceive you.

Fire in a dream from Esoteric dream book

Excessive emotions, passions, and attachments can destroy you. To light a fire is to be the object of someone else's excessive emotions. Putting out the fire means fighting your passions. It burns - depending on what exactly. For example: your home - passions, excessive emotionality ruin your health.

Fire in a dream from Correct dream book

Fire in a dream from Slavic dream book

Pipe dreams, quarrel; fire in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke at the same time are danger; Antonov fire - to lose a friend; fire in the sky - change of management; fallen from the sky - sadness; wandering - conversation in society; seeing a burning house is danger.

Fire in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Fire in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

Lighting a fire in a dream foreshadows a love affair with violent passions; extinguishing it means you will change plans on the fly, in accordance with changed circumstances.

Seeing a fire burning in the fireplace is a harbinger of events that will bring you joy and annoyance to your husband. A burning fire means pleasant surprises; a torch means you can have some fun in the company of friends.

A weak, fluctuating or fading fire means short-lived happiness, a brightly burning fire means a streak of luck and success in everything. A smoky fire or with strong smoke foreshadows a misunderstanding that you will get into due to your own naivety and bungling.

Seeing a fire in a crematorium oven means adding a valuable acquisition to your collection. A burning candle in the hands of a deceased person means you will have a fun visit with a plentiful treat. Mysterious lights in a cemetery at night are a sign of treason and betrayal.

Running to a fire in a dream - in reality, rush to help your friends. Putting out a fire is a hectic job with some risk. If in a dream your house is engulfed in flames, you will be loved by your children and friends. A fire in a large production facility, which can lead to catastrophic consequences, is a harbinger of the development of events according to your plans.

To suffer from a strong fire means you will be disappointed in love. Seeing how your property is quietly stolen during a fire foreshadows a major misfortune, from which you will simply give up and lose interest in anything. A tree that caught fire from a lightning strike - such a dream speaks of injustice towards you by your superiors. Cooking food over a fire portends a verbal spat with mutual insults; boiling laundry - you will bring those quarreling to reconciliation and agreement. Jumping over fire in a dream means the end of a family war.

Fire in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Fire is a symbol of energy and will. A favorable sign for those who prefer to make their own decisions.

Lighting a fire in a dream means that in reality you will be faced with a difficult choice. If the fire burns brightly, the choice will be correct; if you fail to light the fire, you will be wrong.

In this case, imagine that you added gasoline or alcohol to the fire and it instantly flared up.

Warm yourself by the fire in a dream - someone stronger than you will help you in difficult times. Seeing a candle light is a wonderful omen: all your hopes will come true. If the candle is long and the flame burns brightly, this means long life and the realization of all life goals. If the candle is about to go out, your life is in danger.

If you dreamed of a candle going out, imagine taking a new candle and lighting it from the flame of the old one.

Sitting by the fireplace or stove and looking at the fire means family happiness and prosperity at home. It’s bad if at the same time you see sparks jumping out of the oven - this means that your home is in danger.

If you dreamed of sparks jumping out, imagine that you place a bowl of water by the fireplace or stove and the sparks, when they get into the water, instantly go out.

If you see that your house is on fire, do not worry, this is a good sign. It portends wealth and health for the whole family. But putting out your burning house in a dream, fighting the fire, and not letting it spread to the wall and roof is not good. Such a dream means fruitless efforts that will bring neither monetary profit nor moral satisfaction.

Seeing lit torches illuminating the path means you will find a solution to a difficult problem. A short-term spark (from a match or lighter) - to a momentary romantic impulse. If a burning head bounces off a match and burns your clothes or burns you, this impulse can cost you dearly, so control yourself!

The dream has an unfavorable meaning if you see yourself on fire. This suggests that you have an internal disease that is not easy to diagnose.

After such a dream, it is best to consult a doctor.

If you get burned in a dream, in reality the wrath of your superiors will fall on you. If something catches fire on you, it means unexpected troubles.

In this case, imagine that heavy rain puts out the fire.

Fire in a dream from 20th century dream book

Symbolizes your emotions.

The brighter the fire burns: the stronger the emotion.

To see that the fire threatens to cause some harm means that your intemperance can harm you.

At the same time, if the fire is clean and there is no smoke, no sparks, no charred firebrands from it: such a dream speaks of the purity of your thoughts and feelings and can portend success and happiness. In this case, the threat that you feel at the sight of fire is just a reflection of internal anxieties and worries for which in reality you have no particular reason.

Sparks, firebrands and smoke: signify negative feelings.

Such dreams foreshadow quarrels, conflicts and losses.

To avoid this, try to look at life in a brighter way and avoid dark thoughts.

Putting out a fire: a harbinger of great troubles and worries. Perhaps your excessive emotionality will get you into trouble.

Making a fire: a good sign that promises you a surge of strength and new feelings.

Fire in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Bright, light, warming, but not burning fire is a sign good opportunities in the future, often unfeasible.

Burning fire - to quarrels, sadness, all kinds of troubles.

Something burning marks the emergence of some new feeling in your soul.

Fire in the stove, in the hearth - to prosperity.

Fire in the sky - to high prices, hunger and troubles.

Will-o'-the-wisps - to communicate with friends.

Fire with smoke means danger.

Fire from the earth means illness.

Fire on water is a great blessing.

Standing among the fire means receiving someone's protection.

Burning in fire means illness or unhappy love.

Fighting fire means hectic work.

Lighting a fire is a pleasant surprise.

A fire going out anywhere, burnt houses, things - unfortunately.

Seeing fire in a dream - auspicious sign for sailors, travelers, farmers.

A big fire means a successful sea voyage.

For writers - success and honor.

For businessmen - great luck in business.

Fire in a dream from Newest dream book

Your deepest secret will soon become a reality, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this depressing circumstance.

Red fire - for skin or bone disease; orange - for liver disease.

Yellow – to disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green – to heart and lung disease.

Blue - for a sore throat.

Blue - to head illness, neuroses.

Purple – mental problems.

Sparkler - your deepest secret will soon become a reality, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this depressing circumstance.

Fire in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Girls

Seeing fire in a dream means you perceive real life events vividly, emotionally, and they are reflected in fantasy form in your dreams.

Therefore, if you - creative nature, fire in your dream means success in all your planned endeavors: performing at concerts, participating in exhibitions, publishing a newspaper, etc.

For romantic natures, a bright, evenly burning fire foreshadows a meeting with a faithful friend.

Fighting fire in a dream means anxiety and troubles.

Seeing the burnt walls of a house means a temporary loss of strength, a decline in your vigorous activity.

If you light a fire in a dream, it means a pleasant surprise, a meeting with distant friends.

But if the fire reaches you, it’s a disease, which, however, will soon end with a complete recovery.

The fire of a campfire, creative fire, fire in the soul - all this warms you and those around you. Just don't start a fire!

Fire in a dream from Astrological dream book

Responsible for burning desire.

It's good to see a fire in the fireplace - it speaks of good home and calm, family relationships: If your house is torite - you will become famous.

The fire of a candle is reliable, the main thing is that it does not go out - the element of fire.
