How can you design the first page of an ld. How to design a personal diary inside

If a person feels the need to understand himself, he sits down to write personal diary. But not everything always works out right away, and some people are faced with the fact that they don’t know where to start or how to do it. That's what we'll talk about.

Personal diary: why?

Many people, most often pretty young girls, begin to keep personal diaries at a certain period in their lives.

What does this mean:

  1. First, the need to deal with yourself, put all the feelings and emotions on the shelves. This is typical for people who are prone to introspection, creative and very sensitive.
  2. People start keeping diaries out of a need to speak out.. It’s not always possible to say everything even to your mother, but paper, as they say, will endure everything and not blush. At the age of 14 to infinity (around then the vast majority turn to the epistolary genre, and many continue to write until the end of their lives) new and incomprehensible things begin to happen to a person. They are associated with growing up, with first feelings, with puberty. This is deeply intimate, which is why so many people turn to the diary.
  3. Some people just love to write. They are interested in it, they leave evidence of their history, and then they reread it with pleasure and remember half-forgotten details. And if you feel that it’s time to sit down with a diary, take it and start.

How to get started

A personal diary is similar to a school diary only in that it must also contain dates. A person writes his story, shares his experiences with himself, talks about recent events.

All this must be dated and beautifully designed. How – more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about how this is done in general.


And sometimes a person sits down to write a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

Selection of tools

The next step is choosing the tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notebooks and other stationery.

You can even choose printed diaries, beautifully lined and with cute clasps. The key will be yours alone, so no one will peep any secrets.

What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. For some, it is more convenient to take a large A4 notebook, while others would prefer to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to design your personal diary according to your own preferences.

You can write in it with multi-colored pens, highlight the main ideas and highlight important events, you can even draw all sorts of pictures and stick funny stickers there. In general, do whatever your heart desires!

And finally, modern high technologies offer another option for keeping a diary - electronic. Many of us have already forgotten how to write on paper, but we are fluent in using a keyboard.

You can write the story of your own life on a computer, either personally only for yourself, saving it in folders locked with passwords, or posting it on the World Wide Web. But these will already be blogs. And now we are not talking about them.

When to write

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and there cannot be one. Write when your soul requires it.

Many people prefer to give themselves over to their inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing them and they can calmly think about the events and listen to themselves. This is probably the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

A diary is a state of mind transferred to paper (or hard drive computer), and it will only be alive and real when it is written at the request of the soul.

Not under pressure, not because “I started leading and now I have to do it every day,” but simply when I want. At such moments everything will work out by itself.

How to lead correctly

Again, whatever your heart desires. But still, there are some generally accepted rules for maintaining and designing a personal diary. Still, this is one of the varieties of the epistolary genre and the diary is obliged to obey certain requirements. Even if it's personal.

First of all, you can’t abandon your diary for too long. Ideally, it should be written every day, with the obligatory indication of the date.

Sometimes, if a person makes several entries in one day, he makes notes “a little later”, “later in the evening”, “after a while”. This creates a feeling of the fluidity of time, giving a certain effect of presence.

In general, a personal diary is a deep spiritual work. Therefore, there cannot be any strict framework here. The main thing is not to leave it on for a long time without attention.

Where to hide

Since we are talking about the main repository of personal secrets, making a diary is not all. It is important to hide it well. And here there is limitless scope for imagination.

Put it away in your personal belongings; many people hide it in the same place where they put away their laundry. It is unlikely that anyone will rummage in such a place except you. You can put it deeper in the closet, you can put it under the pillow, and you can carefully make the bed. Someone still coming further and hides it deep under the mattress.

Others prefer to always carry their diary with them. And this is understandable for two reasons: firstly, if he is with you all the time, no one will find him. And secondly, if suddenly inspiration comes outside the home, you can sit down and write. And then again hide the precious notebook (or notepad) inside your spacious bag.

For greater secrecy, you can buy diaries with a lock; no one will look into them, even if they accidentally discover them.

Design ideas

Since we are talking about a deeply personal thing, how to arrange it is a matter of the owner’s preferences. You can somehow decorate it in an original way with your own hands by gluing interesting stickers or painting the fields with different ornaments.

Can also be placed in a diary funny pictures or images that correspond to a state of mind. It’s even easier in an electronic diary - you can download and insert the desired picture.

What to write

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything your heart desires! Various secrets, experiences, stories can easily become the filling of a personal diary.

You can write down some facts, even the prices of new things - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more rich and lively the recordings will become.

Everything that may seem stupid at the moment will later become a priceless memory. And the more such trifles and nonsense there are in your diary, the more expensive it will be for you.

To briefly summarize, here is everything you need for a classic personal diary:

  1. A great desire to keep records about oneself. Sit down to write only when you really want to.
  2. Accessories that suit your mood. Create your own system of stickers and notes; it will be even more interesting.
  3. Appropriate design. Draw in your diary, draw diagrams, try to organize the information as much as possible.
  4. Focus on the little things. Record as many details and little things as possible, then the diary will become more lively and interesting.
  5. Frankness with yourself. Write about the secret, say everything. This is your personal diary, and there should be no secrets from yourself.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.

Video: Design ideas

A personal diary that is made and decorated with your own hands is much more valuable than a purchased one.

Of course, any diary can be bought; now there are a lot of different options in stores for any age. There are ones for little princesses and older girls. Some come with intricate designs and graphics, and some even have a key that will hide any girl's secrets from prying eyes. But you can make a storage of thoughts with your own hands.

What can such a diary be made from:

  • use a ready-made product and simply adjust it to suit you;
  • remake any notebook;
  • use an envelope and put sheets of paper written with your thoughts into it;
  • fasten pages of blank office paper in any way and make your own personal repository for secrets;
  • print blanks with the desired design and connect them together.

Personal diary for a girl plus box (video)

How to make a personal diary with your own hands: a few ideas

Crafts are always interesting and individual. Just what you need for a personal diary. Ideas for creating it can be very diverse.

Office paper

The diaries from it are light and simple, and each girl chooses the design for herself. The paper can be left in A4 format and simply stitched with beautiful threads or ribbon. It is enough to make holes in it with a hole punch and connect. Decorate front page Can beautiful inscription, and to give it a shape, either make it out of cardboard, or glue several sheets together.

You can also decorate it with origami or print out beautiful and interesting drawings that suit your mood. At the beginning or end of the product, attach an envelope into which you can put memorable and expensive things.

These diaries are easy to make.

The title and final pages of the diary can be laminated, so the printouts will not lose their appearance, and the product itself will be stronger.

Notepad redesign

Even if you have the opportunity to buy the most beautiful notebook, which will become a repository of secrets, you always need to customize it for yourself.

The modification options directly depend on the original, but they can be done as follows:

  • transfer to the pages the sweetest and most expensive pictures and clippings from your favorite magazines or newspapers;
  • make bright bookmarks that will make it easier to find the necessary information;
  • for older girls you can make a schedule menstrual cycle to control this process, because now it may be unstable;
  • glue envelopes that will store your favorite little things or even your first decorations;
  • pages can be decorated to suit your mood, with paint, colored paper or even colored tape;
  • rewrite your favorite poems or catchphrases that reflect feelings or thoughts.

Origami for decorating a personal diary

Pictures from your favorite diary can be made using the origami technique. This could be an envelope or a more complex figure that will not be easy decorative element, but a secret that keeps a secret.

You can give them any shape to suit your mood:

  • flower;
  • animal;
  • fan;
  • box;
  • waterfall and the like.

Making a fan

It is most often placed either between the title and the initial page, or you can decorate with it the page that is most important. For a fan you need to take colored paper, glue stick or double sided tape, ruler.

The rest of the decorations can be done as desired, starting from the base, which is formed like this:

  1. Cut out a sheet of such a width that will not exceed 2/3 of the main sheets of the diary.
  2. Its length should be at least 3-4 times greater than its width.
  3. Using a ruler, bend the sheet into a fan.
  4. Connect its lower part with glue.

Making a fan

Glue the edges of the fan to the diary pages, as close to their connection as possible.

Making a waterfall

In fact this beautiful sheets for notes that are pasted on the main sheet. At the same time lower leaf should be half covered by the top. The number of such sheets can be anything. Most often on top sheets they write something general, but the secret on the part that will be closed to them.

They can be made from colored paper, plain paper, and decorated the way you like.

You can make some sheets colored and some white, alternating them in a checkerboard pattern.

Crafts for a personal diary

Here you are also limited only by your imagination, but the following options are considered the most popular:

  • a beautiful bow or heart that can be made using the origami technique or in kind or ribbons or other decorative elements;
  • bookmarks of any shape and color, both from paper and other available materials;
  • palm-shaped heart;
  • pumpkin head for Halloween;
  • funny postcard;
  • drawing of your favorite character from a cartoon, book or film;
  • envelope.

When it comes to diary crafts, the only limit is your imagination.

How to make an envelope for a personal diary?

There are a lot of options here too. You can use a beautiful ready-made envelope from the office, which will need to be glued to the diary on one side.

Sometimes a sheet of colored paper folded into an envelope can be an excellent alternative to a store-bought product.

You can also sew it, knit it like a pocket, which will need to be attached to the diary in any way. The easiest way is to take a square sheet and fold its edges towards the center, carefully going over them with a ruler.

For a diary, you can make not only an envelope, but also a pocket

You can make a pocket, which you will not only need to glue to the diary, but also make a top flap for it so that things do not spill out if the diary is turned over.

Page designs and cute printables for your diary

It is best to make diary pages themed. For example, one of them will be dedicated to friends, the second to your favorite book or movie.

Secret information can be marked with a special design. So, love moments can be decorated in pink and red colors, with different hearts or floral elements.

Information about the school and its successes can also be highlighted with thematic elements. This could be a notebook sheet, a drawn ruler or desk, a printout or sticker with a school theme.

Everything related to health can be marked with a red cross or a doctor’s clipping. Whatever is chosen is personal and should be dear to the heart.

Ideas for a personal diary for a girl (video)

The girl's personal diary is the keeper of her past. Years will pass, and all experiences can be “updated” by re-reading the diary. More often than not, what was so serious and global at a young age only brings a smile. Little secrets, big secrets - everything that is so important to the heart of a little princess. Therefore, do not skimp on ideas for a personal diary, because it will be a personal portal to the past.

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll just try to direct your creative thoughts in the right direction.

Sometimes you hear the following phrase: “I want to keep a personal diary, but I don’t know how.” At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) and trust your thoughts to paper (no matter what notebook!). But now we are not talking about how to keep a personal diary, but about how to arrange it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe me personal experience. It’s just that in those years there was not a stunning variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks of 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorations. The most we could do was glue on magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers or chewing gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, many wonderful goods for handicrafts have appeared, so I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, you write with inspiration, you even fall in love with it and... suddenly... stupor. There is no inspiration, no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one “kick” is enough, or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best “kick” is looking at other people’s work. They inspire, help to add zest to your personal diary... So, let's look together at what ways there are to design a personal diary inside...

1. Many people prefer regular traditional style: they write by hand in continuous text, the most they allow themselves is multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why do you need anything else? But let’s say you’re bored of just writing... In this case, any picture that illustrates what you’re writing about will help add some zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photograph, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about a book you like? Cut out a stack of books from a magazine and glue them next to them. Are you writing about how great it was to meet with your friends in a cafe? Or about how, after visiting a doctor, you had to fork out for medicine? Take “material evidence” with you (a receipt, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. And in general, any photo or even the most careless hand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. Why not try your hand at depicting the events that took place in the form of small, primitive drawings? Can't draw? But small drawings (maybe even schematic ones) are much easier. Maybe by training day after day you will get better?

3. The same small drawings can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, “what am I striving for” or “plans for this year.”

4. Sometimes, for variety, you can design pages in this way: on special cards different shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that resonate with your mood and thoughts... If there are no such cards, this is not a reason to be discouraged! You can get creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is absolutely no point in throwing them away!

5. On the pages of your diary you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear them, blurt them and splash them - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if the pages of your notebook are thin enough, then before all watercolor experiments you need to glue them together in two! Then everything will work out neatly.

6. Colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper or some pictures will also be good helpers in designing a diary. The main thing is don’t be afraid to imagine and experiment!

7. This method looks very nice when you write with letters of different shapes and different sizes, as well as in different directions: obliquely, vertically, horizontally. Of course, this is not suitable for recording events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or write down “100 things I love,” then it’s just right.

8. Any personal diary definitely needs pockets for things dear to the heart! For tickets, notes or even small photographs.

9. If you decide to take your personal diary seriously, so that you not only record thoughts and events in it, but also decorate it by pasting in photographs, pictures and other memorabilia, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will be a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day, an unforgettable moment, etc. Join the VKontakte group

A personal diary is a silent friend for a girl who will listen and understand all her experiences and joys. In the 19th century, each young lady had her own notebook for personal notes, making it with her own hands and decorating it with pearls, feathers or rags. So let's get started making our diary as soon as possible!

How to make a personal diary with your own hands

It has become a fashionable trend to write personal notes in a notebook diary, try making one with my own hands– it will turn out interesting and unusual. Stock up on a large amount of different paper - multi-colored, office, for scrapbooking, as well as a folder with rings, pieces of bright felt, thick decorative paper, cardboard, hole punch and instant glue.

  • Punch the sheets with a hole punch and arrange them in random order in a folder.
  • Making the cover - select 2 sheets of cardboard, they should be 1.5-2 cm larger than the base.
  • Cut out the felt, adding a 1 cm allowance along each edge. Then lay the material on the cardboard and glue the edges under.
  • To make a beautiful edging, you need to stitch on sewing machine felt, on the front side of the cardboard.
  • In order to hide internal seams, cover the endpaper with decorative paper and glue on a pocket in which you can store memorable little things. You can take a sample of the pocket in the photos provided.
  • You can decorate the cover with rhinestones, sequins, buttons, and so on. Be sure to hand stitch the puncture areas.
  • You can decorate the edges of the sheets in the diary with curly scissors, glue various clippings from magazines and newspapers, or attach various tapes.

2) How to make a personal diary with your own hands like Violetta’s

The originality of the heroine's diary lies in the iridescent colors purple, in fashionable floral patterns and an unusual cover design. We offer you 2 methods on how to make a personal diary:

  • The first way is to copy the front template below and print it. Cut out the sample and glue it with office glue to the front side of a notebook selected by size. Separately, cut out and glue an openwork flower made of felt or thin cardboard.
  • The second method is to cut out a cover template from purple cardboard and draw the lines of the floral design with a pencil. Then color the drawing with gouache or colored pens with glitter. To decorate your diary, use interesting tips, given below.
  • If you draw on purple cardboard with white gouache, you will get pink, as in the original.
  • To ensure that the flower lock firmly locks your secrets, glue a magnet or a button with a clasp to its back side.
  • Transparent nail polish will help you make the lock shiny.
  • It is better to choose a notebook with a thick cardboard base, so as not to use an additional layer of cardboard.
  • For a long service life finished diary Laminate the cover or use a “hot” film that is attached to the front side with an iron.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands from a shared notebook

To turn an ordinary notebook into a luxurious personal diary, you will need a little time and imagination.

  • Choose a notebook of any size; for long-term use, opt for a notebook with 96 sheets.
  • Get outdoors and interior design diary - sign the diary, draw pictures and aphorisms on the pages, color the background of the white sheets with multi-colored pencils.
  • To protect your personal notes, buy a small padlock. Keep the key in a secret place.
  • For convenience, make a bookmark, so you will always find the page you stopped on. We bring to your attention the transformation of an ordinary notebook into a personal diary using pens and pencils.

How to create a personal diary is a question that worries many people. And not just design, but make your personal diary one of the most beautiful and original. You can stick to one design style, or you can fill it with many different ideas. What ideas for LD to choose?

How to create a personal diary

First, let's talk about the cover of your diary. You need to remember that the cover is the face of your personal diary. She must be careful! Decorate the cover with wrapping paper, or make it in a denim style. You can decorate the cover with beads or bright, beautiful buttons.

It is also very important to make the first page of your personal diary beautiful and original. Here you can paste your photo (as an avatar in social network). You can draw some big beautiful drawing - an invitation to visit the diary.

How to design a personal diary inside

How to create a personal diary inside? You can make a wide variety of interesting pages.

Pages ideas for ld:

  • page about your favorite movie;
  • favorite music page;
  • sweets page;
  • secrets page;
  • wish page;
  • dream page;
  • love is page...
  • friendship page or best friend page;
  • page of favorite poems;
  • fashion page;
  • your hobbies page.

And many, many other interesting pages! It all depends only on your imagination!

More ideas for a personal diary

Absolutely anything is suitable for decorating your personal art materials! And don't forget about beautiful handwriting! If it is beautifully written, it is always a pleasure to read!

Do you want to see photos of beautiful personal diaries? Then follow this
