Passing scores for Peoples' Friendship University. Rudn - passing grade

    - (RUDN) one of the leading universities in Russia. Peoples' Friendship University was founded on February 5, 1960 by decision of the USSR government. On February 22, 1961, the University was named after Patrice Lumumba, one of the symbols of the struggle of the peoples of Africa for... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Created in 1992 in Moscow on the basis of the Peoples' Friendship University. P. Lumumba (founded in 1960 to assist developing countries in training qualified personnel with higher education). Foreign students after preparatory... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Created in 1992 in Moscow on the basis of the Peoples' Friendship University named after P. Lumumba (founded in 1960 to assist developing countries in training qualified personnel with higher education). Foreign students after preparatory... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    RUDN University (Miklouho Maklaya Street, 6). Established in 1960, mainly to train specialists for the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America (their citizens accounted for up to 2/3 of all university students). Until 1982 it was located in the building of a former military training... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Peoples' Friendship University of Russia- Russian University of Peoples' Friendship (RUDN) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Peoples' Friendship University of Russia- Moscow, st. Miklouho Maclaya, 6. Psychology, social pedagogy (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Coordinates... Wikipedia

    Coordinates... Wikipedia

    - (Miklouho Maklaya Street, 6). Established in 1960, mainly to train specialists for the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America (their citizens accounted for up to 2/3 of all university students). Until 1982 it was located in the building of a former military training... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Coordinates... Wikipedia


  • Tops: components of success, or How to achieve efficiency in business management. Textbook, Alekseenko V.B.. Tutorial covers a wide range of problems considered within the framework of various economic disciplines of the educational State Standard, including management, enterprise management,...
  • Meet Moscow! , Oganezova A.E.. 171;Meet Moscow! 187; - a cultural manual for the development of reading skills, addressed to foreign students at the pre-university stage of study. Includes adapted…
Graduate of this university: I studied at this university for four years at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. I am incredibly glad that I finally graduated, but a diploma from this faculty cannot be considered something special, because... It's pretty easy to get. Even at State State Examinations you could cheat completely calmly; a reprimand could only be made if you did it too openly.
First of all, it is worth mentioning the most famous facts about the university. 1. A lot foreign students who are the children of influential politicians. Yes, there are a lot of foreigners, but almost all of them were sent on some inexplicable grants. Few people speak Russian well even by the fourth year, best case scenario in English. They are also, as a rule, not in the mood to learn.
2. Good training foreign languages. If this free training English, then it's disgusting. Students are divided into groups in a chaotic manner; there is no talk of knowledge. These are pairs for show. Speaking about a translator's diploma, it is worth saying that you should only go for Spanish. There you can go on an internship at a foreign university, and the knowledge will be quite good. Students give up other areas in the second or third year, because it is more like paying for paperwork rather than for lessons.
Among the general advantages, we can mention the fairly developed infrastructure of the students. town, a medical examination is mandatory in the first two years, after which it is no longer required. But doctors may take it rather lightly even in the first two years. You can get a dormitory even if you study on a budget. Student events are also held. Everything here is no worse or better than in other universities.
And now directly about training at the faculty itself. It is worth mentioning that each department approaches this process from the point of view of its educational standards. In my department, only a few teachers cared about education. We had a lecturer who didn't bother to learn his subject, and for several months we just listened to each other's presentations.
A special article is the cancellation of couples. Many do not care about having a curriculum and committing to the number of lectures. There was a teacher who simply canceled all the seminars one semester because he didn’t want to teach them. We saw another teacher only a few times during the whole year, although perhaps this was for the best, because he also did not bother to prepare for teaching his subject. But don’t be surprised when pairs are shortened or their duration is shortened - this is in the order of things. Another problem is the teachers who haven't changed their programs since the nineties, so listening to their lectures is quite strange. Teachers are often late for lectures; we often learned about cancellations after arriving at the university; it could take about thirty minutes during class. But again, it’s worth saying that there were also good teachers who loved their job, but they were in the minority.
The practice is completed at least twice, in the third and fourth years. They place everyone there, but if you already have a job, then practice is done there. These are generally places that don't require employees, but if you do very well and volunteer there, you might be able to get a job there someday.
To summarize, it is worth saying that with the exception of a couple of faculties, RUDN University is not the place where you should go for high-quality and intensive training. But if you need to combine work with study, or simply don’t like studying and want to take part in all student initiatives, then this is a good choice.

Russian University Friendship of Peoples was established during the reign of N. Khrushchev, in 1960, as the University of Friendship of Peoples. At the same time, the teaching of one of the main subjects - the Russian language for foreigners - began. A year later educational institution was named after P. Lumumba, who was a prominent fighter for the independence of African countries at that time, and opened six main faculties, including physical and mathematical sciences, law and economics, medicine, engineering, agriculture, history and philology.

The founder of RUDN University is the Government of Russia

In 1992, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is the founder of this educational institution, UDN received a new name - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In the 90s, new promising faculties were established at the higher education institution. Currently, the University is a large, internationally oriented educational center, known for its connections in many countries of the world, scientific research and organizational methods educational process.

RUDN in and in student grades

According to the Interfax rating (2011-2014), this university annually ranks 4-5-6 among more than a thousand Russian universities. However, the average assessment of the university by students is close to “4” out of five possible points, since students are dissatisfied with the corruption encountered, the level of demand for specialists, equipment in a number of faculties, etc. There are both very negative and positive assessments of this educational institution, although many They recognize that everything depends on whether the student himself has a desire to learn.

The Institute is a leader in the field of national patents

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) is known for its achievements in the field scientific activity. It ranks first in the number of scientific articles among more than 10,000 scientific organizations in Russia, and conducts annual defenses of doctoral and candidate dissertations in more than thirty dissertation councils of the educational institution. The Thomson-Reuters rating indicates that the University in 2002-2012. the second largest number of national patents for inventions in Russia was issued (the first place is occupied by Rosatom, the third by the Russian Ministry of Industry).

Among the graduates of the university there are presidents of states

This university has so far graduated about 90 thousand specialists who work in hundreds of countries around the world, and among them there are presidents of states, ministers, famous politicians and businessmen. At RUDN University you can simultaneously obtain several diplomas, including in several foreign languages, the main specialty, a second higher education and additional courses. The following faculties of RUDN University are currently functioning:

  • Agrarian. Opened in 1961, has teaching staff about 100 people and graduates masters and bachelors in the following specialties: agronomy, veterinary medicine, animal science, land management and cadastral affairs, veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, economics, management. At the faculty you can complete master's and postgraduate studies at English, gain additional knowledge at the center additional education, including in the field of selection, beekeeping, horse breeding, judging at equestrian competitions, etc.
  • Faculty of Engineering, graduating bachelors in the field of economics, architecture, construction, oil and gas, operation of transport and technological complexes, etc. Here you can also get a master's degree in architecture, geology, construction, nanotechnology, mining, applied geology, etc. Postgraduate studies at the faculty are open to more than 20 specialties.
  • Physics and mathematics\natural sciences. It trains bachelors in chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and computer science, radiophysics, etc., as well as masters in the following specialties: mathematics, chemistry and physics (including applied and fundamental), etc.
  • Faculty of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) in this department trains bachelors in the fields of linguistics, journalism, psychology, philology, advertising, and public relations. The faculty also graduates masters in seventeen areas of training and has postgraduate courses in ten specialties.

What other faculties of RUDN University exist?

  • General education disciplines and the Russian language. Here students undergo an intensive course of Russian language training, the basics of general disciplines in the future main department, and adapt to life in Russia. The faculty has a center for student adaptation to the Russian climate and a testing center.
  • Economic, where foreign and Russian citizens can obtain the specialty of a manager (specializations - marketing and general management), an economist (insurance, finance, credit, general economics, accounting and other areas). Participation in a double degree program with the University of Nice, master's, postgraduate, and advanced training courses are available.
  • Ecological. The faculty has several graduating departments, including specialties: systemic, forensic ecology, human ecology, applied ecology and geoecology, management water resources, ecology forecasting and monitoring. You can also get a master's degree here.
  • Social and human sciences. About 2.5 thousand people from more than 80 countries of the world study at the faculty, where they receive a bachelor's level in the following areas: sociology, political science, international relations, history, philosophy, foreign regional studies, municipal and state management, humanities and arts. It also graduates masters in history (domestic), history of civilizations, philosophy, ethics, problems and institutions, world politics, regional studies, management (municipal and state), social and international institutions, social management. The faculty is interesting because it has a dozen joint programs with foreign institutions, including China, Spain, Germany, and France. In addition, students are given the opportunity to obtain a translator certificate and undergo practical training in government bodies (in separate programs).

Many faculties are organized as institutes

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the faculties of which are presented above, graduates specialists in other areas, which are organized in the form internal institutions University. For example, obtaining it is possible at the RUDN Law Institute, including in the following specialties: civil, international, family law, arbitration process, corporate lawyer, international law, legal translation (English), energy law, etc. The institute has a postgraduate course in ten specialties, has as partners many foreign institutions and large international organizations (for example, the European Youth Parliament).

The Faculty of Medicine teaches 37 specialties

What other institutes does RUDN have? Faculty of Medicine This educational institution is also organized as a separate institute, where you can study in such specialties as: “Pharmacy”, “Medicine”, “Nursing”, “Dentistry”. The institute has about twenty specialties in internship, about 37 specialties in clinical residency, 33 specialties in graduate school and nine councils through which one can defend an academic degree.

RUDN graduates can know four or more languages

RUDN University, whose medical faculty has produced a total of about 6,400 specialists for foreign clinics, includes the institute hotel business(and tourism). This educational institution was created relatively recently, in 1997, and is an institute with the rights of a faculty. It trains specialists in the field of restaurant and hotel business, some of whom have already left after graduation to work in their native countries - China, Oman, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Gabon, Vietnam, etc. Graduates of this institute are rightfully proud of the fact that they know two foreign languages ​​- English and (optional) Spanish, German, French or Italian (plus Russian and your national language).

They can do gravitational experiments

RUDN provides training, among other things, in quite rare specialties, such as relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation. This specialty, as well as postgraduate studies, can be obtained at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Gravity and Cosmology at RUDN University, opened in 1999. Graduates this direction can develop promising gravitational experiments in space and on our planet, explore fundamental metrology and fundamental physical constants.

Joint programs with foreign universities

In addition to the Faculty of Philology, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has an institute foreign languages, where subjects are taught in English, including: regional studies, international public relations. At the institute, future teachers can study the methodology and theory of psychology and social pedagogy, and take postgraduate education courses in general pedagogy and Germanic languages. This educational institution, operating as a faculty of RUDN University, conducts joint programs with the Catholic Institute of Lille (France) and (Great Britain).

It is also worth noting the institutes operating at RUDN University as faculties: international programs, business and world economy, applied (technical and economic) research and examination, etc.

Branches and training centers

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has its own branches in the cities of Yakutsk, Sochi, Perm, Belgorod, Stavropol, Essentuki, as well as twenty-four training centers additional education, including: a computer training center, a veterinary innovation clinic, a health care resource complex, a center scientific research problems of countering terrorist actions, etc. University departments of RUDN University, for example, “ Physical culture and Sports" allow us to produce not only good specialists, but also people with active life position and love for movement and sports.

RUDN University (Russian Peoples' Friendship University) is a higher educational institution founded in 1960 under the rule of N. Khrushchev. At that time, it was the only university in Russia where Russian was taught as a subject for foreign citizens and students. According to Interfax, every year since 2011, RUDN University takes 4th-6th place in the ranking of universities in our country. This is partly why it is so popular among Russian and foreign students. And connections with acute limitation budget places, applicants are interested in the question of the cost of studying at RUDN University 2017-2018.

For whom will there be discounts on studying at RUDN University in the 2017-2018 academic year?

It's no secret that every year the cost of studying at the country's leading universities grows exponentially, as does the passing score. Next year will not be an exception, however, there are some categories of applicants for whom Peoples' Friendship University provides discounts:

  • students from low-income families;
  • students from large families;
  • students with honors for secondary education;
  • student winners of various regional, regional and all-Russian Olympiads;
  • disabled students.

The size of the discount is not specified, and it is also unknown whether it will be the same for all specified categories of students, or, for example, students from large families will have more significant benefits. We recommend that you contact the admissions committee for an answer to this question.

How does RUDN University spend funds paid by students for education?

Perhaps the issue of spending money worries students and their parents as much as the cost of education in 2017-2018 academic year. There is probably no need to list all the points, so we will highlight only the most important ones:

  • the needs and requirements of the teaching staff;
  • purchase of various printed publications (books for the library, manuals, etc.);
  • conducting internships in schools and other organizations;
  • advanced training of teaching staff;
  • payment of utilities and other related expenses.

Tuition fees at RUDN University in the period 2017-2018

You can complain for a long time that education is everything to us, and the cost of education increases from year to year. But only knowledgeable people understand that raising prices is a completely legal and, moreover, necessary measure. This is the policy of the state and no matter how paradoxical it may sound, such measures are aimed at improving the quality of education in our country.

In the spring of 2016, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation set a standard for various specialties, below which the price cannot be lower. But how much higher it can be is the decision of the governing body of the university, in in this case, RUDN University

RUDN University is an international university, which means prices for Russian and foreign citizens will vary slightly. The latter, of course, will pay more for education in Russia.

Full-time education

The most accessible areas for full-time students will be such areas as psycho-pedagogical, applied mathematics and computer science, the cost of a year of study for which will not exceed 160 thousand rubles per year.

A fairly wide selection of specializations is presented in price range from 160 to 200 thousand per year: agronomy, veterinary medicine, land management, philosophy, oil and gas business, etc.

With a budget of 200-250 thousand rubles at RUDN you can master political science and sociology, architecture and design, nanoengineering, psychology, business informatics and many others.

For 250-300 thousand you will have access to such specialties as government and municipal government, foreign regional studies, journalism, television, law, management and economics.

The maximum price tag falls on the following directions:

  • medical treatment – ​​from 310,000 rubles;
  • international relations – 312,000 rubles;
  • advertising and public relations – 315,000 rubles;
  • dentistry - from 330,000 rubles (this is the maximum cost of study for a year at RUDN).

training in humanities - 220,000-260,000 rubles per year.

Foreign applicants must add an average of 30,000-50,000 rubles to this price.

Full-time and part-time forms of education

Naturally, in a full-time setting, the cost of training itself is more expensive for students. Let's look at the price tags for annual training for correspondence students.

For only 60 thousand you will study applied mathematics and computer science, management in technical systems, design and technological support for machine-building production.

Add a little and you can count on training in the following areas: veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, agronomy, philology, tourism and hotel management.

Linguistics, jurisprudence, advertising and public relations, customs, journalism, political science, state and municipal administration cost more than 100 thousand a year.

The maximum price tag of 187 thousand per year falls on the direction of international relations.

Additional professional education

If existing professional skills and knowledge are available higher education it’s not enough for you, at RUDN University you can always supplement them. You will be able to study in seven programs:

  • General management;
  • Modular program;
  • Marketing and effective sales;
  • Advertising and PR business;
  • International business;
  • Financial management;
  • Human resource management.

The cost of all directions is the same. For the entire period of study, which is only 2 years, you will have to pay 380 thousand rubles.
