What is the name of frozen lava in Minecraft? Lava lamp: how to make a lamp with a lava effect at home

This is a fun, beautiful and entertaining chemistry experiment that can easily be repeated at home. All reagents are available in almost any kitchen, and if not, then they can definitely be bought at any grocery store.
I will show you how to make something like a lava lamp, but unlike a real one, it will start working immediately and will not require heat to continue the reaction.

Will be required

  • Baking soda.
  • Table vinegar.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Food coloring - color of your choice.
Container - any glass jar. For illumination I will use an LED flashlight.

Making a chemical lava lamp

Take a tablespoon of baking soda and pour it into the bottom of the jar. It is necessary that the entire bottom is covered with soda.

Then pour sunflower oil. This is the main component, so we fill the entire jar with it.

Pour vinegar into a small container.

Add food coloring to this amount of vinegar.

Turn on the backlight.

And place the vessel with oil and soda on this backlight. The lava lamp must be illuminated.

Pour mixed vinegar and dye into the mixture.

And our lava lamp immediately starts working. The bubbles alternately sink to the bottom and then rise up to the neck of the jar.

This spectacular experience can be repeated with children, I am sure that they will be completely delighted.

The principle of operation is simple: vinegar is heavier than oil and therefore the bubbles first sink to the bottom. Having touched the bottom, acetic acid reacts with soda, resulting in the formation of bubbles of carbon dioxide, which pull the bubble upward. Having reached the top, carbon dioxide comes out and the bubble falls to the bottom again. So the cycle repeats certain time until the reaction of vinegar and soda has completely passed.
PS: You can use several dyes at once, mixed in different containers with vinegar. And pour them in at the same time. It will look very cool.


Be sure to watch the video, it looks very beautiful, which cannot be conveyed through pictures.

People who play Minecraft a lot sooner or later think about how easier it is to get this or that resource. Such questions arise especially when you get tired of researching the world around us. Lava is universal material, thanks to which you can create many items. It is also an excellent fuel for a stove, so the question is how to make endless source lava, will always be relevant and interesting to players.


This is the first item you will need before making an infinite lava source. In Minecraft, liquids can only be transported in a container, which is a bucket.

To make it, you will need the following:

  • Assemble a furnace for firing materials.
  • Dig up iron ore. To do this you will need at least a stone pickaxe.
  • Burn the ore in a furnace - this is how you get it. You can also get the ingot from golems and zombies. Or disassemble the iron block.
  • Now open the crafting panel.
  • Place three bars in the middle cell of the bottom line and in the outer slots of the middle line. The bucket is ready.

In total you will need four containers. Now let's look at what else is required of you before making an endless source of lava.


Before starting construction, go to the dungeon. Your task is to find lava. You can meet it at almost any level and even on the surface. If you have a portal to the nether world, then go there. There you can find it without problems.

Scoop four buckets from the lava lake. Main feature This process is that even if you pour lava into a bucket from a “river” and then place it on the surface, you will get a “source”.


The last thing you need before making an infinite lava source is a certain number of blocks that won't be able to burn. Cobblestones are ideal for this. There is a lot of it on the surface, so there will be no problems with production. In total, the structure will require 93 blocks. As a last resort, you can find a cobblestone in the Nether when you go down for lava.


Finally, you can proceed to the main stage. So how do you make an endless source of lava? Our building will occupy a site measuring five by five blocks and six blocks in height. In addition, you will need some kind of ladder or stand. Or “creativity” mode and flight.

  • Dig a hole in the ground that is 5x5 and two blocks deep.
  • Lay out the bottom layer with cobblestones (25 pieces).
  • Now we need to shape the “pool”. Strengthen its walls along the edges with cobblestones (2nd layer). This will take another 16 blocks.
  • Now we need to build the columns. They are not required, but it will make it easier to navigate. Create pillars on the cornerstones that are two blocks high. In total you will spend 8 cobblestones.
  • It was the turn of the upper platform. Make it the same as the bottom of the “pool”, but with one exception. There should be a hole in the very center. You will spend another 24 cobblestones on this.
  • Finishing touch. Make another “pool” above the upper platform by creating walls. In addition, place another stone at the edges of the pool. This will take the last 16 blocks. Now top layer should be a platform with an empty cross in the middle.
  • Pour a bucket of lava into each beam of the cross.

That's all - in front of you is a real fiery endless source of lava? Very simple. Due to the four sources, you will have an inexhaustible waterfall, which, flowing through the central hole, will fill the pool. If you don't drain the springs, the flow will never stop, and you will be able to constantly scoop lava from the pool or turn it into obsidian by simply pouring a bucket of water on it.

There is no person in the world who would not sometimes like to relax, forget about pressing problems, and look at something pleasant and calming. But it’s rare to sit by the fire, looking at the fire, or think about the meaning of life while listening to the sound of a waterfall. As it turns out, there is an item on store shelves that has a calming function, it’s called a “lava lamp.”

Surely someone has seen similar devices on sale, but the price is a little confusing. It makes sense to figure out whether it is possible to make such a device at home with your own hands.

Design and manufacturing capability

This device was invented in the mid-60s by the Englishman Walker, and was a glass jar containing oil and liquid paraffin. A simple light bulb was installed under it, which heated the container. According to the laws of physics, the heated paraffin rose to the top, and when it cooled down, it sank to the bottom again. This fascinating movement of bizarre forms of paraffin gave rise to the widespread use of lava lamps.

So, if even in the middle of the last century it was possible to make such a device, then it shouldn’t be difficult to make a lava lamp with your own hands at home these days?

Temporary Lava Lamp

So, for production we will need some ingredients:

  • olive or sunflower oil;
  • any coloring, preferably food coloring, but even regular juice will do;
  • jar;
  • effervescent tablet (any).

How to make a lava lamp at home is a question with a simple answer. You just need to fill the container two-thirds with juice or dye, the remaining part is filled with sunflower or olive oil. After some time, you can see a clear boundary between the liquids. All that remains is to throw a fizzy tablet into the jar and watch what happens, enjoying the incredible effect in the resulting device.

This method is completely safe, and therefore it can be used in educational games with children, while explaining the laws of physics. By the way, if there are no effervescent tablets, ordinary table salt will play their role perfectly, although the reaction will be somewhat slower, but still quite sufficient.

For a stronger effect, it is possible to use a lamp directed at the lamp. Then the fancy bubbles that arise will sparkle in the rays of light, which will add even more beauty.

Temporary Lava Lamp

Permanent lava lamp

Of course, a temporary lava lamp is completely safe, but you always want something more. In this case, you can make such a device yourself on an ongoing basis. But you should always remember about safety precautions when using it; such a lamp must be kept out of the reach of small children, since during operation it gets very hot.

So, to make a lamp with your own hands, you will need a mixture of distilled water and glycerin at the rate of 1/1, a paraffin candle, some beads and a glass container.

The jar needs to be filled 2/3 with water and glycerin, stir a spoonful of table salt in it and add some beads. After this, the candle is melted in a water bath and paraffin is poured into the jar. The lava lamp is almost ready, all that remains is to build a heater for it.

Any one can serve as such metal structure with a 25 watt light inside that can serve as a can burner. Well, then you can turn it on and enjoy. A do-it-yourself lava lamp is ready, but there are some nuances to such a device.

Firstly, the lamp needs some time for the expected reaction to appear, since the paraffin must melt in the glycerin.

Secondly, in no case should you leave such a homemade device unattended, nor should you keep it turned on for more than eight hours.

DIY permanent lava lamp

Making a lava lamp is quite simple and a lot of fun, so it's worth a try. The main thing is not to forget about safety precautions so that joy does not one day turn into trouble. Well, in general, it doesn’t matter whether you bought a lava lamp in a store or made it at home. The priority is peace and relaxation from a busy day.

Remember - this lamp should be done under adult supervision. The alcohol and oil used in the lamp are highly flammable, and care must be taken when heating them to set the lava in motion. If you are a child, you should not try to make the lamp yourself - show this tutorial to an adult and ask for their help.

  • Factory lava lamps use a proprietary blend of liquid waxes. It is impossible to achieve a similar effect in a homemade lamp, but with good design your “lava” will flow almost as beautifully from bottom to top and back.

Take a glass container. Any clean glass container that can be sealed and shaken a little will do. Glass withstands high temperature much better than plastic, so it is more suitable for a lava lamp.

Pour a small cup of mineral or baby oil into the container. This will serve as material for the rising and falling "lava" bubbles. The amount of oil does not matter, since it can always be added to the lamp.

  • It's best to start with regular oil, but if you want a colored "lava" you can use oil paints. Keep in mind that over time, the coloring may separate from the oil and accumulate at the top or bottom of the container.
  • Add a mixture of 70 percent rubbing alcohol, 90 percent isopropyl alcohol, and water. Both types of alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy. If the proper proportions are observed, the density of the mixture will be close to that of mineral oil. To do this:

    Place the jar on a secure, thin stand. Before moving the jar, close the lid tightly. Place the jar on a stable, heat-resistant surface, such as flower pot, turned upside down. There should be enough space below the surface to fit a small lamp.

  • Install a heat source. Once you have almost equalized the density of the oil and alcohol mixture, all you need to do is add a heat source under the lava lamp. When heated, substances expand, with oil expanding slightly more than the surrounding alcohol. As a result, the oil floats up, cools there, contracting, and sinks to the bottom again. So let's get started:

    • Select your incandescent lamp carefully. For a jar of no more than 350 milliliters, use a 15-watt bulb for sewing machine. To heat a larger jar, use a 30- or 40-watt light bulb; Do not use more powerful light bulbs as the glass jar may overheat and melt.
    • Screw your chosen light bulb into a small spotlight so that it shines upward.
    • To better control the light intensity of the light bulb and the heat it generates, connect a rheostat to it.
  • Wait for the lava lamp to warm up. Some lamps require a couple of hours to warm up, but a homemade lamp usually requires less time. Every 15 minutes, touch the jar with your palm wrapped in cloth. The walls of the jar should become warm, but not scalding hot. If the jar gets too hot, immediately turn off the light bulb and replace it with a less powerful one.

    • Try gently rotating the heating jar while wrapping your hands in a cloth or wearing oven mitts.
    • When leaving, do not leave the light bulb on; After several hours of operation, turn off the light bulb and allow it to cool.
  • How to make lava in Minecraft?

    Lava cannot be called a rare element, but its extraction is still fraught with risk. However, it is justified, since this resource is involved in the crafting of rather rare materials. Below you can find out how to make lava in Minecraft.

    Making lava in Minecraft

    First of all, what players need to know is that it is impossible to make lava in Minecraft; you will have to look for it. As a rule, this element is found in caves at altitudes from 1 to 12. This element can also be searched on the surface, in the form of lava lakes. If you create a portal to Hell, you will be able to find real vein, because in this dimension it is found everywhere, so there will be no shortage of it.

    To extract lava, you will need to craft a bucket in which this material will be carried out of Hell or a cave. You just have to be careful, as lava can cause serious damage to the player character. This is a huge minus, but at the same time a plus, since by pouring a bucket of lava on an evil mob, you will be able to neutralize the enemy. But the mobs of Hell will remain unharmed, which will also need to be taken into account when descending into this dimension.

    It is also important to remember that lava burns objects and vehicles, moreover, it melts ice that is nearby. Lava is mainly used to obtain obsidian - the most solid in the world of Minecraft. To do this, you will need to find a source of lava and fill it with water. When water is poured into flowing lava, it creates cobblestone.

    If you are interested in this material, then you may find our articles and
