Gifts for a faience wedding 9. How to celebrate a faience anniversary? What to give your wife for a faience wedding

And the flower symbol of 9 years of marriage became sunny flower- field chamomile.

Traditions and gifts for the 9th marriage anniversary

Earthenware wedding 9 years from the date of marriage is not a round date. It is not considered an anniversary, but it is traditionally celebrated. Even if not widely, but in a close family circle, or with a trip to nature. But every year spent together by spouses is a huge contribution to the formation of marital relationships.

According to psychologists, a turning point occurs in the 9th year of marriage. Relations between spouses may enter a crisis, and the way out of the situation is far from clear-cut. Maybe that’s why earthenware symbolizes the ninth anniversary of marriage.

For 9 years - earthenware wedding, it is customary for spouses to give each other all sorts of pleasant and expensive little things. A wife can present her husband with a massive signet with precious stone or with the image of his Zodiac sign.

What to give your wife for a faience wedding

The husband gives his wife expensive gifts for 9 years of married life. It could be jewelry with faience inserts:

  • brooches;
  • pendants;
  • pendants;
  • rings;
  • earrings;
  • jewelry sets made of precious metals

Morning bouquet of daisies left on bedside table on the day of the 9th wedding anniversary, it is both symbolic and will pleasantly please the wife.

Earthenware wedding 9 years of marriage can be celebrated with a joint shopping trip to purchase new dishes. This date seems to have been created for updating table services.

Celebrating a faience wedding

The ninth anniversary is not particularly advertised, preferring a close family circle and a limited number of invited friends, because there is a big anniversary ahead. Exists amazing tradition celebrating 9 years of marriage - a faience wedding. Nine different plates are placed on the table set for guests. They symbolize each year in the life of a married couple. At the beginning of the festive dinner, before the first toast has been said, the two spouses lift each plate and smash it on the floor. At this moment, the guests unanimously say cool congratulations Happy 9th wedding anniversary and counting out loud to nine. The pieces remain on the floor until the party is over.

Psychologists believe that the ceremony of breaking dishes is very effective method relieving stress and tension between spouses, and porcelain wedding, or 9 years of marriage, became a convenient reason for restoring relationships.

What to give to friends for a faience wedding

Recently, as soon as household level filled with technological innovations, it became customary to surprise friends with creative gifts. Thus, on the 9th anniversary of marriage, it became customary to give not earthenware, but decorative plates with photo printing.

Huge dishes on stands with images of spouses can be gifts. Or earthenware plates with personalized congratulations written on them for the date of 9 years from the wedding day.

The best gift for 9 years of marriage is considered to be a large set of earthenware plates - the most necessary and extremely necessary in everyday life kitchen utensils. A real Gzhel will be an original and expensive gift for the 9th anniversary of marriage. However, the choice of a gift for friends can be very different. The main thing is that it is a necessary thing on the farm.

9 years of marriage - earthenware, chamomile wedding. This year is a turning point in the life of a married couple. There is an opinion that partners who were able to find the right approach to family relationships, after 9 years of marriage they switch to new level: become more tolerant and understanding, their feelings gain greater depth and tenderness. What needs to be taken into account when celebrating such a symbolic anniversary?

What a wedding

Popular wisdom associates two symbols with the ninth anniversary: ​​earthenware and chamomile. And even though a chamomile wedding sounds more romantic and sublime, most celebrants believe that a faience wedding is a more familiar and appropriate name. Faience is a fragile and delicate material made from several types of clay and has unique energetic properties. Some claim that it can easily absorb negative energy from the environment.

Knowing these amazing properties earthenware, our great-grandmothers hung washed clay utensils to dry on fence stakes for a reason. They believed that this method of drying allows you to get rid of the negativity accumulated in the dishes and at the same time charges it with the positive energy of the four elements: sun, air, water and earth. And if it was not possible to dry earthenware in this way, housewives preferred to periodically replace old dishes with new ones that were not saturated with negative energies.

A faience wedding also has another meaning. Pottery is used in everyday life and requires careful care and careful storage. Any family relationships may crack if not taken care of. No family is immune from moments of crisis. It is believed that the ninth year is one of the periods when relationships become especially fragile, like a faience saucer. Therefore, this symbol is a kind of reminder that love must be protected. After all, you won’t be able to glue a broken bowl back together.

However, we should not forget about the beautiful chamomile association. This flower is a sign of pure and tender love, romantic and devoted feelings. 9 years from the wedding date is a considerable period of time, which means that you no longer need to guess about your partner’s feelings. The spouses got used to each other, learned to anticipate desires, learned habits and character traits. A chamomile wedding is the blossoming of life together.

Traditions and rituals

There are many traditions and rituals associated with a faience wedding. One of the main customs that opens the feast is breaking dishes. The spouses need to break 9 plates. They simultaneously grab the edges of the plate and throw it onto the floor with all their strength. At the same time, guests count out loud the broken dishes. The ritual ends with a kiss, which is also carried out during the count and ends when friends and relatives have counted to 9.

It should be noted that a pile of fragments cannot be collected immediately. It must remain until the end of the event. To avoid injury, move it to the side. At the end of the celebration, the broken plates are collected in a special bag and stored for a year. This will be a kind of reminder that the relationship has acquired new qualities. All old grievances and misunderstandings were broken. Along with the dishes, the defects were also renewed.

Below are a few more of the most popular customs for the ninth wedding anniversary.

  • A bouquet of daisies as a gift for my wife.
  • The married couple should spend the entire day together. Even if the celebration falls on a workday, try taking a day off. Spending time together will symbolize a strong and reliable union.
  • The number of invited guests must be at least nine. It would be better if 9 married couples come to the holiday.
  • Weaving wreaths from daisies.
  • Buying new dishes for the house.


And of course, not a single holiday is complete without congratulations.

Congratulations from friends (poems)

You've been married for nine years,
And this is a considerable period of time.
And even unnoticeably
That time has flown by.

You're still together
Still beautiful
And your glances shine
A happy smile.

Faience wedding -
Solemn date.
Live well
And may you be rich!

Today is your wedding anniversary.
Yes, 9 years is not yet an anniversary,
But it is still a holiday.
And we congratulate you on it.

Let the years pass unnoticed,
Without darkening the path of life with anything.
And may your union be very strong,
And let your feelings burn like a thousand candles.

Congratulations from friends (prose)

I sincerely congratulate you on your earthenware wedding, on your 9th anniversary family life. Let your feelings never cool down and be always hot, like fresh tea in earthenware cups with pleasant aroma tenderness and amazing taste of happiness.

Congratulations to the happy and beautiful family on their 9th anniversary and on their earthenware wedding. I wish you painted and bright earthenware happiness, eternal love and undoubted good luck, a healthy family and well-being in the home.

Congratulations to the wife

For the ninth time today, darling,
I'm glad you're my wife
I achieve with you every day,
The heights of happiness, my dear!

My beloved, thank you,
That you tolerate me and understand.
Because I don’t always give flowers,
You forgive me with restraint.

I want to live with you for tens more years,
Protect you with love, protect you.
You are my joy, you are my light.
My love for you will never cease.
We've been living with you for nine years,
And every moment is complete happiness.
Sent from above to me by fate.
Life changed overnight

In that glorious moment when with you,
We were going to a wedding.
Everything became a dream come true,
Wonderful charm!

I love you madly
Your glorious, sweet, gentle image.
And I adore you with all my heart!
It’s not for nothing that our marriage is made in heaven!

Congratulations to my husband

We've been together for nine years,
Much has already been lived,
I wish that, as before,
Passion circled in a turn.

My glorious and beloved husband,
I'm glad that we are a family.
I want them to be forever
You and I are one.
Nine years of marriage -
Life in joy, love.
And with my wife, sometimes capricious,
Lived, beloved husband, you.

Happy Anniversary
And I want to tell you:
You are a real man
I couldn't dream of anything better.

What to give

What wedding is complete without gifts? It is believed that there will be no problems with the choice of gifts on the earthenware anniversary, because on this day it is customary to present one of the symbols of the celebration.

What to give your husband

Gift options for husband:

  • beer mug;
  • a new cup (can be with an original inscription or picture, there are even chameleon cups);
  • ceramic talisman (according to his zodiac sign)
  • for men who smoke – earthenware ashtray
  • earthenware barrel for jam or honey (if your spouse has a sweet tooth)

What to give to your wife

As a gift, you can give accessories with flowers: hairpins, jewelry, a cosmetic bag or an exquisite handbag. A wonderful gift there will be a bouquet of daisies. They can be given in any quantity. How more colors fill the house, the more happiness, joy and love they will bring with them. It is not at all necessary to adhere to the point of view that on a faience-chamomile wedding anniversary only items associated with the symbols of the celebration are given.

What to give to friends

Among earthenware products, the choice most often is coffee or tea sets, funny figurines, interior decor, candlesticks, boxes, etc. Looks original decorative plate. Especially if it depicts a portrait of a celebrating couple. You can donate anything: jewelry, cake (made with your own hands), gift certificates, concert tickets, trips to exotic countries, etc. The choice of gift depends only on financial capabilities and flight of fancy. The most important thing is that the gift brings joy, reminds you of tender feelings and leaves the brightest and kindest memories of this day.

Ideas for organization

It is not customary to celebrate the ninth anniversary too noisily. You can organize a more grandiose event next year. It is better to celebrate a faience wedding among close friends and relatives. If the time of year and weather permits, it is advisable to spend the holiday outdoors. Light a fire in the forest or on the river bank and cook kebabs. Organize outdoor games and sing your favorite songs. Have fun and joke from the heart. Let the guests say congratulations while children make noise and run around. Their joyful laughter will attract harmony, wealth and love to the family.

If you can’t get out into nature, have a small celebration at home. Decorate the rooms with flowers. Place earthenware on the table and place napkins with daisy designs near the plates. You can specifically purchase curtains or curtains with daisies for the upcoming event. They will not only become a decoration, but will also personify tenderness and vulnerability of feelings.

Chamomile is wonderful summer flower, which is familiar to absolutely every person. Decorative, huge in size, modest wild, medicinal, used in pharmaceuticals - a huge variety of all varieties are known, perhaps, only to professional florists. However, all these species have common features. The tenderness, simplicity and pristine whiteness of these flowers will captivate many contemplatives of beauty. But what a chamomile wedding is, now we have to figure it out. The meaning of its name, folk traditions of celebration and gifts, as well as the decoration of the holiday will be described below.

Chamomile wedding - what is it?

People love to celebrate joint dates and anniversaries, but often do not know their names and folk traditions associated with them. Chamomile wedding - how many years have the spouses lived together? How many years have they been walking through life together, hand in hand? This is nothing less than our 9th wedding anniversary. People are accustomed to celebrating round dates on a grand scale, but sometimes intermediate ones can be forgotten. You never know what reasons there could be for such an omission: lack of funds, time, mood, perhaps, knowledge about such wonderful dates. Is it right to deprive yourself romantic mood on such a holiday? Nine years is a serious period of time that you spent together with your other half in sorrow and joy, in peace and life, in love. A joint union between two people is always a difficult thing and requires a lot of strength and patience, the ability to selflessly love and unselfishly forgive. So why not celebrate the ninth anniversary of the date when you first began to build your own unit of society?

Versions of the origin of this name

What associations does chamomile evoke? Tenderness, loyalty, purity of relationships. In addition, chamomile is a native Russian flower. Historical pictures of peasant life come to mind, when families were huge and strong, to the envy of the modern institution of marriage.

Everyone knows love fortune telling with chamomile, when the petals are torn from a flower with the saying “loves or loves not.” The last petal necessarily gives a truthful answer to the gnawing question for the fair-haired girl in a wreath of wildflowers (in which, by the way, chamomile also found a place).

Chamomile is a symbol of summer, its bright sun, hot days and warm nights, the fun that always comes with it. Therefore, a chamomile wedding reminds us of the approach to the blossoming of married life. It was during this period that the spouses already knew each other’s habits and characteristics, learned to guess desires and, sometimes, thoughts. They got used to their characters.

This date is also popularly called the “faience wedding.” Earthenware is not the most expensive material for making dishes, but we use such dishes every day. And, accordingly, constancy and stability are important.

Another assumption is that by the ninth year of married life the couple had already fully provided for themselves and had filled their “cup” family wealth. The 9th wedding anniversary implies prosperity and relative peace in all areas of family life.

In no family does everything go absolutely smoothly. In certain years, peculiar relationship crises may occur. This happened in the ninth year. Therefore, the family during this period is fragile, like a faience cup. In addition, as you know, it is impossible to glue something broken. This is a reminder to cherish your love.

Ninth Anniversary Traditions

A faience wedding is not particularly distinguished by the number of rituals. She only has one, namely breaking dishes. Spouses collect old, worn out, chipped dishes at home and break them together before the festive feast. Each fragment is a trace of quarrels and insults, which are then swept out of the house. The marriage must become more stable, you must forgive each other for quarrels. And the process of breaking dishes itself relieves stress, which, undoubtedly, should have accumulated during such a period of living together.

In principle, if there are no old dishes in the house, you can buy them. The main thing is to be ready to part with her.

How to decorate a chamomile wedding

Decorating a daisy wedding is not the last issue in organizing the celebration. The celebration can be held at home, or you can go out into the lap of nature with family friends, children, and relatives. It all depends on the wishes of the spouses. If weather conditions permit, you can set up a table or several gazebos outdoors.

The outfits of the wife and husband can be chosen in light green, white and yellow colors. You can, of course, indulge in the classics, but light shades will significantly improve your mood.

The table can be decorated with fresh herbs, bouquets of wildflowers, daisies themselves and floral combinations. Spring-summer ribbons delicate shades, napkins - all this will add zest to the special day.

A good idea would be to put up an arch decorated with wedding paraphernalia in the chosen colors. A memorable moment will be reminding each other of the feelings carried through so many years, in the presence of guests.

What to give to spouses

A chamomile wedding implies the presence of daisies, which means that a bouquet of these flowers will be an excellent symbol of attention. Gentle, beautiful and unusual. People are so accustomed to presenting each other with standard bouquets of roses, although other flowers are no worse, and thanks to their unusualness and originality, maybe even better.

Do not forget that the second symbol of the celebration is earthenware, which is firmly entrenched in alliance with the concept of “dishes”. It is the dishes that can become the next option for a themed gift. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of shapes, colors and even purposes. You can find a service to suit every taste and color, the main thing is the desire to bring joy to the recipients of the gift.

Many photo salons offer services for applying photographs to various items of clothing, interior design and the same dishes. The main advantage of such a gift will be exclusivity and focus on specific people. Just imagine how pleasant it is to drink tea in the morning from a mug with your own photo with your loved one and dear to your heart.

The symbolism of the date under discussion is fragility. Various figurines that fully convey this idea are suitable as a present. And if the souvenir also contains daisies in its composition, the symbolism of the festival will be played out on both sides.

Congratulations for a married couple

You can say a great many kind words to your family and friends. The most best congratulations- created by one's own labor. Rehearse a short speech, a toast that will reflect the individuality of a particular family couple, compose a quatrain. Such work will definitely be appreciated.

But it also happens that rhyming and connecting words is not so easy. The feast and the whole chamomile wedding will not remain silent? Congratulations can be found ready-made. Then books come to the rescue, helping with the design of celebrations, postcards with written text, or Internet resources. Below are several congratulatory works that may suit your taste.

Chamomile wedding. Poetry

1. Nine-year wedding anniversary

They call it a chamomile wedding
Nine-year anniversary of life.
The guests wish you joy,
Mutual kindness and loyal friends.

Family union is known through deeds!
It is important to raise happy children,
Insanely bright so that the sun shines in the soul,
And despite your sorrows, do not lose heart!

2. Live in perfect harmony

Tears days off the calendar
Cool wind of change.
And you don’t care about all this,
You are together in ups and downs!

Today we've been together for nine years!
The marriage is flourishing!
The main thing for you is to keep your family,
Continue to love with great passion!

3. Anniversary Wishes

The longer the marriage,
The more he is tested.
Nine years have passed so much!
But there is no end ahead!

You have so much to do: getting to know each other,
My beloved children are growing fast,
And the main thing is to overcome illnesses!
For you, dear ones, a poetic toast!

4. I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary

Live soul to soul!
What could be better!
Family is sacred
Dear, dear!

Nine years are already in the past,
I wish you to remember the good things,
Forget about all the sorrows
Move forward with your dreams!

A few final words

A wedding is always an exciting moment. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s just happening today or whether it happened nine years ago. One day, people take responsibility for each other, for the happiness of their other half, for the prosperity of the family hearth and the well-being of new or planned children. The family makes a person a person, education and instillation take place in it useful qualities, support and giving of love. It is very important that people do not forget the value of their family relationships.

9 years of marriage is not a round date and not a particularly pompous holiday. What to give, how to celebrate it, and what to do on this day, the spouses decide together. A faience wedding is considered a kind of milestone in life together, and psychologists consider this milestone to be one of the most difficult.

During the period before the 10th anniversary, the marriage is cemented and continues further or becomes the line beyond which misunderstandings, conflicts and disagreements begin. Faience is strong and fragile at the same time, and chamomile is a modest flower of doubt, on which one wonders whether one loves or does not love.

At this moment, the wife finishes the last preparations, and the husband places the guests behind festive table. The instructions about guests are contradictory - there must be at least nine of them, the number must be odd, but only married couples should be invited, preferably those married in their first marriage and always with a sufficiently long history of married life.

You can get out of the situation by inviting them with children. According to tradition, the ninth anniversary is celebrated outdoors, and the husband collects a bouquet of daisies with his own hands, but this is not necessary, because the date can fall in any month of the year. A bouquet of daisies is required from the guests and from the husband for the hero of the occasion. But not necessarily wild flowers, and not even traditional white and yellow ones, the main thing is that the flowers look like a chamomile - with an open center and petals at the edges.

The design of the bouquet should contain as little artificial as possible, so it is wrapped in ordinary wrapping paper or in improvised materials.

There are some other conditions. The decoration of the table, as well as the decor of the hall (if the celebration is still celebrated in a restaurant or cafe), includes:

  • white-green color scheme (often recommended yellow, but it can only be used in very muted shades);
  • holiday menu - simple but satisfying dishes, without juliennes or cocotte makers;
  • the dishes are served completely new, or the most beautiful of the holiday sets stored away for family holidays;
  • All the presented bouquets are placed on the table, outdoors - guests weave special garlands of grass or flowers for decoration (you can announce a competition for the most beautiful wreath or table decoration and solemnly reward the winner).

If you can’t go out into nature and the season is warm, you can order a banquet for open veranda a cafe somewhere in a park, or on the shore of a pond.

One of the few traditions for nine years is the morning joint viewing of earthenware.

It is carried out to throw away nicked, cracked or chipped objects, which can first be symbolically broken for good luck. Such items should not be kept in the house, especially during difficult periods.

Time should be spent in a warm and friendly atmosphere, demonstrating to the guests in every possible way the unity of opinions, and emphatically paying maximum attention to each other. If the anniversary is celebrated outdoors, women, according to tradition, weave wreaths of wildflowers. They can decorate both a clearing set for food and a festive table.

Wreaths are placed on the heads of children, who on this day have fun at a separately set table, so as not to disturb adults.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

The gift, as on any other anniversary, is presented to the spouse alone, in the morning. They don’t give special delights on this day, but the other half should feel that the gift was chosen carefully and with love. The wife will be happy:

  • decorations in the form of daisies;
  • a beautiful vase;
  • a piece of clothing with a chamomile pattern;
  • bouquet is included in the mandatory program);
  • good chamomile tea or a line of medicinal cosmetics with this flower.

The wife will have to tinker with the choice of a gift for her husband, but an excellent choice would be a ceramic aroma lamp, an ashtray for a smoker, a keg for beer or kvass with a tap, desk lamp with ceramic lampshade for desk, a figurine with the inscription “To my beloved husband.”

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

You can give any item that is indirectly related to earthenware or daisies, or even better, if to both at the same time. You can give not only dishes (although this is mostly what guests do).

An original way to congratulate would be postcards with daisies drawn by children, cool earthenware figurines symbolizing love and fidelity.

There are beautiful wall panels made of handmade faience, and if you try, you can find the theme of the desired flower. The bouquet placed on this day according to etiquette can be presented in a beautiful earthenware vase.


Gift ideas in this case are suggested by both names of the wedding. Traditionally, the heroes of the occasion are given bouquets or baskets of daisies and earthenware: from beautiful pairs of cups and designer vases to exclusive sets and sets of plates. Maybe that’s why there is a morning tradition of breaking and throwing away old dishes that were still present in the family, because there was nothing to replace them with.

The abundance of earthenware presented on this day helps not only to update the assortment, but also to experience pleasant emotions, getting rid of the boring old ones.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

You can come up with congratulations yourself, in poetry or prose, or download them from the Internet; the main thing is not the authorship, but the feelings and wishes that they contain.

Happy Faience wedding!

On such a wonderful date!

Financial stability

We wish you guys

Walk you in the direction

Great success

Live in a good mood

Make friends with cheerful laughter!

Let the faience wedding

He will bestow his magic.

Although a fragile name -

Your couple will fix everything!

And let it only grow stronger

This fiery union

There will be peace, hope, fidelity,

And love is a huge load!

Congratulations on your faience wedding!

The faience is so beautiful! We all know this.

Refined, pleasant to the touch and to look at.

It attracts the eye and sparkles provocatively.

All qualities together are like your family!

May she be strong forever.

Over time it will become diamond or granite.

May the Lord always protect you from adversity!

Original and practical gifts (what kind of gifts of this kind can be given)

Since the wedding is called earthenware or chamomile, then the married couple are given everything that has to do with these two topics.

It is advisable to choose a gift that will be needed not only for a couple of months, but will remain in the house for many years.

You can also donate money so that the spouses themselves can purchase what they need, but it must be properly decorated - in a barrel for spices with daisies, a earthenware box with a suitable design, in a postcard self made, or purchased, but suitable in meaning and large in size.

If you can’t combine both themes, you can give preference to one - buy beautiful bed linen with a chamomile print, paired cups that you can’t take your eyes off, glass kitchen utensils or a set of pots, but with an appropriate pattern.

Here they will tell you how to celebrate and what to give for your 9th wedding anniversary:

Not everyone had to attend a faience wedding. If you had a chance to attend such a celebration, what gifts do you remember and which one would you choose if invited to such an anniversary?

The ninth anniversary of marriage is called a faience wedding. And although this is not yet a round date, nevertheless, it is a very important milestone. As psychologists say, at this moment another crisis in family life begins. Relationships become as fragile as earthenware. Therefore, it is very important to seriously approach the question “what to give for a faience wedding?” The right gift can bring stability to a relationship and make life happier. In this article we will tell you what to please your spouse, what to give to friends on this date, and also what gifts you should refrain from.

Top 10 gifts for 9th wedding anniversary

If you don’t know what you can give for a faience wedding, we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the list of traditional things that are given on this day; perhaps you will find your gift among them.

  1. Earthenware services
  2. Souvenirs
  3. Faience jewelry
  4. Cups
  5. Flowers (most often daisies)
  6. Money
  7. Small household appliances
  8. Sweets
  9. Gift-impression
  10. Alcohol

What to give your wife for a faience wedding?

For women, a wedding anniversary is always very important date. Your gift will be seen as proof of love and care, so try to give something valuable and memorable. In this section we have tried to collect gift ideas for every taste and budget.

  • Family photo session in nature. Take your wife, children, dog and go outdoors, taking with you a professional photographer. Such a walk will give positive emotions and will refresh the relationship, and the resulting shots will remain as a memory and proof of your family happiness.
  • Holidays at sea. Remember when you and your wife were at a resort in last time? If your answer is a long time ago, then your ninth wedding anniversary will be a great opportunity to fill this gap. This gift will make you forget about routine and remember that family is not only worries, but also joy.
  • Faience pendant. If your wife loves unusual jewelry, such an accessory will be an excellent gift option for her. On the Internet you can find designer jewelry made of earthenware with the addition of gilding, ceramics or enameled inserts.
  • Vase. A beautiful vase will never be out of place. It is advisable to find original model. You can also choose a cute vase with a pattern of daisies.
  • Faience fondue pot. Is your wife a foodie? Then best gift for a wife's earthenware wedding - dishes for preparing fondue. This bowl makes very tasty cheese or chocolate dishes.
  • Hollywood star. If your wife loves gossip columns and doesn’t miss a single movie premiere, give her a personal star made in the image of a Hollywood one. It can be placed on a stand, hung on a wall, or even placed on the floor, for example in a bathroom.
  • Flower in a pot. A touching replacement for the standard bouquet. Just don’t give a cactus or aloe. For a gift for 9 years of marriage, an orchid, azalea or “sunny” gerbera is suitable
  • Faience jewelry box. A good gift for those women who have many different bracelets, earrings and rings. It’s not easy for a man to choose such a gift on his own, so don’t hesitate to ask a sales consultant for help, or better yet, take a friend or relative with you.

The ninth wedding anniversary is also called "chamomile". An excellent addition to the main gift for your wife would be a bouquet of wildflowers.

What to give your husband for a faience wedding?

Choosing a wedding anniversary gift for your husband is not an easy task. After all, men usually don’t like souvenirs and cute trinkets. In this part of the article, we will give you ideas for gifts for your husband on his 9th wedding anniversary, so that the gift is useful and interesting and at the same time meets the traditions of the holiday.

  • Ceramic beer mug. If your spouse's favorite drink is beer, give him a beautiful ceramic mug. Let him also receive aesthetic pleasure from the foamy drink.
  • Hookah with earthenware bowl. Such bowls are considered the best, in them the heat from the coals is distributed evenly and the tobacco warms up well. This gift will make your get-togethers with friends even more interesting. You can, for example, organize competitions “who will let more rings from the smoke."
  • Excursion to the porcelain factory. Great option a gift for a man who loves adventures and new experiences. On such an excursion you can learn many interesting things and understand how fragile this material is. Perhaps this will give him the idea that marriage also requires special care.
  • Ashtray. Every smoker should have a beautiful ashtray that is pleasant to use. If your husband still throws ashes into a coffee can, this gift is for him. Choose a classic earthenware ashtray-saucer or a cool accessory in the form of a tin can or toilet bowl.
  • Romantic surprise picnic. According to Russian tradition, it is customary to celebrate the ninth wedding anniversary outdoors. Prepare your spouse's favorite dishes and go on a picnic. A sea of ​​positive emotions is guaranteed.
  • Sake set. If your husband is addicted Japanese cuisine and loves traditional sake, give him a faience set for properly serving this original drink.

There is a tradition of breaking dishes on the ninth wedding anniversary. This ritual allows you to relieve stress, as well as get rid of accumulated claims and grievances towards each other. When breaking a plate or cup, you can say out loud what you are getting rid of, for example: “I break these dishes in order to get rid of quarrels over trifles.” You can also write on the plates the reasons why you fought. The pieces should be collected in a box and left as a reminder that you agreed to start new life from a blank page.

What to give to friends for a faience wedding?

Close friends are planning a wedding anniversary, but you don’t know what to give? Especially for this occasion we have collected interesting ideas gifts for the 9th anniversary of the family that can be given to friends or relatives.

  • Service with photographs of spouses. Practical and interesting option present. Buy a white earthenware set and print nice photos of your friends on it. You can choose their wedding photos or photos taken in each year of their marriage.
  • Earthenware aroma lamp and set of oils. With it you can create cozy atmosphere in the house. Choose lamps with unusual designs. It is best to choose soothing oils from the “anti-stress” collection.
  • Paired figurines. Who said souvenirs are boring? Nowadays you can find very beautiful figurines of animals, lovers or newlyweds. Or even make custom figurines with the faces of your friends. When giving a gift, say the correct ones parting words– let such a gift become a talisman and a symbol of the family.
  • Bed linen set with daisies. Every mother worries about “what to give to children for a porcelain wedding?” Remember how you used to collect a dowry from the necessary things and give the newlyweds a beautiful set of bed linen. A good themed idea would be lingerie with a chamomile print.
  • Set for modeling dishes. Let your friends create their own family masterpiece - a cup, dish or plate. Hint to them that they themselves are the creators of their future and that relationships are a fragile thing that can be sculpted and painted. bright colors just the two of us.
  • Hugging salt and pepper shakers. This accessory looks very cute and will decorate any kitchen. In addition, nowadays you can find earthenware “hug” spice sets in a variety of variations: hearts, people, cats, etc.
  • A painting depicting a field of daisies or a bouquet of daisies. Good option gift to friends or relatives. Such a landscape or still life will wonderfully transform the kitchen or living room.
  • Cake to order. Let this cake remind the couple of their wedding cake. Order a cake for them with daisies and young figures. Accompany the gift with wishes for a sweet life.

A faience wedding is best celebrated with your closest friends and relatives. Lush festivities are not accepted on this day. Be sure to place some earthenware on the table or place a vase of daisies in the center of the table.

What should you not give for 9 years of marriage?

Finally, I would like to say a few words about gifts that not every couple will like.

  • Toilet, sink and other plumbing fixtures. You can find articles on the Internet where they seriously advise giving these things as gifts, with a hint of repairs. But we want to remind you that not all people understand hints and are able to adequately respond to such a rather strange present.
  • Soviet faience figurines. Such accessories, found in grandma’s closet, will please only collectors, while others will rush to re-gift them or hide them in the farthest corner.
  • Faience swans or doves. Too corny. If you respect the recipient, avoid this cliché and wedding kitsch.
  • Money in an envelope. It’s too boring, and besides, a cash gift will be spent very quickly and won’t leave anything in your memory.

We hope our article helped you solve the problem of choosing a gift for a faience wedding. Love and appreciate each other. Choose only the best as a gift, and our website will always help you with this choice. We wish you and your loved ones a long and happy family life!
