How to remove purslane in the garden. Question from subscribers: How to get rid of garden purslane? Application in cosmetology


To defeat the enemy or prevent his appearance, recognize the “enemy” by sight. The seeds of this plant ripen 2-3 times a year, so it’s easy to guess how many of them accumulate in the soil. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 25 ° C, and an intensive process is observed after rain or watering. Be patient, because it will not be easy for you.

If you decide to get rid of mechanically, pull out the weed along with the roots. In the case when the weed is cut with a hoe, it root system remains in the soil, from which new shoots later form. Try to weed the beds regularly and prevent the weed from blooming.

Cover the area affected by purslane with mulch: it can be hay, straw or another organic material(cover with a layer of 3-4 cm). This protective layer will pacify the raging plant and also drive away harmful insects. If you regularly carry out mulching, the fertility of the soil in your garden plot will increase several times, and there will be no need to use chemicals.

Spraying with herbicides will help get rid of garden purslane. Use this method in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested. To control weeds, use a mixture of Roundal with another herbicide (Pyramin or Lapis Lazuli or Octigen). Dissolve Lapis Lazuli in the sprayer tank first, and then Roundal (follow the norms specified in the instructions). Spray the area. Remember: if it rains within 10 hours after spraying, the effectiveness of this procedure is too low. Herbicides act gradually, this weed will die within 7-10 days.

Please note

Follow safety precautions when spraying the area with herbicides.

Useful advice

Purslane seeds remain viable for 30 years.

Tip 2: How to get rid of purslane (crassula) in the garden

Purslane is a useful plant. However, if it gets into the garden, it can fill the entire space and prevent the growth of cultivated plants. Other names for purslane: buterlak, chicken leg, fatty, sosonka. Even one seed of this weed can breed huge offspring and clog the entire area.

Its peculiarity is that it grows well even on the poorest soils, and even on nutritious soils, lovingly prepared for crops, it multiplies many times faster. Therefore, as soon as the first sprout of the Crassula appears, remove it immediately and watch for new sprouts.

It would be a good idea to look behind the fence: if there is purslane there, then it needs to be destroyed in that place too. After all, it reproduces both by seeds (thousands of small seeds from one plant) and by shoots of roots and stems - it simply crawls over the fence into the garden. And it forms such a useless carpet that does not give life to other plants.

How to get rid of purslane (crassula) without chemicals

Weeding and weeding again - here best way. However, you need to remove the smallest pieces of the plant, because a new weed may grow from them. It is important to monitor new shoots of purslane every 7 days and remove them before the seeds ripen. It is better to place the plants on a litter in the sun so that they dry completely. If the lashes come into contact with the ground, new shoots will come from them.

Important: you cannot use a hoe, flat cutter, pruning shears or other similar devices to weed. They divide the purslane into parts, from which new weeds will grow, and there will be even more of them. Only careful selection of pieces and roots will give the desired effect.

Can also be applied mulching straw, sawdust, etc. The mulch is laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm, no less. If the fat plant has grown greatly, cover it with boards, cardboard or a piece of roofing felt so that it does not receive light and moisture.

It will also help digging with a pitchfork : in this case, you can select the stems and roots, but the seeds will fall into the depth and will not be able to germinate, because they germinate when buried no more than 2 cm.

There is a way like emergency watering . They dig up the bed, water it a lot every day, and monitor the sprouting of purslane. In about a week, pink sprouts will appear - this is purslane. They are removed, and the weed will no longer appear here.

How to get rid of purslane (crassula) using chemicals

If the contamination of an area with purslane has reached catastrophic proportions, continuous action herbicides will help. They are used in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested. Experienced purslane fighters recommend a double dose: combining Roundup with Lapis Lazuli, Pyramine or Octigen. Make the solution strictly according to the instructions.

Spraying is best done in clear weather. If there has been no rain for 10 hours, one treatment is enough. If there was, spraying will have to be repeated.

After two weeks, all the purslane will dry out. This method of destroying crassula can be used if it grows along a fence or on paths.

The main thing when using herbicides is to cover the crop plants so that they are not damaged.


  • Purslane weed: how to fight in the garden

The unusual purslane plant is quite often found in vegetable gardens and gardens. It is also called sosonka, sandwich, chicken leg. Once it gets to the site, it causes a lot of trouble for the owners, as it quickly spreads throughout the territory, and its germination rate can compete with acorn grass, wheatgrass and other annoying weeds. Therefore, the fight against purslane will require the gardener to know how to remove it in the shortest possible time.

Did you know? Despite the fact that grass is considered a weed, its unique medicinal properties it has been known since the times of Gaen and Hippocrates.

What does garden (wild) purslane look like?

Purslane weedannual crop of the purslanaceae family. Characteristic feature are thick, fleshy, waxy leaves, oval in shape, bright green in color. The stems are brown-red in color and grow up to 35-40 cm in height.

Purslane flowers are small, inconspicuous, located at the base of twigs and leaves. Appear in early June. Flowering continues until the end of the summer season. The fruit of the plant reaches no more than 8 mm in length.

Purslane is a weed that lives not only in the garden, but also in ditches, forest belts, along highways, in fields and the banks of reservoirs. At the same time, it is very light-loving and takes root in poor soils.

Mechanical methods of struggle

The most important thing in the fight against this weed is to notice its appearance on the site in time.

Regular weeding of the beds

the most labor-intensive, difficult, but at the same time the most environmentally friendly method of processing the land from purslane.

You need to start work as soon as the weed appears on personal plot. It is advisable to carry them out manually. The grass must be pulled out by the roots and dumped on a heap in sunny place so that it dries quickly and cannot harm garden crops again.

Important! When weeding, you cannot use various agricultural tools (cultivator, pruning shears, hoe, etc.), because parts of the weed left in the ground quickly take root and begin to grow with a vengeance.

Mulching the soil

Great solution problems of how to get rid of purslane in the garden will become soil mulching.For this you can use straw, hay, peat, sawdust and other mulch materials.

In addition, such mulching will not only help get rid of weeds, but will be useful vegetable crops on the beds.

Important! The mulch layer should be at least 3-5 cm.

Deep digging of beds

Digging up soil is used in combination with other methods of weed control. Its effectiveness is due to the fact that seeds can germinate only if they are shallow in the soil (1.5-2 cm). With a deeper location, the likelihood that grass will appear on the site is extremely small.

Control with herbicides

The appearance of garden purslane forces the summer resident to decide what to spray the weed with in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Chemicals are used in the fall, after harvesting. The most effective is a solution of Roundup with other herbicides (for example, Octigen, Pyramin, Lazurite). First, Roundup is added to the water, and then the second drug is added. Use the doses recommended in the instructions for these substances. Spray the beds thoroughly.

Did you know? If there is precipitation less than 10 hours after the procedure, spraying will have to be repeated, as rain will wash away the chemicals.

When controlled with herbicides, purslane will disappear in one to two weeks.

Emergency watering

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to carry out emergency watering 7-10 days before the emergence of seedlings in the place chosen by purslane.

One of the representatives of weeds that requires close attention is purslane. Due to the fact that it looks quite unusual, it is impossible to immediately understand that it is a weed. Popularly it is also sometimes called rug, chicken leg or sandwich. But just one of its seeds falling on the site can instantly cover the entire area with a carpet and cause a lot of trouble. Wild purslane (also known as garden purslane) is not inferior in its vitality to other weed relatives - thistle and wheatgrass, and in some ways even surpasses them. Therefore, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible before it fills the entire garden.


Purslane weed is an annual plant. It grows everywhere: in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the field, in the forest, along the roadsides. It is unpretentious, so it easily survives in any terrain, but is afraid of frost. The plant is about 20 cm high and has snake-like layers up to half a meter long. On brown-red stems there are thick, waxy oval or oval leaves. round shape. In the photo you can clearly see what purslane weed looks like.

The plant blooms with small yellow flowers all summer long. During the growing season it produces about 40,000 seeds.

Benefits of the plant

This representative flora famous for its medicinal properties. Even in ancient Persia, the scientist Avicenna mentioned it and even immortalized several recipes for treating various diseases with the help of purslane. Its green mass is used for medicinal purposes.

The composition of the stems and greens includes:

  • carbohydrates and proteins;
  • glucose, galactose, sucrose;
  • vitamins A E B1 PP;
  • organic acids;
  • norepinephrine;
  • minerals.

The unique composition of the plant is useful for older people and those with poor health. Green mass or prepared tincture activates the body’s immune processes, increases vital energy, removes harmful toxic substances.

How to deal with purslane

Since this weed with highly branched, creeping shoots can survive in the worst conditions, it is better to start fighting it before flowering and seed formation. After all, if you miss this moment, then it will be very difficult to remove purslane. You need to get rid of the weed as quickly as possible.

Weeding the garden

This method of fighting is the simplest but most effective. It is produced by hand by pulling out the grass by the roots. Then harvested plant Lay out in a sunny place to dry. The dried weed is disposed of. To prevent the pest from spreading throughout the entire area, you need to carefully select all the roots and greens, otherwise the plant will grow again.

The area should be inspected for the presence of the pest at least once a week in order to destroy it in time.

Mulching the land

For mulching, the area is covered with hay, straw or sawdust to a height of about 5 cm. Remnants of roofing felt, cardboard or black film are also widely used for these purposes. The main task is to prevent penetration sun rays and life-giving moisture to the weed plant. In such conditions it quickly dies.

Digging up the ground

Deep digging of the soil gives good result. After all, the seeds, which usually germinate at a depth of about 2 cm, thus fall much deeper, which will not allow them to sprout. The procedure is carried out using a pitchfork; a shovel will only cut the plant into many small parts, which will only provoke the proliferation of purslane.

Enhanced watering

Experienced summer residents found a way to get rid of purslane in the garden in a rather unconventional way. Presumably 10 days before the pest emerges, the clogged area is dug well and watered abundantly for several days. After about a week, the seeds begin to sprout. Young growth is carefully selected by hand and taken away from cultivated plants.

Chemical attack

If your site is very neglected, and the weed is already a permanent resident, then the methods described above will not help. The only one in an efficient way The only way to destroy purslane is to use herbicides. It is better to carry out processing after harvesting, in the fall.

To treat purslane with chemicals, the drug Roundup is diluted in a duet with one of the following agents: Octigen, Pyramine, Lapis Lazuli. Initially, Roundup is diluted in water, and then one of these drugs is added to it. The resulting solution is used to irrigate the weeds well. After two weeks, the purslane will dry out. If there are live weeds left after treatment, then it is worth repeating.

No matter what beneficial substances this plant has, it interferes with the normal growth of crops. Any method of combating purslane discussed above is good for removing the pest from the garden. Which one is right for you depends on the degree of purslane infestation in your summer cottage.

I also offer recipes: Pick purslane and wash it thoroughly. Now we put fresh dill (tied into little knots!) or umbrellas, 1-2 bay leaves per jar, a few peppercorns on the bottom of cleanly washed and scalded jars.
Then we begin to place the purslane mixed with garlic (cut into 2-3 cloves):

We fill it to the very top, quite tightly, from time to time we even compact it well, press it with our hand, because after filling it with marinade it “shrinks” quite a lot!

We prepare the marinade to your liking! Let's say, for 1 liter of water - 2 tsp. salt, 1-2 tsp. sugar, 4-6 tbsp. l. vinegar... But, I repeat, it’s better to your taste! Some people like sweet marinades, some more salty, some more sour... You don’t have to add sugar at all. And vinegar in general can be very different... Embarassed
So try the marinade to taste! If everything is in place - saltiness, sweetness and acidity that is PLEASANT TO YOU, then great!
(By the way, add vinegar to the marinade at the very end and turn off the heat. You can’t boil the marinade with vinegar!)

Pour the hot marinade over the purslane and cover with plastic lids.
(The color of my marinade is pink because I used my own vinegar, homemade - WINE!... Wink)
Leave it until it cools, and then put it in the refrigerator!
And two more recipes:
Stewed purslane salad

Like any greens, when stewing, purslane greatly decreases in volume, keep this in mind.
We wash the purslane well in several waters.

Cutting it, especially tearing off the leaves, doesn’t require Wink (pure monkey work!), it’s already a pleasure to eat. No need to dry it either! On the contrary, we put it out of the water (just like that, wet) into the pan.

It is also not necessary to add water; what you have is enough. You can, of course, boil it in water, but then this water - with a mass USEFUL substances- you'll have to drain it! Do we need it?!! wacko1 The moisture content of the greens is quite enough for stewing. Just be careful not to stick, add salt and stir a couple of times from bottom to top, as the lower layers scald faster. You don't need to cook it for a long time! Otherwise it will boil over! Once all the purslane has changed color, it's ready!

Place purslane in a bowl and let cool.

Add salt, crushed garlic and vinegar to taste (and add vegetable oil, if desired).

Mix. Ready!

Let it brew a little and serve well chilled!

Raw purslane salad

And I made this option for the first time (I saw the recipe here: Thanks to David for new idea!!! I really liked it raw! I made it as in the recipe - with mint..
Amazing taste of FRESH!!! Purslane itself is a little sour and plus the tart taste and aroma of mint... Delightful!

We chop the raw purslane - all together, with leaves and stems; there is no need to tear off the leaves (as in David's recipe)! Wink

Add salt, crushed garlic, kefir (I used matsun) and mint to taste!!! The recipe also adds rosita. oil, but I didn't add it! And so good!

Stir and be sure to let it brew for a couple of hours!

I took it from the Internet, so the photo does not appear here.
Living in Belgorod, I bred it, buying seeds, because it didn’t grow in weeds, and I made salads from it and canned it. It doesn’t grow here either, I haven’t seen it here anyway.

Don’t know how to remove purslane? These tips will help you get rid of purslane in your garden!

Purslane is a rather nasty weed, and it is extremely difficult to control it in irrigated areas and in conditions of abundant heat and precipitation. This plant is edible and is considered a delicacy by many peoples, but where it is not used for food, it can significantly complicate the life of gardeners.

What should you know when developing a strategy for controlling purslane? The plant is thermophilic and shoots appear late. Both young and adult plants have large reserves of moisture and, after removal, remain viable for a long time - they easily take root again. Purslane produces a lot of seeds that can germinate within 10 years!

Ways to combat purslane

How to deal with garden purslane? Some consider it useful plant, but it’s too viable - soon nothing will grow in the garden except it.

  1. Since the plant germinates late, after planting the seedlings, you can mulch the soil surface non-woven material, straw cuttings, grass clippings or compost. In the absence of light, even if the seeds germinate, they will quickly die from exhaustion.
  2. Continuous sowing crops and early sown green crops (onions, carrots, parsley) only need to be weeded once, and then they themselves successfully compete with weeds.
  3. Purslane must be uprooted and removed from the beds, otherwise it will take root again.
  4. On open areas and paths, the weed is pulled out and removed so that it does not inseminate.
  5. Under trees and around bushes, on free land, you can use a continuous action herbicide such as “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Roundup”. In this case, the treatment should only be carried out on the green cone of the weeds and the poison should not get on the cultivated plants, which are better covered with film. Depending on the temperature and concentration, the herbicide does not act immediately, but after five or more days.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove purslane from the site in one season. However, if you do not allow it to form seeds, then it will gradually begin to give up its gained positions.
