Declaring your love to a girl in your own words. Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

My sunshine, my queen, the smartest, most beautiful, adored, beloved, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, absolutely incomparable, the most exciting and even magical, certainly delightful, slightly impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious! I love you! 46

Only with you I realized what it means to be truly happy and what without love real life No. You are the one I think about 61 seconds a minute... I simply admire you, my beauty! 51

With you I feel happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of our meeting, and apparently I won’t be able to stop loving you. I want to always be near you, protect you, love you. With you, the world becomes colorful and bright, you filled my heart with you and now it belongs only to you. 73

It seems to me that I have met exactly my soul mate, whom I have been waiting for all my life. I dream of your laughter, your smile every night. I don't find a place for myself when we're not around. I want to always be with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart. 30

I don’t see happiness without you, baby!
I want to say - and you hear me!
You are beautiful and incomparable,
And as always unique,
After all, I love you alone!
I'm just drowning in your eyes! 29

I love you with all my heart, I adore you with all my body, I adore you with all my soul, and no one will ever compare to you, you are the only one! You are the most, most beautiful, gentle, affectionate and insanely desired by me! 45

When I see you -
The soul is warmer!
The sun is brighter, the sound is louder,
The heart is happier.
I would like to every day
Look into your eyes
To be alone with you
Kissing under the moon.
I love you very much
Be happy - I say! 25

I've been waiting for a girl like you for so long - affectionate, beautiful, gentle, smart! This list can be continued endlessly. You are the only one among everyone I have ever met in my life. You are the only one I want to be with always! 39

You are alone in my destiny,
In thoughts and words.
And I always want to come to you
I'm in my dreams.
For me you are the light of the sun,
My little star,
And I’ll tell you of course -
I love you very much! 31

I love you very much!
When I first met -
I fell into the pool of your eyes.
You are beautiful, nothing better
Let the whole world know
Why are you, beauty, with me?
And I don’t need another! 12

Sometimes things happen in life,
Love comes quickly and unexpectedly
Now I'm happy to be with you -
The most beautiful and long-awaited! 15

You are good, easy, smart -
Your advantages cannot be listed,
You are always my favorite,
Only one word and thought about you! 13

You are like a sweet dream to me,
You have both love and beauty,
You're so crazy good
Face, figure and soul.
People like you cannot be met, cannot be found -
At least take the land and walk around it.
So we can conclude this -
I can only be happy with you! 10

I want to confess to you
I love you madly
You warm my soul
With you I'm like in a wonderful dream!
And there is no one better
And I don't need anything
I just want to be with you,
With my beloved, dear! 6

I love you very much
I think about you days and nights!
And without you I just feel sad
I'm sad, bored and yawning...
Please give me your love
Let it excite our blood! 11

I confess that I love you very much
I want to see you
Walk in the evenings.
I want to hear your voice
Rejoice in your words. 8

I'm in a festive mood
All the time, every day.
And even the sky seems
Seems like it's more fun. 10

My beloved star,
My clear sunshine
The girl is the smartest
And as always beautiful!
I'm burning with love for you,
I can't be silent anymore
I want to confess to you -
I love you so much! 11

My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world to me, you are my whole life, I am happy with you and really want us to always be together! 14

You are the best thing that can happen in life!
With you I feel happy!
And I promise to love you sincerely,
Every day, and with renewed vigor! 17

I love you with all my heart!
I want you to always be with me,
And we will open the door to happiness,
It’s not for nothing that fate brought us together! 14

Sunny, always be like this -
Reliable, gentle and simple,
I want to kiss you
Finding happiness with you
After all, you are the only wonderful one,
The most beautiful thing in the world! 10

I want to confess to you
And explain in warm feelings.
'Cause I didn't think I could
Fall so deeply in love.

When I look at you
Then every time I understand
How much I love you
How dear you are to me!

You are the girl of my dreams
You are like light in a window to me!
Everywhere only you, always only you.
Do you love me at least a little?

My love, I know
You are the only one I have.
I only dream about you
I can't imagine life without you.

Loving you and being with you -
I don't need another fate.
Always be with your beloved -
That's all I need.

I didn’t see such beauty, I didn’t know such kindness, I didn’t believe in such love, I didn’t think that there was such a wonderful girl in the world who could touch my soul, awaken my bright feelings and become my inspiration. It turns out there is such a diva, it’s you. I love you, and I can’t imagine a day without your smile.

When I first saw you,
I realized immediately that I was completely lost.
Now the whole world is invisible to me without you.
You are the one I have dreamed of for so many years.
Darling, I want you to know
That for me you are heaven and earth,
That dreams are connected only with you.
I will simply say: “You are my love!”

You are my whole world, my unearthly angel,
You, my dear, are full of charm!
I ask you, dear, be with me,
There is no stronger desire in my heart!

I want to always touch you alone
And just open my soul for you!
My love, let me confess
I am ready to give my heart only to you!

My love for you is immeasurable
It is like space - without end.
You are irreplaceable to me.
Without seeing your face

I'm sad, only you are my light.
I love you so much, dear.
There is no one like you in the world,
And I don’t want anyone else.

I love you my angel
This feeling cannot be broken
It's never fun without you,
It's hard for me to live without you.

I admire you
And I live with you alone,
My heart darling
I'm giving you one.

I’m ready for a feat for you,
I will move mountains for you,
I'm only faithful to you,
I adore you.

Like a beautiful flower,
So sweet and funny.
At the same time so passionate.
I love you darling!

I can't stop looking at you
I'm ready to watch it for a whole century.
And when I kiss you,
I couldn't be happier.

Darling, I confess frankly,
You just captivated me!
I've probably never met in my life
Girls are more beautiful than you.

I will open my soul to you,
I give you the key to my heart,
I won’t hide my feelings from you,
Darling, I love you!

You are more beautiful and sweeter than everyone in the world,
I will never find anyone else like you!
Let my love warm you,
And you, like the sun, always shine for me!

Let everything be like in a fairy tale,
And life will become a wonderful magic!
I will give you love, warmth and affection,
May every moment be filled with goodness!

You are my star in the twilight,
The star that lights the way.
So that I don't disappear in the dark,
So that he cannot turn into a quagmire.

My star guides me
Toward the dawn that burns in the distance.
And I will follow you,
Darling, to the ends of the earth!

We remember with regret the times of chivalry, when a man spent the whole night under the windows of his beloved lady, hoping, at least secretly, just to see her. The period when feats were dedicated to women, competitions were held and tournaments were held, people eagerly awaited the ball so that, having invited her to a waltz, they would have the opportunity to touch her and whisper a few words. The lines, overflowing with experiences and suffering, poured out in a waterfall of emotions on paper. Another way to express yourself was recognition in love girl, written, perhaps even on a dozen pages, performed in the hope of reciprocity. In those distant times, men wrote letters to their ladies, composed (dedicated) poems to them, sang serenades. And what can a young guy do, in our modern times, to tell his chosen one about interest or maybe even love? Someone commits extravagant acts, someone cares for their ideal, and someone, embarrassed, does not dare to take the first step.

How to beautifully, gracefully and elegantly confess your feelings? There is no need to keep everything to yourself, otherwise your soul mate may go to someone else. According to research, rhymed lines are remembered better than any prose; they are able to penetrate a person’s consciousness. And love poems or even a simple SMS make her more supportive. In our desire to help representatives of the stronger half of humanity decide to step towards their destiny, we have posted confessions in poetic form on our pages. They will help hide the “thorns” of even the “thorniest rose.” It’s not for nothing that they say that a woman loves with her ears.

Poems to your beloved in SMS

I love you, my gentle angel,
I'm ready to give you everything
If only you were next to me,
I'm ready to wait for you forever!

But in my heart without you there is a desert,
You are kinder, gentler, sweeter than everyone else!
There is no more desirable girl in the world,
I love you more every day!

You illuminate my world with happiness,
And I live, loving you -
And this is a valuable wealth
I'll carry it through the years!

I love you, my dear!
And this is happiness for me
I live and dream of you,
Hurry up and hug you!

As you wish, you play with me:
You promise sweet caresses,
Then with a harsh word you wound accurately.
My princess, you are a flirt!

One day, without even believing it,
You can easily awaken the beast in me.
Why, you ask, do I endure everything?
Yes, I just love you!

I will hug you tenderly, tenderly,
I'll touch you with barely a breath!
Our happiness with you is inevitable,
Even though you are still far away!

But we will meet soon, I know!
Forgive me for being separated from you!
I hug you, kiss you
And I miss you, my angel!

The one who illuminates
The whole world is hope and dream,
For the one who touches the gaze,
Graceful, affectionate, dear

I want to trust myself with everything,
I’ll give you my heart with the rest,
I will only trust you alone,
I only love you!

I fall asleep - I dream about you,
I wake up and you’re in my thoughts again.
I always want to be with you,
There is no such beauty in the world.

How sweet and how beautiful you are,
I'll tell you without further ado:
I love you, now it's clear to me
How deep is my love!

I love it - what could be more beautiful!
I love you with all my heart, with all my soul.
It’s as if the world is woven from happiness,
So bright and big!

I love you - and life is like a fairy tale,
And so much kind warmth,
And so much tenderness and affection!
I want you to always be there!

There is no more beautiful girl on the planet,
What are you, my sorceress - a dream!
I love you more than anyone in the world,
My love is dearest to me!

I love you like nothing happens in life,
I am ready to do absolutely anything for you!
And God sees, and he knows for sure
There is no better feeling in the world!

When the water is blocked,
Forest stream, not finding a way,
It will fall from the mountains with a burning waterfall,
To find your hope.
That's how I am, hiding my feelings,
He put a ban on fiery words.
And my heart became cold and empty,
The pain made me dizzy.
But the feeling again broke all inhibitions.
Life without you remains a bad dream.
I'm ready, like Shakespeare, to write sonnets
And sing romances under your window.
I love! And the sun shines more joyfully.
I love! I strive for you, my star!
And if you agree -
I will be the happiest person in the world!

I won’t get tired of confessing my love
My heart is completely captivated
Do you want to kneel in front of everyone?
And I will shout about love to the whole world.

“Dear, beautiful, beloved!
I am conquered by you forever!
Was an ordinary guy I used to,
And now - the happiest person!”

“There is no more tender, more beautiful girl in the world,
You are beautiful like spring
You inspire like the sun at dawn
You’re so flawless, alone!”

You are the most important in my destiny,
All my thoughts and dreams are only about you,
Be mine, my love, always,
You are my ideal, my dream.
My confessions are bright, pure,
You are only worthy of admiration,
I look forward to meeting you again and again,
You are my only love.

The days fly by, the thread of time winds.
Every day I understand better
That I love you more and more,
My darling, I'm starting.

There is a strong feeling in my heart
Warms my soul, depicting happiness to me.
How warm it is for me when we are together...
I love you very much, sunshine.

I forget about everything next to you
And if we don’t see each other, I really miss you!
Every meeting becomes priceless
After all, you are the most beautiful in the universe!

I don’t see happiness, I’m a baby without you,
I want to say something, but you can hear me!
You are beautiful and incomparable,
And as always unique,
After all, I love you alone!
I always drown in your eyes!

Like magic rose petals
And the overflow of dreams and desires,
Beautiful curls of hair
And the tenderness of your eyes shines.

You are like the embodiment of a fairy tale:
Very beautiful and sweet.
You conquered like a vision
And you tamed me.

I breathe with you, I dream with you,
I want to protect you
From various troubles and all suffering,
After all, you give me a reason to live.

In my destiny you are a bright angel,
What shines and disturbs the soul.
I won't stop loving you
And I will admire you forever.

I want to confess to you
And explain in warm feelings.
'Cause I didn't think I could
Fall so deeply in love.

When I look at you
Then every time I understand
How much I love you
How dear you are to me!

You are the girl of my dreams
You are like light in a window to me!
Everywhere only you, always only you.
Do you love me at least a little?

Poems declaration of love to a girl

I lived like everyone else: I threw words to the wind.
He was unrestrained, rude and frivolous.
But the day came when I met you -
And this incident changed everything.
I say goodbye to my troubled youth,
Ready to take myself seriously.
Princess! Love me like this -
I swear: I will become different for you!
I bring my confession to you alone,
I repeat, like a spell, again and again:
You alone are a charm for me,
Dream, hope, faith and love!

My love strives for you,
Foams and rushes with passion,
I can’t hold back the avalanche of feelings,
I can't resist your beauty.
Accept my confessions, dear,
You are the girl of my dreams
I always want to be with you,
May our path be illuminated by a bright star.

You are brighter than the sun, there is nothing more beautiful than you,
You emit a miraculous bright light,
I love you so much - I can't put it into words,
I will try to convey this with actions!

You are the girl of my dreams, from a fairy tale,
I’m ready to bathe you in dreams and affection,
I love you so much that there are no words.
Let the charms of flowers speak for me!

When I see you -
My soul is warmer
The sun is brighter, the sound is louder,
The heart is happier.
I would like to every day
Look into your eyes
To be alone with you
Kissing under the moon.
I love you very much
Be happy - I say!

Sweet and dear! Tender,
Good, dear!
I love you so much
It's time for me to go crazy!

There is no such thing as love!
There are no more girls like this!
But my passion does not go out!
You are my life! You are the light of the sun!

Child of the Goddess, nymph, rose...
No, it’s not the same... but how can I say it?
You will warm me from the frost in the cold,
You can show love...

Not that again... I'm so worried...
Confessing your feelings is not easy.
Love you! I'm jealous of everyone!
I am not given this right...

Forgive me for these lines,
I only disturbed your peace...
But know that I'm very lonely
When I'm not near you, I'm with you!

When I first saw you,
I realized immediately that I was completely lost.
Now the whole world is invisible to me without you.
You are the one I have dreamed of for so many years.
Darling, I want you to know
That for me you are heaven and earth,
That dreams are connected only with you.
I will simply say: “You are my love!”

A beautiful declaration of love to your beloved girl

I woke up very early myself
And, watching you,
Yesterday I noticed something very strange
How pure your soul is in a dream...
I admired for a very long time,
How you saw dreams quietly...
And I touched your cheek
With soft lips, lightly...
The light from the sun dawned brightly
And you opened your eyes...
You are the best of gifts,
Which fate gave!

I'm trying to breathe, but there's no air,
I'm trying to sleep, but dawn has broken.
I'm trying to gather my thoughts,
But it just doesn’t work out for me.
I see your eyes in the shine of the stars,
It's as if I'm caught in the shackles of dreams.
Your name trembles on my lips
My will with you is immensely weak.
Your image is so tender, your gaze is so tender,
I am always glad to see your smile.
I cherish my hopes in my thoughts
About the fact that I dare to confess my love.

I worry about every meeting
I'm waiting for your every call
Every time I fall more and more in love
To your beautiful beloved!

Let the years fly by like thoughts,
My feelings are unchanged as always -
I can't imagine life without you,
Even if I'm not nice to you yet.

I don't want to let you go...
I love you like life
Blooming spring and willow whips...
I want to give my life to you
Having fallen into your network forever...

You are only worthy of admiration,
Accept my declarations of love,
You give me warmth and affection,
With you, life is like a fairy tale.
I want to always be with you,
You are my ideal, guiding star,
I love you, I adore you
With you next to me, I just melt.

I want to confess to you
I love you madly
You warm my soul
With you I'm like in a wonderful dream!
And there is no one better
And I don't need anything
I just want to be with you,
With my beloved, dear!

My girl is sweet, gentle...
There is no one more precious to me than you, believe me!
You are my angel, my serene one,
My joy is in the flow of days!

You are the only one kept in my heart,
The one who is so dear to him
And my destiny is you, my beloved,
There is only you in my thoughts!

I will never get tired of repeating
One phrase that is dearer to everyone:
I love you, my desired sun!
Every day it gets stronger and stronger!

Darling, I confess frankly,
You just captivated me!
I've probably never met in my life
Girls are more beautiful than you.

I will open my soul to you,
I give you the key to my heart,
I won’t hide my feelings from you,
Darling, I love you!

Letter of declaration of love to a girl to tears

What are my earthly dreams to me without you!
And why do I need the sun without you!
There is no need for all the delights of spring,
If you turn away without loving.
If from the touch of a hand
A sweet shiver will run through your body,
So, we are a little, but close,
So you won't leave forever.
I will humbly wait for an answer,
I will keep the tender look in my thoughts.
And the colors in this world will explode,
If you answer me: “I love you!”

I can talk for hours
What I love, you are loved by me.
But, perhaps, it’s better to do things...
I will make your dreams come true!

I'm ready to anticipate desires
Eavesdrop on your dreams and dreams
To earn cherished recognition
I will do whatever you want...

I'll make surprises
I will make you happy
Tender, delightful, sweet!
From the first meeting you conquered me!

Today I confess: I love you,
And so I hope for reciprocity,
You make my dream come true
And you make me happy.
You are the epitome of beauty
When I see you, I just freeze,
You deserve only the best
I adore and adore you!

Where you are, there are smiles and flowers,
Darling, you are worthy only of admiration,
Accept confessions again and again,
Let love rule the world.
If only you were next to me,
And I don’t need more happiness,
I will never meet someone more faithful and faithful,
You are my other half.

I love you very much
I think about you days and nights,
And without you I'm sad
I'm sad, bored and yawning.
Please give your love!

I love you, dear,
You are my desired one.
Very dear to my heart,
And you are tender at heart.
Days and nights without you -
Like many years.
May fate prophesy to me
To be with you forever.

I fell madly in love with you,
And I lost peace and sleep,
I dissolved in your love,
I'm probably being funny now...

But I'm not at all ashamed
Those feelings that took over me,
On the contrary, I'm proud of it
What did you and I see?

We managed not to pass by
Each other in the bustle of the world.
I know there's a lot ahead
Waiting for you and me in this life.

But I also know that we
We will not tire of loving each other,
And in souls even in the middle of winter,
Spring will not stop blooming.

Hello, I am writing today for a reason,
I want to tell you a secret
Promise me, I just ask
You won't tell it to anyone.
Let me start by saying that something happened,
This all happened recently
Happiness happened to me
And my heart seemed to come to life.
I fell in love so much, with all my soul,
I fell in love with one girl, there are no equals,
I always think about her at night,
She is my bright, wonderful light.
And you know, she's so beautiful
And her voice is gentle and beautiful,
And I’m not afraid to die for her,
I've liked her for a long time!
And you know, I won’t play around,
I can only say one thing for sure,
You are a girl with beautiful eyes
Which I absolutely love!

You are a sorceress, a dream,
Pleasure, beauty,
Always burn for me
My heart was incinerated!

I admire you
I adore, I adore,
I will do everything for you,
You are my queen!

A captivating volcano of feelings,
Inspirational Ocean
I give you one
Tender, sweet, dear!

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Perhaps only now, for the first time in the entire journey, I realized how deep and piercing the feelings that engulfed me could be. One has only to imagine you, and emotions fill everything around. You awakened dormant tenderness and passion, you turned my usual sensations of the world upside down. I am completely fascinated and completely in love.

My darling, the most best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me, meeting you is the best thing that has happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I can’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

My sunshine, my queen, the smartest, most beautiful, adored, beloved, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, absolutely incomparable, the most exciting and even magical, certainly delightful, slightly impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious! I love you!!!

My dear, my angel, my sun, my soul. You are always beautiful and irresistible, kind and sincere with me, you give me a feeling of flight of the soul and freedom to my feelings, you have become dear to me and important person. I love you.

My dear, you have become for me my air of happiness and good luck, my bright hopes and joyful moments, my inspiration and stimulus for life. You have become a dear and very important person to me, I love you, honey.

The beginning of every love story is like the beginning of a new book that has not yet been written. Its pages are still empty and are waiting to be filled with new conversations and events. I was thinking, maybe we can write our own book about you and me? I think it will turn out to be an exciting novel with many pages. Because ever since I saw you, all my thoughts are only about you, and I already have stories in my head for at least ten chapters.

Since I first saw you, I have lost peace and sleep. I constantly think about you alone and want to be close. I miss you when you're away and I'm happy when you come back. I like to look into your eyes, they are so big, because they reflect the whole world, which is so dear to me and without which I can no longer live. I love you!

Only with you did I realize what it means to be truly happy and that without love there is no real life. You are the one I think about 61 seconds a minute... I will always admire you, my beauty!

Short words of declaration of love to a girl in prose

All the songbirds are ready to gather in a choir, just to decorate your speeches with their singing, and I, like them, am ready to always be there to share with you all the joys and sorrows, to meet sunrises with you and see off the sun to sunset, to be always together, my love.

Sometimes I'm just afraid to look straight into your beautiful eyes, because I'm just scared that I might fall in love with you even more.

I love you madly! You are the most precious person in the world! Please forgive me for all the bad things I've done! I value you and our relationship very much!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I feel like happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

I love you with all my heart, I adore you with all my body, I adore you with all my soul, because no one can ever compare with you, you are the only one! You are the most beautiful, gentle, affectionate and desired by me!

Stunning and charming, alluring and incredible beautiful girl I want to confess - I love you! You are my inspiration, incentive and reward. The most necessary person in the whole world. You make the world around you better by your very existence. I adore you!

My dear charming one, my soul and joy, you have become dear to me and significant person in life, you gave me happiness and hope, faith in myself and unearthly sensations. I want to tell you that I love you and cherish you deeply.

It seems to me that I have met exactly my soul mate, whom I have been waiting for all my life. I dream of your laughter, your smile every night. I don't find a place for myself when we're not around. I want to always be with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart.

❥ I want the whole world to know that I love you! Today I called you, heard your sad voice, and I also felt sad. Smile, honey, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day we met.

— ☙ —

❥ My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I began to live and breathe.
I love you and will love you forever!

— ☙ —

❥ My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world to me, you are my life, I am happy with you. I value our relationship and value you, I want you and I to always be together, without being separated for a moment, my sunshine. I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My dear, the best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me, meeting you is the best thing that has happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I can’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

— ☙ —

❥ I love you more life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My beloved and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about this personally - that I love you madly and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much. You are the most dear person to me in this world!

— ☙ —

❥ I never thought that it was possible to think about the same person all day long. About a person with whom you always feel good and cozy, with whom you never want to part, with whom hours fly by like minutes. About a person, looking into whose eyes you forget about everything! Sunny, I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I want us to always be together. I want to repeat to you all my life - I love you, love you, love you...

— ☙ —

❥ I remember how terribly nervous I was before our meeting. I was expecting a date with an ordinary girl, but a real angel was waiting for me! When you came up to me and looked at me, my breath caught, my heart sank, my knees buckled and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I drowned in the heavenly gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the world. During our short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. Walking next to you and talking about all sorts of nonsense, I felt my heart fill with joy and warmth spread throughout my body. I was truly happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of meeting you and I will always love you, my joy.

— ☙ —

❥ Absolutely everything has changed for me since you appeared in my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone except you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss you and tell you how much I love you. My love is getting stronger every day and it’s getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you’re around. You are forever in my heart.

— ☙ —

❥ I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

A beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Our beautiful love story...

We fell in love despite our differences, and from that moment something rare and beautiful was created.

You are everything to me...

I can lose everything I have, but I can't lose you, I can't lose someone like you in my life.

I love you …

You bring me joy when I'm sad, I dream of you when I sleep, you're my guardian angel, when I'm with you, you're my soulmate, you're the one I love.

You can love me like I love you...

Even if everything goes wrong, I will smile at you. Just because you once told me that you love my smile and I love you.

Your love is enough for me...

I love you with all my heart and soul and that is more than enough for me.

You are my treasure...

My love, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself like a treasure.

Beautiful words for a beautiful girl!
