Human races. Major human races

It is assumed that intelligent life on Earth was created purposefully by a whole complex higher powers, for which there are no words in human languages. The first monads, created simultaneously with the emergence of the Earth, consisted of subtle bodies and were deprived of reason. This was the First Race. Gradually all the primary monads disintegrated, and from their elements the Second Race was formed. These were monads similar to the first ones, but in the course of evolution they found new way reproduction, which can be described as "the release of an egg." Gradually this method became dominant. And as a result, the Third Race arose - the race of the Egg-born, who at the beginning also did not have a dense, physical body (the geological conditions on Earth were then unsuitable for the physical existence of protein bodies). The third race, which arose at the beginning of the Archean era, quickly developed to the level of separation of the sexes and the formation of the rudiments of intelligence. The first three subraces (traditionally there are seven of these subraces within the boundaries of the “basic” races, according to Theosophy) of the Third Race gradually built up a dense shell, until finally, during the period of the fourth subrace of the Third Race, the first actual people with a real physical body appeared. This happened during the era of dinosaurs, i.e. about 100-120 million years BC. The dinosaurs were big, and people looked the same: up to 18 meters tall or more. In subsequent subraces, their growth gradually decreased. Proof of this, according to Theosophy, should be the fossil bones of giants and myths about giants. The first people did not yet have complete set bodies: there was no conscious soul, i.e. bodies of spiritual mind. The higher primates (monkeys) originated from these human animals. After this, according to one version, the higher powers-creators, who brought about intelligent life on Earth, introduced into the consciousness of people those actually rational principles that allowed them to act as teachers of subsequent generations.

The last subraces of the Third Race created the first intelligent civilization of people on the proto-continent of Lemuria, according to other versions - Gondwana. This continent was located in the Southern Hemisphere and included the southern tip of Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and in the north - Madagascar and Ceylon. Easter Island also belonged to the Lemurian culture. During the period of the seventh subrace of the Third Race, the Lemurian civilization fell into decay, and this continent itself went under water. This happened at the end of the Tertiary period, i.e. about 3 million years BC. (The Third Race is sometimes also called the Black Race. Its descendants are considered to be black tribes, African and Australian.) At that time, the Fourth Race had already arisen - the Atlantean race on the continent called Atlantis (it is assumed that Atlantis with its northern edge extended several degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and the northern part of England, and the southern part to the place where Rio de Janeiro is now located). The Atlanteans were the offspring of the Lemurians, who moved to another continent about a million years before the death of Lemuria. The first two subraces of the Atlantean race descended from these first settlers from Lemuria. The third subrace of the Atlantean race appeared after the destruction of Lemuria or Gondwana: these were the Toltecs, the Red Race. According to theosophy, the Atlanteans worshiped the Sun, and their height reached two and a half meters. The capital of the Atlantean Empire was the city of the Hundred Golden Gates. Their civilization reached the pinnacle of its development precisely during the period of the Toltecs or the Red Race. This was about 1 million years ago. The first geological catastrophe, which occurred about 800 thousand years ago, disrupted the land connection of Atlantis with future America and Europe. The second - about 200 thousand years ago - divided the continent into several islands, large and small. Modern continents emerged. After the third catastrophe, about 80 thousand years BC, only the island of Poseidonis remained, which sank about 10 thousand years BC. The Atlanteans foresaw these catastrophes and took measures to save their scientists and the knowledge they had accumulated: they built giant temples in Egypt and opened the first schools of esoteric wisdom there. Esotericism in that era acted as a kind of state philosophy and a familiar view of the world. In the face of the threat of the destruction of the continents, the highest Initiates were considered to be of the highest value, thanks to whom ancient knowledge was able to survive thousands of years. The catastrophes of Atlantis caused new waves of migrations and the following subraces of the Fourth Race arose: the Huns (fourth subrace), proto-Semites (fifth), Sumerians (sixth) and Asians (seventh). The Asians who mixed with the Huns are sometimes also called the Yellow Race, and the proto-Semites and their descendants who formed the Fifth Race are called the White Race.

According to the teachings of Theosophy, all human races and their subraces perform one or another task of universal human evolution. When one race completes its mission, then the next one appears to replace it, and this is always connected with the transition of human civilization to a new stage.



Characteristics and habitat

First root race

about 150-130 million years BC

Arose on Earth under the sign of the Sun, in the form of astral, semi-ethereal beings through compaction subtle world, that is, the world of psychic energy. Ethereal, sexless and unconscious. These were creatures with a wave body structure that could freely pass through any solid objects. They looked like luminous, ethereal forms of moonlight in the form of shadows, and could live in any conditions and at any temperature. The self-born had astral-etheric vision. Communication with the outside world and the Supreme Cosmic Mind was carried out telepathically. It reproduced by separating from the parent bodies, which was eventually refined to “budding,” and it was in this way that the second root race began.
Habitat: Far North

Second Root Race

about 130-90 million years BC

The second race was denser, but did not have a physical body; its height was about 37 meters. The “Man” of the Second Race underwent a process of densification, had significant elements of matter, representing an ethereal, ghost-like creature.
She inherited vision from the first root race, and she herself developed a sense of touch, which at the end of the race reached such perfection that with just one touch they understood the entire essence of an object, i.e. both the external and internal nature of the objects they touched. This property is today called psychometry.
The method of reproduction is the release of drops of vital fluid and their combination into a single whole (being).
Habitat: Hyperborea (Gondwana)

Third Root Race

18.5 million years BC

The bodies of the first subrace of the Lemurians consisted of astral matter (like the first root race). The second Lemurian subrace had the appearance of condensed astral matter (like the second root race). And already the third Lemurian subrace, in which the separation of the sexes occurred, became purely physical. The bodies and sense organs of the third subrace of the Lemurians became so dense that the people of this subrace began to perceive the physical climate of the Earth.
Height is about 18 meters.
The Lemurians developed brains and nervous system, which laid the foundation for the development of mental consciousness, although emotionality still prevailed.
Habitat: Lemuria (Mu).

Fourth Root Race

About 5 million years BC

The first Atlanteans were shorter than the Lemurians, although they reached 3.5 meters. Gradually their growth decreased. The skin color of the first subrace was dark red, and the second was red-brown.
The minds of the representatives of the first sub-races of the Fourth Race were infantile, not reaching the level of the last sub-races of the Lemurian Race.
The civilization of Atlantis reached a great level, especially during the existence of the third sub-race of the Atlanteans - the Toltecs. The skin color of the people of this subrace was copper-red, they were tall - reaching two and a half meters (over time, their height decreased, reaching the height of a person of our day). The descendants of the Toltecs are the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.
They used psi energy.
Habitat: Atlantis, Lemuria

Fifth Root Race

About 1.5 million years BC

Modern humanity is interpreted by esotericism as the Fifth or Aryan race, which also traditionally includes seven subraces, of which only five are currently available: 1) Indians (light-skinned tribes), 2) younger Semites (Assyrians, Arabs), 3) Iranians, 4) Celts (Greeks, Romans and their descendants), 5) Teutons (Germans and Slavs). The Sixth and Seventh Root Races must come later.

Sixth and Seventh Root Races

in the future

Between the second and third sub-races of the sixth root race there will be a transition from organic to etheric life.
People of the sixth root race will, over time, open and develop subtle energy centers(chakras), which will gradually lead to the discovery of miraculous abilities, for example, such as transmission of thoughts at a distance, levitation, knowledge of the future, vision through solid objects, understanding foreign language without knowledge of his and other phenomenal abilities.

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Race is a group of people united on the basis of their mutual kinship, common origin and some external hereditary physical characteristics (skin and hair color, head shape, structure of the face as a whole and its parts - nose, lips, etc.). There are three main races of people: Caucasian (white), Mongoloid (yellow), Negroid (black).

The ancestors of all races lived 90-92 thousand years ago. Starting from this time, people began to settle in territories that differed sharply from each other in natural conditions.

According to scientists, in the process of formation modern man In Southeast Asia and neighboring North Africa, which are considered the ancestral homeland of man, two races arose - southwestern and northeastern. Subsequently, from the first came Caucasoids and Negroids, and from the second - Mongoloids.

The separation of the Caucasoid and Negroid races began approximately 40 thousand years ago.

Displacement of recessive genes to the outskirts of the population range

The outstanding geneticist N.I. Vavilov in 1927 discovered the law of the emergence of individuals with recessive traits beyond the center of origin of new forms of organisms. According to this law, in the center of the species' distribution area forms with dominant characteristics dominate, they are surrounded by heterozygous forms with recessive characters. The marginal part of the range is occupied by homozygous forms with recessive traits.

This law is closely related to the anthropological observations of N.I. Vavilov. In 1924, members of the expedition under his leadership witnessed an amazing phenomenon in Kafiristan (Nuristan), located in Afghanistan at an altitude of 3500-4000 m. They discovered that most of the inhabitants of the northern mountainous areas had blue eyes. According to the prevailing hypothesis at that time, since ancient times northern races were widespread here and these places were considered a center of culture. N.I. Vavilov noted the impossibility of confirming this hypothesis with the help of historical, ethnographic and linguistic evidence. In his opinion, the blue eyes of the Nuristans are a clear manifestation of the law of the entry of owners of recessive genes into the outlying part of the range. This law was later convincingly confirmed. N. Cheboksarov on the example of the population of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The origin of the characteristics of the Caucasian race is explained by migration and isolation.

All humanity can be divided into three large groups, or races: white (Caucasian), yellow (Mongoloid), black (Negroid). Representatives of each race have their own distinctive, inherited features of body structure, hair shape, skin color, eye shape, skull shape, etc.

Representatives of the white race have light skin, protruding noses, people of the yellow race have cheekbones, a special shape of the eyelid, and yellow skin. Blacks, who belong to the Negroid race, have dark skin, wide noses, and curly hair.

Why are there such differences in the appearance of representatives of different races and why are each race characterized by certain characteristics? Scientists answer this as follows: human races were formed as a result of adaptation to different conditions of the geographical environment, and these conditions left their imprints on representatives of different races.

Negroid race (black)

Representatives of the Negroid race are distinguished by black or dark brown skin, black curly hair, a flattened wide nose and thick lips (Fig. 82).

Where black people live, there is an abundance of sun, it is hot - people's skin is more than enough irradiated by the sun's rays. And excessive radiation is harmful. And so the body of people in hot countries has adapted to excess sun over thousands of years: the skin has developed a pigment that blocks some of the sun's rays and, therefore, saves the skin from burns. Dark skin color is inherited. Coarse, curly hair that forms on the head as if air cushion, reliably protect a person from overheating.

Caucasian (White)

Representatives of the Caucasian race are characterized by fair skin, soft straight hair, a thick mustache and beard, a narrow nose and thin lips.

Representatives of the white race live in the northern regions, where the sun is a rare guest, and they really need sun rays. Pigment is also produced in their skin, but at the height of summer, when the body, thanks to the sun's rays, is replenished in the right quantity vitamin D. At this time, representatives of the white race become dark-skinned.

Mongoloid race (yellow)

People belonging to the Mongoloid race have dark or lighter skin, straight coarse hair, sparse or undeveloped mustache and beard, prominent cheekbones, lips and nose of medium thickness, almond-shaped eyes.

Where representatives of the yellow race live, there are frequent winds, even storms with dust and sand. And local residents tolerate such windy weather quite easily. Over the centuries they have adapted to strong winds. Mongoloids have narrow eyes, as if on purpose so that less sand and dust get into them, so that the wind does not irritate them, and they do not water. This trait is also inherited and is found among people of the Mongoloid race and in other geographical conditions. Material from the site

Among people there are those who believe that people with white skin belong to the superior races, and those with yellow and black skin belong to the inferior races. In their opinion, people with yellow and black skin are incapable of mental work and should only do physical work. These harmful ideas are still guiding racists in a number of third world countries. There, the work of blacks is paid lower than that of whites, and blacks are subjected to humiliation and insults. In civilized countries, all peoples have the same rights.

Research by N. N. Miklouho-Maclay on racial equality

Russian scientist Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay, in order to prove the complete inconsistency of the theory about the existence of “lower” races incapable of mental development, in 1871 settled on the island of New Guinea, where representatives of the black race lived - the Papuans. He lived for fifteen months among the island-chan, became close to them, studied them

Humanity is a mosaic of races and peoples that inhabit our globe. A representative of each race and each nation has a number of differences in comparison with representatives of other population systems.

However, all people, despite their racial and ethnic background, are an integral part of a single whole - earthly humanity.

The concept of “race”, division into races

Race is a system of a population of people who have similar biological characteristics that were formed under the influence of the natural conditions of the territory of their origin. Race is the result of adaptation human body under those natural conditions in which he had to live.

The formation of races took place over many millennia. According to anthropologists, at the moment there are three main races on the planet, including more than ten anthropological types.

Representatives of each race are connected by common areas and genes, which provoke the emergence of physiological differences from representatives of other races.

Caucasian race: signs and settlement

The Caucasoid or Eurasian race is the largest race in the world. Characteristic features of the appearance of a person belonging to the Caucasian race are an oval face, straight or wavy soft hair, wide eyes, and average thickness of lips.

The color of eyes, hair and skin varies depending on the region of the population, but always has light shades. Representatives of the Caucasian race evenly populate the entire planet.

The final settlement across the continents occurred after the end of the century of geographical discoveries. Very often, people of the Caucasian race tried to prove their dominant position over representatives of other races.

Negroid race: signs, origin and settlement

The Negroid race is one of the three big races. Characteristic features People belonging to the Negroid race have elongated limbs, dark, melanin-rich skin, a wide flat nose, large eyes, and curly hair.

Modern scientists believe that the first Negroid man arose around the 40th century BC. in the territory of modern Egypt. The main region of settlement of representatives of the Negroid race is South Africa. Over the past centuries, people of the Negroid race have settled significantly in the West Indies, Brazil, France and the United States.

Unfortunately, representatives of the Negroid race have been oppressed by “white” people for many centuries. They faced such anti-democratic phenomena as slavery and discrimination.

Mongoloid race: signs and settlement

The Mongoloid race is one of the largest world races. The characteristic features of this race are: dark skin color, narrow eyes, small stature, thin lips.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race primarily inhabit the territory of Asia, Indonesia, and the islands of Oceania. Recently, the number of people of this race has begun to increase in all countries of the world, which is caused by an intensifying wave of migration.

Peoples inhabiting the earth

A people is a certain group of people who have a common number of historical characteristics - culture, language, religion, territory. Traditionally, a stable common feature of a people is its language. However, nowadays there are common cases when various peoples speak the same language.

For example, the Irish and Scots speak English, although they do not apply to the British. Today there are several tens of thousands of peoples in the world, which are systematized into 22 families of peoples. Many peoples that existed before disappeared at this point or were assimilated with other peoples.

The Soviet scientist Valery Pavlovich Alekseev (1929-1991) made a great contribution to the description of human races. In principle, we are now guided precisely by his calculations in this interesting anthropological issue. So what is race?

This is a relatively stable biological characteristic of the human species. What unites them is a common appearance and psychophysical characteristics. At the same time, it is important to understand that this unity does not in any way affect the form of the hostel and the ways of living together. General signs purely external, anatomical, but one cannot judge from them the intelligence of people, their ability to work, live, engage in science, art and other mental activities. That is, representatives of different races are absolutely identical in their mental development. They also have absolutely the same rights, and, therefore, responsibilities.

The ancestors of modern humans are Cro-Magnons. It is assumed that their first representatives appeared on Earth 300 thousand years ago in Southeast Africa. Over the course of thousands of years, our distant ancestors spread throughout the world. They lived in different climatic conditions, and therefore acquired strictly specific biological characteristics. A single habitat gave rise to a common culture. And within this culture ethnic groups were formed. For example, Roman ethnos, Greek ethnos, Carthaginian ethnos and others.

Human races are divided into Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids, Australoids, and Americanoids. There are also subraces or minor races. Their representatives have their own certain biological traits that are absent in other people.

1 - Negroid, 2 - Caucasoid, 3 - Mongoloid, 4 - Australoid, 5 - Americanoid

Caucasians - white race

The first Caucasians appeared in Southern Europe and North Africa. From there they spread throughout the European continent, reaching Central and Central Asia and Northern Tibet. They crossed the Hindu Kush and ended up in India. Here they settled the entire northern part of Hindustan. They also explored the Arabian Peninsula and the northern regions of Africa. In the 16th century they crossed the Atlantic and settled almost all North America and most of South America. Then it was the turn of Australia and South Africa.

Negroids - black race

Negroids or blacks are considered the indigenous inhabitants of the tropical zone. This explanation is based on melanin, which gives the skin its black color. It protects the skin from the burns of the scorching tropical sun. No doubt, it prevents burns. But what kind of clothes do people wear on a hot sunny day - white or black? Of course white, because it reflects the sun's rays well. Therefore, in extreme heat, it is unprofitable to have black skin, especially with high insolation. From this we can assume that blacks appeared in those climatic conditions where cloudiness prevailed.

Indeed, the oldest finds of Grimaldi (Negroids), dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, were discovered in the territory of Southern France (Nice) in the Grimaldi Cave. In the Upper Paleolithic, this entire area was inhabited by people with black skin, woolly hair and large lips. They were tall, slender, long-legged hunters of large herbivores. But how did they end up in Africa? In the same way that Europeans got to America, that is, they moved there, displacing the indigenous population.

It is interesting that South Africa was inhabited by Negroes - Bantu Negroes (classical Negroes as we know them) in the 1st century BC. e. That is, the pioneers were contemporaries of Julius Caesar. It was at this time that they settled in the forests of the Congo, the savannas of East Africa, reached the southern regions of the Zambezi River and found themselves on the banks of the muddy Limpopo River.

And who did these European conquerors with black skin supplant? After all, someone lived before them on these lands. This is a special southern race, which is conventionally called " Khoisan".

Khoisan race

It includes the Hottentots and Bushmen. They differ from blacks in their brown skin and Mongoloid features. Their throats are structured differently. They pronounce words not on the exhale, like the rest of us, but on the inhale. They are considered the remnants of some ancient race that inhabited the Southern Hemisphere for a very long time. There are very few of these people left, and in the ethnic sense they do not represent anything integral.

Bushmen- quiet and calm hunters. They were driven out by the Bichuani blacks into the Kalahari Desert. This is where they live, forgetting their ancient and rich culture. They have art, but it is in a rudimentary state, since life in the desert is very difficult and they have to think not about art, but about how to get food.

Hottentots(Dutch name of the tribes), who lived in the Cape Province (South Africa), became famous for being real robbers. They stole a large cattle. They quickly became friends with the Dutch and became their guides, translators and farm workers. When the Cape Colony was captured by the British, the Hottentots became friends with them. They still live on these lands.


Australoids are also called Australians. How they got to Australian lands is unknown. But they ended up there a long time ago. It was a huge number of small tribes with different customs, rituals and culture. They did not like each other and practically did not communicate.

Australoids are not similar to Caucasoids, Negroids and Mongoloids. They only look like themselves. Their skin is very dark, almost black. The hair is wavy, the shoulders are wide, and the reaction is extremely fast. Relatives of these people live in South India on the Deccan plateau. Maybe from there they sailed to Australia, and also populated all the islands nearby.

Mongoloids - yellow race

Mongoloids are the most numerous. They are divided into a large number of subraces or small races. There are Siberian Mongoloids, North Chinese, South Chinese, Malay, Tibetan. What they have in common is a narrow eye shape. The hair is straight, black and coarse. The eyes are dark. Skin dark-skinned, has a slight yellowish tint. The face is wide and flattened, cheekbones protrude.


Americanoids populate America from the tundra to Tierra del Fuego. Eskimos do not belong to this race. They are alien people. Americanoids have black and straight hair and dark skin. The eyes are black and narrower than those of Caucasians. These people have a huge number of languages. It is even impossible to make any classification among them. There are many dead languages ​​now because their speakers have died out and the languages ​​have been written down.

Pygmies and Caucasians


Pygmies belong to the Negroid race. They live in the forests of equatorial Africa. Remarkable for their small stature. Their height is 1.45-1.5 meters. The skin has brown, lips are relatively thin, hair is dark and curly. Living conditions are poor, hence the short stature, which is a consequence of the small amount of vitamins and proteins necessary for the body to develop normally. Currently, short stature has become a genetic heredity. Therefore, even if pygmy babies are fed intensively, they will not grow tall.

Thus, we have examined the main human races existing on Earth. But it should be noted that race has never been of decisive importance for the formation of culture. It is also noteworthy that over the past 15 thousand years no new biological types of people have appeared, and the old ones have not disappeared. Everything is still at a stable level. The only thing is that people of different biological types are mixed. Mestizos, mulattoes, and Sambos appear. But these are not biological and anthropological, but social factors, caused by the achievements of civilization.

Humanity is currently represented by one species Homo sapiens (A reasonable person). However, this species is not uniform. It is polymorphic and consists of three large and many small transitional races - biological groups distinguished by small morphological characteristics. These characteristics include: hair type and color, skin color, eyes, shape of the nose, lips, face and head, proportions of the body and limbs.

Races emerged as a result of the settlement and geographic isolation of the ancestors of modern people in different natural and climatic conditions. Racial characteristics are hereditary. They arose in the distant past under the direct influence of the environment and were adaptive in nature. The following large races are distinguished.

Negroid (Australo-Negroid or Equatorial) The race is characterized by dark skin color, curly and wavy hair, a wide and slightly protruding nose, thick lips and dark eyes. Before the era of colonization, this race was common in Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Caucasoid (Euro-Asian) The race is distinguished by light or dark skin, straight or wavy hair, good development of facial hair in men (beard and mustache), narrow protruding nose, thin lips. Representatives of this race are settled in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia and Northern India.

For Mongoloid (Asian-American) The race is characterized by dark or light skin, straight, often coarse hair, a flattened wide face with strongly prominent cheekbones, and average width of lips and nose. Initially, this race inhabited Southeast, North and Central Asia, North and South America.

Although the large races differ markedly from each other in their complex of external characteristics, they are interconnected by a number of intermediate types, imperceptibly passing into one another.

The biological unity of human races is evidenced by: 1 – the absence of genetic isolation and unlimited possibilities of crossing with the formation of fertile offspring; 2 – equivalence of races in biological and psychological terms; 3 – the presence of transitional races between large races, combining the characteristics of two neighboring ones; 4 – localization of skin patterns such as arcs on the second finger (in apes – on the fifth); All representatives of the races have the same pattern of hair arrangement on the head and other morphophysiological characteristics.

Security questions:

    What is the position of man in the animal world?

    How is the origin of man from animals proven?

    What biological factors contributed to human evolution?

    What social factors contributed to the formation Homo sapiens?

    What human races are currently distinguished?

    What does the biological unity of races prove?


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