The youngest son of Alexander Nevsky: biography and interesting facts. Prince Daniil Alexandrovich and his brothers

Holy Blessed Prince

Daniil Moskovsky

Holy Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow is the ancestorMoscow line Rurik-whose : Moscow princes and tsars. He lived at the end of the 13th century, in one of the darkest periods of Russian history, when not so much Golden Horde , How many internecine wars for the princely thrones they devastated their homeland and destroyed the people.

Prince Daniil of Moscow was born in Vladimir in 1261. He was the fourth and youngest son of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and the righteous Princess Vassa, daughter of Bryachislav, Prince of Polotsk. At the age of two, Daniil lost his father (his father went to a distant horde, to the Tatar Khan, to appease him; on the way back, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky fell ill and, before reaching Vladimir, died in Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod province) on November 23, 1262). His mother also died soon after. (the time of his mother’s repose is not indicated in the chronicles, it is only known that she was buried in the cathedral of the Vladimir Dormition (Princess) Monastery, and the surrounding residents considered her righteous). So Saint Daniel was left an orphan early and did not receive his share of the inheritance for a long time; His elder brothers, who had taken possession of both the grand princely power and all the regions of their father, did not devote anything to Daniel for a long time.

The boy grew up meek and gentle. He always took a handful of coins to church and generously distributed them after the service to the poor and suffering on the porch. Like his father, the holy prince Alexander Nevsky , Daniel loved God's temple, prayer and church singing. As a future ruler Daniel was trained in secular sciences, military art and the management of his subjects.

When Daniel turned 10 years old, in 1272, his brothers allocated him a poor and insignificant Principality of Moscow- the worst of the legacies of Alexander Nevsky, compared with Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and other fatherlands. But the boy, the prince, remained satisfied with this lot, not asking for more.

Already in 1272, he founded the Krutitsky monastery with a temple in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. Then the noble prince built a temple on the banks of the Moscow River in the name of his patron, the Venerable Daniel the Stylite, and a monastery with him. The Moscow principality was small and unenviable in those days. The matured noble prince Daniel strengthened and increased him, but not through untruth and violence, but through mercy and peace. From a poor village on the banks of the Moscow River, the capital of Moscow grew; During his lifetime, the meager Moscow inheritance of the saint of God Daniel became the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and he himself became the first Grand Duke of Moscow.

There was trouble in Rus'. In those days when Rus' was defeated and enslaved by the Tatars, it was also torn apart by princely civil strife. And often, thanks to the blessed Prince Daniel, his tireless striving for unity and peace on Russian soil, bloodshed was prevented.

Daniel was a great peacemaker, but out of necessity, he valiantly defended his principality.

In 1283, his older brothers Andrei and Dimitri grabbed the right to reign in the Vladimir land. Things came to a head: the brothers’ troops converged near the city of Dmitrov. Prince Daniel hurried with his army to the camp of his brother Andrei, and Prince Dimitri, feeling the strength, agreed to make peace.

Unfortunately, Andrei forgot this lesson and in 1293 he treacherously led hordes of Tatars, led by Duden ("Dudenev's Army"), who plundered and devastated many Russian cities: Murom, Suzdal, Kolomna, Dmitrov, Mozhaisk, Tver. Then the holy prince decided to let them into Moscow in order to save the people from death. There was no strength to fight back. Daniel did not abandon his people during this difficult time. Together with his people, the prince experienced the hardships of ruin and robbery. And when the enemies left the city, leaving behind ashes, Daniel distributed his personal property to the affected citizens.

Prince Andrey, supported by the Tatars, began to rule in Vladimir. Soon, quarrels flared up again between the princes. Prince Andrei went with his army to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Defending his rights, Saint Daniel was forced in 1296 to act with a strong army in alliance with his uncle, Prince Mikhail of Tver, against his brother near a place called Yuryevo Tolchische, but here, too, the desire for peace won, and bloodshed was avoided. He did not take revenge on his brother, who so villainously betrayed the Christians to the Tatar Khan in 1293, and complacently forgave him for his evil deed. Such unfailing philanthropy and good nature of Daniel softened the heart of his anxious brother Andrei, so that he not only made peace with him, but also transferred to him in 1296 his power and the title of Grand Duke.

In 1301, a congress of all Russian princes met in the city of Dmitrov. The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the son of his elder brother Dimitri, the nephew of Daniil, Prince Pereyaslavsky and Dmitrovsky Ivan received powerful neighbors in Dmitrov - princes Andrei Vladimirsky, Mikhail Tversky and Daniil of Moscow. At this meeting, Saint Daniel convinced everyone to make peace and stop all civil strife. And his nephew, Prince of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Ivan Dimitrievich loved his uncle Daniil so much that he not only did not challenge the title of Grand Duke from him, but also bequeathed his fatherland - the Pereyaslavl region - one of the strongest principalities at that time - in 1302, dying childless. into the property of his beloved uncle Daniil Alexandrovich. The Pereyaslavl land, together with Dmitrov, was the first after Rostov both in the number of inhabitants and in the fortress of the main city. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was well protected on all sides. The holy prince remained faithful to Moscow and did not move the capital of the principality to Pereyaslavl, which was stronger and more significant at that time. This annexation made the Moscow principality one of the most significant. This was the beginning of the unification of the Russian land into a single powerful state.

In 1301, when the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, calling on the Tatars for help, was making secret preparations for a surprise attack on the lands of the Moscow principality, the Monk Daniel went with an army against the Ryazan prince, defeated the enemy, took Constantine prisoner and exterminated many Tatars. This was the first victory over the Tatars, a quiet victory, but wonderful - like the first impulse towards freedom. Having defeated the Ryazan prince and scattered his allies - the Tatars, the noble prince Daniel did not take advantage of the victory to take away foreign lands or take rich booty, as was customary in those days, but showed an example of true non-covetousness, love and brotherly love. The holy prince never took up arms to seize foreign lands, he never took away property from other princes either by violence or deceit. The Moscow prince showed mercy to his captive: Constantine lived in Moscow as a guest, treats were sent to him from the princely table, and honors were given according to his title. The victory over the Ryazan prince once again showed the Russian people the mercy and selflessness of Daniil of Moscow.

In 1303, Saint Daniel became seriously ill. Following the example of his father, Saint Alexander Nevsky, he accepted the great schema and commanded to be buried in the monastery he founded in honor of the Venerable Daniel the Stylite, which later became known as the Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. Out of deep humility, he wanted to be buried not in the church, but in the brotherly monastery cemetery.

After his death, the successors to the grand-ducal power and title were not his brother or nephew, but his son John Daniilovich, and after him this dignity passed from one to another, from father to son, in a straight line, until the death of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich in 1598 - in for 300 years. The reigning blessed House of Romanov is not completely alien to the family of St. Daniel, having as relatives the wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, Anastasia Romanovna; Thus, in the blessed family of the Holy and Blessed Daniel, royal dignity has been preserved for more than 600 years.

Holy relics of St. Daniil of Moscow

The honorable relics of Saint Prince Daniel were hidden for almost 350 years.

In 1652, Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich (1645-1676), at the order of the blessed Prince Daniel, who appeared to him, performed the solemn opening of the saint’s relics. On August 30, Patriarch Nikon with a council of bishops and Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich with his courtiers opened the grave of the blessed prince and found honest relics incorruptible. At the same time, many miraculous healings occurred among a large population. The holy relics were solemnly transferred to the monastery church in honor of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and were placed in a specially prepared wooden tomb opposite the right choir. At the same time, the blessed Prince Daniel was canonized and a church-wide celebration was established for him on March 4/17 - the day of his blessed death and August 30/September 12- on the day of the discovery of incorruptible relics.

The holy relics of the saint of God Daniel, from the time of their transfer to the church, openly rest in a special shrine. (In a special golden reliquary on the chest of St. Daniel rests a particle of the holy relics of his father, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky).

The current shrine was built in 1817 from silver, weighs more than two pounds and has a troparion and kontakion to the saints in the hallmarks on the right side. The previous reliquary of the holy relics was stolen in 1812 by the French, but the holy relics were not damaged. In 1917, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery and installed under the canopy of the northeastern pillar; in 1929, the reliquary returned to the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

In 1930, the Danilov Monastery was closed and a colony for minors was located there until 1983. On October 7, 1930, during an all-night vigil, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the existing parish Church of the Resurrection of the Word, located next to the monastery. The fate of the holy relics after the closure of this temple in 1932 is unknown.

Particles of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich have been preserved. One particle, which once belonged to Archbishop Theodore (Pozdeevsky), was transferred to the Danilov Monastery from the USA on May 29, 1986. Another particle was returned to the monastery on March 17, 1995 by Archpriest I. Meyendorff, who lived in the USA, who received it from Academician D. S. Likhachev, to whom the reliquary with the shrine was given for safekeeping by Professor I. E. Anichkov with the order to return the Church to favorable time. Anichkov received a piece of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich in 1929 from an unknown bishop in one of the northern cities of Russia, where both were serving exile.

Currently, a metal gilded shrine with a particle of the relics of St. Daniel Alexandrovich is inChurch of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils(under the northern arch leading to the chapel in the name of St. Daniel Alexandrovich), a carved wooden canopy is installed above the shrine. The ark with a particle of relics is also located in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery. In addition, the monastery has several icons with particles of the relics of Saint Prince Daniel.

The foundation he founded brought special glory and veneration to the blessed Prince Daniel.St. Daniel's Monastery. By God's Providence, it was the St. Daniel's Monastery that became the first monastery to be revived after the difficult years of Bolshevik persecution of the Church.

In the second half of the 17th century the monastery was surrounded stone walls with eight towers.In the XIX-XX centuries. At the monastery there was an almshouse for elderly clergy and widows of the clergy. On the territory of the monastery there was located one of the oldest Moscow cemeteries, where many church hierarchs, as well as cultural figures, found rest. From 1917 to 1930, the rector of the Danilov Monastery was Bishop Theodore, around whom the group clergy and believers who did not accept the new godless government. But the monastery was officially closed already in 1918. In 1931, the monastery was finally closed, and there was a colony for minors there until 1983. In 1983, the monastery, in terrible condition, was returned to the Church.

In just 5 years, colossal construction and restoration work was carried out there, and by 1988, for the celebration of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus', the St. Daniel Monastery shone again in all its glory.

Now the monastery is one of the largest spiritual centers in Russia. The modern Danilov Monastery has the status of stauropegy, its abbot is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. The residence of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is located on the territory of the monastery.

They pray to the Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniil of Moscow for the well-being of the city of Moscow and for all of Russia, as well as for the well-being in own home, about blessing the home, about improving living conditions.

Daniil Alexandrovich, Prince of Moscow

Prince of Moscow, son of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and his wife, Princess Vassa, b. in 1261, died March 5, 1303

Prince Daniel, the ancestor of the princes of Moscow, later the sovereigns and kings of “all Rus'”, is the first culprit in the strengthening of the Moscow principality; he, as the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, received an insignificant inheritance - the city of Moscow with the lands stretching towards it. The original territory of the Moscow principality in the 13th century. can be determined with probability as follows: in the west, its border began at the confluence of p. Ruzy in the river Moscow, rose along the Ruza to the north-west, then turned sharply to the north-east along the watershed of the right tributaries of the Volga, the Lama and Dubna rivers, on the one hand, and the left tributaries of Moscow and Klyazma on the other; Having crossed the Sherna River, a tributary of the Klyazma, the border turned south, between the Gzhelka and Perskaya rivers it crossed Moscow and, reaching in the south the watershed of the right tributaries of Moscow and the left tributaries of the Oka, headed west along the watershed itself, abutting the Nara River (a tributary of the Oka) and , turning to the north, approached the mouth of the Ruza; therefore, the Moscow principality of the 13th century included the current districts: Moscow, Zvenigorod, Ruz, the southern part of Dmitrov, Bogorodsky, Bronnitsky and Podolsk. This small principality occupied an important strategic and, in part, trading position: it bordered on the principalities of Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Pereyaslavl and Vladimir; the most convenient routes from southern and western Rus' and the land of Ryazan to the land of Rostov-Suzdal ran through Moscow; along the Oka, Moscow, its tributary Skhodna, Lama, Volga and Tvertsa there was a water trade route from southern Rus' to Novgorod.

The intelligent and energetic Prince Daniel understood the significance of his estate: being too young and (according to generic concepts) too weak to covet the Grand Duke's table, he joined the union of younger princes in order to weaken the power and importance of the Grand Duke; so, in 1282, he, in alliance with the brothers Andrei Gorodetsky and Svyatoslav Tver and the Novgorodians, acts against the Grand Duke Dimitri Alexandrovich; but when, in 1294, Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky finally sat down on the grand ducal table, then very soon dislike arose between him and his former allies; To end the hostility, the princes of northern Rus' gathered in Vladimir in 1296, and Prince. Daniel, together with Prince. Mikhail Tverskoy and Ivan Dimitrievich Pereyaslavsky, was against the Grand Duke; concluded in the presence of the Tatar ambassador, with the participation of the clergy, the reconciliation turned out to be short-lived; book Ivan Pereyaslavsky hurried to the Horde and led. The prince made an attempt to seize his patrimony, Pereyaslavl (Zalesskaya), but the princes of Tver and Moscow blocked his way. Together defending their estates from the Grand Duke, the younger princes actively worked to increase them. Book Daniel acted especially successfully in this regard: in 1301 he fought with Constantine, Prince of Ryazan, defeated him at Pereyaslavl (Ryazan) and took him prisoner; The consequence of this victory was probably the annexation of Kolomna and Serpukhov to Moscow. - The princes of Ryazan were ancient enemies of the princes of Vladimir, descendants of Vsevolod III; fighting with them and expanding his possessions at their expense, Prince. Daniel did not encounter opposition from his relatives - the princes; rather, on the contrary, he could count on their assistance. In 1302, the old ally of the Moscow prince, Prince, died childless. Ivan Dimitrievich Pereyaslavsky: he bequeathed his patrimony, Pereyaslavl, to the prince. Daniel. Although he led. book Andrei tried to capture Pereyaslavl again, but Prince. Daniil, relying on the sympathy of the Pereyaslavl people, managed to establish his power there; It is curious, however, that Pereyaslavl was not annexed to Moscow and was not subsequently considered a Moscow city (see spiritual Kalita): it remained among the cities of Vladimir. The prince died. Daniel on March 5, 1303, having received tonsure and schema before his death. Modern chronicles have preserved for us little news about the book. Daniel. In an era of weakening tribal relations, the dominance of physical strength, book. Daniil is a typical representative of a North Russian prince, looking after the interests of his family and patrimony; with undoubted political dexterity, he acts first with Andrei Gorodetsky against his elder brother, Dimitri, then with the son of this Dimitri against his former ally, - Prince. Andrey; book Konstantin of Ryazan was captivated by Daniel “by some cunning.” Without rising above the moral level of his contemporaries, Prince. Daniel surpassed them in dexterity and intelligence: he handed over to his children the reign of Moscow, which was increased by at least twice as much as what he himself received from his father, and thus prepared the successes of his successors. At the book Daniel left five sons: Yuri, Ivan (Kalita), Alexander, Afanasy and Boris. The prince was buried. Daniel in the wooden church of St. Michael, standing on the site of the current Archangel Cathedral. Ivan the Terrible restored the Danilov Monastery, which had fallen into complete decline, the foundation of which is attributed to Prince. Daniel.

Chronicles: Lavrentievskaya Academic. list., Nikonovskaya, Voskresenskaya Sophia, etc. In the historical literature about the book. A lot has been written to Daniel: 1) in general works on Russian history - Karamzin, Ist. State Ross., vol. IV, Soloviev, Ist. Ross. vol. III, ch. IV, Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Russ. East. vol. I, ch. VII, Ilovaisky, East. Ross., vol. I and-2) in works devoted to the initial history of the Moscow principality: Pogodin, “About Moscow” (Hist. - critical ref. I), Stankevich “On the reasons for the constant rise of Moscow (Uch. zap. Moscow . Univ. 1834) Vishnyakov: O exalted prince.

S. Seredonin.


Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

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    Prince of Moscow (1261-1303), youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, ancestor of the princes of Moscow. He received Moscow as an appanage no later than 1283. In 1283, with his brother Andrei, he acted against his elder brother, Grand Duke Dimitri. When the Grand Duke... Biographical Dictionary

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    - (1261 1303) Prince of Moscow (from 1276), son of Alexander Nevsky. Annexed Kolomna. Pereyaslavl Zalessky received it in his will, marking the beginning of the growth of the Moscow principality. Canonized by Russian Orthodox ChurchBig Encyclopedic Dictionary

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Reign: 1276-1303

From the biography

  • Daniil Alexandrovich of Moscow is the son of Alexander Nevsky, the founder of the Moscow dynasty of princes. Being the second son, he did not lay claim to the grand-ducal throne of Vladimir, but managed to elevate the Moscow principality so much that it became the center of gathering Russian lands.
  • Decisive, intelligent, far-sighted politician.
  • The people loved the prince for his justice, piety, and mercy. He never used violence and weapons to annex neighboring lands (as they write about him in the chronicles)
  • The Moscow principality that Daniil inherited was small and unenviable. It was he who managed to strengthen it and expand it.
  • We learn about the activities of Daniil Alexandrovich from the Degree Book. The chronicler, of course, idealized the image of the prince, describing him as the founder of the Moscow dynasty should have been. Daniel was not so simple. He sometimes showed strength and even cruelty; it was no coincidence that the princes beat him and tried not to quarrel with him. But according to the chronicle we see a meek, peace-loving, friendly prince.
  • Daniel was canonized by the church - this is Daniel the Blessed.

Historical portrait of Daniil Alexandrovich

Areas of activity

1.Domestic policy

Areas of activity Results
Strengthening the power of the Prince of Moscow. The Moscow principality became one of the strongest under Daniel. He expanded its borders and sought to prevent strife. He pursued a peaceful policy. However, he also had to fight more than once to strengthen his power. Stages of feudal wars: 1283 - Daniel and his brother Andrei oppose brother Dmitry, who laid claim to the grand princely throne of Andrei. 1293 - brother Andrei, together with the “Dyuden army”, devastated Russian cities, Daniel was forced let them into Moscow to avoid bloodshed (there were no forces to fight back). Here, too, Daniel sought to avoid bloodshed. Daniel did not take revenge for the insult. For which Andrei handed over the Great Reign to him in 1296.

1300 - Ryazan prince Constantine called on the Tatars to fight the Moscow prince. Daniil won his first victory over the Tatars. Let it be a small one, but a victory.

The desire to stop civil strife. 1301 - participated in the Dmitrov Congress of Princes, the purpose of which was to stop strife (besides him, Prince Andrei Alexandrovich of Vladimir, Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy, Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky participated).
Expansion of the territory of the principality. In 1300, he began the policy of annexing lands to the principality: 1330 - Ryazan, 1301 - Kolomna, 1302 - Peryaslavl-Zalessky (was transferred to Daniil by his nephew), 1303 - Mozhaisk.
Strengthening the Moscow Principality. Daniel led active defensive construction. Thus, the Danilov Monastery was a real fortress guarding the southern borders of the principality.
Urban planning, cultural development. 1282 - the first monastery, Danilov, was founded in Moscow. In 1296 - the Epiphany Monastery in Moscow, in 1272 - the Church of Saints Peter and Paul on Krutitsy.

2. Foreign policy


  • Daniil Alexandrovich went down in history as the founder of the Moscow dynasty of princes.
  • Under him, the political influence of Moscow increased, the Moscow principality became a great, powerful and strong center of Rus'.
  • The prince significantly expanded and strengthened the principality.
  • He did a lot to prevent strife between the princes, realizing that during the period of the yoke of the Golden Horde there was strength only in unity, he became one of the initiators of the Dmitrov Congress of Princes.
  • The desire for peace yielded results: under Daniel there were no raids on the principality by the Tatars.
  • The people remember and honor the memory of Daniil Alexandrovich, the Righteous, the Saint. In 1997, in honor of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow, a monument to Prince Daniil of Moscow was erected in the capital. He holds a temple in his left hand and a sword in his right. He does not keep his weapon in combat readiness. This seems to show that wars are not pleasing to God.

The Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow was born in Vladimir in 1261. He was the fourth son of Saint Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (August 30 and November 23) and righteous Vassa. When he was two years old, he lost his father. The time of his mother’s repose is not indicated in the chronicles; it is only known that she was buried in the church in honor of the Nativity of Christ in the Vladimir Dormition Monastery (Princess Monastery) and was considered righteous by the surrounding residents.

In 1272, the noble prince Daniel received the city of Moscow and the surrounding lands, which he inherited by division. The noble prince built a temple (and a monastery with it) on the banks of the Moscow River in honor of his namesake patron, the Venerable Daniel the Stylite (December 11). The Moscow principality was small and unenviable in those days. The matured noble prince Daniel strengthened and increased him, but not through untruth and violence, but through mercy and peace. There was trouble in Rus'. Civil strife between appanage princes was constant. And often, thanks to the blessed Prince Daniel, his tireless striving for unity and peace on Russian soil, bloodshed was prevented. When in 1293 his brother, Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich, together with the Tatars called from the Horde led by Duden (“Dudenev’s Army”) devastated the Russian cities: Murom, Suzdal, Kolomna, Dmitrov, Mozhaisk, Tver, the noble prince decided to let them into Moscow to save the people from death. There was no strength to fight back. Together with his people, the prince experienced the hardships of ruin and robbery. Defending his rights, Saint Daniel was forced in 1295 to speak out against his brother near a place called Yuryevo Tolchische, but here, too, the desire for peace won in him, and bloodshed was avoided.

In 1300, when the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, calling on the Tatars for help, was making secret preparations for a surprise attack on the lands of the Moscow principality, the Monk Daniel went with an army to Ryazan, defeated the enemy, captured Constantine and exterminated many Tatars. This was the first victory over the Tatars, a quiet victory, but wonderful - like the first impulse towards freedom. Having defeated the Ryazan prince and scattered his allies - the Tatars, the noble prince Daniel did not take advantage of the victory to take away foreign lands or take rich booty, as was customary in those days, but showed an example of true non-covetousness, love and brotherly love. The holy prince never took up arms to seize foreign lands, he never took away property from other princes either by violence or deceit. For this, the Lord expanded the borders of his possessions. John Dimitrievich, Prince of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, nephew of Daniel, meek, pious and benefactor of the poor, respected and loved his uncle. In 1302, dying childless, he transferred his principality to Saint Daniel. The Pereyaslavl land, together with Dmitrov, was the first after Rostov both in the number of inhabitants and in the fortress of the main city. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was well protected on all sides. The holy prince remained faithful to Moscow and did not move the capital of the principality to Pereyaslavl, which was stronger and more significant at that time. This annexation made the Moscow principality one of the most significant. Here was the beginning of the unification of the Russian land into a single powerful state.

How wonderfully over the centuries God’s Providence has clearly manifested itself about our Russian Land, about its fate!

Remembering with gratitude the persistent Good Guide both in his personal life and in the life of the Russian state, the father of Saint Daniel, the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky, expressed this in the words - “God is not in power, but in truth.”

In 1303, Saint Daniel became seriously ill. He accepted the great schema and ordered himself to be buried in the Danilov Monastery. Out of deep humility, he wanted to be buried not in the church, but in the general monastery cemetery. The noble prince died on March 4.

Less than 30 years had passed since the repose of the blessed Prince Daniel, when the Danilevsky monastery founded by him was transferred to the Kremlin in 1330, the church was turned into a parish, and the cemetery became secular. During the time of Grand Duke John III (1462 - 1505), the Monk Daniel reminded forgetful descendants of himself. An unknown person appeared to the young man from the entourage of the Grand Duke and said: “Do not be afraid of me - I am a Christian and the lord of this place, my name is Daniel, Prince of Moscow, by the will of God I was placed here. Tell Grand Duke John from me: you yourself are comforting yourself, but I have been forgotten, but God has not forgotten me." From that time on, the Grand Duke established the singing of cathedral memorial services for relatives - the princes. During the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, at the tomb of the Monk Daniel, the dying son of a Kolomna merchant was healed. The Tsar, amazed by the miracle, restored the ancient Danilov Monastery and established that the Metropolitan and the Holy Cathedral should annually conduct a procession of the cross to the burial place of the blessed prince and serve a memorial service there.

In 1652, the blessed Prince Daniel was glorified by the discovery of the holy incorruptible relics, which on August 30 were transferred to the church in honor of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

The holy relics were placed in a shrine “for the glorification of the Holy Trinity and for the healing of the infirm.” Metropolitan Platon of Moscow (+ 1812) in the Life of the Holy Prince, compiled by him, writes: “This original founder laid the foundation for the present greatness of Moscow, paving for this with quiet feet only a small path. For, like any building, built not with extreme haste, but only with great skill and diligence, receives special hardness and remains indestructible for a long time; and just as a tree that grows for many centuries, having first begun with a small twig, gradually thickens, and its branches spread far around, so this city had to grow from small but solid beginnings, so that its first shine would not darken the eyes of the envious and so that at first not to be shaken and fall sooner than it has grown in height. This is how the founder prepared this great city, giving it, although small, but not interrupted by any breath of wind, and gave the great glory of its rise to his son, Grand Duke John Danilovich, nicknamed Kalita.

Daniel was named after Saint Daniel the Stylite, whose memory is celebrated on December 11, therefore, Prince Daniel was born in November-December.

The Laurentian Chronicle mentions the year of Daniel’s birth, “a son was born to Alexander, and he named him Danil,” under the year 6769 (1261).

At the age of two, Daniil Alexandrovich lost his father.

unknown, Public Domain

Early years

During the reign of Prince Daniel, Rus' was under the heavy Mongol-Tatar yoke and was weakened by princely strife.

The Tver charter of 1408 tells about the education of the Tver prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich, brother of Alexander Nevsky, little Daniil and about the management of the tiuns of the Grand Duke Yaroslav, intended for Daniil, for seven years while he occupied the grand-ducal table in Vladimir: from 1264 until his death in 1272 .

After the death of his uncle Yaroslav Yaroslavich in 1272, young Daniil inherited the Moscow principality, small and meager compared to other estates, where his older brothers Dmitry and Andrey reigned.


Daniil participated in the struggle of his brothers, princes Dmitry Pereyaslavsky and Andrei Gorodetsky, for the Great Reign of Vladimir and for the right to reign in Novgorod. Inevitably drawn into the civil strife of the princes, Prince Daniil Alexandrovich showed himself to be a peace-lover.

In 1282, together with the Tver prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, he united the Moscow troops with the troops of his brother Andrei, who fought for the great reign of Vladimir against another brother, Dimitri; but at the first meeting near the city of Dmitrov, the armed men made peace, and no blood was shed.

From 1283 he acted on the side of Prince Dmitry, who became the Grand Duke of Vladimir.

In 1293, Moscow was taken by the army of the Tatar prince Tudan (“Dudenev’s army”). After the death of Prince Dmitry (1294), Daniil Alexandrovich led the Moscow-Pereyaslav-Tver alliance against Prince Andrei.

When Andrei became the Grand Duke of Vladimir, quarrels between the Russian princes opened in 1296; but Andrei then recognized the correctness of Prince Daniel, and Bishops of Vladimir Simeon and Sarsky Ishmael convinced at the congress of princes in Vladimir to end the quarrel peacefully.

When, after that, Andrei wanted to take possession of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky with his army, Daniel, Prince of Moscow, together with Prince Mikhail of Tver, met Andrei with a strong army, and after negotiations another time peace was concluded.

In 1301 he participated in the Dmitrov Congress of Russian Princes.

Piety, justice and mercy earned Prince Daniel universal respect.

Expansion of domains

The increased political influence of Moscow was evidenced by the participation of Prince Daniil Alexandrovich in the struggle for Veliky Novgorod (1296), where he was invited to reign in 1296.

unknown, Public Domain

In 1300, Daniil Alexandrovich successfully fought with Ryazan, capturing Kolomna (1301). P

After the death of Prince Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky (1302), Pereslavl annexed the Moscow Principality.


Prince Daniel tirelessly took care of the people of his principality and the capital city of Moscow.

On the right bank, five miles from, Daniil Alexandrovich, no later than 1282, founded the first Danilov monastery in Moscow with a wooden church in the name of St. Daniel the Stylite, his heavenly patron, where the first archimandry was established.

In 1296, Prince Daniil founded another monastery in Moscow - Epiphany, and in 1300 on Krutitsy, by his order, a bishop's house and a temple in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul were built.

Burial place

According to the Laurentian Chronicle, Daniel died on Tuesday, March 5, 1303, “in Moscow in his fatherland, in Cherntsi and in Skim.”

There are two versions about the place of his burial:

  • One goes back to the parchment Trinity Chronicle that burned in 1812 in French-occupied Moscow. At one time, this chronicle was seen by N.M. Karamzin, who made an extract from it about the death of Daniil Alexandrovich. This extract ended with the words: “it was laid down in the church of St. Mikhail in Moscow." Thus, according to the Trinity Chronicle, the Archangel Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin served as the burial place for Daniel.
  • The second version is set out in the Degree Book. It states that Daniel was buried in the brotherly cemetery of the Danilov Monastery.

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Useful information

Daniil Alexandrovich

Marriage and children

The name of Daniel's wife is not mentioned in the primary sources. P.V. Dolgorukov calls her Evdokia Alexandrovna. Children:

  • Yuri Daniilovich (d. 1325) - Prince of Moscow from 1303, Grand Duke of Vladimir in 1319-1322 (as Yuri III), Prince of Novgorod from 1322.
  • Ivan I Daniilovich Kalita (1288-1340/1341) - Prince of Moscow from 1325, Grand Duke of Vladimir from 1328, Prince of Novgorod in 1328-1337.
  • Alexander Daniilovich (d. 1322)
  • Afanasy Daniilovich (d. 1322) - Prince of Novgorod in 1314-1315 and 1319-1322.
  • Boris Daniilovich (d. 1320) - Prince of Kostroma since 1304.

Memory and veneration

In 1652, the discovery of the prince’s relics took place; according to E. E. Golubinsky, in 1791 he was canonized for local veneration as the holy noble prince Daniil of Moscow. Days of remembrance: March 4 and August 30 (discovery of relics) according to the Julian calendar.

By the determination of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and the Holy Synod of December 28, 1988, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow of 3 degrees was established.

In Nakhabino near Moscow, which is considered the historical center engineering troops Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, built the Temple of Daniel of Moscow, who is the patron saint of the Russian engineering troops.


Troparion, tone 3

You appeared to our country like a bright star, blessed Prince Daniel, illuminating your city and your monastery with the rays of your light, you are a champion of the Orthodox people, a liberator of captives and a protector of the poor, pray to Christ God to grant peace to the Russian power and save our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

Putting aside the glory of your reign, illuminated by Divine grace, God-wise Prince Daniel, you unswervingly placed all the mind in your heart from this vanity world to the Creator and, like a star on the east of the Russian state, you shone, and through chastity and your life equal to the angels, fulfilling the course of goodness, you kept the faith immaculate, therefore even after death God glorified you in miracles, as you exuded healing faithfully flowing to your more honest race; For this reason, today we celebrate your dormition, your people. You, as you have boldness towards Christ, pray to save your fatherland and make our country more peaceful.

Daniil Alexandrovich in culture and art

In literature

  • The historical novel “The Youngest Son” by the writer D. M. Balashov is dedicated to Daniil Alexandrovich.

In sculpture

  • In 1997, to commemorate the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow, a monument to Prince Daniil of Moscow by sculptors A. Korovin and V. Mokrousov, and architect D. Sokolov was erected on the Serpukhov Gate Square. The prince holds a temple in his left hand and a sword in his right. Daniel does not keep his weapons in combat readiness, wanting to show that strife, war and bloodshed are acts not pleasing to God. On the pedestal of the monument there is a bas-relief with the inscription: “Holy Blessed Grand Duke Daniel of Moscow 1261-1303.”