Dream interpretation of sailing along a stormy river in a boat. Dream Interpretation - Sailing on a boat

Before going on a boat trip or fishing, let's prepare ourselves mentally, technically and legally so that we can have fun and not a headache.

Ignorance of the 2016 navigation rules does not exempt you from liability: administrative, criminal, and certainly will not relieve you of pangs of conscience because of the injured person.

The administrative code is based on the principle of the presumption of innocence:

- a person is liable only for those offenses for which his guilt is indicated,

- a person held administratively liable is not required to prove his innocence,

- is considered innocent until his guilt is proven in the manner prescribed by the code.

For violation of the rules of navigation we face the following types of administrative punishment:

- just a fine

— “complex” punishment: a warning, a fine or deprivation of rights (abbr. PSL), which the inspector decides to apply to you.

It is not the inspector who deprives you of your rights, but the judge.

For parsing tragic cases There are river and maritime prosecutor's offices.

The only violation for which the boat is sent to a parking fine is driving the vessel while intoxicated.

The vessel will remain there until the cause of the violation is eliminated, that is, until you sober up, or the boat can be picked up by an authorized person (legally registered).

Driving a boat (an inflatable boat with a motor is a small craft) while intoxicated or transferring control to an equally drunk person, as well as a person without a license: a fine of 1500-2000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 2 years years.

A license is needed for an MS with an engine power greater than 3.68 kW (5 hp). If you have 3.7 kW, then you need it. A boat with a motor power of up to 3.68 kW can be operated by any crew member (sober).

If all crew members have licenses, then you can replace each other at the wheel without any bureaucratic paperwork (powers of attorney) if the owner of the boat is on board. If a friend gave you a boat for a ride, then you need to draw up a power of attorney (can be handwritten).

For example, in St. Petersburg there is such a parking fine: towing and the first day are free. In the case where the boat or motorboat does not exceed the length of 10 meters, the owner will need to pay 21 rubles per hour of parking (504 rubles per day). There is still a chance to get a parking fine on suspicion of stealing a boat, i.e. you should always have documents for it or a ship’s ticket

If there is no official parking lot on a body of water, then “there is no court.”

The most common fines.

Note: fines are cumulative, but any fine can be challenged in court.

Operating an unregistered vessel - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Operating a vessel that has not passed technical inspection - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Operating a vessel that does not carry side numbers - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Driving a vessel in violation of the navigation area - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Navigation areas are three types and on the territory of St. Petersburg there is everything.

MP (sea routes) - they can be recognized by sea buoys, for example, the Neva River behind the Blagoveshchensky Bridge and the Gulf of Finland.

IWW (inland waterways) - Neva, the river along which cargo and passenger ships of VERY small size sail, as well as MS.

VP (internal routes) - the Fontanka River, the Moika and all the canals of St. Petersburg, the Ivanovsky quarry near the Lomonosovskaya metro station, etc.

Navigation areas are indicated in the ship's ticket photo1 and the driver's license of a small boat (not all areas may be indicated in both documents! It depends on how you studied and what you plan to sail on).

Let's study the ship's ticket. We open the page and see VP, GDP, MP - these are the navigation areas. The wave height is 0.40 m, the distance from the shore is 3000 m. This means that when we go out into the Gulf of Finland (MP), we should not move further than 3 km from the shore (the nearest shelter).

Simply put, in any of these areas you can drive with a motor up to 3.68 without a license, and if the motor is more powerful with a license.

Operating a vessel converted without permission (for example, installing a motor on a boat registered as a rowing boat) - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles.

Here is the soulless face of a bureaucrat: you take the Pella from the base, according to the documents of the rental base it is a rowing boat (although according to the passport it is a motor-rowing boat and is designed to install a motor of up to 2.3 hp, you hang a 2 hp motor on the transom (there is a certificate of invoice), and you are GUILTY, although you don’t even have to pay taxes for engines up to 3.68 kW!

Violation of the rules for ensuring the safety of passengers on the MS (lack of a vest; there is a vest, but is not worn while moving; sitting on board a boat while moving, more passengers than allowed) - entails a fine of 300 - 500 rubles.

Let's read another page of the ship's ticket. These “mysterious” icons are the formula of the ship’s class photo 2.

2 means motorboat

U is for a ship without a deck.

- means there are no waterproof compartments

(4) - wave height class

2 — number of people on the vessel max

/3.6 - max engine power for this vessel

This means that five people don’t need to climb into a two-seater boat... and it won’t be possible to hang a five instead of 3.5 hp.

Let's look at other pages of the ship's ticket photo 3.

The inspector wanted to give you a fire extinguisher, but at that moment he sneezed and forgot to do it... when meeting you at the reservoir, even he himself does not have the right to demand one. You should only have what is written in your boat. The ship's ticket is legal document confirming your rights as an owner, and if someone bad steals your boat, on this basis you can put the boat on the wanted list.

A ship's ticket is issued after registering the boat with the State Inspectorate for Small Boats (GIMS).

Exceeding the set speed, failure to comply with the requirements of navigation signs, stopping or parking in prohibited places, violation of the rules of maneuvering and giving sound signals- warning, fine from 300 to 500 rubles, deprivation of rights for 6 months.

Let's take a closer look at this point.

Speed ​​limits on the Neva and in Gulf of Finland not yet, but on all internal rivers and canals of St. Petersburg no higher than 8 km/h (when passing by berths 5 km/h).

Failure to comply with the requirements of navigation signs - the sign not to drop the anchor, photo 4, will be understood by a beginner, and about the rest in the next article.

Stopping or parking in prohibited places - under a bridge is not allowed, where large ships sail, I strongly advise against it (you will be safe), and you should not approach the nuclear power plant either.

Violation of the rules of maneuvering - movement on reservoirs is right-handed, i.e. the right side of the boat should always be closer to the bank of the river (canal) than the left, the obstacle on the right is like on land, you must pass on the left sides (it is advisable to do the same on lakes). Giving way to a rowing boat (also MS) does not mean stopping; you need to carefully go around the rowing boat without creating a wave that is dangerous for such a small boat. If we are mutually polite, maybe a motorboat with two 300 hp outboards will carefully pass you by.

Giving sound signals - the MS can give sound signals (whistles, the sound of a pneumatic horn) only in 2 cases: a person overboard (three long ones of 5 seconds each) and if you find yourself in the fog (like a hedgehog). If you unexpectedly find yourself in fog, then you need to give sound signals (one long (5 sec) once every 2 minutes with a whistle or pneumatic horn (the kind used by football fans). Entering the MS into a body of water in fog is prohibited (since not a single cargo ship locator will and he won’t “see” a low boat).

No one has the right to seize your boat or motor under any circumstances, and taking the victim to the hospital is a sacred matter.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

found: 4

BOAT – Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you are sailing in a boat, and rowers are working with oars next to you, then soon you will find yourself in the company of very cheerful people who do not neglect earthly pleasures, communication with whom will bring you a lot of joy.

If your boat capsizes, this threatens you with financial ruin, as you will get involved in a tempting but risky venture.

If in a dream you become a winner in a speed rowing competition, this means that your beloved will lose interest in your opponent. Once you become a winner, you will easily win women’s hearts, and your affairs will turn out in the most favorable way.

If in a dream you are kayaking on calm water, self-confidence will not leave you for a long time, helping your luck.

Sailing in a boat with your chosen one promises you an early marriage and a happy life.

If you are sailing on stormy waves, the “taming of the shrew” awaits you, and only after that – happiness.

If the boat paddles into unclean water, expect disappointment in business.

A shallow and fast river promises rash and frivolous actions, an easy hobby that will only bring annoyance.

In general, seeing water around you is a sign of significant events in the future. In these dreams, it is important to sail through clear and calm waters.

If a ship or boat with a bright light on its bow is sailing towards you, everything will be fine if the water is calm. Stormy waves threaten you with alarm in reality.

A very favorable dream is in which you, alone or with friends, board a ship or board a boat. A series of successes awaits you. Falling overboard is a bad omen, unless you take this dream as a warning.

BOAT – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see yourself in a boat with oars - the dream suggests that you control your own destiny. Few people can influence your decision.

You see yourself on the oars among other rowers - a pleasant holiday awaits you in fun company or easy work in an interesting team.

You are sailing on a boat with your girlfriend - such a dream foreshadows an early marriage, you and your wife will be faithful to each other, agreement on the most important issues It will make your life much easier.

Your boat seems to have capsized - you will take on a profitable but risky business, you will make a mistake that will lead to large losses or even financial collapse.

You are sailing on calm water, your boat confidently cuts through the water surface - the dream speaks of your self-confidence, you know how to benefit from this confidence, even if you doubt it, you try to demonstrate confidence - this is your style.

The water on which your boat is moving is seething - you will defeat someone in a fight; Most likely, this will be a love fight, you will be able to convincingly prove your right to primacy, and your chosen one will submit to you.

You are sailing on a boat on any body of water with a quiet, clear and clean water- This is a harbinger of prosperity and peace. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you have the opportunity to get a profitable job.

Walking in a boat in a dream means success in business if the water remains calm.

It's like you fell out of a boat - bad dream, You will be left out of work and, as a result, you will be short on funds.

If you dream that you are sailing on a skiff and a fair wind is inflating your sail, then your wish will come true. But sailing on it in complete darkness or twilight is a harbinger of anxiety or trouble.

Seeing an empty boat is a sign of unsettled personal life. Sometimes such a dream predicts separation from your spouse.

Landing on a boat in a dream is a sign of peace of mind and getting what you want.

If you dream that you are sailing on a boat from the shore, then a lot of excitement awaits you due to difficulties in business. In family life, such a dream foreshadows discord and grief.

Using a hook instead of oars in a dream is a sign of unexpected help. If you dream that you were pricked with a hook, then do not believe the beautiful promises of the person you were hoping for.

A sailing boat in a dream symbolizes failures in business due to your slowness and indecision. A boat moving towards you in a dream is a sign of good luck, which itself comes into your hands.

BOAT – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Swimming alone means the death of one of the spouses; with company - an advantageous place; moor to the shore - calm; set sail - family sadness; capsizing from a boat into the water is a misfortune.

BOAT – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Stranded, pulled ashore - a difficult situation; flying in a boat means great wealth and nobility; crossing a river by boat is a new position; water in a boat - gaining wealth; sitting in a boat, look at the moon or sun - appointment to a position; sailing in a boat towards the sun or moon - wealth; sitting in a boat, drinking wine - the arrival of a guest from afar; to be in the same boat with someone - to move, change place of residence; sailing in a boat in the wind is a great happiness and benefit; sitting in a boat and seeing the rudder portends peace and stability; Sitting in a boat, sailing over a bridge is great happiness; helping your father drive the boat - promotion; seeing yourself sleeping in a boat is a misfortune; entering a boat holding a lantern, torch, or lamp in your hand is great happiness; sitting in a boat, driving around your home - ruin, loss of wealth; sitting in a boat, admiring the flowers - there will be a drink and a snack; a sick person riding in a boat portends death.

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according to Ayurvedic dream book

Sailing on a boat or ship in calm water in a dream portends good luck, and in troubled water it portends trouble. Falling into water in a dream means great danger.

I dreamed about a boat

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are in a boat with other rowers, it means that the company of cheerful people who do not neglect earthly pleasures will bring you a lot of joy. If your boat capsizes, it threatens you with financial ruin, as you will get involved in a tempting but risky venture. If in a dream you become a winner in a speed rowing competition, this means that your beloved will lose interest in your opponent. Once you become a winner, you will easily win women’s hearts, and your affairs will turn out in the most favorable way. If in a dream you are kayaking on calm water, self-confidence will not leave you for a long time, helping your luck. Sailing in a boat with your chosen one promises you an early marriage and a happy life. If you are sailing on stormy waves, the “taming of the shrew” awaits you; and only after that - happiness. If the oar falls into unclean water, expect disappointment in business. A shallow and fast river promises rash and frivolous actions, an easy hobby that will only bring annoyance. In general, seeing water around you is a sign of significant events in the future. In these dreams, it is important to sail through clear and calm waters. If a ship or boat with a bright light on its bow is sailing towards you, everything will be fine if the water is calm. Stormy waves threaten you with worries in reality. A very favorable dream is in which you, alone or with friends, board a ship or board a boat - a series of successes awaits you. Falling overboard is a bad omen, unless you take the dream as a warning.

Why do you dream about a boat?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sailing with a tailwind - your plan will come out; to be in a boat - hope, short-lived loyalty; (together with whom it is unclear) - change of home, residence; empty - to death or illness; water in a boat - to profit; a sick person in a boat - to death; swim across the river - success in business.

Seeing oars in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Oars are the primary symbol denoting the struggle of man with nature. They symbolize our opposition to the forces of nature that interfere with the realization of our aspirations. A dream in which you are walking or preparing for a rowing trip is a dream about struggling with circumstances. You may feel overworked at work, depressed due to the inability to stay afloat in relationships financially, interpersonally or professionally. Are you constantly striving for progress in life? Do you feel a lack of support from coworkers, spouse, or others? Are you rowing against a strong headwind that distracts you from your life's aspirations?

Sometimes the subconscious gives us strange visions in our sleep, which raise many questions. Why do you dream about a boat? Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. This will depend on the details: what the ship looked like, where you were sailing and why, what emotions you experienced while in it, so a dream about a boat can have both positive and negative meanings.

General value

A boat is a means of transportation. If we draw a parallel with real life, then sailing in a boat means the movement of the dreamer in reality. Why you dream of sailing on a boat depends on the context:

  • how long the sleeper swam in it;
  • whether it was empty;
  • whether her movement was purposeful;
  • have you seen the sleeping shore?

The sleeper also needs to remember his emotions. If a person was worried, it is worth paying attention to the recent events of his life. There may be something going on that scares you and that you don't want to deal with. If the mood was joyful, it means that the sleeper is completely satisfied with his life and the direction he has chosen.

Strange images that come in dreams are also worth paying close attention to. Maybe the subconscious is trying to tell you something important - something that can help in difficult situations in the future.

Different interpretations

Moving on the water and feeling a rosy mood and inner harmony means being happy in reality.

What does it mean if you bothered sailing on a boat in a dream against a stormy current - there are two opposing interpretations:

  • positive says that the sleeper is full of strength and energy, with the help of which he gets out of the most difficult situations and easily solves current problems;
  • negative - perhaps in reality the dreamer is dissatisfied with his own situation and resists the current situation.

Family dream book

Sail on the clear clear water- means the onset of a calm period of life, well-being. Calm water symbolizes peace of mind, balanced decisions that will bear good fruit.

If waves are walking on the water, rocking the ship, obstacles will appear in current affairs. The higher the waves, the more difficult it will be to resolve the troubles that have arisen.

Why do you dream of a boat on the water that is full of holes and is about to drown? The sleeper will face difficult obstacles; it will be very difficult to get out of them. He may need help from loved ones. These could be financial difficulties or problems in your personal life.

If in a dream a person is sailing alone, in reality he is experiencing his unsettled personal life and suffers from a feeling of loneliness.

An empty vessel may mean a divorce from your other half due to her betrayal.

Seeing a sail blown by the wind in a dream - good sign. All your deeds and undertakings will be accompanied by good luck and luck. Favorable period of life.

If the ship capsizes and you find yourself in the water, expect big troubles. If you manage to get to land, everything will be resolved safely after a while.

If in a dream the sleeper rows with something other than an oar, the dream foreshadows unexpected help from a person from the outside.

Using oars when rowing means that the sleeper will have to put in a lot of effort to succeed. It is unlikely that he will get anything just like that.

Seeing a boat coming towards you - good sign. Fortune has turned its face to you and will bring success in business.

A sailing boat, on the contrary, promises the dreamer a loss of luck. At such a moment in life, it is better not to do anything to avoid mistakes and disappointments.

To sail for a long time and then moor to the shore - the dreamer will receive in reality what he has dreamed of for a long time. Sail away from the pier - a period full of uncertainty and anxiety begins in your life. It is also a symbol of quarrels and friction within the family.

Miller's interpretation

Seeing yourself in a boat with other people means that in reality the dreamer is not alone and is surrounded by devoted friends, good colleagues and loving loved ones.

To win a boat rowing competition in a dream means good luck awaits the sleeper on the personal front: the desired girl, whom he has been courting for a long time, will turn her attention to him.

According to the dream book, a boat on the water that is calm and serene means inner confidence that helps the sleeper in any situation.

Kayaking in the company of a loved one - a strong union awaits you, which can last a lifetime. If at this moment the water behaves stormy and restless, then you will have to work on the relationship before you come to mutual understanding and love.

A shallow, fast river promises many useless actions that will only take up time without bringing the desired results.

The sleeper puts an oar into the water and sees that it is dirty - great disappointment awaits him: his plan will never come true.

Falling overboard of a ship - such a dream is a warning: there is a possibility of falling in the eyes of others, losing your dignity.

Chinese meaning

What does it mean if you dreamed of a boat moving at great speed? Chinese dream book promises unexpected wealth and high rank. Water on board also means countless treasures.

Sailing with a glass of wine - a pleasant visit from distant relatives or friends will soon await the sleeper.

A ship driven by an inflated sail is a harbinger of a profitable deal. See the helm - in real life the sleeper keeps everything under control, therefore he is calm and peaceful.

Swimming under a bridge means great happiness lies ahead. Lighting your way with a lantern means a bright streak awaits you in life.

Seeing an unhealthy person in a ship means the death of someone close, passing away.

If the dreamer sees himself sleeping, this is a warning about illness.

A broken boat means ruin and large financial losses from deception by criminals.

Stumbling upon underwater rocks and reefs is not a good sign. There is a high probability that in reality the dreamer will have to face unexpected difficulties on the way to achieving his goal. If in a dream a boat successfully passes through obstacles, then problems in life will be resolved soon. But if holes form in the ship and it sinks, business collapse is guaranteed.

Other dream books

Freud interprets a dream in which the sleeper had to sail aimlessly on a boat in this way: the dreamer, by nature, is an infantile person, floating with the flow of life and making no attempts to change anything in it.

Vanga believed that riding a boat in a dream is a good sign, symbolizing the vocation of the sleeping person to help others and give goodness.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, such a dream promises good luck in business and the fulfillment of any desires.

Hasse's dream book interpreted the boat he saw as the possibility of new love relationship. To swim in it is to be unfaithful to your partner. Watching the boat sink means your romance will end soon.

Walk on the water on a sunny day English dream book interprets as calm and harmonious family life. Falling into the water means the dreamer is in danger; someone around him is preparing a conspiracy. Stormy, dirty water means a lot of difficulties, stress and worries.

Attention, TODAY only!

A dream about a boat confuses many people. After all, most people do not know what this object means in a dream. Dream books interpret such a vision in different ways.

To understand what the dream portends, it is worth remembering and analyzing in detail the situations associated with a boat in a dream:

  1. Sail. In this situation, it is worth remembering in which direction the craft was moving:

    Swim against the current. The vision personifies the internal contradiction of a person. The keeper of the dream opposes laws and principles, and the desire to change the world and society awakens in him.

    The dream shows that a person’s rebellious spirit does not allow him to come to terms with stereotypes. Thanks to this, a person opposes the established order and generally accepted rules.

    Sail downstream. The dream symbolizes right choice person. The dreamer is on the right path, he is doing what he loves and is persistently moving towards achieving his goal.

  2. Ride. It is worth paying attention to the number of people in the boat:

    If the dreamer rides alone, then this is a sign symbolizing peace of mind and balance. The vision predicts that global changes will not happen in life any time soon.
    If the keeper of the dream is in a boat with other people, then this is a sign that soon a person will appear in life who can diversify his lifestyle. If the passengers are familiar to the dreamer, then pleasant surprises should be expected from them.

  3. The floating craft is sinking. A sinking boat should not cause panic in the dreamer, because the meaning of the dream depends on the integrity of the object:

    If the boat full of holes, then the dreamer will experience success in all endeavors.
    If the craft appears unharmed on the outside, but going to the bottom, then misfortune awaits the keeper of the dream. He will suffer losses and damages.

  4. The boat capsized. The dream represents the arrival of an unfavorable period in life. People call this period a black streak.

    Failures, losses and prolonged depression against the background of misfortunes, they discourage a person and make him morally weaker. The dreamer should pull himself together and wait out this difficult period. After some time, the situation will improve and good luck will befall him again.

  5. See how the boat itself swims to shore. The sign foreshadows that true destiny will come to a person on its own. He will feel this and will be able to do what he loves, realize himself as a multifaceted personality in society.
  6. Overtake other watercraft. The dream prophesies that the dreamer will enjoy success with the opposite sex.
  7. See how a boat is sailing towards you to favorable news.
  8. Climb aboard the facility. This is a sign symbolizing good luck.
  9. Fall overboard. If a person falls out of a boat in a dream, then trouble awaits him.

Interpretation by appearance

Interpretation based on type and appearance floating craft:

  1. A bathyscaphe or submarine reflects a person’s subconscious desire for privacy. The dreamer needs solitude, he needs to sort out his thoughts, analyze his actions and behavior.
  2. Inflatable. This vision highlights a person’s insecurities. The dream expresses a person’s reluctance and fear of facing difficulties due to fear of losing well-being and an established way of life.
  3. I dream of sailing boats with oars. The dream expresses the dreamer's excessive self-confidence. The vision represents his fear of devolution.

    The Dream Keeper is confident that only he can cope with the task, so he always prefers to do all the work himself. Such excessive activity threatens a person with overwork and a nervous breakdown.

    He should analyze the situation, relieve himself of some of the work and delegate authority to other people. If he does this, his well-being and self-esteem will improve.

  4. An empty boat represents dissatisfaction with one's own life. A person thinks that fate has gifted him the least. According to the dream keeper, other people are more gifted and capable than him.

    But these are just the sleeper’s conjectures. In reality, he is no different from other people; he lacks the drive and desire to achieve his goal.

  5. Motor. According to the interpretation, such a dream symbolizes a quick trip or meeting with interesting people.
  6. Rubber. The keeper of the dream will be able to avoid trouble.
  7. Wooden. This is a sign that the dreamer is in good health.

For correct interpretation It’s worth remembering what kind of water the boat was in.

Interpretation by type of river or reservoir:

  1. A stormy river symbolizes the desire to start life anew. The dreamer does not want to remember past moments in life. He is ready to forget everything, to erase everything from his memory.
  2. Mountain. This vision reflects the dreamer’s confidence in his friends and acquaintances. He is sure that these people are not capable of betraying him.
  3. Seeing a boat rocking in the sea in a dream. This reflects the dreamer's freedom. A person is completely independent of situations, he allows himself to do whatever he wants.

But this vision also has a bad connotation. The dream indicates that complete freedom can lead a person to trouble. Therefore, before taking actions and making decisions, you should think carefully.

Interpretation from other dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams based on the actions and appearance of the floating craft
Women's dream book Sail - get ready for a pleasant time.
The boat sank - expect financial losses.
Sail on the vehicle muddy water- expect problems at work.
Maly Velesov dream book See - expect good news.
The boat floats away with a dead person - the dead often portend trouble and misfortune. The time when the misfortune occurs depends on how far the boat has sailed.
Sailing in a storm - expect conflicts with friends and loved ones.
Riding a boat on land means good luck awaits a person.
Ancient Russian dream book A sinking boat symbolizes the emergence of gossip.
Ukrainian dream book A boat floating on the river foreshadows death or separation from a loved one.
Dream book of the 21st century See a remedy on land - expect to find yourself in a difficult situation.
Sailing with a man is a sign of an imminent move.
Fishing from a boat means significant changes.

American psychologist Gustav Miller described that if a girl saw a boat with a man, then a quick marriage awaits her.

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