We build a fence from plastic bottles with our own hands. How to make a fence from plastic bottles Fencing from plastic bottles for the garden

Deposits of used plastic containers at the dacha - eternal problem. Of course, you can burn it, but you don’t want to poison it clean air who rarely get to breathe in acrid smoke! Therefore, let's try to find a worthy use for it. For example, let's think about how to make a fence from plastic bottles.

They have long been used to make a variety of crafts - decorative and quite utilitarian, so why not use them as building material for fencing garden plot or at least parts of it?

How to use bottles

Food-grade plastic, from which disposable tableware and bottles are made, is a fairly durable material that cannot be destroyed by exposure to moisture, sun, high or low temperature and other environmental influences. Therefore, it is excellent for the construction of not only fences, but also various other street buildings. For example, an original gazebo, canopy or greenhouse.

Most often, cylinders are used as is - entirely, with plugs. But they can be cut lengthwise, removing the bottom, into several picket pieces. Or you can take only the bottoms or corks and decorate an old wooden fence with them.

There are many options, but if you are faced with the dual task of building a fence and recycling plastic cylinders, then we will only consider those that involve “waste-free production.” Rest assured that .

Most likely, your reserves will not be enough, and you will either have to replenish them by visiting friends and acquaintances, or carry out construction in stages, as new bottles spontaneously appear on the site and in its surroundings.

Types of “bottle” fences and methods of their construction

Fences made from plastic bottles can be very different both in type and purpose.

  • The simplest option is fencing flower beds, flower beds, garden paths, their visual highlighting.

  • Frame fence. Light, transparent or translucent (depending on the color of the bottles), serving more as a decoration than a reliable barrier to uninvited guests.
  • Capital fence- the most expensive option, which involves the use of a binder solution. But the price of cylinders filled with sand or earth is still incomparable with the cost of brick or stone, so we will consider this option.

Plastic bottles can be found at every step. Most of us throw them away, but the most inventive ones use them to decorate the garden in the form of palm trees, garden paths, borders for beds and flower beds.

And at some point, an ordinary plastic bottle ceased to be recyclable, but turned into a material for creativity. In addition to decorations, plastic bottles can be used to make either a small fence or a full-fledged fence for your personal plot.

Of course, this will require a large amount of material, but I think now this should not be a problem.

Zoning and decor

A small fence made of bottles is the most simple option fencing. Used for zoning garden plots, fencing flower beds, paths, etc. To make such a fence, you need to fill them with sand or earth and dig them around the area that needs to be highlighted.

Such a simple-looking fence will add zest to your site. And if you take into account some nuances, you can turn an ordinary vegetable garden into a work of art. You can think over their arrangement in advance and alternate them by color, shape, size. You can also use filler of different colors.

For example, fill one part with light sand and the other with dark sand, or use a color scheme to color the sand. You can also use fine gravel instead of sand. When combining filler, the composition will look even better.

Video: FENCE made from plastic bottles WITH YOUR HANDS

Wire fence

Plastic bottles strung on wire are used as fencing for flower beds and flower beds. By stringing them in several rows we get a tall one that is suitable for the entire area. This way we get a beautiful and unusual fence.

Fence rack

For this fence option, you need to install posts around the perimeter of the site, and attach between them cross bars. It turns out to be a rack. Corks are glued to the planks using construction adhesive.

Then bottles filled with sand or other filler are screwed into them. You can not glue the corks, but screw them with self-tapping screws, then screw in the bottle and fix its bottom with a nail. In this case, the containers are not filled or only half filled.

We use plastic sheet

A design made not from whole bottles, but from plastic material, will look unusual. To do this, you will need a large plastic container - 2 - 2.5 liters. The bottom and top of the bottle are cut off, and the remaining cylinder is cut into two rectangular parts.

Then, the resulting rectangles are connected to each other with a stapler. It turns out to be a continuous canvas. This canvas is attached to posts installed around the perimeter of the yard.

Capital fence

To build not decorative fence, but capital, you will have to spend time and effort. Such a fence is built using cement sand mortar or clay. Along the perimeter of the site, pillars are dug in at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m. It is not necessary to make a foundation; it is enough to thoroughly clean and level the site.

The containers are filled with solution and placed on top of each other in rows. The solution is also poured between them. It is advisable that the bottoms of the bottles face the street, you will get a decoration in the form of flowers. Additionally, they can be painted in different colors.

To prevent it from “floating” during laying, it must be laid in several stages. First, place it at a height of 0.5 - 1 m and allow the solution to set. Then the rest is reported.

Mesh made of plastic bottles

Probably the most labor-intensive, but also original version. The top and bottom of the bottle are cut off, and the remaining part is cut in a spiral.

The width of the cut threads should not exceed 3 mm. From the resulting threads a net is woven, similar to a fishing net. Then the mesh is stretched between the pillars.

It turns out to be a rather original fence. But this option requires time and most importantly patience.

Fence made of lids

As a material for the fence, you can use not only bottles, but also bottle caps. True, you will need a lot of caps, about 10 - 15 thousand. The work of making such a fence is also not the easiest.

You need to drill a hole in each cap and string it on a thin wire. It is advisable to think through the stringing scheme in advance to get some kind of pattern. You can experiment and make a combined one - from bottles and caps.

The advantage of this fence material is its durability and, most importantly, cost-effectiveness. After all, plastic bottles are usually thrown away, but if you put in a little effort and creativity, you will get an original and non-standard fence.

Watch the video: Unique fence made of plastic caps("Orbit")

There are a lot of options for arranging flower beds with your own hands. We can say that ideas for decorating a personal plot are born every day. Great way make it free and practical - collect it from empty bottles. Plastic containers decompose into natural conditions more than 100 years – for environment a real disaster. But as a material for a free fence - a real find!

An example of a fence for a garden bed made of plastic bottles

If a large number of bottles have accumulated at home, their place is in the country as an original fence for flowers or beds.

Advantages of flower beds made from plastic bottles

From seemingly useless waste, you can make a fence that has the following useful characteristics:

If we talk about the disadvantages of fencing made of plastic bottles, it is its low mechanical strength.

Option for decorating a garden bed fencing made from plastic bottles

To make the fence more reliable, bottles are tightly filled with sand or earth.

Options for using bottles in fencing

There are many ways to decorate a flower bed with bottles. The fence can be made from whole containers, from bottles cut into strips. The shapes, sizes and configuration of the fence are limited only by your imagination.

Vertical bottles

The simplest and most obvious way to make a flowerbed with your own hands is to install plastic bottles vertically:

The main advantage of this method is that with its help you can easily decorate an existing flowerbed. To make the fence look solid and neat, it is best to use two or one and a half liter bottles of the same type.

It is better to use different bottles with systematic alternation. A multi-tiered flower bed made from buried plastic bottles will look beautiful.

You can make a border for flowers from plastic bottles without a neck. In this case, the ditch can be made shallow 5-7 cm. The bottles are filled with earth and buried along the marking line. Bottles can be painted any color you wish. Most suitable for these purposes acrylic paint, it adheres best to plastic and is more durable. Light transparent bottles You can paint the inside by pouring paint into it and shaking the container well. This way the paint will not be affected by precipitation.

Horizontal arrangement

The horizontal laying method is more complex and requires some costs. The height of the fence in this case can vary; outwardly, such a fence looks more solid and solid. Used for fastening plastic bottles cement mortar. Also for the flower bed you will need a base, for example a cut barrel or car tire. The bottles will cluster around this base, forming a circular flower bed.

Stages of work:

Mini flower beds made from plastic bottles

Small flower beds can be made directly in the bottle.

Original mini-flower bed made from plastic bottles

For example, large bottles from under drinking water. There are a lot of ideas for decorating such mini-flower beds. Crafts for the garden can be made in the form of piglets, hedgehogs, and so on. Such flower beds look very cute, are easy to make with your own hands and can be moved from place to place.

The work usually requires a minimum of tools:

  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • tassels;
  • various details for decoration.

If you are looking for budget decision for building a fence, then you will be interested in this article. We invite you to consider original solution, which has been implemented by a large number of summer residents - a fence made of bottles. We will talk about the use of plastic bottles. We will look at the pros and cons of this structure, as well as what types of fencing from plastic bottles you can build with your own hands. And of course, we suggest you consider the instructions for making a fence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other structure, a fence made of plastic bottles has a number of positive and negative aspects. Fencing made from plastic bottles also has similar features. So, let's consider positive aspects such a solution:

  • Original and beautiful appearance. The end result is a great fence.
  • Originality. You can create original design, which in color and design style is not repeated by anyone.
  • Low cost. You just need to collect a certain number of containers or purchase them. Plus, such a fence will not cost very much.
  • Long service life. This type of fencing made from plastic bottles will last for many years. On average this can be 150 years.
  • Easy to maintain. During operation, such a structure does not require constant painting, processing, etc.
  • Years later, the material is exposed to sun rays not deformed. It is also able to cope with low temperatures.
  • Light weight. There is no need to pour a serious foundation.

But do not forget about the disadvantages that this fence also has:

  • Instability to mechanical stress. Such a fence is very easy to damage and destroy.
  • Unsafe. Such a fence will definitely not protect you from thieves and other unexpected guests.
  • Visibility. If you are accustomed to privacy, then through such a fence everyone passing by will see you.
  • Labor-intensive manufacturing process. It will take a lot of time to put everything together.

Plastic fencing options

There are several ideas on how to make a fence from plastic bottles for your dacha. Let's look at the most common options, and then we offer you instructions for making them.


This means low fences that separate paths, beds and other areas. So, a plastic bottle is half buried in the ground. Only its lower part will be visible. A similar border can also be used as a regular decoration. Its production is very simple. Fill it with earth or fine sand, screw on the lid and dig it into the ground.

On a wire

Another original solution in which the bottles are fixed on a wire. So, the wire is threaded through its “body”. In this case, you can make the fence relatively high. If the fence on the wire is high, then a dressing unit must be organized.

Plastic sheet

It's quite unusual way making a fence from plastic bottles. It is used very rarely. The reason is that it takes a lot of effort to make it. So, you need to use only two-liter containers. They should cut out the middle part and cut vertically. That is, you should end up with a rectangle. These elements are connected to each other with a stapler. The result is a continuous canvas made from a large number of elements of plastic bottles.


Already based on the name, it is clear that such a fence resembles a rack in appearance. To implement it you need to do wooden frame. Mounted first wooden poles supports along the entire perimeter of the territory. To form a rack, transverse bars are attached to them. Before using bottles, they should be washed thoroughly and then filled with sand. These containers are displayed on the manufactured rack.

It is better to fasten the bottles using small screws. They are screwed to the slats from below and above with screws. That is, the height of the rack should be equal to the height of one bottle. Thus, the fence rises up to the required height. There may be several such racks.

Using Lids

Another very bold and original solution is to use plastic bottle caps. Of course, making such a fence will not be easy. This will take a lot of time. But the end result can be very beautiful picture. Any design can be painted on such a fence. This can be done by using multi-colored lids.

Important! If you have this idea, then you should understand that its implementation will require a couple of tens of thousands of plastic lids.

But you can also make a small fence from plastic covers. For example, you can protect flower bed. In short, there may be plenty of ideas.

Instructions for making a plastic fence on wire

Now let's look at the principle of making a fence from plastic bottles and wire. To work you will need a set of the following materials and tools:

  • Durable metal wire. It is desirable that she be from stainless steel. Let the wire diameter be 6 mm.
  • Plastic bottles. You need to make a calculation in advance of the required quantity. Moreover, they must be of the same displacement and color.
  • Sharp construction knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Drill and set of drills. The diameter of the drill must be equal to the diameter of the wire.

So, the essence of the work comes down to several sequential actions. First of all, the bottles are washed and thoroughly dried. After this, you need to carefully and evenly cut off the bottom. We will use 5 containers in one column. As a result, the height of the fence will be about one meter. But keep in mind that the lowest bottle must have a bottom, and all subsequent four bottles must have a cut bottom.

After that, place a bottle with a bottom on the bottom, and insert everything without a bottom on top of it. Make sure that the topography of the containers completely coincides and is positioned sequentially. Due to this, visually everything will look beautiful.

After this, you need to take all the cut bottoms and drill holes in the center of them according to the diameter of the wire. Holes are also drilled in bottles at three levels. That is, across the columns of plastic containers the wire will be stretched in three places. Due to this, sufficient rigidity will be ensured to the product. After this, in a certain sequence, string a bottle with bottoms onto a wire, as shown in the figure:

Having formed required quantity sections, the entire structure of the future fence made of plastic bottles should be moved to the street. Dig metal or wooden support posts into the ground around the perimeter. At the height of the tensioned wire in the columns of bottles, drill holes in the support columns buried in the ground. The wire will be attached to these holes.

As you can see, making such a fence is not particularly difficult. However, a lot of effort is required. The end result will delight you, because this is how you can outline your territory.

Instructions for making a permanent fence

Above we looked at comparatively simple design fence made of plastic bottles. Now we invite you to consider the technology for making a more powerful fence. To do this, you need to decide on the choice of building material that will combine all the bottles into one fence design. For example, it could be a mortar based on clay and sand or a regular concrete mortar. There are no rules here.

  • First of all, the site is marked. To do this, you need to place the pegs in the required place and stretch the string between the pegs. This will allow you to make the fence straight and not crooked.
  • After marking, you dig the posts into the ground in 1.5 meter increments. Due to them, the entire fence structure will be held in place.
  • Now you need to pour the foundation. Some decide not to upload it. The main thing is that the base is smooth and clean.
  • After this, wash and dry the plastic bottles. The inside of the bottles should be filled with concrete or sand, as desired.
  • After this, the filled bottles are laid out along the marked line like bricks. They are connected to each other with the prepared solution.

There are several nuances that you should pay attention to. Bottle bottoms should be placed outside. Due to this, the fence will acquire a certain decorative character. After complete drying concrete mortar, the protruding bottoms can be painted in any desired color, which will completely hide the unpleasant and cold gray color.

Important! When making a permanent fence using a combination of plastic bottles and solution, remember that the height of such a structure can reach up to one and a half meters. Moreover, such a height can be built in one go. When the solution sets and hardens, you can raise the fence even higher.

As you can see, this method It's also not entirely complicated. It is quite possible to cope with all the work independently. With all this, you will be able to create a very durable and reliable fence, which will be decorated with plastic bottles.


So, here we have looked at all the features of how a fence is made from plastic bottles. In fact, there are a lot of ideas. In this article we have described the most common ones. You can choose the technology that is most suitable for you personally. And if desired, you can modify it. To do this you need to use your imagination.

We hope that this article has awakened in you the desire to create and create on your own. summer cottage fencing made from plastic bottles. If you already have your own experience in this matter, then share it by leaving comments at the end of this article. Moreover, we recommend that you watch the prepared video material, which describes other features of the manufacture of such a structure.

With the advent of plastic containers in our lives, a whole trend has arisen to reuse this durable material. Plastic bottles are used for both decorative and practical purposes. For example, building a fence.

The fence is made of horizontal pipes with bottles strung on them.

Vertical rows, fastened lid to lid, bottom to bottom. Wooden frame frame.

The caps were first attached to the wooden guide, and then the bottles were screwed on.

The master had to tinker with this fence, but it was worth it.

Mounting method via screwed covers. The top is decorated with bottles carved in the shape of a flower.

These spans are made of necks inserted one into another.

A small neat fence separates the front garden from the road.

An old wooden fence hides its flaws under the canopy of plastic apple trees.

The bottles are inserted into the grid cells in the form of a pattern.

Cut plastic bottles are fastened into a single sheet. It turns out to be a solid fence, but transparent.

Fences are also needed in the garden beds.

Snow-white fence made of milk bottles.

The connection diagram of the plastic picket fence is simple and beautiful.

The cut off bottom of PET bottles looks like a flower. The fence turns out to be openwork.

This fence is monolithic. On the side of the lids it is smooth, and on the side of the bottom it is corrugated.
