Russian Nostradamus predicted a catastrophe for the United States after the presidential elections. Prophecies about the future of France Globa about the new president of America

Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and Euro-Atlanticist supporter Emmanuel Macron advanced to the second round of the French presidential election..

The interim results of the presidential elections in France can hardly be called sensational, with the exception of certain details. For example, the top-rated candidate, leader of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, took second place (21% of the votes), while the representative from the Forward! Emmanuel Macron surprisingly finished first (23%). Also striking is the small gap between the top four candidates. The third-placed candidate from the center-right Republicans party, François Fillon, scored almost 20%, and the left-wing populist from Unbowed France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 19%.

But the main result of these elections marked a very deep split in France and Europe as a whole on civilizational values. Macron is a representative of the bureaucratic System with all its basic postulates - globalism, the dominance of big capital, transnationalism, multiculturalism, gender equality. Le Pen is the most radical representative of “white Europe” with its traditional values, identity and national closeness.

Characteristic of this civilizational split is the electoral map of support for the two candidates who made it to the second round. Le Pen supported the industrial northeast, as well as the Mediterranean south, where the crisis of French identity is particularly acute. The capital district and almost the entire Atlantic coast “signed” for Macron.

Who will win?

Actually, we can already predict with great confidence a completely convincing victory for Emmanuel Macron in the second round. They are actively fighting for him in Washington, Brussels and official Paris. Francois Hollande immediately congratulated Macron on reaching the second round, although the official candidate from the Socialist Party (of which Hollande is a representative), Benoit Hamon, received a little more than 6% of the vote. Moreover, almost all the eliminated candidates have already managed to call for voting for Macron and against Le Pen in the second round, including the several times disgraced Francois Fillon, who previously actively spoke out in support of Vladimir Putin.

“All the eliminated candidates have already managed to call for voting in the second round for Macron and against Le Pen”

But most importantly, sociology speaks of Macron’s final victory. Le Pen will partially gather the votes of the same right-wing Fillon, but overall, her program remains too radical and irritable for most French people. And for Macron, the main and most difficult task was to get into the second round. Now, unless something shockingly extraordinary happens (for example, a major Islamist terrorist attack or a high-profile corruption scandal), Macron, without doing anything, will quietly and peacefully win the second round. The majority of voters will vote not for him, but against Le Pen.

However, we are talking about a short-term victory for the globalists. In general, the systemic problems of France and the European Union do not disappear with Macron’s victory. Moreover, the divide between the two Europes was clearly defined. Previously, a far-right candidate had never reached the second round of a presidential race in one of the leading EU countries. In 2002, Le Pen took, as it seemed then, a fantastic 17.9% of the vote, but Sarkozy and Hollande reached the second round. Over five years, the popularity of Eurosceptics has increased significantly, and Le Pen herself has old Europe became the leader of the anti-globalization movement. And the French and European media themselves are now surprised that Le Pen took “only” second place. In other words, over the past five years, the European electoral field has experienced sharp polarization along basic value guidelines.

Already in June, parliamentary elections will be held in France, in which the results of Macron and his supporters are unlikely to be so convincing. The only plus of the French electoral system is that in a month the newly elected president simply physically cannot screw up enough to bring the opposition into parliament en masse. But the anti-globalist lobby in the French National Assembly will be very strong.

“The only plus of the French electoral system is that in a month the newly elected president simply physically cannot screw up”

Geopolitical alignment

France remains in the orbit of influence of the European bureaucrats in Brussels. Moreover, Paris comes under even greater influence from Washington. This increases the chances of the Americans pushing through a free trade agreement with Europe, which has so far been most opposed in France.

In addition, France, as NATO’s second nuclear power, is now unlikely to have its own “dissenting opinion” on the Syrian, Libyan and Ukrainian conflicts, which will make life easier for Washington in making agreed decisions.

For Ukraine, Macron’s likely victory is also an almost 100% positive decision on the issue of tourist visa-free travel. But as for the already insignificant influence of France on the resolution of the conflict in Donbass, we should expect that it will now become purely nominal. The “club decided” for Ukraine will now be reduced to three – the USA, Russia and Germany.

In general, the central issue for Macron in foreign policy will remain the problem of migration to the EU. Given the unsuccessful experience of Francois Hollande and the elementary sense of self-preservation, one would expect that France would more firmly defend migration policy in the European Union. But on the other hand, Macron is a 100% product of the globalists, the System and the House of Rothschild with all the attendant transnational corporations and other “melting pot” ideas. And this, at a minimum, suggests that Macron is not a completely independent political figure.

And most importantly. The civilizational crisis of identities in France and Europe continues. The likely victory of Emmanuel Macron solves the tactical problems of the globalists, but does not resolve the general crisis of the existing Atlantic System.

Igor Lesev, Informat

Now the world's attention is focused on the presidential race in France, as these elections are very important for the EU and the world as a whole. They decide not only which path France will take, but also the fate of Europe and its political unity.The first round brought Marine Le Pen, a supporter of France's exit from the EU, and Emmanuel Macron, the most pro-European candidate in this election, into the second round. If Marine Le Pen wins, Frexit could begin. Current French elections could change the geopolitical balance of power.Therefore, the EU is now tensely awaiting the results.

The second round of French presidential elections is scheduled for May 7. INThe astrological community has conflicting opinions about the outcome of these elections.I'll share my thoughts.

When you first look at the transits, you will notice that Marine Le Pen has Jupiter conjunct Asc and makes a sextile to the Sun, while Emmanuel Macron has Saturn creeping onto the Sun. Aspects to the Sun are very importantIn presidential elections, not only political programs compete, but also the individuals representing them. Based on these aspects, the first assumption can be made that Le Pen has the advantage. But you can never draw conclusions based on one indicator. Therefore, we look at progressions, directions and transits in more detail. I will only outline the main indicators.I'll start in Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen, August 5, 1968 at 11:20 am, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Progressions (Pr)

Horoscope ruler Venus is sextile to her natal position and in opposition to Saturn in the 7th house. There is a trine between Venus and Saturn in the natal, so their opposition should not be considered as a negative aspect, it realizes the potential natal aspect– this is both competition and growth in popularity.

The progressed Sun is semi-sextile with progressed Mars - an aspect of political activity and competitive struggle.

Conjunction of progressed Moon and South Node in the 12th house. Moon is the ruler of the 10th house. This progression is alarming because the South Node reduces the possibility of success. But with this progression, Le Pen entered the second round, albeit in second place. So let's just take note.

Directions: 1°=1 year

Mercury sextile Mars in the 10th house, Pluto square Mercury in the 10th house. Aspects of active contacts, verbal battles, election campaign, political activity.

Jupiter sextile the Sun.
Jupiter conjunct Asc.
Uranus conjunct Saturn and trine Uranus.

Saturn square Uranus.

Moon conjunct the South Node.

Jupiter conjunct Asc and Jupiter sextile the Sun– The aspects are encouraging, they provide significant support and can be considered as a prerequisite for success.But at the end of voting transit Moon in Libra repeats the aspect of the progressed Moon of Marine Le Pen - a connection with the South Node in the 12th house, which can be considered as a minus for a positive result. A Jupiter's spectacles may be a rise in Le Pen's popularity and political power rather than her electoral victory. But we need to consider the performance of another candidate.

Emmanuel Macron, December 21, 1977 at 10:40 am, Amiens, France, 49n54, 2e18

Progressions (Pr)

Venus is in opposition to Mars in the 7th house, which rules the 10th house.

Mars conjunct DSC.
Moon on the North Node.

In E. Macron’s progressions, the partile conjunction of the Moon with the natal North Node is especially noteworthy - this is important aspect and period, especially considering that in the natal Rahu is in conjunction with Pluto (U10). This progression in the natal context favors political popularity, but, of course, does not in itself ensure victory.

Directions: 1°=1 year

Jupiter conjunct Mars in the 7th house, lord of the 10th house. Very encouraging management. It happens once in a lifetime and gives an increase in popularity, social significance of the candidate’s initiatives, attracting new supporters and can be a sign of victory in the competition.

Saturn conjunct the Sun.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto, ruler of the 10th house.

Uranus/Mercury completes the Grand Trine to the Sun and Saturn.

Mars is partile sextile to Mars in the 7th house.
North Node in partile conjunction with Saturn in the 7th house.

The Moon is in partile conjunction with the North Node at the end of voting.

Saturn in conjunction with the Sun is a difficult aspect. But it is a prohibitive indicator in this case may not be, since there is a trine between the Sun and Saturn in the natal, and this connection realizes the potential of the natal. From practice, I know how people received significant positions in this aspect, however, along with a heavy burden of responsibility. The position of president may well be such a burden. Let's look further.

Jupiter in conjunction with Pluto, ruler of the 10th house of career - aspect of popularity with a politician, gaining supporters and showing political success. In E. Macron's natal Pluto is conjunct the North Node and transiting Jupiter makes a loop at this connection.

It is noteworthy that for the period of these elections, the Lunar Nodes are heavily involved in the candidates’ charts. In my opinion, in politics and elections, the position of the Nodes in prognosis plays an important role. Northern node – a symbol of consonance with the current moment, it shows whether the politician’s views and actions are consistent with public expectations, whether he feels the spirit of the times. Simply put, is it in trend?

At the time of the end of voting on May 7,Emmanuel MacronPartile conjunction of the North Node with the ruler of the 1st house Saturn, and the Moonwith the natal North Node, which is a positive factor. The grand trine of Uranus to the Sun and Saturn is also a favorable aspect for Macron. R the difference in the age of the candidates is a half-cycle of the Lunar nodes, andif for Macron the transit Moon repeats the progressive conjunction with the North Node, then for Le Pen the situation is exactly the opposite– the transit Moon on the South Node repeatsprogressed Moon conjunct the South Node.


Taken together, these aspects may indicate a victory for Emmanuel Macron. Marine Le Pen's prognosis looks less promising.I think that the next president of France will be Emmanuel Macron. This 39-year-old politician could become the youngest president in French history. But if so, what does Le Pen’s Jupiter to the Sun and Macron’s Saturn-Sun conjunction mean?

The peculiarity of these elections is that none of the presidential candidates who reached the second round belong to the traditional political party. But this is not the end of the election season in France. On June 11 there will be the first dead end of the parliamentary elections. For the president, who is elected on May 7, this is a big challenge, since he needs a parliamentary majority to support him. I think that this explains the current transits of the main contenders for the presidency of France.

For Marine Le Pen, on the day of the first round of parliamentary elections on June 11, Jupiter enters an exact sextile to the Sun. This favorable aspect for her can bring her political force good results for her in the struggle for seats in parliament. Emmanuel Macron actually does not have a party now; it is only being created during his presidential campaign - this is the Forward movement. If he becomes president, he will need to have his own majority in parliament, and his new political force may not get required quantity mandates. In a presidential republic like France, it is very difficult to be a non-systemic president without sufficient party support in parliament. And the conjunction of Saturn with its Sun can describe ethat circumstance. Having become president, Macron will be forced to follow the path of long negotiations and search for a compromise with deputies. Saturn burdens you with responsibility and sets strict boundaries and demands.It will be interesting to see how this plays out in reality.

Currently, there are quite a large number of people who are tired of the promises of politicians and therefore no longer trust them. They turned their attention to psychics, who showed the whole world their incredible gift. They have repeatedly lifted the veil of mystery and brought clarity to incredibly confusing situations.

The situation in the Russian economy in 2018

As for the economy, P. Globa gave an ambiguous forecast. He noted that there will be positive changes in the mining industry. Profitable contracts for the supply of fuel will be concluded with a number of states. At the same time, this will not affect the general situation in the country, because large sums of money will be allocated for the confrontation with NATO. The economic situation will not be stable. Some industries will show significant success, while others, on the contrary, will be in a deep recession. Against the backdrop of the global crisis and the fall of other currencies, Russia will look like a “middle peasant”, without obvious upward trends, but also without a rapid decline.

The development of the social sphere will correspond to economic success. Since the economy will not surprise with its dynamic movement, then not everything will be good in social terms. Tension in society will increase due to stratification Russian society. Some regions will clearly lag behind others in social standards. Against the backdrop of a deteriorating situation, a pre-revolutionary situation may arise, and in some regions centrifugal forces will appear to create independent states.

A lot will be decided during the presidential elections. If the new leadership finds the strength to begin structural reforms in the country, then the situation may improve in exactly the opposite way.

The astrologer also literally predicted other events for Russia, which we combined into a table:

In the field of security In 2018, the issue of security will be very acute in the country. More efforts must be made to protect the population from the terrorist threat. The following will require special protection:
  • large cities;
  • hazardous industries;
  • nuclear power plants;
  • nuclear facilities.
In the field of protection against natural disasters High probability forest fires in Siberia will require urgent measures from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to mobilize all personnel to prevent natural disasters.
In industry Import substitution will continue to remain a priority in the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. For these purposes, the latest production facilities and many new jobs will be opened. All this will, to some extent, relieve tension in the social sphere.
In science The astrologer believes that the cyclical nature of historical processes will lead to Russia once again becoming the No. 1 power in the field of scientific thought.
In medicine The desire to get rid of foreign drugs and establish the production of domestic ones, as well as additional investments in the medical industry, may lead to the discovery of cancer drugs by Russian scientists.
In the military industry The confrontation with NATO and the United States will force Russia to mobilize its forces in the development and production of the latest weapons.

Foreign policy issues

New opportunities will open up for Russia in this area. The current cooling with European countries will benefit the Russian Federation. It will be able to concentrate its internal reserves, develop new industries and declare itself in a new light. Gradually, the economy will begin to gain new momentum and additional features for cooperation with other states.

There is a high probability of the creation of a new union under the auspices of Russia, which will include the states of the former Soviet Union, as well as new countries. The Russian Federation will try to restore its previous borders, which will be facilitated by the weakening of Europe and the United States.

Russia will show the whole world that it is possible to develop in a new way, without wars and conflicts, by establishing mutually beneficial relations between countries. Many states will be proud of their friendship with our country.

Situation in Europe

The situation in Europe will continue to deteriorate. The contradictions between the countries belonging to the European Union will become so serious that some states will think about leaving the EU. This will seriously undermine the economic power of this association, which will negatively affect the state of the European currency. Every year it will begin to lose its position. Against this background, a number of Eurozone countries will try to return to national currencies. A number of EU states will not support ongoing sanctions against the Russian Federation and will try to counter this by concluding beneficial agreements with Russia bilaterally. Over time, the political elite of Europe will understand the harmfulness of their policy towards the Russian Federation and will lift their sanctions. This trend will lead to a weakening of the policies of European hawks. The NATO military association will begin to show constructivism and stop making claims against Russia.

Relations with America

The election of a business man as the new president will change US priorities. In 2018, this country will be less engaged in external expansion, and will focus on improving the situation in its country. Not everyone in the United States will like D. Trump's new policy. Protests will begin. Part of the American population will also be against the foreign policy of the American state. They will believe that China and Russia should not be allowed to stand firmly on their own two feet. They will see this as a threat to the United States. The contradictions in the country will intensify with renewed vigor. D. Trump will not be able to establish a dialogue with Europe. As a business man, he will oppose excessive EU and NATO aid. Trump will try to convince his Western partners to deal with their own pressing problems, including defense. He will make it clear that America will no longer invest huge amounts of money in foreign policy, but focus on your internal affairs.

Pavel Globa emphasized that a constructive dialogue can begin between the United States and Russia about the common danger from Islamic State. The psychic also noted that 2018 will be a very successful year for Russia in terms of establishing relations with this country.

Predictions of P. Globa for Ukraine

The Russian seer already predicted verbatim what would happen in Ukraine in 2014, so his forecast for 2018 is awaited not only by the residents of this country, but also by all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the once flourishing state. Many people remember Ukraine as a rich and comprehensively developed country, where kind and hardworking people live. What is happening now on this fertile land?

According to P. Globa’s forecasts, 2018 will not be the best year for Ukraine. in the best possible way. There is a possibility that this state will collapse into several parts. Most quickly, its eastern and southern parts will become part of the Russian Federation. In Western Ukraine, autonomies may arise that will gravitate toward connections with

  • Poland,
  • Hungary,
  • Slovakia,
  • and Romania.

The central part faces new upheavals, expressed in popular protests. People will be unhappy with the government's policies, both at home and abroad. Everything could end with the third “Maidan”, as a result of which a new government will be elected, which:

  • will begin to listen to the aspirations of the people;
  • will take the path of reform;
  • will stop pursuing an aggressive policy;
  • will establish dialogue both with its people and with neighboring countries.

5 804

Events in the USA are disturbing the whole world. The coming to power of Donald Trump, known for his respect for Putin and his dislike for migrants, has caused a flurry of predictions about the future of America. Some expect decisive action from the new president, while others are confident that Trump will show caution at least in the first months of his reign. What do politicians and psychics say about the fate of the States?

Predictions of Pavel Globa

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa predicts that in the first months of 2017 the planet will be overwhelmed by a financial crisis that will last until 2020. The seer compares it to the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s. The US will experience the greatest decline, especially compared to Europe. The dollar will depreciate. These events will entail the collapse of NATO and the European Union. The states will remain a single state, but will lose their status as a world leader.

In interviews, Globa often refers to the prophecy of Vasily Nemchin, a Russian seer of the 16th century (however, some sources attribute this prophecy to Vanga). It states that each head of state on the other side of the ocean will rule for four years. The 44th President of the United States will distinguish himself from all his predecessors and lead the country to collapse.

Previously, the unenviable role was given to Barack Obama, the first black politician to hold this position. But Globa assures: Donald Trump will become the 44th, and not the 45th, leader of the state, as the Americans think. In the late 19th century, Grover Cleveland held office twice intermittently and was both the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. If we take this into account when counting, Trump’s number on the list of American leaders will move one point and fall under the prediction.

To Republican opponents, this prediction seems credible. But the catch is that there is no documentary information about Nemchin’s life and prophecies. We know his forecasts only from the words of Globa, who allegedly found the seer’s works in the archives of the city of Polotsk (Belarus). As soon as the astrologer copied the prophecies that interested him, the book disappeared without a trace. Needless to say that only devoted supporters of Globa believe in the existence of Nemchin?

Predictions of Vera Lyon

The Kazakh clairvoyant is sure: main problem 2017 will be a struggle between the United States and the entire world against the elements. The melting of Arctic ice will accelerate, coastal areas will disappear under water, and devastating disasters will sweep across the world. The US will suffer from flooding, storms and epidemics. Earth's crust will break apart in areas adjacent to the ocean. NATO will lose the support of several allies, and a conflict with Germany will arise.

In Lyon's visions, Donald Trump speaks from the podium. After the words “His wife will come first,” the Statue of Liberty throws itself on the lying woman. The seer does not undertake to interpret these paintings. Perhaps they are talking about the future of Hillary Clinton, whom Trump promised to put behind bars if he wins. Lyon also predicts that Barack Obama will lose Nobel Prize peace.

Kaede's Predictions Uber

The NTV channel calls the French schoolgirl “Vanga’s successor.” According to journalists, a girl suffering from a serious illness foresees events of world significance: terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and so on. Kaede made her last prediction to date in September 2016. According to her visions, at the beginning of 2017 there will be a terrible terrorist attack in the United States that will take many lives.

The clairvoyant’s parents noticed that Kaede is afraid of Muslims and believe that Islamists will be to blame for a future terrorist attack. Kaede also promised victory in the elections for Hillary Clinton and a serious illness for the first female president. Nothing of the sort happened. In addition, the credibility of the young clairvoyant is undermined by the statements of Vanga’s relatives. They assure that the seer did not teach anyone her skill and did not leave successors to her gift.

Forecasts of politicians and analysts

Psychics often make mistakes or refer to unconfirmed sources. Moreover, Russian clairvoyants are so unanimous in predicting the fall of the United States that the question arises: are they saying what they know, or what they want to hear? We will give the floor to those who also make predictions about the future of the United States. True, these people do not receive information from higher powers, and painstakingly study political and economic events.

Saxo Bank Predictions

The Danish brokerage company Saxo Bank is known for its accurate financial forecasts. Every year it compiles a list of events that can radically change the economic situation in the world. Among the crises predicted by Saxo Bank are the depreciation of the Chinese yuan in 2014 and the fall in oil prices. Financiers started talking about softening Russian-American relations even before Donald Trump’s victory. Considering that the politician has a much better attitude towards Russia than Clinton, this prospect looks realistic.

According to Saxo Bank, already in 2017 the West will lift some of the sanctions, and the dollar will fall in value. The American currency will strengthen by the end of 2016. But in January-February the dollar risks weakening, which will lead to a fall in the price of oil. National situation currency and the US Federal Reserve's intentions to raise rates will lead to a fall in production rates. The result will be mass protests and, possibly, a radical change in US political life.

Prophecies of Russian clairvoyants

If psychics predict the literal death of the United States from natural disasters, then analysts predict the collapse of the political life of the United States

Andrey Dirgin's forecast

Russian financiers are sure: for the Russian Federation, Trump is a more preferable head of the United States than Clinton. Representative Russian company Alfa-Forex Andrey Dirgin believes that the opinion of the new president as an impulsive and unpredictable person is exaggerated. The Republican economic policy involves government stimulation of the economy and tax cuts.

From a financial point of view, Trump's plans are more successful than Clinton's. Although news of the Republican victory sent global markets tumbling, Deargin said it was merely a reaction to the windfall: investors were betting on Hillary. According to the expert, a change of power in the United States will not bring global changes to Russia. The Russian economy largely depends on the price of oil, and Trump has no control over it. He may lift sanctions, but in the distant future.

Media forecasts

The British edition of the Financial Times assures: Trump will fulfill his loud election promises. In the near future, he will establish a partnership with Russia and block the flow of migrants. The US will say goodbye to democracy. Other media write that during the election race, the future president undermined the trust of Republicans. He will devote the first year of his reign to reconciliation with the party and the Congress, so that the world community will experience a lull.

Opinion of Ukrainian experts

Many Ukrainians fear that their country's position on the world stage will suffer from a change of power in the United States. Trump's statements about Ukraine are contradictory. In the summer of 2016, the politician promised: if he becomes president, Putin will not come to the neighboring country. In response, the Republican received accusations of ignorance of the situation in Ukraine. His position regarding Crimea is also unclear. A year earlier, Trump expressed indifference about Ukraine joining NATO.

Political expert Mikhail Pavliv criticized the Ukrainian authorities for harsh statements against Trump. Whatever the American president, politicians must build adequate relations with him. According to the expert, the situation in Donbass can change only at the end of 2017, after the elections in France and Germany. Like most political scientists, Pavliv notes the unpredictability of Trump's political decisions.

Be that as it may, Russian and Ukrainian politicians of the first echelon congratulated Donald Trump on his victory and expressed hope for fruitful cooperation with the United States.
