Mu lemuria. Lemuria civilization


Lemuria- a hypothetical sunken continent in the Indian Ocean. The name of the continent is associated with the name of the Madagascan primate lemurs, which are found nowhere else. From this it was concluded that the island of Madagascar is part of a sunken continent. At the same time, the indigenous population of the island is anthropologically closer to the inhabitants of Indonesia than to African blacks. The hypothesis about the existence of Lemuria was first put forward in 1864 by zoologist F. Sclater in order to directly transfer lemurs from Africa to India. One of the founders of dialectical materialism, Engels, in his work The Dialectic of Nature, suggested that the intermediate link of evolution between ape and man lived on a sunken continent:

Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, in an era that cannot yet be precisely defined, that period in the development of the earth, which geologists call Tertiary, presumably towards the end of this period, she lived somewhere in a hot zone - in all likelihood on a vast continent, now located at the bottom of the Indian ocean, - an unusually highly developed breed of apes

Mythological background

The scientific hypothesis was confirmed by Indian mythology, where there is information about sunken cities in the Indian Ocean, which were patronized either by demons (Tripur), or Krishna (Dvaraka) and Shiva. Already in the twentieth century, when it became known that there was no sunken continent between Madagascar and Hindustan, some supporters of the existence of Lemuria hastened to “transfer” the disappeared land to the Pacific Ocean, but this version did not gain wide popularity among the public, since the Pacifis “was already” there.

Esoteric interpretation

Map of Lemuria against the background of modern continents: Lemuria is shown in red, the remains of Hyperborea are shown in blue (from the book “Lemuria - the Vanished Continent” by William Scott-Elliot).

Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine points to the continent of Lemuria (Mu), which was destroyed by fire, not water, long before Atlantis. The last island - the remnant of Atlantis - was indeed destroyed by a flood 12 thousand years ago, and most of it long before that as a result of changes in the appearance of the Earth, including various numerous earthquakes. The reason for these changes was the increase in the Earth's diameter.

“Lemuria, as we called the Continent of the Third Race, was then a gigantic country. It covered the entire region from the foot of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great Shamo (Gobi) desert; from Chittagong westward to Hardwar and eastward to Assam. From there [from the inland sea] it [Lemuria] spread southward through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, covering on its way, as it moved south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended, not reaching a few degrees from the Antarctic Circle; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it extended far into the Pacific beyond Rapa Nui (Teapi or Easter Island), now lying in latitude 26° south and longitude 110° west. ...Sweden and Norway formed an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis from Europe, just like the Eastern and Western Siberia, and Kamchatka belonged to it from Asia."

Scientific research

Unlike the search for Atlantis, practically no expeditions were sent to study Lemuria. A few studies have not found any traces of the existence of a large island or continent.

See also

  • Lemurians


  • E.P. Blavatsky "The Secret Doctrine"
  • W. Scott-Elliot “Lemuria - the Vanished Continent”



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  • Balasaguni, Yusuf Hass Hajib

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    lemuria- noun, number of synonyms: 1 ghost island (6) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    Lemuria- (Lemuria) term introduced by English. zoologist Sclater to designate a hypothetical landmass that once stretched from Africa in the East to Sumatra and Celebes and in the North to India. With this he wanted to explain the strange fact that lemurs (see),... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

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Despite the fact that historians are delving deeper into the development of human civilization, some periods remain blank spots in chronology. Some ancient treatises provide information about the existence of civilizations, traces of which have never been found.

Along with the legendary Atlantis, the continent of Lemuria existed in the Indian Ocean, records of which can be found all over the world. Indian mythology provides information about sunken cities, patronized by demons, and according to other sources, by the gods Krishna and Shiva. Traces of ancient Lemuria can be found on the island of Madagascar, which moved a little away during the movement tectonic plates. It is this origin that will explain the presence of interesting animals on the island - Lemurs, which are relatives of many animals in Southeast Asia.

The famous predictor Edgar Cayce left information about the Lemyrians in his notes; he characterized them as a superior race that had achieved spiritual enlightenment. Another contactee, V. Ya Rasputin, described this race as non-human, which only in the process of evolution began to acquire physical and etheric bodies.

The ancient Egyptians remembered a blessed country full of treasures, located in the waters of Waj-Ur (as the Indian Ocean was called on the banks of the Nile). Over time, “this country disappeared in the waves,” as evidenced by Egyptian papyrus.

The Sumerians confidently call this country Dilmun and give it a poetic description: The land, Dilmun, is sacred.

The Sumerians preserved the legend that one of the main gods, Enki, came to them from the country of Dilmun - “from where the sun rises.”

Ancient historians called this island differently - Taprobane. Thus, Eratosthenes, the first to determine the size of the earth's circumference, calls Taprobana an island in the open ocean, located seven days' journey south of India. According to his description, the island extends to the west over a distance of “almost 8,000 stadia” (one and a half thousand kilometers). The famous Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” clarifies: “That Taprobane is an island became clear only in the era of Alexander the Great and his campaign. His naval commander Onesicritus writes that there are elephants there, larger and more warlike than in India itself, and Megasthenes - that a river divides the island, the inhabitants call themselves Palaigons, and they have more gold and larger pearls than the Indians.”

Pomponius Mela, one of the greatest ancient geographers, writes: “As for Taprobane, this land can be considered an island, but one can, following Hipparchus, assume that this is the beginning of another world. This assumption is quite acceptable: Taprobane is inhabited, and there is no information that anyone has circumnavigated this land on a ship.”

Modern scientists have dubbed this land Lemuria in honor of the amazing animal, which, after the collapse of Dilmun-Taprobana, spread throughout the surrounding lands: on the island of Madagascar alone there are 35 species, on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) there lives the slender loris, its closest relative, the thick loris , - on the Indochina Peninsula.

But Lemuria was not only the homeland of the animals that gave it its name. Scientific research proved that apes and the first modern people - “homosapiens” - spread from here. They gave impetus to ancient Egyptian civilization in the sixth millennium BC. e. and at the same time the civilizations of Mesopotamia. Lemuria was inhabited by Caucasian people similar to the modern inhabitants of Ethiopia and the Toda tribes of the Blue Mountains Valley in India.

The Blue Mountains are located at the junction of three South Indian states - Kerala, Tamils ​​and Mysore, inhabited by the Malayali, Tamil and Kannar peoples. The mountains are also home to many other tribes, which an English expedition led by William Case set out to explore. For many days, the British climbed higher and higher into the mountains, without meeting a single person on their way; they had already decided that the Blue Mountains were completely uninhabited and decided to turn back. And suddenly, at the end of another day's journey, a picturesque valley appeared before the astonished eyes of Case and his companions, on the slopes of which buffalo grazed peacefully. The herd was watched over by bearded elders, whose clothes resembled the togas of the ancient Romans, and the appearance of biblical shepherds. Thus, the land of the Todas was discovered, the oldest inhabitants of India, who settled here even before the Dravidians and the newcomers from the north - the Aryans.

From the appearance of the Toda, one could guess what the ancient inhabitants of not only India, but the entire Earth looked like. They had large, expressive light brown or green eyes; “Roman” nose, tall stature and fairly fair skin; thin lips, brown hair, sometimes with a reddish tint.

The number of people of the “Blue Mountains” was small - about a thousand people. These were the last of the great Lemuria.

Once upon a time, their ancestors made long voyages and formed the origins of the most ancient civilizations known to us - Ubaid, pro-Indian, Elamite, and partly ancient Egyptian. Their language became the basis for three dialects: Ubaid, Elamite and Proto-Dravidian. Something is also known about their religion and customs. One of the proto-Indian seals depicts a yogi in the “lotus” position. Scientists believe that this is proto-Shiva - one of the main gods of Hinduism, the founder of yoga and the secret teachings of Tantra - rituals that most likely came to Ancient India from Lemuria.

The Lemurians, judging by many sources, taught the Indian aborigines other things: how to tame elephants, how to make jewelry for women, how to bake delicacies - cookies and waffles.

The Indian archaeologist Dixit confidently writes about the continuity of traditions: “The love of decorating from head to toe with jewelry, which has always been the weakness of Indian women, is fully reflected in the diversity and wealth jewelry and beads found in such proto-Indian centers as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa.” English archaeologist Gordon Childe writes about the same thing: “The village potters of Sindh apparently inherited their craft from their brothers who lived during the period of proto-Indian civilization.”

Lemuria, having given impetus to the development of many civilizations, disappeared. After it, only the islands in the Indian Ocean remained: Madagascar, Seychelles, Mascarene, Comoros...

But she continued to excite people's imagination. Franciscan monks and Rosicrucians, occultists and musicians dreamed about Lemuria.

Eduard Schure in his “Divine Evolution” wrote: “Naturalists studying the globe from the point of view of paleontology and anthropology have long confirmed the existence of an ancient continent, today sunken... It included modern Australia, part of Asia and South Africa, and touched South America. At that time, Central and Northern Asia, all of Europe, as well as most of Africa and America, were still under water. The Englishman Sclater called this ancient continent Lemuria due to the existence of the anthropoid Lemur.”

Our story will be about the ancient civilization of Lemuria, which, according to many versions of unofficial scientists, researchers and esotericists, is considered to be the genealogy of humanity, and of many modern religions in general.

It is believed that many civilizations have visited planet Earth and global disasters have occurred on the planet several times. Therefore, today we will try to look into that ancient time when there was a highly spiritual race called Lemuria. We will also talk about another theoretical connection with the origin and pedigree of the oldest religions in the world.

Darwin's theory and real facts of human development

Many people know Darwin's theory about the origin of life and populations on the planet. It is based on natural selection where the fittest survive. Well, supposedly there used to be some monkeys there, and then a man took a stick and made fire, that’s roughly the theory. And of course, today not only esotericists, but also scientists no longer agree with him. And towards the end of his life, he himself did not speak very flatteringly about her, it’s just that scientists didn’t come up with anything more interesting.

For example, not far from Mexico, a pyramid was discovered underground dating back to the 5th millennium BC, when, according to historians, there should have been no civilization in this place.

And according to some archaeologists, our Earth was inhabited in early times by giant people. So in Australia, anthropologists found a tooth almost 7 cm in length and, accordingly, a person’s height would be about 7 meters - its age was 9 million years.

Secrets of the people of the giants of the past

In Turkey, bones were found that fit a person's height of 5 meters. And on Easter Island there are huge statues more than 20 meters high and weighing 50 tons, and according to local legends, they were built by a race of “masters who fell from the sky.”

According to research, Easter Island is the remnant of the surviving continent of Mu, which was once the land of the Lemurians. This continent sank about 25 thousand years ago. Scientist James Churchward, who studied the scriptures in Tibet, believes that the continent of Mu used technology that surpassed gravity and made it possible to easily move large objects.

And also, for example, Filipino surgeons (healers), who perform operations without instruments and pain relief, believe that their ancestors passed on the knowledge to them from the continent of Mu. Further, on the island of Yucotan there is a temple where the inscription has been preserved: “This temple was built in memory of Mu, the birthplace of our sacred mysteries.”

Helena Blavatsky and scientists about Lemuria or the continent of Mu

Blavatsky was also an esotericist, scientist and traveler - in her book “The Secret Doctrine”, she writes that despite the fact that many extraterrestrial civilizations visited the Earth, it was the inhabitants of Lemuria who were our real ancestors.

According to her research, the Lemurians were up to 20 meters tall, while the later civilization of our planet Atlantis had people only 6 meters tall.

Well, after the Atlanteans comes the race of Aryans (Aryans) - that’s you and me. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that the Egyptian Pyramids and the Great Sphinx were also built by the Lemurians and Atlanteans.

Esotericists and scientists about extinct giant civilizations

Other scientists believe that the Lemurians had the most advanced civilization in the world and they, for example, had aircraft, which could easily move through space.

A famous Indian Guru Sathya Sai Baba said that they set their spaceships in motion by the power of thought or mantras.

The famous professor Muldashev, during an expedition in Syria, in one of the destroyed temples, discovered giant footprints - 90 cm long and, according to calculations, the height should be up to 10 meters.

A short excursion to America - the Smithsonian Institution admitted the fact of its destruction in 1900 of several thousand human skeletons, up to four meters in height, which they destroyed on the orders of their leaders in order to defend the theory that only human evolution exists. They found these giant skeletons during excavations throughout America.

What is Lemuria?

According to data theoretically received by esotericists from various Ascended Masters, the Lemurian Epoch lasted from 4,500,000 years before the birth of Christ to approximately 12,000 thousand years ago. At that time, Lemuria occupied a huge area, most of which is located under the Pacific Ocean.

It also included Hawaii, Easter Island, Fiji Island, Australia and New Zealand. Lemuria is much older than Atlantis and Lemurians usually lived up to 20 or 30 thousand years. Approximately 25 thousand years ago, enormous destruction occurred in both Lemuria and Atlantis.

Wars of ancient civilizations

These two civilizations fought against each other because the Atlanteans believed that other less advanced civilizations needed to be controlled. There were no winners in a thermonuclear war. Since people lived for a long time, they realized that retribution would come for their behavior, and those who committed destruction would have to suffer themselves.

Knowing that Lemuria would disappear, people petitioned Little Shambhala to build their new underground city under Mount Shasta in America. The Lemurians built their city inside a mountain and named it Telos, which translates to “Unity with Spirit.”

It is believed that Lemuria went under water in one night, when everyone was asleep and only 25 thousand people were saved. Many priests who remained faithful to the Light remained at their posts - they drowned and prayed, softening the karma of fear and horror of the dying inhabitants of Lemuria.

Did the country of Lemuria and the Lemurians perish?

As is known, in the Lemurian temples there were centers of the eternal and indestructible Sacred Fire of God, and they were transferred by part of the priests to Telos, to the new city and place of life of the saved Lemurians.

As we can guess from these revelations unconfirmed by science, not all of Lemuria perished - some of its inhabitants currently live in Mount Shasta in the 5th dimension and their mission is to help humanity in the ascension of the entire planet.

Earth after the destruction of the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis

Not only did Lemuria go under water, but Atlantis also went under water for 200 years. It is believed that this continued for 200 years. After all, for several hundred years, through the earth’s atmosphere polluted by wars, sunlight did not reach the earth at all.

Most of the animals and plants disappeared. The consequences of the disaster were very severe and few of the world's population survived, and those who survived faced hunger and disease. Also, the height of people gradually decreased in later times.

By the way, growth modern man, it is believed that it will also grow according to the spiritual development of people on the planet. Moreover, even scientists have proven that earlier, more ancient people were indeed shorter, even just a couple of hundred years ago.

Superpowers of the Lemurians

The Lemurians were masters of atomic energy. They had developed telepathy and clairvoyance. And they controlled most of their technologies with their minds and powered them with their minds. In addition, they could use the energy of the crystals. Their spaceships were invisible and silent.

Lemurian star seed biology

The Lemurians are the root race of planet Earth, much older than the Sumerian and Indus Valley civilizations. Although there were others before the Lemurian civilization, still, for humans, they are the progenitors or real ancestors.

The Lemurians themselves essentially became a race that received their seed biology from the stars. Man as we see him today would not exist if seed biology had not come along with the Pleiadians through the Lemurians.

In our galaxy, which is called Milky Way, there is a cluster of stars called the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades star cluster. So they visited the earth many years ago and gave rise to the Lemurian civilization. It was they who sowed the seeds of quantum divine DNA in man.

By the way, at that time there were about 17 species of human beings. The Pleiadian civilization is a very spiritually developed race and in their dimension of consciousness time and space do not exist. The Pleiadians arrived on planet Earth in accordance with their divine plan, which earthlings will learn about in the future.

What was the Lemurian civilization like?

Lemuria was also an advanced civilization, but not technically, but in its consciousness. The Lemurians knew how to heal using magnetism. They knew everything about their DNA and even knew its shape, without microscopes.

Since their DNA was 90 percent activated, they knew everything about solar system, and about the galaxy. And they even knew that subsequent generations would lose supernatural abilities and DNA would function at a level of 30 percent, which is observed in modern humans.

According to research, most people belong to some religion in the world and there are even countries where religion and politics are inseparable - for example, we can name countries such as Tibet, Sri Lanka, Laos and many Arab countries. And we just have to consider where these state religions come from.

If we turn to such well-known religions of the world as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, as well as many mystical and shamanic religions of Africa, Asia and other countries, then we can see that they arose rather, as revelation through various Prophets or Saints of the past. In other words, they did not originate on Earth, but rather were betrayed by someone or something.

With the loss of divinity comes fear

When a person does not understand his divine essence, the struggle for survival and fear of the forces of nature begins. All pagan gods or elemental worship arose out of fear of the unknown.

And how can we understand, with the loss of understanding about one’s quantum or interdimensional nature, when a person does not understand himself, he tries to understand himself through the external, through worship of something external.

Why does a person strive to believe in God?

If we take ancient Lemuria, then religion was simply not needed there - the Lemurians already knew about the spiritual world. But subsequent generations of people have lost this divinity in themselves.

Now we can understand where a person’s desire for God and faith in the divine comes from - the fact is that the human ancestry goes back to Lemuria, when the divine quantum part of DNA and knowledge about it was transferred to man.

Where did they come to us from, and where did the most ancient religions originate?

It is generally believed that religions came from the east, from Ancient Egypt or the Aryan Civilization or even the Sumerian Ancient Civilization, but you need to understand that, in turn, these civilizations arose as a continuation of the Lemurian civilization, which gave the divine component to human DNA.

For example, we find in the Vedic religious culture that their gods and ancestors had enormous stature. And in the destroyed Mayan civilization they found inscriptions saying that they thanked the civilization of Mu (LEMURIA) for spiritual training.

Was Jesus Christ a Limurian?

It is believed that Jesus Christ himself was a Lemurian in the past and came to planet Earth from deep space. It is known that during the birth of Jesus a huge star appeared in the sky and it was called the Star of Bethlehem.

Moreover, the Gospel of Matthew does not mention a star, but a mysterious celestial phenomenon that the wise men called a “star,” and this star appeared at sunrise and then headed towards the birth of Jesus and stopped over the house where he was born.

But according to some evidence not confirmed by science, the Star of Bethlehem is also the name of the spaceship on which in the distant past Jesus Christ flew and lived for some time in Lemuria.

Christianity and its origins in India and Nepal

The early teachings of Christianity were based on the law of karma and reincarnation. These exercises were prudently excluded by the top Christian Church. All records of early teachings are kept in the library at the Vatican.

Probably many people know about the early years of Jesus Christ, when he wandered around the world. There is also a Tibetan Gospel that states that Jesus lived in India and Nepal, where there is evidence that Indian merchants in contact with Jerusalem saw Jesus in India.

It goes without saying that in India one of the teachings was the doctrine of reincarnation and karma. There Jesus received teachings on how to activate his Light body, Merkabah or DNA (what is commonly called aura, which we have already written about on our portal in some detail).

The True Essence of Christ's Teachings

The essence of the teachings of Christ is Love and this is one of the main teachings in more developed civilizations, starting with fourth dimension and higher.

The fact that the fathers and founders of the Christian Church worship some kind of external God came from the fact that the Roman Empire not only crucified Christ because of its ignorance, but also used his name to dominate the Jewish people and enslave other foreign states.

But of course this was in the past and everything will definitely change, including modern, most often very perverted Christianity, perhaps the activities of our portal will help this return to the true origins of many unjustifiably forgotten religions.

And of course, esotericists who believe in this story note that Jesus was a Lemurian and is not an object of worship - this is our one family, our genealogy. For example, you live in a family, and no one demands or asks you to bow to, for example, your brother or father, or sister.

In the family they simply respect each other and love, because love is much more important than worship, even the Bible itself says that God exists precisely through love, purity and light from this love, and nothing else.

Buddhism its origins

Buddhism as another major religion, as we know, is associated with Shakyamuni Buddha and his main teaching is the destruction of our suffering by removing or destroying our desires that make us suffer.

I personally have no information about how Buddhism is connected with the civilization of Lemuria, since as Buddha himself said, he has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, and one kalpa is about 40 billion years.

Hinduism its earliest origins

We can say about Hinduism that its origins go back to ancient civilizations. Because it is written in the Vedas that their ancestors and spiritual teachers were several meters tall, and this was possible only during ancient civilizations.

Religious civilization Maya

There are records that Maya owes its development to the civilization of Lemuria, which considers the Lemurians to be its Teachers.

As many people know, the word Maya is translated as illusion, and the Mayans knew very well the illusion of time and space. At one time they had a lot of gold, and when the conquerors came for this gold, all the inhabitants of the Mayan civilization simply disappeared somewhere, and no one knows where. It is believed that they are now in the 5th dimension, where the legendary Shambhala is.


We can say with a great degree of confidence that the human ancestry originates from the Lemurian civilization.

We can also assume that most religions originate from Lemuria or Atlantis, from where the teachings of the priests of Lemuria or Atlantis passed from one civilization to another until the present moment.

Each of us carries the seed of divinity within us, our soul, so to speak, within our DNA and connecting with our divinity does not mean seeing God from the outside, but seeing or better yet connecting with him from the inside.

After all, all the wise world religions, before their perversion, believed that you can know God only within yourself and as a result of your internal work, but not outside, in some strange ritual processions and other modern religious prejudices and zabobons.

Seek true faith and God within yourself!

Therefore, our only advice for today, regardless of whether you believe in the existence of a mythical ancient civilization Limuria and the life of the Limurian giants or not, our advice for today is to pay less attention to the external aspects of faith and religion, and instead work more on internal search and self-development.

Always look for the truest faith within yourself, then quite quickly you yourself will be able to understand what is more important in this world and what is not, and so to speak, separate the grains of knowledge from the chaff of ignorance.

Lemuria is a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters. Another name for this civilization is My (although some researchers consider My to be a continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is assigned only to the present Indian Ocean). Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, but there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they became extinct and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and the southeastern part of Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of the hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates. Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in communities near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures, living on the mountain and appearing in cities only to stock up on food. These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the same way, as if dissolving into thin air. Among people, there is an opinion that these creatures have the ability to penetrate other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he was able to see through binoculars a gray marble temple standing on a mountain in the middle of a forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be thoroughly explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people stopped.

The most convincing are the “Lemurian” hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), an American predictor. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented as spiritually elevated at the time of its disappearance (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Cayce, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, there was no need for them to stay on Earth, since they no longer needed to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country My, made by Edgar Cayce, were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was the western part of Lemuria at the time of the emergence of homo sapiens (our species). Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Cayce’s assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with an archipelago that had also now gone under water, which corresponded to Cayce’s descriptions. According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the melting ice caused the water level of the world's oceans to rise sharply. But the My civilization continued to flourish after that on the “ruins” of the former giant continent. Cayce considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian contact scientist Vasily Rasputin was guided in his description of Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from Space and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. From his descriptions one can glean some territorial and chronological details: Lemuria existed in 320–170 centuries BC. e. in the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the shores of Antarctica. The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians did not have a physical and etheric body (which are among the bodies a person has), which is why people could not see them, with the exception of those people who had special energy. If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, moving into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. This hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of Lemurians near Mount Shasta. But geographically, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. Due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, and at the same time almost its entire population died. The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which existed for the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria. Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually exalted race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (without gender division). Finding physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and occultism. Occult experiments and predictions in this case also became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization. According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet during the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different eras, there will be seven main races (each race has seven subraces): supreme invisible beings; Hyperboreans; lemurs; Atlanta; People; a race descended from humans that will in the future inhabit Lemuria; the last earthly race to fly from Earth to Mercury. Lemurs, or the extinct inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to communicate telepathically, had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk equally back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part South America and other lands. Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved into a civilization and became more like humans. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947). According to the “myth” he compiled, which largely coincides with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the continent of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created, in turn, from the First Race. Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies became denser and became physical, all creatures evolved, and a separation of the sexes occurred. Having received a physical body, people began to die rather than be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with reason and soul. The continent of the Third Race was located along the equator, on the site of most of the modern Pacific and Indian oceans. It included the present Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria. In the south, the continent’s border did not reach the Antarctic Circle, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent north to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race who lived on Lemuria had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m. This assumption of Roerich has indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic appearance features. The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explain the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-shaped cities: the remains of these cities are the Cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The decline of the Lemurian civilization coincided with the immersion of their continent under water, its fragmentation into separate continents and islands, which occurred as a result of natural disasters accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. All hypotheses about Lemuria agree on this.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, occurred at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the continent went under water 700 thousand years before the beginning of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, and aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

Various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis research work William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as geological and biological confirmation of existing hypotheses about Lemuria. Among the confirmations - scientific fact that modern land was previously covered by ocean waters, and in place of modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence in early times of a vast southern continent.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly identify land areas that were connected by the ancient continent and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern continent was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. Thus, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent that in the above studies is considered the “cradle of the human race.”

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization are the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Carolina Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2 thousand km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and the remains of paved roads on the seabed near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta; remains of the skeletons of giant people (found in the USA, Australia, South Africa, Georgia and other places).

Currently, anthropological scientists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the probable territory of the lost continent: a new race could displace the Lemurians into more harsh habitat conditions. However, only legends so far confirm this assumption. various peoples peace.

The landmass of our planet consists of six huge continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, and Antarctica. But 4 - 5 million years ago there was neither Central and Northern Asia, nor Europe, nor most of Africa, nor North America- they were all under water. What happened? A huge continent that included Australia, part of Asia and South Africa. The Englishman Slater proposed calling this continent Lemuria, after the strange animals that lived there - lemurs. This honor was given to these cute prosimians because they were proof of the existence of Lemuria. Haeckel, in his work “Natural History of Creation,” proved that lemurs, which live mainly on the island of Madakascar and are practically not found in Africa, could only have originated on the mainland.

Scientific research
Unlike the search for Atlantis, practically no expeditions were sent to study Lemuria. A few studies have not yet found any convincing evidence of the existence of a large island or continent with an advanced civilization. Some supporters of the existence of Lemuria hastened to transfer the sunken land to the Pacific Ocean, but this version did not gain wide popularity, since the disappeared land, the Pacifida, already “was” there.

Mythology of Madagascar
Madagascar occupies a separate place in the hypothesis of Lemuria. The indigenous inhabitants of the island, the Malgash, have preserved a rich tradition of oral poetry, which tells the history of the island. According to local myths, the island formerly extended far to the east, and a similarity to the global flood is also mentioned.
In addition, paleogeographers call Lemuria the ancient continent on which primates (lemurs) arose. Lemurs on the island are represented in a wide variety, and local residents consider them to be forest people.
Despite its proximity to Africa, most of the plants and animals living in Madagascar are endemic, and the number is so large that it is quite possible to consider the island part of a continent. In addition, the Malagasy themselves are not of African origin.

Lemuria in fiction
In the book " Ancient mystery Flower of Life" by the American esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek states that "the fact of the existence of Lemuria was recognized in 1910, and it is associated with corals. In the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 550 meters, coral rings were discovered, stretching from Easter Island to a huge distance.” In the science fiction novel “Operation Search in Time” by Andre Norton (1967) main character travels from 1980 to the 12th millennium BC to Atlantis, saves the Lemurian warrior, and as a result prevents the global flood. Atlantis and Lemuria remain on the Earth map.

Indian mythology
According to Dravidian myths, Lemuria was located south of Hindustan. There was a poetry academy on the island, with which the emergence of Tamil poetry is associated and which existed from time immemorial, and the head was Shiva. It existed for 4400 years. Lemuria perished during the Great Flood. The Lemurians who escaped death settled on nearby lands, or on the remains of the continent that remained above the water. The Lemurians brought knowledge to India.
Small islands of the Indian Ocean remained from Lemuria. Some researchers also include the western islands of Indonesia among the remains.

European mythology
Despite the fact that there are versions that Egyptian, Roman and Phoenician expeditions circumnavigated Africa from the south, Europeans began to constantly sail to India only in the 15th century. In Europe, the legends of Lemuria were rarely taken seriously, unlike the Unknown Southern Land with which it was often identified. Later Europeans mentioned Lemuria as a counterweight to Atlantis (or vice versa, as a complement).

Lemuria is a mythical island (or continent) in the Indian Ocean. Mention of Lemuria as a land in the Indian Ocean with a developed civilization is found in the mythology of various peoples.
Lemurians and Lemuria - the lost continent. Helena Blavatsky suggested her version of the origin of the mythical Lemuria. She proposed that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of humanity. And the philosopher Rudolf Steiner claimed that the secret repository of the history of the universe - the “Akashic Chronicles” - also called the inhabitants of Lemuria the ancestors of people. In 1926, Colonel of the Bengal Lancers James Churchward said that an Indian monk showed him ancient tables that mentioned the continent of Mu (Lemuria) stretched 6000 km from the northern tip of Hawaii to the southern Easter Island. According to Churchwad, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and high waves destroyed Lemuria approximately 12,000 years ago. Small islands were scattered around Pacific Ocean, and all nations descended from the surviving Lemurians.
