Retrograde planets in May. Mercury retrograde

During the retrograde motion of the planet in orbit relative to the Earth, the influence is distorted. People feel the same when they walk together, lagging behind a group, a partner, or ahead of them. The sensations are different, you will agree.

Mercury retrograde 2017

Mercury goes retrograde four times in 2017:

December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 - in the Earth sign - Capricorn and with a short entry into the fire sign of Sagittarius.

April 9 – May 3, 2017 in the Earth sign Taurus, welcome back to the fire sign Aries.

August 12 – September 5, 2017 From the earth sign Virgo, welcome back to the fire sign Leo

As you can see, Mercury in 2017 will make loops in the earthly and fire signs.
This means that things will stall more in administrative and financial system, in matters related to budget, control, practical decisions in production - when retrograde Mercury will be in earth signs, and with wasted activity, excessive consumption of energy - when retrograde Mercury will move into fire signs.

Effect of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is associated with many manifestations of human life - communications, negotiations, thinking, trade, transport, etc.
During periods of Mercury retrograde, you should never start new business, sign documents, or appoint important meetings and negotiations, going on long trips, purchasing expensive things. People feel the retrograde movement of Mercury especially well, and having understood the principle of impact once, they try to continue to monitor periods of retrograde and plan things in advance. During such periods, it is useful to return to past, unfinished matters, visit old friends, and collect information.

Venus retrograde 2017

From MARCH 6 to APRIL 15, 2017, the planet Venus will be retrograde. The retrograde motion of the inner planet is an obvious phenomenon when viewed from Earth, in which Venus creates a retrograde motion effect in the sky. Every 1 ½ years, when Venus moves about 29 degrees ahead of the Sun (in the astrological ephemeris), it begins to move backward in the sky until it reaches a point about 21 to 29 degrees behind the Sun.

When Venus becomes retrograde, people learn lessons in real evaluation of things and people's actions, values ​​in relationships.
During the retrograde period of Venus, discrimination and disagreements in relationships become more prominent.
Very often alliances collapse due to unfavorable awareness. We must remember that this is a period of evaluation, not direct action.
One of the good influences on our lives is that Venus retrograde sometimes brings back loved ones from the distant past.
During this period, it is important not to start new financial relationships, open bank accounts, or transfer large sums, if there is an opportunity to wait. Calculate your costs and benefits carefully.
You need to be especially careful with beauty and rejuvenation procedures.
Women will present many problems during this period.
New love acquaintances will be short-lived, and marriages concluded during this period will break up due to the fault of the female half in the future.

Mars will not be retrograde in 2017!

Marina Nevskaya,

Your personal astrologer.

Publication date 2016-12-11 14:14:45

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From the point of view of an observer on Earth, any planet in the solar system can move either forward or backward. At the beginning of April 2017, Saturn will go retrograde.

Despite the fact that retrograde is actually only visual effect, it is of great importance in astrology. The fact is that all the functions and energetic properties of the planets can change dramatically when the direction of movement changes.

Positive properties of retrograde Saturn

In 2017, Saturn's retrograde motion will begin on April 5th. It will last until August 26th. From the very beginning you will feel the desire to become someone else. This will be a great time to find a new hobby or additional source of income. Here you can also add spiritual quests: for example, searching for your calling, ways of development and self-realization.

During the retrograde motion of Saturn and its energetic changes, astrologers recommend not getting hung up on moral standards, but also not violating them on purpose. Bypass established rules it will be much more effective. This spring it is easy to resolve legal issues: cunning and intuition will help you win in any legal dispute.

As for the monetary sphere of life, even the little things will be important. Money signs will tell you a way out of the most difficult situation. Purchases from April 5 to August 26, 2017 can not be suspended, but, on the contrary, can be carried out without fear.

Negative Sides of Saturn Retrograde

Problems that began during Saturn retrograde will remain with you for a long time. From April 5th, do not try to take risks and get involved in adventures that could result in ruin for you. Everything bad that happens in love, financial, business and any other area of ​​life will lead to extremely unpleasant consequences in the future. Your failures and their consequences will culminate in late August, when Saturn retrograde prepares to return to normal.

The implementation of the assigned tasks will be very difficult during the period of Saturn's retrograde movement. He will find a way to ruin your plans. It follows that it is better not to plan anything from April 5th. Of course, you can and even need to distribute your time, but you shouldn’t get too carried away and think that everything will be exactly the way you want. Try to act more than think during Saturn retrograde.

Challenges will not stimulate personal development from April 5 to August 26, so just try not to go with the flow, but to work on yourself. Learning ability will also decrease, because information will be absorbed a little worse than usual.

Bypass the rules, forcing yourself to think differently than before. During the retrograde period of Saturn it is better adhere to unpredictability of actions. Don't reveal your plans to other people.

In order for desires to coincide with possibilities, you will have to correctly assess the situation. Before taking decisive steps in any area of ​​life, it is better to think not about what you want or don’t want, but about what you are capable of.

In the sphere of love, the energy of the planet governs harmony, so a difficult period may come in a relationship that can destroy any idyll. It is better to either hide even the smallest betrayal until the last minute or admit it immediately. During Saturn retrograde you need to be able to ask for forgiveness, admit mistakes and be able to forgive loved ones, colleagues, friends.

One way or another, the influence of retrograde Saturn will most affect the business and financial spheres, because the planet will be located in the constellation Sagittarius.

Good luck this spring and summer. Astrologers wish all your desires to come true. To do this, you should start looking for the strength for positive thinking now. Look forward and don't look back. Make journeys into your consciousness carefully, without the hope of finding answers to all questions. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2017 04:23

All our planets Solar System carry a certain energy. In astrology, Mercury has been considered the patron of numbers since ancient times...

Retrograde, or backwardness. Indicated by the "R" icon. The word "retrograde" means something is moving backwards. The planet is not moving backwards, but the fact is that when viewed from Earth, it appears as if the planet is slowing down and about to move backwards. It's like two trains moving in parallel. If one goes at a higher speed, then it seems that the second is going backwards.

In astrology, different phases of a planet’s movement are usually denoted by letters: D - for direct (direct) movement, R - for retrograde, SD - when the planet, after stopping, begins direct movement, and SR - when the planet, after stopping, begins backward (retrograde) movement. All planets are retrograde except the Sun and Moon.

If a planet is retrograde, that is, it is moving in an unusual way, then its influence will be less obvious, more hidden and introverted. In some cases this becomes a real blessing, and sometimes it can slow down the process of maturation of the event. The calendar was compiled for the city of Moscow.

Retrograde planets in 2017☿ Mercury ♀ Venus ♂ Mars ♃ Jupiter ♄ Saturn ♅ Uranus ♆ Neptune ♇ Pluto Popular lunar calendars

The exact phase of retrograde (retrograde motion of the Planet relative to the Earth) of Mercury from August 13 to September 5. A change in direction will again return us to those things, requiring reconstruction and further work on mistakes. The usual approach to business will change, you will have to look for new connections, ideas, and inspiration. The most difficult period occurs during the phase of deceleration and stopping of Mercury, as well as its approach to the Sun (phase bottom connection Planets), those. from now until August 26th.

Mercury retrograde will affect the signs of Virgo and Leo. This time, we will feel more strongly than usual the importance of health-related issues (for example, we will have to carry out a necessary examination that has been postponed for a long time), we will have to take care of everyday duties (for example, we will return to protracted repairs). The progress of work processes and documentation will also require attention. You will probably have to return to old standards, rules, revise documentation, delete unnecessary files on the computer. In August - September special attention will require pets, issues of care and concern for them. Their loss or separation from them is not excluded. Creative affairs, love side will also attract attention. We will probably have to think about what and how should bring joy to our mood, give love and create harmony, what is really important and what should leave us. Parting with someone you love, searching for new creative inspiration are possible. This loop of Mercury will most strongly affect Leo and Virgo.They definitely shouldn’t rush during this period; it’s better to start preparing the ground for new projects, and be more attentive to details that can affect the result. B it turns out that Issues started during the last Mercury loop (from April 10 to May 3, 2017) will again become relevant or require new reconstructions.

You should be more careful during the period of the lower conjunction of Mercury with the Sun (from August 21 to 26), you can receive important messages or answers to pressing questions in the form of advice, useful information, signs, etc. As Mercury moves through its loop, it will oppose Neptune twice. This means that the Stars will require special emotional involvement in the coming month. Against this background, it can be much more difficult to think, perceive and transmit information; negotiate with people, work with documents and equipment. Fraud, breakdowns, and self-deception will increase.

What should you be wary of during Mercury retrograde?

1. Any contracts, papers, serious meetings begun during the retrograde movement of Mercury will not have reliable development in the future or will force them to return to finalizing them again after some time, so it is better to postpone the signing of important documents and getting a job until September 5.
2. The same applies to the purchase of any transport. A car purchased during such a period is likely to cause disappointment or present an unexpected surprise in the form of a simple lack of equipment. Be careful.
3. The communications and electronics purchased may create the same consequences in the future. They are subject to malfunctions or breakdowns. Their quality may not correspond to the cost for which they were purchased. Installation of a computer system should be abandoned. Even the most reliable specialist there is a high chance of error in this area. Copy important information onto multiple media. This will increase the reliability of its storage.
4. Transport tends to be delayed during such a period, and its schedule changes. Consider planning your affairs more carefully and rationally. Haste is not the best help these days.
5. Device on new job may not bring the desired development in a given enterprise. A person may be dissatisfied with their responsibilities and less likely to expect career advancement.
7. Any contracts concluded at this time may be of a non-permanent nature, incl. court decisions.
6. B social networks crashes, login problems are likely, and fraud will increase.

This period is not so bad in some matters:

1. An excellent time to study and return to the material covered.
2. Passing and retaking exams, since our thinking is able to dive deeper, exploring and analyzing information.
3. Sale of communication equipment or equipment, as well as any things that have served you.
4. It’s good to get back to any task that was put off a long time ago.
5. A wonderful time to reconsider communication with those people who gave you joy and pleasure before. They can be old acquaintances, friends, business partners.

Good luck and keep your balance!

These comments are compiled based on the overall stellar picture. To solve an individual problem, it is necessary to estimate the date, place and exact time of birth, using several astrological forecasting techniques.

Mercury appeals to retrograde movement three times a year. Much has been written about the retrograde movement of Mercury, but it most strongly affects those who have a key position in their natal charts. Twins or Virgo .

Periods when Mercury is in retrograde motion, not the most in the best possible way suitable for starting new projects or establishing new relationships. During Mercury retrograde It is better to refrain from buying a car, any mechanisms or things related to communication, for example: cell phones, computers or televisions.

When Mercury - retrograde, comes favorable time for reviewing projects, revisions, editing, rewriting, reconsidering decisions. However, the problem that arose during the period of retrograde motion of Mercury will remain unresolved until the next period, when Mercury does not exit the next period of retrograde motion and begins to move directly.

What to do during Mercury retrograde

No major project is complete without adjustments and changes. Once you truly understand this, you can safely plan work of this kind for the period Mercury retrograde.

If we do not want to redo what needs to be remade, then we will not make progress until we put our affairs in order. If the Universe allows you to do this, then why spit against the wind, start cooperating with it and you will see that greater success will come.

When Mercury is “burnt,” you should be careful, since these days people usually hear only themselves and may miss important information or no less important details.

At Mercury retrograde not recommended:
- start new business or course of study;
- register an enterprise, open a store, salon, etc.;
- get a new job;
- sign contracts, agreements, agreements, securities;
- draw up documents, certificates, and other important papers;
- buy or exchange an apartment (house), move;
- rent or rent premises;
- buy or sell household and other appliances, vehicles;
- lend money or borrow money yourself;
- go on a trip to new places;
- send valuable letters, documents, parcels, etc.;
- make new acquaintances, sort things out.

At Mercury retrograde recommended:
- complete previously started tasks and solve “old” problems;
- bring order to desktops, papers, documents;
- review old archives, re-read books;
- throw away unnecessary papers, small things and objects;
- return to your roots, origins;
- inspect the farthest, darkest corners of your home or office;
- revise old agreements and terms of cooperation;
- look for new premises to move to after the rotation of Mercury;
- meet old friends, renew old acquaintances;
- edit and rewrite what was once written.

Mercury retrograde this year

You can see the periods of Mercury retrograde on this page.

Mercury retrograde in the natal chart

Mercury retrograde in Aries or in the 1st house

Speeches become assertive and at times belligerent, because in Aries the psychic energy is swift and aggressive. Decisions are made without due diligence, and a little later they begin to regret them. New ideas seem attractive, but they are abandoned just as quickly.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus or 2nd house

Thought slows down and moves in jerks. Decisions are not made without hesitation and are difficult. However, having made a decision while Mercury is stationary in Taurus, a person may turn out to be very consistent, inflexible and not allowing change.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini or 3rd house

The thought will be flexible and swift, as well as changeable, it will lack firmness. One should beware of hesitation. At this time, work may begin on many projects, but none of them will be completed. The mind generates ideas, but it is difficult to implement them because the thought constantly jumps from one thing to another.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer or the 4th house

Psychic energy is released through the senses rather than through the intellect. Intuition increases. Throughout the entire period, high creativity, but beware of hypersensitivity. Family and household chores bring great satisfaction. Often people experience emotional breakdowns and cry for no apparent reason.

Mercury retrograde in Leo or the 5th house

Psychic energy is expressed powerfully and very definitely. A person takes positions that are almost impossible to change. There may be too much self-confidence and admiration of one's own decisions. Not a single one of the things started will be completed, even if it is a brilliant undertaking.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo or 6th house

Mental energy manifests itself in analytical thinking. Thought is organized. Opinions are formed after careful thought and consideration. However, the desire for perfection can delay the decision-making process. During the inpatient period, people will be especially picky and critical. They may judge others, but tend to be the harshest in their self-assessments.

Mercury retrograde in Libra or the 7th house

The indecisiveness of Mercury in Libra intensifies during this period. The point of view changes every minute, making decisions becomes almost impossible. Artistic inclinations and craving for art intensify, the same can be said about love and love interests.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio or the 8th house

The ability to carry out experiments and conduct research develops, because there is stationary Mercury in the sky; by definition, Mercury in Scorpio is prone to solving intellectual riddles and research work. Thought is concentrated, ideas are powerful and attractive. The passion for introspection may increase.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius or in the 9th house

The soul may turn to matters of religion. Enthusiasm, idealism and optimism may emerge. You may be preoccupied with thoughts of travel and distant countries. With Mercury stationary in Sagittarius, there may be a need to share your ideas, and there may also be a tendency to obsess over your ideas and constantly embellish them.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn or the Xth house

Mental processes may be slower and more complex, but good decisions can be made through caution and conscientiousness. During this period, pessimistic moods and depression may appear. The results of organizational and planning activities are very effective. You will be preoccupied with thoughts about your career and work.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius or the 11th house

There may be flashes of insight. Original, smart, new thoughts may come to mind. Speeches can become witty. Since Mercury in Aquarius feels great, its energy manifests itself in a very favorable form. This is a wonderful period to engage in inventive activities, teach or create literary works.

Mercury retrograde in Pisces or the 12th house

The unfavorable properties of Mercury in Pisces may appear, because Mercury does not feel very comfortable in this sign. Possible repetitions of sad situations and periods from past life. You may have bouts of depression. It is very difficult to perceive the joyful and beautiful aspects of life. Instead, you tend to see things only in a dark light. Artistic inclinations, the ability to sympathize, and psychic talents can easily manifest themselves.