McDonald's equipment. How to open a McDonald's in your city: opportunities and prospects

Some entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a McDonald's. It should be understood that this process is associated with certain difficulties, since McDonalds does not sell franchises in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Purchasing an existing business

But opening a McDonald's in your city is still possible. There are two ways to go. The first one is to buy an existing business. Remember that no one will simply sell an existing McDonald's and to do this you will need to obtain a license, for which you need to go to Canada or America. The cost of the license is 45 thousand US dollars.

However, a trip to America or Canada does not provide a complete answer to the question: how to open a McDonald's in Russia. Due to the fact that the brand is recent years suffers significant losses, he is picky about issuing franchises. It may well turn out that the restaurant you have chosen will be given to another more competent applicant.

If you have overcome all the difficulties and are ready to give the restaurant to you, you are obliged to immediately pay a quarter of the cost for it. The money must be secured by an existing business and not in any way be a loan.

The remaining amount can be borrowed from a financial association that has connections with McDonald's or on the advice of McDonald's. The transaction will not be approved with an outside loan. The rest of the money will be needed to purchase retail space and equipment.

So, how much does it cost to open a McDonald's? To purchase a McDonald's restaurant, you will have to immediately pay at least $1.5 million, and the rest will be paid over the next 7 years.

Another way involves opening a business in Central Asia or the EU.

How to persuade McDonald's management to partner

How to open a McDonald's franchise? Immediately abandon the idea of ​​renting a room. You need to have your own. McDonald's will work with you only if the minimum area of ​​the premises is 400 m2. It would also be a good idea to invite a local specialist from McDonald’s to inspect the suitability of the building. The specialist will need to pay the costs, and McDonald's will bill for the examinations. This costs, regardless of the result, positive or negative, 100 thousand rubles.

At the same time, they often refuse if the restaurant is not being built anew in a crowded place. Even a crowded and densely populated residential area is not suitable. Under such conditions, it is quite problematic to obtain land allocation for construction. In addition, in the city center in crowded places, if there is any land left, it is very expensive.

What does it take to open a McDonald's? If you have agreed, the next step will be to obtain a license and purchase equipment on the recommendation of McDonald's from their trusted suppliers. Prices from these suppliers are usually a quarter higher. Semi-finished products can only be purchased from McComplekt, since the menu and cheeseburgers around the world must taste the same.

Please note that the company does not consider applications without a business plan with detailed marketing research of the region's market. At the same time, the forecast is often unfavorable, since McDonald's around the world is subject to widespread criticism. Moreover, advertising of this brand is prohibited in some countries.

How to open McDonald's?

The first McDonald's in Russia opened in 1990, creating an unprecedented stir among the population. Today, few people can be surprised by such an establishment selling fast food. Nevertheless, some businessmen want to open their own McDonald's, hoping to make a decent profit from the establishment.

To fulfill his plans, an entrepreneur needs to draw up a competent business plan, which will contain the results of marketing research, as well as calculate the profitability and costs of a catering outlet. So, how to open a McDonald's in your city?

When thinking about opening any business, especially McDonald's, an entrepreneur should know that this is a very costly business that requires a competent and responsible approach.

Step-by-step instructions for opening McDonald's

  1. Conducting marketing research on the demand for the enterprise.
  2. , taking into account all the nuances of the activity.
  3. Obtaining a franchise from Russian representatives of McDonald's.
  4. Obtaining documents from government agencies permitting activities.
  5. Purchasing equipment and hiring personnel.

Marketing research: will McDonald's be in demand?

Propaganda healthy eating and the abandonment of fast food have somewhat reduced the popularity of McDonald's, but such fast food outlets are still in demand and bring in a good, stable income.

The popularity of MCDonald’s is due to the following factors:

  • Low prices, making it accessible to the entire population.
  • Tested over the years, people's favorite recipes for cooking, thanks to which you can quickly select the desired dish from the menu and have no doubt about its deliciousness.
  • A competent PR company that attracts people to the restaurant.
  • Possibility to hold a variety of events designed for the presence of several dozen people.
  • A ban on the sale and consumption of tobacco and alcoholic beverages at McDonald's, which allows the restaurant to be positioned as a family restaurant.
  • Possibility of holding fun and original holidays for children on the McDonald's premises with the opportunity to choose children's meals.

What should you pay attention to?

When conducting research on the demand for a restaurant in a particular city, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • population- in small cities the customer flow will be lower than in large cities, and accordingly, the profit will also be several times less;
  • McDonald's location- it is advisable to locate the restaurant in the city center, near shopping centers(if this is a separate room) or in the shopping centers themselves;
  • financial security of the population- if in a city where excessively low salaries are planned, then it is unlikely that people will want to spend their money on hamburgers and Coca-Cola outside of holidays.

After analyzing these facts, we can draw a conclusion about the profitability of opening a McDonald's in your city.

Mandatory conditions for obtaining a McDonald's franchise in Russia

Most entrepreneurs buy a franchise in the form of an existing restaurant, and only a small part of businessmen open McDonald's from scratch. In principle, in terms of the amount of costs for this business, it is difficult to find any special differences; in both cases they will be high.

In Russia, McDonald's licenses became available to sell in the spring of 2012; before that time, in order to obtain a franchise from the largest fast food restaurant chain, it was necessary to personally visit representatives in Canada or the United States of America.

McDonald's has announced that only those entrepreneurs who have been successfully running their own restaurant business for many years will be able to obtain a franchise. In fact, any businessman who has the means and experience in running a profitable business can become a franchisee.

Financial stability is the key to success

The most important factor assessed by McDonald's specialists is the financial security of a potential franchisee. Thus, the amount of the advance payment varies within the following limits:

  • 25% - when purchasing a restaurant that is already operating;
  • 40% - with independent opening McDonald's.

You can pay the first advance payment exclusively from your own funds, namely:

  1. In cash or by bank transfer.
  2. Profit received from the sale of real estate.
  3. Debentures, bonds and other securities.
  4. Shares in a successful business.

For the remaining payment, you can get a loan for a 7-year period. The restaurant company itself does not deal with loans, but has connections with many international credit institutions. A loan for opening and purchasing a McDonald's is considered one of the most profitable in the industry, since the lowest interest rates are charged.

In addition, you will need to pay McDonald's monthly:

  1. Rent (percentage of monthly sales or base rate).
  2. Service remuneration currently amounts to 4% of the restaurant’s monthly sales.

How to get a MCDonald's franchise?

To obtain a license to operate a restaurant, you can visit the day open doors conducted by leading Russian McDonald's managers or write a letter to email address [email protected] to remotely clarify the possibility of obtaining a franchise.

Cooperation with McDonald's is beneficial financially and personally; it allows you to receive consistently high profits and develop in the restaurant industry.

To obtain a license to open or purchase an operating restaurant, an entrepreneur must meet the following requirements and fulfill certain conditions:

  1. Provide one that takes into account the smallest details and nuances of the future restaurant.
  2. Have a lot of money.
  3. Have excellent communication skills and an excellent understanding of economics, finance, and marketing.
  4. Be a leader and have the ability to manage staff.
  5. Be able to support high standards service and product quality in the restaurant.

Documentation of restaurant activities

Opening a restaurant, like any other type of activity, implies it official registration with government agencies.

What is needed to open a McDonald's?

  1. or(you probably already have these documents, since franchise applications from applicants without experience in running a successful McDonald's business are not even considered).
  2. Get permission to open a restaurant in certain place from the Fire Department.
  3. Obtain permission from RosPotrebNadzor(sanitary epidemic station) for the work of the restaurant.
  4. and others government bodies information about employees, provide staff with medical books.

Purchase of equipment and rental of premises

Most often, the premises where the restaurant will be located belongs to McDonald's USA LLC, so the lease agreement will be concluded with this company. McDonald's managers will also provide contacts of equipment suppliers whose prices are more favorable due to the concluded cooperation agreement.

The main cost items are:

  • repair, creation of external and interior design in accordance with the standard for the McDonald's chain;
  • landscaping and equipment (tables, chairs, benches, umbrellas, etc.) of the area adjacent to the restaurant;
  • manufacturing promotional materials- signs, flyers, leaflets, as well as - conducting a PR campaign;
  • purchasing furniture for McDonald's;
  • purchase of kitchen utensils and equipment.


Experienced mentors from McDonald's will provide assistance to the entrepreneur if a new restaurant opens. The peculiarity of the personnel policy of the restaurant chain is that all employees, including the cleaning lady, must be highly qualified and must undergo preliminary training.

Mentors, as a rule, provide training to hired workers and initially supervise the activities of the restaurant. After the launch and successful start of the project, the mentors leave, and all responsibility for recruiting and training personnel falls on the shoulders of the restaurant owner.

Purchase of semi-finished products and compliance with SES requirements

The management of the restaurant chain cares about unquestioning compliance with the law, therefore, in the Consumer Corner and on leaflets lying on trays, it is necessary to indicate composition of dishes, calorie content and nutritional value products.

The McDonald's menu is not permanent; new dishes are regularly added to it, developed by the French Food Studio. In any of the chain restaurants you can buy standard dishes - hamburgers, French fries, sandwiches, desserts.

Each McDonald's can independently include new items in its menu, but the general concept must be respected. Today, the menu of McDonald's restaurants corresponds to the pan-European one and is in excellent demand.

McDonald's must comply with SES requirements, as well as service requirements:

  • personnel can only serve with special gloves;
  • all products and semi-finished products are stored exclusively in refrigerators and freezers;
  • the cooking process is perfected to the point of automation and corresponds regulatory requirements on maintaining hygiene and cleanliness;
  • Each prepared dish has a strictly defined shelf life - for example, French fries - only 5 minutes, and a sandwich - 10.

McDonald's business plan: costs

Opening a McDonald's is far from a budget event. According to the average estimate, a business will cost an entrepreneur from 1,015,000 to 2,166,000 US dollars.

Basic expenses

  • 45 000 $ - down payment;
  • 10 000 $ - the deposit required for the training, it is returned in case of successful completion of the training;
  • from $1,000,000- costs of purchasing equipment;
  • rental costs, taxes, utilities and wages personnel are calculated individually.

At McDonald's, it is important to take into account the fact that for the preparation of restaurant dishes only products from those suppliers with whom the company has a contract. Accordingly, their cost will be higher than when purchasing products from local producers, due to transportation costs.

Even the most popular McDonald's restaurant gives profit of up to 25% that sharks restaurant business They don’t consider it a serious amount.

But, if you want to open a prestigious restaurant and receive professional support in the first stages, opening a McDonald's on a franchise basis is the ideal option.

How to open McDonald's? Watch the following video instructions for detailed recommendations:

Recently, the franchising services market has been replenished with a new offer from a global brand of goods catering. Today in Russia there is an opportunity to buy a McDonald's franchise, a popular global fast food chain. However, the terms of a partnership agreement with a restaurant in the country are acceptable only to big businesssmall companies will not be able to withstand the demands of representation and the heavy financial burden.

The reason for the relaxation for domestic entrepreneurs was the sharp increase in the number of retail outlets of competing chains and potentially tall size lost profits. Thousands of shoppers bought sandwiches and pancakes every day when they would have preferred to dine on fries and hamburgers at McDonalds. Therefore, the company’s representative office allowed “outsiders” to enter the business, but only to a limited circle.

How much does it cost to open a McDonald's restaurant in Russia?

The franchise fee is quite high since the McDonalds brand is one of the top five most famous names in the world. Restaurant owners do not need to worry about visitors - the main flow of customers will be provided by the trademark and federal advertising. However, compliance with corporate style and high quality customer service will require a significant initial investment, as well as monthly royalties.

Franchise cost and additional expenses:

  • initial investment: $1-2 million;
  • of which the franchise price: $45 thousand;
  • monthly royalties: 12.5 -15% of profit or 4% of turnover;
  • marketing expenses: 4.5% of net profit per month;
  • rent for premises: 10-20% of profit monthly.

Cosmetics franchise

Up to 40% of the profit can be spent on business development and regular payments, but even with such payments, income will exceed the entrepreneur’s expectations. For example, with daily revenue of 500 thousand rubles, the profit of the enterprise will be 6-10 million rubles per month.

Important to know! You can open a McDonald's franchise only for a period of 20 years. After the agreement expires, the contract is extended. The terms of cooperation may be revised at the insistence of the parties.

In addition to receiving a stable income, the partnership agreement imposes on the franchisee a whole series responsibilities:

  1. the owner will not be able to simply buy a McDonald's franchise - he will have to take part in all events of the network;
  2. purchase food and semi-finished products only from the company’s warehouses, and delivery costs are up to 30% of the cost of the shipment;
  3. obtain the necessary certificates, approvals from inspection bodies, issue medical records for restaurant employees;
  4. train management and field personnel in accordance with company standards in quality of service and food preparation rules.

Important to know! The chain's representative office regularly conducts mystery shopping inspections of retail outlets to ensure that the restaurant's operations comply with company standards. Events are held in all cities, so it is important for an entrepreneur to monitor the level of service - staff errors can become a serious reason for claims by the franchisor.

A functioning McDonald's requires participation in network events that support the image of the enterprise: campaigns to protect environment, in support of youth sports, sick children.

Butcher shop franchise

Who will be allowed to buy a McDonald's franchise?

Experienced managers say: popular brands always high demands to a potential franchisee. McDonalds is no exception. Among their partners, company representatives want to see professionals:

  • with management experience;
  • having experience in the catering industry;
  • having a positive reputation in business circles;
  • with a positive credit history;
  • having initial capital to start a business;
  • having an extended business plan for the project;
  • interviewed by McDonald's directors.

Important information! Potential partners, before buying a franchise and opening an establishment, are required to take a course in practical network management. The cost of the training program is $10,000, duration is 9 months. During the classes, businessmen gain basic skills in managing the McDonalds chain, learn marketing subtleties, process.

To pass such a test, the partner will have to show miracles of motivation and demonstrate management skills at the stages of the production cycle. The candidate will need developed communication skills, an open mind, and knowledge of the catering business.

It is believed that the company’s management opens its doors only to a select few - experienced, accomplished businessmen with developed management skills, outstanding leadership qualities and financial literacy. You can apply for a partnership on the company’s official website.

What risks are possible when buying a franchise?

In Russian cities where there have never been McDonald's restaurants, an entrepreneur may face a number of risks.

Some businessmen who have a large sum of money in their hands want to know how to open a McDonald's in their city. And this is not very easy, because the company does not sell to countries former USSR. However, there are several options for how this can be implemented. If you dream of opening this company in your city, then consider all the options and choose the one that suits you.

Working McDonald's

From this article you can learn how to open a McDonald's in your city. Here we present several options for opening this establishment.

So, the first option is to buy already ready business. However, there are few people willing to sell a running McDonald's. You will have to go to America or Canada, because you can only purchase a license there. The price of a permit to open a restaurant is 45 thousand dollars, plus another 1.5 million dollars will have to be paid for purchasing a restaurant. Since McDonald's is currently operating at a loss, the company's directors are reluctant to sell their restaurants and are very picky in choosing a buyer. It is quite possible that the restaurant you have chosen will pass into the hands of your competitor. In this case, don’t be upset, but think about opening some kind of restaurant in the fresh air. If you have already agreed to purchase an establishment, then be prepared to immediately pay 25% of the cost, but this money cannot be taken on credit. They can be invested in real estate or business, so before you get ready to open a McDonald's you need to have a fairly large sum of money.


And in this part of the article we will tell you how to open a McDonald's franchise. For Russian entrepreneurs to conduct such a business, a McDonald's franchise is a real prospect. To open a branch in your city, you need to have a lot of capital on hand, because running it will require huge investments, so this business is suitable only for large businessmen. You will also need to pay the franchisor every month. Therefore, if you are an inexperienced businessman, open something simple to start with, for example, a dumpling shop in the city center or a crowded place.

Let's list the approximate costs and calculate the cost of a McDonald's franchise:

  • Investments from 1 to 1.5 million dollars;
  • Royalty – 12.5%;
  • Franchise – 45 thousand dollars.

Recently, many competing restaurants have opened, so in the near future the conditions for obtaining a McDonald's franchise will be softer. From now on, you know the cost of opening a McDonald's, and you can objectively assess your financial capabilities.

Basic conditions for franchising

In order to purchase a McDonald's franchise, candidates must first complete a training course at the company's restaurants. This will help you get acquainted with the intricacies of marketing in advance and study the technological process in detail. The course costs 10 thousand dollars. Studying does not go quickly, so by the end of the training, mostly only ardent fans of the company or fans of the restaurant business remain. Purchasing a franchise gives you the right to open a new restaurant. The franchisor does a lot of work, so he must know certain nuances in this area and have communication skills.

Subtleties of working at McDonald's

In order to find out the answer to the question of how to open a McDonald's you need to read our publication. To work under the brand of this company you must participate in social life society. The restaurant director should be interested in:

  • Company policy;
  • Participate in various actions, for example, to protect the environment;
  • Provide support to young football players;
  • Conduct competitions and various events.

As a result, McDonald's popularity is growing. In these ways, the restaurant attracts new customers and gains people's respect. The franchisor is approved after several interviews. Only selected people who have excellent management skills and, if they are accomplished individuals, get into McDonald's.

Despite the high cost of the franchise, many businessmen still decide to open their own McDonald's restaurant and ultimately receive an excellent income.

Equipment for work

To purchase equipment and open a restaurant, you need approximately $1 to $1.8 million. This money is needed for:

  • Preparation for opening;
  • inventory;
  • Hall furniture;
  • Kitchen equipment;
  • For room decoration.
  • First you need to outline an action plan, and only after that start choosing the right equipment.

Staff of workers

The company mainly recruits women. As a rule, they are not very beautiful, because this is one of the company's strategies. The company's management believes that men, when they flirt with beautiful girls, delay the line, and as a result, this is reflected in a decrease in profits. That's why beautiful girls They basically don’t hire for this job. In addition, employees are not allowed to paint their nails, wear short skirts or use eau de toilette. But in the 70s, only men were hired for this job. After so much time, they decided to fix this and began recruiting girls. And so that men would not be distracted from their duties, girls were designed with uniforms that hide their figure.

McDonald's operating costs

It costs the owners a lot of money to run McDonald's. more money than their local competitors. This is because it is impossible to use local products in production, and transportation costs must be added to the cost of branded semi-finished products. In addition, even the position of cleaner cannot be hired by unqualified personnel. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess your capabilities.


All profits received from the restaurant must be distributed to:

Service reward. It amounts to 4% in favor of the company from sales, not from profits. And this is a very tidy sum;

Brand rent. The amount of the annuity is not precisely formulated, so it is unknown whether it is an additional percentage of sales or some specific amount. Basically, a start-up restaurant is given a specific brand fee. And when a restaurant becomes successful and profitable, they assign a percentage of sales. Therefore, first think about whether it is profitable to open a restaurant in your city.

Let's sum it up

All our advice helped you find out the answer to the question of how to open a McDonald's in Moscow. Since this brand is popular, the McDonald's franchise is of interest to many people. There are more than 300 restaurants of this restaurant in the Russian Federation alone. Since competing restaurants are growing very quickly, one must hope that after a while there will be no problems with purchasing a franchise. And the company management will offer favorable conditions and reasonable prices.

Trade turnover for one month:

  • 2 million drinks;
  • 2.5 million French fries;
  • 1.1 million milkshakes;
  • 1.15 million sandwiches;
  • 950 thousand pies.

All dishes are prepared from quality products that meet all established standards. Independent experts periodically conduct inspections at all stages of production. When manufacturing products, compliance with rules and sanitary standards is very strictly monitored. McDonald's will not yield to competitors, so they will constantly expand this network in our country. Investors must approach this business scrupulously so as not to miss anything important and buy a franchise on time.

There are entrepreneurs who are still worried about the question: how to open a McDonald's in their city? Let's face it - open more or less in a simple way impossible. McDonalds does not sell franchises within the Russian Federation and the CIS. Here is the direct text, source –

But let's say you definitely want to become the owner of a Mac. There are two ways here. The first is to buy an existing McDonald's.

How to buy a functioning McDonald's

You cannot open a McDonald's in your city in the Russian Federation and the CIS from scratch, you can only buy it. But they won’t just sell it to you. You will need to travel to the US or Canada to obtain a McDonald's license. Its cost is 45,000 thousand US dollars.

But this does not guarantee the purchase of the restaurant you like. McDonald's has been suffering losses around the world over the past few years and, as a result, is selective in choosing its franchisees. The transaction application must be approved by McDonald's USA LLC. It may well turn out that the restaurant you have your eye on will be given to another candidate who, in the opinion of McDonald’s experts, is more competent.

Let’s say you’ve overcome this, and they’re ready to sell you a restaurant. You must be ready to immediately shell out at least 25% of its cost, but no less than $500,000. And this money must be free, i.e. non-credit and secured by an existing business, profitable real estate, etc.

For the rest, you can take out a loan for 7 years, from a credit institution that has connections with McDonald’s and on the recommendation of McDonald’s. With an outside loan, the transaction will not be approved, although there is no such condition explicitly on the company website. The “rest” will range from $600,000 to $1,500,000, depending on the retail space of the establishment and the cost of equipment.

So, for the purchase of a McDonald's restaurant you will have to immediately pay no less than 1.5 million US dollars, and pay at least the same amount over the course of 7 years.

The second way is to go to the EU or Central Asia and open a Big Mac there. In this case, how much will it cost to open a McDonald's in your city?

Is it difficult to open a new McDonald's?

A rented room will not work; you need your own. When purchasing, you need to count on a hall area for visitors of at least 400 square meters. m., otherwise “Mac” will refuse to work with you. You can invite a specialist from McDonald's to examine the suitability of the task, not necessarily American, but possibly local. But he will have to pay all expenses, and pay McDonald's for the examination. This is at least 100,000 regardless of the result. That is, you pay, and if you were told “no,” the money is gone.

And they will definitely say “no” if the restaurant is not being built anew in a good, crowded place. Let's say in a holiday park. A residential area, even a crowded and wealthy one, will not work. What it costs to achieve land allocation for construction in such conditions and what it will cost is a subject for a separate discussion.

But even if “yes”, then again – a paid license, see above. Equipment - only on the recommendation of McDonald's, from suppliers verified by the company. Prices there are at least 25% higher than for the same thing from “not our own”. Semi-finished products - only from Makkomplekt. A “Chicken menu” or a cheeseburger should taste exactly the same all over the world.

On average, at the moment, opening a new McDonald's costs at least $2 million, but most often it doesn't get to the point of opening.

Mak does not consider applications without detailed business plan with a reliable forecast of profit growth based on comprehensive marketing research. How much this costs the applicant is also a subject for a separate discussion, but in the current conditions the prognosis most often turns out to be unfavorable. Alas, McDonald's is losing its reputation in its homeland right before our eyes, and the quality of its food is increasingly becoming the object of criticism. McDonald's advertising is banned in many countries. And most often it turns out to be simply unnecessary.

Here's an example. A water park in a popular resort town with its own population of 200 thousand and in the summer up to 1 million visitors at the same time. There is as much space for construction as you like. But the proposed McDonald's, according to research results, turned out to be unprofitable. Vacationers during the day on the beach, where there are any number of cafes with beer around five steps away, in the evening - in hot spots, and Mak does not offer either alcohol or striptease.

Therefore, even if you are a staunch supporter of the Big Mac, the first thing you need to decide is: is it profitable to open a McDonald's in your city?

Overheads and running costs


But the profits will have to be shared.

  • Firstly, the service fee in favor of McDonald's is 4% of monthly sales, not of net profit.
  • Secondly, brand rent. The corporate formulation is very vague: either a fixed monthly amount, or an additional percentage of sales. Specific numbers are not provided.

In fact, McDonald's operates like this: at first there is a fixed fee, and if the restaurant has become popular, they assign a percentage, and arbitrarily, based on some of their internal considerations.

Let's sum it up

Considering that even the popular McDonald's makes no more than 10-25% of profit, you will have to come to terms with the fact that your own net profit in the first 7 years, before repayment of the loan, will not exceed 3-5%, which is at the level of bank interest on ruble deposits. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening a McDonald's in your city can hardly be considered attractive. Experienced “restaurant owners” prefer to develop fast food chains based on local cuisine and local products. Not so prestigious, but profitable.

There is a third way. Get a job at McDonald's, make a career, and convince the company's senior management to open a branded restaurant in your city under your management. But this will not be your restaurant, you will be just a hired employee there.
