Gas pressure regulators. Gas pressure regulators Service life of gas pressure regulator RDG 25

Product composition

The gas pressure regulator RDG-N includes: actuator 2, filter 13, pressure gauge 17, stabilizer 16, control regulator (KN-2) 15, control mechanism 12, throttle 8, 8a, in accordance with Figure 1; RDG-V actuator 2, control regulator (KV-2) 15, control mechanism 12, filter 13, throttles 8, 8a in accordance with Figure 2.


Table 2.

Notes: The manufacturer supplies the RDG-N and RDG-V regulators with settings for the minimum output pressure according to paragraph 3 of Table 1.

Design and principle of operation

The gas pressure regulator is manufactured in two versions RDG-N in accordance with Figure 1 and RDG-V in accordance with Figure 2.

Actuator 2 automatically maintains the specified output pressure in all gas flow modes by changing the gap between valve 4 and seat 3.
The actuator 2 consists of a body with a seat and a guide column 3, a membrane with a rigid center 6, pinched along the perimeter between the top and bottom covers and connected in the center by a pusher with a rod 5, freely moving in the guide column bushings and pushing the valve 4.

Filter 13 is designed to purify the gas used to control the regulator from mechanical impurities entering the regulator from the hydraulic fracturing or gas distribution system.
Filter 13 consists of two housings, one of which has a fitting for pressure inlet, the second has an outlet for pressure outlet.
A filter element is placed between the housings.

The pressure gauge is designed to control the output pressure after the stabilizer or to control the input pressure to the control regulator (KN-2).

Stabilizer 16 is designed to maintain constant pressure at the inlet to the control regulator, i.e. to eliminate the influence of input pressure fluctuations on the operation of the regulator as a whole and is installed only on the low pressure regulator RDG-N in accordance with Figure 1. The pressure on the pressure gauge after the stabilizer should be 0.2 MPa (to ensure the required speed).
The stabilizer 16 is made in the form of a direct-acting regulator and consists of a valve with a seat and a seat overlap plate with a load spring and a membrane assembly with a rigid center, clamped along the perimeter by two housings and connected in the center by a pusher to the valve strip.

Control regulators KN-2 and KV-2 generate control pressure for the submembrane cavity of the actuator in order to rearrange the control valve.
The control regulator KN-2 in accordance with Figure 1 and KV-2 in accordance with Figure 2 consists of a regulator head with two fittings for input and output pressure, a membrane chamber with a fitting for supplying an input pressure pulse. A diaphragm assembly with a rigid center and spring load is clamped along the perimeter between the body and the cover and is connected centrally by a pusher to the head valve.
The KN-2 low pressure control regulator is equipped with replaceable load springs to provide the full range of output pressure. Spring KPZ-50-05-06-02TB (?2.5) provides Pout=0.0015...0.0030 MPa, spring RDG-80-05-29-06 (?4.5) provides Pout=0 .0030...0.0600 MPa.
In the control knob high pressure KV-2 is equipped with a stronger spring, a support washer and a cover with a smaller working area.

Adjustable chokes 8 and 8a in the submembrane cavity of the actuator and on the impulse tube are used to set the regulator to quiet (without self-oscillations) operation.
Adjustable throttles 8 and 8a each consist of a throttle 18 and a fitting 19 in accordance with Figure 3.

The control mechanism 12 of the shut-off valve is designed to continuously monitor the output pressure and issue a signal to operate the shut-off valve in the actuator in the event of an emergency increase or decrease in the output pressure above the permissible set values.
The control mechanism 12 consists of two detachable covers, a membrane assembly pinched around the perimeter by the covers, a control mechanism rod 11, a large 22 and a small 21 spring that balances the action of the output pressure pulse on the membrane.

The regulator works as follows:

Gas under inlet pressure enters through filter 13 to stabilizer 16, then under a pressure of 0.2 MPa into control regulator (KN-*) 15 (for version RDG-N).

From the control regulator (for the RDG-N version), gas flows through an adjustable throttle 8 into the submembrane cavity of the actuator.

The above-membrane cavity of the actuator is connected through the throttle 8a and the impulse tube 9 to the gas pipeline behind the regulator.

The pressure in the submembrane cavity of the actuator during operation will always be greater than the output pressure. The supra-membrane cavity of the actuator is under the influence of output pressure. The control regulator (KN-2) (for the RDG-V version) supports constant pressure, therefore the pressure in the submembrane cavity will also be constant (in steady state).

Any deviations of the output pressure from the set one cause changes in the pressure in the above-membrane cavity of the actuator, which leads to the movement of the valve 4 to a new equilibrium state corresponding to the new values ​​of the input pressure and flow rate, while the output pressure is restored.

In the absence of gas flow, valve 4 is closed, because there is no control pressure difference in the above-membrane and sub-membrane cavities of the actuator and the action of the output pressure.

If there is a minimum gas consumption, a control pressure difference is formed in the above-membrane and under-membrane cavities of the actuator, as a result of which the membrane 6 with the rod 5 connected to it, at the end of which the valve 4 is fixed, will move and open the passage of gas through the gap formed between the valve seal and a saddle.

With a further increase in gas flow under the influence of the control differential pressure in the above-mentioned cavities of the actuator, the membrane will begin to move further and the rod 5 with valve 4 will begin to increase the passage of gas through the increasing gap between the valve seal 4 and the seat.

When the flow rate through valve 4 decreases under the influence of a changed control differential pressure in the cavities of the actuator, the passage of gas through the decreasing gap between the valve seal and the seat will decrease and subsequently block the seat.

In the event of emergency increases or decreases in the output pressure, the membrane of the control mechanism 12 moves to the left or right, the shut-off valve lever comes out of contact with the rod 11 of the control mechanism 12, the shut-off valve, under the action of the spring 10, blocks the flow of gas to the regulator.

Due to ongoing work to improve the regulator, changes may be made to the design that are not reflected in this manual.

Marking and sealing

The regulator is marked with:

  • Trademark or name of the manufacturer;
  • Regulator designation;
  • Product number according to the manufacturer's system;
  • Year of manufacture;
  • Conditional passage;
  • Conditional pressure;
  • Conditional capacity;
  • Sign of the direction of the medium flow;
  • Code of technical conditions;
  • Mark of conformity for mandatory certification.

The marking is applied on the plate in accordance with GOST 12969-67 and the regulator body, except for the conditional one bandwidth, which is given in the RE.

Marking of transport containers corresponds to 1.7 GOST 14192-96 with warning signs according to drawing RDG-80 TrVSb.

Sealing of containers is carried out using bandage tape M-0.4...0.5x20 along the perimeter of the container GOST 3560-73.


The regulator is installed in a wooden box and securely fastened in it. Operational documentation and a set of spare parts are wrapped in waterproof paper, packed in plastic bag and placed in a box with a regulator.

Figure 1 (Gas pressure regulator RDG-N)

Figure 2 (Gas pressure regulator RDG-V)

1-shut-off valve; 2-actuator device; 3-saddle; 4-valve working; 5-rod; 6-diaphragm actuator; 7-throttle washer; 8-throttles adjustable; 9-pulse tube of the inlet gas pipeline; 10-shut-off valve spring; 11-rod control mechanism; 12-control mechanism; 13-filter; 14-candle; 15-control regulator (KN-2); 16-stabilizer; 17-pressure gauge; 18-lever pressure shut-off valve; 19-bracket; 20-screw; 21-small spring; 22-spring large; 23-staples; 24-bracket; 25-reg. small spring screw; 26-reg. large spring screw; 27-bracket.

Figure 3

18-throttle; 19-fitting.

Intended use

1. Operating restrictions.

1.1. Regulated environment - natural gas according to GOST 5542-87

1.2. The maximum permissible inlet pressure is 1.2 MPa.

2. Preparing the product for use.

2.1. Unpack the regulator.

2.2. Check the completeness of the delivery in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1. RE.

2.3. Check the regulator by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and intact seals.

2.4. Product orientation instructions.

2.4.1. Regulators are installed on horizontal section gas pipeline with the membrane chamber facing down. The connection of the regulators to the gas pipeline is flanged in accordance with GOST 12820-80.

2.4.2. The distance from the bottom cover of the membrane chamber to the floor and the gap between the membrane chamber and the wall when installing the regulator in the gas distribution unit and gas distribution unit must be at least 100 mm.

2.4.3. Installed in front of the regulator technical pressure gauge overpressure MGP-M-1.6MPa - 2.5 TU 25 7310 0045-87 for measuring the inlet pressure.

2.4.4. A two-pipe pressure and vacuum gauge MV-1-600(612.9) TU 92-891.026-91 is installed on the outlet gas pipeline near the exit point of the impulse tube when operating at low pressures or excess pressure gauge MGP-M-0.1 MPa - 2.5 TU 25 7310 0045-87 when operating at medium gas pressure to measure the outlet pressure.

2.4.5. The impulse pipeline connecting the regulator to the sampling point must have a diameter of DN for RDG-50 and RDG-80 and DN35 for RDG-150 in accordance with Figure 5. Connection point impulse pipeline must be located on top of the gas pipeline at a distance of at least five nominal diameters from the outlet flange of the product.

2.4.6. Local narrowing of the flow area of ​​the impulse pipe is not allowed.

2.4.7. the tightness of the actuator, stabilizer, control regulator, control mechanism is checked during a test run of the regulator. In this case, the maximum input pressure and one and a half times the output pressure for this regulator are set, and the tightness is checked using a soap emulsion. Pressure testing of the regulator with a pressure value higher than that specified in the passport is unacceptable.

2.4.8. During commissioning work it is not allowed:

  • Shutting off the impulse pipeline connecting the outlet pressure measurement point to the regulator column.
  • Relieving the input pressure in the presence of an output and control pressure difference across the working diaphragm of the regulator actuator.

2.4.9. To increase the speed of the regulator when operating at input pressures of no more than 0.2 MPa, the stabilizer (in RDG-N) is allowed to remove and supply input pressure to the control regulator directly from the filter (according to the RDG-V scheme) in accordance with Figure 2.

Technical characteristics of RDG-80-N(V)

Regulated environment natural gas according to GOST 5542-87
Maximum inlet pressure, MPa 0,1-1,2
Output pressure setting limits, MPa 0,001-0,06(0,06-0,6)
Gas throughput with ρ=0.73 kg/m³, m³/h:
R in =0.1 MPa (using N) and R in =0.16 MPa (version B)
Working valve seat diameter, mm:
big 80
small 30
Unevenness of regulation, % ±10
Pressure setting limit of the triggered automatic shutdown device, MPa:
when outlet pressure decreases 0,0003-0,0030...0,01-0,03
when outlet pressure increases 0,003-0,070...0,07-0,7
Connecting dimensions, mm:
D at the inlet pipe 80
D at the outlet pipe 80
Compound flanged according to GOST 12820
Overall dimensions, mm 575×585×580
Weight, kg 105

Design and operating principle of RDG-80-N(V)

The actuator (see figure) with small 7 and large 8 control valves, shut-off valve 4 and noise suppressor 13 is designed by changing the flow sections of the small and large control valves to automatically maintain a given output pressure in all gas flow modes, including zero, and turn off the gas supply in case of emergency increase or decrease in output pressure. The actuator consists of a cast body 3, inside of which a large seat 5 is installed. The valve seat is replaceable. A diaphragm actuator is attached to the bottom of the housing. A pusher 11 rests against the central seat of the membrane plate 12, and a rod 10 rests on it, transmitting the vertical movement of the membrane plate to a rod 19, at the end of which a small control valve 7 is rigidly fixed. The rod 10 moves in the bushings of the housing guide column. Between the protrusion and the small valve, a large control valve 8 sits freely on the rod, in which the seat of the small valve 7 is located. Both valves are spring-loaded.

Under the large saddle 5 there is a noise suppressor in the form of a glass with slotted holes.

Stabilizer 1 is designed (in the “H” version) to maintain constant pressure at the inlet to the control regulator, i.e., to eliminate the influence of fluctuations in output pressure on the operation of the regulator as a whole. The stabilizer is made in the form of a direct-acting regulator and includes: a body, a membrane assembly, a head, a pusher, a valve with a spring, a seat, a glass and a spring for adjusting the stabilizer to a given pressure before entering the control regulator. The pressure on the pressure gauge after the stabilizer must be at least 0.2 MPa (to ensure stable flow).

Stabilizer 1 (for version “B”) maintains constant pressure behind the regulator by maintaining constant pressure in the sub-membrane cavity of the actuator. The stabilizer is designed as a direct-acting regulator. In the stabilizer, unlike the control regulator, the supra-membrane cavity is not connected to the supra-membrane cavity of the actuator, and a stiffer spring is installed to adjust the regulator. Using the adjusting glass, the regulator is adjusted to the specified output pressure.

The pressure regulator 20 generates control pressure in the submembrane cavity of the actuator in order to reset the control valves of the control system. The control regulator includes the following parts and assemblies: body, head, assembly, membranes; a pusher, a valve with a spring, a seat, a glass and a spring to adjust the regulator to a given output pressure. Using the adjusting glass of the control regulator (for version “N”), the pressure regulator is adjusted to the specified output pressure.

Adjustable chokes 17, 18 from the submembrane cavity of the actuator and on the discharge impulse tube are used to set the regulator to quiet (without fluctuations) operation. The adjustable throttle includes: a body, a slotted needle and a plug.

The pressure gauge is designed to monitor the pressure in front of the control regulator.

The control mechanism 2 of the shut-off valve is designed to continuously monitor the output pressure and issue a signal to activate the shut-off valve in the actuator in the event of an emergency increase or decrease in the output pressure above the permissible set values. The control mechanism consists of a detachable body, a membrane, a rod, a large and a small spring, which balance the action of the output pressure pulse on the membrane.

Filter 9 is designed to purify the gas supplying the stabilizer from mechanical impurities

The regulator works as follows.

The input pressure gas flows through the filter to the stabilizer 1, then to the control regulator 20 (for version “N”). From the control regulator (for version “H”) or the stabilizer (for version “B”), gas flows through an adjustable throttle 18 into the submembrane cavity and through an adjustable throttle 17 into the submembrane cavity of the actuator. Through the throttle washer 21, the above-membrane cavity of the actuator is connected by a pulse tube 14 to the gas pipeline behind the regulator. Due to the continuous flow of gas through the throttle 18, the pressure in front of it, and therefore the submembrane cavity of the actuator, will always be greater than the output pressure during operation. The supra-membrane cavity of the actuator is under the influence of output pressure. The pressure regulator (for version “H”) or stabilizer (for version “B”) maintains a constant pressure, so the pressure in the submembrane cavity will also be constant (in steady state). Any deviations of the output pressure from the set one cause changes in the pressure in the above-membrane cavity of the actuator, which leads to the movement of the control valve to a new equilibrium state corresponding to the new values ​​of inlet pressure and flow rate, while the outlet pressure is restored. In the absence of gas flow, the small 7 and large 8 control valves are closed, which is determined by the action of the springs 6 and the absence of a control pressure difference in the above-membrane and submembrane cavities of the actuator and the action of the output pressure. If there is a minimum gas consumption, a control pressure difference is formed in the above-membrane and under-membrane cavities of the actuator, as a result of which the membrane 12 will begin to move under the action of the resulting lift force. Through the pusher 11 and the rod 10, the movement of the membrane is transmitted to the rod 19, at the end of which the small valve 7 is rigidly fixed, as a result of which the passage of gas opens through the gap formed between the seal of the small valve and the small seat, which is directly installed in the large valve 8. In this case, the valve under the action of spring 6 and inlet pressure it is pressed against the large seat, so the flow rate is determined by the flow area of ​​the small valve. With a further increase in gas flow under the influence of the control differential pressure in the indicated cavities of the actuator, the membrane 12 will begin to move further and the rod with its protrusion will begin to open the large valve and increase the passage of gas through the additionally formed gap between the valve seal 8 and the large seat 5. When the gas flow rate decreases, the large valve 8 under the action of a spring and moving in the opposite direction under the influence of a modified control pressure difference in the cavities of the actuator rod 19 with protrusions will reduce the flow area large valve and will subsequently block the large saddle 5. The regulator will begin to operate in light load modes.

With a further decrease in gas flow, the small valve 7, under the action of the spring 6 and the changed control pressure difference in the cavities of the actuator, together with the membrane 12, will move further in the opposite direction and reduce the gas flow.

If there is no gas flow, the small valve 7 will close the small seat. In the event of an emergency increase and decrease in the output pressure, the membrane of the control mechanism 2 moves left and right, the shut-off valve lever 4 comes out of contact with the rod 16, the shut-off valve under the action of the spring 15 will block the gas flow of the regulator.

1 - stabilizer; 2 - control mechanism; 3 — actuator housing; 4 — shut-off valve; 5 — large saddle; 6 — springs of small and large control valves; 7, 8 — small and large control valve; 9 - filter; 10 — rod of the actuator; 11 — pusher; 12 — membrane of the actuator; 13—silencer; 14 — pulse tube of the output gas pipeline; 15 — shut-off valve spring; 16 — control mechanism rod; 17, 18 — regulating throttles; 19 — rod; 20 — control regulator; 21 — throttle washer

Type: gas pressure regulator.

The RDG-80 regulator is intended for installation in gas control points of gas distribution systems of gas supply systems of urban and rural settlements, in gas distribution centers and gas control installations of industrial and municipal enterprises.

The gas regulator RDG-80 provides a reduction in gas inlet pressure and automatic maintenance set outlet pressure regardless of changes in gas flow and inlet pressure.

The gas regulator RDG-80 as part of gas control points for hydraulic fracturing is used in gas supply systems for industrial, agricultural and municipal facilities.

The operating conditions of the regulators must comply climatic version U2 GOST 15150-69 with ambient temperature:

From minus 45 to plus 40 °C in the manufacture of body parts from aluminum alloys;

From minus 15 to plus 40 °C in the manufacture of body parts made of gray cast iron.

Stable operation of the regulator under given temperature conditions is ensured by the design of the regulator.

For normal operation negative temperatures environment it is necessary that the relative humidity of the gas when it passes through the regulator valves is less than 1, i.e. when moisture loss from the gas in the form of condensate is excluded.

The warranty period is 12 months.

Service life - up to 15 years.

Basic technical specifications regulator RDG-80

Connection to the pipeline: flange according to GOST-12820.

Regulator operating conditions: U2 GOST 15150-69.

Ambient temperature: from minus 45 °C to plus 60 °C.

Regulator weight: no more than 60 kg.

Unevenness of regulation: no more than +- 10%.

Size parameter name



Nominal diameter of the inlet flange, DN, mm

Maximum input pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)

1,2 (12)

Output pressure setting range, MPa



Seat diameter, mm

65; 70/24*

Automatic shutdown pressure setting range RDG-N devices when the outlet pressure decreases, MPa


Range of adjustment of the response pressure of the automatic shutdown device RDG-N when the outlet pressure increases, MPa


Range of adjustment of the response pressure of the automatic shutdown device RDG-V when the outlet pressure decreases, MPa


Range of adjustment of the response pressure of the automatic shutdown device RDG-V when the outlet pressure increases, MPa


Connecting dimensions of the inlet pipe, mm

80 GOST 12820-80

Connecting dimensions of the outlet pipe, mm

80 GOST 12820-80

* - The DN 80 regulator is manufactured with a single seat as standard, a double seat is available upon request.

Design of the gas pressure regulator RDG-80 and principle of operation

The RDG-80N and RDG-80V regulators include the following main assembly units:

- control regulator;
- control mechanism;
- stabilizer (for RDG-N).

1. control regulator; 2. control mechanism; 3. body; 4. shut-off valve; 5. valve working; 6. non-adjustable throttle; 7. saddle; 8. adjustable throttle; 9. working membrane; 10. actuator rod; 11. pulse tube; 12. control mechanism rod.
regulator RDG-80V composition

1. control regulator; 2. control mechanism; 3. body; 4. shut-off valve; 5. valve working; 6. non-adjustable throttle; 7. saddle; 8. adjustable throttle; 9. working membrane; 10. actuator rod; 11. pulse tube; 12. control mechanism rod; 13. stabilizer.
regulator RDG-80N composition
The actuator has a flanged body, inside of which a replaceable seat is installed. A membrane actuator is attached to the lower part of the housing, which consists of a membrane, into the central socket of which a pusher rests, and against it is a rod that moves in the bushings of the guide column and transmits the vertical movement of the membrane to the control valve.

The control regulator generates control pressure for the sub-membrane cavity of the membrane drive of the actuator in order to move the control valve.

Using the adjusting glass of the control regulator, the RDG-80 pressure regulator is adjusted to the specified output pressure.

The stabilizer is designed to maintain constant pressure at the inlet to the control regulator (pilot), i.e. to eliminate the influence of input pressure fluctuations on the operation of the regulator as a whole and is installed only on low output pressure regulators RDG-N.

The stabilizer and control regulator (pilot) consist of: a housing, a membrane assembly with a spring load, a working valve, and an adjustment cup.

To control the pressure, an indicator pressure gauge is installed after the stabilizer.

The control mechanism is designed to continuously monitor the output pressure and issue a signal to activate the shut-off valve in the actuator in the event of an emergency increase or decrease in the output pressure above the permissible set values.

The control mechanism consists of a detachable housing, a membrane, a rod, a large and small adjustment spring, which balance the action of the output pressure pulse on the membrane.

The shut-off valve has a bypass valve, which serves to equalize the pressure in the cavities of the actuator body before and after the shut-off valve when starting the regulator.

The filter is designed to clean the gas used to control the regulator from mechanical impurities.

The RGD-80 regulator operates as follows. The inlet pressure gas flows through the filter to the stabilizer, then under a pressure of 0.2 MPa into the control regulator (pilot) (for the RDG-N version). Text copied from From the control regulator (for the RDG-N version), gas flows through an adjustable throttle into the submembrane cavity of the actuator. The above-membrane cavity of the actuator is connected to the gas pipeline behind the regulator through an adjustable throttle and a pulse tube of the inlet gas pipeline.

The pressure in the submembrane cavity of the actuator during operation will always be greater than the output pressure. The supra-membrane cavity of the actuator is under the influence of output pressure. The control regulator (pilot) maintains a constant pressure, so the pressure in the submembrane cavity will also be constant (in steady state).

Any deviation of the output pressure from the set one causes changes in the pressure in the above-membrane cavity of the actuator, which leads to the movement of the control valve to a new equilibrium state corresponding to the new values ​​of the input pressure and flow rate, while the output pressure is restored.

In the absence of gas flow, the valve is closed, which is determined by the absence of a control pressure difference in the above-membrane and submembrane cavities of the actuator and the action of the inlet pressure.

If there is a minimum gas consumption, a control difference is formed in the above-membrane and sub-membrane cavities of the actuator, as a result of which the membrane of the actuator with a rod connected to it, at the end of which the working valve sits freely, will move and open the passage of gas through the gap formed between the valve seal and saddle

With a further increase in gas flow, under the influence of the control differential pressure in the above-mentioned cavities of the actuator, the membrane will begin to move further and the rod with the working valve will begin to increase the passage of gas through the increasing gap between the seal of the working valve and the seat.

When the gas flow rate decreases, the valve, under the influence of a modified control differential pressure in the cavities of the actuator, will reduce the passage of gas through the decreasing gap between the valve seal and the seat, and in the absence of gas flow, the valve will close the seat.

In the event of emergency increases and decreases in output pressure, the membrane of the control mechanism moves to the left or right, the rod of the control mechanism disengages from the stop through the bracket and releases the levers associated with the shut-off valve rod. The shut-off valve, under the action of a spring, blocks the gas inlet into the regulator.

Throughput of regulators RDG-80N and RDG-80V Q m 3 /h saddle 65 mm, p = 0.72 kg/m 3

Pvx, MPa Rout, kPa
2…10 30 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 500 600
0,10 2250 2200 1850 1400
0,15 2800 2800 2800 2750 2600 2350
0,20 3400 3400 3400 3400 3350 3250 2600
0,25 3950 3950 3950 3950 3950 3950 3650 2850
0,30 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4450 4000
0,40 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 5600 4650
0,50 6750 6750 6750 6750 6750 6750 6750 6750 6500 5250
0,60 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7850 7300 5750
0,70 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8850 8050 6200
0,80 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 9750 8700
0,90 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11200 11150 10550
1,00 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12350 12100
1,10 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13450 13400
1,20 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600 14600

Overall dimensions of the gas pressure regulator RDG-80

Regulator brand Length, mm Construction length, mm Width, mm Height, mm
RDG-80N 670 502 560 460
RDG-80V 670 502 560 460

Operation of the RDG-80 regulator

The RDG-80 regulator must be installed on gas pipelines with pressures corresponding to its technical characteristics.

Installation and switching on of regulators must be carried out by a specialized construction, installation and operational organization in accordance with the approved project, technical specifications for construction and installation work, the requirements of SNiP 42-01-2002 and GOST 54983-2012 “Gas distribution systems. Natural gas distribution networks. General requirements for use. Operational documentation".

Elimination of defects when inspecting regulators must be carried out without pressure.

During the test, the increase and decrease in pressure should be carried out smoothly.

Preparation for installation. Unpack the regulator. Check the completeness of the delivery.

Remove grease from the surfaces of the regulator parts and wipe them with gasoline.

Check the RDG-80 regulator by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and integrity of seals.

Placement and installation.

The RDG-80 regulator is mounted on a horizontal section of the gas pipeline with the membrane chamber facing down. The connection of the regulator to the gas pipeline is flanged in accordance with GOST 12820-80.

The distance from the bottom cover of the membrane chamber to the floor and the gap between the chamber and the wall when installing the regulator in the gas distribution unit and gas distribution unit must be at least 300 mm.

The impulse pipeline connecting the pipeline to the sampling point must have a diameter of DN 25, 32. The connection point of the impulse pipeline must be located on top of the gas pipeline and at a distance from the regulator of at least ten diameters of the outlet pipe of the gas pipeline.

Local narrowing of the flow area of ​​the impulse pipe is not allowed.

The tightness of the actuator, stabilizer 13, control regulator 21, control mechanism 2 is checked by starting the regulator. In this case, the maximum input and output pressure for a given regulator is set, and the tightness is checked using a soap emulsion. Pressure testing of the regulator with a pressure value higher than that specified in the passport is unacceptable.

Work order.

A technical pressure gauge TM 1.6 MPa 1.5 is installed in front of the RDG-80 regulator to measure the inlet pressure.

On the outlet gas pipeline, near the insertion point of the impulse tube, a two-pipe pressure and vacuum gauge MV-6000 or a pressure gauge is installed when operating at low pressures, as well as a technical pressure gauge TM-0.1 MPa - 1.5 when operating at medium gas pressure.

When the RDG-80 regulator is put into operation, control regulator 1 is adjusted to the value of the given output pressure of the regulator, reconfiguration of the regulator from one output pressure to another is also carried out by control regulator 11, while by screwing in the adjusting cup of the control regulator diaphragm spring, we increase the pressure, and turning away - lowering.

When self-oscillations appear in the operation of the regulator, they are eliminated by adjusting the throttle. Before putting the regulator into operation, it is necessary to open the bypass valve using the shut-off device lever; arm automatic shutdown devices; the bypass valve will close automatically. If necessary, resetting the upper and lower limits of the shut-off valve's response pressure is done using the large and small adjusting nuts, respectively; by tightening the adjusting nut, we increase the response pressure, and by unscrewing, we lower it.

Maintenance. The RDG-80V and RDG-80N regulators are subject to periodic inspection and repair. Text copied from The period of repairs and inspections is determined by the schedule approved by the responsible person.

Technical inspection of the actuator. To inspect the control valve, you need to unscrew the top cover, remove the valve with the stem and clean them. The valve seat and guide bushings should be thoroughly wiped.

If there are nicks or deep scratches, the seat should be replaced. The valve stem must move freely in the column bushings. To inspect the membrane, you must remove the bottom cover. The membrane must be inspected and wiped. It is necessary to unscrew the throttle needle, blow it out and wipe it.

Inspection of the stabilizer 13. To inspect the stabilizer, unscrew the top cover, remove the membrane assembly and valve. The membrane and valve must be wiped. When inspecting and assembling the membrane, the sealing surfaces of the flanges should be wiped. Inspection of the control regulator is carried out similarly to inspection of stabilizer 13.

Inspection of the control mechanism. Unscrew the adjusting nuts, remove the springs and the top cover. Inspect and wipe the membrane. Make sure the valve seal is intact. If necessary, replace the membrane. Wipe the sealing surfaces of the housing and cover.

Possible malfunctions of the RDG-80 regulator and methods for eliminating them

Name of the malfunction, external manifestation and additional signs Probable Causes Elimination method
The shut-off valve does not provide a tight seal. Breakage of the shut-off valve spring.
Rupture of the shut-off valve seal by the gas flow.
Worn seal or damaged shut-off valve.
Replace faulty parts.
The shut-off valve does not operate consistently. Cannot be adjusted. Breakage of the large spring of the control mechanism.
The shut-off valve does not operate when the outlet pressure drops. Failure of the small spring control mechanism. Replace the spring, adjust the control mechanism.
The shut-off valve does not operate during emergency increases and decreases in output pressure. Rupture of the control mechanism membrane. Replace the membrane, adjust the control mechanism.
As the outlet pressure increases (decreases), the outlet pressure sharply increases (decreases). Rupture of the actuator membrane.
Wear of sealing gaskets of control valves.
Rupture of the stabilizer membrane.
Rupture of the control regulator membrane.
Replace faulty membranes, gaskets, seat.

Technical characteristics of RDG-50-N(V)

Regulated environment natural gas according to GOST 5542-87
Maximum inlet pressure, MPa 0,1-1,2
Output pressure setting limits, MPa 0,001-0,06(0,06-0,6)
Gas throughput with ρ=0.73 kg/m³, m³/h:
R in =0.1 MPa (using N) and R in =0.16 MPa (version B)
Working valve seat diameter, mm:
big 50
small 20
Unevenness of regulation, % ±10
Pressure setting limit of the triggered automatic shutdown device, MPa:
when outlet pressure decreases 0,0003-0,0030...0,01-0,03
when outlet pressure increases 0,003-0,070...0,07-0,7
Connecting dimensions, mm:
D at the inlet pipe 50
D at the outlet pipe 50
Compound flanged according to GOST 12820
Overall dimensions, mm 435×480×490
Weight, kg 65

Design and operating principle of RDG-50-N(V)

The actuator (see figure) with small 7 and large 8 control valves, shut-off valve 4 and noise suppressor 13 is designed by changing the flow sections of the small and large control valves to automatically maintain a given output pressure in all gas flow modes, including zero, and turn off the gas supply in case of emergency increase or decrease in output pressure. The actuator consists of a cast body 3, inside of which a large seat 5 is installed. The valve seat is replaceable. A diaphragm actuator is attached to the bottom of the housing. A pusher 11 rests against the central seat of the membrane plate 12, and a rod 10 rests on it, transmitting the vertical movement of the membrane plate to a rod 19, at the end of which a small control valve 7 is rigidly fixed. The rod 10 moves in the bushings of the housing guide column. Between the protrusion and the small valve, a large control valve 8 sits freely on the rod, in which the seat of the small valve 7 is located. Both valves are spring-loaded.

Under the large saddle 5 there is a noise suppressor in the form of a glass with slotted holes.

Stabilizer 1 is designed (in the “H” version) to maintain constant pressure at the inlet to the control regulator, i.e., to eliminate the influence of fluctuations in output pressure on the operation of the regulator as a whole. The stabilizer is made in the form of a direct-acting regulator and includes: a body, a membrane assembly, a head, a pusher, a valve with a spring, a seat, a glass and a spring for adjusting the stabilizer to a given pressure before entering the control regulator. The pressure on the pressure gauge after the stabilizer must be at least 0.2 MPa (to ensure stable flow).

Stabilizer 1 (for version “B”) maintains constant pressure behind the regulator by maintaining constant pressure in the sub-membrane cavity of the actuator. The stabilizer is designed as a direct-acting regulator. In the stabilizer, unlike the control regulator, the supra-membrane cavity is not connected to the supra-membrane cavity of the actuator, and a stiffer spring is installed to adjust the regulator. Using the adjusting glass, the regulator is adjusted to the specified output pressure.

The pressure regulator 20 generates control pressure in the submembrane cavity of the actuator in order to reset the control valves of the control system. The control regulator includes the following parts and assemblies: body, head, assembly, membranes; a pusher, a valve with a spring, a seat, a glass and a spring to adjust the regulator to a given output pressure. Using the adjusting glass of the control regulator (for version “N”), the pressure regulator is adjusted to the specified output pressure.

Adjustable chokes 17, 18 from the submembrane cavity of the actuator and on the discharge impulse tube are used to set the regulator to quiet (without fluctuations) operation. The adjustable throttle includes: a body, a slotted needle and a plug.

The pressure gauge is designed to monitor the pressure in front of the control regulator.

The control mechanism 2 of the shut-off valve is designed to continuously monitor the output pressure and issue a signal to activate the shut-off valve in the actuator in the event of an emergency increase or decrease in the output pressure above the permissible set values. The control mechanism consists of a detachable body, a membrane, a rod, a large and a small spring, which balance the action of the output pressure pulse on the membrane.

Filter 9 is designed to purify the gas supplying the stabilizer from mechanical impurities

The regulator works as follows.

The input pressure gas flows through the filter to the stabilizer 1, then to the control regulator 20 (for version “N”). From the control regulator (for version “H”) or the stabilizer (for version “B”), gas flows through an adjustable throttle 18 into the submembrane cavity and through an adjustable throttle 17 into the submembrane cavity of the actuator. Through the throttle washer 21, the above-membrane cavity of the actuator is connected by a pulse tube 14 to the gas pipeline behind the regulator. Due to the continuous flow of gas through the throttle 18, the pressure in front of it, and therefore the submembrane cavity of the actuator, will always be greater than the output pressure during operation. The supra-membrane cavity of the actuator is under the influence of output pressure. The pressure regulator (for version “H”) or stabilizer (for version “B”) maintains a constant pressure, so the pressure in the submembrane cavity will also be constant (in steady state). Any deviations of the output pressure from the set one cause changes in the pressure in the above-membrane cavity of the actuator, which leads to the movement of the control valve to a new equilibrium state corresponding to the new values ​​of inlet pressure and flow rate, while the outlet pressure is restored. In the absence of gas flow, the small 7 and large 8 control valves are closed, which is determined by the action of the springs 6 and the absence of a control pressure difference in the above-membrane and submembrane cavities of the actuator and the action of the output pressure. If there is a minimum gas consumption, a control pressure difference is formed in the above-membrane and under-membrane cavities of the actuator, as a result of which the membrane 12 will begin to move under the action of the resulting lift force. Through the pusher 11 and the rod 10, the movement of the membrane is transmitted to the rod 19, at the end of which the small valve 7 is rigidly fixed, as a result of which the passage of gas opens through the gap formed between the seal of the small valve and the small seat, which is directly installed in the large valve 8. In this case, the valve under the action of spring 6 and inlet pressure it is pressed against the large seat, so the flow rate is determined by the flow area of ​​the small valve. With a further increase in gas flow under the influence of the control differential pressure in the indicated cavities of the actuator, the membrane 12 will begin to move further and the rod with its protrusion will begin to open the large valve and increase the passage of gas through the additionally formed gap between the valve seal 8 and the large seat 5. When the gas flow rate decreases, the large valve 8, under the action of a spring and moving in the opposite direction under the influence of a modified control pressure difference in the cavities of the actuator rod 19 with protrusions, will reduce the flow area of ​​the large valve and subsequently close the large seat 5. The regulator will begin to operate in low load modes.

With a further decrease in gas flow, the small valve 7, under the action of the spring 6 and the changed control pressure difference in the cavities of the actuator, together with the membrane 12, will move further in the opposite direction and reduce the gas flow.

If there is no gas flow, the small valve 7 will close the small seat. In the event of an emergency increase and decrease in the output pressure, the membrane of the control mechanism 2 moves left and right, the shut-off valve lever 4 comes out of contact with the rod 16, the shut-off valve under the action of the spring 15 will block the gas flow of the regulator.

1 - stabilizer; 2 - control mechanism; 3 — actuator housing; 4 — shut-off valve; 5 — large saddle; 6 — springs of small and large control valves; 7, 8 — small and large control valve; 9 - filter; 10 — rod of the actuator; 11 — pusher; 12 — membrane of the actuator; 13—silencer; 14 — pulse tube of the output gas pipeline; 15 — shut-off valve spring; 16 — control mechanism rod; 17, 18 — regulating throttles; 19 — rod; 20 — control regulator; 21 — throttle washer
