Retrograde Neptune in the zodiac signs. Neptune retrograde in Sagittarius

Neptune is the planet of mystery, deception, imagination, the past, mysticism, intelligence, gentleness and spirituality. Its influence is very subtle and not easy to notice. It is reflected in the general atmosphere, the actualization of hidden processes and relationships. when Neptune begins its retrograde movement, all these processes collapse into the personality and begin to be active there. Because of this, our orientation in ourselves and in the world is often disrupted. Feelings and emotions are confused with thoughts, reality moves away and becomes visible as if through a curved glass. But the ability for self-knowledge and introspection also increases. Our own depth is revealed to us, our imagination is activated, and any creative activity becomes much easier than before.

At this time you should not:

  • Use strong medications;
  • Consume suspicious liquids and products (the risk of poisoning is very high);
  • Be careless on the water (risk of drowning);
  • Blindly believe in promises, especially from strangers;
  • Give in to fears;
  • Plunge into melancholy and despondency;
  • Throwing away everyday activities in pursuit of castles in the air;
  • Take on serious responsibilities;
  • Refuse previously planned activities.

What to do when Neptune is retrograde?

Retrograde Neptune in the natal chart

Neptune retrograde in natal chart just like the other distant planets (Uranus and Pluto), it has a special influence on the personality and fate of a person only in those cases when it has a connection with the luminaries (Sun and Moon). In other situations, it leaves an imprint on the atmosphere around a person, on his environment and manifests itself rather in a group aspect.

With a strong retrograde Neptune, a person gains a special intuitive depth. strong influence of the subconscious, developed imagination, divorced from reality. In principle, he tends to escape into fantasy. It is difficult for such a person to think clearly, but even more difficult to speak clearly. He is surrounded by complicated, murky relationships. And often he himself incorrectly perceives both the information and the behavior of others. Distortions of the truth occur as if on their own. He is easily given to lies, deception and tricks, both of himself and of others.

In addition, a person with a strong retrograde moving Neptune may experience an unreasonably strong feeling of guilt, as if taking responsibility for all the troubles of the world.

A well-developed retrograde Neptune provides a connection with the higher spheres. This makes learning easy. without the participation of consciousness, to penetrate into the essence of things and events. loyalty, kindness and mercy of such people become a way of life and become a worldview. In addition, special creativity. The works of retrograde Neptune are subtle, deep, and mystically touch the most hidden and secret strings in the souls of people.

Faith and dreams are the areas on which this planet acts, and when Neptune begins its return journey, faith becomes blind and dreams empty. At the same time retrograde Neptune allows you to re-evaluate your beliefs and convictions and once again rethink your spiritual path. Moreover, it does not matter whether we are talking about the owner of natal retrograde Neptune or about society as a whole during the retrograde period.

Many astrologers believe that retrograde Neptune speaks of life in Atlantis, which sank 10-12 thousand years ago. According to myths, Atlantis was the home of Poseidon (god of the seas), who was later named Neptune in Rome.

The positions of the outer planets characterize generations as a whole: they are associated with global transpersonal social factors. If any of them is retrograde, it is recommended to pay attention to ensure that the birth of a new business does not occur at a time when the controlled retrograde planet the sign is on the Ascendant or rules the house corresponding to the nature of the undertaking.

Neptune goes into retrograde movement for five to six months throughout the year. Neptune is the planet of illusions, confusion and disappointment. This is the planet of creative visualization and inspiration. The period when Neptune is in retrograde motion can be marked by increased creativity.

Neptune can stimulate poets, writers, painters and sculptors to create their best works. The abilities of mental perception may become sharper, but, unfortunately, so can self-distrust. This may be the period spiritual growth, a time when you are more idealistic and busy searching for the meaning of life.

At Neptune transits, especially when its energy intensifies at the time of change of direction, during the period of retrograde and during the period of direct movement, prioritize, define goals, stay sane and focused. Use this energy creatively, for your benefit, but do not allow the energy to subjugate you.

Retrograde Neptune in the natal chart

For born with Neptune retrograde One of the most important tasks is to understand their spiritual path, otherwise they will face misconceptions, disappointments and illusions. For such people, as a rule, a useful practice is to study their own dreams, because through dreams the unconscious sends us messages.

Retrograde Neptune in the birth chart gives a tendency to test all aspects of faith. As Neptune passes through the immediate portion of its orbit during a retrograde, its influence increases, so this Neptune is often found in the charts of artists, composers, musicians, poets or people who lead a spiritual life.

Neptune in natal chart plays a role in liberation from karma. It dissolves a person’s “ego”, and thereby helps the disappearance of illusions. As soon as a person understands that the appearance that he takes for reality is an illusion, he will be freed. You can free yourself from imaginary values ​​imposed by your past life.

In dreams, images of the distant past, even past incarnations, may appear. Retrograde Neptune often found in the horoscopes of mystics. He carries a tendency to engage in introspection and reflect on his intuitive thoughts and feelings. Often such Neptune gives musical, artistic or poetic talent.

If a person refuses the spiritual search, then there is a danger of losing touch with reality due to idle dreams. A person cannot stand dullness and indulges in drug addiction, alcoholism, sex, and mysticism. The fact is that the spiritual impulse in him is so strong that it simply cannot be ignored.

IN best case scenario in search of true doctrine, such people raise questions of views, beliefs and convictions not only for themselves, but also in order to open the eyes of the rest of the world. And they should be trusted in this because in past lives they have already gained enormous experience and accumulated relevant knowledge.

Retrograde Neptune in Leo

Here the individual often experiences an illusion of grandeur. He lives in the appearance of a romantic halo, pomp and all the splendor of a palace illusion.

He spends a lot of time in Phase I of the retrograde process, and it is important to him to impress others. He cannot realize that this will never bring him the satisfaction he seeks, since he is also easily influenced by others.

This placement of Neptune occurred during the great era of Hollywood, when it was fashionable to identify with movie stars in an attempt to find more creative power in one's own image. Crystal chandeliers, velvet armchairs and many other symbols of various film sets appeared in the houses.

On an individual basis, this position of Neptune encourages the individual to identify with power and authority - at least he should experience the appearance of achievement.

For his own growth, he must raise his consciousness to a level where he sees this need in terms of true spiritual goals, and not symbols of beauty that he can accumulate on the physical plane. Karmically, he must take the enormous power of the positive belief system with which he came into this life, get in touch with it, and then help create better world, about which his Soul dreams.

Retrograde Neptune in Virgo

In this position, Neptune is astrologically in its fall. He is unable to experience the complete freedom that he enjoys; imaginative processes begin to focus on a world that is too small to allow full expression. The individual sees the whole by looking at all its individual parts. This makes it easier to crystallize his impressions, but takes him through many detailed steps that a more cosmically located Neptune would not require. However, he can combine limitless imagination with the practicality of the real world and can understand the relationships between what is within the realm of the five senses and what is outside it. The generation with Neptune in Virgo exhibits clairvoyant abilities.

On a purely personal level, the retrograde nature of the planet throws the individual back and forth. It fluctuates between phases I and III. He first perceives the future, and then, as he lives it, he realizes that he will spend a lot of time later thinking about his past. For this reason, the experience of phase II is decisive in this situation, since a person touches both his future and his past, living in the world of external experience. In fact, it is his outer experience that causes his past and future to coalesce into his inner reality. As long as he does not confuse his microcosmic view of the universe with what he understands macrocosmically, he can literally walk in two worlds at the same time.

Karmically, he sees and understands that there is more to his world than what is immediately obvious. At the same time, he realizes that he must come to a practical and realistic agreement with the reality of his presence in everyday life. It's good if he can synchronize his intuition with what is practical and realistic, filtering out everything unimportant in the process.

Neptune retrograde in Libra

Here the individual experiences phase III of the retrograde process, where he dispassionately absorbs impressions from his environment. He usually thinks that all the feelings he experiences are his own and that they ultimately require some action or decision on his part. The point is, however, that this position gives the individual the opportunity to experience many things in the universe. However, he is not required to attribute this to his own account.

He is very sensitive, especially to music and art, and has difficulty dealing with the harshness of life, to which he is overly open. He makes the mistake of thinking that he must balance everything around him in order to balance himself. This seems to make him more interested in other people's affairs than is actually appropriate. He must understand that every new grain of sand that he adds to the scales as a balanced solution to what already exists creates the next imbalance that requires a new solution. Many people with this placement become so frustrated with trying to center the world around themselves that they end up resorting to drugs or other forms of escapism to keep themselves from recognizing that their personal difficulties stem from problems that do not require solutions.

When this configuration is used correctly, it gives the individual tremendous insight into his mirror image or the reflection of that part of his personality that he sees through the eyes of others. Karmically, he can learn to integrate better into society through this type of vision. At the same time, he will move further away from his basic essence, as he strives to know himself through others.

He can achieve happiness when he realizes that a person does not receive happiness, but finds it in a more or less constant state of satisfaction life experience and the smallest role that man plays in the totality of the cosmic plan.

Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio

This is a special position for Neptune retrograde. It adds subtlety and spaciousness to the depth of the individual. The qualities of a visionary are enhanced along with an intuitive understanding of the subconscious. Capable of functioning in all three retrograde phases, this person can gently transform himself as well as the world around him. He may intensely experience the discrepancy between his needs and the directions in which he feels the world is moving, but at the same time Neptunian detachment and dissolving influence prevent him from being burdened by sensory impressions.

The generation with this placement of Neptune is about to bring about a complete transformation in music, art and medicine, bringing to the surface many overlooked qualities that only their keen consciousness can detect.

Unless one experiences this personally, it is difficult to imagine the enormous depth that is possible when the introspective nature of retrograde brings Neptune's subtle subconscious into full contact with Scorpio's Plutonian force of change.

Individuals with this placement will have their greatest power in mid-life, when they will fulfill their karma by gently helping the world end the Age of Pisces. This will be done by replacing everything that was dying with a new spiritual consciousness that only they can understand in its true depth. A person with Neptune retrograde in Scorpio is one who dissolves the past on an individual basis. He is the harbinger of the Future, giving new uniform formless for the sake of the need for meaningful growth.

Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius

Here the individual experiences a heightened awareness of the world and his place in it. He learns to live without tying himself to his roots. Instead, he leads a more natural existence, going with the tide of his fortune.

He is a free spirit and has very few attachments that are significant to him on the physical plane. Possessing an almost prophetic ability to penetrate into the future, he can instantly grasp the essence of things, but he finds it difficult to stabilize himself in everyday practical matters. He will play a very important role in delivering the spiritual message of the Age of Aquarius. His life is built on expanding the formless horizons that he feels inside himself. At the same time, he continually gives information and knowledge to other people. Through Phase I of the retrograde process, he can perceive distant possibilities as very real possibilities “here and now.” This is a first rank dreamer. But his dreams are more of a foresight kind - they do not serve to satisfy personal desires.

More than any other position, it gives a powerful cosmic sense of what is happening inside a person. By burning himself, he is the pure expression of the finally freed Soul.

Karmically, he should not be bound by anything other than what he perceives as the deepest truths within himself. He should avoid mass movements, clubs, organizations, institutions of marriage and any other man-made structures that will prevent him from experiencing all that he feels inside.

Retrograde Neptune 2018 begins its movement on June 18, 2018 in the sign of Pisces and ends on November 24, also in the sign of Pisces. Neptune retrograde in 2018 forms a favorable aspect called a grand trine. This brings to the surface great natural talents, gifts and creativity. This year there is a reliable, philosophical and friendly attitude towards Neptune's retrospective.

Neptune retrograde is an ideal period of time for spiritual self-development. Grand astrological aspects and fixed stars make Neptune retrograde 2018 a particularly good period to begin a search in the spiritual realm, to go in search of truth.

Neptune Retrograde 2018

When Neptune's stations are retrograde, the nature of the grand trine aspect with Mercury, retrograde Jupiter and Neptune is extremely interesting. Successful aspects of this connection create a balanced and harmonious combination planetary energies. Major trines are very lucky, demonstrating great natural talent and creativity. However, without any desire and effort, human potentials will never be realized. But the more challenging nature of two planets in retrograde provides the motivation needed to turn opportunity into success. There are also fixed stars with each planet that activate this grand trine.

Neptune retrograde 2018: Aspects

Mercury trine Jupiter brings optimism and good news. Research, study and communication are now profitable and useful, and this is one of the better ways for making plans because of your good instincts, future-oriented and positive thinking. It is advisable to plan or go on a trip, especially over long distances. Specific areas of study that may interest you include religion, law, languages ​​and philosophy. Business relations should go well and this is the ideal time to negotiate and sign contracts. This is also a good period for all legal matters.

Mercury trine Neptune stimulates your creativity, imagination, sensitivity and spirituality. This is a wonderful time to work on anything, including harmonious, cultural pastimes such as poetry, music and dance. Drama would also benefit from your greater connection with other people or increased empathy. All your communication skills benefit from such non-threatening, caring and gentle influence. Your senses will be finely tuned and heightened so that you can communicate effectively on a non-verbal level, through gestures, eyes, facial expressions and telepathically. This aspect enhances psychic abilities and intuition.

Jupiter trine Neptune encourages hope, generosity and a spirit of togetherness. I have already written more than once that such a combination opens and transfers the spiritual search to another level, intensifies the desire to find the truth. This period is intended to search for teachers, confessors who can give advice or an answer that has long interested you; try not to fall for the bait of false teachers and charlatans who justify evil with plausible goals and beautiful conversations. You can also become a spiritual guide for loved ones during this period and give advice. For many people, spiritual pursuits will be effective alone. Dreams will be vivid, and the opportunity to see will become more frequent prophetic dream and get a vision. Spirituality does not mean giving up or sacrificing your financial situation and property; success must be in all areas, otherwise a hole will be created that will undoubtedly interfere with your development. It is important to feel happy and content. Romance can also flare up suddenly, but not out of nowhere, as others find you mysteriously attractive.

Neptune Retrograde 2018: Fixed Stars

Mercury and fixed star Sirius in Cancer: great success in business, help through influential people, anxiety, unnecessary, connected with the Church, physical defect due to an accident.

Jupiter and fixed star Alphecca in the sign of Scorpio: honor and dignity, artistic ability, benefit from spiritual affairs, favorable for material gain.

Neptune conjunct the star Achernar in the sign of Pisces: success in public service, favors those who do good deeds. This combination promises happiness and success, investing positive morality in people's actions, loyalty to beliefs and a penchant for philosophy.

Non-Neptune flashback dates

  • 2018, June 18 - November 24 in the sign of Pisces
  • 2019, June 21 - November 27 in the sign of Pisces

Very many natural phenomena influence us. Retrograde is a fact that has been noticed for a long time, but it is very difficult to interpret when it concerns the most mysterious of all planets - Neptune.

What is retrograde

Retrograde is a phenomenon characteristic of all planets, and it is associated with their movement in orbits. At a certain moment, it seems to an observer from Earth that the planet first freezes in one place, and then begins to move in the opposite direction. In reality, of course, the planet does not change direction. The principle is similar to how a train moves relative to another stationary train. The second train appears to be moving in the opposite direction, although it remains in place. Visual effect is obtained due to the difference in the speed of the planets and their movement around the Sun. At the same time, the sun itself contributes to the advancement or inhibition of our daily affairs and daily obligations, which can be observed thanks to.

Retrograde in Astrology

Since the planet is moving “in the opposite direction,” problems arise with the manifestation of its functions. Planets like Venus and Mars go retrograde about once a year, while Mercury goes retrograde 2-3 times a year. Regarding the higher planets, which include Neptune, as well as Uranus and Pluto, they can be in a retrograde state for up to six months.

If we talk about karmic astrology, then a retrograde planet indicates problems that have come from past life, which are sometimes very difficult to solve, especially if these are higher planets. After all, they are responsible not for the sphere of personal relationships, but for higher and general connections, which are not always easy to even realize. Having made a mistake in a past life that falls within the sphere of influence of a given planet, in this life a person experiences great difficulties with the functions that fall within the sphere of its influence, and mishandling them in the past as a result finds its retribution in a subsequent incarnation.

What does retrograde Neptune mean?

From June 14 to November 19, 2016, the planet Neptune will move in a retrograde state and, since this planet is responsible for everything mystical and intuitive, its manifestation is quite difficult to describe.

Neptune is the name of the Roman sea god, who was called Poseidon in Greece. First of all, it is responsible for illusions and the sublimity of human feelings, subtle spiritual and mental connections. She controls dreams, cinema and photography. The influence of this planet is so intangible and mysterious that it is not possible to describe it accurately.

It is Neptune that is responsible for intuition, art, esotericism and all kinds of mystical secrets. However, even if your intuition is not very developed, do not despair: with the help of three simple exercises you will be able to develop it. Those people who have this planet in a strong position (for example, representatives of the Zodiac Sign Pisces) most often exist in their own creative world.

In Neptune's retrograde state, the desire for self-realization and manifestation of one's creative potential turns out to be quite predictable and obvious. An extremely strong receptivity and sensitivity arises, which, on the one hand, allows you to realize your purpose and even discover in yourself psychic abilities, but on the other hand, it is absolutely impossible to abuse alcohol and smoking; it is recommended to completely refuse to take psychotropic drugs and avoid them. The susceptibility of the body also increases - it is more susceptible to destruction.

Retrograde Neptune can make people extremely detached from life and less susceptible to material assets, even on the contrary, rejecting them. A person may suffer from an increased reaction to changes in the reality around him, but have little awareness of the reasons and the actual nature of his feelings. There is a great risk of feeling confused in your own mood as it begins to intersperse with the moods of other people. To avoid such difficulties, it is necessary to in writing record your thoughts and feelings and at least determine what they are connected with. This will help you see the chronology of events.

Neptune rules the zodiac sign Pisces. In this constellation he in the best possible way demonstrates his qualities and imparts them to his students. You can find out exactly which planet rules your zodiac sign, and check how its characteristics manifest themselves on you. Best wishes and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.06.2016 02:18

All our planets Solar System carry a certain energy. In astrology, Mercury has been considered the patron of numbers since ancient times...
