Big dream book online. Dream Interpretation of Juno

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Choosing in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about choosing in a dream?

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about it? Choose:

Choosing a melon means uncertainty in making a decision. Choosing toys in a store means getting carried away by the little things, forgetting about the main thing.

See, choose, buy new, clean, beautiful furniture- to family happiness, prosperity, peaceful life.

Getting out of a hole or helping someone get out is overcoming difficulties, relying only on yourself. Choosing beads - Hesitation in a dream in choosing beads as a gift indicates that you cannot make a choice and settle on one of the contenders for your hand and heart.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about choosing according to a dream book?

Seen in a dream Choosing - Ordering some kind of jewelry from a jeweler or choosing something in a jewelry store means that there are some disagreements between you and your other half, and if you don’t want them to develop into a quarrel or breakup, then try to bring them into your relationship something original.

Choosing or trying on shoes in a dream is a sign that you are waiting for changes.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

If you dream about choosing, what is it for:

Choosing a large dish in a store - you will receive a task that at first will seem too difficult to you and will make you doubt your own abilities.

Choosing wine in a store - a dream promises that a period of prosperity will soon come in your life. Choosing a set from a variety of different styles or finishes on the advice of the seller - they will force their opinion on you on any issue. Remember how you behaved in your dream and do the same.

Choosing a piece of jewelry in a store means there is a high probability that in the very near future the work on which you have worked long and painstakingly will finally be successfully completed. Choosing a salt shaker means you will receive a marriage proposal, but not at all from the person you expect. For a man, such a dream foreshadows that he, unexpectedly for himself, will propose marriage to a woman whom he has been dating for several years and is accustomed to considering her as something like a “full-time mistress.”

Choose methods of suicide for a person who has real life everything is fine - the dream indicates that there is a person next to you, communication with whom is very painful for you: he takes your energy and deprives you of mental strength. Take a closer look at your surroundings; probably, due to your gullibility, you do not notice the black envy that someone you know harbors towards you.

Choosing a mirror in a store - a dream means that you may witness an accident.

It takes a long time to choose a book in the store - you will hesitate between the opportunity to spend money on travel or make long-needed repairs in your apartment.

Choosing shoes in a store - a dream means that you will be faced with a difficult choice, but will still be able to find the only correct solution.

Choosing a car at a car dealership - the dream warns that now is not the time to borrow money from friends. Hold off on shopping and curb your appetites until better times.

Choose in store new furniture for the office - your prudence and ability to think soberly will help put neglected affairs in order and thereby push back the threat of ruin.

Choose new upholstery For upholstered furniture- this dream promises new acquaintances that can radically change your life for the better.

It takes a long time for a man to choose a tie - making a painful choice in favor of one of two offers received, each of which leaves much to be desired. But in a situation where the choice is limited, you will have to choose the lesser of two evils.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Choose from the dream book:

Choosing the type of weapon for a duel in a dream - this dream warns you of the need to be prepared for anything.

Choosing in a store between sausage and ham and buying ham - in reality you will get involved in an adventure that will end badly for you.

Why do you dream about choosing?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you have to choose in a dream, the same situation will happen in reality within three days after the dream.

Why do you dream about choosing?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Choosing shoes means getting rid of old problems, fulfilling a cherished desire, recovering from a long illness or depression.

If you choose shoes, this can also be a signal that in reality you passionately crave change and even want to decide to break off the relationship. Don’t rush to radically change your life if you haven’t found the desired pair of shoes in your dream.

It’s another matter if the dream book about choosing shoes tells you that the current situation in reality really requires drastic intervention. In this case, act sharply, but judiciously. If the problem is in your relationship with your partner, it is better to take a short vacation and think about everything thoroughly.

Why do you dream about choosing?

Women's dream book

Choose for a woman? There is nothing special for a woman to have the problem of choice, whether it concerns shoes or clothes, accessories or fragrance. However, women approach the choice of a life partner or professional orientation more scrupulously, calculating every step. Therefore, if you dreamed that you were choosing, you should pay attention to the environment and the object of choice itself.

Choose - Such a dream symbolizes your current state of mind. You are unusually secretive and silent. In reality, you need help and support, but instead of asking for help, you try to carefully disguise your problems from others and even relatives. Show openness and trust - most likely, you won’t be able to get out of this situation alone.

Why do you dream about choosing?

Dream book of symbols

Choose - A dream filled with details, such as the color of walls and ceilings, the number of windows and doorways indicates that you are a practical person who is used to calculating the course of events one step ahead in advance. Try not to fall into the hands of scammers in reality - such a dream is nothing more than a warning. He says that at the moment you are most susceptible to bad influence and may stumble.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

18th lunar day

The dream may indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams pose an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

Why does a woman dream about choosing (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

See choose for a woman? There is nothing special for a woman to have the problem of choice, whether it concerns shoes or clothes, accessories or fragrance. However, women approach the choice of a life partner or professional orientation more scrupulously, calculating every step. Therefore, if you dreamed that you were choosing, you should pay attention to the environment and the object of choice itself.

Choose – The dream symbolizes your current state of mind. You are unusually secretive and silent. In reality, you need help and support, but instead of asking for help, you try to carefully disguise your problems from others and even relatives. Show openness and trust - most likely, you won’t be able to get out of this situation alone.

Interpretation Selected from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Why do you dream about choosing shoes - getting rid of old problems, fulfilling a cherished desire, recovering from a long illness or depression.
  • If you choose clothes, this is also a signal that in reality you passionately crave change and even want to decide to break up the relationship. Don’t rush to radically change your life if you haven’t found the desired pair of shoes in your dream.
  • Choosing books - the image tells you that the current situation in reality really requires drastic intervention. In this case, act sharply, but judiciously. If the problem is in your relationship with your partner, it is better to take a short vacation and think about everything thoroughly.

The meaning of a dream about Choice (Symbolic dream book)

Choose - A dream filled with details, for example, the color of walls and ceilings, the number of windows and doorways, indicates that you are a practical person who is used to calculating the course of events one step ahead in advance. Try not to fall into the hands of scammers in reality - a dream is nothing more than a warning. He says that at the moment you are most susceptible to bad influence and may stumble.

The meaning of a dream about Opportunities (Longo’s dream book)

  • Making a choice in a dream, choosing something inanimate, is a warning that you are now in a difficult and ambiguous situation. The best thing you can do if you have a dream is not to take any decisive steps yet, not to commit rash actions, at least in the next 24 hours. Perhaps the situation itself will tell you right choice.
  • Why dream of choosing a partner for a relationship or a future spouse, the dream suggests that although you are very tired of loneliness and are trying to arrange your personal life, at the moment you cannot combine it with a professional career. You simply don't have enough time for this.

Today, almost any vision can be interpreted. After all, every symbol in dreams carries important information, a message for the sleeping person, and if you decipher it, you can learn a lot about your reality in reality. Why do you dream about choosing shoes? Dream books give this image both positive and negative interpretations.

  • For women, this image marks the appearance of several fans in her life. You should be more careful when choosing your soulmate so as not to get burned. If in a dream you choose men's shoes, then in reality this symbolizes your sympathy for several men at once. And if you try on men's shoes on your feet, then your life will begin to change for the better;
  • Choosing shoes for your child - in reality, many serious responsibilities will fall on your head, the fulfillment of which you will not be able to avoid. This could be family problems or work responsibilities. But you will deal with them quickly enough, but you will have to postpone some other personal matters. Also, this dream may mark a new addition to the family in the near future;
  • Looking for shoes in a store for another person - in real life you will have to do the work for someone. Whether this will bring benefit or harm will depend only on you. Also, this image is a symbol of the dreamer’s uncertainty. Perhaps you have long wanted to change your field of activity, live in another city, or maybe you regret that you tied the knot with an unloved person;
  • Beautiful women's shoes are a sign of good news. Perhaps you will be promoted at work in the near future, or you will receive pleasant news from distant relatives;
  • Choosing shoes in a dream, which are very expensive. For single people, this image marks the beginning of a love affair. This union will not last long, but will bring a lot positive emotions And good experience. For people who have already found their soulmate, this dream symbolizes the strengthening of relationships.
  • Worn shoes - at work you will take someone’s position;
  • Good changes await the dreamer if in a dream he chose new beautiful shoes for himself. Possible takeoff career ladder or new useful acquaintances;
  • Getting lost in choice means financial well-being. You will have the courage to start your own business or change your field of activity to a more profitable one;
  • New high-heeled shoes in a dream mark a fateful meeting with your soulmate. This union will be very strong and long;
  • Torn shoes in a dream mean a break in relations with a loved one on financial grounds. Also, one of the lovers may be very jealous, and this will serve as a reason for separation.

Interpretation of sleep according to famous dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • Clean shoes mark the beginning of a favorable period in life. The financial situation in the family will improve, and single people will begin long-term love relationships;
  • Trying on dirty, torn or worn shoes in a dream is an unfavorable symbol. There will be a lot of tasks and responsibilities, which will be quite difficult to cope with, and children will constantly cause trouble;
  • Trying on shoes that are too small in a dream is a symbol that you have not taken the necessary measures to achieve your goals. This will lead to a series of disappointments in the future;
  • Large shoes symbolize that your plans and goals are too exorbitant. They can be achieved only if you constantly work, think through every minute of your life more carefully and act only with a cool mind. Great ambitions and ardent passion are undoubtedly good, but if you fail, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover from the mental trauma you have received;
  • A dream about trying on sports shoes, on the contrary, suggests that you need to increase momentum to achieve your goals;
  • Slippers, flip-flops and other house shoes signify a long-awaited vacation with good company;
  • If the shoes in the dream are ugly and unfashionable, but they are very comfortable, then in order to realize your plans you simply need to be more persistent;
  • In a dream, to see how someone chose shoes that you really liked - such a dream warns of the presence of enemies and ill-wishers who are plotting against you.

Freud's Dream Interpreter

  • After trying on the shoes, they fit perfectly - you are satisfied with everything love relationships with your partner, both in a relationship and sexually;
  • If you dreamed of choosing shoes in a store that didn’t have your foot size at all, then in reality you feel lonely and strongly doubt your attractiveness;
  • Choose shoes in a huge boutique. For lonely people, such a dream symbolizes mutual sympathy. For couples in love - to strengthen relationships;
  • If a girl chooses men's shoes, then this is a sign of bisexual or homosexual inclination;
  • Choose dirty shoes- problems with the health of the genital organs.

Interpretation of a dream according to dream interpreter Vanga

  • A huge selection in the store - for unexpected guests. This image also marks a meeting with old friends. If these were summer shoes, then the meeting will be very pleasant;
  • It will be a favorable symbol if you choose shoes for the opposite sex;
  • Choosing shoes for your child is a sign of happiness and financial well-being in the home;
  • Sports shoes symbolize your haste in business. It is worth thinking through every minute of your life more carefully in order to achieve success.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about choosing in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I have a dream that I’m in some hotel complex... in general, my MCH says, well, go to the shops and look at something. I see a sign for some cool, unattainable brand. And I go to the entrance, and there is a beautiful woman. gorgeous marble staircase... I look down, and there are railings, railings... in short, to get to the store you need to go down a hell of a lot. I have the feeling that I’m out of my element, that it’s too much for me to walk here.. I slowly go down one flight of stairs, to Two elderly people are coming to meet me. but luxurious pairs, all in gold, smell expensive. And I’m in a simple white sundress to the floor. And they compliment me, saying that I’m pretty. and the dress is good, they accidentally touch me with their shoulder, and a couple of buttons come undone, I quickly try to button it so that no one would notice that the dress is not so beautiful and flawless.. And these same Countya. as it turned out, they invite them to go up in the elevator and see their penthouse... I go in, and the elevator goes down and up without stopping. glass in the end, with the help of someone, we go in the right direction. It’s gorgeous there... Swimming pools, just VIP... they sit me down at the table... then I go up to the carousel and help some people spin it. I twist and hang on it... I'm scared, the speed is crazy. I'm looking for a moment to get out of there. and my martyr, cursing those sitting there, grabs my legs and takes me out of there...

    Hello! Please help me figure it out. I dreamed that I was making a choice in a dream. I dreamed of my current boyfriend, a friend whom I like and an acquaintance, with whom we now do not communicate very often and see each other extremely rarely. In my dream, I was also in a relationship with my boyfriend, and at the same time I reacted quite responsively to the harassment from the other 2. The whole thing took place in a hospital, which looked more like a health camp. I had to make a choice between 3 young people. At the same time, my boyfriend saw this and almost didn’t react, or rather, he simply didn’t notice it, since everything they did to me happened almost always in his absence. I was very afraid of offending my boyfriend, but at the same time I would like to be with someone else. What could this mean? thanks in advance!

    I was preparing for my wedding. A woman from a salon I didn’t know gave me a magazine of expensive wedding dresses; they were in very delicate and beautiful colors. And very expensive, but she said not to worry about the price. The woman was very nice and friendly to me. BUT I still haven’t chosen a dress to my liking. Although in the dream it didn’t upset me.

    In the dream I had to choose between two guys. However, I am now in a relationship with the first one, and I don’t even know the second one. And for some reason in the dream I was more drawn to the stranger. But then an angel appeared and warned about the stranger, and after the angel’s advice, I began to avoid him. But the strangest thing about this dream was the ending. It was as if this angel was arguing with the demons about something. Thanks in advance.

    Good afternoon I had a very unusual and long dream... First, I had a dream about an ex and tried to persuade me to meet him, wanted me to be close, then I dreamed that I went somewhere to someone’s wedding or someone’s large-scale celebration, where there were a lot of people, including my distant relatives, some guy liked me there and I liked him, we sort of met, then I had to go home, I came to him to break up with him, although I didn’t really like that I wanted to.. Then suddenly a commotion suddenly began, everyone started running, and I received a text message on my phone: “Go out to the balcony or go to the window,” at first I thought it was that guy who wanted to give me a surprise so that we wouldn’t be separated, it turns out it was my other ex, he flew to me on a plane with a lot of flowers, gifts, set off fireworks, all the people came out of their houses to look at it .. especially among the gifts there were some boxes, I opened them, and there were very many different beauty jewelry, my ex said that this was all for me, I started to pick them up and look at them, but then some relative of mine tapped me on the hand and told me not to take them, although she looked at it all enthusiastically... my ex. came up to me and hugged me tightly, and said that he would not let me go anywhere, that I was only his and he wanted to propose to me... I melted from all this and even hugged him back, but there was a thought in my head that The guy with whom we are supposedly “in a relationship” will be jealous of me and I felt awkward... the dream was very strange, a little confusing, but very intense.. why such a dream, please tell me??

    I dreamed that I was walking around with my aunt and her husband shopping center(like Ashan) and choose a gift for my husband. We were choosing a tea set, but my aunt’s husband always didn’t like something, either the size of the cups or the color of the set. In the end, I chose English service for him white.

    Hello! I had a dream about how I was choosing a ring in a jewelry store. It was gold, medium width, with different striped patterns, wedding. I didn’t buy it for myself, I didn’t try it on. It is not large, looks like a woman's. Very pure sleep was.

    As if I was going shopping and trying to choose something, in a dream I looked at the clock. Then it was as if my bangs were appearing and I was touching them.
    Then, in a dream, I looked at photographs of friends, the photographs showed their wedding

    I gave birth to a boy, very easily, but I didn’t see the birth itself in a dream. I liked the boy, he looked like a nephew. Then I chose where to go home with him or stay in the hospital. The dream itself was colorful and the little one smiled at me.

    I dreamed that I was helping my old friend, whom I had not seen for many years, to choose a gift for someone... there were vases, plates, coasters, etc.... and then when we bought the gift... I was in a hurry to see my ex-boyfriend... I was really waiting for the bus which was not there... a lot of people gathered at the bus stop... yet I waited for the bus... and I woke up...

    I dreamed that my beloved man chose a wife from a circle of girls) His mother is with him and listens to everything! He chooses my girlfriend and they retire to another room to talk alone) When they return, his face is red as if he cried)

    I dreamed that I was choosing a bag in some small store. Some man behind me constantly distracted me, trying to get acquainted, or asking something else. It seemed to me that he was wearing some kind of blue knitted cap, like grannies used to wear, it was funny to me. Finally, I approached the saleswoman and asked for a specific handbag, which I supposedly liked. The saleswoman laughed it off and gave me other bags to choose from, but they were also beautiful. I was very happy when I saw a beautiful, shiny, black bag, but I didn’t have time to buy it……… In reality the phone rang and I woke up.

    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed of my boyfriend (we’ve been together for 6 years) and some unfamiliar guy, but very similar to mine, and as if I couldn’t decide who I should be with, some doubts tormented me.

    In a dream, I saw two buildings, the first one resembled a mansion of the 17-18th century, I don’t know why, but I was sure that it stood in one of the areas of my city, where there are many factories. There was a mess inside, as if someone had cleaned everything up as if they were leaving for a long time. Everything was in dark soft colors. It had a lot of antique framed paintings and I liked them on the first day. Also antique candelabra and furniture from the 18th century. I felt that I spent a lot of time here, I heard the voices of friends (in reality I have no friends), but I was sure that they were my friends and that I studied here, but I did not feel completely in this place. They were in one of the rooms, but I didn't see them. Everything was neat. And I felt an incomprehensible doubt, although I don’t know what. I left the building when I realized that I would see friends.
    Then I found myself in another building. I didn’t see it from the outside, but I was sure that it was much larger than the previous one. The ceiling was much higher and, just like in the previous building, there was no light anywhere, everything was in twilight, but here the shades were colder and there was no one here and it was completely empty. However, I knew that this place was very beneficial for my future.
    The next day I was back in the first building. But it was covered with such a layer of dust that even in a hundred years it would not have accumulated along with autumn leaves. But I was sure that it was not autumn. I was scared. But this place seemed warmer to me than the second building where I ran, because it was not only empty, but also a cobweb appeared. And horror settled in my soul, as if a spider had settled in the depths.
    The dream ends with me and my friends in the first building, locked in a room from the cobwebs. and I have not yet chosen where to be. And it seems like there’s something hidden in the big building that I have to get, but I don’t like it. And in the first there are terrible pictures, and when I looked at one I was very scared. And it remained in my head: “If you look into the darkness for a long time, then the darkness begins to peer into you” and “Don’t look into the Darkness”

    I dreamed of two people, one I’m dating but in a quarrel and the second one is looking after me and they came to my work together to rest but they don’t know each other and so I ran here and there and did everything so that they wouldn’t meet and kept trying to figure out who I was more expensive and in the end I didn’t choose

    Hello! Today I had a dream where I was with my mother, and my mother young man let's go to the store to choose for me wedding dress. I remember that there were dresses different colors, but I felt that we were looking for white!)

    I dreamed of the person I love, but I have a boyfriend. I dreamed that the one I love had arrived, and I had a choice, but for some reason I couldn’t choose, and besides, who else was present in the dream? I don’t remember, that is, who else should I choose between?

    i dreamed that I was choosing between boys and had to choose the one from whom I was pregnant, but I didn’t understand how it happened that I was pregnant, this is a very confusing situation and in the dream I’m trying to remember who he is. Of all the boys, I remember what I thought about Arslan (with I met him recently, and I like him now), but I don’t remember exactly all the others. If I'm not mistaken, I also liked these boys for a very long time. in a dream I was with a friend, we were in some strange building, it was big and beautiful.

    Hello! Today (from Friday to Saturday) I had two dreams.
    In the first one, I was faced with a choice between two men, although in real life I am only 16 and am not interested in the topic of “relationships.” In the dream, both young men were rich and competed with each other over me. Then, as I understood, they found out that I was not really rich, but, to my surprise, this did not upset them. More precisely, one of them, I didn’t have time to understand about the second, the dream ended. Also, in the dream, with each guy separately, we walked somewhere, had lunch, and it was clear that this was an expensive establishment. The very fact of “choice” between people scares me. In life, in my opinion, this is unacceptable for me. Also, in the middle of this dream and the dream about my mother, another young man began to appear for some time, and I had feelings for him. He was very bright and optimistic. Friends said that he was not cold towards me, and I was glad. Perhaps this dream is a continuation of the first?
    As for the second dream, it is more fantastic, but I more or less interpreted it. The point was that the planet was enslaved by a virus that infected people, turned them into zombies, and then they died. But this is not the main thing: it so happened that my mother was far from me. And to my surprise, I was going to follow her. I begged people, but when no one wanted to help me, I cursed them. In life, I lost trust in a person whom I was ready to follow alone, without fear of anything, in a dream. Please explain this dream too.
    Thanks in advance

    I dreamed that my sister was dating a guy but he didn’t love her, but to spite me, in the end they got married, they lived very poorly, in the end they separated, he didn’t look very good, but he stayed with me, as if fate had chosen me, it seemed to me

    I have a friend. There are warm feelings between us, we are attracted to each other. In the fall of 2014, we had a kiss. But we're not a couple. He left for a year and came back in October. He has a girlfriend with whom he communicates well, but without all this tenderness and the like. I was angry that she was present between us. Today I dreamed that the three of us were walking and all she did was try to hug and kiss him, and he, pushing her away, hugged/kissed me. I wonder what this dream is about?

    I dreamed of 4 guys and I saw them, I even seemed to know them in the dream, but I understood in the dream that I needed to choose one, but I couldn’t, and we were walking somewhere in the mountains, like, and I don’t know what that means

    I dreamed about my first love. It was as if I wanted to be with him, he also really wanted to, but he avoided me because I had a boyfriend. Then we met, walked, kissed. The young man found out about this and he gathered all my ex-boyfriends who loved me and told me to choose who I want to be with.

    I was on a plane, taking off, there was a friend of mine who I used to like, and we seemed to have some kind of relationship in a dream, and I was texting with my current boyfriend, and I couldn’t remember in the dream who I was with (out of two guys) .

    An area of ​​new buildings, I go up and look in, strange balconies, how skewed, a beautiful area, a bright restaurant on the street, a lot of people there. in the distance the building sparkles brightly blue shimmers. I want to buy an apartment there.

    I had a choice between the guys with whom I wanted to build a relationship. And I didn’t know who I wanted to be with. Because I liked both of them. And in the end I made the wrong choice and I was rejected and then I tried to approach another

    Good evening! I dreamed that I was choosing between two people, strangers to me. I was lost. Then a friend told me or told me fortunes, saying that the guy who was standing next to him had a girlfriend. That's why he fell out, but I suffered from it, choosing the other one who remained.

    I met two guys, one Rzaru showed feelings, and the second has a girlfriend. The first is an ordinary hard worker, and the second is from a rich family. Later they admit love me, I I’m starting to choose, my heart lay more towards the first, but I thought that you won’t be satisfied with love alone without telling them your answer, the first one freaked out right away, and the second one hugged me and took me to introduce me to the people.

    I dreamed that I wrote ex-boyfriend that he wants to come back, and we kind of made up. He wrote that he loved him, called him sunshine, as he did in relationships. And then I corresponded with my current boyfriend, but then I stopped answering him, all my attention switched to my ex. And I couldn’t choose - either to return to my ex and tell my ex that I don’t love him (this is actually the case), or to tell my ex that the train had left, and that I couldn’t hurt the new guy.
