How to choose honey: checking the documents. Basic documents for a beekeeper

Are you tired of my stories about honey yet? I hope not. Moreover, today I want to raise an important topic - about the documents that every honey seller should have. If for some reason you doubt the quality of the product, it will be useful for you to know what documents to ask the person who sells honey.

Certificate of availability of personal subsidiary plot (LPH)

By law, the apiary must be under the supervision of veterinary and tax services. Beekeeper like individual registers private household plots indicating that there are, for example, 50 bee colonies on his farm. A certificate of the presence of private household plots is issued by the local administration. This is how the beekeeper officially declares that he has an apiary. This gives the veterinary service a reason to monitor it.

Veterinary and sanitary passport of the apiary

The apiary passport reflects everything you do to ensure the health of the apiary and the proper sanitary condition of the inventory and equipment. It is marked by veterinarians who annually check several points:

  • apiary health (based on studies of bee colonies for various diseases);
  • preventive measures(according to the apiary log);
  • safety of honey (according to laboratory test reports).

In the spring, each successful apiary receives marks in its passport, which must be renewed every year. Without a valid passport, the beekeeper will not receive accompanying documents for honey and other beekeeping products.

Veterinary certificate

Beekeepers use large containers to store honey. A product that is not packaged in smaller containers has the status of raw materials. If a beekeeper cannot or does not want to package honey, he sells the raw material directly in containers at fairs or large-scale production. In any case, such a beekeeper must have a VSD (veterinary accompanying document), which indicates: the type of beekeeping product, the place and year of collection, the weight of the product and a mark that the area is free from quarantine and especially dangerous diseases.

Such a document is issued if the honey has successfully passed the quality and safety test. Research is carried out by accredited laboratories that issue test reports.

To sell packaged honey, a VSD is also required (since 2017, a VSD can be obtained from electronic form or traditional version on the form according to f-2 or f-4).

You can also ask sellers of packaged honey for other documents. Since packing shop has a production program with control of incoming raw materials; packaged honey most often has a Declaration of Conformity Technical regulations Customs Union. The fact that the product has such a declaration is indicated by the EAC icon on the label.

The declaration is not required by law, but in practice almost everyone has one. Thus, the manufacturer voluntarily declares that it produces a safe and high-quality product that meets the standards of TR CU 021 and 022.

The declaration is required only for honey with additives, say, berries, because such honey, according to the law, has been processed. In this case, the manufacturer receives a declaration in accordance with CU regulations 021, 022 and 029.

Declarations of conformity are publicly available on the website of the Russian Accreditation Agency. You can check whether the manufacturer has this document or whether he is illegally using the EAC badge (when checking, select the second item - “National part of the unified register”).

So, when buying honey at the fair, ask for the following documents: an apiary passport, a certificate of private ownership (if the seller says that he is a beekeeper) and a veterinary certificate (the beekeeper’s name must match on these documents). If you are looking at packaged honey in a store, look for the EAC, STO or TU symbol (if the honey contains any additives such as berries or pollen).

Price issue

Many beekeepers claim that their honey is the most natural and very good, but they do not do the paperwork on purpose, since paperwork supposedly affects the cost of honey, and in general, “paperwork” is a pointless exercise.

In practice, a certificate of private household plot costs about 100 rubles and is updated once a year. An apiary passport is issued free of charge, and annual control by veterinarians (one or two visits per year) costs the beekeeper up to 1,000 rubles.

One veterinary certificate (250 rubles) can be obtained for each honey harvest. If the apiary is stationary, and its owner pumps out honey twice during the summer, he must have two veterinary certificates - for each pumping. This is 500 rubles.

Bee honey is useful product, especially if it is natural. Many beekeepers are engaged in this business. When the product is ready, the question arises of how to sell honey. You need to rely on the sales mechanism to get high profits. It should be borne in mind that the bee product is in demand among ordinary people, as well as cosmetologists and food industry specialists. It is bought at any time of the year.

Principles for selling honey

How to sell honey? The product must be of high quality, otherwise it will not be in demand. It is necessary to comply with the standards for its storage, it is important to collect it correctly. It is necessary to control the condition of the bees in order to increase productivity.

You should communicate with beekeepers and find out about the marketing of the product. In this matter, activity planning is important. It will be much more convenient if the responsibilities are shared. Work must be carried out on advertising, sales and improvement of product quality.

Implementation options

Where to sell honey? There are several options for selling this useful product:

  • On the market at retail price.
  • Wholesale to enterprises.
  • Selling through an online store.
  • Sales by advertisement.
  • Sales through fairs, exhibitions, festivals.

If you have a lot of friends, it will be easier to distribute the products. Each of these methods really works, you just need to use them correctly. Honey has always been and will be a popular product, so if marketed correctly, there will always be buyers.

Sales points

You can often find advertisements that say: “I will sell honey.” The Russian Federation, like other countries, allows you to sell products in different ways. The beekeeper should consider how much honey is produced per season. When the batch is large, sales should be carried out through a factory or company. Many are selling to other countries.

Where to sell honey to make a profit? Great solution There will be a opening of a sales point where customers will be able to purchase different types of products. You can sell goods to cafes, restaurants, confectionery factories, and offices.

Sales rules

How to sell honey profitably? For this purpose, there are special fairs, which are usually visited by many people. It is important to advertise the product beautifully so that it looks attractive. Such events are usually organized in large cities. The Internet can be used for this. It is necessary to place advertisements on special websites. You need to photograph the product, for example, in a bank. Ads should be made and the benefits should be indicated. The information must be true.

You can sell Altai honey or any other type through an online store. Buyers need to be given discounts, which is much better at attracting new customers. You should also remember about another audience - older people. Since they do not use the Internet, it will be easier to find such buyers in the market. Such a proven method as distributing announcements at the entrance, in public transport, also works great.

Benefits of direct selling

How to sell honey directly to people? To do this, products are brought to hospitals, sanatoriums, post offices, markets or work. This option is ideal for amateur beekeepers who have few bees. It will allow you to have regular customers.

Direct selling requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Offers must be permanent.
  • It is necessary to sell high-quality products that will not differ in consistency or smell from the previous batch.
  • Important for clients appearance honey, so you need to choose attractive jars.
  • All product characteristics must meet the standards.

If there is a lot of glucose in honey, it becomes sugary. Customers do not choose the solid consistency of the products. The product must correspond to the class. Rapeseed honey has small crystals. Flower has a loose state, and honeydew is usually liquid.

Ways to successfully sell a product

The beekeeper must have trade skills:

  • Application of advertising for products.
  • It is important to know everything about the products so that you can advise customers.
  • We need to sell propolis, wax candles, and pollen.
  • It is necessary to contact the client.
  • It is important to maintain good hygiene.

Stores that sell honey can be the best partners. If the products are of high quality, then no retail outlet will refuse to sell them.

Market mechanisms

It is necessary to take into account the assortment, cost, and properly organize the trading business, taking into account the communication aspect. It is important to have a variety of products. It is advisable to sell goods different varieties so that every buyer can find something suitable for themselves.

The cost of the product should be optimal, so you need to monitor the honey market. If you managed to open your own business, then you should think about expanding production. This will require more professionals who can sell honey.

Advertising plays an important role. To attract buyers, you can invite clients to the apiary, show how honey is made, and organize a tasting. Such events influence the increase in sales levels. It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the bee product so that it meets the required level.

Intermediary services

You can work through intermediaries - shops, pharmacies, markets. The product must be poured into containers in advance and then packaged. This implementation option has a minus - a small income, since not all stores sell honey accordingly. Moreover, not all sellers can answer buyers’ questions.

Sales to other countries

There are many countries that purchase honey. They usually purchase it as raw material, which, after processing, goes on sale, including abroad. It is profitable to supply products to China, the USA, Germany, Japan, and France.

Selling honey abroad is much more profitable, but difficulties may arise with finding buyers, transportation, and documentation. Now there are special companies that are looking for information about beekeepers and offering their intermediary services. But they take compensation for their work.

        • Similar business ideas:

Opening a department selling packaged honey does not require large investments. Trade equipment can be purchased second-hand, and products for sale can be purchased in installments from local beekeepers. In most cases, to open a store it is enough to rent a corner of 10-15 square meters. meters in shopping center or on the first floor of an apartment building. The second option is even more preferable, since clients will be, as they say, “nearby”...

The retail honey market is currently quite developed, but the opening of new sales points continues. Basically, packaged honey is purchased in retail chains. But its range in such objects leaves much to be desired. Plus, retail chains are unlikely to provide advice on the varieties and types of this product, and this is very important for the buyer.

These two facts create a certain niche for opening a specialized department for the sale of packaged honey. This point of sale has several advantages that will be easily appreciated by true connoisseurs of a useful product.

Firstly, in a specialized retail store the range of honey and other products is much larger. Here you can sell a lot of related products: bee products (wax, propolis, royal jelly, beebread, pollen), health products, tea, medicinal herbs, gift sets.

Secondly, in such departments, as a rule, there is a person who understands the varieties of honey and its beneficial properties. After all, often, when a buyer comes to a store, he does not know what variety and taste he will like. But no problem - tasting is open for him, try and buy whatever your heart desires. You won't find this in a supermarket, that's for sure.

It is for these reasons that a specialized store selling honey and related products will always be in demand. Any city, from small to large, will form its own client base.

How to start a business opening a department selling packaged honey

A businessman who decides to open such a business needs to resolve several issues. First, you need to decide where to get honey from and how to create the right range of products. There are several options. First option: You can buy honey in bulk from local beekeepers and package it yourself in plastic or glass containers. The advantage of such activity is that you can get more profit due to a higher markup (up to 100-150%). However, there is also a significant disadvantage - packaging requires the purchase of appropriate equipment (UD-2 dosing unit), a separate room and the hiring of labor. In other words, you are forced to open a full-fledged production, with all that it implies.

An easier way is to purchase ready-made, packaged honey from wholesalers, of which there are quite a few in our country. You can even agree on such conditions that they themselves will bring the goods to your outlet. Hence, there are no transportation costs. You will earn less (maximum 50% markup), but there will be significantly less hassle.

How much money do you need to start a business selling packaged honey?

As for the total costs of starting a business, they can range from 300 thousand rubles, depending on the scale of the project. It is logical that the larger the sales department, the more funds are needed for its arrangement. The purchase of commercial equipment will cost at least 100 thousand rubles, to create an assortment of goods - from 150 thousand rubles, for advertising (signboard in front of the entrance) - from 30 thousand rubles, for other organizational expenses. expenses are still about 20 thousand rubles.

When purchasing goods, you should definitely check with the supplier for the availability of an apiary passport and a veterinary certificate for the batch of honey. This is necessary in order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities in the future.

The most important task of the business organizer is to find good sellers, real experts in the honey business. Often, the size of the store’s revenue and the success of the entire business depend on the skill of your sellers. The person behind the counter must understand the types of honey, be able to offer the right product to the buyer, and explain it healing properties and rules of use. In addition, he must have good human qualities, be polite and responsive. Finally, the seller must be able to sell the product, no matter how trivial it may sound. If a buyer, having come for one jar of honey, takes two more with him, and also bought a set of Indian tea just in case, you have found the ideal employee.

How much can you earn from a honey selling point?

When talking about how much you can earn from the retail sale of honey, you need to calculate turnover. In total, one bee colony can produce an average of 40-50 kilograms of honey per season. Taking into account the current market price of 300 rubles per kilogram, we can conclude that one family can earn 12-15 thousand rubles per season. Then from one apiary you can get about 400,000-500,000 rubles. You can also introduce the sale of beekeeping by-products (pollen, wax, propolis). From their sale you can get an average of 120-150 thousand rubles. If the development of the apiary proceeds normally, then subsequently the number of bee colonies will only increase, which will give impetus to an increase in profits.

What equipment to choose for a honey selling point

The main equipment to purchase is honey packaging devices. Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing the domestic Medofit+ line. It is highly productive, with great power and a rather high price - for one automated production line you will have to pay about 500,000 rubles. You also need transport for delivery of containers, the containers themselves and standard retail equipment (counters, racks, signs, etc.).

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

When registering a business, you must indicate OKVED code 52.27.39 (“Retail trade in other food products”).

What documents are needed to open a point selling honey?

To open a honey retail outlet, you need to register individual entrepreneurship. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the act of registration with the tax office;
  • copy of ID;
  • application for opening an individual entrepreneur (in the form);
  • receipt of payment of state tax for opening an individual entrepreneur.

Which taxation system to choose when registering a business?

To open a point selling honey in Moscow, it is recommended to use a simplified taxation system, and in other regions - UTII.

Do you need a permit to open a point selling honey?

For retail trade in honey and by-products, you do not need a license, but you need to undergo certification in the structures of Rosstat and Rospotrebnadzor - this will allow you to distribute the products through retail chains.

Business management technology

At all retail honey can bring even more income than wholesale. This is because it is difficult to succeed in wholesale trade due to high competition. Otherwise, thanks to the opening of not even one, but several points retail sales of honey, an entrepreneur has a chance to become a monopolist in certain areas. If, of course, the quality of the product corresponds to this. Subsequently, you can create your own brand and promote it on the Internet (including by creating an online store).

Published: April 14, 2010. Views: 22,218.

Every beekeeper must have documents. If they are not there, then you should think about the quality of the product being sold. A beekeeper has several times more documents than a speculator.

The most important document every beekeeper should have. It is issued in the full name of the beekeeper. The passport indicates the location of the apiary. The following annual information is available:

  1. Veterinary and sanitary condition of the apiary and bee families.
  2. Laboratory studies of dead bees and honey.
  3. Epizootic condition of the apiary (infectious diseases).
  4. Therapeutic, preventive and disinfection treatments.

*The passport is thin, so sometimes they issue a new one. We have a new one since 2007: . In 2012, a new apiary passport was again issued, this time it is similar in size to a passport.

- there are different types. Different areas issue different types documents. This document contains information:

  1. Date of analysis.
  2. Full name (who donated honey).
  3. Description of honey.
  4. Humidity.
  5. Acidity.
  6. Presence of honeydew.
  7. Diastase number.
  8. Presence of hydroxymethylfural.
  9. Percentage of natural invert sugar.
  10. Content of mechanical impurities.

Documents for the sale of honey() and other beekeeping products(). Only the Veterinary Service pays attention to them. They do not provide any information about the quality of honey and other beekeeping products!

Important, but not mandatory document. Done as desired. It contains information about the content of heavy metals. Issued if you have an apiary Veterinary Passport.

Important document. Issued by your local veterinarian. Contains information about the presence and number of apiaries.

The results are included in the apiary’s Veterinary Passport in the “Laboratory Research” section. A beekeeper is not required to have one.

The analysis shows whether the brood contains pathogens of American and European foulbrood. The results are included in the apiary’s Veterinary Passport in the section “Epizootic condition of the apiary.” A beekeeper is not required to have one.

All materials on this site are original, are not reprints of other sources and are the practical experience and observations of the owner of the apiary since 1992. If materials from other authors are used, special references or disclaimers are provided in the text. All materials are the property of the author, and in case of quoting or posting them in other sources of information, a link to this site is required.
