Interpretation of the influence of Jupiter transits. Transiting Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope

Jupiter, the planet of luck and great happiness, moves into the sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017 and remains here until November 8, 2018. Jupiter takes 12 years to move through the entire Zodiac. The planet's transit is very important, since it is the last one before moving into its own sign of Sagittarius.

This is an expansive, generous and optimistic planet, and in astrology it is considered to bring luck and good fortune. Religion, higher education, travel, dreams of the future, new perspectives - all this is connected with Jupiter. Being in Scorpio, the planet will transfer its qualities and capabilities to this zodiac sign. Luck, optimism, happiness, expansion, ideology, education, understanding of the world - everything will now be seen through the prism of Scorpio.

Scorpio is the natural 8th house of the Zodiac and rules such things as joint finances, banks, loans, inheritance, possessiveness, jealousy. Jupiter is fascinated by Scorpio's unyielding strength and, embodying the principle of expansion, intensifies interest in these topics. Perhaps we will find kinks in every aspect of what Scorpio embodies.

Optimistic, cheerful Jupiter can feel awkward in this somewhat gloomy sign, so its negative manifestations are also emphasized. Jupiter rules fiery Sagittarius, while Scorpio is a water sign, but the elements of Fire and Water do not quite go together. When expansive Jupiter plunges into the sign of Water, we will get all kinds of natural phenomena water-related: floods, prolonged rains, etc.

On a personal level, the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio provides an opportunity to develop business skills and a talent for handling money. There is a growing desire to uncover the truth in any situation, and you will go to great lengths to explore your subject of interest. Such a tendency will ultimately lead to a revaluation of the meaning of life itself - hence the interest in occult and mystical subjects. These qualities will help expand your individuality and life experience.

During the entire time that Jupiter is in Scorpio, it does not form tense aspects with other slow planets. Harmonious aspects are repeatedly formed with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, which portends positive changes for those who suffered during the previous planetary transit in Libra, when negative relationships with Uranus and Pluto developed.

The position of Jupiter in Scorpio is especially favorable for representatives of the Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, as well as for those who have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or important points of the natal chart (Ascendant, MC) in the Water signs of the Zodiac. . Read below for the impact of Jupiter's transit in Scorpio in 2017 - 2018 on the signs of the Zodiac.

Transit of Jupiter in Scorpio in 2017 - 2018. Forecast by zodiac sign

Jupiter in Scorpio in 2017-2018 promotes financial growth. A successful period awaits those who work in the banking sector or own their own business. Receiving an inheritance is more likely than in other years. Money, investments and shared resources tend to expand. However, it is necessary to adhere to a rational, conservative approach in financial matters, rather than follow your intuition, and you will come out ahead. Increased joint resources may also mean that the spouse will earn more. Many Aries will develop an interest in occult sciences, psychology, and revealing the secrets of the subconscious.

Transiting Jupiter in the house of Taurus partner promises a favorable period for love and relationships. If you are single and looking for someone special, there is a high chance of a life-changing meeting. If you already have a significant other, your connection will move to new level. Relationships of any kind (love, business, friendship, etc.) become more important during this planetary transit. If you enjoy meeting new people and making connections, this is a great year. However, be selective when it comes to meeting new people.

Transit Jupiter is in the house of work and health of Gemini, so your productivity increases, you will work with pleasure. New prospects for professional development and career advancement are opening up. It is likely that you will receive a promotion. Moreover, the reward for your work promises to be generous. Many will find a new one better job or additional income. You will look great, and your health will not cause trouble. However, do not indulge in excess food, as there is a tendency to gain excess weight.

It's a great time for creative efforts. Even if you have not been involved in music or art before, you can try to start drawing or singing. Love, romance, creativity - this is your year (October 2017 - November 2018). Have fun and enjoy life, immerse yourself in activities that you enjoy. In addition, the transit of Jupiter in the fifth house increases the chances of winning the lottery or winning a competition. Cancers will experience more joy in love, and a passion for romantic adventures will appear. Those who have not yet met their soulmate have a high chance of finding their happiness. The fifth house is also associated with children; many of you will have a new addition to your family.

Jupiter in the Leo family sector will affect family affairs in the most positive way. Long-standing disagreements with relatives will be settled, peace and harmony will reign in the family. If you need help from your relatives, you can count on it, including material and financial. Purchasing an apartment can be successful land plot, durable goods. There are chances in your favor to resolve issues related to real estate. Maybe you decide to decorate your home with paintings and flowers, rearrange it, and so on. Many of you will be interested in your ancestry and will study the history of your family. There is also the possibility of changing your place of residence, moving to another city or even abroad.

The transit of Jupiter takes place in the third house of Virgo, which is related to knowledge, information, communication, travel. The support of this kind planet provides the opportunity for brilliant development in the areas of activity mentioned above. A successful period for those representatives of your sign who work on intellectual projects, students and students. Buying a car can be successful. If you write books, reports or articles, you can achieve a lot. The time is great for spending time with sisters and brothers, enrolling in a training course, going on a trip, and making new acquaintances.

Transit Jupiter in the house of money - the time is suitable for making important financial decisions and investments. You will find opportunities to earn good money, you can count on an improvement in your financial situation and income growth. Jupiter will attract financial flows and luck in money to you. Considerable sums of money may come and valuable gifts. It's a good time for business; Libra entrepreneurs will be lucky. Evaluate your priorities and determine what is valuable to you and what is not. Savings are what you can save, so you need to become familiar with the concept of budgeting.

Jupiter in your sign adds energy and optimism, you will feel more self-confident, and will be at peace with others. The influence of this beneficial planet will have a positive impact on all areas of life. New horizons open up in love and relationships, and a passion for adventure appears.

Opportunities for career development are expanding, many Scorpios will begin to develop own business and other large-scale projects. A good period for continuing education, obtaining a degree, publishing books and articles. In addition, you will look more attractive and will hear compliments about your appearance more often. If you're thinking about changing your hairstyle or clothing style, now is the right time. However, you should eat in moderation, as it is easy to gain excess weight.

Transiting Jupiter is in the twelfth house of Sagittarius. In astrology, this house is considered the twilight zone, full of secrets and unspoken. You can get good news from places you never expected. This year (October 2017 - November 2018) you will be surprised how lucky chances appear out of the blue. Are you ready to use them? Luck comes when opportunity meets willingness.

The period is conducive to taking care of yourself in a calm and private environment. Spending time alone can help you get in touch with your spiritual side. Pay attention to your dreams, learn to meditate, or simply find a quiet place to contemplate life. Many Sagittarius will become interested in esotericism and spiritual practices, achieving significant success in this. Some of you will find a spiritual teacher. Your intuition will increase, thanks to this you are able to reveal the secret intentions of other people.

This is a wonderful year (October 2017 - November 2018). Jupiter is located in Capricorn's house of friends and social connections. You will deal with groups, friends, and find like-minded people whose goals and aspirations match yours. You may receive offers to participate in projects that will be very profitable. The circle of friends and acquaintances will expand, and new useful connections will appear. Don't rely only on yourself, look for the support of others, and success will come. If you have an online business, expect it to flourish. It's a great time to advertise your products and services on the Internet, join communities and clubs, and meet people from different backgrounds. Also successfully participated in online competitions.

Career, social status and relationships with authority figures are of utmost importance this year (October 2017 - November 2018). Jupiter in Aquarius' career house creates excellent chances for career advancement, especially if you have worked hard for years and haven't received the recognition you deserve. If you want to change your job or ask for a promotion, then the time is right. The financial situation will also improve. This planetary transit promises prosperity for entrepreneurs. If there are plans to expand the business, the results will be brilliant from the very beginning of their implementation.

A year full of new impressions awaits you; it has great potential, because Jupiter is in the ninth house of Pisces. A great time for study, research, travel. Some of you will decide to continue your education, others will go on a long journey, many will think about moving to another city or abroad. Business relations, especially in an international environment, will develop successfully and bring profit. A good period for people of science, there are opportunities to publish an article in a prestigious academic journal, to prove themselves in international cooperation. In addition, with the support of Jupiter, you can resolve legal disputes in your favor.

In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is the bearer of amrita (the drink of immortality) and sacred waters Ganga. Thus, it is a very benefic planet. The planet of hopes, dreams and desires - as the significator of the 11th house. Planet of optimism, sometimes excessive. Planet of children, money, finance, family, higher education.

But despite its auspiciousness, Jupiter can bring problems to some lagnas. I see in practice that the Jupiter period can be very difficult for people.

When does Jupiter bring bad results?

If he is in fall in Capricorn

If he receives many malefic aspects

If he is in dusthan and poorly located

☝BUT I know people who, even in such situations, have excellent results! That's why we always look at divisional cards.

Jupiter does well in fire signs, because his mulatrikona fiery Sagittarius. Water ones are also good, but weaker. This can even be explained scientifically, by the fact that Jupiter is not exactly a planet, but a dwarf sun! And despite the fact that it does not glow like the Sun, it is very hot.

So, Jupiter is almost the Sun, but it does not have enough power for this. What does he need to become brighter and hotter? He needs heat. Therefore, when he transits fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Jupiter comes alive, he feels great, confident and courageous. He feels like a real teacher. That's why fire signs very important to him. They can be compared to a burning match that we bring to the gas, and Jupiter instantly flares up.

These three years of transit out of twelve (Jupiter spends approximately one year in one sign) are very important, they highlight our hopes and aspirations.

The transit of Jupiter will be unique for each individual. Let us note the main features.

Jupiter transits 1st house

1st house is our personality, ego, body. Here he highlights our hopes and desires in life in general. Increases our enthusiasm and optimism. Our eating habits may gravitate towards delicacies to strengthen our body and give it strength. These can be very refined dishes, but also excessive addiction to food.

You may have a teacher, or you yourself may act in this role.

Jupiter transits the 2nd house

At this time they are observed good relationship in the family. Even if Jupiter is a functional malefic, it strives to protect you and give good results. So, for example, if you had an accident during the period of Jupiter, but survived, this is his protection.

He does not want to give bad events, but he sometimes has to do this when he is a functional malefic.

In the 2nd house, he seeks to protect family values. At this time, you can visit your family, relatives and friends a lot.

Jupiter transits the 3rd house

At this time, there is a lot of motivation to communicate, a desire to travel, expand your horizons, be in public, and learn new things. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses from itself, so the remaining houses of the Kama Trikona will also be activated and will be under the protection of Jupiter - relationships with the spouse and with friends.

Jupiter transits the 4th house

The relationship with the mother may become more active and closer. This is a water trikona, so there may be an interest in the unknown, magic, and astrology.

Jupiter transits the 5th house

Concentration on knowledge, learning, children, creative expression, philosophy, investment. During this time, your children may excel in school or sports. If Jupiter is weak or afflicted, you may not get the best score in the exam, but still be good enough to pass.

Jupiter transits the 6th house

You can take out a loan to buy an apartment or a car, and Jupiter will support you in this. It will also provide protection from enemies.

Your feelings for animals may increase, you will want to take care of them more, have pet. Usually, when you get a pet, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn are involved.

Also from the 6th house he protects career and reputation - 10th house, and household- 2nd house. For example, with your loan/or for your services you can buy new furniture to the kitchen.

Jupiter transits the 7th house

Many things can happen at this time, especially if Saturn aspects this house at the same time - wedding, relationship building, business partnership. You may realize how badly you need communication and connection with the world.

Jupiter transits the 8th house

A person may be interested in occult things, astrology. There may be a surgical procedure in which Jupiter will provide protection. For example, this includes a recent case where a guy was bitten by a shark. She did not cause any major wounds, but in the hospital he was diagnosed with a small kidney tumor, which was successfully removed. And if not for the collision with the shark, the disease would have been neglected.

Jupiter transits the 9th house

This is a great time to expand your knowledge of other cultures. Time to meet your guru, study philosophy, religion, get higher education. You may feel your personality wanting to grow and develop, to learn more about the world and God.

Your children also succeed, travel, receive good results at this time because Jupiter aspects the 5th house.

Jupiter transits the 10th house

Respect and career growth. Or protecting what already exists. Due to the aspect on the 2nd and 6th houses, you may have a desire to increase your income, thoughts will appear on how to do this, how to become more respected and successful.

Jupiter transits the 11th house

Hopes, dreams, desires come true at this time. Or you make friends who help you fulfill your dreams. This is a very favorable position for Jupiter to receive awards and recognition. You can also get married because the 11th house fulfills the wishes of the 7th house and this is the kama trikon. Having children - because Jupiter aspects the 5th house.

Jupiter transits the 12th house

Traveling to distant countries. Strengthening the subconscious - vivid dreams, studying the otherworldly. Interest in multinational companies foreign companies. Aspects on the 4th and 8th houses speak of opening the heart and getting rid of fears.

Text by Kapiel Raaj

my translation (Anna Kushnir)

The advantages you have won or received during this period may be hidden or, at least, not obvious to others. These include situations such as a salary increase for conscientious work, but not receiving a new position or recognition. In addition, there may be improvements in the working conditions or health of your family member. You will be more willing to help those who are in trouble. Positive opportunities of the period when transit Jupiter in the 12th house forms favorable aspects to natal planets, include the development of inner strength and power through the growth of your mental energy, intuition and overcoming hidden fears and anxieties. If you need help during this period, it will probably arrive in time - from secret or unexpected sources.

When transiting Jupiter in the 12th house forms unfavorable aspects to the natal planets, there may be attacks of self-pity, unmotivated remorse or speculation on one’s own guilt to achieve one’s goals. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Jupiter through the 12th house of the horoscope

Here, as in the case of the VIII field, the natal hag should be carefully studied before making any judgments. Jupiter can behave differently in this field. Since much that concerns the sphere of the XII field is perceived by a person very painfully, it is very dangerous to make a mistake here. Everything that the astrologer says about this will go deep into the subconscious, so in this case it is equally dangerous to give a negative forecast or an overly optimistic one. If the positive forecast does not come true, the person may become depressed, and this is not the worst case scenario. To confront the problems of the VIII field, a person mobilizes his physical and mental strength; there is practically no feeling of fear; it may appear later, when everything is over. The problems of the 12th field seem to paralyze a person; he rushes about and does not know what to do, or, unable to overcome his fear of the future, hides from problems in a secluded place or within himself.

If Jupiter in Radix has a strong cosmic status and is not related to malefic fields, and transit Jupiter does not have negative aspects, then it makes the influence of the XII field less destructive. On the contrary, it reveals the positive aspects of this field: it gives a person the opportunity to periodically relax in silence and solitude. At this time, invisible forces take away troubles from a person, disarm his secret enemies, whose machinations are miraculously discovered before they cause harm.

Jupiter, passing through the XII field, makes a person do inner world, therefore, at this time a person often begins to become familiar with the secret sciences. His inner vision may open, hidden talents may appear, and a desire for spiritual improvement may appear. He begins to look at many things differently. The imperfection of earthly life in this case does not make him sad, but makes him want to help the needy, the weak, and the sick.

For sailors, this transit may indicate a first or successful voyage; for spiritually oriented people, it may indicate a trip related to spiritual quests, for example, to the Himalayas, Tibet, India or for charitable purposes. Voluntary emigration is possible. Sometimes this transit marks retirement, placement in a boarding house or renunciation of secular life: entering a monastery, entering a theological seminary.

Negative aspects also have a wide range of influence. Depending on which planets natal and transit Jupiter have aspects with and which fields are involved, this can be a drop in vitality, disappointment, loss of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, the machinations of enemies: baiting, slander, intrigue, persecution , spreading rumors aimed at undermining authority, theft, embezzlement, extortion, financial traps. There is a danger of becoming dependent because of moral obligations or because of debts, of falling into the trap of sectarians. Expulsion from the country, imprisonment, manifestation or exacerbation of chronic diseases, or detection of a serious illness are possible. (Vronsky S.A.)

Studying astrology has taught me that there is a time for everything. There is time to love, work or travel, have children or build a house. If you start a business at the wrong time, it will not bring positive results, and a lot of effort and nerves will be spent.

Usually in this case, many obstacles and difficulties arise; you try to achieve what you want, but it slips right out of your hands. And there are other periods: when you do almost nothing, but get results that are not commensurate with your with minimal effort. This is the law of time: all living beings stand in line to fulfill their desires.

The most important thing is to understand in time that now is not the time to fulfill your desire. And wait for the right moment when life gives you a hint: “Act! Now is the time! ".

Usually, regarding small but important matters, the wait can take from several hours to several days. In such cases, I make 1–2 attempts to resolve the issue, and if there is no green light, I wait. I wait as if I were at a crossroads, watching the traffic lights counting down the time until the start. Calmly and without an internal demand to let me through the intersection right now!

Usually, with this approach, everything is settled successfully: the person dials your number himself or talks about your question somewhere in the environment. This is a signal that a temporary gate has now opened, into which you can enter with your desire.

Sometimes I see how much people want to quickly settle more global and complex things: find a life partner, start a family, grow a business, and so on. The most interesting thing is that all these people achieve their goal. But each in its own time.

Some people torment themselves and strain the entire surrounding reality with their determination to get what they have planned here and now: from this particular person, in this particular month, etc. And often their hopes are dashed.

But if the desire is stable, then God gives them what they dreamed of. They create businesses, families and give birth to the children they want - just not with those with whom they previously thought they needed to be.

Transits of Jupiter through the houses of the horoscope: interpretation

Astrological transits of Jupiter to houses from the Moon set the time frame for certain life events. Usually they are determined by the transits of Jupiter (Guru) in houses lunar map person.

The moon and its position are taken as the beginning of the horoscope, and the houses are counted from its degree in the sign.

Transit of Jupiter in the 1st house brings more change in life. Change of job, place of residence, life partner.

Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house gives acquisitions, success in all matters, happiness in personal relationships. During this period, it is easy to meet your future spouse, since the 2nd house is also the house of the family.

Transit of Jupiter through the 3rd house brings dangers and difficulties, can cause relocation and travel. Jupiter tells us about large-scale events, because he is a heavy guru. Astronomers recognize Jupiter as one of the largest planets in the solar system. Therefore, trips and relocations will be global: to another country, for example, as happened in my life.

Transit of Jupiter in the 4th house often becomes a harbinger of a wedding, and for those who are already married, it can indicate an impending divorce. In any case, this is a change in matrimonial status, for some it is joyful, but for others it is not. Large expenses and danger to the health of relatives are additional satellites of Jupiter’s transit through the 4th Lunar House.

Transit of Jupiter through the 5th house horoscope is a very favorable period that activates the positive karma of our past lives, often this period ends with the onset of pregnancy or the birth of a child. This is a period for advancement in all directions, success.

It’s good to lay the maximum foundation for growth at such moments and not waste a lot of time in pleasure. Why astrology is good: when you know that you only have a few months to make a big breakthrough, you use them effectively!

Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house may cause health problems. But it can set a person up to serve others, give humility and thereby contribute to spiritual growth.

Transit of Jupiter through the 7th house can lead to a change of job, apartment, spending on your health and unforeseen problems. Also, the transit of Jupiter through the 7th house gives more money, awards, honorary titles. Moreover, a person becomes more hardworking and begins to make more efforts in all areas.

Transit of Jupiter through the 7th house gives success in cooperation with other people, partnership. But since illnesses and troubles are born precisely in those areas where we spend a lot of energy (overloading this area), the transit of the Guru through the 7th house often becomes a period of illness of spouses and children.

Transit of Jupiter through the 8th house often gives birth to a child, travel, unexpected opportunities and twists of fate. And it can become a period for scandals, loss of reputation and even freedom. A dangerous period when it is better to moderate your desires and be quieter than water - below the grass. The transit of Jupiter through the 8th house gives a tendency to travel and periods of loneliness, changes in home life or acquisition of an inheritance.

Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house The lunar chart gives growth in all areas of life. It can become a period of travel, acquisitions, and career success. Jupiter's transit through the 9th house will provide an opportunity to become a parent and become more visible. The desire for self-knowledge and spirituality increases.

Transit of Jupiter in the 10th house may take away the positive results of the previous period. This is a period of reflection, loss of funds and difficulties. Drastic changes at work, experience of dealing with ill-wishers or one’s own shortcomings.

Transit of Jupiter in the 11th house gives a period of fulfilling hopes, opening your own business, acquiring new connections. Our long-time desires are coming true. A person receives awards and honors for his efforts. The transit of Jupiter in the 11th house indicates the possibility of marriage of the native's adult children. A dangerous period for the native's mother.

Transit of Jupiter in the 12th house from the Moon just like 8, it can be a good moment for having children, traveling, visiting distant countries. The 12th house symbolizes the karma that we inherited from our clan and ancestors, and during this period chronic diseases that run through our clan may become more active. If the karma of the kind is good, the period will bring good results.

The transit of Jupiter through the 12th house can become a time for parting with outdated relationships, work or other events.

Of course, when interpreting each period, it is taken into account which house in the horoscope is ruled by Jupiter in your chart. Because everyone works off their good and bad karma on a strictly individual basis.

Study yourself, astrology and the world around you!

Even those who are just beginning to get acquainted with astrology are looking forward to when transiting Jupiter will pass through important points in the birth chart. It just so happens that Jupiter is considered the planet of happiness and good luck. The ancients called him the Great Benefactor. You will learn from this article what Jupiter transits will actually bring into your life.

The main principle of Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet solar system, and is therefore closely associated with fertility and abundance. The main principle of Jupiter is expansion, increase and expansion. IN natal chart The house where Jupiter is located– This is an area of ​​enormous opportunity, growth and expansion.

By its nature, Jupiter is not harmful, this planet does not limit like Saturn, does not create conflicts and disagreements like Mars. And therefore, many astrologers have the illusion that Jupiter has no flaws and does not cause any harm. But this is a big misconception.

What else can Jupiter increase?

Jupiter can increase not only your wallet or give you new opportunities and prospects in your career. But it can also multiply your problems.

At a low level, Jupiter gives squandering, exaggeration, failure to take advantage of opportunities, laziness and arrogance. Low Jupiter easily makes grandiose promises and tries to avoid any responsibility.

To appreciate the scale of the problems that Jupiter can bring, read the myths about Jupiter and his love affairs with nymphs. Many nymphs then had to turn into either a plant or a tree.

When transiting Jupiter moves through the Houses

In this article, we will look at how transit Jupiter manifests itself when passing through the Houses of the natal chart.

Remember that in the House in which Jupiter is located, the principle of expansion, increase and growth works. At a low level, Jupiter will give squandering and false hopes.

Transiting Jupiter in the 1st House

A very significant and tangible transit, during which a person begins to “enlarge” and grow in every sense of the word. If during this period you go out into the world, be active social life, teach, then Jupiter will significantly expand your capabilities and increase the weight of your authority.

If at this time you do not lead a social life, Jupiter will increase your weight in the literal sense of the word: a wild appetite and, as a result, excess weight.

The task is to expand your Self

Transiting Jupiter in the 2nd House

This transit is often awaited like manna from heaven, because passing through the 2nd House of Money and Property, Jupiter significantly increases your wallet and provides many opportunities and prospects for expanding your income. Especially if you want to make money through the spheres of Jupiter: teaching, organizing something, tourism, everything related to foreigners, leadership positions.

At a low level, transiting Jupiter in the 2nd House will give huge expenses and useless expenses.

The goal is to expand your financial capabilities

Transit Jupiter in the III House

This transit usually brings many new promising acquaintances and connections. Success in learning, arrival of a new and important information. Often during this period a person is bombarded with a huge amount of different information. On a negative level there is a lot of information fuss.

The task is to expand your information horizons

Transit Jupiter in the 4th House

This transit is often accompanied by the acquisition of a new home, the purchase of an apartment or real estate. Improving living conditions. Also often during this period there is an addition to the family. If there are additional instructions in the natal chart - moving abroad.

At a low level, it can give a period when the native “plays” with the family, and is not obligatory in relation to close people. Reluctance to do household chores.

The task is to expand your home, family

Transiting Jupiter in the V House

Often this transit literally forces the native to go to weddings, holidays, and various events. A period of holidays, hobbies and excitement begins in life. A good period for pregnancy. This transit is especially good for seriously engaging in some kind of creativity or hobby.

At a low level, this transit brings many problems. Laziness, complete reluctance to work, engage in daily duties. A person lives in a mode of continuous rest.

The goal is to expand your creative possibilities, create something

Transiting Jupiter in the VI House

Prospects for hired work appear; for a business manager, this transit is often accompanied by an increase in staff. Also, this transit can give a lot of responsibilities and daily affairs, if the native copes with them, then Jupiter will take him to a new level.

At a low level it causes illness and health problems. But it usually does not bring serious and dangerous problems.

The goal is to expand the scope of work, reach a new level in everyday life

Transiting Jupiter in the 7th House

Here Jupiter gives a lot of connections, communication and communication. For family life this transit can play out in two ways. If a couple is ready to reach a new level of relationship, then Jupiter will bring a lot of new and interesting things. If a couple clings to stability, then Jupiter can come into the life of a family man in the form of connections on the side, a new love interest.

At a low level, Jupiter will sharply increase the number of your open enemies and ill-wishers during this period. There will be many conflict situations, ranging from competition to litigation.

The goal is to expand your social circle

Transiting Jupiter in the VIII House

Huge financial opportunities are emerging. A good period to look for a sponsor, any investment of money. Often this transit gives a deep immersion into the world of magic, an intensive study of psychoanalysis.

At a low level, Jupiter begins to increase dangerous and crisis situations in your life.

The task is to move to a new level of life through risk and danger

Transit Jupiter in the IX House

Often accompanied by numerous trips abroad, active study of everything foreign, spiritual and lofty. During this transit, a person begins to experience a strong hunger for information; he wants to understand everything in this life and preferably right now.

At a low level, there is a separation from reality; the native is too deeply immersed in issues of worldview and outlook on life.

The goal is to expand your worldview

Transit Jupiter in the X House

This transit provides enormous opportunities for career growth. Great business opportunities, especially in the areas of Jupiter. Reaching a new social level, honors, awards, recognition of merit.

At a low level it gives false perspectives, a quick rise and a quick fall, an irresponsible approach to life.

The task is to reach a new social level

Transit Jupiter in the XI House

The number of friends increases sharply, many like-minded people appear around you. Active participation in collective activity. A good period for going out into the world and social realization.

At a low level, collective ideas and friends begin to actively take over your life, and you begin to lose yourself, forgetting about your needs.

The goal is to expand your circle of friends or become popular

Transit Jupiter in the XII House

Difficult transit. On high level allows you to immerse yourself, study your unconscious, discover new facets of your personality. Moving abroad. Charity on a large scale. A period of very powerful and active internal growth.

At a low level, secret enemies and ill-wishers begin to appear in your life, who seemingly wish you all the best, but in reality cause harm.

The task is to expand everything unknown in your life (unconscious, immersion in unknown cultures)

What will happen in 12 years?

Use Jupiter transits wisely and expand profitably. You will have the next such opportunity only in 12 years, since Jupiter makes a full revolution around the Sun during this time.

Well, if you want to use Jupiter transits 100%, and also plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!
