What is the name of the oldest woman in the world. The oldest woman in the world - who is she? Jeanne Calment: the fierce Frenchwoman

There are many women who became mothers at an age when many are already grandmothers. There are some in Russia too. Let's learn more about women for whom age is not an obstacle to having children.

The oldest mother in history

Rajo Devi Lohan is the name of the oldest mother in history, living in one of the villages of India. She gave birth to her first child at the age of seventy. It is known that the woman got married when she was twelve years old and her husband was fourteen. In India, it is customary to have many children, but the couple never had a single child in their entire life, despite healthy image life. According to them, they repeatedly turned to doctors and healers.

Having been married for fifty-eight years, the couple learned about IVF from a television program. In India, this procedure costs three and a half thousand dollars. It was a huge amount for the family, but they decided to try. So, after seventy years, the first child appeared in the family - daughter Navi. Unfortunately, such a late birth was not without consequences for the aging mother. Her health is seriously compromised.

There is another woman who gave birth at the age of seventy - this is the Indian Omkari Ranwar. She also managed to get pregnant thanks to IVF. She gave birth to two healthy children. The children's father is seventy-seven years old. These children were not the first in the family. The couple already have two adult daughters and five grandchildren.

Both of these record holders became mothers only thanks to IVF. But there are also mothers who were able to get pregnant naturally. One such person is Grancy Island resident Dawn Brooke. She gave birth at age fifty-nine, but had to undergo hormone therapy before conceiving. In the history of mankind, this heroic woman is recognized as the oldest mother who managed to give birth to a living child by conceiving him naturally.

Welshwoman Ellen Alice was a mother of many children who, at the end of the eighteenth century, at the age of seventy-two, was carrying her thirteenth child. Unfortunately, he was stillborn. This woman is considered the oldest mother in history.

The oldest mother of many children in Russia

There are mothers who manage to give birth to many children in their lifetime. They are called large families. Of all the famous mothers of many children, one of the record holders was the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill. She gave birth to her thirty-ninth child at the age of fifty-four. This was in 1669. All of her pregnancies ended in the birth of healthy children, although twins were born only once. Thus, the woman gave birth thirty-eight times.

But a Russian woman who lived in the city of Shuya in the eighteenth century gave birth only twenty-seven times, but she had sixty-nine children. All that is known about this mother of many children is that she was a peasant woman, her husband was Fyodor Vasiliev.

The oldest mother in Russia today

In the ranking of the oldest mothers on the planet, Russian Natalya Surkova occupies fourth position. The woman became a mother at fifty-seven years old. She gave birth to a healthy girl, Sasha. At that time, the woman was the mother of two adult children and the grandmother of one grandson. Conception became possible thanks to hormone therapy. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records of Russia as the oldest mother in the country.

Sasha is the granddaughter of the famous poet Alexei Surkov, and Natalya, accordingly, is his daughter. Before conception, Surkova went to the gynecological center, where she said that she wanted to give birth to a child, which greatly surprised the staff. It was necessary to “renew” the body, for this the woman went to the clinic, where she was among women who had difficulties conceiving. Few people believed in the success of this whole venture, but time passed and the test showed a positive result.

Surkova’s pregnancy passed without pathologies or complications, there was not even any swelling. In the spring of 1996, she gave birth, and Natalya became the oldest mother in Russia. It is surprising that by that time her grandson was two years old. The woman claims that after giving birth she looked many years younger and feels just great. Natalya believes that her Sasha has an unusual happy destiny in store, since she is an unusual child.

There is another old mother in Russia - Lyudmila Belyavskaya. At fifty-two, she became the mother of a little daughter. Her husband, actor Alexander Belyavsky, was then seventy.

The main argument of “adult” mothers is a conscious approach to conception and pregnancy. By this time, they have already gained a certain income, their life is stable, their family relationships are stable. Thanks to the accumulated experience, old mothers are always more attentive and patient to the needs of their babies and spend more time on their development.

In addition to natural conception, there is also such a way to become a mother as surrogacy. Some people turn to the help of surrogate mothers because they do not want to bear and give birth to a child, others do it because of poor health or age. Today

Man has always dreamed of living long, approaching eternity. So many attempts have been made to achieve immortality. Previously, they tried to get the philosopher's stone, which gives eternal life, are now on diets, following recommendations from all over the world that promise to prolong life. But there is no evidence of any method; no one has yet managed to extend their life for many years. But still, people who seem to have made an agreement with death exist. Let's find out who they are, the longest-livers of the planet.

In 1933, a note about the death of Lee Ching-Yun, who was 256 years old, appeared in the most famous magazines. Perhaps this is the world's longest-living person in history. For your long life path he had more than twenty wives and became the father of one hundred and eighty children.

As stated, the secret of Lee Ching-Yun's longevity lay in the fact that he tried to be calm and balanced in any life circumstances. The centenarian tried to maintain a special diet; his diet consisted mainly of rice and wine. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about the childhood and adolescence of the centenarian. What is known for certain is that his homeland is China, Sichuan province. Lee lived there all his life. At the age of ten, he was educated beyond his years and managed to travel around many beautiful places where I collected medicinal herbs. What the longest-living person on earth did next is unknown.

Lee Ching-Yun at his advanced age looked surprisingly young, and no one could give him more than 60 years of age. It is this striking circumstance that raises doubts about his true age. Lee himself claimed that he was born in 1736, allegedly he was 197 years old. But research by a professor from Minkuo University, Wu-Chang-shin, proved that Li’s real date of birth was 1677, and the Chinese rulers managed to congratulate him on both his hundred and fiftieth and bicentenary.

Jeanne Kalman (1875 – 1997)

This woman has earned the title of the oldest representative of the fair sex. She may not be the longest-living woman, but she has no equal among women. Her age was 122 years 164 days. Its homeland is the town of Arles, in France. For my long life she was lucky to witness many discoveries: Zhanna saw the first car, cinema at the very beginning, stainless steel, television and the first airplanes.

This is not the only amazing event in her life. At the age of thirteen, Jeanne had the opportunity to meet Van Gogh, whom she did not like at all.

Jeanne Kalman had a certain natural defense against anxiety, and it was she who became the reason for such a long life. Her contemporaries also said that Jeanne had an amazing sense of humor, which, as she herself believed, was the secret of longevity.

Zhanna was very active and did not lead a very “exemplary” lifestyle; until her century, she pedaled and indulged in alcohol and cigarettes and did this until the end of her days. Kalman believed that humor, mobility and good digestion helped her live for such a long time.

Sarah Knauss (1880 -1999)

The second longest-living woman among women, reaching the age of 119 years 97 days. This amazing lady did not live long enough to see the new century; she ended her journey on December 30, 1999. By the way, Sarah was not at all affected by the fact that she was the record holder among centenarians; her reaction was always unambiguous: “So what?”

As Sarah's daughters say, she was always surprisingly calm; it seemed that nothing could agitate her. Who knows, perhaps this is the secret of longevity, because, as you know, stress noticeably shortens the days of our life.

Sarah had the opportunity to witness seven wars and bury her husband, with whom she had been together for 64 years.

Lucy Hannah (1875 -1993)

Lucy was not awarded the title of oldest woman only because she lived during the same period as record holder Jeanne Calment. But we cannot fail to note the woman who lived 117 years and 248 days; by the way, this is an absolute record among African Americans.

Hannah lived in Alabama, United States. She managed to give birth to eight offspring, six of whom she buried. By the way, Lucy is not the only long-liver in her family. Her own mother lived to be 99 years old, and her two sisters lived to be a hundred years old.

Maria Louise Mailer (1880 – 1998)

Another representative of the fair half of humanity, who delayed her death, ended her life at the age of 117 years 230 days, almost equal in age to Lucy Hannah. An interesting fact: Maria lived in a nursing home with her son, and her daughter at that time was ten years shy of a hundred.

Marie Louise was born in Quebec, Canada. During her life, she managed to get married twice and give birth to ten children. As the centenarian herself believed, she owed her long life to hard work. Although her lifestyle cannot be called absolutely healthy. Maria could drink a glass of wine, and she smoked almost all her life, quitting almost thirty years before her death.

Maria Capovilla (1889 - 2006)

A resident of Ecuador, Maria Capovilla, was born in 1889, which is when the Eiffel Tower was introduced to the world. Despite the fact that she is the last on our list, since she lived 116 years and 347 days, Maria still had the chance to become a record holder. It is considered the oldest not only among South Americans, but throughout the entire southern hemisphere. Maria died a month before her 177th birthday.

Maria was born into a military family and lived among the Ecuadorian elite. As witnesses to her life say, Maria could boast of powerful health, and anyone could envy her energy. Capovilla never smoked, although she could occasionally afford alcohol.

At the age of 99, Maria suddenly found herself on her deathbed. But she managed to survive, and, despite the proximity of death, Maria continued to walk on her own, studied the press, was interested in news on TV, and was generally famous for her excellent health. She had five offspring, two of whom she buried. The remaining children were 78, 80 and 81 years old at the time of Mary's death.

Resident of the Krasnoyarsk region Tanzilya Bisembeeva entered the Russian Book of Records as the most old man planets. On March 14, 2016, she turned 120 years old, and this record was officially recorded.

Tanzil's grandmother is a well-known person in her village of Islamgazy, where she has lived all her life. She was born back in the century before last, in 1896 in Tsarist Russia, survived the revolution, the Great Patriotic War, change of regimes, leaders, collapse of the USSR, defaults and crises. And he lives and lives surrounded by three sons, ten grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. And the difference between grandmother and the youngest member of the family is 119 years!

Mom has seen a lot in her life. After all, she lived from Rasputin to Putin. She worked all her life: sometimes in the field, sometimes in the melon patch,” says the son of the long-lived woman, Shintas Bisembeev.

According to relatives, Tanzil’s grandmother boldly deserves the title Veteran of Labor. After all, she worked for more than half a century. Is it her fault that at that time work records there wasn’t, workdays were written down in a notebook. Officials require documentary or witness evidence. But where can we get them if the witnesses have already died?

Tanzilya got married for the first time before the war. But the happiness was short-lived. The husband was called to the front, from where he did not return. Their firstborn died in infancy. When the war ended, she was 49. No family, no children. But, as it turned out, best years they were waiting for her ahead.

Soon the elderly Kazakh proposed to the widow. After the war, few young men returned to the village. And Tanzilya agreed. And at 53 she gave birth to a son. A year later - the second, and at 57 years old she became a mother again.

All three sons are already pensioners themselves and live nearby. They, like everyone else in the big friendly family, are proud of their mother and, as soon as they have a free moment, they come to visit. When asked what the secret of Granny Tanzili’s longevity is, they answer: “She is very kind and always looks at life positively. And she notices only the good in people. Her lifestyle is healthy: she never sits still, does not smoke and eats only natural products.

Surprisingly, Tanzil’s grandmother did not see a doctor until she was a hundred years old. I even gave birth at home. Only when I celebrated my centenary, my vision began to deteriorate and I even had to undergo surgery.

According to Kazakh tradition, a woman lives in a family youngest son. Her daughter-in-law is looking after her. Tanzilya no longer goes outside, but she moves around the house and takes care of herself. She is always aware of all the events happening around her. And very often he starts songs in his native language.

Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren consider grandmother a sorceress. And the sons still believe that mother’s love and kiss heal better than any medicine.

By the way

According to official data, in the Astrakhan region, 71 local residents have crossed the century mark. Most of them live in rural areas. There were only six long-living men among the record holders. According to the Russian Book of Records, Tanzilya Bisembeeva became the second person in the world to reach 120 years of age. The world record for "The oldest person of all time" belongs to Jeanne Louise Calment, she lived 122 years 164 days and died in 1997.

In April of this year, having lived 117 years and 137 days, the most old woman in the world - Emma Morano. She was the last person on earth who was born in the century before last - in 1899. “My God, I am so old that I feel as old as the hills around me,”- Emma said when she was presented with a certificate of awarding the Guinness World Record for the oldest person.

Guinness Book of Records Award Emma Morano(Emma Martina Luigia Morano) received in May last year after the death of Suzanne Mushatt Jones, the previous centenarian who held this record. November 29, 2016, and this event was widely covered in the world press. Then Emma was asked the secret of her longevity. The Italian admitted that the whole trick was in her special diet: almost all her life, Emma always ate three eggs every day (two raw, one boiled) and a dish of raw meat. But as I got older, I had to make some changes to this diet - of course, these years are not the same anymore. So for the past ten years, Emma has allowed herself only two eggs and a few cookies a day.

Perhaps the secret was really in the raw chicken eggs“Emma has been eating them since she was 20 years old, when she was diagnosed with anemia,” but genetics also cannot be ignored. Emma was the oldest child in the family and outlived all seven of her sisters and brothers. Her mother lived to the age of 91, and several of her sisters lived to be over a hundred years old.

« She didn't suffer" said Dr. Carlo Bava, who was guiding Emma recent years. He said that the 117-year-old Italian woman died quietly, calmly, sitting in her rocking chair at home. “I’m glad that she didn’t suffer, but left us just like that, calmly,”- he said.

Today, January 21, it became known about the death of a woman whose name is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest resident of Russia. At the time of her death, Nana Shaova was 128 years old. Let us recall that recently on the planet was the Japanese Masazo Nonaka, who was 113 years old.

Nanu Shaova - life in two centuries

Nanu was born in 1890. The passport does not even indicate a specific date of birth; the day and month numbers are replaced by zeros. It is reported that the woman remained active until the last days of her life and tried to benefit not only her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but also the entire society.

A year ago, she even took part in the traffic police campaign, supporting the “Buckle up, Russia!” initiative. Thus, her personal example necessarily affected the opinion of society, since her age inspires confidence.

It should be noted that Nanu Shaova experienced many world events. She saw how the Emperor of All Russia, the Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finlandsky Nikolai II Alexandrovich. Then she lived for many years in the USSR, survived two world wars, and then the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Nothing could break strong woman. Over the course of her long life, Nanu managed to raise eight children, 19 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren. She left behind a truly enormous legacy. And last year, in 2018, she received a certificate confirming the fact that she is indeed the oldest resident of Russia.

Let us remind you that recently a centenarian from the UK told how she succeeds. She looks like her own daughter's sister, and the reason for the secret of her longevity is quite unexpected.
