What does the full moon mean for a person? How does the full moon affect a person?

A large number of myths and legends associated with the influence of the Moon on humans are based on real facts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed changes in the behavior of people and animals when changing lunar phases, this gave rise to numerous tales of werewolves and debauchery evil spirits. During the full phase of the Moon, many people experience tremendous emotional stress, irresistible attraction to opposite sex and a thirst for activity. Such a strong influence of the earth’s satellite on the human nervous system gives rise to many acute situations, so we will next consider what should not be done on a full moon.

How does the full moon affect a person?

In the light of the full moon, a series of unusual phenomena associated with human behavior occurs on Earth. The number of crimes, quarrels and fights increases sharply, people more often enter into conflicts and get into road accidents. The number of suicides is growing, and ambulance rushes to the sick, taken by surprise by a nervous breakdown or a sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is in this phase of the earth’s satellite that strong love ties are destroyed overnight and new ones arise, brilliant works of art are created and great deeds are accomplished. These phenomena are directly related to changes in the physical and emotional states of a person under the influence of the full Moon, namely:

  • increased feelings of anxiety, worry and fear;
  • causeless melancholy, sadness and despair;
  • excessive irritability, uncontrollable attacks of rage and anger;
  • increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex, aggravation of all feelings and emotional uplift.

The state of the nervous system is the main, but not the only sign of how the full moon affects a person. This phase of the Earth’s satellite slows down metabolic processes in the human body, worsens the condition of the cardiovascular system and causes exacerbation of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Considering such a strong impact of the lunar phases on a person’s emotional stability, during the full moon it is necessary to carefully monitor your behavior and abandon certain actions and activities.

What should you avoid during the full moon?

In order to reduce the influence of the celestial satellite to a minimum and protect yourself from the unwanted consequences of emotional outbursts, you should adhere to some rules.

Important issues related to work and career should not be resolved. All requests for a new position or salary increase will go unanswered or will incur the wrath of management. Decisions should not be made important issues or starting serious projects, it is better to postpone it for a couple of days. However, representatives creative professions It's time to create masterpieces; your senses, heightened to the limit, will tell you exactly what to do. On the full moon, unprecedented inspiration will help you find the right decision and successfully complete the creative process.

Avoid shopping and investing money during this period, as there is a high risk of buying unnecessary thing or make the wrong choice. Do not schedule operations during this lunar phase; any intervention may be accompanied by severe bleeding and for a long period rehabilitation.

Even those who are not affected by the full moon should not drink alcohol or drugs that affect the psyche at this time. This can lead to poisoning and nervous breakdowns.

The time of the full moon is a mystical and treacherous period; be sure to monitor your condition and record possible deviations from the norm. Based on these observations, you can understand what you can and cannot do during the full moon.

It has long been established that the Moon, which is not so far from our planet, inexplicably affects the life of its inhabitants. Depending on the stage of growth or decline, the well-being, mood and performance of people, the behavior of animals, and the growth rate of plants change. There is a theory according to which the Moon emits some energy, which, due to its close location to the Earth, affects our habitat. Let's take a closer look at what the features of the influence of one or another lunar stage on a person are.

How does the full moon affect people?

From numerous films about ghouls, werewolves and other evil spirits, we have firmly learned that the most disastrous time is the period of the full moon. And as it shows real life, this is not just an invention of filmmakers. If you look at police reports, it turns out that it is during the full moon that most crimes involving causing physical harm to other people, as well as road accidents, are committed. It is during such periods that people most often quarrel and break up, but they also often confess their love.

The full moon affects human body at the following levels:

1. Mental-emotional.
A person during this period is characterized by anxiety, greater than ever. He may suddenly become depressed, worry without visible reasons. Unflattering words and barbs addressed to him are perceived more sharply. Negative emotions harder to control, frustration can instantly turn into a state of uncontrollable rage.

A penchant for adventure these days can push you to commit reckless and even life-threatening actions. And dreams become disturbing, which makes it impossible to hide from emotional instability even in the kingdom of Morpheus.

2. Physical.
Problems in the gastrointestinal tract may worsen or arise. Blood pressure loses stability and rises. The use of alcohol or drugs leads to more pronounced consequences. This is also due to the fact that fluid is removed from the tissues longer during the full moon. Sexual desire intensifies, which is why many crimes related to violation of sexual integrity are committed during the full moon. Due to increased emotionality, the tendency to tearfulness also increases. Women suffer from migraines, and men suffer from headaches of an inexplicable nature, sleep is disturbed, and this increases fatigue.

In order not to aggravate the situation during such a difficult period, try to fill your life with pleasant events. Don't worry unnecessarily, avoid watching scary movies and reading such books. Create a pleasant, calm environment around yourself, and then the full moon will not be dangerous for you.

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She was always called mysterious and beautiful. Aristotle, Plutarch, and Hippocrates dedicated their philosophical works to her. Information about the influence of the Moon on people's lives is contained in the Bible, Talmud, Koran, ancient Chinese treatises on medicine, and Tibetan sources. In Chinese mythology, the Moon is feminine, passive, dark and cold; among ancient peoples it is the mother, who provides the necessary elements for all living things.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, we observe it constantly. And we know for sure: the Moon has its own life. Now she appears in the sky, now she disappears. What's going on?

New moon and full moon are two phases that are given special significance. Then the Moon ages and ends its cycle - it becomes flawed. And at this time, enormous changes are taking place on Earth - gigantic volumes of water begin to move, thousands of tons of earth cannot calm down, landslides and earthquakes occur. And since man is a part of living nature, he, too, cannot help but feel this influence. As soon as the phase of the Moon changes, our “water balance” also shifts, the dynamics of water in the body changes, which affects all our organs.

The Secret Influence of the Moon

Another thing can be traced: the dependence of the human nervous system on the Moon. It promotes the production of melatonin and serotonin in the body, which regulates the psyche, and, consequently, human behavior.

The new moon and full moon affect the state of sexual function and sexual activity of a person, his physical performance, brain function, the course of pregnancy and even death. The burning, hot sun is associated with the masculine principle, and the pale, beautiful moon is associated with the feminine. According to studies, the peak of conception in women falls on the full moon or the day before it, and on the new moon there are fewer of them and more menstruation. The sex of the child also depends on the Moon, or rather, on its position relative to the Sun at conception.

The male body is less susceptible to the influence of the mysterious beauty than women's and children's.

But in general, everyone can try an experiment on themselves: for a month, note your condition, mood: when you feel good, put a “+” sign on a piece of paper, say, a calendar, when you feel bad, put a “-” sign on it. At the end, look at what phases of the moon they fell on and draw conclusions. By calculating your lunar biorhythm, you can adjust your well-being and health yourself.

It has been noticed that if a person is born on a new moon or full moon, he is friendly, grateful, and poetic. As a rule, children and parents are born in the same phase of the moon.

During the full moon, the number of patients increases, they complain of sleep disturbances, discomfort, and the number of suicides and crisis conditions increases.

But this addiction must not only be seen in a gloomy light. Your inclination towards a profession, your strong-willed qualities, your ability to overcome obstacles - all of this, in addition to the Sun, is guided by the Moon.

There is still no consensus on the explanation of sleepwalking and somnambulism. Some believe that this is a disease, others completely deny it. It has long been noticed that some people in a dream-like state with their eyes open or closed can bypass obstacles, climb walls, roofs of houses, and walk along eaves. At this time, they should not be disturbed under any circumstances, otherwise misfortune may occur. Nothing happens to them after these wanderings; they calmly return to bed or fall asleep in another place.

Some doctors view this as a sleep disorder - twilight stupefaction. Sleepwalking is considered a partial sleep, but associated not with moonlight, but with the effect of gravity; this is attributed to the consequences of head injuries, epilepsy, and parahypnotic phenomena of the moon on people of a neurotic type. The influence of the Moon on patients with epilepsy is noted. They, as a rule, experience exacerbations after the new moon (50.2 degrees) and before the new moon (48 degrees); in those suffering from schizophrenia, acute conditions appear on the full moon (on the 13-14th day).

Health by phases

Can the moon become an assistant in the treatment and prevention of diseases? Yes, say scientists. For example: once 1,500 schoolchildren were vaccinated against smallpox on a full moon. The vaccination turned out to be ineffective. Explanation - at this time, the drug rapidly disintegrates and is removed from the body.

It has been proven that 10 acute viral diseases Most often they begin not just in the evening, but on the new moon, but 10 infectious bacterial species - more often in the morning and during the full moon.

Today everyone is worried about the cardiovascular system - pathology, high mortality. This is also the influence of the Moon - the stronger lunar influence, the fewer cardiovascular diseases, the lower the mortality rate from them; the weaker the influence of the Moon, the more there are.

Bleeding, which cannot be ignored during operations, directly depends on the “cold luminary”. They are strongest during the full moon and minimal during the new moon. Ulcerative bleeding occurs in a similar manner. This kind of “trifle” - nosebleeds, in 90% of cases are observed in people born from December 22 to March 20, when the influence of the “blue beauty” is strong.

It is better to schedule acupuncture and massage sessions in accordance with the phases of the moon. According to ancient recipes, a soothing massage should be performed during the full moon, and acupressure tonic massage should be performed during the new moon. Cauterization of the “longevity point” should be done only in the first eight days lunar month.

How to take selenomedicine prescriptions? Only individually. The moon speaks to each of us in its own language. A person must learn to understand it, a healer must master its secret in order to help people.

A woman came to me with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids and left-right adhesions. I received her on the waning moon at morning and evening dawn, at the end of seven sessions she went to the doctor and underwent an ultrasound. This is what she writes: “With great joy I want to inform you that after your treatment I underwent an ultrasound on October 2 and the results stunned me. An ultrasound showed that I have neither fibroids nor adhesions!”

In my younger years, not knowing the influence of the Moon on our well-being, I treated a woman with a breast tumor and the tumor moved under my arm. I went to the doctors and they shrugged - it was the first time they had seen this. In fear, I ran away from the hospital and cured myself. It turns out that I was photographing the tumor while the moon was growing.

On the full moon, I propose to speak on the cotton belt of everything that interferes, that a person wants to get rid of. Tie the belt around yourself at night. Remove in the morning. Tie a belt on the aspen, walk around it three times and say three times: “Aspen, aspen, take my torch.”

It is better not to let the full moon into the house. Close the windows with curtains, don’t let her be curious, don’t start big things during the two or one days of the full moon.

Does the moon affect a person? Some are skeptical about this, others subordinate their lives to the lunar calendar. Who's right?

Remember your school geography lessons, where you were taught that the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans directly depend on the phase of the moon. And a person, as we know, is 80% water, and this means that whether we like it or not, the phases of the moon really have a certain influence on us. It manifests itself most acutely when the Earth's satellite is in the full moon phase.

People have long noticed that during this period emotions are heightened, bursts of joy or despair can suddenly surge, and inexorable statistics show that the highest percentage of suicides occurs at this time, as well as exacerbation of various chronic diseases, especially mental ones. It is not without reason that human fantasy attributes increased activity during the time when the moon is full to all sorts of evil spirits: ghouls, ghouls, werewolves and witches.

"Blood Moon" of July 2018. NASA reported that July 27 was the longest lunar eclipse over the last 100 years. According to Kyiv time, it took place at 23.21. Photo: REUTERS

Lunar mathematics

The lunar month consists of four phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day marks the beginning of the new moon. At 7-8 lunar day falls in the first quarter of the lunar month, the full moon is from the 14th to the 17th lunar day. Third quarter - 22 and 23 lunar days. The fourth quarter is the end of the lunar month.

If you decide to analyze your condition from the point of view of the lunar phases, it is better to purchase lunar calendar, in which all days are clearly marked.

What to expect on a full moon?

It is unlikely that on a full moon night a vampire will knock on your window asking to be let in. Don't expect this. In addition, not everyone is “given” to feel the influence of the luminary in principle, and for those who have such good fortune, this happens in different ways. But there is still something in common.

First of all, it “suffers” nervous system, especially in people with a delicate psyche. For many, reflexes become aggravated or change, and there is a surge of both positive and negative emotions: fatal doom, desperate joy, inexplicable phobias. Even the most healthy people These days they complain of insomnia.

During the 2018 lunar eclipse, there was almost 100% alignment of the center of the Moon and the center of the earth's shadow. At the time of the eclipse, the Moon, Earth and Sun were on the same line, while the planet was located between the Sun and the Moon and shielded its natural satellite from sunlight. Photo: IPA RAS

But not only on mental processes and emotional state may be influenced by the moon. Numerous experiments (known since the time of Hippocrates) prove that during the full moon the metabolic rate in the body decreases sharply. body, it negatively affects the state of the blood, which is explained by the acceleration of biochemical processes. The conclusion is simple: it is better not to schedule operations on these days. Firstly, bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop, and secondly, the healing process will take longer long time. But cleansing the body these days will be as effective as possible.

It is difficult for people with heart disease and hypertension to experience the full moon: the stable functioning of the heart is disrupted, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning also increases, which is explained by the increased activity of various viruses and microbes. In addition, experts note that medications are less effective at this time, and the risk of side effects increases.

"Bloody Moon" July 2018. Photo: IAP RAS

Moon-moon, love-love...

There's another one interesting feature full moon: at this time, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus accelerates, that is, in those few days when the moon is full, the possibility of conception increases many times over. This state of the body is reinforced by an increased attraction to the opposite sex, so be on the alert, those who are protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy, and seize these days, those who are trying to conceive.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the full moon?

Do not rely on chance and do not be a fatalist, attributing all problems to the luminary; a lot depends on you, your behavior during this period.

It is better not to drink alcohol at this time: the psyche reacts sharply to everything, and the body’s defense mechanisms are reduced. Even if you are invited to important event and you can’t help but take a sip, limit yourself to, for example, a glass of wine.

Spare your psyche and do not additionally burden it with watching horror films, crime news, and for some especially sensitive and emotional natures, even ordinary ones are enough to get stressed. Temporarily give up such dubious pleasure - take care of yourself.

The same can be said about communicating with people you don’t like: if you can’t give it up completely, try to reduce stressful communication to a minimum.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25

Good afternoon. My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks old, but our colic does not go away, he has not been sleeping for the third night, he has been screaming, I have been putting a gas tube in him for the same amount of time, air comes out along with the feces, but he himself has not pooped yet. We were advised to drink Riabal, I gave it to him, he vomited everything. His temperature is constant: 37, 37.1. They did an ultrasound and there is no pressure, but there is flatulence. And sometimes he poops green, and there are undigested elements of milk. Maybe it's worth feeding the baby? Tell me what to do and if I introduce picorm, what kind? Thanks in advance.

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And there is happiness in the full moon

The situation with the 13th 15th is interesting lunar days . The first of them is considered one of the most unfavorable and even life-threatening, but at the same time it is the best day of the month in order to resolve or somehow smooth out family conflicts.

And the 15th, which is said to be the most conflict-ridden and deceptive, promises a speedy recovery to all those who fell ill on this day.

Keep the situation under control and you will be able to benefit from this month's condition. It has been noticed, for example, that these days in the best possible way Those things that require a “special” approach to people succeed. When you need to ask for something, demand something - ask, demand - find the right tone and you will not be refused.
