What does the name Leila mean in Arabic? What does the beautiful name Leila mean?

What does the name Leila mean:
This name usually means darkness or dark as night, sometimes they simply say dark-haired.

Origin of the name Leila:
This Arabic name having precisely ancient Persian origin.

Character conveyed by the name Leila:

Leila is always an obliging and incredibly principled person, but at the same time she is always a beautiful and extremely charming girl who simply craves some kind of recognition and constant attention from everyone. So she is unusually ambitious and can even be somewhat straightforward, and besides, she is used to directly and openly expressing absolutely all her thoughts or some beliefs.

In her earliest childhood, trying to attract the general attention of everyone around her, Leila was always capricious a lot, especially if she was close to people completely unfamiliar to her. Leila really likes to go to the kindergarten probably because of the wonderful opportunity to have great communication with many other kids. Later, already at school, she seems to grasp everything almost “on the fly”, all sciences can be given to her unusually easily, she is extremely attentive, always collected and very responsible. Extremely neat and very smart, she often looks a little older than all her classmates. But at the same time they probably love her very much easy character, and for incredibly valuable advice for them, as well as for sincere help and constant unselfish support.

Even later, having matured, Leila does not change too much. So she will still be the same responsible, she always plans her future career unusually successfully, she is punctual and simply incredibly loves absolute order in everything, and at the same time enjoys great respect among her colleagues and even management. She will never go over her head, as they say, while striving to achieve everything important on her own. In addition, due to her incredible hard work, she can reach incredible heights in the world with absolute ease. career ladder. It should still be noted that some people dislike her somewhat, probably due to her overly tough and strict character, as well as a certain pickiness, but the most true friends are really able to accept Leila exactly as she really is. However, she doesn’t have many of these most devoted friends, but at the same time she knows for sure that she can always simply rely on them completely and completely. She is, of course, a fighter for justice, and will never tolerate the slightest humiliation of someone weaker, and also cannot tolerate lies and deception.

Leila is very fond of all kinds of walks in the fresh air, at the same time she is a great housewife, and of course she is an excellent cook, but at home, as a rule, there is coziness and simply perfect order. But in relationships with representatives of the strong male sex, she is often still strict, and because of this, she can search for the right one for herself for a very long time. ideal partner with whom he will remain for the rest of his life.

Also, Leila’s behavior in her family life always depends very much on the time of year when the owner of such a beautiful name was born. So Leila, who was born in the fall, is incredibly strict and even pedantic. She is often able to make unusually many demands on her husband, and of course, because of this, this marriage may well fall apart. But Leila, born in the summer months, is more active and energetic. And we must admit that she can even endure her husband’s betrayal quite calmly, simply packing up her things and leaving quite quietly, without any unnecessary quarrels or scandals. In addition, they will even be able to communicate quite well later as old friends, but she will definitely never be able to take him back to her. Leila, who was born in the spring, is much softer in character. And if she suddenly finds out about adultery, she will most likely just throw a huge scandal, but she really is unlikely to be able to decide to leave her husband. But absolutely all Leilas are the most wonderful mothers, incredibly sensitive and very caring.


Meaning of the name Leila

Like night. “Dark-haired” (Arabic) This name is widespread in eastern countries, much less in Europe. In infancy it is prone to bronchitis. Because of the disease she grows restless. Capricious, especially with strangers, but gets along with children quickly, goes to kindergarten with pleasure. In character he is closer to his father. Since childhood, he has shown a passion for cleanliness and order. She is very neat, so she can’t stand slobs and is squeamish. She does well in all subjects at school, is always collected, does everything on time, and knows how to plan her time. Due to such “adult” qualities, he looks older than his peers, but enjoys their respect. Faithful friend. As an adult, she also loves order and is known as a clean person among her friends. Punctual, obligatory, demanding, but not only towards others, but also towards herself. She is hardworking, works hard, achieves great success, and advances well in her career. “Winter” is ambitious, honest, decent. He will never make a career taking advantage of someone else's failures. Because of her severity, many do not like her, and some are afraid of her. She has few real friends, but they are devoted to her. Leila will never refuse help; she willingly takes the weaker under her protection. She is principled and opposes any injustice. “Autumn” loves nature and enjoys gardening. Good housewife, perfectly preserves, excellent cooks. Thrifty and thrifty. She is married several times, but all marriages are not very successful. In relationships with men she is strict and pedantic. Does not allow promiscuous sexual relations, puts forward too many demands on the partner. "Summer" Leila is collected and organized. She has every minute planned out. She is sympathetic to the personal lives of her friends, is ready to help colleagues, and constantly arranges meetings with someone. the right people, gets something, calls somewhere. Although kind, she cannot tolerate manifestations of tenderness both towards herself and towards others. Strict and restrained even in love. She experiences her husband’s infidelity calmly, does not create scandals, he can simply pack his things and leave the house, reminding him at the door to have dinner on time or not to forget about his medicine. After separation she stays with her husband friendly relations, but never returns to it. “Spring” Leila is not so decisive and principled. She is responsive and friendly, sociable. Softer in character. Touchy and vulnerable. Such a Leila will never remain silent after learning about her husband’s infidelity. A scandal is guaranteed for him, but she will not dare to leave him. She is emotional and energetic. Hospitable hostess. Leila gives birth to children of different sexes. Often they are the only meaning of her life.

Numerology of the name Leila

Soul Number: 8.
Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 7

Body number: 1


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Leila as a phrase

L People
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
Y Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Leila

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
Y - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

When future parents are expecting a baby, they are always faced with a difficult question: what to name their child? Many proposals and desires appear, and when there are only a few names left that will definitely suit the baby, it is worth finding out what they mean in order to finally decide on what name will accompany him all his life. Below we will tell you what the meaning of the name Leila is and the history of its appearance.

History of origin

The origin of the name Leila begins in distant history. Among the ancient Arabs it meant “night” or “darkness,” which is quite specific for the usual interpretation. The name was very common in all Arab countries. Subsequently, with divergence throughout the world, Leila also became a popular name in the countries of the New World and Asian countries.


The girl’s character largely collected the canonical features of women from Arab countries. Of course, she has both positive and negative emotions and habits.

TO positive qualities include:

  1. Affectionateness. The baby really loves attention to her person. Therefore, she tries to please everyone around her in order to evoke their love and kindness. In return, she will also have a great attitude towards all loved ones and relatives who will show warm feelings towards the girl. As you grow up, these emotions will dull a little, but the general attitude will remain unchanged.
  2. Emotionality. The lady is always ready to say a lot of pleasant words to the people who surround her, but at the same time, she will not hesitate to express other thoughts if she is prompted to do so by some actions and feelings of a person.
  3. Charm. The girl knows how to attract anyone she likes. It doesn't matter if it's a business partner or future husband. Her charms will be very difficult to resist.
  4. Commitment. A woman will always be ready to answer for her words and actions. If she promises something, she will do it at any cost. At work, she will be greatly appreciated for similar qualities of character, the will to win and perseverance.

Also, it is worth mentioning the negative features:

  1. Conflict. If a girl wants to prove that she is right, no arguments or arguments will stop her. She will defend her position to the end, even if this leads to quarrels and swearing.
  2. Moodiness. Attracting attention to herself, the lady is ready to resort to in various ways. Attracting everyone to her for any motive, she will rejoice at any manifestation of interest in her, even if it is not positive.

The name Leila has collected a lot of amazing character traits, which makes her image complete and fascinating. Relatives and friends will be interested in following her development as an excellent specialist and a brilliant woman.

Correct spelling of name. Declension

The name Leila refers to feminine, therefore, it declines as follows:

  1. Nominative – Leila.
  2. Genitive – Leyla.
  3. Dative - Leila.
  4. Accusative - Leila.
  5. Creative - Leila.
  6. Prepositional - Leila.

If you need to write your name on foreign language, for example in English, it will look correctly like this: Leila. Also, the girl has a lot various variations name. Basic word forms:

  1. Leili.
  2. Lily.
  3. Lilith.
  4. Layla.
  5. Leila.
  6. Lily.
  7. Lilya.

All these names appeared due to differences in the languages ​​of Muslims, who pronounced and wrote transcriptions in the style and sound of their national dialect.

Symbols and objects sacred to Leila

Any name has things and elements that most clearly reflect its character and serve as a source of strength and good luck. The girl's planet is Uranus. This means that Leila will always be a bright personality with sharp thinking and a desire to develop. It is best to give such a name to a child if he was born under the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius.

If a girl wears jewelry that contains amethyst, it will attract good luck and prosperity to her home. It is good when a woman is surrounded by alpine rose flowers or barberry bushes. A woman's totem animal is the electric stingray.


The girl will make excellent progress in her career thanks to her ability to interest and charm any client. At the same time, her hard work will have a positive impact on her superiors and Leila will be able to conquer heights without much difficulty.

The woman will be a wonderful housewife. Her house will always be clean and tidy. She treats all things very carefully and even surrounds them with care and attention. A lady will have many requirements for her life partner regarding intelligence and performance, but if she chooses a man for herself, then family life it will be easy and beautiful. The best union will be with the owners of the names:

  1. Alexander.
  2. Maxim.
  3. Dmitry.
  4. Novel.
  5. Arseny.

Name in history

The meaning of the name Leila in history is quite wide. It was worn by many people who became famous in various fields:

  1. Leila Ali. Female boxer, daughter of Muhammad Ali.
  2. Leila El. Actress from Great Britain.
  3. Leila Gordeladze. Film director from Georgia.

If future parents want to name their baby Leila, a lot of warmth and affection awaits them. Also, the daughter will delight with her successes in school and career, and then will become a wonderful mother to their grandchildren.

What does the name Leila mean? From Farsi it is translated as “night”, and also “dark”, “black”. This is how they usually named a girl with black hair, as if to say: “she is as black as southern night" Therefore, you should not give this name to a newborn baby if it is clear that in the future she will become blonde or brown-haired - it will not suit her. At first, Leila was known only in Persia. But then the poet Nizami, revered throughout the East, wrote his famous poem. Therefore, after the saga of “Leili and Majnun”, this name became popular throughout the Muslim world.

By the way, from this literary work we also draw from a description of the woman herself, named in this way. Of course, the meaning of the name Leila is influenced by the character of the heroine of the poem. Nizami described a stubborn and purposeful girl who remains faithful to her lover, despite the fact that her father strongly opposes their marriage. After all, Keys - this is Majnun's real name - belongs to a hostile tribe. The young man is separated from his beloved, so his nickname translates as “Obsessed with Passion.” Majnun and Layla die without ever getting married. However, they are united in heaven. And the legend about their unearthly love is like “the story of Romeo and Juliet.”

In memory of them, in Azerbaijan (in Nizami’s homeland), Uzbekistan (where, according to legend, there is a common grave of lovers) and throughout the Middle East, girls are named Leila. The meaning of the name influences the character of its bearer: she is passionate, loyal, smart and beautiful. Stubborn and sincere, she does not know how to weave intrigues and will never betray. She achieves everything in life through her work. This girl is neat and decent, an excellent mother and a faithful wife.

And finally, the Tatar meaning of the name Leila. It's just a flower - a lily. And its diminutive form is Lilya. But the flower is not simple. Just as a snow-white lily attracts attention in a garden with its regal appearance and aroma, so a girl with that name immediately stands out among her friends. She is charming, smart, does well at school, and at work is in good standing with her superiors, because she is efficient, responsible and courteous. At the same time, Leila is sociable, spending time with her is easy and pleasant.

But there is another meaning of the name Leila, which comes from the biblical apocrypha. According to him, God first created Adam and Lilith. But the first woman was capricious, she wanted to be equal to Adam, so God destroyed her and created a more flexible Eve from Adam’s rib. For Armenians, the diminutive form of Lilith is Leila. It is believed that her character depends on the time of birth. Autumn and winter ones are more stubborn and capricious, but at the same time they are punctual, principled and very assertive. Spring and summer Leilas are less strict with themselves and others, but they are not devoid of ambition.

It’s interesting that girls were called similarly in Europe. In the Christian tradition female name Dolores is sometimes used in its diminutive form as Leila, but the more popular variants are Lolita and Lola. It is not listed in the calendar. But with the advent of the era of globalization, more and more Europeans are naming their daughters with oriental names, and the meaning of the name Leila is of little interest to them. There are many famous bearers of the glorious name: Leila Bekhti - film star from France, Georgian actress Abashidze, and also ballerina Vekilova and many others.

This name is of Arabic origin and means “twilight”, “night”.

When pronouncing, the stress is placed on the first or last syllable. There is no name day, since it is not in the Christian calendar.

Positive traits

Leila is gentle, sensual and sincere in her expression of feelings. She loves when people show interest in her, constant care and praise. Loves affection.

Negative traits

There is a tendency to find not very suitable companies for yourself and find yourself in unpleasant and sometimes dangerous situations.

Meaning of the name Layla in Islam

  • It plays an exceptional role in Islam, since it is widespread in countries where this religion is practiced. Over time, this name became popular among Muslims around the world. They have several interpretations of this name.
  • Dark Night is an accurate translation. Another version is mild intoxication. The name Leila is associated with a famous Arab legend about the unhappy and tragic love of the poor poet Medjun and the beautiful girl Leila. The content of this legend is a source of inspiration for modern works of poets, composers and artists.
  • Some of the great prophet’s companions were also named by this name. Therefore, in the Islamic world the name Leila is highly respected. For many years it has been one of the ten most common names among Muslims.

Full description of the name

  • Childhood and school. The girl Leila loves to be given a lot of attention. She often achieves this by showing her capricious character. Parents need to promptly wean the girl from such methods of obtaining her needs. She is sociable and loves to be surrounded by her peers. Visit kindergarten will not be a problem for parents. Leila is growing up as a clean and efficient girl. She happily helps her mother with housework and maintains order in her children's corner. Upon entering school, good memory and focus help her study well. The kids in the class love this outgoing girl.
  • Mature years. Discipline and the ability to manage her time characterize the adult Leila. She always remains a friendly and sociable person. She loves to be given enough attention. He will always provide all possible help to his true friend. Among her family, she is a thrifty and prudent woman, she manages to do everything everywhere and everything. Despite her outward coldness, she is a sensual and energetic woman. This is especially evident in young years. Leila is a wonderful friend. She will always give practical advice and can honestly say whatever he thinks.

Fate in love, marriage and family

  • It's external attractive woman. Her marriage is not always successful. Having gotten married, Leila tries in every possible way to subjugate her husband, which often becomes the reason for divorce.
  • She needs a man who will be much stronger in character than her. Realizing this, Leila becomes an obedient housewife. She will be a wonderful wife and mother.

Compatibility with male names

  • A favorable marriage awaits her with Irakli, Timur, Ruslan, Arsen and Bulat.
  • Family problems await with Matvey, Akim, Kupriyan, Vissarion and Abraham.

Professional activities

  • Leadership positions are not very suitable for her. Here you need to make independent decisions, which Leila does not have the ability to do.
  • She needs a job that requires collaboration. She cooperates well with all employees and partners, and can also become a good athlete or musician.


Leila has no health problems. More attention should be paid to the condition internal organs, especially the liver.

Astrological symbolism

  • Zodiac - Capricorn.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Stone – Amethyst, rock crystal
  • Color – Violet.
  • Plant world – Barberry, aspen.
  • Animal world – Electric stingray.

The meaning of stones for Leila

  1. Amethyst – relieves the body of tension and insomnia, regulates the circulatory system. It helps control feelings and suppress negative thoughts.
  2. Rock crystal - harmonizes the physical and spiritual state of the body, relieves headaches, and relieves unpleasant thoughts.

Interests and hobbies

Leila is a persistent person and has the ability to create. The world of artistic excellence is open to her. She can happily take up lace work, master the macrame technique, or make bead jewelry. She feels music and perceives works of art in a special way.

The meaning of the letters in the name

  • L - the makings of creative and artistic abilities, a sensitive understanding of beauty and a willingness to talk about it to a loved one. The desire to know your true purpose in this world.
  • E - the desire for self-realization, the need for self-expression, intuition, thanks to the ability to enter the world of mysterious forces. There is a talent for acting as a mediator between people.
  • A is a symbol of the foundation and desire to start something and realize it in reality. The desire to find spiritual and physical harmony in life.

Dependence of character on birth by season

  1. In winter. A noble, open, but vain person. Because of her demanding nature, people around her are wary of her, and some don’t even like her. A vain person, but always opposes unfair decisions in everything. He will always help his friends.
  2. In autumn. She loves to work in the garden or garden, she is an excellent housewife who knows how to cook well. She can get married several times, since her marriages are unsuccessful. She is strict in relationships with men and sometimes makes many demands on her chosen one. Treason does not forgive.
  3. In summer. A pedantic nature, for whom all things are strictly planned. She is sociable with the people around her and provides all possible help to her friends. IN love relationships strict and restrained. Does not forgive betrayal and lies. If she divorces her husband, she maintains friendly relations with him, but will never return to him.
  4. In the spring. A kind-hearted, attentive girl with a vulnerable soul and a calm character. This is a sociable and active nature. She lacks determination and integrity. Hospitable hostess. Her children often become the only meaning of her life.
