An ancient amulet of a horseshoe in modern life. Horseshoe - a talisman against evil spirits. Horseshoe pendant made of silver, which means

Horses have been human helpers since ancient times. The strength and speed of these animals has always been associated with determination and dashing luck. The owner of a good horse was considered a rich man, and a horseshoe hanging at the door to the house was a symbol of his wealth. Even today, it is not only a heel for protecting hooves, but also a powerful amulet that attracts good luck. This amulet has positive energy and works to attract happiness, good luck, and protects home and family.

Versions of the origin of the talisman

The history of the horseshoe as a talisman goes back centuries. Already the horse was a sign of wealth, and the pharaoh’s stallions were shod with real gold. Anyone who found such a heel became the owner of a fortune.

Meaning in different countries

Throughout the world, a horseshoe is a symbol of a magical accumulation of energy, bringing happiness and protecting against any negative manifestations. But there are some differences in interpretations among peoples in different parts of the Earth.

The difference between a found and a purchased amulet

A lucky omen is to find a horseshoe for good luck, which was used to protect the horse. This amulet was considered the most effective in ancient times. The ancestors believed that it would protect the house from evil forces and bring well-being and prosperity to the family. In modern times, such a talisman cannot be found in the city. This is only possible near racetracks or private stables outside the city.

Anyone who finds a horseshoe or receives it as a gift must give a coin of any denomination in return. You cannot take or steal without asking - this will only bring failures and disappointment.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to find a lucky talisman, there are several options to still become its owner:

  • purchase a horseshoe in a souvenir shop with decor and design to suit your taste;
  • It’s not difficult to find jewelry with a horseshoe in a jewelry store - it can be earrings, pendants;
  • Another option is to make your own personal amulet.

There is an opinion that homemade horseshoes do not have magical properties. But this is wrong. Definitely, an iron horse shoe is the most ideal talisman option. But the power of faith in your personal amulet during production and its activation will help and accompany you in everyday life.

If you decide to buy rather than make a talisman, remember two basic rules of what a souvenir amulet should look like.

  1. The material of such an amulet as a horseshoe must be natural. Stone, metal and porcelain are suitable. Plastic horseshoes serve only a decorative role as magnets and nothing more.
  2. The ideal material for jewelry is silver or gold. will have additional properties of the metal - it will endow the owner with nobility and enhance the protective functions of the symbol. Gold, the metal of kings, will impart wisdom, courage and leadership qualities.

DIY horseshoe

Creating a unique and unusual talisman, endowing it with additional personal energy, is an excellent option. A do-it-yourself horseshoe for luck is an individual amulet for specific purposes. It is often done and charmed to improve life, enrich one’s home and bring good luck to the family, as well as protection from troubles.


When creating, you need to carefully approach the choice of material. The basic rule is that the material must be natural.

MaterialMagic properties
MetalsIron - will strengthen the protective properties of the talisman.

Bronze/brass - will give a desire for success, enrich with wisdom.

Silver is a metal of purification and peace, as well as a powerful protector against bad energy.

Gold is a metal that is endowed with the energy of power, which means it increases the impact of the amulet many times over.

Wood (board, plywood, cardboard)Any tree is a powerful owner of enormous energy, wisdom and strength.

Oak - guarded the forests, the head of all trees, a powerful plant with a masculine character that is capable of sharing bright positive energy, health, and strength.

Birch is a tree of feminine energy, charged with optimism, drives away illness and boredom.

Rowan is the owner of the energy of protection, a symbol of maturity and prudence.

Aspen is a tree with the energy of cleansing from negativity.

Pine is energetically close to the properties of oak; it is a tree of peace and spiritual growth.

Maple is a plant with the power of light and reconciliation.

Any stone contains a unique energy charge that can be used for good.

Lunar is a stone for tuning all energy resources, balances and charges a person’s aura for the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Turquoise is a lucky stone; there is harmony and positive interaction around it.

Carnelian is a stone of life affirmation and mutual assistance, depending on the need at a given period of time.

Agate - decorates the space around with harmony, breathes the energy of life into a person.

Porcelain/clayThe material that fills space with light energy contains the magic of water, earth, wind, and sun. Absorbs and protects from everything bad.

Magic of color

When choosing a color scheme, carefully consider the shades used.

Technique for making the amulet

  1. Choose a suitable material for the base. Using a ready-made horseshoe diagram, you need to saw or cut out a blank from plywood, wood, or cardboard with your own hands.
  2. Sand the finished shape or cover it with natural fabric. Burlap or linen are perfect for such purposes.
  3. Decorate by gluing pre-prepared elements onto the blank: natural or decorative herbs, berries, flowers or stones, perhaps a valuable coin. Figures of animals or birds (their material should also be natural: cardboard, wood, stone) will not only decorate, but also add their own energy.
  4. When forming a talisman, remember: your attitude, faith, desire work only for good. By enriching the process with your energy and investing a piece of yourself, you create a unique personal talisman.

Rituals for activating the amulet

Regardless of how you got the amulet - you found it, bought it, received it as a gift, or made it yourself, it must be activated and enriched with positive energy.

Under the sunshine for protection and good luck

  1. Clean the amulet - wash or sprinkle with spring water.
  2. On a sunny day, walk around your home three times with a horseshoe in your hands in the direction of the sun, silently saying requests to the amulet. You can ask for protection from troubles, help in improving conditions, filling your home and family members with kindness, well-being, comfort and harmony. Promise in return to protect and appreciate the amulet, take care of it and your loved ones.
  3. Afterwards, place the horseshoe in direct sunlight for the whole day to charge it with the energy of the luminary.

Under the moonlight to raise money

  1. Clear the window sill of all things.
  2. During the full moon, place the horseshoe on the windowsill with its horns pointing toward the glass.
  3. The window should be illuminated as much as possible by moonlight.
  4. There should be no one in the room at night where the talisman will lie. Or at least you need to close the window with a thick curtain and not watch the activation.
  5. In the morning, carefully and carefully place the horseshoe in its rightful place.
  6. Trust the magic of luck and do not doubt the powers of the horseshoe, and it will reward you.

How to place correctly for luck

In order for a horseshoe to help you for luck and enrich you with its magical power, you must follow some recommendations.

Depending on where the amulet will hang - outside or inside above the door, attach it correctly. If the horseshoe hangs from the outside of the opening, the horns must be directed downward. The amulet will collect all the bad energy along arcs, direct it into the ground and will not let it into the house. The main function is protection from ill-wishers, theft and damage. You need to fix it inside the house with the horns facing up, so the amulet will look like an inverted horseshoe - the attraction will work to attract happiness, good luck in business and increase wealth.

  1. Talisman above the front door. You cannot put it on a shelf or hang it in any other place in the house; such a horseshoe will not be useful.
  2. It is advisable to hang the talisman on one nail, which will be driven in by the owner of the house.
  3. You cannot place a horseshoe above an interior doorway - thereby you will create vortexes of energy of counter-directional flows of influence, which will have a bad effect on the health and well-being of family members.
  4. For maximum help to a specific family member, you can hang a horseshoe over the window in his room - this, like the front door, is a passage for negative energy. A talisman fixed on the street side above the window will relieve insomnia and

Sign - if a horseshoe falls

The fall of the horseshoe is associated with a large amount of bad energy accumulated by the talisman due to active protection. I consider this sign to be unsuccessful, explaining this by the fact that the horseshoe did not cope with the task of resisting evil.

But you can look at the event from a different angle: having exhausted its ability to protect, the talisman showed that its particular power had ended, it performed as much as it could. Further actions:

  • You should rejoice and thank the horseshoe for its work;
  • carry it to a sufficiently large distance from your home;
  • bury it in the ground as deep as possible.

It is worth choosing and purchasing another talisman, placing it in the old place - this way you will be sure that the horseshoe is where it is needed.

A horseshoe is a symbol not only of wealth, good luck, happiness and success, but also a serious amulet for the home. They say it needs to be found, not bought or brought from the stable. We willingly buy souvenir horseshoes, attach magnets with images of horseshoes to the refrigerator door and decorate ourselves with jewelry - miniature horseshoes made of silver and gold.

Since ancient times, mystical properties have been attributed to horseshoes in various countries. How should we feel about this? Can a very ordinary object have magical powers? Niels Bohr answered this question best when his guest asked if the great scientist believed that a horseshoe over the door brings happiness: “Of course I don’t believe it! But a horseshoe brings happiness even to those who don’t believe in it.”

“Horns” down or up?

There is a good old tradition of hanging a horseshoe on the gate, at the entrance to the house, or placing it indoors. It has existed for a long time. Disagreements often arise over how to properly attach a horseshoe: with the “horns” down or up?

I talked to people from different professions. Not only those related to the maintenance of horses, but also those far from the equestrian world. Among them were blacksmiths and grooms, experts in folklore and absolutely random people. Absolutely everyone knew about the “horseshoe for luck.” But there was confusion about which direction her “horns” should point. And this is a fundamentally important clarification, on which it depends whether the horseshoe will be a talisman (a symbol of happiness and good luck) or will become a reliable guardian amulet.

"Horns" up. Such a horseshoe symbolizes a cup in which wealth, success and happiness accumulate. It is a kind of magnet that can attract and retain all kinds of benefits.

Feng Shui experts are also inclined towards this option, considering the horseshoe as an energy storage device and a source of family well-being.

Many people prefer to hang or place a horseshoe in this position. However, there is another well-founded opinion.

Horns down. The stable and the blacksmith's stable have always been the place where superstitions arose and flourished. There they honored the spirits who guarded horses, protected animals from the evil eye and damage, and strictly followed local traditions. Grooms and blacksmiths always have a lot of work to do, so it’s easier for them to hang horseshoes on a nail, i.e. "horns" down. In their opinion, such a horseshoe will protect from evil forces and bring happiness.

In winter, horses are often shod on special horseshoes with spikes. To prevent them from slipping. There is every reason to believe that the spiked horseshoe will cope with evil in the best possible way.

In Tajikistan (according to several rural residents of this state), a horseshoe is usually hung with the “horns” down, and less often with the “horns” up. They explained to me that then the sorcerer would not be able to harm the owner and his family. And pets will be protected.

Ritual to attract money

I learned about this ritual from an expert in folk traditions and superstitions. It turns out that on a full moon, always on a clear night, there is an opportunity to attract money. To do this, completely empty the window sill and place a horseshoe on it with the “horns” directed towards the glass. In that room where there will be no one at night. If this is not possible, then you need to separate the window from the room with a thick curtain and not observe what is happening. The window sill should be well lit by the moon for as long as possible.

In the morning, the horseshoe is carefully hung up or put in place with the “horns” facing up. After this, you should expect cash receipts. Try it yourself. But only without any skepticism, because it can destroy the mood without which it is impossible to carry out rituals.

The horseshoe has another wonderful property. If you trust her, she is able to protect the owner’s valuables. I know a case where thieves cleaned out an apartment, but “forgot” to open the desk drawer, where there was money and... a horseshoe.

Does a “fake” horseshoe have power?

There are a lot of jewelry, magnets, panels, Christmas tree decorations, confectionery, etc. with the image of a horseshoe.

People willingly buy them or accept them as gifts. If you maintain this positive feeling, then even a “fake” horseshoe will acquire the properties that a real, lost horse has. Beautiful horseshoe souvenirs are often brought from other countries. Wonderful ceramic amulets are made by Moldavian craftsmen.

A horseshoe-shaped pendant will avert an unkind glance, a magnet in a prominent place on the refrigerator door will cool off a furious debater, and a chocolate horseshoe will improve your mood and make life sweeter.

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For many centuries, people's belief has been unshakable that horse shoes portend happiness, and precious metals preserve good health and help in conquering peaks. Therefore, it is believed that a gold horseshoe pendant will be a wonderful gift for good luck.

A gold horseshoe pendant makes such an expressive neck even more expressive.

For the most part, talismans have a “limited specialization”: some bring prosperity, others - health, love success, enchanting luck. But the horseshoe was initially considered a universal talisman. She attracted monetary success, guaranteed career growth, established peace and understanding in relationships with loved ones, made wishes come true, and provided fortitude and vigor.

Our ancestors were able to convey information about how magic and metals can be combined to achieve the highest results. Gold, silver and copper could well be combined when decorating a person. These materials were used to create various rings, original headbands, and massive bracelets. In general, as the ancients thought, pendants ideally interact with the heart, which is why they prefer to be worn on the chest.

Absolutely all precious metals have certain magical qualities. They are able to treat various diseases and protect the owner from troubles and terrible misfortunes. Of course, a gold horseshoe pendant first serves as a talisman, and only then as a beautiful decoration.

Chroniclers suggest that the magical worship of the talisman originally appeared in Egypt. Those horses whose lot it fell to pull the Pharaoh's chariot on official holidays were shod not with iron, but exclusively with gold. The commoner who later found this divine souvenir on the road became firmly convinced of his amazing luck.

As many of these pendants as horseshoes you want

Traditionally it is believed that a horseshoe, placed with its edges up, like a magic vessel, can collect happiness and good luck. But much more often, a horseshoe pendant is attached to a chain by its convex edge, as if with its “horns” down. This position ensures that the amulet “works” in full force, maximally protecting the owner from negativity, evil slander, evil eye and curses.

The horseshoe pendant helps in a variety of cases, but certain conditions must be met. There is no need to show your amulet once again, and also, they don’t ask for help if they are up to no good.

A variety of protective amulets and amulets have been used by people for many centuries. Thus, they drive away unclean spirits and remove the negative thoughts of dangerous and evil people. The most popular and purchased of all the available options is the horseshoe amulet.

It combines several effective forces at once: the ability to prevent the occurrence of negative influences and attract the flow of positive energy. In order for the amulet to maximally protect the owner from evil, it should be hung above the front doors on the street side with the horns facing down. If it is placed in a house above the front door with its horns facing up, it will symbolize all the most positive features and act as a talisman, which attracts the owner’s fortune and success.

Legends and myths about the horseshoe

Man knows too many legends about the curved amulet. The oldest legend is probably the one that comes from Ancient Egypt. After all, back then animal prints were made from real gold. Only wealthy people allowed themselves to purchase them. Often, during chariot competitions in honor of the Gods, horses lost bars of gold that were nailed to their hooves. And the one who found them immediately ensured a carefree old age. Can you imagine the price of such a large gold bar? Sometimes such a state was quite enough to provide for oneself and the heirs into old age. From that moment on, any horseshoe found is considered an amulet of positive change. Curved horseshoe amulet meaning - a talisman or a symbol of success. Over the years, it began to be used by residents of other countries.

According to another legend, this amulet was invented by the blacksmith who shod Satan. It turns out that he himself came to the master and asked him to make a horseshoe for him. He was not afraid and invited the guest to sit down, and he began to work. The devil was in so much pain that he began to beg for mercy. The master listened to him, but only on the condition that he would never cross the threshold of the house where the horseshoe would hang. Some skeptics draw parallels between this story and the story of a blacksmith from a popular book by a Russian classic.

Such a talisman can be purchased, found, or made with your own hands. It is the easiest to acquire, but only if you find a horseshoe will it become a symbol of good luck. You can find such a talisman on a village road or in the fields. There is no need to do this on purpose. Just don’t forget to look at the road while walking, and good luck will definitely come to you. If the search does not bring the desired result, the amulet can be made from improvised means.

Does the souvenir horseshoe amulet work?

On store shelves you can find a lot of souvenirs in the form of this famous amulet, which brings prosperity and success. Basically, manufacturers make them as fashionable and stylish as possible, because they were originally created not only as amulets, but also as a decorative element.

In addition, the amulet can be purchased in the form of jewelry - pendants, earrings, brooches and much more. They are often given as a symbol of success. It is popularly believed that if a horseshoe was made by jewelers or manufacturers of souvenir products, it will not be effective. But this is a big misconception. Without a doubt, a real horseshoe carries a large charge of positive energy, which is important to a person. However, over the course of several centuries, people, through their faith, endowed the talisman with the necessary power. Therefore, the talisman, in many ways, can be compared to the “prayed” faces of saints. The main thing is to believe in its effectiveness; without this, not a single amulet will work. But if you want to purchase a horseshoe not just as a souvenir, but as a talisman, there are several restrictions, and they relate to the material of manufacture.

What could this mean?

Pay attention exclusively to natural ingredients. PVC products cannot play the role of a talisman in any way, because plastic is not endowed with energy, unlike wood, gold or silver. The plastic horseshoe, sold as refrigerator magnets, is a fashionable accessory solution that can easily decorate your restaurant or kitchen, but it cannot protect your home from demonic attack or bring good luck to your home.

Horseshoe talisman: how to hang it

The curved talisman gives the house special protection, which will protect it from the negative effects of envious people or energy vampires. For this purpose, the amulet is hung in front of the outer door. Outside or inside the home it should be hung above or on the front door. It is of great importance in what position to hang the amulet. There is no single opinion regarding how a curved talisman should be placed: in the house or outside it - with the horns up or down. These provisions are distinguished by unequal meanings.

Regarding a personal talisman, it is better to opt for precious or copper materials. The pendant can be gold or silver. If you can afford to purchase a talisman for home use made of expensive metal, this will only increase its positive impact. After all, he will create a protective barrier for you from debt and evil.

According to the laws of esotericism, a curved amulet of dark shades will become a barrier to the development of any ailments. It is best if you are given such an amulet as a gift, then its meaning will be reinforced by positive energy and joy from the gift itself. If you really like him, it doesn't matter whether it's a souvenir or not. In its energy, the symbol is in no way inferior to a horseshoe that fell from a horse’s hoof.

Horns up

A curved talisman carries energy, but it is also important to direct it in the necessary direction and use it wisely, this is its meaning. The “horns up” position will become a symbol of joy in the home and prosperity. This is how it will be easier for good energy to be preserved in the amulet. In addition to energy, he will collect exclusively positive emotions, such as success, material fulfillment and health.

If you hang the talisman or place it with its horns up, it will get rid of negativity and, like a magnet, will attract success and everything the owner wants. In this position, the amulet can be used not only for home protection, but also in the office, or to increase company income. The same opinion is supported by experts in the field of esotericism. Horns up, for them, have become a symbol of complete harmony, and only in this position will the energy be continuously filled.

Horns down

As has already been mentioned several times in the article, the amulet can be endowed with special properties to protect housing. To do this, it is attached above the front door on the street side. The horseshoe will certainly become a symbolic wall for your home and protect against the attack of dark demons. All dark forces, bad thoughts of your ill-wishers will fall under the “dome” that is formed by an arc, and all adversities, like black thoughts, bypassing you will begin to flow down the horns.

Should you buy a horseshoe, find it, or secretly “borrow” it from the stable?

It was believed that if a horseshoe was found on the road, it would undoubtedly bring good luck. But is it? Of course, the energy of the animal will remain on it, but it is better if the horseshoe is made and given to you by a loved one who really cares about your life and well-being.

To create such an effective amulet, choose any suitable material as a base. The main thing is that it is natural. Many experts consider plywood or wood to be the most optimal. The base is cut according to ready-made patterns, which can be found on the Internet. It is ideal if you then stretch it with burlap or natural linen. Then it is important to cover the base with rope braids. The process can be considered running.

You can attach chamomile flowers to the top of the horseshoe; they will symbolize fidelity and serve as a disguise for the driven nail. Place some valuable coins on the horns. They symbolize money, profitable business and success in all endeavors. You can also place a bird on the horns, symbolizing fruitfulness. You can also choose birds of paradise.

Make several bags of your chosen size. It is desirable that they have eyes, which can be purchased or made from carnations. The bags are filled with any grains or legumes.

To create the decor of the amulet, take different leaves, herbs, as well as dried berries and fruits.

Proper design of bags:

· Make eyes from buttons or beads;

· The nose can be made from beans;

· Threads will serve as the basis for the mustache and beard.

The horseshoe can be additionally coated with colorless varnish. All free space is filled with greenery and seasonal flowers. At this stage, it is important to endow the amulet with special protective power. If you attach a magnet to the back, this amulet will become an exclusive decoration for the refrigerator.

Activate the magical power of the talisman

It doesn’t matter if you purchased, found, or were given a horseshoe, it is important to charge it with positive energy. Activation will help you direct all the power of the talisman to work with positive thoughts and energy. To do this, take the amulet on a clear day and walk around the house three times, in the direction of the sun. It is important to read these words:

“You served the horses and were used in work, and now you will protect me. Rid my house of evil power, fill it with kindness. Help me and my loved ones with well-being and well-wishers, preserve comfort and fill my home with prosperity, I will take care of you in return. And if you don’t want to do this, then give me a sign.”

After completing the ritual, it is advisable to support the horseshoe in direct sunlight so that it is additionally filled with the missing energy. Then determine the desired place for it. According to all canons, a curved amulet should hang on one nail. It, like other things in the house, needs to be carefully looked after and cared for. Purification by prayer is also necessary.

Strengthening the influence of the amulet

To ensure that the talisman never loses its magical abilities, once a week, take it in your hands and wipe it from dust. At the same time, do not forget to express words of gratitude. In addition, it is important to cleanse the horseshoe of accumulated negativity.

To perform this ritual, on the days of the waning moon, place a horseshoe under running water. Let it wash it and fill it with its positive energy for five minutes. After this, the amulet should be charged with moonlight: leave it on the windowsill at night. If you don't want to remove the horseshoe, clean it with a candle. Its flame needs to be moved along the outline of the amulet for several minutes.

To further enhance the effect of the amulet, hang your home keys on it. The scarlet ribbon doubles the protective properties several times. This color will help maintain passion in your home, green will add health to the owners. If you notice that the horseshoe has become deformed or fallen, there is no need to reattach it. This means that the symbol has completely exhausted its energy resource. It’s better to let them give you a new talisman, don’t throw away the old one, because it served you faithfully, it’s better to bury it in the ground. If the horseshoe was made of wood and cracked, then burn it with the intention of gratitude.

A talisman in the form of jewelry should also be cleansed of negativity and charged with energy. Also, a curved amulet is often used as a keychain for house or car keys. It will be an excellent amulet against the negative effects of black magic and will protect the car from possible accidents and accidents.

How to hang an amulet? There is no right or wrong answer, the answer must be based on the goal you are pursuing.

These are the ancient beliefs that exist about this mystical and mysterious amulet. Millions of people around the world have already become convinced of its power, and faith will certainly work a miracle. Be sure to find or purchase a horseshoe, let happiness, luck and wealth come to your home.

Everyone knows for sure that a horseshoe is a talisman responsible for health, prosperity, love and, in general, the general well-being of the home. But there is no consensus on how and where to place a family amulet against various “abominations”. Why? It seems to be due to the fact that it is a universal talisman, for the handling of which there is a whole “science”.

Let's try to find a place for it in the house from the many tips on using this amazing item, including the most ancient ones.

When studying various literature on this issue, as well as taking into account the opinion of mastitis healers, it turned out that the direction of the “horns” of the horseshoe matters. So, if the “horns” look up, then in front of you is a “cup that cannot be filled”, the task of which is to attract wealth into the house. A suspended horseshoe with “horns” pointing down will take on and concentrate all the negative energy brought into the house. Next, the concentrated negative energy will flow down to the ground, and then underground.

Pseudo-scientific sorcerers explain the centuries-old popularity of the metal talisman by the property of the metal itself to absorb negative energy and create positive energy. Therefore, to protect yourself, loved ones are advised to wear gold (silver) pendants, brooches and pendants in the shape of a horseshoe.

Directly regarding the horseshoe, sorcerers advise:
- to equalize the energy of the room, the horseshoe should be placed above the door or on its inside;
- a talisman placed at the head can make a family happy;
- you won’t be able to fight off third-party helpers if you bury a horseshoe near the north-eastern wall of your home;
- the house will be covered with a wave of wealth after leaving a horseshoe overnight on the first day of the full moon under the moonlight;
- accidents and breakdowns are not dangerous if there is a horseshoe in the car.

Based on the advice of ancient books:
- a horseshoe should be placed over the hearth for those who want to find a family;
- those who are planning a child will be helped by a horseshoe placed above the spouses’ bed;
- the house can be saved by hanging a horseshoe over the door;
- to escape the evil eye, you must wear the talisman on yourself.

The horseshoe as a talisman is known in many countries around the world, let's take a look with a “foreign” horseshoe arrangement:
- a horseshoe, hung on the wall with its horns down, through these same horns brings happiness into the house (East, Europe, Latin America);
- the Irish and English have a different opinion, who hang horseshoes with their horns up, so this talisman personifies a cauldron from which nothing can leak;
- Mexicans hang a horseshoe very high, having previously decorated it with ribbons with coins, as well as images of saints, and they do not allow anyone to touch the talisman.

What does the now fashionable feng shui say about this?
- “horns” up – you receive a protective home amulet;
- “horns” down – will attract prosperity;
- a horseshoe on the door (on its inside) - the leveled energy of the home is ensured;
- “horse” talisman in the car – accompanying good luck in business and protection from accidents;
- a horseshoe placed on the windowsill with its horns inward on the 1st night of the full moon - to attract wealth to the house;
- a buried horseshoe near the northwestern side of the home - good luck is coming;
- if for some unknown reason flowers grow poorly at home, then a horseshoe placed next to them will solve the problem of their growth.

What else to say? There is an opinion that only a found horseshoe can fulfill its purpose. In this matter, experts from various fields unanimously declare that a purchased horseshoe is suitable for good deeds. The main thing is to believe. It is faith that can create real miracles. Although, according to Edison, a horseshoe brings good luck to those who do not believe in omens.
