Holidays in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a great country for budget travel

The Czech Republic, or officially the Czech Republic, is a young democratic state located in Central Europe, formed on January 1, 1993, following the dissolution of the former Czechoslovak Federal Republic. In this regard, the Czech Republic has become popular as a tourist destination relatively recently. But holidays here are available to everyone and the quality of services provided is not inferior to countries such as France, Italy or Spain. The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague, the official language is Czech, the population of the entire state is about 10 million people.

Czech Republic: climate and geographical features

The climate in the Czech Republic is temperate continental. It is characterized by warm, and in some places even hot summers and damp, cool winters. The spring flowering period is especially recommended for tourist visits, usually May and early June. At this time, city gardens and park areas amaze with riotousness bright colors and amazing aromas. In the summer, it can sometimes be so stuffy that the townspeople themselves rush to escape into nature, away from the cramped streets and stone pavements. However, this does not affect the influx of tourists in any way - in the summer months the Czech Republic and, above all, Prague are filled with tens of thousands of tourists. For those who want to enjoy this country in relative privacy, it is better to plan your trip for the fall. In September it is warm and comfortable here, and in October and November, Czech cities are often immersed in a foggy haze, which gives them a special mystery and creates a magical atmosphere.

As for the geographical features of the Czech Republic, due to its location on the Bohemian-Moravian Upland, its topography is dominated by medium-sized mountains, in particular the Šumava, Ore Mountains, Giant Mountains and the so-called Czech Massif.

Recreation and tourism in the Czech Republic

As mentioned above, tourism in the Czech Republic is a relatively young industry, which is developing more and more rapidly every year and is constantly preparing something new for tourists. So how can you relax in the Czech Republic? Yes, almost anything.

First of all, the Czech Republic is rich in historical and cultural attractions. The amazing architecture of this country can be contemplated regardless of the time of year and weather conditions. The architecture of Prague is considered especially interesting, which over the almost thousand-year history of its existence has managed to be the capital of five different states, and this could not but be reflected in its buildings and structures. However, even outside of Prague there are many places that are worth seeing, because the Czech Republic is one of the leaders in the number of castles that have survived to this day: about a thousand intact and dilapidated castles on an area not exceeding 80 thousand sq. km. Some of the castles welcome tourists all year round, others are open exclusively from April to October. Among the most visited are the castles of Krivoklat and Karlštejn, which are distinguished not only by their special mesmerizing beauty, but also by the presence of torture chambers, prisons and Gothic halls.

In addition to architectural attractions, the Czech Republic can be proud of its natural resources. There are 8 National Parks here, the diverse landscape of which, together with developed infrastructure and excellent service, attract lovers of such species to the Czech Republic physical activity like rock climbing and rafting.

IN recent years The Czech Republic is also “gaining momentum” in the field of ski tourism. The local mountains are optimal for extreme skiing and snowboarding, as well as for family winter holidays with children. Ski resorts located on mountain ranges such as Krušny, Jeseniky, Šumava and Orlické Mountains are equipped with slopes of simple, medium difficulty and slopes designed for children's skating. In addition, the Czech Republic is one of the few countries that offers a comfortable holiday for cross-country skiing enthusiasts with specially prepared and constantly maintained trails.

Czech Republic: health resorts and wellness

The Czech Republic is a country characterized by a large number of medicinal waters and mineral springs. Most of its balneological resorts are concentrated in the so-called West Bohemian triangle. The most popular of them are Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne and Frantiskovy Lazne. In total, today there are 40 health resorts in the Czech Republic. Each of these establishments offers its clients different packages of services, depending on the patient’s age and state of health. To achieve a lasting result, it is recommended to stay at least three weeks in a sanatorium and complete all prescribed treatment. In addition, some resorts specialize in specific diseases, in particular:

  • in Karlovy Vary diseases of the digestive tract and metabolic disorders are treated;
  • in the Poděbrady sanatorium they focus on heart defects;
  • in Jáchymov they specialize in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • in Luhačovice they help patients with respiratory problems;
  • and at the Marianske Lazne resort they are ready to cure kidney and urinary tract diseases.

In the Czech Republic, there are resorts that offer special health programs for the treatment of children aged two years and older. The most famous such resort is Lazne Kynžvart, specializing in diseases of the respiratory tract.

Czech resorts, like the whole country, are characterized by a certain mystery and mystery; moreover, some of them have even been the subject of legends. So, for example, in the Frantiskovy Lazne resort there is a statue of little Frantisek. It is believed that if a woman dreams of having a child and touches this statue, she will certainly become pregnant within a year.

Shopping in the Czech Republic

For those who consider shopping as a form of recreation, the Czech Republic (primarily Prague) can bring many hours of exciting pastime. The fact is that in the Czech Republic, compared to other European countries, rents are relatively low, which, combined with the rapid growth of the Czech economy and growing consumer demand, has made Prague an attractive place for famous designers and manufacturers to locate their boutiques. At the same time, their prices are significantly lower than all-European prices, and if you are lucky and find yourself in a sales season, you will see prices that can be two and sometimes three times lower than for similar goods in Moscow. First of all, we are, of course, talking about clothes and shoes. Czech hats, gloves, bags, jewelry (garnet and silver jewelry) and high-quality costume jewelry are also famous.

As a rule, porcelain, ceramics, glass (Bohemian crystal), lace and handicrafts are brought as souvenirs from the Czech Republic. Popular among tourists are the national alcoholic drinks Becherovka and Slivovitz. A salt rose, a souvenir from Karlovy Vary, is also considered an unusual gift. A real rose is dipped into a mineral spring, and it, completely saturated with salts, turns into something like a stone one.

Department stores in the Czech Republic operate in weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm, on Saturday only until 1 pm; Grocery stores are open from 6 am, and some exchange offices can operate 24 hours a day. The national currency of the country is the Czech crown, per one Russian ruble you can get a little more than half a crown, and for one euro about 25 Czech crowns.

Shopping in the Czech Republic also offers a favorable tax-free system, which implies a VAT refund (up to 22%) to foreign citizens when leaving the country. In order to be able to get some of your money back, you must take a cash register and sales receipt with a corresponding mark, which you can subsequently present when going through customs control. The mandatory conditions for return are:

  • making a one-time purchase from one seller for an amount of at least 2.5 thousand crowns;
  • no more than 60 days from the date of purchase;
  • availability of documents required by law.

In addition, the product must be intended for personal consumption and must not exceed the personal needs of the citizen. VAT refunds are not made for exported products, alcohol and tobacco products.

The Czech Republic is a real ensemble of ancient medieval cities, amazing nature, traditions and customs that coexist with the modern rhythm of Central Europe, during a holiday in the Czech Republic you can not only get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the past and see the sights, but also engage in ecotourism: skiing, hiking along various natural routes through the forests, caves, lakes, mountains and waterfalls. In addition, the Czech Republic has many different thermal springs, which are great for those who want to improve their health. Excursion tours to the Czech Republic and or are available for you. Prices for holidays in the Czech Republic in 2019 are pleasantly surprising: they are still lower than other European countries, and the country is closer

Geographical location and climate

The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe. In the north, the Czech Republic borders on Poland, Germany, Slovakia, and Austria. The area of ​​the country is 78.9 thousand km2.

The climate in the Czech Republic is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. Warm summers and cool wet winters. May, June and September are the best months to visit the country. The best months to visit the country's ski resorts are January and February.



Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, where every building is a work of architectural art. Thousands of tourists come here every year to see the sights and experience the unique atmosphere. Stunning panoramas of Prague will open to you from Prague Castle, Letensky Gardens, Vysehrad, Vitkov, Petersburg Tower. The city has many parks and gardens; they make up slightly less than half of its territory. In April-May, Prague is buried in blooming magnolia and lilacs. During this period she is especially beautiful.

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary - o Din is one of the most popular cities in the Czech Republic, famous its rich history, unusual architecture, beautiful nature and, of course, its healing springs.

These include 12 mineral wells, the waters of which treat many diseases of the internal organs, including dysfunctions of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver and intestines. The resort is popular among those who want not only to have a good rest, but also to maintain their health.

Marianske Lazne

Marianske Lazne is one of the youngest resorts in the Czech Republic. A special atmosphere reigns here: nature is in complete harmony with the amazing architecture of the city. The resort is located near the protected Slavkov forest, which amazes with its beauty and diversity of flora. If you need treatment for kidney diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, problems with the nervous system and many others, then this is the place for you!

Františkové Lazne

The small resort town of Frantiskovy Lazne is located in the very west of the Czech Republic. The unique atmosphere of the early 20th century, reflected in the architecture of the neoclassical era, has been preserved here, thanks to which the city is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque corners of the country. The resort of Frantiskovy Lazne is distinguished by mild climatic conditions characteristic of the foothills, exclusively clean air far from the hustle and bustle of large cities.

The specialty of the Frantiskovy Lazne resort is the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. There is a special approach here for patients with gynecological problems. Women with chronic diseases of the internal genital organs, menopausal disorders, after rehabilitation from gynecological operations, as well as those who suffer from infertility receive referrals for treatment here.


This is the first radon resort in the world. In addition to the high radon content, local mineral water It also boasts the presence of rare elements - molybdenum, titanium and beryllium. Due to these circumstances, the resort is recommended as an extremely effective place for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various etiologies and degrees of complexity. The city is located on the southern slope of the Ore Mountains, covered with picturesque medicinal forests. The numerous hills surrounding the resort offer breathtaking views, striking in their beauty at any time of the year.


This is a famous balneological resort. The water temperature of Teplice springs is 40° - 44° C; The water has a high fluoride content and is used to treat nervous and musculoskeletal diseases. Also good results provides treatment for post-traumatic conditions and treatment of children with motor dysfunction as a result of damage to the central nervous system.


The population of the Czech Republic is 10 million 290 thousand people. The bulk of the country's inhabitants (90.1%) are Czechs by nationality; Slovaks (1.8%), Germans (0.4%), Poles (0.5%) and Roma (0.1%) also live in the country. .Catholics (39%), Protestants (5%), Orthodox (3%), atheists and others.The official language of the Czech Republic is Czech. Most of the population speaks Russian, German or English.


Czech cuisine was formed from local culinary preferences and numerous borrowings. It is distinguished by hearty dishes and juicy-sweet desserts, and The highlight is the famous dumplings various types: potato or wheat, with lard, fruit and other fillings. You should definitely try Czech stewed pork, roast goose with red cabbage, which is considered a real delicacy here, as well as apfelstrudel with nuts, cinnamon and raisins. And, of course, the famous “baked boar’s knee.” Prague ham "šunka" is popular, and Czechs' favorite vegetarian dishes are fruit-filled dumplings and bread-fried cheese.

Without a doubt, the Czech national drink is beer, many varieties of which are known far beyond the country's borders. Each of the local varieties has its own taste and history, so choosing the best one is not so easy. Regardless of the place of beer preparation and technology, all varieties are distinguished by some especially “Czech” rich taste and aroma.

Central and southern Moravia produces excellent wines. The famous Czech liqueur “Becherovka” from Karlovy Vary is infused with 42 herbs and has long become a legend. The most popular spirits are “slivovitz” (plum vodka) and “absinthe” - a 72° wormwood drink of a bluish-green color, which is very difficult to find in other countries.

Sights of the Czech Republic

The main attractions of the Czech Republic are castles. It's hard to imagine a trip to the Czech Republic without visiting at least one of them. The most popular castles are located near Prague: Konopiste, Karlštejn, Orlik, Zvikov, Sychrov and others.

The city with the largest number of attractions is, of course, Prague. One walking tour around the center will obviously not be enough - it is worth setting aside at least a couple of days for walking around the center. The old town, cathedrals, bridges and pedestrian streets - there is always something to see

When Prague has been explored far and wide, and the nearest castles have been explored, you can move on to other cities of the Czech Republic. Worth a visit and a sightseeing tour: Karlovy Vary, Kutná Hora, Brno. In addition, the tour operator Russian Express offers excursions to the German city of Dresden and other cities in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary


The Czech Republic is one of the Schengen countries. Russian citizens will need a Schengen visa to visit the Czech Republic.

Public holidays and weekends

  • January 1 - New Year, Day of restoration of the independent Czech state.
  • May 1 - Labor Day.
  • May 8 - Day of Liberation from Fascism.
  • July 5th is a holiday Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.
  • July 6 is Jan Hus Memorial Day.
  • September 28 is Czech Statehood Day.
  • October 28 is the Day of the emergence of the independent Czechoslovak state.
  • December 24-26 - Christmas

Tour to the Czech Republic from a tour operator

Tour operator Russian Express offers to buy a tour to the Czech Republic online directly on its website. In the "Tour Search" section you will find best prices on holiday in the Czech Republic - taking into account all possible special offers and promotions from hotels and airlines

The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe, bordering on Poland in the north, Germany in the northwest and west, Austria in the south, and Slovakia in the east. The country's landscape is quite diverse. Bohemia, the western territory of the Czech Republic, is located in the basins of the Vltava and Laba rivers, surrounded by low mountains.

The eastern part of the country - Moravia - mainly lies in the Morava River basin, and is dominated by hills and plains. Rivers from the Czech Republic flow into the Black, North and Baltic seas. The territory of the country is 78.9 thousand square meters. km. .

Ancient castles, neat streets with houses from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the world-famous Karlovy Vary, elegant porcelain figurines - all this is the Czech Republic. A strict culture and unshakable traditions reign here, and if you join them, you can feel like a real native European.

The Czech Republic is one of the ten most visited countries in the world. Czech resorts - Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Podebrady and others are known for their healing waters, gases and mud, favorable climate and modern equipment. The landscape of these places is amazing in its beauty and diversity.

Wide valleys with a dense network of rivers and lakes give way to dense forests, hills and mountain ranges, preserving the centuries-old freshness and coolness of stalactite caves.

But, despite the popularity of Czech resorts, the main type of tourism in the Czech Republic is excursion and educational. Fortunately, there is no shortage of historical heritage. The most popular tourist sites are architectural monuments. At the same time, it is difficult to find a tour that would include a pure inspection of castles and other architectural attractions. An indispensable attribute of excursion tours is beer tasting and acquaintance with Czech cuisine. Very popular are visits to breweries and the Jan Becher plant in Karlovy Vary, where the drink of the same name, Karlovy Vary Becherovka, is produced.

Today in the Czech Republic, about 130 historical complexes welcome vacationers, each of which is unique in its own way. Some accommodation facilities are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - for example, Cesky Krumlov, Telc, Kromeriz, Litomysl.

Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, with a rich historical heritage. Administrative center of the South Moravian region. The main attraction is the architecture.

Kutná Hora is a city listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is famous, first of all, for its architectural heritage.

The main attraction is the Church of All Saints. This unique structure is luxuriously decorated with human bones and skulls. In total, the remains of 40 thousand people were used for “inlaying”! Another grandiose architectural monument is the Gothic Cathedral of St. Barbara - the second largest in the Czech Republic.

Kutna Hora is also famous for its “silver” history. Thanks to deposits of silver ore, the city at one time mined a third of all European silver. Of course, this could not have happened without the creation of a mint here, which is now a museum.

Cesky Krumlov is another figure on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Perhaps the second attraction in the Czech Republic, after Prague. The city has remained virtually unchanged since the 18th century. On a rather narrow S-shaped cliff along the Vltava River, about 40 buildings and palace structures were built over six centuries, united into a single complex around five castle squares and a castle garden. One of the main attractions of the complex is the three-tier bridge “Na Plashti”, which is a covered corridor, 40 m high and 30 m long, connecting the castle with the garden and the court theater.

Czech Sternberg is a Gothic castle on a rocky cape in the valley of the Sazava River, founded in the 13th century. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Over time, after a series of reconstructions, it absorbed many various styles- from Baroque to Renaissance. The castle houses a unique collection of guns and hunting trophies.

Pilsen is a historical city, the “beer capital”. Administrative center of Western Bohemia. The main attractions are architecture and beer.

Liberec is the administrative center of the Liberec region, with remnants of German flavor. The main attractions are one of the largest zoos in Europe, zoological and botanical gardens, an ancient castle, the town hall of the late 19th century, a local history museum, and an art gallery.

Olomouc is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Czech Republic, the administrative center of the Olomouc region. The city is often called a quieter and calmer Prague. The main attraction is the architecture.

In the town of Jablonec, at the glass factory, skilled glassblowers will create real masterpieces before your eyes, and in the town of Melnik, you will try yourself as a wine taster.

Ceske Budejovice is a historical city, the administrative center of the South Bohemian Region. The main attraction is the architecture. For example, here is the Hluboká nad Vltavou Castle, made in english style, graceful and beautiful, like its creator - Eleanor Schwarzenberg - the most beautiful woman XIX century.

And finally, Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. IN early XIX century Bernardo Volzano counted 103 towers in Prague and thus the city acquired the name “City of a Hundred Towers”. Currently there are more than 500 of them! The ancient core of Prague is well preserved and forms a unique protected architectural ensemble. The center and historical part of the city are the Prague Kremlin complex - Hradcany on the left bank of the Vltava River, the colorful Lesser Town, and on the right bank - the romantic and mysterious Old Town (Stare Mesto) and the New Town (Nove Mesto), which is the commercial heart of Prague. These historical sites, plus Visegrad and the Jewish Ghetto, have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The “common” attraction of the Prague “cities” is the Royal Road. According to the rule established by Charles IV, the coronation procession of the new king began at Vysehrad and followed this path to Prague Castle. In Stare Mesto, the Royal Road runs from the Powder Tower along Celetnaya Street to the Old Town Square and along Charles Street leads to the Charles Bridge.

Prague Castle (Hradcany) is the third Prague district in chronology, stretching along the top of a hill on the high left bank of the Vltava. Here is the majestic Prague (formerly Royal) Castle - the largest fortress in the Czech Republic, the historical, political and cultural center of Prague and the whole country, founded in the 9th century. One of the most beloved places among tourists in Hradcany is the Strahov Monastery of the Premonstratensian Order on Pohorelec (founded in 1140, rebuilt in the 17th century) with the Museum of Czech Literature (1679). On the territory of the monastery there are the majestic churches of St. Roch and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, as well as the famous Baroque library, which houses more than 30 thousand manuscripts, incunabula and books.

Hradcanskaya Square, located at the entrance to the Kremlin, has still retained its medieval layout, although after the fire of 1541 its development changed radically - the houses of the townspeople were replaced by the houses of the nobility and church hierarchs. On the square in the Schwarzenberg-Lobkowitz Palace (1563) there is now the Military History Museum, and on the opposite side of the square is the Sternberg Palace (XVII-XVIII centuries) with the National Gallery, which has large collection European art. The architectural pearl of the square is the archbishop's palace of the 16th century.

In the first ("Honorable") courtyard of the City there is the famous Teresian Palace, built in the style of Viennese classicism. The Matthias Gate, the first Baroque structure in Prague (1614), leads into the second courtyard. Here is the Chapel of the Holy Cross (1763) and two fountains - Baroque and modern (1967), as well as a well with a wrought-iron dome - a work of the Renaissance (1719).

In the third courtyard (the oldest part of Prague Castle) is the famous cathedral St. Vitus is the “calling card of Prague”, an impressive Gothic structure, the oldest part of which is considered to be the Chapel of St. Wenceslas, in which this “Czech national saint” was buried in 932; this tomb soon became a center of pilgrimage.

After visiting St. Vitus Cathedral, it’s worth taking a look at “Golden Street” - several tiny houses practically built into the fortress wall and painted in bright colors. According to legend, the alchemists of Rudolph II lived here, trying to find the “philosopher’s stone”. In house number 22 in 1912-1914. lived by Franz Kafka.

In the Royal Garden of the Kremlin is the Summer Palace of Queen Anne (Belvedere), built in 1538-64. - the best example of Italian Renaissance architecture. In front of it there is a “Singing Fountain”, the falling drops of which supposedly repeat the ringing of Prague bells. The ancient Powder Bridge, originally wooden, led across the moat to the garden outside Prague Castle. At the entrance to the bridge there is a tower, which now houses a permanent exhibition of artistic crafts from the time of Rudolf II and an exhibition on the history of the Powder Tower itself - one of the oldest buildings in the capital. Nearby is the building of the Lion's Court (1583), where forest predators were kept during the time of Rudolf II.

The Prague City Gallery occupies today a whole series buildings - the house and villa of the Czech artist and sculptor Frantisek Bilek (1872-1941), the old town hall and special rooms in the municipal library, as well as ancient architectural monuments with typically Czech attractive names: House of the Stone Bell (used as an exhibition hall), House Golden Ring (20th century Czech art) and Troyan Castle (19th century Czech art).

The People's Technical Museum tells about the invention and history of the development of the telephone, television, radio, camera, and cinema. The museum has an equipped television center where everyone can try themselves as a cameraman or TV presenter. The Wax Museum in the very center of Prague, next to Wenceslas Square, is proud of its collection of “copies” of many historical figures - the Czech princess Libushi and Charlie Chaplin, the good soldier Schweik and Stalin, Lenin and Albert Einstein, and many others are represented here. The Czech Glass Museum is open on Old Town Square.

The Prague Castle Picture Gallery is located in the second courtyard, opposite the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Here you can see paintings from the Rudolf Gallery and the collection of Ferdinand II - best works Jacobo Robusti, Titian, Brundle, Veronese, Rubens and other great masters. The Museum of Czech Literature is located in the Strahov Monastery on Pohorelec.

Prague is the city of the oldest beer halls in the world, between which special “beer routes” are laid. This is the city of the soldier Schweik, cobbled streets, stone houses and the Charles Bridge. Of all European cities, it is perhaps the friendliest.

Having studied the tourism potential of the Czech Republic, we can conclude that this country has all the necessary resources for organizing sightseeing and educational tourism and attracting foreign tourists to the country. That is, the Czech Republic, as a direction of Belarusian outbound tourism, is a very popular destination.

Based on the above, we can conclude that excursion tourism is playing an increasingly prominent role in the regional economies of states, and the Czech Republic is no exception. The tourism industry is one of the economic forwards that creates an impressive part of the gross product.

Excursion tourism, in particular outbound tourism, in turn, occupies a significant place in international relations and is not only a popular form of recreation, but also an actively developing sector of the world economy.

Excursion tourism has come a long way in its development and today is one of the most successfully developing sectors of tourism. Like any other sphere of economic activity, the tourism industry is very complex system, the degree of development of which depends on the degree of development of the country’s economy as a whole.

When going on vacation to Prague or Karlovy Vary, travelers who are not too confident in their geographical knowledge sometimes ask a travel agent which sea washes the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, the country is landlocked, but this does not mean that it is impossible to arrange a few days of a completely comfortable beach holiday here. For local residents, the Czech sea is Lake Lipno, where you can get a pleasant tan, and a lot of impressions and positive emotions.

History with geography

Lake Lipno, of course, is more correctly called a reservoir, since the history of its appearance is connected with the construction of a dam that blocked the Vltava River. This happened in 1959, and the dam was intended to prevent floods that often occur in South Bohemia. The construction of a dam and a hydroelectric power station led to the emergence of an artificial reservoir, the banks of which over time became one of the favorite vacation spots not only for local residents, but also for tourists.

  • Length artificial lake Lipno is 42 km long, and its maximum width exceeds 5 km.
  • The total area of ​​the mirror is almost 50 square meters. km. Moreover, the lake is located at an altitude of 725 meters above sea level.
  • The maximum depth of the reservoir is 25 meters, but off the coast it does not exceed six, allowing the water to warm up sufficiently during the swimming season. The temperature on the beaches of Lipno in July reaches +25 degrees.
  • When asked what seas are in the Czech Republic, its residents can quite seriously name Lake Lipno. The fact is that its height above sea level and the wind speed in its area create waves up to two meters high, allowing fans of windsurfing and kiteboarding to have a blast. Yachts are also held in high esteem here and even small sailing regattas are held.

Not by the sea alone...

For those who are accustomed to bringing to a beach holiday and water activities cultural component, the banks of the Lipno can offer a lot of interesting excursions. The obligatory program includes a visit to the city of Lipno nad Vltavou with its 13th-century castle and ancient churches. The natural landmark of the Devil's Wall amazes the imagination with its monumentality and picturesque surroundings, and the Gothic monastery in the center of the Vyshy Brod settlement is a unique exhibition of the Postal Museum.
Another sea of ​​the Czech Republic that, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to forget about during your vacation is the famous local beer, which is brewed with skill and pleasure on the shores of Lake Lipno.
