Fixing pillow for newborns. Pillow for newborns, necessary or not, types of pillows approved by orthopedists

Instructions for use and features of the orthopedic butterfly pillow.

Nowadays, a lot of controversy arises around the health of infants. This is primarily the use of a pillow, walker and pacifier. There is also a lot of controversy surrounding feeding. Some people believe that the baby needs to be fed by the hour, while others adhere to the schedule as desired.

Many pediatricians argue whether a baby needs a pillow. If your child is absolutely healthy, he has no congenital injuries, disorders nervous system and musculoskeletal system, then he does not need a pillow. It is forbidden for newborns to place a regular feather pillow under their head. It can cause allergies and even lead to suffocation of the baby.

If a child has congenital injuries, doctors recommend using an orthopedic pillow. It supports the head in the correct position and promotes normal blood flow in the muscles and head.

Indications for the use of an orthopedic pillow:

  • Torticollis
  • Decreased or increased muscle tone
  • Congenital injuries of the cervical vertebrae
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Orthopedic pillow-butterfly is used for the prevention and treatment of certain ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Not all kids need to purchase such a product. If the child is healthy, then up to 2 years old you can put the child to sleep on flat surface. Doctors believe that height chest and the head is the same, so the child’s head does not need additional support.

It’s another matter if the child has torticollis. In this case, the baby turns his head to one side. This is caused by muscle tension on the right or left side of the neck. To correct the violation, you have to use special collars. A butterfly pillow is recommended for such children.

Advantages of a butterfly pillow:

  • Supports baby's head in anatomical position
  • Allows the child to move and does not hinder movement
  • Prevents choking when baby burps
  • Improves blood circulation in the brain

Orthopedic, anatomical pillow, butterfly for a newborn on Aliexpress: price, catalog, photo

Using this pillow is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully take the baby under the head and place him in the recess. It is necessary that the head is in the hole and the cushion is under the child’s cervical vertebrae. In this case, the head should not fall to one side, but be strictly in the middle.

Pillow requirements:

  • Natural fabric that is highly breathable
  • Hypoallergenic filler
  • Wash resistance

In such a pillow there will be no mites and dust will not accumulate. It is convenient to wash this pillow in washing machine. It dries quickly and does not deform after washing. Be sure to check the composition of the filler and fabric before purchasing.

The pillow is very comfortable to use. Moreover, it can be used not only in a crib, but also used for sleeping while walking. Just put the pillow in the stroller. This will help the baby feel comfortable. This reduces muscle tension. The child sleeps peacefully and does not turn around in his sleep. The head with such a pillow cannot tilt back and forth. You can watch the video on how to use the pillow.

VIDEO: How to use a butterfly pillow

Orthopedic pillow for newborns: we’ll tell you how to use it to correct posture, get rid of torticollis, and how to position a baby correctly. A children's orthopedic pillow not only helps to overcome pathological conditions (torticollis in newborns, curvature of posture, scoliosis), but also promotes healthy sleep, proper development of the musculoskeletal system, and proper rest of all parts of the spine. Most children find it comfortable, even if they first had to get used to the rigidity. By the way, if you do not offer any soft alternatives, then there will be no problems. There is only one answer to the question at what age you can start using an accessory: almost from birth. True, you have to choose the right one. But we'll tell you how.

Orthopedic pillow for infants

The product for babies is a retainer that secures the baby’s body in the optimal position. This is not even a pillow, but a complete set that promotes the proper development of the skeleton. True, there is a significant drawback: the design does not allow much change in posture; it does not allow for sleeping on the side, which can cause discomfort in the child. By the way, there is an article on the website about all types of orthotic pillows.

Manufacturers also offer an anatomical pillow. The product has the shape of a square or trapezoid, with a recess under the head. It is considered as physiological as possible, but does not have the necessary rigid basis, therefore it is not suitable for the treatment of torticollis. If you are looking for a product that solves a problem, pay attention to those that also have a recess in the middle, but the material is more rigid, ensuring proper fixation of the body. These accessories are:

  • crescent shaped
  • roller under the neck,
  • in the form of a butterfly with spread wings.

For babies up to one year old, there are pillows in the form of a trapezoid, one edge of which is higher than the other. The product provides an inclined position during sleep, can be used from three to four months, and provides excellent back support. From year to year, parents settle on anatomical, softer options. From how many months can you use it? useful accessory? Almost from birth, the main thing is to choose the right one, based on medical recommendations.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns reviews

Is such a thing necessary for children? Experts believe that yes, in the complex treatment of diseases, and also as a massage product that forms correct posture. You can leave your feedback in the comments, sharing your own experience.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns: how to use, photo

To understand how to properly place your child on an orthopedic pillow, read the instructions. There are many products, and each will have a different optimal position. On models made in the shape of a raised trapezoid, the child is placed not only with his head, but also with his back. The bolsters are placed under the neck. Products with a recess - under the head in a position on the back or side. And if you are interested, read the corresponding article on the site. Usually the instructions show how to use the accessory. Here are some photos:

Orthopedic butterfly pillow for newborns

A common, well-known model, made in the shape of a butterfly with spread wings. How to place the baby is shown in the pictures in the instructions. People sleep on this product on their back; fixing the head does not involve turning to the side. Allowed from birth.

For a teenager, a butterfly orthopedic pillow is also suitable, but differs in size. For older children, you can choose accessories with memory effect, wavy, rectangular with or without recesses. The main thing is that it is comfortable and does not cause concern. Manufacturers also offer, which are the subject of a separate story. Suitable for schoolchildren.

An orthopedic pillow for newborns with torticollis helps normalize muscle tone by creating additional support for the neck. When the head is fixed in the correct anatomical position, the cervical spine develops in the desired direction.

Operating principle

If, while observing the baby, parents notice an unnatural position of the head, they should immediately contact a pediatrician. If, after examination, it is detected, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, including physiotherapy, massage, and gymnastics.

Besides this, important factor is the use of an orthopedic pillow. Before you start using it, it is important to know how to use it correctly and why this device is needed for torticollis.

Thanks to the orthopedic effect, the use of the pillow provides the following indicators:

Doctors' opinions differ regarding the need to use an orthopedic pillow, so the decision always remains with the parents
  • proper development and growth of the cervical spine;
  • maintaining the baby’s neck and head with reduced stress and normalization of muscle tone and blood circulation in the cervical region;
  • straightening congenital and preventing the development of acquired torticollis;
  • formation physiologically correct bend upper spine;
  • normalization of atony or cervical and shoulder girdle.

A children's orthopedic pillow for newborns is designed to ensure that the child lies in the most comfortable and correct physiological position.

Regardless of appearance, the functional purpose of such products is the same. When used, the load on the neck is reduced and blood circulation in this area is normalized.

Who needs it

In most cases, the problem of torticollis can be dealt with quite easily.

When asking the question whether a newborn needs an orthopedic pillow, many doctors assure that in the absence of undoubted indications, it is better not to use it at all.

It is enough for the baby to place a standard diaper under his head.. Read about bedding for newborns.

An orthopedic pillow for children under one year old, without the presence of any abnormalities, should be as universal as possible, which will prevent unwanted stress on the neck and the development of other problems.

  1. Birth trauma is a muscle injury, resulting in the development of idiopathic torticollis.
  2. Cerebral palsy, injuries of various types, inflammation of the pharynx and pharynx.

If we talk about at what age to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns with torticollis, it is worth correcting the neck and spine from the 2nd week of the baby’s life with the permission of the doctor. It is very important that the head is in the correct position while sleeping. How much sleep a child should sleep from birth and older can be found in this.

If torticollis is not treated in a timely manner, infants may develop asymmetry of the facial part of the head and skull, deformation of the spinal column, and in complex cases, neurological pathology.

The baby should be placed on the painful side, with toys in his field of vision, which will ensure minimal turning of the head.

Types of orthopedic pillows

At what age an orthopedic pillow for newborns should be used, as well as the type of product, should be determined by the attending physician.

Types of orthopedic pillows for newborns are shown in the photo:


The following types are distinguished:
Positioner cushion. Used to secure the child in the desired position. It has recesses and 2 bolsters on the sides.

Positioner pillows have several important functions, among which:

  • prevent the child from turning over on his back;
  • ensuring sleep in the side position, which is especially important for children prone to;
  • the child's inability to roll over in principle.

Such pillows have many varieties and shapes: rectangular with limiting bolsters on the sides, with a fastener like on a diaper, inclined positioners, in the form of mattresses with a pillow, in the form of a crib and others.

The body positioner is also used to soften shocks when in a stroller. In this case, not only the head is fixed, but also the entire upper part of the body.

Some types of positioners in the photo:

Inclined. Allowed for use from the very birth of the baby. It has the form of a trapezoid, on one side it is raised by 15°. The product should be selected based on the width of the crib and the baby’s shoulders.

The downside of the pillow is that if the angle of inclination is large, the baby slides off it. For such cases, there are inclined positioning pillows with fasteners.
Headrest pillow. It can be round, square, heart or butterfly shaped. The orthopedic butterfly pillow for newborns is the most common. The butterfly is the most popular and comfortable form of orthopedic pillow for torticollis. The baby's head is placed on a small cushion, and the wings do not allow the baby to change the position during sleep.

Products of this kind limit the mobility of the baby’s head during sleep, which can cause very unfavorable consequences, in particular, if the baby often spits up or has breathing problems.

Orthopedic pillow filling and cover material

It is important not only to know how to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns, but also to choose a high-quality and good filling. Today, manufacturers offer many variations. Among them are natural and artificial ones for children suffering from allergies.

Polyurethane foam with memory effect (memory)

Low allergenic, modern, environmentally friendly pure material. Able to remember the contours of the head after pressure is applied to it and does not take the original shape of the pillow for a long time, even after washing.

In addition, it responds to body temperature and environment, has excellent ventilation. Currently, it is the best filling for orthopedic pillows, but it is also the most expensive product.


Natural filler that takes the shape of the body, comfortable, soft and elastic at the same time. The skin on such a pillow breathes, and the body is in an anatomically correct position.

It is durable even after numerous washes and does not crumble. In addition, it is hypoallergenic and antibacterial (dust does not accumulate in it and mites do not infest). An excellent filler along with polyurethane foam, but the prices for such pillows are also high.

Coconut, grass fibers, buckwheat husks

When choosing a filler for an orthopedic pillow, you should base it on the overall health of the baby, the price and the face of the manufacturer.

An environmentally friendly filler, also used in, however, coconut is very hard, and buckwheat husks rustle during sleep.

Therefore, this component is not suitable for every baby, although it has an orthopedic effect and is completely natural.


Pillow filled with balls. Takes the shape of the head under pressure onto the balls. Does not cause allergies. Even after prolonged use and washing, it retains its elasticity and has good ventilation properties.


One of the most popular fillers with low price. Does not cause allergies, easy to use, but short-lived. Such pillows quickly lose their shape. Sintepon is not able to retain its shape, as a result of which the pillow may become deformed. Therefore, it is better to refuse to purchase a product with such a filler.

Various other fillers are also used, such as holofiber or silicone.

Shakirova A.R., pediatrician, Children's City Clinic No. 9, Kazan

Torticollis is quite often observed in newborns; it can be treated with conservative or surgical methods.

If we talk about the first one, then main task is to place the child in an anatomically correct position. For this purpose, doctors often prescribe the use of orthopedic pillows.

In case of hypertonicity, when false torticollis is detected, the emphasis is placed more on physical education and therapeutic exercises. In any case, all actions must take place under the supervision of a doctor.

The cover should be made of natural material, which can serve as:

  • cotton;
  • chintz.

Let's go shopping

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

A large assortment allows you to choose the most best option for a specific baby. Domestic products cost from 400 to 1500 rubles, foreign models will cost 1500-2500 rubles.

There are no dangers in using pillows. However, I believe that in most cases their use is not at all necessary, and such products can be replaced with ordinary rollers made from a diaper.

In some cases, in the presence of certain pathologies, the use of orthopedic pillows is allowed, but only on the strong recommendation of the attending physician.

Orthopedic pillows for newborns with torticollis from this company are made of highly elastic polyurethane foam, ensure normalization of muscle tone, correct formation spine, safety when regurgitating, recovery from various injuries. Prices range from 1500 rub.

The table shows the best orthopedic pillows that are in great demand among parents:

Terms of use

In order for the product to bring only benefits, you need to know:

  • technique of use: how to correctly place a child on an orthopedic pillow;
  • recommended age from which the pillow can be used (when using a butterfly-shaped pillow, for example, it is recommended to use it no earlier than 1 month);
  • to maintain the correct position, it is important to ensure that the height of the bolster corresponds to the width of the baby’s shoulder;
  • It is not recommended to use the pillow for a long time; it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations;
  • If parents notice that the child is tossing and turning, crying and is uncomfortable on the pillow, the product should be removed immediately (most likely, an inappropriate model has been selected that brings discomfort to the baby).

Kuznetsova M.A., pediatrician, Children's Hospital No. 32, branch 1, Moscow

With torticollis, the initial task of parents is to give the child the correct position during sleep. To do this, use various linings, for example, from diapers or bandages with cotton wool.

The use of orthopedic pillows may also be prescribed, which relieve stress on the spine, normalize blood circulation and certain time help cope with the disease.

It is very important to know and understand how to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns to prevent possible complications and health problems.

Before the birth of a baby, parents try to prepare as much as possible for this event. Considering the fact that the child will spend a significant amount of time horizontally, it is necessary to arrange a crib. Bed linen must be made from natural ingredients, the mattress is hard. Previously, pediatricians believed that an anatomical pillow for newborns was strictly prohibited. However, now one can argue with this, because manufacturers produce models that are not capable of negatively affecting the health of children.

The use of a regular pillow for a newborn baby is strictly prohibited by pediatricians. This can negatively affect his spine and neck.

Reasons why your baby should not sleep on a regular pillow:

An orthopedic pillow is a completely different matter. It adapts to the physiological characteristics of the child and has a positive effect on his health.

What does it give?

  1. Supports the cervical spine, normalizes muscle tone.
  2. Helps to avoid flattening in the occipital region and forms the correct shape of the baby’s skull from birth.
  3. Allows you to avoid putting on caps and regulates the temperature that is comfortable for your child.

At what age can a baby sleep on such a pillow? This question interests all young parents. Manufacturers are now producing options for pillows that can be used to place a child from the first days of life.. Of course, it would be advisable to first consult with a pediatrician. He will tell you what kind of pillow the baby needs.

The need for an anatomical pillow for pathologies

Sometimes an orthopedic pillow for children is needed due to the presence of congenital pathologies. The pediatrician must first examine the child and understand at what age this particular child should be put to sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Common pathologies:

  1. With torticollis, the muscles of the cervical spine are poorly developed, which leads to the fact that it is constantly tilted to one side. If treatment is not started in time, the baby will develop scoliosis in the future. For torticollis, the pediatrician recommends that the baby sleep on a special pillow with an indentation (turned to the affected side).
  2. Hypotonicity and hypertonicity. In this case, massage and physiotherapy are often prescribed. An orthopedic pillow also helps to correct the condition of the muscles. Any orthopedic doctor will advise you to buy it.
  3. In case of birth injuries in a baby, the pain can be eased in this way. Surprisingly, it has been proven that anatomically correct form helps calm nerve endings.
  4. When rickets has been diagnosed at an early stage, a special anatomical pillow can be used to avoid deformation of the cervical spine.

In any case, before using an orthopedic product, you must consult with your doctor and find out at what age your child can sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Types of pillows

Manufacturers today produce a huge number of anatomical pillows for children, varying in size, color, thickness, and characteristics of the effect on the body.

  1. Headrest with a slight recess. It's called "butterfly". It is very useful for torticollis in a child. There are models on sale that vary in size; for your child you need to choose the one that will suit his head size. The “butterfly” supports muscles and maintains a comfortable temperature for the baby.
  2. "Positioner". This orthopedic model consists of two rollers connected in the middle with a tape. The model can be used for children of any age. It is possible to adjust the distance between the rollers using Velcro.
  3. Inclined. She is very similar to the usual one. The shape is the same, only the model has an inclination of 30 degrees. This option is very convenient for a child.
  4. Antichoking. When parents just hear the name of this model, the most unpleasant thoughts begin to arise. Of course, the name is scary, but it is safe for children and comfortable to sleep on. The surface is perforated and covered with a special cotton cover. When the baby rolls around in his sleep, this orthopedic pillow will ensure a constant supply of air to the baby.
  5. Multifunctional model. It can be used by mothers when feeding their baby. It maintains the spine in the correct condition and will be needed as the baby grows, when he begins to slowly sit down.

Manufacturing materials

You need to choose an orthopedic pillow for your child, taking into account the individual characteristics of his body. Consult with an orthopedist and pediatrician first so that they can advise on the optimal shape and model of pillow that your baby needs.

Anatomical pillows for small children are made from anti-allergenic synthetic materials, it is for this reason that you don’t have to worry about your baby developing a rash on his body. This won't happen.

Fillings used for pillows:

  • polypropylene;
  • viscose;
  • polyurethane;
  • latex.
  1. When choosing a pillow, make sure that it is made by a trusted manufacturer and has a quality certificate.
  2. Buy orthopedic products for children only in specialized stores so as not to stumble upon a fake.
  3. When choosing a pillow, you need to take into account the baby's age and the size of his head. The child should sleep comfortably.

Manufacturers choose these materials for the manufacture of their products for a reason. Their main feature is elasticity, durability and slow wear. When the baby sleeps on such a pillow, his body and head will be in the correct position. This will contribute to stronger and healthier sleep, and you don’t have to worry about discomfort - there is none.

A correctly selected anatomically shaped pillow for infants is great option, allowing you to take care of the child’s spine from early childhood.

Concerned about the health of their baby, young parents often try to buy the best for their child. If you need a mattress for a newborn in a crib, then only one made of coconut fiber, and if you need a pillow, then recently the orthopedic “butterfly” pillow for infants has become the top seller. What is this pillow and what is it for?

What is a butterfly pillow?

Orthopedic pillows for children are in great demand. They provide comfort during a night's sleep and help relieve neck pain and headaches by providing support to the spine. As for the children's orthopedic butterfly pillow, it performs approximately the same functions. It received its unusual name due to its shape, similar to a real butterfly with wings.

Orthopedic pillow “butterfly” provides:

  • Correct position of the baby's head;
  • Proper cervical support;
  • Removing point loads from the bones of the head.

The butterfly pillow is built on the principle of an ordinary orthopedic pillow and equipped with a small recess in the center. Due to this depression, in which the head fits, a small cushion is formed under the neck, which supports the cervical spine.

As for the back of the head, it rests on the upper roller. The sides of the head rest comfortably on the voluminous side bolsters. It turns out that the entire load from the head is not concentrated at one point, but is evenly distributed among the elements of the children's “butterfly” pillow. Due to this, the pillow helps prevent the appearance of torticollis - a rather serious disease when there is an incorrect tilt of the head to one side.

Another danger that threatens a child from an ordinary pillow is deformation of the skull bones. This often happens with a lack of calcium, when bones tend to bend. The baby pillow “butterfly”, due to its shape and the properties described above, supports the child's head at several points at once. As a result, the weight is distributed more evenly, helping to reduce pressure on the bones of the skull.

When to use a butterfly pillow for infants

The children's orthopedic “butterfly” pillow is recommended for use by children from zero to one year old (sometimes up to one and a half years old). But some experts strongly do not recommend using such pillows until the child learns to hold his head up on his own. However, many parents try to place their children exclusively on butterflies.

Using a baby butterfly pillow from the very early age, parents provide their child healthy sleep And correct location heads in a supine position. Here we can observe the effect that occurs when using the most ordinary orthopedic pillows. Also, the butterfly will prevent head asymmetry, evenly distributing the load.

Lying on a butterfly pillow for newborns, the baby behaves more calmly. The pillow does not interfere with the movements of the head and holds it securely in its embrace. The child feels full head support and is not nervous, which contributes to a more restful sleep.

It must be remembered that the use of a baby “butterfly” pillow in the presence of any congenital or acquired diseases requires prior consultation with a specialist. Do not attempt self-medication and do not use the “butterfly” if you have even the slightest doubt.

How to use a butterfly pillow for newborns

Using the butterfly pillow is very easy. It is placed under the child’s head, while parents need to make sure that the head lies in the hole formed by the contours of the pillow’s bolsters. The lower neck roll should be under the neck and not somewhere else. If necessary, the child will be able to outside help turn over on your side - the universal shape of the “butterfly” pillow can provide support to the neck, head and spine even in this position.

When choosing an orthopedic “butterfly” pillow for newborns, you need to focus on the brand and the filler used. Do not buy pillows from little-known manufacturers. The recommended fillers are polyurethane foam and natural latex. Do not wash butterfly pillows in hot water and do not dry in the open sun.
