How to make a drawing: step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks for making a quality drawing. Part drawings and assembly drawing Make a product drawing online

Since clothing does not fit the body over its entire surface, to construct the design of the product, in addition to measurements, allowances for a loose fit and decorative design. The size of the fit allowance takes into account the type of product, air gap, providing freedom of movement, thickness of the fabric, and decorative and structural additions that create a certain silhouette of the product depend not only on the type of product, but also on the model.

Increases are denoted by the capital letter P, and by lowercase letters (subscript) - the area to which the increase is given. The amount of increase in our case is:

  • to the half-circumference of the chest - P g = 6-8 cm;
  • to shoulder circumference - P op = 5-7 cm;
  • to the width of the neck - P width = 1.0 cm.

Building the basis of the drawing

The basis for constructing a drawing of any shoulder product is the construction of contour lines of the product parts: back, front, sleeves. The drawing is built on a basic grid, which consists of vertical and horizontal lines defining overall size products in width and length.

Due to the fact that the human figure is symmetrical, the drawing is drawn at half the width of the product.

The outline of the back drawing consists of the following design lines: back neck line, shoulder line, side line, bottom line (Fig. 58). In the design of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve, the front drawing differs from the back drawing only in the deeper neckline, so the front and back are built simultaneously on the same base grid (Table 11).

Rice. 58. Design lines of the drawing of the base of the shoulder product

Table 11. Construction of a drawing of the base of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve

Sequence of drawing construction and calculation

Graphic image

1. Place point B at the top of the sheet and draw a horizontal line to the right of it.

This will be the shoulder line. From the same point B, draw a vertical line down and put on it a segment BN equal to the length of the product D and:

VN = D and = 80 cm

2. From point B to the right along the shoulder line, set aside the width of the product BB 1, calculated by the formula: BB 1 = (C g N + P g): 2 = (47.6 + 6) : 2 = 26.8 cm

3. Complete the drawing to a rectangle on two sides of VN and BB 1. Place point H 1

4. Set aside the width of the neck of the BB 2 to the right of point B along the shoulder line, calculated by the formula:

BB 2 = (S w: 3) + 1 = (18.1: 3) + 1.0 = 7.0 cm.

Place down from the point to the depth of the neck of the back of BB 3:

BB 3 = BB 2: 3 = 7.0: 3 = 2.3 cm.

Connect points B 2 and B 3 with a smooth curve

5. Place down from the point to the depth of the throat of the front of BB 4:

BB 4 = BB 2 + 1.0 = 7.0 + 1 = 8.0 cm.

Connect points B 2 and B 4 with a smooth curve

At points B 2 and B 3, the neck line should make a right angle with the shoulder line and the mid-back line

6. Set aside the depth of the armhole B 1 G down from point B 1, calculated by the formula:

B 1 G = (O p: 2) + P op = (28.5: 2) + 7.0 = 21.3 cm.

Draw a horizontal line from point G to the right

7. Set aside the length of sleeve B 1 B 5 to the right of point B 1, which is usually 5-7 cm. B 1 B 5 = 6 cm.

Complete the rectangle on two sides - B 1 G and B 1 B 5. Designate point G 1.

B 5 G 1 - sleeve bottom line

8. Lay down the segment GG 2 from point G.

GG 2 = GG 1 = 6 cm.

Connect points G 1 and G 2 with a straight line

9. To construct a curved section of the side line, it is necessary to perform additional constructions. In the middle of the segment G 1 G 2 put point G 3. From this point, draw a perpendicular and put on it a deflection value equal to 1-1.5 cm (point G 4). Connect points G 1, G 4 and G 2 with a smooth curve

10. To expand the bottom of the product, extend the bottom line to the right and put on it the segment H 1 H 2, which is usually 8-12 cm. Connect points H 2 and G 2 with a straight line

11. From point H 2 up along the line H 2 G 2, set aside 1.5 cm and place point H 3, and in the middle of the segment H 3 H - point H 4. Connect points H 4 and H 3 with a smooth curve

12. Set aside from point B 3 down the length of the back to the waist - segment VT:

B 3 T = D ts = 38.8 cm.

From point T, draw a horizontal waist line and mark on it at the intersection with the vertical lines points T 1 and T 2

13. From point T 2 up along the line T 2 G 2, set aside 1.5 cm and place point T 3, and in the middle of the segment TT 1 - point T 4. Connect points T 4 and T 3 with a smooth curve

14. Outline the outline of the drawing with a main solid line.

This completes the construction of a drawing of the basis of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve.

Practical work No. 15

Construction of a drawing of the base of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve

Tools and materials: working box, ruler, square, pattern, TM-2M pencil, eraser, graph paper.

  1. Construct the basis of a drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve on a scale of 1:1, using Table 12.
  2. Find the lines of the shoulder, waist, bottom of the product, side, middle front, middle back, bottom of the sleeve on the front and back drawings and label them.

New concepts

Allowances (increases) for loose fitting, design lines.

Security questions

1. What parts does the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve consist of? 2. How does the drawing of the back differ from the drawing of the front? 3. On what measurements does the size of the basic grid of a drawing depend?

In most cases, in design work(such as a diploma or coursework) requires a drawing.

A drawing is needed to schematically show the audience in an illustration what you are trying to convey to them in your research.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a drawing manually according to GOST requirements.

  1. We define the drawing object.
  2. We select the sheet format according to GOST.
  3. Choose required quantity projections for your work.
  4. We construct the object on the selected format in compliance with the types of main lines in accordance with GOST 2.303-68.
  5. We make the necessary sections and breaks to display individual parts of the element.
  6. We indicate the required dimensions in accordance with GOST 2.307-68.
  7. We make inscriptions on the drawing in accordance with GOST 2.304-68.

How to make a drawing on a computer (general information).

In order to make a drawing on a computer, you need to decide in which program it will be most convenient to do this. To do this, you can download trial versions or immediately install the one you need on your computer. Very often, teachers or the department themselves offer a more suitable option for you.

Once you have decided on the program, open it and create a new drawing. Then choose the drawing format and start drawing.

All programs have a toolbar where you can find the parameters you need: points, circles and lines. With their help, the basic geometry is set. Also, it is worth using sophisticated add-ons if this is required in your work: cropping, scaling, mirroring.

After constructing the geometry, the dimensions are adjusted and displayed on the drawing.

The data made is saved and the drawings are printed.

What programs are best for making drawings?

  • Compass ( Russian program, a computer-aided design system with design and design capabilities design documentation according to the standards of the ESKD and SPDS series);
  • AutoCAD (the most famous program used by engineers in various industries);
  • Layout (very easy to use for those who need millimeter layout).

The above programs are considered the most convenient and simple for beginning draftsmen. Elementary drawings can also be created in Microsoft Word, but there you won’t be able to make even basic complications.

Important tips for drawing on the computer.

One of the most pressing issues that arise when drawing on a computer is the size of the scale. Many people recommend drawing 1:1, since this is the most simplified option and it is more convenient to enter digital data.

Drawing accuracy is best done in AutoCAD program, you can put a rounded size or even your own value in it.

It is best to put the font Shx, this will be more correct from the point of view of GOST.

All sheets with drawings must have frames: indent from the left edge - 20 millimeters, from all others - 5 millimeters.

On the right bottom corner A stamp must be placed.

We have reviewed the basic rules for drawing up drawings. For a more in-depth study of this issue, you should refer to the video tutorials that many Internet resources now contain, where they will explain to you step by step the entire process of constructing drawings, as in computer version, and manually.

Anyone can benefit from the ability to create drawings. But if drawing is an engineer’s bread and butter, then representatives of other professions often treat this activity as something meaningless.

Even if you are going to create something primitive, a barbecue, a bench or a beehive, you cannot do without a drawing. With its help, it is easier to understand the sequence of actions, calculate dimensions, and avoid many mistakes.

In this article we will tell you how to learn how to make drawings, what they are and what you need for this.

Types of drawings

Getting acquainted with the world of images of objects should begin by answering the question of what types of drawings there are. Professional drawing documentation is carried out strictly according to requirements state standards. Amateur performance and creativity are not appropriate, otherwise no one except its creator will be able to read the drawing.

GOST establishes the following graphic documents:

  • detail drawing;
  • assembly drawing showing the composition and method of assembly of the structure;
  • drawing general view, which helps determine the purpose of individual components and the operation of the entire structure;
  • theoretical drawing;
  • dimensional drawing;
  • installation drawing containing information on installing the product at the installation site;
  • electrical installation drawing;
  • packaging drawing;
  • scheme.

Drawing subtleties

When carefully viewing photos of drawings, you can discover interesting nuances. Thus, an assembly drawing can be a document that includes an installation view.

In this case, in addition to the assembly unit, draw a drawing of the foundations, installation locations for foundation or anchor bolts etc.

In many cases, it is not necessary to draw up a full-fledged drawing of the part; you can limit yourself to a sketch. It is an image without a specific scale, but in compliance with proportions and GOST standards.

Where does the drawing begin?

Just as theater begins with a coat rack, drawing begins with the ability to construct basic views and projections of drawings.

Imagine any object that is placed inside a cube. Each side of this object will give a display (projection) onto the faces of the cube parallel to it. In drawing, the view is usually understood as that part of the object that is seen by the observing person.

There are 6 types in total: main or front, right, left, top, bottom and back. The number of types is selected taking into account a clear understanding of the geometry and shape of the part.

Each type has its own place in the drawing. The top view should be below the main view, and the left view should be placed to the right of the front view. You cannot break this rule by arranging the views in random order.

If you need to draw something to scale, you can take graph paper. And if we are talking about a sketch, then there are no paper requirements. A regular 5x5 mm checkered piece of paper will do.

Pencils are classified based on the hardness of their leads into hard (marked T or H) and soft (M or B). The letter designation is preceded by a number indicating the degree of hardness or softness. The larger it is, the harder or softer the rod.

Some simple tips How to correctly make a drawing on paper with a simple pencil:

  • To make the contours of an object, choose TM brand pencils.
  • Use T-type pencils to create dimensions or extension lines.
  • To draw a frame limiting the field of the drawing, a pencil of the M or 2M series is suitable.

We draw in special programs

Methods and instructions on how to make a drawing on a computer are based on the use of special software(BY).

Advantages of computer drawing:

  • you can create drawings of any complexity;
  • work in both 2-D and 3-D modes with the creation of visual models;
  • in addition to drawing, you can carry out calculations (for strength, for shear);
  • Software saves people from routine, time-consuming work.

The most popular among amateurs and professionals are 3 software environments - AutoCAD, Compass and SolidWorks. The operating algorithm for all of them is approximately the same. To create a document, select “Drawing” with the mouse button.

A window with a standard frame and main inscription will appear on the screen. Further construction is carried out by selecting commands on the user panel.

An example of creating a drawing manually

Suppose we are faced with the task of drawing a drawing of a rectangular box 100x50x20 mm (length, width and height, respectively), on the upper edge of which there is a through hole with a diameter of 40 mm in the center. There is nothing complicated about this if you follow the recommendations outlined below.

Step-by-step master class on how to make a drawing of an object in three types:

At the first stage, you need to decide which type will be the main one. According to the recommendations, main view carries the most complete picture of the detail.

In our case, this will be the largest face of the box. Therefore, we build a rectangle measuring 100x20 mm, in the center of which we draw a vertical dash-dotted line 30 mm long. This will be the axis of symmetry, which divides the figure into 2 equal parts.

Let's move on to the top view, mentally imagining what our box looks like from above. Strictly under the main view, with a slight indentation from it, we draw a rectangle of 100x50 mm. In the center of it, using a caliper, draw a circle with a diameter of 40 mm. Don't forget about the axes of symmetry.

On the right side of the main view at the same level we place the view on the left - a rectangle 50x20 mm.

The drawing in three types would be ready, if not for one point: how can we understand from our images that the hole is through?

Imagine that it is deaf, i.e. reaches the middle of the part. Then the top view would look similar. In these cases, they do this: on the main and left views they show the location of the holes with dashed lines. Or they resort to cutting or sectioning parts.

All that remains is to put overall dimensions. It is recommended to distribute all sizes evenly between types.

Photos of drawings on paper and PC

Make a drawing, draw a drawing... Not so long ago, these abilities were almost inaccessible to those who did not have special “spatial thinking.” If you are looking where can I make a drawing, then you have come to the right place.

If the drawing is made correctly, by a competent specialist, then most likely the part made according to such a drawing will perform its task efficiently, no matter how obvious it may sound.

The Fashion Designer company will make drawings as quickly as possible. How? So that the customer receives quickly made drawing, we can:

  • use a sample of a product or part (we take measurements of products and parts);
  • design and develop new structures and make drawings;
  • use working drawings, drawings for the production of products;
  • create drawings for commercial offer.

We design for:

For whatever purpose our customers need draw a drawing, they must understand: our company carries out any type of work, be it part drawing, assembly drawing, general view drawing, theoretical, dimensional, installation, electrical installation– clients can order all these drawings from the company and expect that they will be completed in a timely manner in the best possible way, and most importantly:

Need drawings made? Contact us!

How to make a drawing correctly or where can I make a drawing?

What conditions are necessary for a drawing to be correctly and well executed? In order to have confidence in the correctness of the drawing, there is special standard: ESKD. All engineers are trained in how to correctly make a drawing, taking into account the requirements of the ESKD technical universities. The Modelier Company employs only the following engineers: those with specialized technical higher education.

Of course, you may have doubts about the correctness of your drawing, but the verification of all drawings made in our company is prescribed in the STO (organization standard) - therefore, let questions like “how to make a drawing correctly” or "how to make a good drawing" you don't care anymore!

Make a drawing: price

Now that we've covered a lot of useful information, our potential clients should still have a few questions: how much does it cost to make a drawing? And one more thing: where to make a drawing?

We are sure that if you read carefully, then question number two disappeared by itself! Has not disappeared, and you are still thinking: “Where can I make a drawing to order”, or “Where can I make a drawing”? Well, of course, at the Fashion Designer Company! And the answer to question number one is this: call us, our managers will tell you, how much does it cost to make a drawing in your situation? and for your product.

The main questions that people ask when they need to order drawings:

  • where can I make a drawing?
  • how to make your own drawings?
  • how to make a drawing with dimensions?
  • how to make a simple drawing?

Drawing for commercial offer

If our customer is interested in such a popular type of service as drawing for commercial offer, – then this type of drawings becomes available with the “Modelier” company!

Contact us by phone or fill out an application on the website, and we will contact you. Order a drawing in one click!

Do you need to draw a drawing? Contact us!

Article tags: Make a drawing, draw a drawing, make a drawing of a detail, drawings quickly, make a drawing price, how to make a drawing correctly, you need to make drawings, how much does it cost to make a drawing, where to make a drawing, make a drawing to order, quickly made drawing, how to make a good drawing, where can you make drawing, drawing for commercial offer
