How many calories are burned during interval running? How many calories are burned when jogging?

It's no secret that for any physical activity we burn a certain number of calories. The higher the load level, the more calories the body burns. It is this principle that underlies weight loss and getting rid of fat. Therefore, those who want to lose weight through proper nutrition and regular exercise should definitely know how many calories are burned when running, jumping, walking, etc.

Recently, independent running has become increasingly popular, leaving aerobics, fitness and other gym workouts in the background. And this is not surprising, because an hour of running burns no less calories than a half-hour workout in the gym. If you are wondering how many calories the body burns in 30 minutes of running, then a comparison with an hour of vigorous, continuous race walking would be appropriate.

In this article we will talk about how many calories are burned when running, which is rightfully considered one of the most effective ways losing weight. Next, we will learn about how many calories are burned when running in an hour, as well as in half an hour.

How many calories are burned when running over a certain period of time?

Determining how many calories are burned when running is not that difficult. To do this, you need to know both the duration of the run itself and your initial weight along with the percentage of fat you are losing. The more a person has excess weight and the less muscle mass he has, the more calories he can get rid of. Also, do not forget about the speed and intensity of running.

Weight loss experts say that the body begins to actively burn calories and fat only after half an hour of running, so they insist that the duration of the run be more than 30 minutes. In addition, it is believed that an hour of running burns calories more efficiently than a half-hour workout. But this does not mean that during a half-hour run you do not lose weight (it just happens more slowly), because this fact does not particularly affect how many calories your body spends in 30 minutes of running.

For those who cannot run for a long time, it is recommended to alternate running with walking, but without stopping. So, an hour of running will burn much more calories than a half-hour run without a break. How many calories are burned when running, taking into account all of the above?

Below is data that indicates how many calories are burned when running for 1 hour for women and men.

Women who weigh up to 60 kg burn:

  • Moderate pace with breaks for intense walking – 250-260 kcal;
  • Moderate pace without breaks – 600-620 kcal.

Men who weigh up to 80 kg burn:

  • Moderate pace with breaks for intense walking – 310-320 kcal;
  • Moderate pace without breaks - 830-850 kcal.

If you run for half an hour without stopping and at an average pace, you will be able to lose about 160-200 kcal. Therefore, it is very important to jog at least once a day, so that you can lose enough calories in an hour of running to achieve results.

What do you need to run effectively to lose weight?

In order to start jogging with the goal of losing weight, you only need desire and, at a minimum, comfortable sports shoes. Don’t forget to also consult your doctor about the amount of exercise you need, especially if you have any health problems.

You can choose the time and place for jogging yourself, taking into account your individual rhythm of life and opportunities. Remember to run at full strength, because the heavier you get, the more calories your body burns, and the effectiveness of your workout increases. However, you should not overexert yourself and sharply increase the load, because this can be fraught with danger to your health. Before you start running, you need to warm up, and then restore your breathing and cool down your body.

Even if you are not interested in how many calories you burn while running, but want to improve your performance, you can alternate the intensity, pace and length of steps when running at different distances and distances. different surfaces. It is also useful to combine running with other aerobic exercise, not forgetting, of course, about proper nutrition.

Rules for effective jogging:

  • Morning running is considered more useful, but no less effective than evening running;
  • You need to run only before eating, and not vice versa;
  • After a run, a contrast shower is useful;
  • Always start with a warm-up and slow running, gradually increasing the load;
  • During a run and immediately after it, you should not drink water, especially cold water, so as not to get sick;
  • After a run, be sure to restore your breathing: combine walking with raising your arms up, while taking a deep breath;
  • The greatest pleasure will come to you when running with your favorite music in headphones;
  • Alternating running is a good way to increase the effectiveness of your workout, so combine jogging with shuttle running, slow running and regular running;
  • If you have a cold, it is better to avoid running, especially if you have a fever.

When choosing sports shoes, pay attention to the fact that they are comfortable and loose enough. If you choose the right shoes, you can avoid the painful sensations that may occur after finishing a run in the ankle joints.

Running is one of the most popular ways to combat extra pounds and calories, which is not surprising. This sport can be practiced anytime and anywhere, even in winter; your training schedule depends on you, and financial investments You will only need comfortable clothes and shoes. For all its accessibility and simplicity, running is very effective as a means to improve health, improve physical condition and combat excess weight. Regular exercise in this sport will help you strengthen your heart and blood vessels, tone your muscles, increase your lung capacity, improve blood circulation, and improve your work quality nervous system and increase energy expenditure, which will inevitably lead to weight loss.

How many calories are spent when running depends on many factors: gender, age, height, weight, physical condition, health status, individual metabolic rate, nutrition, terrain and degree of slope, shoes and clothing, weather, atmospheric pressure, training mode, speed and duration of the run, even from your emotional state and time of day. However, there are some averages that can help you estimate how many calories running will burn during your workout.

Many questions concern newcomers who decide to use this type sports to combat excess weight - how often you need to train, the optimal time and speed, how many calories you can burn in 30 minutes of running. We want to tell you how to run correctly.

Energy expenditure during athletics is influenced by factors such as your gender, age, weight, as well as the duration of the activity and the surface on which you run. Obviously, running on a path with a comfortable surface burns fewer calories than on a lawn or on a dirt road outside the city, and training on rough terrain, steps or hills contributes to even greater energy expenditure. Obese people will burn calories when running at a higher rate than a person who is not overweight. But speed, although it affects energy expenditure, is not a decisive factor in determining how many calories are spent when running. Therefore, it is better to train at a low pace for 40 minutes than quickly, exhaustingly, for 30 minutes.

Calorie consumption when running does not occur evenly during training. While you are warming up, your body is reluctant to expend energy. When your heart enters an optimal rhythm for burning fat, you begin to actively use up your reserves - this happens in about 20 minutes. About 40-60 minutes after the start of the workout, its effectiveness decreases, you get tired and need rest. The optimal training time is 30-40 minutes. How many calories you burn in 30 minutes of running determines how much weight you will ultimately lose. If your physical shape is good enough and your heart is resilient, you can exercise for an hour with short walking breaks for rest. In an hour of running, you will burn enough calories, and the fat burning process will continue for some time after the workout.

Please note that it is advisable to spend no more than 500-650 calories during one jogging session. This is exactly the amount of energy that can be expended without harm to the muscles, heart and internal organs. If you spend more, you will need to restore your energy supply with a carbohydrate drink (cocktail, cocoa, fruit juice), otherwise you will become very tired, weak, weak, and your body will not have enough strength to burn fat or restore muscles.

How many calories are burned when running?

We offer you average values ​​of how many calories an average person burns per hour of running per 1 kg of weight.

Slow running at a speed of about 8 km/h will help you burn 6.5 kcal per 1 kg of weight per hour. A higher speed of 10.5-12 km/h contributes to the consumption of 10 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Moving at a speed of 16 km/h consumes 12-14 kcal per 1 kg of weight. The same amount of energy is spent when running up the steps, and running down the steps - about 8 kcal per 1 kg of weight.

Energy is consumed very intensively during complex types of training - interval method, cross-country or inclined surface. In this case, in an hour of running you can burn up to 900 calories with a weight of 58-60 kg (that is, about 15 kcal per 1 kg of weight). The more uneven the surface you are running on, the more often its incline changes and your speed, the more calories running burns.

Running and Calories: What You Should Know

You should know about some tricks that will help you increase your calorie burning rate while running.

To increase energy costs, choose one of the following methods:

  • warm clothes in which you will sweat intensely;
  • drinking plenty of fluids, which also promotes heavy sweating;
  • a cup of unsweetened coffee or green tea 15 minutes before a run will also increase calorie consumption when running and enhance the breakdown of fat;
  • time of day: in the morning, energy consumption is less than in the evening, but your muscles and heart become stronger, and in the evening you lose weight more actively, but you also get tired faster;
  • training always at the same time;
  • interval running, trail running, hill running, etc.;
  • proper nutrition (do not eat 2 hours before training and an hour after it);
  • The effectiveness of the workout and the rate of burning calories when running increases depending on the duration of the activity, and not on your speed, so run slowly, but for a long time, up to 50-60 minutes (if your physical condition allows, of course).

Burning calories when running, as we said above, occurs unevenly and differently for everyone.. What is the best way to exercise to lose weight?

Start training with 20 minutes. Don't try to run fast - a moderate speed that is comfortable for you will make your exercise more effective than running fast, which causes shortness of breath and pain in the side. Over time, increase your workout time to 40-60 minutes at a speed of 10-12 km/h (if you jog, you can extend the workout to 1.5 hours). The first 20 minutes (or 40 minutes when jogging) you will spend glycogen in the muscles, but then fat tissue will begin to break down. Therefore, for better calorie consumption when running, after 20 minutes you can switch to the interval training method or increase the speed.

Optimal frequency of exercise: 2-3 times a week with an active lifestyle and 5 times a week with sedentary life.

To lose weight, exercise in the evening. At this time, energy consumption is greatest, and there is no fear of getting tired - a whole night awaits ahead with sound sleep (and after an evening run, it will definitely be sound). Also, carefully choose a place for jogging - it is advisable to train in a stadium with a special coating or away from roads, dust and smog, outside the city on dirt roads - they burn more calories when running and the air is cleaner. Asphalt pavement It is less suitable for this sport, as it is too hard and can injure the bones and joints of the legs and spine.

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To maintain good physical shape and ensure normal exercise, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive fitness centers. Running for half an hour every day will be enough. We will find out further how a 30-minute intense run affects the body and how many calories you can lose in half an hour.

Features of the 30-minute run

The undeniable benefit of running lies in the person and his health. This running duration ensures optimal daily load on the body, is safe for people who do not have special physical training. How many kilometers can you run in 30 minutes of running? It is known that running for 30 minutes allows you to:

  • Run about 4 km. Of course, the distance covered in half an hour directly depends on the speed of the person. 4 km is an average result if the trainee runs at a speed of 8 km/h. If a person has not previously engaged in sports, then his speed will be lower, while that of a runner will be higher.
  • Lose about 300-400 kcal in half an hour. If a person wants to lose significant weight, then such a workout will not be enough for him, but to maintain shape, strengthen the immune system and health, it will be enough.

The number of calories lost per half hour depends on the intensity of the workout. It can be strengthened, for example, with the help of special ones or by increasing running speed.

30 minutes of running on a treadmill

Treadmill - best option cardio training, providing optimal load on the foot and allowing you to regulate the movement process. Its main advantages are:

  1. Comfort and safety of the heel load due to the soft surface of the treadmill.
  2. The ability to adjust the running speed: for beginners, a speed of 6-8 km/h is suitable, for advanced ones - about 10 km/h. You can also choose a mixed speed, increasing and decreasing the speed throughout the workout.
  3. 30 minutes is the minimum and optimal duration of classes for beginners. It does not overload the body and provides sufficient load.
  4. If desired, you can increase the load - change the slope of the track, speed up the movement, increase the resistance, etc.

At least 5 half-hour workouts should be done per week. their duration must be increased so that you can feel the full impact of the body. Otherwise, classes will be wasted.

Rules for daily running

Running for 30 minutes may not bring any results if you do not follow special rules:

  • The body has the ability to adapt to any load. Therefore, most likely, when running to lose weight, in the first few weeks (4-7 weeks) you will be able to lose up to 10 kg with constant exercise, but then this process will slow down or stop altogether. Thus, the load must constantly be increased by adjusting the speed or duration.
  • Find quality running shoes for yourself. Specialized orthotics help the feet cope with heavy loads - which they suffer from during prolonged running, even with a relatively light load.
  • It is very important to do a short warm-up before starting training (even if you are an advanced runner). 7-10 minutes of exercise in the morning will help the body wake up and prepare for physical activity. In addition, warming up helps optimize the load on the spine.
  • Control the duration of your run and its speed. If you feel unwell or experience pain in your arms, legs or back, you should stop running. In cases where your health does not allow you to run 30 minutes a day, replace such training with equally effective exercises.

If you work out in the gym, go to a fitness club or get other physical activity besides running, then allowed to train less frequently- for example, every other day. This will in no way detract from the effectiveness of the training.

The benefits of a 30-minute run

It’s not for nothing that running is called the cure for all diseases. When he provides a comprehensive healing effect on the body:

  • Stabilization of the cardiovascular system. noticeably and eliminates tachycardia.
  • Within one month it goes away, the lungs begin to work better.
  • body (except for hands).
  • Improvement of joints.
  • Normalization of emotional health and performance.

Today, running is the most accessible workout, which is in no way inferior to professional ones. Many runners are famous for their longevity and good health, and their appearance even causes envy. To achieve this result, just make running your daily activity - and soon you won’t recognize yourself!

Video. How to properly exercise on a treadmill

Nowadays, running no longer evokes a lot of rave reviews, as it did thirty years ago.

Then the community was literally gripped by “running fever.”

Newspapers and magazines promoted running as healthy image life, and regular jogging in the morning was considered almost a panacea for all diseases. Running clubs were organized in all cities, marathons and competitions for various distances were organized.

However, running has never been particularly popularized as a method for losing weight. All its fame was based solely on its healing effect on the body. But still, calories are burned when running, which means there is a weight loss effect.
For example, Americans have a very developed system for losing weight through regular running. There it is more of a cult than just a way to lose extra pounds.

How many calories are spent when running, and is it possible to lose weight with it?

The effectiveness of running for burning calories

More high efficiency running to burn calories compared to all kinds of weight loss products and diets to eliminate fat is obvious. This is due to the fact that running, in addition to making it possible to eliminate excess weight, promotes health, increases endurance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accelerates blood circulation, and increases muscle tone.
Running promotes the formation beautiful figure, since it is when running that the load is distributed evenly across all muscle groups. The body becomes trained and harmoniously developed.

As a result of jogging, the metabolic process accelerates, which makes it possible to characterize running as the maximum effective remedy for weight loss and burning unnecessary calories. This is especially true for problem areas of the body such as the buttocks, abdomen and legs. People who practice morning jogging significantly reduce the risk of getting cellulite.

Moreover, the more a person weighs, the more calories he spends when running. How many calories does an obese person burn when running? For example, with a weight of 90 kg, a person will spend about 750 kcal per hour of training, while our example with a woman weighing 70 kg shows that she lost about 600 kcal during an hour's run. The difference is significant. But for people who are too overweight big loss calories from running is not yet an indication for using this method for weight loss.
For obese people, running is contraindicated because the risk of injury to the joints of the lower extremities is high. The fact is that with a sufficiently large body weight on knee joints and running puts too much pressure on the foot, which can result in serious damage to tendons and ligaments. People weighing more than 90 kg are not recommended to lose calories while running - less traumatic weight loss programs are provided for them.

Calculation of calories burned while running

It is recommended to run not on asphalt, but on natural soil, because in this way you can save your joints. In addition, it is useful to run, constantly changing the nature of the terrain - sometimes in a straight line, sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill, changing speed from sharp jerks to race walking. Depending on how varied the body's load is, the more calories you can burn when running.

When jogging - 400-500 calories per hour;

When running on the spot - 400-500 kcal per hour;

When walking - 200-250 kcal per hour;

Below are indicators that are averaged data. In fact, the efficiency of calorie burning is influenced by many factors, such as a person’s weight and the variety of loads tolerated.

An approximate calculation of calories burned while running looks like this:

When running at high speed (up to 11 km/h) - 480-550 kcal per hour;

When accelerating (up to 16 km/h) - 750-900 kcal/hour;

When running uphill - 600-700 kcal per hour;

When running up the stairs - 1000 kcal/hour;

When running up and down stairs - 600 kcal/hour.

The duration of an effective run for burning fat should not be less than half an hour. Moreover, in the first twenty minutes the body simply uses up the calories received from food; the breakdown of fat deposits begins only after this period. After twenty minutes of running, fat burning begins with problem areas, so it’s worth increasing your endurance. It is also worth remembering that only regular work can be effective.

How many calories are burned when running 1 km

A distance of one kilometer seems optimal from the point of view of a combination of efficiency and the relatively small difficulty of overcoming it. The most rational time to overcome it is seven minutes. This workout burns 25 kcal.
For comparison, it can be noted that when you are at rest for the specified time period, one calorie is burned.

Running over such short distances is best practiced in the cold season, since the need for increased heat generation guarantees additional expense calories.

How many calories are burned when running for 30 minutes?

So, no one doubts that running burns calories. Another thing is that each person’s metabolism proceeds differently, and, therefore, calories will not be consumed equally.
For precise definition the number of calories burned when running, in addition to the training time, the person’s weight and the percentage of accumulated fat should be taken into account. This is due to the fact that the more muscle mass and the less excess weight a person has, the more calories he can burn when running.
Very important factor, influencing the final number of calories burned is the gender of the person, since, as statistical indicators show, it is easier for men to lose excess weight than for women.

But that's not all - the number of calories lost when running is affected by the intensity and duration of training.

The human body is designed in such a way that carbohydrates are consumed first. In this way, we replenish the energy we spent running. That's why in the first 30-40 minutes of jogging, a lot of calories are consumed, but fat does not go anywhere- his turn will come only after energy replenishment.
Based on these data, trainers advise jogging for at least an hour so that the body has time to affect body fat in our body.

Let's compare how many calories the body will burn in 30 minutes of running and how many in an hour? For example, let's take a woman weighing 70 kg. Her running speed is 7-8 km per hour. She will lose about 600 calories in an hour of running, and 325 kcal in half an hour. However, when you weigh yourself, you will find that the weight loss after a half-hour run is very insignificant, while an hour-long workout gave a more significant result.

What's the matter? Why are fewer calories burned in an hour of running (in relation to weight) than in 30 minutes, but the weight is lost more actively? The answer is still in the same carbohydrates: having spent energy on running, the body replenishes it by consuming calories, and without involving fat deposits in this process at all. Only after a half-hour workout does fat begin to be actively involved in metabolic processes and calories when running go away along with the extra pounds.

In addition to the duration of exercise, the number of calories lost while running depends on the intensity of the exercise. The faster the speed, the more calories are burned when running. If in our example a woman lost 325 kcal in half an hour of jogging at a speed of 7-8 km per hour, then how many calories will she lose in 30 minutes of running at a speed of up to 10 km/h? With these figures, the loss will be 337 kcal.
However, it is recommended to increase running speed for more fast weight loss It is strictly not recommended, since such loads are fraught with serious problems with the cardiovascular system and can cause changes in intracranial pressure.

How many calories are burned when jogging?

It is impossible to accurately calculate the calories burned while jogging for the simple reason that each person has their own jogging speed. There is a dependence of the rate of calorie burning on a person’s gender, since it has been noted that in men the process goes faster. Below are some approximate figures:

Jogging at a speed of 8.5 km/h contributes to the consumption of 7.5 kilocalories in one minute and 3.0 kcal per 500 grams of weight per hour of running;

A jogging speed of 10.5 km/h leads to the consumption of 10.4 kilocalories per minute and 4.4 kcal per 500 grams of a person’s weight per hour of jogging;

Jogging at a speed of 12 km/h burns 14.2 kilocalories per minute and 5.5 kilocalories per 500 grams of a person’s weight per hour of running;

The number of calories burned is directly dependent on a person’s weight, running speed, and the total amount of adipose tissue in human body and on the time spent running. From this it follows a completely logical conclusion that best results are achieved by running long distances at the highest possible speed.
Of course, no one talks about sprint speed, since over long time intervals it is possible to run mainly by jogging.

If we are talking about specific numbers, jogging at a speed of 12 km/h burns 920 calories for an hour. For comparison, jogging at 18 km/h burns 1,290 calories per hour of running.

Jogging at a speed of 16 km/h burns 17.5 kilocalories per minute and 7.4 kilocalories per 500 grams of weight per hour of running.

How many calories are burned when running in place?

Running on the spot is good if there is no treadmill at home, or bad weather prevents you from jogging in the fresh air. Of course, running in place will not provide a load comparable to that provided by trail running, but it can maintain muscle tone at the proper level and help burn extra calories.

The number of calories burned when running in place depends on the person’s weight, the time of the activity and its intensity. A person with a body weight of 60 kg burns 220 calories in half an hour of running in place. If a person's body weight is 70 kg, running in place for the same duration burns 275 calories. If a person weighs 90 kg, running for half an hour will provide him with a loss of 365 calories. The average running intensity is 8 km per hour.

According to the developments of specialists in the field of sports medicine, a gradual increase in the pace of running in place guarantees an increase in the amount of calories burned. It is also important to note that due to the limited movement when running in place, it is worth using smaller muscle groups, in particular the muscles of the arms. Rotations in different directions, forward and backward, and movements with the hands are recommended.

Basic rules for running to burn calories

  • Alternating loads. The body gets used to constant training and burning calories when running slows down. It is necessary to include cross-country running, jumping rope, sprinting and long jump in the training program;
  • Proper nutrition for weight loss. For optimal calorie loss when running, training alone is not enough; you must adhere to a balanced diet, which will help burn fat deposits more effectively;
  • Reasonable approach. At power loads on the body, you can’t do without this rule - reasonable prioritization and proper scheduling of exercises is the key to not only successful weight loss, but also maintaining health in general. Increase your loads gradually, listen to your feelings, and losing calories while running will be effective and smooth.

Experts advise running no more than 3-4 times a week. They explain this by the fact that when running there is such a strong “shock” for the body that it is impractical to withstand such a load every day. For optimal calorie burning when running, you should train in the morning - then the load occurs with double force and the effect is achieved faster (see).
However, there is a lot of controversy on this topic: doctors do not recommend morning running because high degree risk for blood vessels, since in the morning all body systems have not yet entered the “working” rhythm. Risk of stroke and others possible consequences such overloads are too great.

The best option for losing weight is running in place. It is performed at any time of the day and does not load the body as much as regular jogging. When running in place, you lose a little less calories, but if you follow certain rules, you can achieve excellent results.

To accurately calculate how many calories are burned when running, you can use special tables. To do this, you need to know your exact weight and take into account the duration of your training.
If you experience the slightest discomfort (headache, abdominal pain, etc.), you must immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor.
People with hypertension, heart disease, disorders of the cardiovascular system, pulmonary patients and people with bronchial asthma should not run.
Based on materials from,

They develop endurance, tone muscles and strengthen the body. But if you want to lose weight through running, then you simply must know how many calories are burned when running. It is easy to find out about the calories burned if you use a heart rate monitor. Well, if you don’t have it at hand, it doesn’t matter. You can count calories yourself.

Of course, the rate of calorie burning depends on your weight, the amount of fat in your tissues and your running speed. But the following: running at a speed of 18 km/h allows you to lose 1280 Kcal per hour. A leisurely run at a speed of 13 km/h burns 920 Kcal per hour.

It is impossible to calculate with 100% accuracy how many calories are spent when running, because everyone’s body is individual. It is known that the male body has a higher metabolism and therefore burns larger number calories. If you have just now set yourself a goal of running, start with small five-minute runs. If you have a pedometer, you can record your distance to accurately calculate how many calories you burn while running.

On average, a leisurely run at a speed of 9 km/h consumes 6.4 kcal per 1 kg of weight in one hour.

When running at a speed of 10.4 km/h, 8.4 kcal are consumed per 1 kg of weight in one hour.

Running at a speed of 12 km/h allows you to burn 10.4 kcal per 1 kg of weight in one hour.

And finally, running at a fast pace at a speed of 16 km/h burns 14.4 kcal per 1 kg in one hour.

Of course, you should always remember that running, along with cycling and swimming, is a cardio exercise. In the process, the pulse value increases, blood pressure temporarily rises and the body releases adrenaline. Therefore, it is not enough just to know how many calories are burned when running; you also need to choose the right running pace and calculate the distance.

Must take place at a temperature not lower than -4º C. There is no need to rush, because running should be for health, not for distance! It is best to start with a 10-minute jog, and then adjust this time to increase or decrease. Each new workout is 1 more minute to your time. A heart rate monitor will help you monitor your heart rate and measure how many calories are burned while running during your workout.

Walking has proven to be an excellent way to prevent heart disease. It is believed that you need to walk at least 7 kilometers (about 10,000 steps) a day. So how many calories does walking burn? At a speed of 4 km/h and a weight of 70 kg, about 113 Kcal/h are burned. At a speed of 6 km/h - already 218 Kcal, and when walking at a fast (8-9 km/h) pace, 422 Kcal are burned.

When walking, you need to step starting from the heel, and then smoothly move to the toe. Try to keep your arches and abs in constant voltage, work with your hands. The elbows are pressed to the torso - bent at a right angle. The fist should be clenched, and try to make gentle but rhythmic swings of your arms without lifting them from your torso. While walking, also turn your body a little. This will help you burn as many calories as possible. The top of your head must be held as if you were reaching towards the sky, and if you are climbing a mountain, do not lift your chin, otherwise the entire load will fall on your shoulders at once.
