Distance education in TSU. Tula State University (TulSU)

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    Studied at Tula State University from 2004 to 2010. at the Faculty of Mechanics and Control Systems (later renamed the Institute of High-Precision Systems), Department of Rocket Science. Although I came to this department by accident, because... I didn't have enough points to get admitted to another...

    Studied at Tula State University from 2004 to 2010. at the Faculty of Mechanics and Control Systems (later renamed the Institute of High-Precision Systems), Department of Rocket Science. Although I came to this department by accident, because... I didn’t have enough points to enter another specialty, I think it was great luck. And all because at that time an exceptional Teaching Staff. Of course, there were teachers in general education disciplines from other faculties who could afford to give “credits” for a bottle of cognac, a carton of cigarettes, or show up to class drunk. But as for specialized subjects, there were only professionals here - demanding, but fair. And despite the fact that tests and exams in some subjects terrified most students, teachers were still respected and loved. I believe that the quality of the education received largely depends on the students themselves, but the teachers, I think, did everything in their power to maximize the transfer of their knowledge and experience.
    The learning process at the faculty itself was quite loyal. The dean's office tried in every possible way to help lagging students in order to avoid their expulsion. They treated both budget and commercial students equally. In general, I have a positive impression of this university.

    Evgeny Aleksashin, 12/26/2015 20:00

    I would like to leave a short review about Tula State University. Please determine the usefulness of the review yourself. I studied at the university for five whole years and I consider this time wasted. I'll explain in order:

    1. Upon admission, I absolutely did not know which faculty to choose. IN admissions committee They offered only one faculty, related to computer science and banking, perhaps due to the fact that no one wanted to go to it, and it was commercial. Entered Faculty of Economics, and then the specialty was transferred to one faculty, then to another. The specialty was assigned to cybernetics at the end of the 5th year. During the conversation, I asked questions about how well you need to know mathematics, as well as computer science, to which I received the answer, the bare minimum, you will be taught everything. The question was asked to the fact that computer science at school was at a superficial level. As a result, computer science was through the roof, and so was the study of programming languages, but more on that later.

    2. Now a little about the teachers. Of course, there were teachers who were loyal, but there were also quite strict ones. I think this is true in absolutely any educational institution. Some teachers tried to tell interesting stories and really teach, while others simply gave lectures from a laptop and dictated dry facts while recording. Moreover, information that was at least outdated. Of course, without the old there is no new, but all the lectures about the economy of the 90s and not a single one about the modern economy are already strange. To all questions about why there is so much old information, the answer was one, that there is a long-developed plan, and we do not have the right to deviate from it.

    3. The attitude of teachers towards you. If you like to “jump on your feet”, smile and laugh when it’s not fun, then this university is for you. Some students looked into the teachers' mouths and were not asked any questions for the exam, but immediately got an excellent mark, and you taught, but did not smile, they bombarded you with questions and never received more than a C.

    4. Regarding the visit. Naturally, there are those who watch the visit, and those who do not. BUT! In the end, it always turned out that those who went to lectures, listened, answered, decided, and those who did not go, were in equal conditions.

    5. Education. Here I can say one thing: just as I came with an initial set of knowledge, I left. Learning programming languages ​​was not from the beginner level, but at least from the intermediate level. BUT again! The most important thing is that you had to study the programs at home, on your own equipment, because at the university there is no Internet, there are no licensed programs. All that is on the computer is Word Pad, and the department teaches the basics of programming. At the very beginning, they announce n number of laboratory works to you, which begin immediately with writing programs, you stand in a stupor, because you asked about the level of computer science.

    You can find out all the questions that arise only from the manual; all teachers refer to them. The lectures are completely at odds with practice; in the lecture you write about butterflies, but in practice you are already cutting up a frog (but that’s an example). Therefore, at the end of each programming language, after writing laboratory work, you were told about how to start writing a program. It turns out quite funny and interesting. Also, if you try to be the smartest and be taller than the teacher, learn all the programming languages ​​yourself, in the end they don’t like you, and they are also sure that you bought everything, so automatically you go for a retake. I can say one thing: the best thing they teach at the university is physical education, because no matter who you study, you will have more physical education than any subject. And if you work out on the street, that is, you are at general physical training, then you go to the “gym” to pump up your abs, which is a basement, there is a smell, dampness, dirt. What else can you dream about?!

    6. The condition of the classrooms leaves much to be desired. Old, written-on desks, boards on which nothing is visible. Before the heating is turned on, you sit in your jacket and chatter your teeth, because the windows in some classrooms are still wooden. In one classroom, plaster was falling off the ceiling onto my head.

    7. The internship took place in banks. The institute provided a place, but they are absolutely not interested in the fact that they are using you there and not teaching you, they don’t even want to listen. it's all your fault. In the bank you are like a slave, they don’t show you anything, they don’t give you anything. All you can do is carry chairs and sort through paper. And if it’s pre-graduation practice, then you can “enjoy” it for three months. No knowledge about future work you can't wait.

    To summarize, if you just want to get a diploma, have fun, work, then it is better to go to correspondence education, as well as to any other place where they provide absolutely the same education.

    Ekaterina Chernikina, 12/12/2015 19:52

About the university

Tula State University(TulSU) largest state university Central Russia. Actively responding to the challenges of the time, the university is developing dynamically, while remaining faithful to classical traditions. Today, over 20,000 students, 680 graduate students and doctoral students study at the university. Among foreign students there are more than 1,200 citizens from 40 countries.

Tula State University includes:

* Institute of High-Precision Systems named after. V.P. Gryazeva:
o Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
o Faculty of Systems automatic control
* medical institute:
o Faculty of Medicine
o Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
* Polytechnical Institute:
o Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
o Faculty of Transport and technological systems
* Institute of Continuing vocational education:
o regional center for advanced training
o Faculty of Evening and distance learning
o educational-research-production complex of additional professional education
* internet institute
* Institute of International Education


* cybernetics
* mining construction
* natural science
* mechanics and mathematics
* economics and law
* humanitarian

And 73 departments.

Educational process

Tula State University is represented in the educational market of the region with a unique range of services. The university trains certified specialists in 150 areas and specialties of defense-technical, technological, mining-construction, computer-information, natural sciences, economics, legal, social-humanitarian and medical profiles. Training is carried out by more than 1,387 teachers, including 278 doctors of science, professors and 742 candidates of science, associate professors.

Education at Tula State University is conducted in full-time (daytime), part-time (evening) and part-time (including shortened programs and external studies) forms of study. The university trains engineers of various fields, mathematicians, mechanics, physicists, chemists, psychologists, political scientists, historians-archivists, theologians, linguists, translators, lawyers, sociologists, doctors, specialists in physical culture and sports, designers, design artists, economists, managers, architects, teachers, including high school, highly qualified specialists candidates and doctors of science.

The university's scientific library contains more than 1.5 million books. There are several reading rooms, Internet room, digital library. A computer technology laboratory with 100 workplaces was introduced into the educational process. IN educational process The scientific and technical potential of Russian research institutes and design bureaus is widely used; the main specialists of the leading enterprises of the region, known for the traditions of defense production, are actively involved in joint work. Tula State University is creating electronic textbooks, virtual laboratory works, testing is used at all stages of monitoring students’ knowledge.

For work in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, scientific achievements and successes in the field of social activities, Tula State University was awarded diplomas from all-Russian and international competitions and exhibitions. In 2005, the university was awarded the Letter of Gratitude from the President of Russia for its contribution to the training of qualified specialists and the development of science. In 2007, representatives of Tula State University became laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education. The creative team of university staff led by the rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Mikhail Vasilyevich Gryazev was awarded for the work “Regional University Educational and Pedagogical Complex of Innovative educational technologies for training specialists for high-tech production of the military-industrial complex" for educational institutions higher professional education.

During the visit of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Instrument Design Bureau, the rector of Tula State University M.V. Gryazev and the vice-rector for scientific work V. D. Kukhar was awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology for 2008.
Scientific work

The most serious attention at the university is paid to scientific work in its various forms: carrying out work under grants and business contracts; training of highly qualified personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies; cooperation with institutes and scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences; patent and licensing work; holding and participating in scientific conferences and exhibitions at various levels; research work of students; production of monographs and other scientific printed materials. Scientific activity has a positive impact on the quality of specialist training and is evidence of the fruitful work of department teams. Tula State University has 16 doctoral dissertation councils in 37 scientific specialties. Every year, 12-15 doctoral and 80-100 candidate dissertations are defended at the university.

Scientific research at Tula State University is conducted in 57 scientific areas corresponding to priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering.

Over the past 3 years, the university has completed more than 450 research and development works (R&D) with a total volume of 165 million rubles. A significant part of the R&D was carried out on orders from enterprises and organizations, as well as various ministries - 105 million rubles. 19 university employees have been awarded orders and medals, 37 people have honorary titles of the state and 152 industry titles, 30 people have been awarded State Prizes, Prizes of the President and Government of Russia, 118 people are members of state and public academies
International activity

Plays a major role in the activities of the university the international cooperation. The university is connected in academic and scientific areas with organizations in more than 20 countries, including universities in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, China, and Poland.
Social sphere

One of the priority areas of activity of Tula State University is the social sphere: the university has the largest network of dormitories in the region, sports buildings, a clinic, and the only university in Russia kindergarten, sanatorium, canteen, country recreation centers. The Employment Assistance Center provides assistance to students and graduates in navigating the labor market. Public organizations, student and sports clubs of the university, the university museum, museums of weapons, tools, and geology are active, and a university newspaper is published in large circulation.

IN last years The student club included 19 creative groups, interest clubs, and courses in which more than 600 students were engaged on a permanent basis. The student club has two auditoriums with 1,226 and 200 seats, and rehearsal rooms with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

The sports club's coaches trained 87 world champions and medalists, 80 European champions and medalists, 35 international masters of sports, 3 international grandmasters, 9 honored masters of sports, 156 masters of sports of the USSR and Russia.

A person with a diploma from Tula State University always finds a worthy place in professional life. The University is rightfully proud of its graduates, including heads of ministries and departments, government bodies, Heroes of Socialist Labor and Heroes of Russia, deputies Supreme Soviets USSR and Russia, State Duma of Russia, members of the Federation Council, laureates of Lenin and State Prizes, holders of honorary titles of Russia, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hundreds of doctors of science, heads of industrial, scientific and design teams, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, military leaders and famous designers, figures of science, culture and art. Overall in various industries More than 100 thousand of our graduates and highly qualified specialists work in the economy of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Tula State University today is one of the leading universities in the country, a center of science, education and culture in the region. In the ranking classical universities The Russian university is among the top twenty. According to the assessment of universities in terms of employment of their graduates, conducted by the All-Russian public organization“Business Russia” together with VTsIOM, Tula State University entered the major alpha league along with 25 other universities (mainly from Moscow and St. Petersburg).


Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings, how much does training cost (for 1 course)

The question is answered by acting. Head of the Department for Admission and Pre-University Training A.V. Ivanov / 01/09/2019

Hello Aaron!

Tuition fees for all areas of training/specialties of the university in 2019/2020 academic year will be announced in May. Currently, the cost of training for the current academic year has been published on the website (information at the bottom of the page) - http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/


Good afternoon. Please tell me the cost of studying by correspondence, the direction of training: Jurisprudence.

The question is answered by acting. Head of the Department for Admission and Pre-University Training A.V. Ivanov / 07/18/2018

Hello Julia!

Starting this year, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, only persons who have a higher education. The cost of full-time and part-time (evening) and part-time (bachelor's) courses is listed on our website - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/745_pril2-5.pdf
If you are interested in studying for a correspondence master's program, then necessary information You can find it on the page - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/771_pril2-3.pdf


How much will it cost to study in the fifth year of Architecture?

Dear Valentina!

The cost of studying for the 5th year of full-time Architecture in the 2018/2019 academic year will be 135 thousand rubles per year. With an order about the cost of paid educational services can be found on our website.


Hello. Will the tuition fee for those admitted in 2017 increase or remain the same as specified in the contract?

The question is answered by the head of the educational and methodological department A.V. Morzhov / 07/16/2018

Dear Marina!

In accordance with the agreement on the provision of paid educational services, the cost of training is adjusted annually to the inflation rate provided for by the main characteristics federal budget for the next financial year and planning period (clause 5.1).

Orders on tuition fees for the 2018/19 academic year are available for review in the “Tuition on a paid basis” section. Direct link to the order on the cost of training for 2-6 courses educational programs Bachelor's and Specialist's degrees: http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/961.pdf


How much does full-time training cost in the field of training Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production in the 2018-2019 academic year

The question is answered by acting. Head of the Department for Admission and Pre-University Training A.V. Ivanov / 07/10/2018

Hello, Vladimir!

The cost of training in the direction of training 03/15/05 Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production (full-time) for those entering the 1st year - 110,000 rubles / year - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/957.pdf


When will tuition fees for senior courses be known?

The question is answered by the head of the educational and methodological department A.V. Morzhov / 06/28/2018

Dear Tamara!

The order on the cost of training in senior courses is available for review on the university website in the section “Tuition on a paid basis”. Direct link to the document: http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/961.pdf


How much will training cost? Faculty of Construction?

The question is answered by acting. Head of the Department for Admission and Pre-University Training A.V. Ivanov / 06.20.2018

Hello Oleg!

Orders on the cost of training in all areas of training/specialties are published on the university website (at the bottom of the page) - http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/


Hello! Tell me, when will tuition fees be set for courses other than the first? Either it hasn't been published yet, or I can't find it...

The question is answered by acting. Head of the Department for Admission and Pre-University Training A.V. Ivanov / 06/01/2018

Hello, Elena!

The cost of training for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in the first year is published on the university website http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/
Tuition fees for the second and subsequent years will soon be published on this page.
