What does the location of the director's desks mean? Accurate table location

Not so long ago, the concept of an “office” in a house or apartment came into circulation. After all, previously, due to lack of space, offices were inseparable from any room in the house. Therefore, it was not possible to talk about such a concept as Feng Shui to create such a room. Every wealthy person should have a separate office in their apartment.


And if you arrange it according to Feng Shui, then it will bring material well-being to its owner. Correct location workplace integrally affects financial well-being, plays a role in a person’s mood, and increases productivity.

In order to given area brought good luck, it must be of the correct shape. If the room is rectangular or square shape, then good luck and financial well-being will accompany you.

Feng Shui workplace

If there is a missing corner in a given area, then luck itself will not be enough. And if the room does not have a northern corner, then the owner of this work place will run into a problem career growth, if there is no south-eastern corner, then financial well-being will disappear, but if there is no eastern corner, then the owner of this area will be constantly tormented by illness.

Therefore, Feng Shui experts advise abandoning cabinets with irregular and strange shapes. Availability sharp corners will also not have a very positive effect on material success. One of the methods of protection in this situation is lighting, since bright office lighting kills negativity.

To give correct form office, you can use various furniture and fences. Therefore, it is better to choose a room with the correct coal shape and refrain from protruding cornices and ceiling beams. More often workplace is chosen intuitively. But still, Feng Shui has a couple of tips for choosing and creating it. You shouldn't be opposite the entrance, but you should be diagonally.

This rule will have to be followed regardless of the fact that it may be necessary to rearrange the desktop diagonally. . IN in this example the owner of the office falls under the influence of traumatic energy. It is not recommended to be in front of protruding corners - these are keys of negative energy.

Office - diagram

The working area should be located so that there is a lot of free space in front of it, where positive energy is collected, and there should be an ideal wall behind it. This will contribute good business. It is unacceptable to have a window at the back, since the planned projects will not be realized and material support will be lost. You need to be careful about the view from the window; the landscape is more favorable, but the trees should be at a distance of five meters.

When everything is arranged, you need to be careful about the lighting of the workplace. The furnishings of the office are also important. Furniture should be correctly selected and harmonize with each other, and also not contradict the interior. What should be in the office? Desk, chair. You need to maintain order in the workplace, because careless papers generate negative energy. An integral part of the office is the chair. It should be convenient and functional. You can use the most popular leather chairs in various colors.

These chairs are adjustable and customizable the way you want; they are also convenient to adjust in height. When the owner of a workplace loves art, Feng Shui advises placing mountains in the back, preferably with high mountains. This contributes to the prosperity of projects and good starts. Paintings with water landscapes and waterfalls are not recommended.


Desk in the office

To the left of the workplace you need to place fresh flowers. You can also place a small dragon figure here. But still, for good luck in business, it is recommended not to give up such helpers as amulets and talismans. This recommendation should not be mistrusted, since many successful people checked this method on yourself. For example, many have noticed in successful offices such objects as figures of horses striving upward, or a statue of an eagle with outstretched wings.

After all, these statues and figures in the science of Feng Shui mean a rise in career ladder and achieving your goals. The figures of these animals collect positive energy.

It's better that they are in southeast zone. And of course, the most important principle of Feng Shui is finding a desktop. If the owner is a man, then the table should be placed in the northwestern zone. If the owner of the office is female, then the desktop should be located in the southwestern zone.

If you are suddenly haunted by material troubles, your endeavors are lame, look around your office, find flaws and arrange it according to all the advice of Feng Shui. Whether this helped or not can be found out in the future. And thanks to this, you will relieve your soul regarding failures, attributing it to an incorrectly furnished office.

An office can be either home or work, depending on many factors. Businessmen and creative people who work 24 hours a day prefer to have a special room at home, where no one will disturb them, where they can retire and do business papers or creativity. As for Feng Shui, according to this teaching, a home office differs from a work office in that it accumulates more “yang” energy, since it is very closely connected with the outside world. It is best if the office in a house or apartment is located closer to the front door. And this room should not be passable.

As for the office, according to experts, they are all inharmonious and are not suitable for productive work - which is why, with the help of Feng Shui, you can direct energy into the right direction and create the necessary working atmosphere.

Home office

Many people are faced with the difficulty of arranging a home office. Especially if the office is located inside a living space and not in a separate building. Often the owner of the office struggles with the temptation to get down to business even on holidays and weekends, and when he retires to this room, his family members disrupt the idyll and distract him on various issues. Working from home requires self-discipline, and a person must stick to his own schedule. Feng Shui can help with this - if you adhere to its basic rules, you can significantly improve your working conditions.

1.Cabinet location

Ideally, the office should not be located in the southwest, as the energy level here is very low. The northern direction has a beneficial effect on professional growth, the north-west affects the ability to lead, and also awakens a sense of responsibility, but the north-east improves knowledge. These parts have favorable “qi” energy - it is important for work in the office. Be sure to make sure that there are no sharp corners, as they can direct “poison arrows” towards a person. You can “disguise” them either with the help of mirrors or with the help of screens. It’s good if there is metal in the office - as it belongs to the element of water, it improves the flow of thoughts and has a beneficial effect on the work process. Any metal decorations are suitable for the office. Fewer plants and more water- this is the main rule of the office. Fountains and aquariums will fit perfectly into the workspace, but you should still avoid plants that “dampen” the water element.

2.Color solution

The office should give a feeling of calm, so you should carefully consider it color scheme. Avoid cool colors; shades from blue to turquoise are not acceptable. It is best to make the office in warm colors, and even better - in green, since this color is a symbol of life and carries a large amount of energy. But remember that “mixing” a blue tint with green will negate all the positive properties of this color. In general, blue color must be handled very carefully, because it has a very strong properties and can carry negative influence.

3.Desk and chair

The desktop in the home office should be positioned so that you can see front door. If several people will be working in this room - for example, a husband and wife, then there is no need to arrange the tables so that people sit face to face with each other. It is better to place the table (or tables) close to the wall. As for the chair, it should be comfortable and durable, thereby embodying the four protective spirits. It is worth making sure that the chair is facing the door and its back is to the wall. If you receive visitors in your office, make sure that their chairs are lower than your chair, and place their chairs with their backs to the front door.

4.Office inside

Be sure to choose favorable places for each piece of furniture, as well as for all items on the table - you can use ba gua symbolism for this. Make sure that objects do not have the opportunity to come into conflict with the energy of the area where they are located. For example, light from table lamp point diagonally at the hand with which you will write - then there will be no extra shadow. The office can be decorated with various inspiring landscapes - this will also have a beneficial effect on work. The office should be cleaned as often as possible; you should not collect trash in this room. Make sure that all work surfaces are free of unnecessary items that are not directly related to professional tasks. All papers must be dealt with as they arrive - do not delay reading letters or reviewing business documentation, do not let piles of papers accumulate. Throw away all unnecessary directories.

5.Home office environment

Access to this room must be free. There should not be any foreign objects on the way to it - no matter where the office is located, in the house or in the outbuilding. This is a mandatory condition, since clutter on the approaches to the office speaks, first of all, about the unprofessionalism of its owner. If the office shares space with some other functional part of the room, fence it off with a screen or large piece of furniture. You can also lay down another carpet, which will symbolize the boundaries of the “office”.


For all people, work occupies a certain, important part in life. That is why a properly organized workplace is a priority for productive work. Organizing this process will help, first of all, choosing the right direction.

There are favorable and unfavorable directions, which, in turn, are divided into four more types. If you follow it, then luck and success will accompany you in business. There are male and female directions. To determine your direction you need:

Male direction: subtract the last 2 digits of your year of birth from 100, and then divide the result by 9 - the resulting number will be considered determining for the direction;

Female direction: subtract 4 from the last 2 digits of your year of birth, and then divide the resulting result by 9 - this will be the direction.

Remainder 1, 3, 4, 9 or 0 – favorable direction north, south, east or southeast.

The remainder of 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8 is a favorable direction - west, northwest, northeast or southwest.

Now that you know these rules, you can set up your desktop the way you want.


This is what represents success, so the table must be durable and reliable. Make sure that you have the opportunity to sit facing east, and the table is in the southeast sector. As for the shape of the table, it should correspond to what you are doing. A creative person needs a table with smooth lines and no sharp corners, but entrepreneurs and people involved in various fields business, the table should be in the form of any geometric figure with corners. The table should be placed strictly against the wall - experts say that in this case prosperity and stability will be attracted to life. There must be order on the table - especially you should not clutter it with various items that have nothing to do with work. Remember that each object has its own energy, the abundance of objects will negatively affect the state and productivity of the process, in addition, some of them negatively affect the work, as they recreate negative dissonance.

By the way, experts say that those who have so-called “creative clutter” on their desks are often plagued by headaches and have reduced productivity.

Place a figurine on the table that will bring success in business; a turtle or a dragon are perfect for this.


Feng Shui says that there are no trifles in life - everything is very important, so even the choice of a chair must be approached with full responsibility. It is the chair that supports the potential that allows you to achieve success. The position in which you sit on a chair can help you achieve a lot. This should be your throne, and the back of the chair is one of the most important details in this subject, because the higher it is, the more reliable your rear. In addition, it is the high back that can protect against harmful spirits. In addition, a chair that resembles a throne is perceived as very respectable, so the person who occupies this place will look much more authoritative and serious - his position will be more reliable and requires respect. The chair definitely needs armrests, as this is comparable to the control that you have.

4.Color and light

Good lighting will have a positive effect on work efficiency. That is why you need to try to ensure that the lighting is distributed evenly throughout the office. Frosted lamps do not tire the eyes as much and do not strain the psyche. It is believed that orange and yellow colors, so bright light in the office is undesirable.

As for the color of the walls, it is best to choose a calm palette for the office - it can be brown or green, gray or beige, as well as shades derived from them. But, first of all, you should pay attention to the lighting: if it is weak, then the walls should be made white, and if the room is very light, then darker colors can be used.


According to the teachings of Feng Shui, office furniture should be brown, since it is this color that will promote the activation of mental activity and concentration on important matters. But black furniture is undesirable, since activities in such an office will be fruitless. There is no room in the office for relaxing items, so you need to get rid of the rocking chair or soft sofa. But leather furniture will come in very handy here, since it has “yang” energy and activates mental activity. By the way, if you have a computer in your office, choose furniture without corners. All shelving must be glazed. It is best to hang blinds on the windows, and put some kind of plant on the windowsill. You should not build anything above the table: racks or shelves, since if something hangs over you, it will soon lead to illness and failure.

Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. Therefore, the design and location of the workplace affects not only career success and financial well-being, but also affects well-being and mood.

Office decoration

According to Feng Shui, it is better to locate the office in a room located close to the main entrance. It must have the correct shape - square or rectangular. If any of the corners are missing in the room, this will affect the area for which it is responsible. You can compensate for its lack by hanging a mirror in its place.

The office plays a big role in professional success. Black and white or too bright design premises will have a bad impact on energy. An ideal Feng Shui office would be made in golden, beige, yellow, light orange, soft green and warm red tones.

To attract qi energy into the office, you need to take care of proper lighting. It should not be too sharp and bright. Excessive sunlight should be avoided. Diffused, but not dim lighting, the source of which will be above you or on the left side, is considered favorable.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the workplace, like home, should be free of trash and dirt. All items must be kept in order and clean. If your office has a lot of cabinets or shelves with documents and books, be sure to sort them out and get rid of unnecessary things. But it is recommended that items that are attributes of the profession be given places of honor and placed in favorable areas. For example, a telephone and a computer placed in the success zone will contribute to it.

Workplace placement

The most important part of the office layout is the placement of the workplace. The correct location of the table according to Feng Shui will help to avoid troubles and difficulties, and will promote good luck in work, career and other areas of life. It must be installed according to the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to place the table in the south direction, as this will lead to overexertion and stress. A workplace oriented to the east will help aspiring businessmen, to the northwest will be favorable for leaders, to the west will be useful for a stable business, and to the southeast will attract creative energy.
  • Do not sit under overhanging structures such as air conditioners, beams or shelves. You will attract illness and failure.
  • It is not recommended to sit with your back to the door or window opening. This situation will deprive you of any support and will contribute to betrayal. If it is impossible to fit in any other way, the negative impact of the window behind you can be reduced by closing it thick curtains, and doors - by installing a mirror on the table, allowing you to see those entering the room.
  • Do not place your workplace directly opposite the door; it is better if it is diagonally away from it, so that those entering can see you.
  • The table should be positioned so that you can freely approach it from all sides. There should be free space behind and in front of him. This will expand prospects and opportunities. A desktop placed in a corner, close to a wall or between cabinets will bring a lot of difficulties. If there is a wall or a high partition in front of you, hang a picture of an open space, for example, a flowering meadow or a calm lake - you will reduce all restrictions.
  • It is bad if a protruding corner is pointed at the table, as it will radiate negative energy. To neutralize the harmful effects, place a houseplant on the edge of the table directed towards this corner.
  • It’s good if there is a blank wall behind you. This will provide support and support from influential people. To enhance the effect, you can hang a picture of a sloping mountain on it. And here is the location behind open cabinets, shelves or aquarium will have a negative effect.

In ancient China, it was considered extremely important to successfully locate the emperor's palace and his throne. These traditions have been preserved since ancient times, and it is still believed that the success of the company directly depends on the successful location of the manager’s office.

And in fact, there were cases when, after changing the location of the director’s desk, the company ended a long streak of failures, and the business began to develop rapidly.

And not only in China - in any office there are such enchanted places where employees work poorly, they constantly have headaches, and they try to quit. And those who come to their place also do not stay long.

The arrangement of desks in the office should follow the rules of Feng Shui. So, the desk of the head of the company should be located away from prying eyes, especially if he does not have to personally receive clients.

It will be better for the entire department if the manager works at a desk located in right angle room, away from the door, but so that the door is clearly visible to him. Far corners away from the entrance strengthen authority, give a sense of confidence and the ability to concentrate.

The table should not be in the middle of the room, with nothing behind it. There should be a wall or at least a solid partition at the back - this will provide a feeling of security. And a leader with a wall with a picture behind him is perceived as much more respectable than someone sitting in the middle of the room.

Working with clients with the correct arrangement of tables in the office

For your information! When working with a client and selling him your product, have him sit with his back to the door and facing you. This will lead to him losing control of the situation, and you will gain this control.

If the visitor's chair is soft, he will relax and lose his sharp thinking. Place the client at the side of the table and facing the door and the success of your negotiations is guaranteed, no matter whether you are buying or selling something.

If there are glass partitions, it is undesirable to sit with your back to them: the visitor should not see the boss before he saw him.

It is necessary for the visitor to form the correct opinion. If the manager's desk is close to the door, and the secretary's is far away, then the visitor may confuse them. Therefore, the secretary’s desk should come first, and then the boss’s.

The arrangement of desks in the office should promote harmonious relationships between boss and subordinate. The boss should not have his face or back turned to his subordinate, and if this is unavoidable, a vase or aquarium placed on the table will help.

In a large office space, the manager, sitting by the door, seems to be making sure that the workers do not run away. He provides himself negative energy and is detrimental to overall performance.

This situation can be corrected by presenting a bouquet to the manager. bright colors– the boss will feel that his subordinates care about him.

Think about how to arrange desks in the office

Remember! You may or may not recognize the theory of Feng Shui, but in most cases its recommendations are truly rational advice. Therefore, it obviously doesn’t hurt to listen to them.

Wishes for how to arrange desks in the office will ultimately cause positive emotions And good mood, create an atmosphere of friendliness and optimism in the office. As a result, employee productivity will clearly increase, which can lead to rapid development of the entire company.

But when moving in new office space When thinking through options for arranging desks in the office, you should not forget about the design of the office as a whole: you need to think carefully color design interior and proper lighting.

Are you planning to install an office in your home? Find out how to do this according to the art of Feng Shui. Learn the rules that will make your office functional and comfortable, which will help you in business and affairs.

The office is a man's world

We are not saying that this is a place only for men. However, if we turn to the basics of Feng Shui and go back many years, we will find the reason for this statement. So, a long time ago there was a clear division of roles between men and women. The woman took care of the house and took care of its life, and the man was obliged to adequately represent the house in outside world. Women then had their own room, which was called a boudoir.

The man had his own room and it was the room of the owner of the house. The better the atmosphere reigned in the house, the more willingly people returned to it in order to gain strength for a worthy representation of the family at work, in offices, on business meetings etc.

Correct placement of furniture

The women were happy because their husbands provided them with a decent life. Times have changed, and more and more men and women are switching roles. Cabinets and boudoirs are forgotten, the differences between the responsibilities of the owner or mistress of the house have been smoothed out. So much so that currently the office can be the room or place of the partner who is more active or who simply maintains the house.

What should a Feng Shui office look like?

This should be a room located in a quiet part of the house, or at least located in a quiet part of the room (but not a bedroom). Here one does conceptual work. This could be working with accounts, letters, reading, hobbies, science. Activities that require calm and concentration. Every adult needs such a corner. Even children need privacy, but they have a children's room. The most important pieces of furniture are a table, a chair and a shelf for books or documents. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the office should have good lighting.

Furniture in the office according to Feng Shui

Let's start by installing the desktop. The basic rule of Feng Shui says that a person sitting at a table should have a wall behind him and a view of the front door in front of him. Secondly, you should make sure that the chair is accessible from both sides of the table. If you need to place devices such as a printer, scanner, etc., they should be placed on separate cabinets, on the side of the table from which it is more convenient to use them.

On the table there should be only everything necessary for work, a phone, a calendar, documents with which you are currently busy. Also include a photo of someone or something that inspires you. The design of the table is governed by its own rules, compatible with the Bagua plan. General rule It sounds like this - there should be order on the table. A desktop is not a warehouse. It should always be well-kept, there may be documents on it that you work with, but there should not be a bunch of papers waiting for someone to deal with them.

It should be kept in mind that the computer monitor must be placed at the correct distance from the face so as not to spoil your eyesight. The laptop is better than desktop computer. In principle, these rules should be followed regardless of the rules of Feng Shui.

The chair or armchair should be comfortable and ergonomic. The back is well supported by a high backrest. It is better if the chair has armrests. Bookshelf for documents, books and various small items - office furniture. Purchasing a shelving unit should be thoughtful. A good shelving unit has the right depth to accommodate file folders and small books. Some of the shelves should be closed; various small items are hidden in them.

Feng Shui in the workplace

In addition to the ceiling light, the office should also have spotlights. For this purpose, a lamp on the table illuminating the keyboard or floor lamp. The light should not be harsh and harsh. What is also important is what is outside the window. The view outside the window should be pleasant, but should not distract attention from work. According to Feng Shui, an office is a refuge, a place for relaxation or reflection.

It is also important for raising children, like the director’s office in a company or school. The office establishes the authority of the parent. It should not be a children's playroom. It should be a place that the child enters with respect. This is a place for a serious conversation between a parent and a teenager or adult, forever etched in the child’s memory.

There are not always enough free meters in the apartment so that you can allocate a separate room. In this case, you need to allocate space at least for a chair, which will be a special chair for the owner or mistress of the house and will replace the office.

Geographical location of the Feng Shui office

In addition to the rules described above for organizing an office according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to take into account geographical directions and install the desk so that its owner uses his good energy. There must be energy here to realize goals, plans and ideas. Our good and bad geographical directions are assigned by the individual Kua number. If you know it, set your desktop to match it, and think about the rest of the rules for customizing your desktop.

Modern feng shui office


The office should be furnished by the person who uses it most often. Basically it's about keeping your desk tidy. The owner has the right to be angry if someone cleans up the place, even with the best intentions. The office carries out important function in family life, matters important to the family are considered here. It helps maintain the authority of parents over their children. It’s a pity that many apartments don’t have a room that you can call exclusively your own. If possible, organize an office for yourself.
