Pedagogical methods and forms of teaching. Methods and forms of lesson organization

Forms of training

General class forms of organizing classes: lesson, conference, seminar, lecture, interview, consultation, laboratory and practical work, program training, test lesson.

Group forms of training: group work in class, group laboratory workshop, group creative tasks.

Individual forms of work in the classroom and at home: working with literature or electronic sources of information, written exercises, completing individual programming tasks or information technology at the computer, working with educational programs at the computer.

Teaching methods

Verbal: lecture, story, conversation.

Visual: illustrations, demon facies, both conventional and computer.

Practical: performing laboratory and practical work, independent work with reference books and literature (regular and electronic), independent written exercises, independent work at the computer.

Choosing the logical nature of the application of teaching methods: ensuring the inductive nature of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren; ensuring the deductive nature of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren; the choice of the gnostic nature of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren; ensuring the reproductive nature of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren; ensuring the active nature of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren; ensuring the reproductive and exploratory nature of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren.

Selection of methods for stimulating educational and cognitive activity: methods of generating interest in learning; methods of forming duty and responsibility in teaching.

Choosing methods of control and self-control during training

Methods of oral control: frontal questioning, individual questioning, computer testing;

Methods of written control: test work; execution of written test tasks; written reports on laboratory and practical work; dictations in computer science.

Methods of laboratory and practical control: control laboratory and practical work; working with control programs.

Methods of self-control: self-control through oral reproduction of what has been learned; self-control through written reproduction of what has been learned; self-control by working with training programs; self-control using computer tests.

Selectable learning pace: fast; average; delayed. Most forms of teaching and methods in the interaction of a teacher with students do not appear in the so-called pure form. Methods would always interpenetrate each other, characterizing from different sides the same interaction between teachers and students. If we talk about the use of a certain method at a given moment, this means that it determines the at this stage, making a great contribution to solving the main didactic task.

Organizational forms of training

We can distinguish the traditionally established forms of classroom training sessions: lesson, conference, seminar, lecture, interview, consultation, practical work, programmed training, test.

The lesson performs the following characteristic didactic functions: communication of knowledge to the extent determined by the curriculum; development of basic skills highlighted by the curriculum.

A lesson is the main form of organizing educational activities in a school with a constant composition of students and a specific schedule. This form of organizing educational activities allows you to combine the work of the class as a whole and individual groups of students with the individual work of each student. With all the variety of forms of work in the classroom, the leading role remains with the teacher. The teacher plans and organizes the entire educational process in the subject.

Usually, before a lesson, the teacher sets not one, but several tasks: communicating new knowledge to students, developing their thinking and cognitive abilities, forming a scientific worldview, instilling practical skills, repeating previously covered material, checking their progress (their knowledge, skills, abilities). Educational tasks.

With all the variety of tasks solved in a lesson, in most cases in each lesson it is possible to identify the main didactic one, which determines the content of the lesson and the methods of work of the teacher with students. In accordance with the main objective of the lesson, the following types are distinguished: a lesson in mastering new knowledge, a lesson in mastering skills, a lesson in applying knowledge, abilities and skills, a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge, a lesson in testing and self-testing knowledge, abilities and skills, a combined lesson on the complex of it main tasks. Conference

The conference is characterized by the following functions: expanding and deepening knowledge on the issues studied; development of skills to work with sources of information; give a report, message, be able to draw up an abstract, report, message; nurturing interest in independent work with various sources of information (conventional and electronic).

Study conferences, like lessons, are held with the whole class during the hours allocated for the subject according to the schedule. The leadership role remains with the teacher. At a conference, as in a lesson, the work of the class as a whole is combined with the individual work of students. Conferences prepare schoolchildren to conduct more complex shapes training sessions - lectures and seminars.

Conferences differ from lessons in that schoolchildren acquire new knowledge from literature (regular and electronic) with which they worked in preparation for the conference, and from reports given by other students. The leading role of the teacher at the conference is that he organizes the presentation of reports by students and their discussion, makes additions and corrections to the reports if this is not done during the discussion of the reports by students. He summarizes the results of the conference, evaluates the work of the class as a whole and individual students who presented reports and additions to them.

The educational significance of conferences lies in the fact that in the process of preparing for them, schoolchildren acquire skills independent work with literature and electronic sources of information, applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve specific problems assigned to them.

Holding conferences helps to identify students’ aptitudes and abilities and develop their interests in scientific and technical knowledge.

At the conference, you can raise questions related to history, the application of the theoretical material being studied, the generalization and systematization of knowledge, the principles of the design and operation of computers, etc.

When preparing for the conference, the teacher:

Determines its objectives, range of issues discussed, and timing.

Selects literature for students.

Distributes topics of reports among students, instructs them about the main stages of work.

Consults students during the preparation of reports and checks their readiness.

The conference plan and list of references are announced in advance.

The seminar performs the following functions: systematization and generalization of knowledge on the studied issue, topic, section (including in several training courses); improving the ability to work with additional sources, compare the presentation of the same issues in various sources information; the ability to express one’s point of view and justify it; write abstracts, theses, and plans for reports and messages, take notes on what you read.

Seminars are organized with the aim of repeating, systematizing and clarifying acquired knowledge, developing the ability to apply knowledge when solving problems. The leading role of the teacher in this case comes down mainly to explaining the purpose, objectives and plan of the seminar, issuing individual tasks and consultation in connection with the preparation of abstracts and reports by students; All students are given a minimum of literature and questions they must answer. The seminar plan usually indicates:

Key issues to be considered.

Forms of work in class.

When preparing a seminar, a differentiated approach to students is of paramount importance, and during its implementation, ensuring active participation everyone in the discussion of the issues raised at the seminar.

The following seminars are distinguished by the method of conducting: interviews, discussion of abstracts and reports, problem solving, seminars of a mixed and complex nature, the purpose of the latter is to generalize and systematize students’ knowledge in related subjects (mathematics, physics).

The lecture is characterized by the following functions: creating an overview presentation on a topic or problem; systematization and generalization of knowledge on a topic or section; developing the ability to take notes on a lecture.

Students, listening to lectures, perceive and comprehend the information conveyed by the teacher. When presenting material in lectures, students do not have the opportunity to take the initiative. This is one of the significant disadvantages of this form of training. The disadvantages also include the fact that in the process of presentation the teacher, to some extent, is deprived of the opportunity to judge how correctly and well the students understand. Only after finishing the presentation, the teacher, through a series of control questions, can clarify how the presented is understood. Lecture presentation of the material usually lasts part of the lesson and only in some cases the whole lesson. Sometimes the presentation of the material may be interrupted to answer questions that students have, and then continue the presentation. A school lecture always ends with finding out who and what in the lecture material is not clear, and the teacher or students answering all the questions that have arisen.


Interview: finding out what has been learned from the main material, identifying gaps in knowledge and making adjustments to knowledge; stimulation of systematic and independent work.


Consultation: closing gaps in knowledge and skills; clarification of what has been learned; answers to questions that arose during the educational process and assistance in mastering various types of educational and practical activities.

Laboratory and practical work

Laboratory and practical work: developing in schoolchildren the ability to handle a computer and external devices, the ability to use application programs, and the ability to compose programs. A feature of practical work is the time limit for students’ work as defined in SanPiN 2. 2. 2. 542-96.

Here is an approximate plan for preparing practical work:

Determining the topic of practical work.

Goals set for practical work.

Skills and abilities that are expected to be instilled in students during practical work.

Theoretical part previous practical work.

An example of the work being done.

Practical tasks for work.

Practical work report form.

Criteria for assessing practical work.

Summing up the practical work.

The main point of performing practical work is not the acquired knowledge, but the skills and abilities of independent practical work with a computer, external devices, application programs, entering, editing and debugging programs.

Programmed training

Programmed learning refers to the controlled assimilation of programmable educational material using a computer and training programs. Programmable training material is a series of small portions educational information, submitted in a certain logical sequence. With programmed training, first of all, goals and objectives are determined, what the student should know, understand, and be able to clearly identify: they analyze the logical system of the course, eliminating everything similar and secondary. Then the main topics, sections and subsections are identified, which are divided into doses - quanta of information, the reduction of which is impossible without compromising the semantic content. The content of each subsequent quanta of information is based on the information contained in the previous quanta. The size of the quantum of information is determined by the nature of the material and the level of development of students.

Thanks to the immediate feedback manages to eliminate extra costs and achieve mastery of the material at a faster pace. Information about the correctness of the answer, after assimilation of each quantum, has a large psychological significance. This builds students' self-confidence and increases interest in the subject. The pace of information delivery is consistent with the individual abilities of each student. Each student, depending on his individual abilities, spends as much time as he needs on mastering the material, that is, the learning process can be individualized as much as possible. However, programmed training has serious disadvantages.

The fragmentation of educational material into quantums and the impossibility of moving forward when some quantum is not mastered deprives the student of seeing the future in the development of the material being studied, its numerous connections and relationships. It is also very difficult to ensure the integrity of students’ perception of all the material.

The test lesson is intended not only to control the knowledge and skills of students, but primarily for the training, development and education of students through individual work with each student directly during the test.

The test is carried out according to whole topic or section. It is intended to check the understanding theoretical foundations topic being studied, test the skills and abilities of using theoretical knowledge. The test includes the material that all students must master. It is important that during the test it is possible to establish the presence of knowledge, skills and abilities that schoolchildren need to study subsequent topics. In addition, it is advisable to include such material that is included in the program of final and entrance exams, since one of the purposes of taking the test is to prepare schoolchildren for such exams.

IN pedagogical activity a teaching method is a special direction towards achieving a set goal. That's why forms and methods of teaching depend on many factors - this also depends on the company’s budget to improve the qualifications of staff, and on the number of trainees.

There are several types of personnel - external, internal, individual and group. External training involves training in an academic company for a longer period, as well as training in multi-level special programs of some training centers. Internal training is specialized on the territory of the company itself; premises and areas are specially allocated for this purpose.

In order to prepare personnel from a professional point of view, it is necessary to acquire and accumulate knowledge, skills and abilities. The end of the training is the availability of qualifications that will be aimed at carrying out the activity. To conduct personnel training, you must use one of the following areas - either carry out the initial vocational training, or specialized initial training. Personnel training is based on the use of various forms and methods of teaching. There are several methods:

Personnel, which includes the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

A method of training personnel that focuses on achieving didactic goals and defining tasks, learning activities, expected results and the level of cognitive activity.

At all, forms and methods of teaching depend on many factors that influence further impact. These factors can be the individual characteristics of each, the results that are expected from the trainees, and much more. To implement forms and methods of teaching, it is necessary to approach them in a differentiated manner, that is, the training programs must differ both in level of complexity and in completion time, cost and duration of impact.

All teaching methods can be classified into the following concepts:

Group and individual;

Active and passive:

Without interruption and without interruption from production.

There are also those that are characterized by the satisfaction of multilateral interests. All the needs of students are taken into account here, aimed at their abilities and inclinations. The most common methods of auxiliary learning are various clubs, electives and clubs. All these auxiliary forms of training are aimed at deepening and expanding the students’ existing knowledge. Also in this case, the interests and abilities of students develop. Need to know that helper methods training- electives, clubs and circles are voluntary.

Also, forms and methods of teaching can be classified into the following points:

And explanatory and illustrative;

Productive, partially search, problem presentation, research.

Productive teaching methods focus on allowing students to embrace their creative sides, and this is where exploration comes from. Thus, forms of training and education can be aimed at finding the personality of each training participant. Gradually, mastering all the tactics of scientific knowledge, students acquire the features of creative activity.

In conclusion, we can say that the forms and methods of teaching play an important role in the formation of the student’s personality; the student develops, gains strength, and accumulates the acquired knowledge and experience.

Teaching methods are realized in the unity of purposeful cognitive activity of the teacher and students, their active movement towards the moment of pedagogical truth, and the students’ understanding of knowledge. They are inextricably linked with forms and ways of thinking, which, in the process of organizing educational interaction between teachers and students, provide the opportunity to penetrate into the truth, into the essence of the phenomena and processes of objective reality.

Teaching methods perform certain functions: teaching, developing, educating, stimulating (motivational) and control and correction. Through the method, the goal of teaching is achieved - this is its teaching function, which determines certain rates and levels of development of students (developmental function), as well as the results of education (educational function). Teaching methods serve as a means for teachers to encourage students to learn; they are the main, and sometimes the only stimulator of cognitive activity - this is their motivating function. Finally, through all methods, not just controlling ones, the teacher diagnoses the progress and results educational process, makes the necessary changes to it (control and correction function). Functional fitness various methods does not remain constant throughout the educational process; it changes from junior to middle grades and then to senior grades. The intensity of use of some methods is increasing, while others are decreasing.

Oral presentation of educational material– a teaching method that involves a monologue, one-sided influence on students. There are the following types of oral presentation: story, explanation, instruction, lecture.

Story– a type of oral presentation of educational material by a teacher or students, the use of which focuses on specific facts, their interrelation and interdependence, which mobilizes the student’s auditory perception, ideas and imagination. Its leading function is teaching, accompanying functions are developing, educating, incentive and control-correction.

Explanation teachers or students - a type of oral presentation of material that provides identification of the essence of the event or phenomenon being studied, its place in the system of connections and interdependencies with other events and phenomena. Its function is to reveal, using logical techniques, convincing argumentation and evidence of the scientific essence of laws, rules, and truth.

Instruction– a type of oral presentation of material that involves setting and clearly achieving goals during training, used to organize students’ activities during the lesson. It is used when the teacher needs to direct the educational activities of schoolchildren in a certain direction.

Lecture– a type of oral presentation of educational material and educational interaction between the teacher and students. It involves the use in various proportions of both a presentation of facts and a brief auxiliary dialogue, providing diagnostics of the feedback received by the teacher about the quality of perception and assimilation of the material by students.

The subject of the school lecture is primarily a description complex systems, phenomena, objects, processes, connections and dependencies between them. It follows from this that a lecture is acceptable only in high school, when students reach the level of preparation required to perceive and comprehend the lecture material.

Discussion of the material being studied– a teaching method that involves active interaction and influence of the teacher and student on each other. There are the following types: conversation, class-group lesson, seminar.

Conversationimportant view discussion of educational material. It presupposes that children have a certain supply of empirical knowledge, necessary and sufficient for competent participation in the discussion of the issue, for generalizations, conclusions, and movement towards the truth. The participation of schoolchildren in an educational conversation can be passive, limited only to the presentation of facts for the purpose of generalizing them by the teacher, or perhaps, when the level of readiness of the children allows, and active, involving them in the creative process. Conversation as a method of educational interaction between teachers and children does not have age restrictions. The point is only in the difference in content and depth of discussion of problems.

Class-group lesson- a type of discussion of the material being studied, carried out as part of a group, when all students take direct part in it. An example would be a discussion. Discussion- Very effective remedy involving all students in active work and intensifying mental activity.

The most difficult type of discussion of educational material is seminar. During the preparation of the seminar lesson, teachers conduct consultations. Their goal is to better organize the independent work of students, therefore special attention addresses the definition of literature necessary for study, identifying the main problems that need to be deeply understood, identifying the degree of preparedness of students and their capabilities.

Before the seminar, the teacher thinks through the introductory, main and final parts of the lesson, as well as additional questions, visual aids, and practical tasks for students. The most difficult task of the teacher is to organize a creative discussion of the problem at the seminar.

Demonstration(demonstration) is a teaching method based on showing students in integrity and detail real life events, natural phenomena, scientific and production processes, the actions of instruments and apparatus for the purpose of their analytical consideration and discussion of various problems associated with them.

Usually a distinction is made between: personal demonstration by the teacher of certain actions and behavior; showing something with the help of specially trained students; demonstration of visual aids; demonstration of slides, films, television programs, playback of sound recordings.

Closely related to the demonstration method is the method illustrations , which involves the display and perception of objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic representation using posters, maps, portraits, photographs, drawings, diagrams, reproductions, flat models, etc. Methods of demonstration and illustration are used in close connection, mutually complementing and enhancing joint action.

Exercise– a teaching method that involves repeated conscious repetition of mental and practical actions in order to form, consolidate and improve the necessary skills and abilities. Systematic exercise – proven and reliable method successful and productive work. Its advantage is that it ensures the effective formation of skills and abilities, and the disadvantage is the weak performance of the motivating function.

Exercises are a mandatory part of any subject studied by children, be it reading, arithmetic, language, labor, requiring the ability to read, count, write, speak, solve problems, and perform labor operations.

The implementation of exercises is always preceded by a solid assimilation of theoretical material by students and careful instruction by the teacher. This allows students to carry out systematic operational reproduction of the actions necessary for the formation of skills in mental operations, with their gradual complication, increasing the level of difficulty, and adding elements of individual personal creativity. The teacher shows examples of a creative approach to the task, after which the child is involved in the holistic implementation of the exercise. In the final stage of work, the teacher and students discuss and analyze their successes and adjust their activities.

The exercises are varied. Depending on the subject taught, physical, special, complex exercises. Depending on the nature and degree of influence on the formation of a skill (skill), exercises are divided into preparatory or introductory (during the initial development of a skill or its elements), basic (practicing the action as a whole), training (establishing the student’s level of preparation and supporting, improving this level) . Exercises can also be collective and individual.

Independent work– an important teaching method that involves the individual activity of the students themselves in consolidating acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and in preparing for classes. There are the following types of independent work: work with printed sources; independent search; independent viewing or listening to television and radio programs.

The methodology for working on the textbook is complex, but quite feasible for every student. It includes: firstly, an introductory reading of the textbook or its section at a relatively fast pace in order to get a general idea of ​​their content; highlighting material that is directly related to the issue of interest and requires particularly careful study; secondly, repeated, relatively slow reading with dividing the text into semantic parts, highlighting the main provisions, the author’s argumentation, studying diagrams, tables, drawings. At this stage of the work, an analysis of the main concepts, provisions, ideas of the work is carried out, their generalization and conclusions are carried out, allowing one to give a correct report of what the textbook or its section taught; thirdly, taking notes of the text being studied in order to record the main provisions, understand them more deeply and firmly and consolidate them in memory. The text of a book can be considered studied if the student can reproduce its main provisions and find practical application for them.

Forms of training– a purposeful, clearly organized, content-rich and methodologically equipped system of cognitive and educational communication, interaction, relations between teacher and students. Educational plans forms of teaching (lesson, lecture, seminar, homework, exam) have educational and educational significance, contribute to the formation of a worldview, ensure that children master specific academic disciplines, and develop certain skills and abilities. System unscheduled forms training (team laboratory classes, consultations, conferences, clubs, excursions, classes in advanced and auxiliary programs) make it possible to improve the knowledge of schoolchildren and broaden their horizons. Auxiliary forms training (group and individual lessons, leveling groups, tutoring) provide differentiation and individualization of the educational process, contribute to both overcoming the gap between individual students and their groups from the requirements of a single level general education, and accelerated advancement of schoolchildren successfully mastering the curriculum.

The psyche is a complex mechanism that helps us navigate the world around us and receive new information from it. By the way, thinking is one of the most important cognitive processes in the human psyche. For it to be productive, it must be made meaningful. This is especially important in the process of teaching schoolchildren.

Key points for mastering educational material

Professional teachers distinguish three levels in the mental activity of students:

  • Understanding. This is a process of analysis and synthesis, thanks to which the resulting material is consolidated in memory, creating a basis for the subsequent use of data.
  • Logical thinking. This is the name of the process of independent problem solving, in which students use previously acquired knowledge. This is very important stage, since schoolchildren consolidate their ability to analyze and interpret the information they receive.
  • Creation. The process of self-expression, creating something fundamentally new.

Motivation for the learning process

So, let's return to the topic of our article. What does active learning methods have to do with it? The fact is that the success of any training depends only on the students’ interest in the topic. It is precisely this awakening that teachers who use these methods in their professional practice are engaged in.

The motivation of trainees can be very different. Firstly, there are a huge number of stimulating social factors: understanding of the need for good studies for further mastery of a prestigious and profitable profession, as well as a sense of duty to parents, teachers and staff. However, Soviet teachers convincingly proved that the most powerful motive is sincere interest in the subject being studied. Without this, the child will not achieve noticeable results.

Developing interest in an academic discipline

Note that interest in a subject often manifests itself much earlier than is commonly thought. For this to happen, the learning process must become as attractive as possible. Interest formation occurs in several stages:

  • Firstly, curiosity manifests itself, which is considered a standard mental element, which always arises when a person encounters something new and unusual. It should be remembered that this interest is unstable, born only in certain situations.
  • Next comes curiosity. In this case, the individual tries to understand the phenomenon being studied. He is interested, active in class, tries to read as much as possible additional material on the subject, constantly participates in discussions. It may be that the child’s curiosity extends only to a certain topic. If interest in another section disappears, then the motivation to study the subject will immediately disappear. Therefore, the teacher is obliged to form the most stable interest in the subject being taught.
  • Only in the process of practical activity can curiosity be transformed into a desire to study a subject. Experience of independent activity and work on a subject, subject to personal interest, will form an interested, holistic personality.

Active learning methods are precisely aimed at developing interest in independent learning.

So what are active delivery methods?

This is the name for a set of methods and techniques of influence that encourage the development of the creative, intellectual beginning of each student. Such teaching methods make it easier to learn the material and make it more interesting.

Features of this method

Good teachers have always strived to develop in their students a desire for independent data acquisition. You should know that the entire educational process is built on three main types of activities:

  • Thinking.
  • Action.
  • Verbal process.

There is also an emotional perception of reality, but it is rarely taken into account. During training, either one method or a combination of them can be implemented. The degree to which any one feature is emphasized depends on the student’s level of interest. To identify them most effectively, active and interactive teaching methods should be used as widely as possible.

Thus, memory (thinking) is involved in lectures, in practice - a combination of thinking and action, in conversations - thinking. However, in the latter case, the emotional perception that we discussed above is often activated. In addition, it is precisely this that is used in the case of educational excursions.

Degree of mastery of material

Alas, experimental data clearly show a weak degree of assimilation of material in most of the most common cases. Thus, the lectures beloved by many teachers allow you to consolidate no more than 20-30% of the information. It should be borne in mind that at least 17% of the specified volume is remembered at the beginning of the story.

After this, fatigue occurs when all the efforts of schoolchildren or students are aimed exclusively at recording the material they receive. Outdated forms, methods and means of teaching play a negative role, which proclaim the lecture form of presenting material as the only possible and most effective. As you can already see, all this is actually far from true.

On the contrary, if a person works independently with the material, then he remembers at least 50%, and if he also parses the notes and pronounces the information he receives, then he manages to retain up to 70% of the data in his memory. If the teacher uses a business game or another method that requires the direct participation of the student, it is possible to convey at least 90% useful material. Actually, this is what active learning methods are all about.

It should not be assumed that some innovative pedagogical developments cannot be used on an equal basis with old, proven methods. Teachers even came up with several basic principles that are used to activate traditional ways teaching.

Main features of active methods

How to determine whether a teacher really uses active learning methods in practice? Everything is not so complicated, because these methods have characteristic features. We will look at them now.

The teacher must constantly create problematic situations. The teacher sets students a task that they cannot solve using only the data they have. In this case, a person is simply forced to turn to other students, handouts and textbooks for help, looking there for answers to questions that interest him.

It is for this reason that all forms, methods and teaching aids used must be as informative, detailed and visual as possible, and not cause rejection. It's not too clear what this sentence says? It's simple: remember the Soviet handouts, old and tattered? Of course, in a number of educational institutions there is simply no funding for the purchase of something more serious, but you can still at least print out colorful manuals that make studying much more enjoyable.

The highest aerobatics is posing a question that does not have a clear answer even for a specialist. In this case, the students will debate, trying to find correct option, and explore the mass useful information, most of which will be absorbed by them. This is what active social learning methods are based on.

Other Features

If we talk about non-imitation methods, then we should note a real internship in the workplace, holding a lecture on problematic topics, writing final work(diploma).

Main Features

It should be noted that active teaching methods in the classroom require maximum approximation to real scientific, research activities. And the success of the process in this case is ensured through the joint activities of both the students themselves and the teacher (and on the condition of an equal partnership). The main goal of the teacher in this case becomes not so much the banal presentation of information, but rather the introduction of schoolchildren to complex world modern knowledge with all its prospects and numerous contradictions.

It is extremely important for many students to learn in practice about the most significant features of a particular field of science, since only in this case the process of learning becomes truly meaningful and begins to bring joy.

Other Important Features

Let us recall that the methods and technologies of active teaching are fundamentally different from those for standard teaching. The main difference is that in the traditional case, information is presented only as a set of some abstract data that must be memorized.

If active learning methods are used, at school children receive only initial information, on the basis of which they themselves must proactively seek answers to all the questions asked by the teacher.

Accordingly, schoolchildren and students should be as actively involved in the educational process as possible, not as mere extras, but as full-fledged active participants. For example, when studying some biological issue, it is necessary to widely use not only banal handouts, but also microscopes. Only a beginner in biology does not know that the appearance and location of cells in reality differ significantly from the pictures in textbooks, so it is much more important to give students a real idea of ​​​​all the features of the object or phenomenon under consideration.

Difficulty level

Methods of the learning process should involve setting only such tasks, the answers to which are still available to a specific group of students. Simply put, it is not recommended to assign exciting, but very difficult tasks on Lobachevsky geometry in a seventh grade lesson.

So what should it be like? correct use active methods training? Let's try to formulate some general postulates.

Despite all the negative aspects that are inherent in the lecture method of presenting material, one should not forget about this method. You must tell your children logically, briefly and succinctly about each topic you begin to cover. It is necessary to immediately warn students that the main role in finding answers to the questions posed will belong to them.

We emphasize once again that dialogical type teaching must predominate. The more schoolchildren discuss among themselves and with you, the more deeply they understand the importance of the problem and are imbued with its significance. Thus, active forms and methods of learning must necessarily use the following:

  • An extensive system of cognitive tasks in which the entire essence of the topic being discussed is fully revealed.
  • Constant communication, disputes and debates, to prepare for which students must independently find all the information they need.

Analysis of practical situations

The most complete method of preparing schoolchildren for subsequent independent activities is the decision practical problems that they may encounter in life. By analyzing them, children learn to think constructively and logically. Subsequently, they will be able to quickly and correctly assess all situations that specialists encounter every day.

One of key features this method is role playing. To do everything right, the teacher must take into account the following:

  • It is important to distribute roles in advance between all participants in the game. Of course, it’s worth deciding on the topic of the lesson in advance. As practice shows, in in this case It is optimal to play out a production meeting at which the most pressing, pressing problems of the enterprise are solved.
  • Participants must interact with each other through active discussion. Important! Each student can equally agree or disagree with the thoughts of his opponent, but in any case he is required to provide meaningful arguments in favor of his decision. Simply nodding your head or making negative noises will not do.
  • The teacher must introduce several corrective conditions. It is a welcome practice for the teacher to interrupt the discussion from time to time and present a number of new facts that need to be taken into account when solving the problem, and know that they may well turn the discussion in a completely opposite direction. This is an excellent simulation of force majeure situations that often occur in everyday life.
  • Finally, the results of the last game need to be discussed in detail, analyzing not only the achievements, but also all the mistakes (including dwelling in detail on their immediate causes).

This method is especially good for classes with an economic profile, since the tasks set for children do not always have a clear meaning. the right decision. Students should understand that they almost always need to keep in mind several ways to get out of a given situation. In addition, each of them must independently come to the conclusion about the vital importance of the ability to reach a reasonable compromise.

These are the teaching methods that should be used in school (including higher education). Such knowledge will allow children to become as successful as possible in later life.

In modern pedagogical literature, the term “form” is used in various options: “forms of organization of training”, “organizational forms of training”, “forms of training”, etc. An analysis of various positions in the definition of the concept “form” shows that among modern scientists and teachers there is no common understanding of this concept. The authors of textbooks and teaching aids on pedagogy do not provide any convincing differences in the above terms, and quite often they are used as synonyms. Common to most existing definitions by various authors is the recognition of form as outside organization of the educational process, which has a connection with the internal, content side.

The modern dictionary of pedagogy offers following definition: “a form of teaching is the external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode.”

THEM. Cheredov in his works points out: “The form of organization of teaching is the design of a separate link or a set of links in the learning process, limited by strict time frames, including the teacher’s control of the educational activities of a class, groups or individual students over a certain content of educational material recorded in the relevant sources of knowledge, using a combination methods, techniques, teaching aids and forms of educational work.”

In the literature on pedagogy, the concepts of method and form of teaching are often confused. Let us give the following definitions:

Form- nature of activity orientation. The form is based on the leading method.

Method- a way of joint activity between a teacher and a student in order to solve problems.

1) forms of training: collective, frontal and individual work students in class;

2) the form of organization of training, as a type of lesson - lesson, subject group, etc.

According to A.M. Novikov, the form of education can be defined as “a mechanism for streamlining the educational process in relation to the positions of its subjects, their functions, as well as the completion of cycles, structural units of education in time.”

1) number and composition of students,

2) place of study,

3) duration of educational work, etc.

Based on the number and composition of students, there are: mass, collective, group, microgroup and individual forms of education.

At the place of study - in educational institutions and outside educational institutions.

Based on the duration of training sessions, they distinguish between a classic lesson (45 minutes), a paired lesson (90 minutes), a paired shortened lesson (70-80 minutes), shortened lessons (30-35 minutes), as well as “no bell” lessons of arbitrary duration.

In the textbook “Pedagogy” edited by P.I. Pidkasisty, all forms of education are divided, in accordance with the above criteria, into the following groups: individual, individual-group, collective, classroom and extracurricular, school and extracurricular.

The authors of another popular textbook (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov) propose “the whole variety of organizational forms of education from the point of view of their solution to educational goals and the systematic use of them” to be divided into three groups: basic, additional and auxiliary .

The main forms include a lesson.

Additional classes include classes that are conducted with individual students or a group in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills, and satisfy increased interest in the academic subject. This group also includes consultations and work on students’ self-training.

Auxiliary forms include activities aimed at satisfying the multifaceted interests and needs of students in accordance with their inclinations. These are, first of all, electives and various forms of circle and club work.

I.M. Cheredov points out that in modern didactics, organizational forms of education are divided into compulsory and optional, classroom and home classes. He distinguishes general and specific forms. To the general forms of I.M. Cheredov refers to frontal, group and individual, and to specific - lessons and other forms of training on a particular subject.

V.I. Andreev identifies internal forms of learning organization, classifying them according to the structural interaction of elements from the point of view of the dominant learning goal: introductory lesson, lesson to deepen knowledge, practical lesson, a lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge, a lesson on monitoring knowledge, skills, combined forms of classes.

A.M. Novikov classifies forms of education according to eleven criteria:

1) by the method of obtaining education;

2) by quantity educational institutions, in which the student studies while undergoing one educational program;

3) by training systems;

4) according to the mechanism of decomposition of training content;

5) on the basis of direct or indirect communication between students and the teacher and/or educational materials;

6) according to the number of teachers simultaneously conducting a training session;

7) by the number of teachers simultaneously conducting a training session (by the consistency or sporadic nature of the teacher’s work with a given group of students);

8) on the basis of “monologue-dialogue”;

9) at the location of the training sessions;

10) according to the target orientation of the classes;

11) by type of training sessions.

The analysis showed that in modern pedagogy there is no clear division of the concepts of “forms of organization of training”, “organizational forms of training”, “forms of training”, etc. The presence of numerous classifications does not allow students and practicing teachers to understand the essence of these concepts.

S.A. Mikheeva offers the following typology of training forms:

a) forms of training (forms of receiving education);

b) forms of organizing training sessions (organizational forms of training sessions);

c) forms of organization educational activities(Fig. 1). Within the designated types, the forms are classified by type (Table 1).

Table 1. Types and types of training forms.

Forms of education are divided into the following types: full-time, part-time, evening, external, distance, etc. Each type is given a very specific description (definition).

Full-time form - a form of education that requires compulsory attendance at classes held in an educational institution.

Correspondence form - a form of training that allows you to combine education with professional work. A feature of the correspondence course is the larger (compared to full-time course) amount of independent work associated with the implementation of test assignments(tests, essays, etc.).

Part-time (evening) form - a form of training that involves attending classes two to three times a week in the evenings. To carry out intermediate control of knowledge in this form of training, tests and colloquiums are carried out.

Externship - form of education that involves self-study external education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education with subsequent intermediate and state (final) certification in educational institution, which has state accreditation.

Distance learning- this is a purposeful process of interactive interaction between teachers and students with each other and with teaching aids, invariant to their location in space and time, which is implemented in a specific didactic system.

It should be noted that the term " distance education» (distance education), has received significantly less distribution compared to the term “distance learning”. This is largely explained by the fact that in Russia, in accordance with the Law “On Education”, there is no distance education - the law regulates only four main forms of education: full-time, correspondence, part-time and external studies, as well as in the form of family education and self-education.

Electronic learning (e-learning)- new to Russian system education is a term that is used relatively rarely today. This concept is integrated by a number of terminological concepts in the field of application of modern ICT in education, such as computer learning technologies, interactive multimedia, web-based learning, online learning, etc. The term “electronic learning” (EL) is often equated with the concept of “distance learning”. This is not entirely true. E-learning can be interpreted as one of the directions distance learning. An important feature of e-learning is the presence of a special learning environment (shell) and the possibility of learning in On-line.

Currently, the term “blended (combined) learning” is also used. (blended learning), which is understood as such an organization of the educational process in which e-learning technologies are combined with traditional classroom teaching according to a schedule in full-time mode.

Forms of organizing training sessions are divided into two types: lesson and extracurricular forms of organizing educational activities (elective classes, educational excursions, conferences, homework and others). In the domestic school, the lesson remains the main organizational form of educational activities.

Lesson- a form of organizing training sessions with a group of students of the same age, permanent composition and with a uniform training program for all. Highlight following types lessons: lesson in mastering new knowledge; lesson in the formation and improvement of skills and abilities; lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge; lesson of repetition, consolidation of knowledge; test lessons; combined lessons in which several didactic tasks are solved. There are other typologies of lessons.

Excursion- a form of organizing training sessions in which students gain knowledge through direct observation of an object and familiarity with reality. Depending on the didactic purpose and content of the subject of study, excursions can be: introductory when studying new material; accompanying its study; final when consolidating what has been learned.

Educational conference- a form of organizing training sessions aimed at expanding, consolidating and improving knowledge. Conferences perform the following functions:

a) expansion and deepening of knowledge on the issues studied;

b) developing skills to work with sources of information;

c) skills formation public speaking with a report (message);

d) fostering interest in independent scientific work.

Holding conferences helps to identify students’ aptitudes and abilities and develop interest in scientific knowledge.

Consultations (from Latin consultatio - meeting) for students are carried out with the aim of eliminating gaps in knowledge and skills and providing assistance in mastering the subject. During the consultation process, the teacher answers students’ questions that arose during the course of their studies.

Homeschool work- This is an independent learning activity that complements the lesson and is part of the learning cycle. Homework performs the functions of consolidating knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson, practicing skills, mastering new material, developing the ability to study independently, determine tasks and means of work, and plan teaching.

Extracurricular activities (from Latin facultas - opportunity)- This is one of the types of differentiation of training. An elective is an optional course, studied by students at their request to deepen and expand knowledge in academic subjects. Electives should not be confused with elective courses. Elective courses (from Latin electus - chosen) are compulsory courses of students' choice. Thus, elective courses are courses in which the student chose for himself. But unlike electives, if a choice is made, then attending them becomes mandatory for him.

Forms of organization of educational activities differ in the nature of interaction between teacher and students during the learning process. The following types of forms of organizing educational activities are distinguished: individual, group and frontal (collective). The indicated forms of organizing educational activities appear in the lesson in various combinations and sequences.

Frontal shape organization of educational activities of students is called this type of activity of the teacher and students in the lesson, when the teacher works with the entire group at the same time, and all students perform the same work, common to all.

Group form of organizing educational work involves dividing the class into groups to solve specific educational problems. The size of groups can be different and depends on the goals and content of educational activities. As a rule, it ranges from 3-6 people. A special case of group work is steam room form. The composition of the group is also not constant, and changes depending on the nature of the work ahead. Group work can be homogeneous and differentiated.

Homogeneous group work involves small groups of students completing the same task for everyone, and differentiated performing different tasks in different groups.

Teaching in small groups belongs to the technologies of the humanistic direction in pedagogy. The main idea of ​​this technology is to create conditions for active joint learning activities students in different learning situations. Properly organized group work is a type of collective activity; it can proceed successfully with a clear distribution of work between all group members, mutual verification of the results of each person’s work, full support of the teacher, and his prompt assistance.

Individual form of organizing students' work in the classroom assumes that each student receives a task for independent completion, specially selected for him in accordance with his preparation and educational capabilities. Such tasks may include working with a textbook, other educational and scientific literature, solving problems, examples, writing abstracts, reports, etc. In the pedagogical literature there is a distinction individual And individualized form. The first is characterized by the fact that the student’s activity in completing tasks common to the entire group is carried out without contact with other students, but at the same pace for everyone, the second involves the educational and cognitive activity of students on performing specific tasks. It is this that allows you to regulate the pace of progress in the learning of each student in accordance with his preparation and capabilities.
