What a day is January 28th. Transit Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable, one of the most stressful days. During this period, when the Moon is not visible in the sky, energy declines, the body’s reserves weaken. It is necessary to take care of your protection, both astral and physical. Use amulets for your home and personal today. It is better to avoid dark rooms. It is better not to believe rumors and promises these days, there is a possibility of deception and provocation. It is advisable to postpone the start of new projects.. On the 29th lunar day It is necessary to protect your home and yourself with the help of amulets. If you have not prepared a talisman in advance, use candles. At least two white (or church) candles should burn in every room of the house, especially in dark time days. Wear jewelry with mother-of-pearl - this iridescent stone will repel attacks from you negative energy, it is especially good to wear beads with mother-of-pearl. A day when you can do cleansing, but not attraction. Astral Shield is the incense of Pine, it thickens energy and repels attacks from the outside. Fumigate your house, apartment, office with it.

1st lunar day is one of the most powerful days of the month. During the new moon, it is useful to make plans for the future, to think through what you would like to get from the upcoming lunar month. In order for your plans to come true, try on the 1st lunar day to dream not abstractly, but concretely, laying the foundation important events. Feel the future as a reality already happening. . One of better days for working with a candle. You can simply do meditation, especially with a candle yellow. You can create candle compositions aimed at achieving your goals. Use rhinestone when you dream. Hold it in your hand and try to imagine in as much detail as possible what you would like. This clean and bright stone will help you realize your dreams. A great day to study your horoscope and tell fortunes about your future prospects.

On the 2nd lunar day, the main leitmotif of the day is generosity. Showing stinginess is contraindicated. The more you give to others today, the more you will receive yourself. The day when it is already necessary to move from making plans to their active implementation. What is started on these lunar days will be implemented quickly and safely. One of the best days of the lunar month for moving and restructuring. A good day to create a diet for the whole lunar month.. The foundation is being actively laid for the entire lunar month, and maybe subsequent months, so decide first of all what exactly you would like to implement during this period, which areas of life are most relevant to you and begin to actively work on the energy of this area. Burn appropriate candles, do work in the direction of energy. On the second day, it is recommended to fumigate with Jasmine incense to acquire material wealth and attract romance.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

What to wear?
It’s good if the clothes or additions to them contain greenish-blue and gray colors.

Scent of the day- floral.

Talismans- obsidian, opal, mother-of-pearl, citrine. Metal - titanium, bronze, brass.

What are we eating?

It is very important to know when to eat in moderation, as today is the day of fatty foods. Alcohol is completely excluded from the diet. It is better to drink cocoa, pear, plum or pomegranate juice.

Beauty and health

Today is a favorable day for starting treatment through alternative therapy, provided that the diagnosis has already been made. However, you cannot take any new medications today. Vein diseases respond well to treatment with herbs.

Useful: pour 3 tablespoons of rosemary into a glass of boiling water, wrap it, let it brew for half an hour, strain, wrap the warm pulp in gauze and put it on your face. After 10 minutes, remove everything and apply rich cream.

Intimate scenario

The moon is in the sign of Aquarius, which means unpredictable sex is possible. It cannot be said that these days are conducive to active sex life, but it is precisely on these days that the most incredible sexual adventures often occur. If your partner is creative, active and not without a bit of imagination, then you will be happy to join the process. If not, just dream about something like that before going to bed and... fall asleep soundly.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 01/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on January 28, 2017

As of date 28.01.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase “New Moon (coming 01/28/2017 at 03:08)”. This 2 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Aquarius ♒. Illumination percentage Moon is 0%. Sunrise Moon at 08:27, and sunset at 17:40.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 29th lunar day from 07:52 01/27/2017 to 03:08 01/28/2017
  • 1 lunar day from 03:08 01/28/2017 to 08:27 01/28/2017
  • 2nd lunar day from 08:27 01/28/2017 until the next day

Moon influence January 28, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius (+)

Moon in a sign Aquarius. It is better not to disturb senior management or government agencies at this time, but to start organizing, holding all kinds of meetings, conferences or participating in them.

This time is ideal for any mental and creative activity. It is useful to engage in self-education and obtaining new knowledge, studying and implementing new technologies. Business with real estate, social and political activities are going well.

2nd lunar day (+)

January 28, 2017 at 12:00 - 2 lunar day. It's a good day to start your cycle. physical exercise, therapeutic fasting or diet. Any undertakings on this day receive additional energy boost.

You should pay attention to such negative qualities as anger and stinginess, since overcoming them will help to realize new beginnings.

New Moon (+)

The moon is in phase New Moon. This short-term period of time is characterized by the influence of a special energy impulse on all living things. It is better to time any undertaking precisely for the new moon.

Starting fasting, for example, or a fasting day helps remove toxins from the body and prevents the occurrence of various diseases. The ideal time to get rid of bad habits.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to carry out business meetings exactly on Saturday, never put them off until Sunday.

Don't start new projects. Get busy planning small things or routine work. Deal with small amounts of money. This favorable time for housework. Communication will not please you with the results. Go on a budget trip and be alone with yourself.

Influence of the Moon January 28, 2019

23 lunar day

On the 23rd lunar day, it is undesirable to engage in vigorous activity due to the negative energy of the day. You should not start anything new, look for business contacts, or invest in risky businesses. It is better to engage in current routine activities. You can carry out small financial transactions. This is not a good time to talk to your boss. Neutral time to change your type of activity, travel. Unfavorable period for communication and dating. The day is suitable for housework.

Waning Moon (3rd quarter)

The third quarter is a favorable time to complete things. New projects started on this day should be completed before the new moon. This is not a good time for socializing as people become irritable. It is not advisable to resolve conflicts. This is a good time to save money and pay off debts. The day is suitable for spring cleaning at home and in the workplace, to get rid of old unnecessary things.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio is not the best time for new beginnings. Current tasks during this period are solved relatively easily. This is an unfavorable time for conversations with superiors and changing jobs. Suitable days for washing, general cleaning and minor repairs. It is not advisable to carry out large monetary transactions during this period. This is not best time for dates and any communication. Unfavorable days for travel.

Day of the week is Thursday. The energy of the Moon is adjusted by Jupiter, and social life and spiritual development come to the fore. Anyone who spends this day confined within four walls will waste their time. Thursday is good for going out into the world, expanding your inner horizons, and self-education. If you have long dreamed of taking some courses, doing foreign languages or tourism, it’s better to start on Thursday. With the support of Jupiter, communication with superiors and the opposite sex is easy, and your inner voice unmistakably tells you who is a friend and who is an enemy, protecting you from scammers and manipulators. On Thursday you have the power to bring any idea to life, but if you are not yet confident in yourself, it is better to postpone the project until a more convenient moment.

Moon zodiac sign

Cancer → Leo

The Moon in the sign of Cancer is not the best time for making decisions. The element of water turns increased sensitivity into emotional instability. Vivid feelings lead to excessive touchiness, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence. Emotional impulses become more important than what is happening around, which makes behavior uncontrollable and even strange. There is a lack of support from loved ones, and there is a desire to hide in a cozy nest. Dedicate a day to making your home clean and beautiful, and you will be able to feel more confident and protected in it.

The fire element of Leo gives fearlessness, strength, brilliance, and determination. This day expands horizons and increases opportunities. The world around us is in full swing, offering thousands of options for the development of events, drawing us into a whirlpool of affairs, meetings and entertainment. There is a risk of nervousness, insomnia, fatigue, and loss of self-confidence. The support of others is of enormous importance. A compliment or praise is enough for a person to perk up and again rush towards his goals. The Moon in Leo emphasizes the role of appearance. The day is also favorable for magnificent celebrations, fun, and new acquaintances.

Lunar day

16th lunar day: The first day after the full moon is created for rest. If previous lunar days lived according to the recommendations of the calendar, now satisfaction and peace should come. You are allowed to do nothing all day or devote time to hobbies. Those who ignored the advice of the calendar will find it difficult to get rid of tension and achieve balance.

17th lunar day: The energy of the 17th day is surprisingly contradictory. It gives inspiration, joy, inner freedom, but at the same time it confuses feelings, increasing the likelihood of conflicts. This is especially acute in women. However, the day is favorable for walking down the aisle, for creativity, as well as for thinking and managing sexual energy.

Moon phase

The waning Moon (aging, flawed) is associated with the element of Fire and symbolizes winter. It's time for withering, oppression, inactivity. Energy, given by the Moon for the current month, has almost dried up, and the body begins to accumulate strength for the new lunar month. This period is good for rest, sluggish completion of started tasks, introspection, reflection on the spiritual and gaining knowledge. It’s too late to change something or start, but making plans for the next lunar month is not prohibited. Last days lunar calendar the heaviest. Solving even small problems requires complete dedication and drains the last of our strength. Emotional breakdowns are observed, actions become impulsive.
