Faith, Hope, Love - a celebration of women's destiny. Gifts for the holiday of faith, hope, love

The name Lyubov is associated among the Russian people, first of all, with the main Christian virtue. It came to Rus' along with Orthodoxy.

Origin and characteristics

Love is an Old Slavonic name that appeared as a result of the translation of the Greek word “Agape”. It is sometimes difficult for Lyuba to hide the passion of her nature. She also has a strong character, but at the same time she is a friendly, friendly and responsive person towards others. However, you should not hurt Lyubov’s pride, since women with this name are very vulnerable and easily offended. She is a sociable and at the same time reserved girl.

Her innate willpower helps her achieve considerable success in moving forward. career ladder. Failures do not frighten Lyuba at all, but on the contrary, give the woman new strength to successfully solve various tasks at work. As for matters of personal life, among Lyubov’s priorities will be remaining faithful to her chosen one. In the family, her firmness often becomes inappropriate, since she always tries to take the initiative into her own hands. On this basis there may be

History of Angel Day celebrations

Love is celebrated at the end of September. The holy martyr Love is considered the patroness. This day is also dedicated to the memory of her two sisters - Nadezhda and Vera, as well as their widowed mother - Sofia. They lived in Rome approximately in the first half of the 2nd century BC. e. The mother of the girls killed for Christ was a believer and raised her children in the same spirit. During her reign, her daughters were asked to renounce their faith and make sacrifices to the pagan goddess Artemis or give up their lives.

But the young girls chose to die for Christ, because they did not want to be apostates. All the sisters suffered torment right in front of their mother, and then their heads were cut off. The youngest Lyubov at that time was only 9 years old. When Adrian ordered to throw her into the oven, the girl, without waiting, went in there herself. According to legend, she walked with the angels and glorified God.

Sofia collected the remains of her daughters and buried them on the hill. She spent three days there, and then she also died. Believers buried her with her children. Lyubov's name day is celebrated on this day. The Church also honors her sisters, who are holy martyrs.

Name day name according to church customs

In Orthodoxy, it is more correct to say Name Day, that is, the same name as the saint. IN ancient Rus' on this holiday, the person who celebrated it had to attend a church service, where the believer could take part in the sacrament of Communion. There he could pray to his saint and ask him for intercession and help in everyday needs.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Lyubov’s name day coincides with a wonderful time of year, which is popularly called “Indian summer,” so congratulations can be not only joyful, but also slightly sad.

My autumn luck

The love of my current years,

I congratulate you, without hiding my tears,

There is no love without you, Lyubasha!

And again in a whirlwind of leaf fall

I will dance with you,

Happy angel day, my joy,

And happiness to you for the whole year!

Love's name day can serve not only as a congratulation, but also as a declaration of love.

Love is my soul

Winter and summer, autumn

You're always good.

You always make me happy

There is no sadness with you,

And it flows into my heart

Your non-evening light.

Happy Angel Day! Happy Angel Day!

Happy eternal name day.

I am with you, my love,

With you, not alone.

Happy name day, my dear,

I whisper to you: “My love!”

I congratulate you first

Happy Angel Day!

And I want to wish you in excitement

You happy life days

And an angelic mood.

There is no one dearer to me than you.

My love!

On name day, on angel's day

I just want to say:

"Be happy, my love,

And live to be a hundred years old!”

What to give on Name Day?

Gifts for Lyubov's name day can be especially symbolic. If a woman or girl is religious, she can buy an icon depicting the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia (separate icons of Love are rare) or the Guardian Angel.

Like any girl, Lyuba takes care of herself, so her friends may well congratulate her by handing the birthday girl a cosmetic set or other useful remedies to improve appearance.

An original gift in the form of a postcard from scrapbooking or a beautiful souvenir made with your own hands as a keepsake will also be appreciated by Love. For husband or young man this might serve great idea to create something romantic. Then the question of what to give for Lyubov’s name day will be resolved.

Don't forget also about the symbol of love - the heart. It can be made from paper, buy balloons with such a design, bake a cake in this form or simply buy a teddy bear that will have it in its paws.

Events that special place In life, Love is given away - name days, angel's day and birthday. Remember these dates and don't forget to congratulate her.

Today is the name day of amazing women - Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia. You are like a symbol of chastity, warmth and femininity. May your patron saints always protect you from adversity and deprivation. Faith in miracles illuminates your path with good deeds, hope in your heart does not dim for a moment, and love will be a devoted companion throughout your life.

Faith, Hope, Love
And Sofia is their eternal mother!
Faith, Hope, Love -
Balm for the human soul!

Faith, Love and Hope,
And Sofia is an eternal jerk!
All Faith, Love, Hope,
And our congratulations to Sophia!

Let them not know sadness
May they always inspire
So that people don't stop
Hope, believe, love!

Who gives us hope
Who sings to us about God?
This is faith and love
We are excited again and again!

We can't live without hope,
And without faith there is no love,
These three are doctors
They give us a lot of good things!

Congratulations to everyone who believes
Who entrusts himself to love,
Who is inspired by hope,
He will be happy forever!

Hope, Faith and Love
It always shines in our souls,
And warms with bright light,
And peace gives us again and again.

May there be joy on this day,
And he will whisper congratulations again,
What is most important in our lives?
Hope, Faith and Love!

September. Thirtieth number.
The heart is joyful, light, -
It is warmed by the news:
Hope, Faith and Love,
We glorify their mother Sofia again!
Let's celebrate the holiday with honor!
And now God is with us again!
He is in the midst of doubts and worries
Gives people hope!
He teaches you to believe and love,
Live wisely and happily!
And let us be with God!

I wish you faith, hope, love
I am on this day, the day of the saints, three sisters and their mother.
And let them help fate every day
Lead you further, passing ravines and holes.

Let faith, hope, love illuminate your thoughts
And they will bring clarity to the understanding of the world of everything.
Let the realization of the meaning come to you quickly
And life, and peace, and also your path.

Once upon a time, in the second century, Sophia the Wise lived.
She named her children: Love, Nadezhda, Vera.
Centuries have passed since then, but time apparently has no power here:
Many more human children will be named after virtues!
And every year, when we see the thirtieth in the calendar, September
We congratulate the birthday girls, giving them a lot of good words and gifts!

On a bright, wonderful and beautiful day,
On the day of the whole four saints
We want to wish you happiness,
Hope, faith and love.

So that the saints protect you,
So that you always bring joy to life,
Let the days go well,
And life was cloudless.

So that summer never stops in my soul
It rang joyfully and loudly,
So that life may seem strange,
But it should be bright and light.

With faith we will go around the whole world,
Without love there is no life,
And always hope
It is very important if there is trouble.
Let's celebrate Holy Day today,
We will celebrate a big holiday
Daughters of Saint Sophia,
Wisdom, mental strength.
Wrote congratulations
He helped me talk about the day!

Four names - four angels,
Pleasant words to all birthday girls
We will say joyfully and all with a smile -
We wish you to meet the fish,
That golden and very affectionate one,
And everything in life will turn into your fairy tale,
And what you dream about will come true,
What will be remembered is what is forgotten,
Like in a famous fairy tale scarlet flower -
We give you all our heartfelt congratulations!

On September 30, 2015, the Orthodox Church will remember the martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith - Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

People call this holiday a girl's holiday, a woman's name day, a woman's howl. Where such unusual names came from and what folk traditions of this day exist you will learn from our material.

The story that formed the basis of the holiday took place many centuries ago - in the second century after the Nativity of Christ, when Emperor Hadrian ruled in Rome. In the capital of the Roman Empire lived the pious widow Sophia (the name Sophia means wisdom). She had three daughters who bore the names of the main Christian virtues: Faith, Hope and Love. Being a deeply religious Christian, Sofia raised her daughters in the love of God, teaching them not to become attached to earthly goods.

It must be said that the Christian faith was not welcomed in Rome and rumors about a family of Christians reached the emperor. First, with persuasion, and then with threats, he tried to force Sophia and her daughters to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. But the Christian faith in the girls and their mother was unshakable.

The emperor, who was not used to commoners disobeying his orders, ordered the children to be subjected to severe torture. However, the power of faith in the Lord was such that neither fire nor boiling tar could harm the holy family. And then Adrian angrily condemned the girls to death.

Their mother, Sophia, was forced to watch her daughters suffer. She buried the honest remains of Faith, Hope and Love according to Christian custom. On the third day after the burial, the Lord sent Sophia a quiet death and accepted her long-suffering soul into the heavenly abodes.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are canonized by the Christian Church. The mother and her daughters performed a feat in the name of faith, which showed that for people with true faith in Jesus Christ, lack of physical strength does not in the least serve as an obstacle to the manifestation of spiritual strength and courage.

Traditions and customs of the holiday Vera Nadezhda Love

In folk traditions, September 30 is also called “universal women’s name day” or “women’s holiday.” Only according to tradition, it began with crying - beliefs say that all women should begin the morning of this day with loud crying, which serves as a kind of amulet. Indeed, according to custom, even those to whom it was a sin to complain about their fate were supposed to cry. They cried, if not about their own fate, then about the fate of their relatives and friends, because “a woman’s fate does not exist alone.”

The tradition of such crying did not appear by chance, because on September 30 they remembered not only Faith, Hope and Love, but also their mother Sophia, who suffered and cried for her daughters. In general, tears in folk tradition is not only an expression of natural grief or sadness, but also a form of ritual behavior. For example, the bride always “cryed” before the wedding, saying goodbye to her home.

People believe that if you mourn all your loved ones and your own share on September 30, then nothing bad will happen during the year. That is, on the one hand, the crying was reminiscent of the suffering of Sophia, who lost three daughters, but on the other hand, this ritual also had its own subtle calculation. In Russia, Christian customs are often intertwined with pagan ones, so even from the act of commemorating the holy martyrs, a unique ritual was born.

According to traditions preserved from pre-Christian times, on September 30, “village calendars” were held in villages. Young people gathered for “parties,” cherishing the hope of “showing themselves and seeing who will fall on their minds and souls.” And those girls, in whose hearts the fire of love was already burning, wailed that the reciprocal feeling of their betrothed “there would be no end to the age”, so that love “would not burn in fire, would not drown in water, so that the cold winter would not chill her.” And they kept the faith in themselves that everything would come true.

Married women on this day, in order to ensure calm atmosphere in the house, they bought three candles from the church, two of which were placed there, in the temple, in front of the face of Christ, and one was saved for the house. At midnight, it had to be placed in the middle of a loaf of bread placed on the table especially for this purpose, lit, and the cherished words uttered as many as 40 times in a row so that all evil would disappear and peace would come to the family. In the morning, feed your household with that bread (only them and no strangers, even guests) and under no circumstances throw away a crumb.

Name days of Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia

Also on September 30, all women with the names Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia celebrate their name days. On this day, it was customary to treat birthday girls with pies. Birthday girls celebrated Angel Day for three whole days, glorifying maternal wisdom and feminine virtues. It was believed that a girl born on this day had considerable wisdom and was able to create comfort in the house and bring prosperity.

On this day, it was customary for birthday girls to give incense and icons depicting Faith, Hope, Love or Sophia, and sweets. They, in turn, were rewarded with pies. Of course, they did not organize festive feasts, but they also did not refuse treats to those who congratulated women with the names Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia.

Conspiracies for Faith, Hope, Love

Plot for marriage on the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love

On September 30, the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs, go to church and buy twelve candles there. Place four candles near the icon of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Three candles - at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, light three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, light the candles and read the following plot over them twelve times in a row:

"Have mercy, Lord,
Have mercy, Mother of God,
Tell God's servant (name) to marry.
Like these two candles are burning,
So that a man's heart
According to God's servant (name), it caught fire,
He would like to marry her.
He would go to her porch,
He would bring her to God's crown.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for family discord

On the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, you can protect your family from damage to quarrels and scandals. This protective spell is read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon “Faith, Hope, Love.” The words of the conspiracy are:

"In the sea, in the ocean
There is a white fish fish.
Like that fish sick without water on a dry shore,
So let my enemy be sick.
So that my family is strong and strong,
Who will eat that whitefish?
He won’t sleep for an hour, he won’t live a day.
In the name of God Christ,
No one will break up my family.
How scales attach to fish
From head to tail,
So my family may be strong and whole.


Amulet for a soldier

On September 30, you can protect a soldier from death in war strong conspiracy. To ensure that nothing bad happens to a soldier during military service, he must read a security plot over the water on the day of Faith, Hope and Love:

"Lord, support me,
God bless!
A white stone lies on the mountain,
That the horse will not hit the stone.
That's how it would be in me,
Servant of God (name),
And in my comrades, and in my horse
The arrow and the bullet did not go.
Like a hammer bounces off a sledgehammer,
That way the bullet would fly away from me.
Like the millstones turning,
So the arrow would never come to me,
She would spin around.
The sun and the month are bright,
So would I, servant of God (name).
The castle fortified behind the mountain is closed,
That lock and keys in the blue sea.
The Mother of God watches these keys,
Protects me from needless death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Then he must drink half of the charmed water, and wash his face and hands with the other half.

Signs for Faith, Hope, Love

  • September 30 is considered a dangerous and unlucky day.
  • On this day, a woman should cry in the morning about herself, about her female lot, about her family and friends, about her home to ease her soul.
  • Weddings, engagements and weddings are not held on September 30 - a bad omen.
  • Women should not do household chores today.
  • Folk omens say that this day is always cold and rainy.
  • After Faith, Hope, Love, the first frosts begin.
  • If the cranes fly on this day, then there will be frost on Pokrov, but if not, then winter will be later. Usually they shouted after the cranes: “The road is like a wheel,” so that in the spring they would return to their native places.
  • If it rains on this day, it will be early spring.
  • They marry on Vera, Nadezhda, and Love, and they hold a wedding on the Intercession.

The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are remembered annually by the Orthodox Church on the last day of September, the 30th. The girls' real names are: Pistis, Elpis and Agape. Severe trials befell the sisters and their mother on earth, but this gave them eternal memory and glory in heaven. Their names are considered holy, they are revered by the entire Christian world, and prayers addressed to them are capable of real miracles.

Holiday "Faith, Hope, Love"

Every Orthodox Christian knows when the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love” is celebrated, so, every year on September 30, Christians remember the feat of the martyrs who died tragically in the 2nd century AD. in Rome. In St. Petersburg, on the territory of the Intercession-Tervinicheskiy Monastery near the Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and Mother Sophia, on September 30, 1996, a monument was consecrated on which Sophia was immortalized hugging young girls. The sculpture is located at the southern gate. Since then, everyone can not only pray in the temple, but also venerate the saints imprinted on the stone image.

"Faith, Hope, Love" - ​​story

The name "Sophia" translated from Greek means "Wise". The parable about Faith, Hope and Love says that the holy virgin was widowed early and was left alone with three girls in her arms, whom she raised in boundless love for God. Emperor Hadrian was informed about this family, and he ordered the girls to renounce their faith. Despite their young age (Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda was 10, Lyubov was 9), the sisters showed courage and perseverance. After terrible torture and torture, they died one after another in front of their mother. Sofia buried the remains of her daughters, and she herself died at their grave a few days later.

Relics of Faith, Hope, Love

The relics of the holy girls and their mother have been in the church of St. since 777. Trofim, in France, in the town of Esho. 600 years after death, they found their refuge in these godly places. The monastery, which was located in Esho before, received the name of the Abbey of St. Sophia, and the settlement of Esho itself became a place where Christians from all over the world still come today to venerate the relics of the martyrs and offer their prayers to them. The Day of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia on September 30 is celebrated annually in the town of Esho very widely.

“Faith, Hope, Love” - traditions

The holiday, celebrated on September 30, has ancient traditions. Even in the old days, it was customary for women to start this day by sobbing at the top of their voices. This was supposed to protect all her loved ones and herself from troubles and illnesses. During the day, the name days of Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov were widely celebrated in all the villages. The housewives baked special holiday bread, lit a church candle, and inserted it into the center of the loaf. The candle had to burn all night on the eve of the holiday. In the morning, all family members ate the bread to the last crumb. There are also folk signs associated with this day.

  1. Cloudy morning on the last day of September - the weather will be good and warm throughout the next week.
  2. Rain on September 30th means a quick and cold winter.
  3. Warm and sunny weather on this day promises excellent fishing and a rich catch.
  4. A school of cranes has flown to the South - it will be frosty on the feast of the Intercession.

What to give for “Faith, Hope, Love”?

Name day is the day of a person’s spiritual birth. The second name of this holiday is the day of the Angel, because it protects every believer on his way. Name days are considered the second birthday, which is celebrated on a special day. The Day of the Angel of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia is celebrated more than once throughout the year. It is best to choose the closest name day, which follows your birthday. Many people wonder what special gift to give the birthday person on this holiday. Gifts with a church theme are best suited for these purposes:

  • guard ring with engraved prayer;
  • icons with the name of the patron saint;
  • festive church candles;
  • special scarves for visiting the temple;
  • angels made of various materials;
  • biblical figurines;
  • lamp, incense, candlestick;
  • pendants with the image of a saint;
  • Orthodox crosses consecrated in the church;
  • The Bible and Holy Scripture, books on religious topics;
  • a book with recipes for Orthodox cuisine;
  • prayer book in gift edition.

Icon “Faith, Hope, Love”

After the baptism of Rus', Orthodox believers received an icon of Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love. It depicts Sophia with her hands raised up to God, and in front of her are all three daughters. This icon is considered a family icon, and it patronizes the hearth and home. “Faith, Hope, Love” helps in prayers for deliverance from various diseases and illnesses. Prayers to these saints help in different situations, they are approached with requests:

  • on the protection of marital relations;
  • about strengthening the marriage union;
  • about acquiring peace and love in the family;
  • about a faithful husband and healthy offspring.

Sign "Faith, Hope, Love"

The three main Orthodox virtues - Faith, Hope and Love are personified in the triad consisting of a cross, an anchor and a heart. They came into fashion in the last century, and jewelry and tattoos with this symbol still remain relevant; the meaning of a tattoo with the described triad is worth considering in more detail.

  1. The sign of Faith, the symbol of victory over death, is the cross. Jesus was crucified on it and is considered an ancient symbol of worship in Christianity.
  2. Since ancient times, the symbol of Love has been the heart. It was added last to the described triad at the end of the 17th century.
  3. Hope is represented by the anchor. For sailors, it has always been a symbol of salvation and a sacred object. Many countries cast an anchor symbol on their coins as hope for a better future. In modern tattoos, the anchor sign is often replaced with a stroke reminiscent of a cardiogram icon. “Faith, Hope, Love” - the symbol for the tattoo is depicted in the form of an inscription from the described figures.

Amulet Faith, Hope, Love

Historians are still arguing about the timing of the appearance of this amulet. In ancient chronicles, there are cases describing similar talismans even before the terrible death of the sisters and their mother Sophia. Mostly similar amulets were used by sailors who relied on Higher powers, going out to sea. The “Faith, Hope, Love” talisman has certain characteristics.

  1. The circle is a symbol of protection from evil spells, filled with rays converging in the center. They represent hope.
  2. At the junction of the rays there is a heart that gives its love to loved ones.
  3. In the middle of the heart there is a key, personifying faith, which, like a lock, is locked in a person’s soul and remains there for life.

Sofia's prayer "Faith, Hope, Love"

Having survived suffering on earth, the sisters Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia became saints in heaven. They personify those feelings without which it is impossible to exist in our world. Sophia is deep wisdom, Faith is sincere faith in God, Hope is hope for salvation after death, and Love is a deep feeling without a drop of doubt. The prayer “Faith, Hope, Love” can help in many problems. It is pronounced with sincere faith in the power of the saints:

  • O family well-being and happiness;
  • about long-awaited pregnancy, the birth of healthy and happy children;
  • about recovery in case of illnesses and diseases;
  • about deliverance from earthly temptations.

Akathist to Sophia, Faith, Hope, Love

An akathist in which Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are praised is considered an obligatory part of the service on September 30. It is necessary to follow the basic rules for reading the akathist:

  1. The best time to read the akathist is early in the morning, before breakfast.
  2. The akathist should be read out loud, sincerely putting faith in every word.
  3. It is allowed to read the akathist not from memory, but from a paper record or computer screen.

Today, September 30, the last day of September, Orthodox Ukrainians honor the memory of the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who died for the Christian faith. "Country" has collected the main traditions from the history of the Orthodox holiday.

History of the holiday

The martyrs lived in the 2nd century in Rome during the reign of Emperor Henrian. At that time, almost everyone was pagan, but Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia were faithful Christians. Sofia even named her daughters after three Christian virtues.

Having learned about this, the emperor tried to force women to worship the goddess Artemis, but they remained adamant. Then he subjected Sofia’s daughters to severe torture, but the girls strangely remained unharmed, and then they were executed in front of their mother.

On the day of death, Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and Lyubov was 9. The girls were buried in a high place outside the city. For three days Saint Sophia, without leaving, sat at the grave of her daughters and died there. Believers buried the saint's body in the same place. For this christian church canonized them as saints. Since 777, their relics have rested in Alsace, in the church of the city of Escho, near Strasbourg (France).

The monastery in Esho has since become known as the Abbey of St. Sophia. And the village of Esho itself, near the abbey, became a sprawling “hotel” for pilgrims who came to these places in great numbers in the Middle Ages.

Who celebrates name day?

On the day of honoring sisters, all girls, girls and women named Vera, Lyubov, Nadezhda and Sofia celebrate their name day. It is customary to congratulate them on their Angel’s day, dedicate poems to them, and give gifts. They are also presented with icons, incense, and various sweets. And birthday girls treat relatives and friends with pies that they baked themselves.

Birthday girls also attend church, pray at the icon of the Three Great Martyrs, asking for health, love, strong faith, and well-being.

In addition, it is believed that a girl born on this day will be wise, fair, a good housewife, an excellent mother and wife.

Traditions and prohibitions

On the day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, women began the morning with loud crying, with which they paid tribute to the memory of the dead saints. And this crying was considered a talisman for the family for the whole year. There was even a saying: “Whoever sheds tears early in the morning protects the whole family from grief.” On this day they also remembered that you need to hope for the good, but also be prepared for the worst.

By the way in Orthodox Church There is no fasting on the occasion of this holiday. In churches the following is read: the troparion of the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia; kontakion of martyrs; prayer and akathist to the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia; the glorification of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.

Also, no celebrations could be held on this day. It is strictly forbidden to hold weddings.

You should not quarrel with loved ones. On this day, all bad energy is returned to its owner.
