He is Sagittarius and she is Aries compatibility. Fiery passions: compatibility of Aries man and Sagittarius woman

The compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius is very successful - they are united by the element of fire, which means they have similar temperaments and common interests. Sagittarius in this pair is more compliant, but not because of weak character, but due to the ability to control emotions and act in their own interests. Thanks to Aries, he can achieve considerable success in his career and become more self-confident, and Aries in his person will find a reliable friend and a good adviser.


An Aries man and a Sagittarius woman get along well because they can sense each other’s moods and desires. Since both zodiac signs are fiery, the motives of each other's actions are always clear to them, while other people might be puzzled by the meaning of their actions. In addition to mutual understanding, there is also mutual interest, because the Sagittarius woman is drawn to strong-willed men, and Aries prefer the company of women who recognize their dominance.

♈ + ♐: In love

PERFECT PAIR- The Aries guy doesn’t like extremes - he doesn’t like girls who are too active, because they tend to command, and those without initiative don’t arouse his interest at all. The Sagittarius girl will suit him in many ways - she is moderately active, but without fanaticism, she does not pretend to be a leader in relationships, but she always has her own opinion.

This guy inspires confidence in a girl, because Aries’s inability to keep his emotions under control, on the other hand, characterizes him as an open and honest person. In relation to the chosen one, born under the sign of Sagittarius, he will not show despotism and aggression, and this is the direct merit of the girl. When a conflict looms, she takes on the role of a lightning rod, behaves extremely delicately, but at the same time makes it clear that she must be taken into account.

For both Aries and Sagittarius, this union can become very productive in every sense. Lovers learn from each other the best that is in them. A Sagittarius girl next to an Aries will become more confident in herself, and the guy will learn to be more restrained.

♈ + ♐: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— In marriage, the relationship between an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman can develop differently. The material wealth of the family and the achievements of Aries in his career play a big role. Next to a successful husband, a Sagittarius woman will feel calm and comfortable, but this is not about her self-interest and love of money. The fact is that an Aries who has managed to realize himself in his work is softer and more accommodating. If he is chronically unlucky, he risks becoming embittered with the whole world and becoming a tyrant.

In any case, his Sagittarius wife will never allow disrespect or aggression towards herself. She respects herself enough, and if her husband stops taking her into account, she will take the initiative to divorce. Aries understands this, so he has a serious incentive to stay afloat.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Aries is very good. Two fire signs They will always be comfortable and interesting together, and even after many years their passion will still remain bright.

In general, the prognosis for this marriage is favorable. Aries and Sagittarius spouses can live together for a long time and happy life, while ensuring financial stability and confidence in the future. Over the years, their relationship will become even more trusting, because both the wife and husband will have the opportunity to be convinced of each other’s decency and sincerity.

♈ + ♐: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR— The girl has a Sagittarius and the guy has an Aries good compatibility in work, as in any other joint endeavor. Most often, they first become colleagues and then friends. The level of their mutual understanding is high, there are no character traits that are unpleasant for each other, and there is no pressure from anyone. These people are pleasant to each other, so there is every chance that in this case it will develop into a love relationship.


A Sagittarius man and an Aries woman are interesting and pleasant to each other, regardless of the degree of intimacy. Even superficial communication will make it clear to both that their relationship will not be difficult, and if we are talking about working together, then the chances of ideal cooperation are very high. Even in the event of a conflict of interests, Aries and Sagittarius behave with dignity and do not resort to dishonest methods of struggle, so their opinion of each other will not change significantly.

♐ + ♈: In a love relationship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— An Aries girl and a Sagittarius guy will become interested in each other, after which they will become close rather quickly. This relationship cannot be called ideal, because on both sides there is dissatisfaction with some character traits of the other half. With a strong desire, lovers will be able to reach an agreement, but then they will have to recognize each other’s right to individuality.

There are more complaints from the Aries girl. She would like to see more often her freedom-loving chosen one, who spends a lot of time with friends. Sagittarius is a man of few words, and a girl may perceive this as the frivolity of his feelings. In fact, what she takes as disadvantages in reality often turns out to be advantages, because the Sagittarius campaign is mainly male, he is not interested in flirting on the side, and the inability to give compliments only emphasizes this once again.

Due to misconceptions, an Aries girl may begin to be jealous and try to control her loved one. This is categorically not recommended, because the Sagittarius has an almost panicky fear of women trying to limit his freedom. If his chosen one overdoes it even a little, he will disappear from her life faster than she can finish her moralizing monologue.

♐ + ♈: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— A Sagittarius man and an Aries woman can create a strong and friendly family. Most likely, there will be no domestic complaints against each other. Even if the Sagittarius husband expected more housekeeping from his wife, her others positive qualities for him are more significant, so quarrels over trifles are excluded.

In sex with partners perfect compatibility, so there is no reason to look for adventures on the side. An Aries woman, in principle, is not capable of meanness and betrayal, but on her part jealousy towards her husband is possible. To maintain peace in the family, she should not control him too much, because even if he becomes interested in another woman, his wife will not know about it. For a Sagittarius man, freedom is vital, so his wife will have to give him the opportunity to spend some of his free time outside the home. For this, her husband will be very grateful to her, and he himself will strive to pay more attention to his beloved.

Conflicts in such families occur due to the far-fetched fears of the Aries woman, despite the fact that in most cases there is no reason for mistrust. If a spouse is inclined to make trouble, this will primarily harm her. The Sagittarius man does not like scenes of jealousy and unrelated nagging, so in tense moments he simply disappears.

♐ + ♈: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR— A Sagittarius guy and an Aries girl can be friends for many years without getting bored of each other. They have enough common interests, they do not abandon friends in difficult moments and do not behave ugly. If one of them has already arranged his personal life, for the other half of this person such an alliance poses a threat - in this case it is a big question. The trusting relationship between Aries and Sagittarius, as well as their mutual understanding, can bring young people closer together, and then their friendship will turn into a love relationship. It is unlikely that this romance will be short-lived, because having gotten to know each other well enough, the guy and the girl will understand how well they are compatible.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Very good and for many other zodiac signs, it may even serve as an example. The signs Aries and Sagittarius equally belong to the common element of Fire. And this element dictates the formation of relationships between partners. This couple will not be bored together; fiery energy literally permeates any affairs between Aries and the sign of Sagittarius, be it business, intimate or family.

Astrologer's advice: In many people, manifestations of properties that are not characteristic of it are noticeable. This is due to the fact that everyone has control over celestial phenomena, for example - the speed of movement celestial bodies, the position of the planets relative to the Earth, etc.

Characteristics of partners

  • Aries - the desire to win all fights, overcoming any difficulties that may be encountered along the way - these are perhaps the main points that allow us to briefly describe this sign.
  • Sagittarius is also a representative of the fire verse, but in its softer manifestations. High intelligence, a philosophical mindset and a desire to travel are among the main characteristics.

Both signs are similar in many ways, due to belonging to the same element; some differences and specifics are introduced by the planets that rule them. Aries is ruled by red Mars, while Sagittarius is ruled by generous Jupiter.

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Developing relationships

Love between these signs appears quite simply and develops rapidly. Sometimes, the first and only glance will be enough for them to begin a love relationship between them. This couple is characterized by emotionality and romance, especially in the first period of the romance. Therefore, having come together, Aries and the zodiac Sagittarius may well feel themselves in seventh heaven of bliss, with happiness. Being together, they are able to disconnect from the daily routine and bustle, allowing burning passion, almost completely without a trace, to overwhelm them.

Astrologer's advice: The level and type of education of a person often leaves an imprint on the possibilities for the manifestation of various qualities. The upbringing of people also contributes to the characteristics different properties behavior.

But even with such a positive attitude, lovers from time to time have disagreements. Almost always, the first step towards starting a truce is taken by Sagittarius. It is worth noting here that for the sign of Aries, admitting your mistake or wrongness is virtually impossible. And yet, the partner should definitely pay attention to the fact that he strives to understand Sagittarius, and wants to learn from him what he cannot do himself.

Very often, a romance between lovers of the zodiacs - Aries and Sagittarius - leads to the appearance of a family. Of course, like everyone else, they run the risk of encountering some everyday problems. Taking into account the constant desire of both partners for entertainment, it becomes clear that the need to maintain family life may well become a point of contention for them. Also, the risk of betrayal will be quite high, and on the part of both. However, all this, with mutual desire, can be completely avoided. The Aries partner simply needs to listen more to his own partner, and the Sagittarius sign needs to have a little patience and try to understand Aries. In this case, they will be able to find a completely happy and friendly family.

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As for intimate relationships, everything will turn out well and promising. Partners are highly comparable sexually. They belong to sultry natures, so their love life will be exciting and versatile. Aries will most likely prevail in helping their own partner relax. Please note that from intimate relationships partners, a lot will depend on the development of relations. Therefore, if the passion subsides, then in general the alliance will become the least strong. It is advisable for both of them to constantly remember this and not allow such periods when intimate life would become gray and monotonous. Now, there are a huge number of methods that will teach you how to maintain passion and desire.

If we consider business relations, then here too, a couple of zodiac signs Aries and Sagittarius have excellent chances for well-being. Business partners can and are ready to take the necessary, justified risks; they love complex tasks and set precise goals for themselves. Partners Aries and Sagittarius may well open a common business and earn quite good money without experiencing problems in mutual understanding. They also easily make joint decisions, try to help each other in overcoming difficult situations and, of course, can make a good business couple in one area or another.

Astrologer's advice: To comprehend more deeply and better understand the character and qualities of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to study it from different angles and the section will help you with this -.

In conclusion of the article, it can be noted that it is advisable to clarify with an astrologer possible nuances that may arise in marriage, especially since our website has a section -. have a very high rating, they have a lot in common, including current goals, objectives and expectations. Also, each of the symbols has something that the other sometimes lacks, and they complement each other very willingly and effectively.

> Compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius

This is not to say that this couple was made in heaven. It is difficult for them to understand each other, and this relationship certainly cannot be called flawless. But if they learn to live peacefully and try, then their patience will be rewarded happy union. Sagittarius can try to tame Aries, who is always eager to enter the big world. But at the first quarrel, it is he who must show understanding and give in. Sympathy flares up into passion and turns into tender and reverent love. When developed correctly, they treat their partners romantically and value their happiness. The prerequisites for a break are love of freedom, the desire to say everything directly and the absence of compromises. Of course, the everyday life and routine of living together also influences.

Compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius in love relationships

If interest has arisen between them, then these people will not beat around the bush for long. Relationships in love develop at lightning speed, and they can get together after the first date. It's all about the similarity of their characters and preferences in the intimate sphere. Both love experiments, so monotony in bed does not threaten them. There is romance and passion in intimacy. But even with such strong energy and mutual understanding, betrayal is not excluded. This happens if they become boring, and being together loses its novelty. But all the trips on the side do not in any way affect the emotional attachment and are not a secret. Whatever one may say, these zodiacs absolutely do not know how to hide a lie.

Do not forget that they belong to the same element (Fire), so there is an understanding between them from the very beginning. Both love an adventurous lifestyle, cannot sit in a confined space all the time, and are interested in the same things. Spouses often team up to work on one thing. But when the moment comes to resolve ordinary issues relating to everyday life or money, this is where their disagreements begin. They think that the other half should take on most of the responsibilities. And no one is going to back down.

If they understand how to come to an agreement, then their future is destined to be happy. For this, of course, compromise is important. If they decide to achieve their goal by fighting, then this does not lead to anything good. But, oddly enough, they will consider this time, even filled with constant quarrels and clashes, to be the best. They have two development options: eternal love or severe pain.

These signs are surrounded by people, so existence is filled with conversations, parties and friendly get-togethers. They are literally in plain sight and Aries allows his woman something that he could not allow with anyone else - he allows her to be on the same level as him.

If we talk about roles, then the horoscope gives the main place to the woman. She plays the part of the adviser, and the key player is Aries. It is from Sagittarius and her ability to gently guide that how their life will be structured depends. But this does not mean that he should sit idly by. He will have to learn to be more flexible and watch his words and actions.

Their similarities outweigh their differences, so the chances are high. Both have a lot of inner strength. They are in constant search for themselves, this is especially evident in creativity. Often these are truly gifted individuals. But to achieve harmony in relationships, they will have to try hard.

They fall in love at first sight. Moreover, the feeling is overwhelming, and they cannot resist and think soberly. Although they already feel an incredible attraction from the very beginning, they still try to present themselves as best as possible. positive side. They are not indifferent to their partner's needs. They love to give gifts, surprise and always manage to please. They happily spend time together and choose vacations on the same days. But it’s hard for them to work together.

They easily turn everyday routine into a holiday. Don't think that they are inseparable 24 hours a day. Everyone has their own interests and circle of friends. The house is also full of guests, and they themselves are not averse to getting out into society. They do not refuse adventures, but they know when to stop. Aries is more spiritual and thinks more idealistically. It is thanks to her efforts that the couple develops in the same direction. It happens that a girl is focused on a career and then Sagittarius acts as a like-minded person and motivator. She will be offended if her husband overdoes it with critical remarks. But in most cases, his ridicule will only encourage her to move on.

A scandal grows even over the smallest trifle, since they are accustomed to defending their opinion to the last. But the storm subsides just as quickly. Relationships will reach a dead end if they do not have a common interest or boredom overcomes attraction.

Articles dedicated to Aries

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  • What to expect from

Articles dedicated to Sagittarius

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  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Sagittarius most compatible with? ;

There are such interesting and bright couples who are probably already tired of being invited everywhere to inspire company and lift their spirits. The union of an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman - that great example: these people are bright, fiery and prefer to live to the fullest, that’s why their compatibility is love relationships largely favorable. On the other hand, we have two maximalists who can go too far at any moment, which poses the main risk for the tandem.

Initially, Aries and Sagittarius are zodiac signs related to the elements of fire, so their compatibility horoscope shows excellent mutual understanding, the presence of common values, but at the same time, a rebellious spirit and the desire to adjust everything exclusively to themselves.

There are people who prefer to live according to the “all or nothing” principle. They set goals and go ahead towards them, despite the criticism of ill-wishers. The most interesting thing is that this approach sometimes turns out to be the only possible one, because it’s no secret to anyone: in order to succeed in life, sometimes you just need to create a small miracle.

By this miracle, an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman will turn out to be for each other. Two passionate people, immersed in the world of emotions and adventures, will be interesting simply by definition. Partners will willingly share their extreme hobbies, which will not seem so strange to them. And most importantly, they will be able to feel that they have finally found a person who, at a minimum, understands them perfectly and does not interfere with freedom of expression.

Indeed, the Aries guy is real strong man who prefers to be rather than seem. He is, rather, not a gentleman, because he does not like antics and false images. But Sagittarius does not consider this a weakness. On the contrary, the Aries man’s ability to express everything directly and without unnecessary modesty is, from her point of view, an excellent trait. And most likely, that is why she will turn her attention to him.

And Aries herself will like her just because of her strength of character. This lady destroys the prevailing opinion that a woman cannot live without a strong male shoulder with one fact of her interesting, sometimes extreme life. A typical Sagittarius does not like to live according to a pre-created plan that cannot be changed. She, most likely, simply knows how to trust herself - that’s why she won’t mince words, and will adjust her actions so skillfully that no external threats will be scary. Yes, the archer calculates and weighs everything. But only in global things - study, profession, place of residence. As for relationships and everyday stories, she prefers to act solely at the call of her heart, without bothering about the consequences.

Needless to say, when two such bright, almost extreme people meet together, they will not even notice where it all began. Perhaps they will just immediately plunge into the ocean of events. It may well be that our heroes will meet together precisely because of a common hobby. It’s just that they usually don’t look for friends among their immediate circle - to them both neighbors and work colleagues seem like ordinary people, so most often they want to hang out on the side. The wind of wanderings always attracts both Aries and Sagittarius. This is their craving for the new, the unknown - i.e. to real adventures, without which they cannot live.

That is why at first their compatibility in love will be simply brilliant. Literally and figuratively. Another thing is that in a couple of fire zodiac signs whole storms of indignation can often arise, even over trifles. Perhaps this shows their desire not so much to sort things out, but to assert their position.

To be honest, both the Aries man, and even more so the Sagittarius woman, sometimes like to show off. They believe that giving in on some issues is basic cowardice. Therefore, their arguments can turn into a tool for fun. Essentially, this will be a discussion for the sake of discussion. But since our heroes generally prefer to conduct dialogue with all colors, and in extreme cases even in raised tones, of course, their confrontation is not in the best possible way will affect compatibility in love and then family relationships.

True, during the candy-bouquet period, the novel will seem like one big adventure - that same pleasant dream that one dreams of, perhaps, once every few years. An Aries man will constantly rock things with his fearless Sagittarius girlfriend, and all because they are more than passionate lovers to each other. In fact, this is a tandem of serious like-minded people who, although they differ in many of their views, nevertheless coincide in their sense of the rhythm of life. However, a bright, quick romance, as a rule, lasts no more than summer. Therefore, our heroes should try to offer each other something more than just vivid emotions and thrills.

Marriage Compatibility: Occupational Therapy

For a moment, an Aries man may have the illusion that his relationship with a Sagittarius girl has almost reached marriage. Indeed, they are interested together and, perhaps, only together, they understand each other perfectly, and even stormy showdowns only intensify the feeling of excitement. Therefore, there seems to be no doubt: you can quickly and without delay arrange your family life and have a fun wedding.

This is where a surprise awaits him, which is not exactly unpleasant, but certainly unexpected. The Sagittarius girl, despite the fact that she seems to be a real chieftain, is in fact inclined to look into the distant future. And she looks there only with a sober head. This lady does not have any illusions regarding this or that person, including the faithful Aries. She soberly calculates her and his strengths, and when it comes to serious matters, she becomes unusually calm and reasonable. That is why, until Aries has amassed sufficient capital, has arranged their everyday life and the material side of life, talking about a wedding, from her point of view, is a waste of time.

Of course, an Aries guy will take rejection as a real challenge. It will be all the more interesting for him to prove his superiority and ability to fulfill any conditions in an attempt to achieve his cherished goal. And I must say, this is not an empty dreamer, because it was precisely because of his businesslike nature that the perspicacious Sagittarius woman liked him. Of course, if they have been dating each other for a long time, then they are serious about their relationship. It’s just that Aries, and especially Sagittarius, can’t stand uncertainty - it’s always important to them not so much what they do, but why.

Therefore, serious efforts and awareness of high responsibility will allow partners to achieve each other, and compatibility in marriage will only benefit from this. Family for Aries and Sagittarius is an undoubted priority. This is both a change of status in the eyes of those around you and an excellent field for showing your true abilities and asserting yourself. Therefore, the stars predict quite dynamic development for this couple throughout the first years of life.

Even then, when, it would seem, all the redoubts will be taken, the couple will not be bored, but will try to acquire useful hobbies, start new things - if not for money, at least for the soul. And this great recipe not only from banal boredom, but also a means to preserve relationships. The fact is that both the Aries man and the Sagittarius woman are active people. They can endure anything, but not boredom. It's amazing how sometimes people can suffer due to the lack of something truly important and useful.

Unfortunately, in such difficult times, their relationship may suffer somewhat, because partners may begin to pour out all the accumulated and unrealized energy into grievances, suspicions and other unnecessary little things. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to lead an active lifestyle to which you are, in fact, accustomed. Occupational therapy is not only an excellent cure for boredom. She will bring freshness to relationships. And no one forbade using the fruits of righteous labor.

And one more important nuance, which is worth paying attention to both Sagittarius and Aries. The fact is that our heroes are quite selfish people who can make a decision on their own if they believe that no one else can cope with such an impossible task. On the one hand, maybe it is so, but on the other hand, it will be necessary certain time to realize that the marriage formula is based on meetings and negotiations. It is better to adhere to the classical understanding - and over the years this value will only become more obvious.

Sexual compatibility: a cocktail of emotions

In bed, both the Aries guy and the Sagittarius girl will feel incredibly confident. The fact is that this lady was accustomed to the fact that in many respects she had to take on the function of first violin. And although on the one hand, this is flattering, on the other hand, it forces you to start looking for a stronger partner.

This person will turn out to be an Aries - passionate, amorous, proactive, energetic and the list goes on. The archer will undoubtedly appreciate his fighting ardor. And she herself will give the faithful an entire ocean of accumulated passions. That’s why a constant cocktail of emotions awaits this couple in bed – the more interesting it will be to wait for the continuation.

Compatibility at work: tug of war

As for professional relationships, the compatibility of an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman is rather less favorable. Often in this pair, each partner will subconsciously see the other as a competitor, so their contacts may be under the burden of this anxiety.

On the other hand, if a strong sympathy is immediately established in the relationship, the combination is very strong: the assertive Aries and the judicious Sagittarius will be able to come up with, plan, and execute. However, in most cases, the relationship between partners will resemble more of a tug of war than a constructive dialogue.

An Aries man and a Sagittarius woman are bright and strong personalities, whose compatibility is at least interesting. The main thing is to learn to manage your emotions so as not to expose your union to unnecessary risks.

Aries and Sagittarius, thanks general features, get along well with each other.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are afraid of missing out on something in life, so they always go to bed late, are the last to leave holidays and parties, and retire late. It seems to them that any matter concerns them, they are ready to selflessly separate street fighters and rush to the rescue of their comrades at any time of the day. They simply cannot help but participate in the lives of those around them.

Sagittarians are confident that they know the answers to any question. Maybe thanks to this compassion, accidents often happen to them. Sagittarians are always ready to go ahead, but they do it rather clumsily. After all, Sagittarius is a Centaur, which is half horse, half man. And it’s quite difficult to cope with such a body. Consequently, it is difficult for Sagittarius to maintain their internal balance.
It seems that there can be no one more naive than Aries. Only he has a childish habit and is able to confuse the possible with the desired. But Sagittarius in this capacity can make a good match for Aries. Thanks to such naivety and perseverance, Aries and Sagittarius can implement the most hopeless projects. They will not stop either in the face of bureaucracy or political prohibitions. Both signs are passionate debaters, but they do not argue to achieve the truth. But because he is simply unable to pass up a verbal challenge.

Any person who is friends with Sagittarius steps over his pride. Because Sagittarius speaks first and then thinks about his words. At the same time, Sagittarius never wants to intentionally offend. Aries finds such straightforwardness of Sagittarius incredibly pleasant, because he himself is a fan of expressing the whole truth to his face. But admiration immediately disappears as soon as Aries hears the truth, from the lips of Sagittarius, about himself. This feature is the main difference between these two signs. Sagittarius easily expresses the hard truth about himself, while Aries does not notice the beam in his own eye.

Sagittarians usually engage in moralizing their neighbors out of the noblest motives. But Sagittarius can make a harsh remark to Aries in order to hurt him more painfully. In this situation, the mistake of Sagittarius is that Aries never forgets insults. And a caustic remark will fly back to Sagittarius with the double force of Mars. And even if Aries did not manage to immediately hit Sagittarius, his arrow will reach the target. Sagittarius is influenced by Jupiter, which is the largest planet in space. But even Jupiter prefers to keep its distance from the warlike Mars, which rules Aries. Fearless Mars never gives up without a fight and is always ready to resist.

But all friction is smoothed out, thanks to repentance and requests for forgiveness. Both of these signs are not vindictive, so a truce comes quickly. Sagittarians are very versatile people; they can be interested in various activities. For example, doing extreme sports and being a priest at the same time. Dull monotony is not to the liking of these multifaceted personalities. Aries also like to get carried away different types activities. All professions seem attractive to Aries, and he happily takes on any of them.

Aries love to command, as they are representatives of the sign of cardinal leadership. Sagittarius, for all his mobility, does not strive for leading roles. Because he understands that leadership is a very heavy burden that cannot be gotten rid of at will.

Aries and Sagittarius are carriers of positive energy. The difference between these signs is that Aries is much more sensitive than Sagittarius to neglect and insults. Sagittarius is able to think logically and make thoughtful decisions. Aries acts instinctively.

The signs of Aries and Sagittarius get along well together. They both enjoy spending their lives on the move and traveling. Sagittarius is more courageous in embarking on new adventures, while Aries tends to look back. But rushing after Sagittarius, Aries feels safe. Traveling together may not be safe, but it is never boring. The idealism of Sagittarius evokes sympathy in Aries, and Sagittarius is touched by the naivety and honesty of Aries.

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