Feng Shui talismans - the magic of the correct arrangement of things. How to use feng shui stones and crystals in your interior design

This also includes various precious and semi-precious stones, and their value lay not only and not so much in their beauty, but in their ability to influence a person and his affairs. In Feng Shui, it is believed that stones can be both living and not endowed with life, and this does not depend on the type of stone. And depending on whether a person considers a certain stone to be alive or inanimate, people can intuitively feel whether a stone, mineral, or any other object is animate or inanimate.

Stones and energy zones:

Wealth zone - Southeast.

Stones that are favorable for this zone are considered. Their impact stabilizes the financial situation of the inhabitants of the house. In this area it is good to place a marble figurine or vase, decorate a table or put a pyrite crystal on a shelf.

It is also a good idea to place products made from petrified wood in the wealth zone, whose presence stimulates the energy of growth, including material well-being. Tree figurines with stone leaves are also very beautiful - they combine the energy of stone and wood.

Glory Zone - South.

The zone of glory is combined with the element of fire. Accordingly, you should have red stones here - ruby, carnelian, garnets, red jasper. It is also good to use stones such as hematite and amethyst.

It is also a good idea to add triangular products made of glass, wood and metal to the interior, and you need to place them with the point up. Stone pyramids and druses are good - they will decorate the house and direct the energy of glory into the right direction. Stone trees also suitable for this zone.

Marriage zone - South-West.

The colors of this zone are pink and red, the colors of love. Therefore, it should be here - it attracts the energy of love, as well as tourmaline, which stimulates tenderness and mutual understanding.

Mutual understanding and inner closeness will give the relationship a druse of rock crystal, and a double-edged rose quartz crystal will bring partners closer together and help intuitive understanding and friendship. Stone figurines, eggs and hearts made of garnet, jade, selenite and charoite, stone vases and flowers are also good to place in this zone.

Center of the apartment.

This is a zone of harmonization, and stones such as are recommended here, since it just harmonizes relationships and the general environment in the house. Amethyst also has the ability to cleanse space from bad energy. Jasper in the central part of the home helps to strengthen physical and mental health.

Selenite, adularia and fluorite will help soften and harmonize relations between households. These stones very gently reduce tension and remove negative energy. Onyx and calcite have a similar effect.

Zone of knowledge and wisdom - Northeast.

This is a good place to place stones and minerals such as aquamarine, beryl, amethyst, dolomite, rock crystal, jasper.

They promote learning and knowledge acquisition. Stone figurines of a snake and a turtle - symbols of wisdom - can also be placed here.

Success and career zone - North.

Stones like rock crystal, adularia, calcite crystals, fluorite attract success and material well-being, contribute to success in business and career growth.

How to choose a stone for yourself.

Everyone can choose their own living stone. In modern astrology and numerology, a lot of attention is also paid to stones, but they are recommended to be worn in accordance with the birth number or zodiac sign.

Thus, it is rare to get personalized advice here. The choice of stone is a personal matter for each person - everyone is able to determine “their” stone.

The goal of Feng Shui is to teach a person a harmonious life, in peace with nature and one’s own essence. That’s why natural elements and objects are so important here. Therefore, a person chooses a stone that can always be carried with him himself, according to his personal relationship with the world and with himself. Often people who are not familiar with teachings like Feng Shui acquire stones and other objects as talismans and amulets, purely intuitively feeling their power.

But in our time, few people are interested in the specific properties of certain objects. And in ancient times certain properties were known various elements both the natural world and things created by man. For example, people knew which stones helped against diseases, or protected from an unkind gaze, and which ones could cause harm.

To choose a stone for yourself, you need to listen to your inner feelings that come when you see a particular stone or a product made of stones. If a feeling of strength comes, the mind is cleared and well-being improves, if the stone makes you want to always have it with you, then most likely this is the very stone that you can consider yours.

If a stone evokes such feelings, then it is most likely alive and will give its owner its natural strength. Such a stone will protect and delight, maintain health and improve well-being, and save you from the evil eye and contagious diseases. Stones are also capable of restoring energy resources, aligning the psyche and softening internal contradictions.

I must say that even modern medicine acknowledges medicinal properties stones and minerals. For example, there is such a direction as quantum medicine, which studies the healing effects of fields and vibrations of stones and crystals. There are also many areas of lithotherapy - stone treatment. Each of the five elements of Chinese natural philosophy has corresponding attributes, including stones. For example, belomorite and selenite belong to the elements of water, red jasper and pyrite belong to the element of fire, and ordinary jasper belongs to the element of earth.

Stones in the home.

According to Feng Shui, in each home several specific zones can be distinguished, and each should have a special environment. There are special arrangement parameters different zones apartments or houses.
Zones are allocated and arranged so that energy circulates freely, filling everyone who lives in this house or apartment with balance and good feelings.

Stones and products made from them, like other natural objects, can stimulate the impact of areas of the home. However, you should not overload your home with stones, as well as with other elements of the natural world. This can create an imbalance in energy zones, disrupt balance and lead to poor health, poor relationships and other negative impacts energies of nature.

Carnelian tree of happiness

The feng shui tree of happiness counts and wealth; the amulet looks like an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman; its roots actively absorb negative Sha energy, and its branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual person, the leaves of the tree are made from a certain type of stone. You can choose your personal stone based on your horoscope.

The ABC of Happiness

Each zodiac sign, as well as each situation, has its own responsible stone; by choosing the right talisman, you can fully use its power.


Stones for the tree of happiness


  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Cancer.
  • The stone helps maintain a joyful mood, a cheerful spirit and a clear mind. Aventurine of any color helps with skin diseases, for example, various rashes and eczema, neurodermatitis and baldness.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer.
  • The stone is a talisman of happiness and health; it not only protects you from lies and resists it, but also gives protection from evil spells, protects you from infidelity and betrayal.


  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius
  • Amazonite is a talisman for housewives and guards the hearth. It has a beneficial effect on maintaining an optimistic mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty in one’s actions.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Pisces.
  • The stone harmonizes your consciousness, relieves stress, and maintains the health of the nervous and endocrine systems. Talismans with amethyst are an excellent means for meditation and are a type of protective amulets.


Stones for the tree of happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer.
  • A stone of happiness, it brings you victory and good luck in business. Turquoise will give you confidence in business and become an inexhaustible source of positive emotions.

Bull's Eye (Labrador)

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • This stone will be an excellent amulet for the home and all households; it should be kept in a visible place so that it meets people and is noticeable itself. An amulet of practicing magicians and all kinds of high-level wizards.


Stones for the Tree of Happiness

Jet (Black Jasper)

  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus.
  • This is a talisman for brave and active people; it helps them overcome fears and protects them from obstacles in business. Jet is endowed with the incredible power of daylight, reveals any deception and gives oblivion in unsuccessful love.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio.
  • This magic stone, it contains gigantic energy reserves of beneficial Qi, this energy can give you enormous strength and protect you from any attacks. Increases resistance to stress, improves energy at home.


  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra.
  • Money stone. Prevents disappointment in financial matters. Develops the owner's insight. Protects the house from disasters and accidents

Tiger's eye

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo.
  • This is a talisman for those people who are associated with trade and commerce. The stone actively eliminates competitors, of course, in energy terms. Tiger's Eye will become an indispensable amulet for those associated with the media.

cat's eye

  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn.
  • This is a wonderful amulet against any damage and the evil eye. The talisman will help its owner not to be seen by the enemy or to be unnoticed by him. It will keep unwanted people and wild animals out of your home.


Serpentine (Serpentine)

  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius.
  • This is a talisman for doctors, pharmacists and homeopaths; the stone has powerful energy and can give its owner power, but only so that he can share it with others. As an amulet and talisman, the serpentine is a guardian against damage and the evil eye.


  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio.
  • , effective remedy from asthma, poisoning, rheumatism and frequent violations menstrual cycle.
  • In addition, malachite enhances spiritual powers.
  • Suitable for people who are not very lucky in life. This is truly a stone of happiness, because it attracts people.
  • This is the stone of wise men, helping them to listen to advice and draw conclusions.


Jade stone

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • This stone is revered in China as a sacred symbol of beauty, loyalty and piety. Jade will protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure longevity and family happiness.
  • It is also called the “stone of life”


The stone is opal

  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Libra.
  • In Eastern countries, opal is considered a symbol of fidelity and inexhaustible hope. As a healer, opal influences almost all known types of diseases with its powerful energy field.


Rose quartz

Rose quartz

  • Suitable for signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo.
  • The stone is a symbol of selfless love and protects the family from destruction. Removes negative consequences stress, helps to concentrate strength when difficult life situations arise.



  • Suitable for signs: Aries, Virgo, Pisces.
  • This is a stone of sun and fire, personifying the warmth of life. Carnelian lifts the owner's mood, sharpens the mind, calms anger, and bestows eloquence.
  • Carnelian can be used to preserve marriage and fidelity of a married couple.


  • Suitable for signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • This is the talisman of those people who are engaged artistic creativity, strive for self-expression in beauty, but not so much external as internal. Charoite calms stress and relieves its consequences, activates the brain and memory.


Stones for the Tree of Happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius.
  • This is a talisman of a prosperous home, where order and harmony reign, amulets with jasper protect their owner from negative influences and clear the space from negative impact Sha energy.
  • Suitable for signs: Aquarius, Leo.
  • Amber is an excellent biostimulant that encourages the human body to turn on not only reserve defense mechanisms, but also activate reserve forces, which makes them practically inexhaustible, making the owner invulnerable.

Feng Shui tree of happiness: where to place the talisman?

Where to put the tree of happiness

Quite often people have a question: where should the tree of happiness be placed according to Feng Shui? The answer is simple, place your tree of happiness in the zone that is responsible for the fulfillment of one or another of your desires. For example, if you want to get pregnant, then best place for the amulet it is the west. And if you need money, then the tree should be in the southeast.

Stones by zodiac sign - good choice, however, it is even more important that you feel a connection with the stone. Then he will be your talisman, serving faithfully for a long time.

In tradition Feng Shui stones They are a very powerful possessor and emitter of energies. In particular, they are actively used to create talismans for the home, for example, for the tree of happiness. This tree is a symbol of prosperity, as well as wealth and family happiness. It is an amulet in the form artificial wood, in which semi-precious stones according to Feng Shui serve as leaves. The tree of happiness is primarily a family talisman, since it absorbs negative Sha energy and also promotes the flow of favorable Qi energy. Each person can choose Feng Shui stones in the tree of happiness based on their own preferences. In particular, you can select stones according to your horoscope.

Each zodiac sign has a number of Feng Shui stones that favor it.

  • Aventurine is a suitable stone for Cancers and Leos. It is favorable for good spirits, maintaining a good mood and a clear mind. It will help cure skin and hair diseases.
  • Agate is favorable for the zodiac signs Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus and Gemini. This is a talisman of health and happiness, and it also prevents the appearance of lies and pretense in a person’s life, protects against betrayal, infidelity, and evil spells.
  • The Feng Shui stone Amazonite is favorable according to the horoscope for Sagittarius. This is a talisman of the hearth, suitable for housewives, it relieves human anxiety, gives optimism and good mood, helps overcome uncertainty.
  • The Feng Shui stone amethyst is a talisman for the horoscope signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo and Pisces. This Feng Shui stone helps relieve stress, maintains health, the functioning of the endocrine system, and brings harmony to the human mind. It helps a lot in meditation and also protects a person from everything bad.
  • Turquoise is favorable for the zodiac signs Taurus, Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, and Cancer. This is a Feng Shui stone of happiness; it carries the energy of victories, luck and success. It gives self-confidence in achieving goals, and also gives positive emotions to its owner.
  • The Feng Shui stone jet or black jasper is patronizing for the horoscope of Taurus, Capricorn and Gemini. She is a talisman for active, active and courageous people, helping them overcome fears, doubts, and insecurities. A very strong stone in daylight, it helps to overcome oblivion from unsuccessful love.
  • Hematite stone is favorable for Scorpios, which will bring them a lot of energy and additional vitality.
  • Hawkeye is a Feng Shui money stone (Leo, Capricorn, Libra, Gemini). It will protect the owner from failures in financial matters.
  • Tiger's eye is favorable for people involved in commerce and trade (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn). He will help eliminate competitors, especially in the media.
  • The cat's eye is favorable according to Feng Shui according to the zodiac sign of Capricorns, for whom it will help in preventing the evil eye and damage.
  • The coil for the sign of Sagittarius will be a source of powerful energy and will endow them with vitality.
  • The Malachite stone is suitable for the Feng Shui horoscope of Sagittarius and Scorpio, it will protect them from health problems and help restore strength.

Watch the video which stones suit your horoscope


Among the huge number of stones and crystals, a group of the most famous and popular can be distinguished. Since ancient times, stones have been ascribed special properties - they were used to heal, look into the future, and were used in various spiritual practices. The tradition of using crystals in the ancient art of Feng Shui lifts the veil on the attitude towards crystals in the east in ancient times. By the way, jewelry works on the same principle as natural stones and products made from them. I love hanging my decorations everywhere with natural stones. Here, for example, - Well, why not Feng Shui?

Stones and crystals work in the art of Feng Shui in different ways. Attracted into the room the right energy, strengthen the personal energy field, cleanse and protect from negative energy, and so on. It is fashionable here to use various Chinese amulets, especially jade ones - money frogs, mandarin ducks and other figurines. But a person with a Russian mentality does not always “resonate” with exotic amulets. It is better to approach this issue creatively. Let's look at the 8 best, I would say, "orthodox" feng shui stones - how they are used, how and where they are placed.

Clear quartz

This is a crystal with many useful properties- it cleanses and protects space from negative vibrations, strengthens the energy field. It easily accumulates any certain quality energy, be it attracting love or helping you pass exams. Pure clear quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow and can be programmed to help. This crystal should be in every home or office. It is the premier feng shui crystal and a favorite of interior designers because it goes with any style and decor. Can be made from it door handles, candlesticks or interior decorations. It could be stones different shapes- natural crystals, polished crystal balls and so on - transparent quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow, shimmering when hit by light.

Place clear quartz in areas that need fresh, clean energy, combining the power of sunlight and clean fresh water. You can't place this crystal wrong because clear quartz will generate positive energy anywhere in your home or office. My only advice is to not place it close to the bed. This stone is too active for the bedroom, however, this applies to many stones with a crystalline structure.

Rose quartz

Rose Quartz emits pure, soft, gentle energy of love and healing. It soothes and washes away pain and disappointments, as well as any other negative energies that close your heart. Rose quartz is considered healing when it comes to love in all its forms and manifestations - be it a lack of self-love or painful romantic experiences. This stone is strongly connected to your heart and constantly emits a calming flow of love. This is the best stone for the bedroom, both for adults and for children.

You can put a few pieces of rose quartz in the box bedside table or at her. You can create a crystal grid or even place it under your pillow, especially when you are trying to make sense of your love experiences. Rose quartz is the #1 feng shui crystal for love and marriage. You can put stones in the shape of two hearts or rose quartz mandarin ducks as a symbol of perfect love.


Amethyst, especially deep purple- stone of meditation. It helps clear your energy and support you in your pursuit of deep spiritual experience. There is a very wide range of shades of this stone, from light color lavender to intense deep indigo. The deeper the color of the crystal, the more powerful and expensive the stone. The most powerful are tall geodes with deep and clear purple crystals. Such stones heal any space by transforming low and negative energies into peaceful and powerful light energy. You can also use a few small crystals to cleanse a room and generate calm spiritual energy in any space.

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for your altar or meditation space; it can also be used as feng shui treatment, for personal and spiritual growth. If you are lucky enough to have a deep colored amethyst, keep it away from the sun to prevent it from discoloring.


Jade is the most valuable stone in classical feng shui. This stone has a very long history use in China. Jade still has a reputation as the number one stone for healing, the most famous amulets made from it are money frogs and the laughing Buddha. The market is full of imitations of this stone, this applies to all popular feng shui cameos, so if your heart is set on jade, make sure it is a real stone. Genuine jade emits beautiful energy - calming, renewing and activating. Jade is a friend who accepts you for who you are and at the same time radiates optimism and wise energy that helps you become better. Its balanced harmonious energy makes a woman wise, gives love and acceptance of peace (everything is good).

Deep green jade is ideal for health and family areas, as well as areas of abundance. Jade has different shades. Blue jade, for example, can be placed in the quarry area.

Tiger's eye

It is not difficult to understand the energy of the tiger's eye - the tiger is careful, strong, fast and always achieves its goal. This stone is very popular in Feng Shui. His protective forces very strong and appear very quickly. The beauty of Tiger's Eye protects and nourishes you while creating a stronger, more dynamic, balanced, energetic sphere around you. Because of its strong earth energy, tiger's eye is used in feng shui as an earth element and to heal areas that are either fueled by this energy or contain the earth element. You can place the stone in the area of ​​love and marriage, in the nursery and in the area of ​​creativity. The energy of this stone is amazing, as is the number of variations in its colors and varieties. This is a must-have feng shui stone, especially since it is very accessible.


Despite the fact that pyrite is often called "fool's gold", it is very popular in feng shui specifically for healing the energy of well-being. Pyrite has wonderful properties that can be used to improve the energy in your home or office. And this is one of the best healing crystals for the office - with it, fresh, active, optimistic types of energy and the energy of discipline come into the room. It is also a cleansing and grounding stone. Pyrite often comes in beautiful shapes, such as balls and cubes, making it easy to introduce into any space as a feng shui decorative element. Pyrite carries the energy of metal and gold, which it is very similar to (when it was first discovered, it was mistaken for gold). This is the best feng shui stone to improve wealth and money energy and to heal these areas. You can place the stone in the Abundance zone in your home or office, you can wear it as jewelry, if you feel the need for pure and disciplined types of energy. Pyrite is one of the best stones for those who have water and metal as elements associated with birth (according to Feng Shui).


Carnelian is one of the most beautiful stones, for many - the most favorite. There are always stones that will speak more than others. Carnelian exudes earthy, caring warmth and wisdom. The color of the stones ranges from soft yellow to fiery orange. Carnelian energy is permeated with happiness and optimism, while it is very calm. Thanks to its beauty, carnelian is one of the best cameos for jewelry. Carnelian is a must-have if you need to strengthen your energy and overcome limitations. It is also one of the best stones if you need to activate your physical energy and strengthen the first and second chakras.

Therefore, carnelian harmoniously combines elements such as fire and earth. You are free to use it in any of the areas that can benefit from warm energy. The presence of carnelian is welcomed in the area of ​​love and marriage, as well as in the area of ​​personal growth and spirituality.


Ammonite is neither a stone nor a crystal, but nevertheless it made it onto our list of the best feng shui stones and crystals due to its unique properties. Ammonites acquired their remarkable qualities over the 100 million years of their existence. These fossilized shells of ancient mollusks bring extraordinary energy to any space - cleansing, very powerful and "connecting". The amazing spiral design of this fossil shows how this energy works - it radiates out in a constant rotation and clears the room of any stagnation and remnants of low energies. Information about it is stored in a solid and unchanging form - there is nothing momentary or temporary here. How different this is from our perception of time as a fleeting illusion...

Colorful ammonites are in high demand in Feng Shui. Beautiful fragments of jewelry-quality ammonites are also used. There are ammonites different colors- from airy white to bright red deep colors that lift your spirits and fill you with energy. Of course, the larger the stone is in your space, the more incredible the effect it can have. R The placement of ammonites is limited only in terms of color. For example, if you have an ammonite bright red, you yourself will not want to place it in your home in the health zone. If the color of the fossils is neutral, this ancient beauty can be placed in any area.

So there you have it, the 8 top feng shui crystals for your home and office: clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, jade, tiger's eye, pyrite, carnelian and ammonite. There aren't many good stones on this list - you may have noticed that citrine isn't here, for example. It is very popular in Feng Shui, and amulets made from citrine are no less popular. But this stone is difficult to buy - almost 90% of commercially available citrine is heat-treated amethyst.

If you're new to feng shui, it's best to start with this list of 8 stones, and then add other beautiful and powerful crystals and stones to your arsenal, such as tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, black onyx, jasper and others. Where to buy stones? This is the most difficult question, even despite the large number of thematic exhibitions in Moscow and the huge offer both on the Internet and in off-line sales. This needs to be discussed - write, I’ll share what I know. When going shopping for stones, try to find time so as to avoid rush. When you choose stones for yourself, it is important to feel their energy - the crystals you need will attract your attention more. And sometimes love for a crystal suddenly overtakes you right at the moment when you first see it.

Source of information and inspiration here