Pentagram from program candles. Making magic candles

Program candles are made by hand by repeatedly dipping them into melted wax. This is a labor-intensive and most ancient method of making candles. Candles are made from beeswax very High Quality, which gives a characteristic color and natural aroma to candles for the programs “Lucky Day”, “Joy of Life”, “Seven Wise Men”, “Deepest Desire”, as well as candles made from darker wax “Treatment of Animals” and “Dispute and Judgment”.

Each candle can contain up to 30-35 layers, which allows you to apply an effective program (mantras, orthodox prayers, verbal attitudes).

Candles are made in favorable conditions lunar time, on the growing moon (for money, love, career, luck); full moon (for protection, health, desire); on the waning moon (for deliverance and purification). This makes it possible to use the candle at any time convenient for you. lunar day, since they already contain information about the lunar period.

All candles are colored with natural herbs, so their color is “natural” but not as bright as that of candles colored with fat-soluble dyes. This quality enhances natural action candles. For example, money candles « Money channel", "Fast money", "Successful business" contain "money herbs" eucalyptus, mint, cumin, dill seeds, tansy flowers, calamus; candle “Peace and tranquility in the house”, “Two hearts”, “ Career ladder", "Magic Shield", "Health and Strength" are painted with Sudanese rose; The Charm candle contains rowan fruits and oak bark.

Especially for cleaning negative energy“Cleansing” and “Releasing” candle programs have been developed. These candles are black, as they are painted with birch soot, but it is the black color that can cleanse, absorb and burn in the flame of fire: anger, envy, bad thoughts that settle in the house, provoking a depressing state, as well as stagnation in business in offices, shops . White candles from palm stearin “White Wind” were made with a similar program; their effect is softer. If a black candle can be compared to a shovel, clearing away deposits of negative energy, then a white candle is a soft brush sweeping out the remaining debris from the corners.

For weight loss and control, as well as for those on a diet, the “Grace” program candle has been developed, it is colored with “Indigo” grass.

All candles are made without any witchcraft or divination, it is only the natural energy of fire with positive attitudes and wishes, helping to achieve a certain result.


The candle is made by hand, the old fashioned way dipping into melted wax. Made from natural beeswax, with the addition of only herbal dyes. The candle is enchanted for each layer, so it has great power.

Black candle “Cleansing” to neutralize tense relationships in the house, to relieve negative energy in any room, including the workplace (so that your income is not jinxed). To remove the evil eye, envy, damage, evil words. This is very strong candle. Its effect is comparable to visiting a healer in person.

Lights only with matches.

  1. Place the candle on a wide plate. This is necessary so that the candle waste remains all in the plate, and it can all be collected, since it will attract all the negativity and it is impossible for it to remain in the house.
  2. Let the candle burn. You can look at the flame. If you want, read the prayers you know. A total of three such cleanings need to be carried out. Three days in a row. But even a single use will make your life much easier. All actions are carried out either 3 times, 6, 9 and in especially severe cases 12 times.
  3. After the candle goes out on its own, collect all the waste and take it in a plastic bag away from the house (you can throw it in a trash container). The room where the candle was burning needs to be ventilated. Even better, clean the floors and be sure to wash your hands under cold running water.
  4. After cleaning. You can use candles of other colors, spelled for protection, luck and desire, money luck, and weight loss.
  5. Such candles can be lit immediately after cleaning, or the next day. You should also sit with concentration by the flame of a candle, think about what you want, as if you have already achieved your goal, attracted the necessary events into your life, and got what you wanted.

Calculate your time so that no one distracts you during this hour, you do not talk on the phone, no one comes to visit you. If the doorbell rings while a candle is burning, you cannot open it. The phase of the moon does not matter for this candle. Light up at any time convenient for you.

List of our candle programs

Name Purpose Coloring Note
"Fast money" Quickly raise the required amount of money. It works well for attracting a one-time, small amount of money.
"Successful business" Business growth and expansion. Assistance in signing profitable contracts and making successful transactions. Attracting customers to the store. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Mint, eucalyptus, cumin, etc.) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Money Channel" Opening, cleansing and strengthening the money channel. Gives general luck and luck in money matters. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Mint, eucalyptus, cumin, etc.) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Two Hearts" (pair) Attracting love, passion, searching for the other half. (two candles are lit at once - as a symbol of reciprocity). Strengthening existing connections, reviving lost feelings. Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Peace and tranquility in the house" Strengthening family ties, existing connections, mutual understanding and respect among relatives. Reconciliation of those living in the same house. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Sudanese rose, incense) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Health and Strength" Strengthening the immune system, increasing physical strength. Strengthening protective properties body. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Sudanese rose) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Career ladder" Career, promotion. Good luck in business. Mutual understanding and respect among colleagues. Help in finding a promising job. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Sudanese rose) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Magic Shield" Protection against physical and mental attacks on the human biofield. Forms the invisible protective field around. Also used to enhance the actions of any other program candle. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Sudanese rose) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Seven Wise Men" Knowledge, memory, mental clarity, confidence, insight, inspiration, creativity. Improves memory, helps with exams, and any situations where clarity of mind, confidence in your beliefs and creativity are needed. Painted with wax only
"The joy of life" Attracting positive and happy events. Gives a feeling of happiness, peace of mind, and a charge of optimism. Painted with wax only Contains natural beeswax (75%), handmade
"My Cherished Desire" Activates a person’s request and contributes to the formation of events for the fulfillment of a wish. Painted with wax only Contains natural beeswax (75%), handmade
"Lucky day" Strengthening, expanding the field of luck and luck for every day. Attracting success in all matters. Painted with wax only Contains natural beeswax (75%), handmade
"Charm" Strengthening attractiveness, femininity, sexuality, rejuvenation of the body. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Rowan fruits, oak bark) Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Blue Lotus" Inspiration, wisdom, meditation. Helps achieve on-track condition
"Animal Treatment" Clearing negative energy pet, treatment and improvement of her well-being. Painted with wax only Contains natural beeswax (75%), handmade
"Dispute and Court" Resolution of any disputes. Help in court cases, increasing the possibility of winning the case. Painted with wax only Contains natural beeswax (75%), handmade
"Grace" Helps lose and control weight. It also helps make it easier to endure fasting days and diets. The candle is colored only with natural herbs (Indigo) Contains natural beeswax (50%) and palm stearin, handmade
"Cleansing" Removes the evil eye, absorbs and destroys negative energy, negative attitudes, programs, blocks. Cleans the house well office rooms, things, documents from the settling of hostile energy. Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Delivering" Helps get rid of bad habits(smoking, alcohol). Relieves anxiety, fear, anxiety, and wards off bad luck and failure. The candle is painted with natural birch soot Contains natural beeswax (70%), handmade
"Angel wings" Cleansing, healing from illnesses, dispels dark forces. Cleaning energy channels. Used to activate the work of the Guardian Angel or Archangels. Contains natural beeswax (10%), handmade palm stearin
"Angel" Protecting the child’s biofield, dispels internal fears and nightmares. Gives strength to the guardian angel. Protects against aggression of peers and adults.
"White Wind" Cleaning of premises, things, products, human aura and documents. Opens and clears the road. (It is advisable to use after working with a black candle) Contains natural beeswax (10%), palm stearin, handmade
"True fortune telling" Used for fortune telling on cards, runes, crystal balls. For Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling. Contains natural beeswax (20%), palm stearin, handmade
"Softening Evil Hearts" Neutralization of evil, tyranny. 2 candles woven into 1 Handmade Handmade

Since I am fire myself, working with this element suits me personally very well. But even those who used my program to remove negativity confirmed to me that fire works very well and quickly in emergency situations.

Since I myself was faced with a situation where it was very difficult to find good candles that satisfy my desires, I simply had to study the question of how to make magic candles.
So, I will tell you how I personally make program candles for use in rituals.

1. The first thing a beginner MAGICIAN needs to make candles is to find suppliers of wax, wick, and dye.

Here you can buy it in an online store with home delivery, you can look for it in handicraft stores (the prices there are great!), you can try to find it through familiar beekeepers. Choose what suits you. The easiest way to buy church wax candles and transport them by adding necessary ingredients. But this is for the most extreme cases.

I personally found a good store here in the USA, - don’t take it as an advertisement, I don’t even know if they do international delivery. But you can familiarize yourself with the site to understand what you need to look for in the end.

Here's what you need - This is pure beeswax. Forget about all sorts of soy wax, and especially about palm and granulated creative wax. This is just the name that it is wax, in fact, we only need natural beeswax without additives.
Paraffin? Don't even stutter. I read that you can use paraffin candles as a last resort, but if you are reading my article, then you definitely have the Internet, which means you can also find beeswax on the Internet. That's it, let's move on.

Wick- It’s better to take natural materials again, better - cotton. The wick looks something like this

Dye - there are 2 types of dye: liquid or dry. I first ordered liquid, but it’s not very convenient for making candles because it stains my hands a lot (I use gloves, but I still got black spots on my hands if I accidentally took the dye). Therefore, for the second time I ordered dry and pressed dye, and realized that this was the most convenient way adding color to wax. The dye looks like this:dry in blocks, is there some more liquid and new pigmentary(also apparently dry, I’ll have to test it, as it looks very attractive - no need to cut dry blocks, everything here is already granulated, which makes it easier to create a saturated color of the candle)

2. Second step - search for the form

Let me start with the fact that you can also purchase a uniform. But I personally encountered 2 problems here.

1. The molds are quite expensive, and we need to pour about 20-40 candles at a time

2. Latex forms are short-lived, it is better to take plastic.

The classic shape for a magic candle is a cylinder. There are options in the height and diameter of the candle. Classic rule: the higher and wider the candle, the more energy it releases to achieve the goals set in the ritual.

I personally found a wonderful mold for pouring candles, which is convenient, cylindrical, plastic, and cheap. This is a syringe.

Photo of a syringe

We leave only the cylinder and remove the piston.

This is how I get candles from this syringe. Different colors candles correspond to different programs and different tasks.

3. The process of making magic candles at home

The first and mandatory condition when creating any magical things at home is the absence of strangers at this moment. It’s trite, but in such conditions you will be more concentrated on the process and internally calm. Find a time when no one will distract you. Turn off the sound on your phone so that an unexpected call does not confuse your actions.

The second is hygiene, or rather gloves. Use gloves simply because it’s easier - you won’t get dirty and will avoid questions from your loved ones about the unusual color of your hands.

Third - you must have everything at hand, do not start the process until you have all the ingredients and molds.

So let's get started.

Set the wax on fire. MAGIC Esotericists unanimously repeat that you need to put wax on water bath.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Water bath- a device for heating substances when the required temperature is up to 100 °C at normal atmospheric pressure.
A water bath is a heated body (for example, a vessel containing a substance, such as a flask, test tube, or other body) placed in a larger container of water. The water heats up and the body heats up from it. Water cannot heat above its boiling point (at a given atmospheric pressure), thereby automatically limiting the maximum heating temperature of the body.

Water bath (diagram). 1 - heated substance; 2 - water; 3 - vessel with substance; 4 — container with water; 5 - heating element

My opinion on this matter is that it is not a prerequisite. If you want to use a water bath, but don’t want to, then put it on fire. The most important thing here is DO NOT overheat the wax. The approximate temperature of the wax should be 60 degrees Celsius. Again, this condition is not critical; if it is overheated, then the wax can be cooled to the desired state.

While your wax turns into a liquid state you need prepare forms , namely, thread the wick inside the mold and fix it with a stick (the photo above shows that fixing the wick is necessary so that the wick itself is in the center of the candle).

The wax is ready and it's time add dye . The dye should completely dissolve in the wax. There are no rules here - the main thing is that you get the color that you need.

Now you can pour your colored wax inside the mold . The candle is almost ready!

In this article I present simple master class on how to make a paraffin or wax candle with your own hands. Having mastered the basics, in the future you will be able to improve in this exciting activity. How effective your candles will be depends on your magical abilities. This is the first and main condition for creating a magic candle. Only a real magician can create a real magic candle. Candle magic is not something everyone can do and has many secrets. I share some of them in the section, and the rest.... my little magical secret. :) You can order for any purpose in mine! These are 100% magical candles! Or you can try to make candles yourself at home, the recipe is below.

The candle material is natural wax, paraffin or stearin and animal fat. Many are guided by the fact that real wax candles must smell... No, the smell of wax depends on the propolis content in it. Pure beeswax has no odor. Just like real vegetable waxes and paraffin. This is very convenient when using aromatic oils. Gel candles are not used in magical practices. There is no big difference in the results of work between a wax and paraffin candle; fat candles are used mainly in rites of black magic and rituals against it. Green-white paraffin wax is also suitable for cleaning the money channel. In my store there is a more complex option, but to start your work we’ll take a simpler candle, but also for money. Everyone is interested in money :) A prerequisite for a magic candle is that it must be completely colored! You can find information on the meaning of candle color in magic in the article. Stores sell mostly white candles doused in colored paraffin. For magic they will appear as white, no matter that they are green on top. And this is exactly what is suitable for us for casting; after melting it will give an even green color liquid paraffin.

So, we have decided that we will make a green and white paraffin candle to cleanse the money channel. You need to select many components so that the candle is exactly a money candle and works specifically for cleansing. Here I will hide the information, since this is my work and will continue the general course.

You will need:

Two candles: regular white and doused green

4 thick plastic cups (150 g)

Knitting needle or wooden skewer

Two ladles for a water bath

And, the main ingredient of a magic candle, your magical power.

Paraffin melts in a water bath. It should absolutely not be placed on an open fire. It can flare up very easily. Therefore, pour water into one ladle and put it on fire, put the second ladle on the water. In it you break the painted candle so as not to tear the wick. We use it in our candle. You also need to remove the wick from the second candle, because... from two candles you will get two two-colored ones. Waste-free production!

While the green paraffin is melting, carefully make a hole for the wick in the bottom of the glass with a hot needle. We insert the wick into this hole and bury it on top with paraffin to secure it. We do the same with the second glass. Grease the mold inside vegetable oil so that the paraffin does not stick. You can lubricate, for example, with juniper oil, this will give additional cleansing powers to our candle. You can read about the properties of oils for magic in the article. We fasten the upper end of the wick to the edges of the cup on a wooden skewer or knitting needle so that the wick is taut. It is better to place the glass-form in another glass with cold water to avoid leaks. After waiting for the candle scrap to completely melt in the ladle, mix it to completely even out the color and pour it into glasses. Let it cool. At this time, we also melt the white candle scrap in a water bath. To ensure that the layers do not mix, you need to wait approximately 15-20 minutes between pouring. When a sufficiently dense frozen film appears on top of the paraffin, pour out the white paraffin and leave to cool completely. This usually takes about 5 hours. Cut off the skewer with the remaining wick and turn the glass over. Congratulations! Your first candle is ready! You are on the path to wealth and prosperity! If, of course, you are a magician... And if not, then you just got a nice two-color candle.

If you are not confident in your magical powers or you are a practicing esotericist and you just don’t want to bother with all this, then take a look at mine. In it you can order and buy real ones that will help you correct or correct almost any situation. The candles are completely pure from the energy side, they only have a powerful charge, which will carry out the work.

So, you have decided to practice witchcraft using a ready-made ritual candle. If you follow some rules, you will definitely get results.

First of all, you need to choose the time. People who are advanced in magic usually check the planetary clock, however, if you are a novice magician, you can neglect this clarification. But the phase of the moon must be taken into account, remember - a ritual aimed at attracting, strengthening or increasing something should be carried out on the waxing Moon, but if you need to get rid of something or weaken something, then it is most reasonable to perform this action during lunar damage.

It is highly desirable that no one can disturb you. Turn off your smartphones, close the door to your room and ask your loved ones not to disturb you under any circumstances. Ideally, there will be no one else at home except you.

Choose a place where you will place the candle. Consider the following nuances - most candle rituals are designed for long burning, while rearranging them from place to place is not very advisable (although not directly prohibited). Don't forget - a candle is not only a means of fulfilling your desires, but also a source of open fire. Position it so that small children or pets cannot reach it. Check to see if there are any flammable items nearby. Also take into account the possible draft factor.

The best place for a candle ritual, this is, of course, a witch’s altar. But if the witch already has an altar, then she doesn’t need our advice).

Get a new needle(which you, of course, bought in advance). Using the sharp end, write the wording of your request to the world on the surface of the candle. The request should not contain negatives; make it as specific as possible. If the effect of the candle is aimed at a particular person, then, in addition to your request, you should put as much information about him as possible on the surface of the candle. At a minimum, you must include his/her name and date of birth. A more advanced option - in addition to the main one, use zodiac candle. As you write, visualize the action of your ritual.
Without weakening your concentration and continuing to visualize the goal - light the wick. Use matches, never a lighter. Stay next to the candle for some time (you determine it individually), continuing to imagine the result. Important- don’t get hung up on which way what you want should come to you. It is not your concern at all - just let the flow flow.

Return to the world. Mind your own business. Let the candle continue to burn until it burns out completely. Keep in mind - if for some reason you were forced to extinguish the flame, then the ritual is considered failed. You can try again after some time - but for this you will need a new one

If the ritual candle goes out on its own without burning out, it looks like the gods are not blessing your desire) Moderate your ambitions or reformulate your request. In some cases, a dying flame indicates the need to

A candle that has burned out completely must be disposed of properly. Do not neglect this part of the ritual - it is no less important. Try not to touch candle residues with your hands.

(even after the “good” ritual). To get rid of cinders, you should move away from yourself. General rules - if the candle is aimed at attracting, the work must be buried under a living tree, or thrown into flowing water. If the candle takes something away from you or pushes you away, the stub should be thrown in the trash. Remember - leave detention

you can't go near the house, unless we are talking about a talisman candle.

These are general rules on the use of candle rituals. Let's get down to specifics - ritual candles in the form of crosses or columns. The most frequently asked question is: how is a cross different from a column? The answer to this, in general, is quite simple.

Not always and not all of us need drastic changes. Column candle guarantees you that your wish will come true as if by itself. Changes will occur gradually, but inevitably, and it will be very difficult to roll them back.

Candle-cross changes reality faster and more dramatically. It may seem that this is wonderful, but there is a nuance (c) - for some time this very reality will be slightly shaken, and together with you. Some people like it, some not so much. The choice, in any case, is yours.

you can use candle rituals one piece for each desire, but in some cases a complex ritual is indicated using several candles at a certain period of time. Consider, for example, a situation where a couple is on the verge of breaking up and one of the two (usually a woman) wants to save the relationship. In this case, the following scheme is recommended, in which each ritual is allocated one day:
