Why see how in a dream. What do the different circumstances mean? Why do you dream about a dream in a dream to see in a dream

Sleeping in a dream symbolizes a person’s mental and moral state, his readiness for change and moving forward. To figure out what such a dream means, you should carefully analyze what you saw, remember the dream in detail, and turn to the dream book for a hint.

In Hasse's dream book, the meaning of sleep is to sleep in the fresh air, and is interpreted as a quick trip or an upcoming journey. Dozing in transport means carrying out trade and connections; in church - you need to be wary of slander and intrigue from ill-wishers; with relatives - staying in a state of peace and security. Resting on the balcony speaks of the fulfillment of the dreamer’s hopes and dreams; in the estate is one of the cherished desires to come true.

Medey's dream book interprets such a dream as a sign that a person is drowning out his own intuition with the voice of reason. You need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice, because in the near future, with the help of intuition, a person can achieve a lot.

The need for a respite, a delay or a pause in solving any issues and problems, this is what it means to sleep in a dream, according to the theory of psychologist Megetti.

I dreamed that I was sleeping

Why do you dream about going to bed? This vision characterizes the missed moment in real life, the desire to step back from business, to relieve oneself of burdensome duties and responsibilities. Also, such an image can be deciphered by the dream book as deception and insidious intrigues, which a sleeping person can “fall for”. , For a girl to see herself sleeping in a dream, foretells the occurrence of extraordinary events that can affect both personal and business sphere. The young lady should devote more time to rest, since fatigue can be one of the reasons for deterioration in productivity at work.

Wanting to sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the physical and moral fatigue of a sleeping person. This is the first bell that warns the dreamer that if he continues to neglect his health, something irreparable may happen. Only a normal approach to work, and the alternation of rest and work, will ensure prosperity and a decent financial position for a person.

The place where the dreamer sleeps

Sleeping on the street, in the open air in a dream, is interpreted by the dream book as impending trips or travels. Business people This vision speaks of possible business trips going abroad, and for travelers - the opportunity to go on an exciting trip.

Some dream books ambiguously interpret what it means to dream of sleeping on the ground. On the one hand, the vision implies respect from superiors and honor among colleagues, and on the other hand, it means that through his carelessness, the sleeping person will allow into his close circle a person who can deliberately bring harm and trouble to the dreamer’s home.

Sleeping on the floor is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious search for protection and stability. A dirty floor represents the neglect of a sleeping person’s affairs, which he cannot sort out without outside help. Also, this dream may concern the home environment and relationships between household members; in order not to miss anything important, the dreamer should devote more time to his loved ones.

Most dream books negatively interpret what it means to dream of sleeping in a bed. Own bed portends a long-term illness or deterioration general condition body. To avoid this, you should devote more time to rest and recovery, without pushing yourself to the extreme.

For people who had to sleep in water in a dream, the dream book advises them to give themselves emotional release, since nerves, strained to the limit, can shoot out at the most inopportune moment. Extreme sports and active pastime are well suited for this.

Sleeping on a table, according to the dream book, means that a person strives to stay as far away from noisy companies as possible, preferring to be alone with himself. Fun parties do not evoke in the dreamer positive emotions, but on the contrary, oppress him.

A dream in which I had to sleep in a cemetery in a dream has a negative interpretation. This picture indicates that a person should pay close attention to his health. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and do all the necessary tests. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up ahead of time; in all likelihood, the disease will turn out to be harmless and easily curable.

People who happened to sleep on a grave in a dream should not worry or worry about this. In most cases, the dream indicates severe physical fatigue and moral devastation. To improve your vitality, you should relax a little and spend a few weekends in nature.

If a person who has health problems in reality had to sleep in a coffin in a dream, then, as the dream book states, one should not be careless about one’s illness, since it can cause great consequences and affect future well-being.

Dozing with someone in a dream

Despite the terrible sight and some confusion after what he saw, sleeping with a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as quite auspicious sign, which stands for healthy and long life sleeping person.

For a woman, sleeping with her deceased husband in a dream, according to the dream book, means troubles that will affect the dreamer’s personal and business sphere. If the young lady has already married for the second time, it means that in real life, the girl will have a small disagreement with her current husband.

For a young girl to sleep with a man in a dream, the dream book foreshadows the threat of being deceived. The man with whom the young lady love relationship, in real life will not be able to meet the dreamer’s hopes. Married woman, is in bed with an unfamiliar man, portends a pleasant surprise from her husband.

If a young lady has recently quarreled with her chosen one, there is no doubt why she dreams of sleeping with her beloved. The dream book indicates a quick reconciliation, a renewed feeling of love and romance between partners.

Sleeping with a guy in a dream may be a sign for a young lady not to focus on the joint problems that affected the couple, but to pay attention to the relationship between her and her chosen one.

The inability to forget or forgive your ex-boyfriend, unanswered questions and unfinished business between former lovers is what dreams of sleeping with your ex-boyfriend mean.

For a man sleeping with a woman, the dream book foretells a dubious or precarious position at work, problems with finances or with mutual understanding between relatives.

Putting a child to bed in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s fatigue from minor troubles and problems. A woman in reality should take a break from her household duties, a man should devote more attention to his family and children.

A dream in which the dreamer has to sleep “jack” with some person speaks of the opposing aspirations of people. For a woman dozing in this position with her own husband, the dream book indicates the existence of a misunderstanding between the spouses, a struggle of characters and different goals. Until the spouses come to a common denominator, one should not hope for the fulfillment of desires and aspirations.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which people in love happened to sleep in an embrace. The dream book speaks of harmony and mutual understanding in a couple, acting in unison and striving for the same goal.

Seeing someone dozing

Watching a child sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a certain shyness and naivety of the dreamer, personifying a person’s helplessness in front of the world around him. A baby’s anxious sleep speaks of impending problems that will undermine a person’s mental and moral state.

If a baby sleeps peacefully, snoring peacefully through his nose, it means that in real life all important matters will go smoothly, and his undertakings will be successful. If a mother admires a dozing baby in a dream, then harmony, peace and tranquility will come in the young lady’s life.

For a mother, a sleeping daughter in a dream, the dream book promises pleasant changes in life, profit, prosperity and well-being. For a father, such a picture portends calm and tranquility, the ability to concentrate on work.

If you dream that your husband is sleeping in someone else’s bed, then you should prepare for a surprise that will be unpleasant. In some cases, the dream book speaks of the betrayal of the faithful, or his reluctance to have offspring.

If stranger sleeps in the dreamer’s house, then you should prepare for the unexpected arrival of uninvited guests.

To see a mother sleeping in a dream, the dream book predicts peace, harmony and tranquility in the family. To find out more about what such a vision means in a dream, you should pay attention to the posture of the mother. If mom is dozing on her stomach, then fun and happiness will illuminate the dreamer’s house. If on the back there are unforeseen circumstances that a person can quickly cope with.

If a guy dreams of a sleeping girl, it means that there will be harmony and peace in the relationship between lovers. To a young man, in a dream, to see a sleeping woman, previously unknown, speaks of pleasant acquaintances in reality, which can positively affect a person’s career.

If there are girls in a dream, unknown man sleeps in her husband’s place, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer will experience unexpected joy, or a pleasant surprise that the chosen one will present in reality.

The need to pay close attention to your health and well-being is what you see in a dream in which a dead person sleeps on a person’s bed.

Why do you dream about a sleeping girlfriend? The dream speaks of dramatic changes in the life of a friend, which will entail changes in the life of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of a sleeping cat? A person’s awareness of the emergence of difficulties, but the inability to influence or warn him. If a pet is dozing in a dream, then such a picture indicates peace and well-being in the house.

Seeing a cat sleeping in a relaxed state, basking in the sun in the yard, is a sign that ill-wishers have relaxed their vigilance and will not bother the dreamer with treachery in the near future.

It is useful to know what a sleeping rat means in a dream. This image means that a person will get rid of remorse and feelings of guilt that have tormented him lately. The vision also indicates getting rid of embitterment, feelings of hostility towards someone.

If a young lady dreams of a sleeping dog, it means that in reality the person is tormented by a feeling of uncertainty, and also indicates the unpredictability of the partner in the relationship.

If a young lady dreamed of a sleeping snake, it means that soon the dreamer will have a chance to spend time with her children and enjoy their company.

The opportunity to go on vacation, to fully relax from the boring bustle and household chores, this is why you dream about a bear sleeping. See a bear in hibernation, portends a temporary lull in the confrontation with an opponent.

General interpretation

Experts consider people who dream within a dream to be able to comprehend the secrets of the unconscious, endowed with an enlightened consciousness and able to control their lives. The ability to see such dreams is not given to everyone; this is the lot of select people.

Often, incomprehensible plots appear in dreams that require explanation. How to solve them? The interpretation will depend on the details of what you saw: where, with whom and how long you slept.

Sleeping in nature- to pleasant.

Modern dream book believes that such a dream means leading a double life. You are hypocritical towards a worthy person, and you worry about it. Seen in a dream happy dream- To .

Family dream book talks about a friend and advises to prepare for unpleasant events.

Dream Interpretation of Veles I am sure that such a dream prophesies good life prospects if the person experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers this dream to be the body’s need for additional rest. The dream also indicates change.

Opinion of esotericists and psychologists

They believe that this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, another life reality, reports the Secret World website.

Managing your sleep while you sleep is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specially taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to realize what you see good story dreams come true? To do this, after waking up, you need to “play out” the events of the dream several times in your mind, consolidating them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create a finale of events with an end. Gradually you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about seeing yourself in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about seeing yourself in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about seeing yourself?

To see yourself - To dream of yourself being different from yourself - this means that events will soon occur that will put you in such conditions that you will no longer recognize yourself.

If you saw yourself in a dream, made of some kind of quality material- this is a sign that good luck awaits you and your best quality will be passed on to your children.

If you dreamed at night that you were made of fragile or short-lived material, then failures in business await you.

See also: why do people dream, why do they dream about a mirror, why do they dream about a face.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Meeting yourself in a dream means coming face to face with problems and needs that can no longer be ignored.

See yourself this way or that way official(for example, a school teacher or director, a manager or boss, a policeman or a mayor) may reflect the dreamer’s attitudes towards the world around him. Seeing yourself or someone else as a victim in a dream may indicate conditions in which the dreamer feels helpless. Since the victim-liberator theme is common in life, dreams of persecution and torment may also be echoes of past situations in which the dreamer felt victimized. Seeing yourself crippled in a dream could mean a lack of confidence or energy to solve a certain problem.

Dreaming of yourself with a halo could mean that the dreamer's goal is perfection. On the other hand, a halo may reflect an exaggerated attitude towards one's exclusivity.

Seeing yourself with your head cut off is not usually an omen of death or even punishment, although it may reflect anxiety about being punished. Due to the complex symbolism associated with the head, beheading can have a wide range of meanings, from losing touch with one's emotions (a split between mind and body) to losing control (as in "losing one's head"). Just as in other cases, the feelings, background and context of the dream determine which interpretation is acceptable. (See also Beheading).

See yourself in a new and beautiful clothes, this often indicates renewal in life, such as social and economic improvement (see also Suit).

Seeing yourself or someone else blind in a dream only rarely means a state of physical blindness. As a dream symbol, blindness represents a lack of awareness. A person can either really not know about something important that is happening in his life, or “close his eyes” to what he does not want to know. In addition, since in Western culture blindfolds are associated with execution, this image may reflect feelings of being sentenced or carrying out a sentence.

Seeing yourself fat in a dream is a direct symbol reflecting excessive self-indulgence; however, obesity can also signify wealth and wealth. The psyche often literally determines the content of common expressions, trying to communicate certain information to consciousness. Thus, the image of an obese person can have various meanings: “fat (like) a cat”, grab a “fat piece”, “thick-skinned” person, etc.

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about seeing yourself in a dream book:

Feeling old or seeing yourself old in a dream is a sign that you are tired and exhausted. Do you think your ideas are outdated? What exhausts you in your sleep?

People's dream book

Why do you dream about seeing yourself at night:

Seeing oneself poorly dressed in a dream, for both men and women, portends boredom and sadness.

Dressed exactly as for a wedding means illness or melancholy.

Seeing yourself wearing gloves in a dream means respect.

Seeing yourself decorated with flowers and bouquets is a short-lived joy and contentment.

Seeing yourself drunk increases wealth and returns to health; however, if you dreamed that you got drunk without drinking any wine, this is a bad omen, and the person who had such a dream should fear persecution for some bad offense. If you dreamed that you got drunk with wine, nutmeg or other sweet and pleasant drinks, this means that you will be loved and enriched by an important person. Drunk from clean water- boasting of unprecedented wealth and self-importance of other people's power. If someone sees in a dream that he got drunk and vomited, there is a danger of losing his fortune, because he will be forced to give an account of how it was acquired, but if he is a gambler, then this dream predicts him the loss of everything he has won. If anyone dreamed that, while drunk, he felt a strong heartbeat and colic, this means that his employees will rob him and squander his fortune when he is completely unaware of it.

If someone sees in a dream that robbers or murderers have cut off his head: such a dream foretells for a man that he will lose his children, relatives or home; for a woman - the loss of her expensive trinkets; when the head is cut off by the sentence of the law, this is a sign that the one who saw such a dream will be freed from his melancholy and other affairs. Only for bankers, money changers, paramedics and industrialists, such a dream foreshadows the opposite. Seeing yourself in a dream with your throat cut but still alive means hope for a successful outcome. Cutting off the head of another in a dream predicts good luck in business and revenge on enemies; if you dreamed that you twisted the head of a chicken or other bird, this is a sign of awaiting joy, feasts and amusements.

Seeing oneself covered with leprosy or scabs in a dream means acquiring profit and wealth in a dishonest manner. For a woman, such a dream imagines that some noble or simply wealthy person will court her and give her rich gifts. Other authors believe that this dream foreshadows ridicule and contempt because of some woman, but not leading to losses.

Whoever saw in a dream that he was cured of a wound will boast and put on airs in front of others about his bravery. If someone dreams that he has the plague, this is a sign that the treasures he has hidden will be discovered, and he even risks losing them completely.

Seeing yourself descending and returning from hell in a dream foreshadows losses for the rich, and profits for the poor and insignificant people.

Seeing yourself playing ball in a dream foreshadows work, quarrels and subsequently the acquisition of the greatest wealth, obtained with great difficulty and patience.

Seeing yourself in a dream on a ship and risking being overturned by the waves and drowning means danger, unless the person who saw such a dream was in captivity or a prisoner, for whom this dream, on the contrary, is happy - it promises freedom.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream means illness or poverty, most often shame and dishonor.

If someone sees himself naked in a bathhouse, then this promises joy, pleasure and health.

When a woman sees herself naked in the arms of her husband in a dream, but in reality this is not the case, this predicts sadness caused to her by bad news. If a man sees the same thing, success in business, friendship and joy are predicted for him.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Seeing yourself in a dream:

Seeing yourself on the top of a mountain means success, happiness, honor.

For a young woman with limited means to dream of herself in a brilliant company in a palace, in reality she will achieve success in society thanks to an advantageous marriage or the money of relatives.

Seeing yourself as a virgin in a dream means that in real life you are too modest, so rarely does anyone have the intention of making love to you. You deliberately downplay your merits, making them invisible.

Seeing yourself reading the Gospel means peace and love.

Seeing yourself covered with an even and beautiful tan is a symbol of outrageousness for any person (you will want to shock those around you with something).

Seeing yourself in the waiting room of a train station, airport, etc. means getting rid of lovesickness.

Seeing yourself crippled in a dream means that problems await you that will affect you first of all. family life. Perhaps now it seems to you that nothing portends trouble, everything is fine, you are confident in yourself and your sex life. In fact, trouble has long entered your home and, hiding, is waiting for the opportune moment when you are in the most complacent mood - that’s when it will fall on you. Try to be prepared for the upcoming shocks.

Seeing yourself in the image of a monk means the illness or death of someone close to you.

Seeing yourself in handcuffs means submitting to someone's will, be it your opponent or your loved one.

Why dream of crying in a dream? Such a dream is often interpreted in the opposite sense. The dream book states: joy, triumph, pleasant emotions, success at work lie ahead. But sometimes the plot promises discord with loved ones, difficulties, conflicts, troubles.

Miller's Dream Book:

Have you ever heard someone cry? Miller considers the vision a harbinger of reconciliation with household members or even family reunification.

Why does an entrepreneur dream of crying? There are temporary difficulties and obstacles ahead. For now, it is better to avoid big expenses and not start projects that require significant investments.

Did the woman cry a lot in her sleep? The sleeping woman will face discord with her husband and family troubles. For a girl, her sobs promise a quarrel with her beloved. The dreamer will be able to make peace only if she admits that she was wrong.

Interpretation according to Vanga’s dream book and others

Did you dream about such a plot? According to Vanga, this is a symbol of future joy or pleasant events. To see someone shedding tears means pleasant emotions await him. If you cried your eyes out, it means you will walk at the wedding.

According to Freud, a crying girl really wants to give birth to a child. This is how her subconscious desire for motherhood manifests itself.

Why do you dream of tears appearing in your eyes? Islamic dream book I am sure that they mean: the dreamer will be upset because of some action of his friend and will scold him in his heart.

Whose crying was seen in a dream:

  • a friend - someone will help overcome difficulties;
  • relative - he needs your support;
  • girls - health problems;
  • boy - failure in business;
  • infant - minor difficulties;
  • daughters - the problems she hides;
  • wives - difficulties are approaching;
  • husband - success at work;
  • mother-in-law - a fun holiday ahead;
  • grandmothers - injustice;
  • grandfathers are a big nuisance;
  • brother - reunion with loved ones;
  • sisters - you may be drawn into conflict;
  • deceased - you need to rethink your actions.

Did you dream about your parents?

Why do you dream that your parents were crying? The dream book explains: luck has turned away from you. Get ready to overcome unexpected obstacles.

Did you dream about a crying mother? Members of your family are at risk of illness, this will cause a lot of trouble and worry.

Did you see your father crying in a dream? The dreamer's undertakings may be in danger of disaster. The plan wasn't as good as he thought.

The undertaking may fail due to the fact that the sleeper did not take into account all the details or possible circumstances. Measures must be taken to mitigate the consequences. And in future plans, take into account not only positive options.

Crying children and grandchildren

Did your daughter cry a lot in the dream? The dream book tells you: there are unpleasant events ahead that will interfere with business.

The meaning of a night dream in which an adult son cries is as follows: trials, quarrels, failures at work lie ahead.

Did your granddaughter cry? Financial difficulties are ahead, the financial situation will worsen. The grandson cried a lot, and you calmed him down? You are fine, don't give in to false alarms.

Why do you dream about other people crying?

Does the bride burst into tears in a dream? Failures in love have unsettled you. But this is not a reason to despair and rush to extremes.

In such a dream I was present old man? The plot foreshadows an unexpected pleasant meeting, perhaps with an old acquaintance or former colleague.

Why dream of seeing your boss cry? The dream book reports: soon you will be able to take his position.

IN night dream was the friend sad enough to cry? In reality, problems will not be avoided. Plus, you might get sick.

What do the different circumstances mean?

Did you cry at your own wedding in your sleep? This means: you can free yourself from boring responsibility, a heavy burden of obligations.

Were you upset and didn’t notice anything - you walked in the rain and cried? The dream book states: you are too tired, it’s time to rest. The work won't be stressful, it's better to give yourself a rest.

Did you dream of hysterical crying when you couldn’t calm down? A period of serenity will begin; no major shocks are expected.

Hit the wall but couldn't cry? The plot promises family harmony, a happy marriage. Make peace with those you quarreled with.

Despair, grief

Why do you dream that you were so worried about your loved one that you cried? Be careful: resentment towards loved ones can cause disappointment.

Did you hear unpleasant news in a dream, cry, and everything inside turned upside down? According to the dream book, you have succumbed to groundless worries and doubts. They will go away on their own.

Did the sadness make you very upset? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: in reality there will be events that will please the sleeping person.

Laughter and tears

In the dream, at first you laughed so hard that your stomach hurt, and then suddenly burst into tears? Something will happen that will bring grief.

After the burst of laughter came real crying? An event will happen to which you don’t know how to react - it seems funny, but it’s unpleasant for you.

Reasons that upset you greatly

Remember what caused you to cry in your sleep:

  1. pain - good mood, good health;
  2. betrayal - your loved one is faithful to you;
  3. fear - free yourself from tormenting problems;
  4. grief for the deceased - to strong resentment;
  5. self-pity - a successful day is ahead;
  6. joy - good news;
  7. happiness - moments of joy will touch you.

Why do you dream about arguing with someone and crying from resentment? The dream book states: this is a shapeshifting vision. In reality you will be bombarded with compliments. If you quarreled with your family, you will sympathize with them in trouble.

Couldn't get down from the tall tree and cried? You have not fully realized your potential. Think through the ideas that arise.

Death and sadness

Mourning someone's death when in fact the person is alive? A complex problem associated with it will arise, and compromises will have to be sought.

Reliving a funeral loved one and saying goodbye to him, sobbing, is a sign: the dreamer is ready to radically change his life.

There comes a time when you can change something in life. Don't miss it. You can no longer follow the usual path or live according to old views, so you must decide to change. Think carefully about your steps and take action!

What else do tears mean?

Did you pray and cry in repentance in a dream? The dream book is encouraging: you realize your mistakes or wrong decisions. You can correct mistakes.

If you cried loudly in church, some kind of solemn event will take place, where you will be present as an honored guest. You will be invited to a wedding, baptism or other celebration.

Your long sobs

Why dream of crying for a very long time - a whole month? In reality, this situation may repeat itself if you do not limit yourself to the limits of decency. Do not abuse alcohol, otherwise you will lose control of yourself in a difficult situation and there will be reason to bitterly regret what happened.

This dream predicts changes for you. Especially if your image seemed completely different from life and even a little strange.

Sometimes during sleep a person begins to see his own reflection in the mirror, on the TV screen, and also in reflections. Sometimes in a dream a person may even notice his double or notice that he has a twin.

The dream book interprets this kind of night pictures as a sign of change. They can be either favorable or not very favorable.

If you had to see yourself in a dream, try to remember where and under what circumstances it happened and what you liked and remembered most. This is what this dream can mean most often.

On the TV screen or in the cinema

Such a dream could represent a failed episode in your life, a creative personality, or a clue that could change your life.

Why dream of seeing yourself from the outside on posters of cities and countries, for example, while driving in a car or in any other form of transport down the street? The dream book interprets such a dream to mean that you will soon find out how others see you from the outside.

If you liked the image, then this dream is favorable, although in some cases it can warn you about envy and gossip.

Seeing yourself naked or ugly on a screen in a public place is a sign of trouble.

If in a dream your body is naked more than is allowed by the rules of decency, then the dream book interprets seeing yourself this way as gossip.

The dream book writes that you should not be frank about your personal life in front of strangers, since your name is being inclined to the right and left.

In another situation, seeing yourself naked in a dream on a poster, a TV screen, or simply on an advertisement in a big city - to illness or inner freedom, narcissism, that is, to the fact that you are so confident in your own irresistibility that you will not be ashamed to be naked in front of the whole city.

The dream book writes why you dream of such a dream in another situation, if you didn’t like your appearance, your clothes and body looked ugly. This is a sign of your own defenselessness and fear of unforeseen circumstances.

In many situations, such a dream predicts either an illness that you want to hide from prying eyes, or a feeling of defenselessness and fear. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles and illnesses, as well as unfavorable changes in life.

Second "I"

In such a dream, your own image does not shock you, but the dreamer begins to see himself in a dream in a completely different form. For example, a modest girl looks in the mirror or at the TV screen, monitor and sees an uninhibited temptress in red lingerie. Or, on the contrary, a bright and completely uncomplicated girl a person notices herself in the mirror as a defenseless and timid girl. The images can be completely different, but what does such a dream mean? Such a dream shows changes or reveals the true essence of a person. In some situations, it shows a failed episode of your life, dreams and true desires. Therefore, such a dream should be given meaning, since it can show something that may elude you.

Notice whether you like this look or not.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself beautiful and happy in a dream? This dream predicts favorable changes in life. For a girl in a dream, if she saw herself as a bright, seductive diva, similar to a screen star, it means favorable changes or that she can add a little brightness to her own life.

Sometimes such a dream means that she will soon change her style, become different, different from the image to which those around her are accustomed. If, on the contrary, a beauty has to see herself as modest in a dream, then she will soon make her choice and be happy. However, sometimes she will not have enough brightness and looseness in life.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself from the sidelines on stage? People around you will judge you and look at your every action.

Sometimes the dream book writes that you will be able to show off some skills, prove yourself and people will remember this, or you just think about how this or that situation will look from the outside.

Why dream of seeing yourself younger in a dream than in life? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts joy and pleasant emotions for you.

If you see yourself old and sick, expect a deterioration in your health and various troubles and disasters in your life. Modern books write that a dark streak will soon come in your life.

Seeing yourself from the outside as completely different means your shadow essence will soon come out.

But noticing your reflection, in which there is agony, illness or even death, suggests that some part of your personality may die.

Try to develop your talents and not lose important qualities in life if you want to feel happiness and joy. It is also possible that you are missing or have missed an important chance for your own well-being and development.
