Belgorod State University. Belgorod State National Research University

In 2008, according to the results of the ranking of world universities compiled by the independent rating agency "ReyOR", Belgorod state university took 320th place, and in the ranking of universities in the CIS and Baltic countries, BelSU took 14th place. In 2009, BelSU was among the 28 finalists in the competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category “national” is established research university" In 2009, BelSU took 18th place in the National Ranking of Russian Universities, conducted by the International Information Group "Interfax" and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. On April 26, 2010, the competition commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, based on the results of a secret ballot, selected universities that were awarded title of national research university. This was already the second round, in which only the best of the best qualified - 32 Russian universities out of 128 that submitted their applications. Of these 32 universities, only 15 became winners. BelSU will receive funding from federal budget in the amount of about 2 billion rubles. This will allow the university to complete projects within a number of scientific programs, build a new student dormitory for 1000 places and a house for young scientists with 80 apartments. Belgorod State University consists of several educational and social complexes. Central includes eight academic buildings, a scientific library, a publishing house, a museum of the history of BelSU, an editorial office university newspaper, a center for promoting the employment of graduates, a Youth Cultural Center, a student dormitory, a residential building for teachers, the Church of the Archangel Gabriel and an administrative and economic block. This university complex hosts vocational training future lawyers, philologists, translators, biologists, chemists, doctors, pharmacists, journalists, geologists, geographers, managers, economists, programmers. All buildings of the central complex were built in beginning of XXI century. The educational and social complex of the Faculty of Social Theology is located in the restored building of the former men's classical gymnasium of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. The building is an original architectural monument of the eclectic era and is under state protection. Nearby is a teaching building, commissioned in 2010. On the site of another educational and social complex there are classrooms, scientific laboratories, a Center distance learning, three dormitories, the Burevestnik sports complex and a therapeutic and preventive medicine clinic. The educational buildings of this complex are intended mainly for those who decided to connect their lives with school (teachers of Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics, history, primary classes and fine arts, teachers of physical culture, speech therapists, psychologists). But students are also trained in “academic” options of specialties. Today, over 28 thousand students from all 83 regions of Russia and 74 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university trains specialists in almost 200 licensed specialties of secondary and higher education vocational education. At the National Research University "BelSU" there are 12 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. Fundamental and applied research is conducted in more than 40 areas. The university has 9 educational and scientific innovation complexes; 60 scientific centers and laboratories, including: 17 research laboratories; 38 research and scientific-educational centers; 3 centers for the collective use of scientific equipment; 2 student research laboratories and design bureaus; regional center for intellectual property; At the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University " BelSU" has 13 student amateur art groups. The corporate library system of the National Research University "BelSU" includes 11 reading rooms, 10 subscriptions, 1.2 million copies in the collection. The university has 8 museums (university history; criminology, zoology, forensic medicine, history faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, N. Strakhov Library-Museum); Clinic of Preventive Medicine; Equestrian school; Educational and sports complex of BelSU Svetlana Khorkina. In the complex building with a total area of ​​36.7 thousand square meters accommodated: a 50-meter swimming pool with springboards and towers (up to 10 meters high), an athletics arena, a universal games room, a chess club led by grandmaster Alexander Ivanov, gyms, gymnasiums, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. In 2014, the Expert RA agency assigned the university a rating class “D”, meaning an “acceptable level” of graduate training.

Belgorod State National Research University- one of the oldest universities in Belgorod, the largest university in the Belgorod region.


The history of Belgorod State National Research University is closely connected with the history teacher education in Russia. The reforms of the 60s of the 19th century contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy, trade, military affairs and led to an increase in the number educational institutions. Since 1872, secondary specialized schools began to be created educational institutions- teacher institutes.

In September 1876, in the district city of Belgorod, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a teacher's institute was opened - the ninth in Russia. From this moment the difficult but interesting path of the university begins.

From a teachers' institute in 1919, during the reorganization, it was transformed into a pedagogical institute, then again became a teachers' institute.

In 1923, a decision was made to transform it into a pedagogical technical school.

In 1939 it was transformed into the Belgorod Teachers' Institute.

The 140-year history of Belgorod State National Research University is inextricably linked with an entire era in Russian education. The reforms of the 60s of the 19th century contributed to the development of the entire education system in Russia. On May 31, 1872, the “Regulations on Teachers’ Institutes” was published, signed by Alexander II. And in the seventies, the first teacher institutes began to open in different cities of the country.

The Belgorod Teachers' Institute, which opened in 1876, became the ninth teacher's institute in our country.

Symbols of BelSU


In 2008, according to the ranking of world universities compiled by the independent rating agency "ReiOR", Belgorod State University took 320th place, and Belgorod State University took 14th place in the ranking of universities in the CIS and Baltic countries.

In 2009, BelSU was one of the 28 finalists in the competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category “national research university” was established.

On the site of another educational and social complex there are classrooms, scientific laboratories, a Distance Learning Center, five dormitories, the Burevestnik sports complex, a Center for Preclinical and Clinical Research, and a polyclinic of the BelSU National Research University. The educational buildings of this complex are intended mainly for those who decided to connect their lives with school (Russian and foreign languages, physics and mathematics, history, primary school and fine arts, physical education teachers, speech therapists, psychologists). But students are also trained in “academic” specialty options.

Today, 25 thousand students from 85 regions of Russia and 76 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university trains specialists, bachelors and masters in 180 areas of training and specialties, and also conducts training in 26 areas of training and 80 postgraduate and doctoral educational programs. At the National Research University "BelSU" there are 12 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. Fundamental and applied research is conducted in 50 areas. The university has 9 educational and scientific innovation complexes; 50 research centers and laboratories, including:

Rating of universities in the CIS countries, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia by the Interfax information group with the participation of the British company QS and the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation position 40+ among 405 universities (2014)

Webometric ranking of Russian universities by the Cybermetrics research group position 19 among 1,197 universities in the Russian Federation and position 1,766 among 15,000 universities in the world (2014)
Rating best universities Russia of the Interfax information group in the direction of Life Sciences (2014) position 10 in terms of conditions for technological entrepreneurship; position 17 for scientific research

The university took 34th place in the ranking of one hundred Russian universities that carry out better preparation journalists in the country. The list was prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The rating is based on a survey of employers - managers of more than 110 leading Russian media outlets. The selection of universities for inclusion in the list was made on the basis of the average Unified State Examination score of students enrolled in the relevant specialties in 2014. The indicator of the National Research University "BelSU" was 20.4 points. For comparison, the maximum results are from Lomonosov Moscow State University - 90.7 points, St. Petersburg University - 69.5 and - 56.1 points. If we evaluate the closest alternatives, Voronezh State University took 18th place (27.3 points), Yelets State University – 38th (19.5), and Kursk State University – 72nd (15.2).

At the university there is a youth media holding, which unites the editorial staff of the youth supplement to the newspaper “Vesti BelGU” “Nota Bene”, radio “ WHITE GOOSE", television "HERE". The website of the youth editorial office is working:

Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov

The Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov is one of the oldest university libraries in the Belgorod region. The history of the library began with the opening of the Teachers' Institute in 1876.

The library is the central library of the university's Corporate Library System. Today, the University's Corporate Library System has more than 1.23 million items. The service system includes 11 reading rooms (including 3 rooms with open access to the collection), 9 subscriptions.

Since 2002, the Scientific Library has been a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA) Russian Library Association.

Since 2003, the library has been a member of the Non-Profit Partnership “Association of Regional Library Consortia” (ARBICON) and a member of the Border Belarusian-Russian-Ukrainian University Consortium.

In 2008, the “Belgorod Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge and Cultural Heritage in the University Space of the Border Regions of the Republic of Belarus” was adopted, Russian Federation and Ukraine" and an action plan for its implementation. The Belgorod Declaration stands on a par with other international initiatives of open access to scientific and humanitarian knowledge (Budapest Initiative, Berlin Declaration, etc.).

In 2009, an open-access electronic archive of scientific publications by university scientists was created - the third among Russian universities.

In 2009, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection “Archive of the Era” was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov. In 2011, following the implementation of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, by decision of the Academic Council of the university, the library was named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov.

In 2013, the open access electronic archive was assigned by the ISSN International Center an international standard number for periodicals (ISSN: 2310-7529) as a continuously updated database among the first six Russian academic open access repositories.

In 2014, an electronic reading room Presidential Library named after B. N. Yeltsin.

At the beginning of 2015, the open access electronic archive of the National Research University "BelSU" took second place among 21 Russian academic open access repositories in international ranking universities Webometrics.

The library conducts humanitarian and educational activities aimed at the spiritual, moral, civil, patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people, legal education, and the formation of attitudes among readers towards healthy image life.

Faculties and institutes of the National Research University "BelSU"

    • Legal Institute
    • Pedagogical Institute
      • Faculty of Physical Education
      • Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education
      • Faculty of History and Philology
      • Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
      • Faculty of Foreign Languages
      • Faculty of Psychology
    • Medical Institute
      • Medical College
      • Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education
    • Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations
      • Preparatory Faculty
    • Institute of Management
      • Graduate School of Management
    • Institute of Economics
    • Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences
    • Faculty of Mining and Environmental Management
    • Faculty of Journalism
    • Faculty of Socio-Theological

Metsin College BelSU

The BelSU Medical College, one of the oldest colleges in Russia, dates back to 1932, when a medical college was opened in Belgorod by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars. It was located in a pre-revolutionary merchant house on the site modern building. In 1935, the technical school was reorganized into a paramedic and midwifery school. In 1954, by order of the USSR Minister of Health, the paramedic-midwife school was transformed into a medical school. In 1992, the school received the status medical college. In 1997, the college became a structural unit of Belgorod State University.

Students are trained in the following specialties: “General Medicine”, “Midwifery”, “Nursing”, “Preventive Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”, “Laboratory Diagnostics”.


The Alekseevsky branch of Belgorod State University (now the Alekseevsky branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Belgorod State National Research University" (AF NRU "BelSU")) in the city of Alekseevka, Belgorod region, was opened in 1999 in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation Federation. The branch in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, was created in 1999 by Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation. It is the successor to the Stary Oskol Teachers' Institute (1866-1917), Stary Oskol pedagogical institute(1917-1941), Starooskolsky pedagogical university(1941-1954), Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1954-1999)

Scientific departments

In 2009, BelSU was among the finalists of the open national competition for the selection of the parent universities in Russia forming the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (in the field of Nanotechnology). The essence of the project is to create a single Eurasian educational space, uniting universities of the PRC, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

BelSU is included in the number of universities participating in the Presidential program for the promotion and dissemination of the Russian language in the Ibero-American region.

Currently, BelSU cooperates within the framework of bilateral agreements with 170 foreign universities and scientific organizations in Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, China, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

There are 16 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the USA, including dual degree programs.

Joint research programs are being implemented with leading foreign universities and research centers. Foreigners teach at the university teaching staff. Scientists from the National Research University "BelSU" conduct scientific and teaching activities abroad.

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An excerpt characterizing Belgorod State National Research University

“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Marya, smiling. - Write to your parents. And instruct me. I'll tell her when it's possible. I wish this. And my heart feels that this will happen.
- No, this cannot be! How happy I am! But this cannot be... How happy I am! No, it can't be! - Pierre said, kissing the hands of Princess Marya.
– You go to St. Petersburg; this is better. “And I’ll write to you,” she said.
- To St. Petersburg? Drive? Okay, yes, let's go. But can I come to you tomorrow?
The next day Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less animated than in previous days; but on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was any more, but there was only a feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can’t be,” he said to himself with every look, gesture, and word that filled his soul with joy.
When, saying goodbye to her, he took her thin thin hand, he involuntarily held her in his for a little longer.
“Is this hand, this face, these eyes, all this alien treasure of feminine charm, will it all be forever mine, familiar, the same as I am for myself? No, it’s impossible!..”
“Goodbye, Count,” she said to him loudly. “I’ll be waiting for you,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and facial expression that accompanied them, for two months formed the subject of Pierre's inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams. “I will be waiting for you very much... Yes, yes, as she said? Yes, I will be waiting for you very much. Oh, how happy I am! What is this, how happy I am!” - Pierre said to himself.

In Pierre's soul now nothing was happening similar to what happened in it in similar circumstances during his matchmaking with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Oh, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no longer even a shadow of doubt as to whether what he had undertaken was good or bad. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Isn't this all in a dream? Was Princess Marya mistaken? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was probably mistaken. Doesn’t he know that he is a man, just a man, and I?.. I am completely different, higher.”
Only this doubt often occurred to Pierre. He also didn’t make any plans now. The impending happiness seemed so incredible to him that as soon as it happened, nothing could happen. It was all over.
A joyful, unexpected madness, of which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to lie only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all the people seemed to him to be occupied with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they were all as happy as he was, and were only trying to hide this joy, pretending to be busy with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, happy looks and smiles that expressed secret agreement. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles, not worth attention.
When he was offered to serve or when they discussed some general, state affairs and war, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on this or that outcome of such and such an event, he listened with a meek, sympathetic smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate ones who obviously did not understand this - all people during this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Looking at the affairs and papers of his late wife, he did not feel any feeling for her memory, except pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of receiving a new place and star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made about people and circumstances during this period of time remained true for him forever. He not only did not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in internal doubts and contradictions he resorted to the view that he had at this time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Perhaps,” he thought, “I seemed strange and funny then; but I was not as mad then as it seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more insightful than ever, and I understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy.”
Pierre's madness was that he did not wait, as before, personal reasons, which he called the virtues of people, in order to love them, and love filled his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving them.

From that first evening, when Natasha, after Pierre's departure, told Princess Marya with a joyfully mocking smile that he was definitely, well, definitely from the bathhouse, and in a frock coat, and with a haircut, from that moment something hidden and unknown to her, but irresistible, awoke in Natasha's soul.
Everything: her face, her gait, her gaze, her voice - everything suddenly changed in her. Unexpected for her, the power of life and hopes for happiness surfaced and demanded satisfaction. From the first evening, Natasha seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened to her. Since then, she never once complained about her situation, didn’t say a single word about the past and was no longer afraid to make cheerful plans for the future. She spoke little about Pierre, but when Princess Marya mentioned him, a long-extinguished sparkle lit up in her eyes and her lips wrinkled with a strange smile.
The change that took place in Natasha at first surprised Princess Marya; but when she understood its meaning, this change upset her. “Did she really love her brother so little that she could forget him so quickly,” thought Princess Marya when she alone pondered the change that had taken place. But when she was with Natasha, she was not angry with her and did not reproach her. The awakened force of life that gripped Natasha was obviously so uncontrollable, so unexpected for her that Princess Marya, in Natasha’s presence, felt that she had no right to reproach her even in her soul.
Natasha gave herself over to the new feeling with such completeness and sincerity that she did not even try to hide the fact that she was no longer sad, but joyful and cheerful.
When, after a nightly explanation with Pierre, Princess Marya returned to her room, Natasha met her on the threshold.
- He said? Yes? He said? – she repeated. Both a joyful and at the same time pitiful expression, asking for forgiveness for her joy, settled on Natasha’s face.
– I wanted to listen at the door; but I knew what you would tell me.
No matter how understandable, no matter how touching the look with which Natasha looked at her was for Princess Marya; no matter how sorry she was to see her excitement; but Natasha’s words at first offended Princess Marya. She remembered her brother, his love.
“But what can we do? she cannot do otherwise,” thought Princess Marya; and with a sad and somewhat stern face, she told Natasha everything that Pierre had told her. Hearing that he was going to St. Petersburg, Natasha was amazed.
- To St. Petersburg? – she repeated, as if not understanding. But, looking at the sad expression on Princess Marya’s face, she guessed the reason for her sadness and suddenly began to cry. “Marie,” she said, “teach me what to do.” I'm afraid of being bad. Whatever you say, I will do; teach me...
- Do you love him?
“Yes,” Natasha whispered.
-What are you crying about? “I’m happy for you,” said Princess Marya, having completely forgiven Natasha’s joy for these tears.
– It won’t be soon, someday. Think about what happiness it will be when I become his wife and you marry Nicolas.
– Natasha, I asked you not to talk about this. We'll talk about you.
They were silent.
- But why go to St. Petersburg! - Natasha suddenly said, and she quickly answered herself: - No, no, this is how it should be... Yes, Marie? That's how it should be...

Seven years have passed since the 12th year. The troubled historical sea of ​​Europe has settled into its shores. It seemed quiet; but the mysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws determining their movement are unknown to us) continued to operate.
Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time. Various groups of human connections formed and disintegrated; the reasons for the formation and disintegration of states and the movements of peoples were prepared.
The historical sea, not as before, was directed by gusts from one shore to another: it seethed in the depths. Historical figures, not as before, rushed in waves from one shore to another; now they seemed to be spinning in one place. Historical figures, who previously at the head of the troops reflected the movement of the masses with orders of wars, campaigns, battles, now reflected the seething movement with political and diplomatic considerations, laws, treatises...
Historians call this activity of historical figures reaction.
Describing the activities of these historical figures, who, in their opinion, were the cause of what they call the reaction, historians strictly condemn them. All famous people of that time, from Alexander and Napoleon to m me Stael, Photius, Schelling, Fichte, Chateaubriand, etc., pass before their strict judgment and are acquitted or condemned, depending on whether they contributed to progress or reaction.
In Russia, according to their description, a reaction also took place during this period of time, and the main culprit of this reaction was Alexander I - the same Alexander I who, according to their descriptions, was the main culprit of the liberal initiatives of his reign and the salvation of Russia.
In real Russian literature, from a high school student to a learned historian, there is not a person who would not throw his own pebble at Alexander I for his wrong actions during this period of his reign.
“He should have done this and that. In this case he acted well, in this case he acted badly. He behaved well at the beginning of his reign and during the 12th year; but he acted badly by giving a constitution to Poland, making the Holy Alliance, giving power to Arakcheev, encouraging Golitsyn and mysticism, then encouraging Shishkov and Photius. He did something wrong by being involved in the front part of the army; he acted badly by distributing the Semyonovsky regiment, etc.”
It would be necessary to fill ten pages in order to list all the reproaches that historians make to him on the basis of the knowledge of the good of humanity that they possess.
What do these reproaches mean?
The very actions for which historians approve of Alexander I, such as: the liberal initiatives of his reign, the fight against Napoleon, the firmness he showed in the 12th year, and the campaign of the 13th year, do not stem from the same sources - the conditions of blood , education, life, which made Alexander’s personality what it was - from which flow those actions for which historians blame him, such as: the Holy Alliance, the restoration of Poland, the reaction of the 20s?
What is the essence of these reproaches?
The fact that such a historical person as Alexander I, a person who stood at the highest possible level of human power, is, as it were, in the focus of the blinding light of all the historical rays concentrated on him; a person subject to those strongest influences in the world of intrigue, deception, flattery, self-delusion, which are inseparable from power; a face that felt, every minute of its life, responsibility for everything that happened in Europe, and a face that is not fictitious, but living, like every person, with its own personal habits, passions, aspirations for goodness, beauty, truth - that this face , fifty years ago, not only was he not virtuous (historians do not blame him for this), but he did not have those views for the good of humanity that a professor now has, who has been engaged in science from a young age, that is, reading books, lectures and copying these books and lectures in one notebook.
But even if we assume that Alexander I fifty years ago was wrong in his view of what the good of peoples is, we must involuntarily assume that the historian judging Alexander, in the same way, after some time will turn out to be unjust in his view of that , which is the good of humanity. This assumption is all the more natural and necessary because, following the development of history, we see that every year, with every new writer, the view of what is the good of humanity changes; so that what seemed good appears after ten years as evil; and vice versa. Moreover, at the same time we find in history completely opposite views on what was evil and what was good: some take credit for the constitution given to Poland and the Holy Alliance, others as a reproach to Alexander.
It cannot be said about the activities of Alexander and Napoleon that they were useful or harmful, because we cannot say for what they are useful and for what they are harmful. If someone does not like this activity, then he does not like it only because it does not coincide with his limited understanding of what is good. Does it seem good to me to preserve my father’s house in Moscow in 12, or the glory of the Russian troops, or the prosperity of St. Petersburg and other universities, or the freedom of Poland, or the power of Russia, or the balance of Europe, or a certain kind of European enlightenment - progress, I must admit that the activity of every historical figure had, in addition to these goals, other, more general goals that were inaccessible to me.
But let us assume that so-called science has the ability to reconcile all contradictions and has an unchanging measure of good and bad for historical persons and events.
Let's assume that Alexander could have done everything differently. Let us assume that he could, according to the instructions of those who accuse him, those who profess knowledge of the ultimate goal of the movement of mankind, order according to the program of nationality, freedom, equality and progress (there seems to be no other) that his current accusers would have given him. Let us assume that this program was possible and drawn up and that Alexander would act according to it. What would then happen to the activities of all those people who opposed the then direction of the government - with activities that, according to historians, were good and useful? This activity would not exist; there would be no life; nothing would have happened.
If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the possibility of life will be destroyed.

If we assume, as historians do, that great people lead humanity to achieve certain goals, which consist either in the greatness of Russia or France, or in the balance of Europe, or in spreading the ideas of revolution, or in general progress, or whatever it may be, it is impossible to explain the phenomena of history without the concepts of chance and genius.
If the goal of the European wars at the beginning of this century was the greatness of Russia, then this goal could be achieved without all the previous wars and without an invasion. If the goal is the greatness of France, then this goal could be achieved without revolution and without empire. If the goal is the dissemination of ideas, then printing would accomplish this much better than soldiers. If the goal is the progress of civilization, then it is very easy to assume that, besides the extermination of people and their wealth, there are other more expedient ways for the spread of civilization.
Why did it happen this way and not otherwise?
Because that's how it happened. “Chance made the situation; genius took advantage of it,” says history.
But what is a case? What is a genius?
The words chance and genius do not mean anything that really exists and therefore cannot be defined. These words only denote a certain degree of understanding of phenomena. I don't know why this phenomenon happens; I don't think I can know; That’s why I don’t want to know and say: chance. I see a force producing an action disproportionate to universal human properties; I don’t understand why this happens, and I say: genius.
For a herd of rams, that ram that is driven every evening by a shepherd into a special stall to feed and becomes twice as thick as the others must seem like a genius. And the fact that every evening this very same ram ends up not in a common sheepfold, but in a special stall for oats, and that this very same ram, doused in fat, is killed for meat, should seem like an amazing combination of genius with a whole series of extraordinary accidents .
But the rams just have to stop thinking that everything that is done to them happens only to achieve their ram goals; it is worth admitting that the events happening to them may also have goals that are incomprehensible to them, and they will immediately see unity, consistency in what happens to the fattened ram. Even if they do not know for what purpose he was fattened, then at least they will know that everything that happened to the ram did not happen by accident, and they will no longer need the concept of either chance or genius.
Only by renouncing the knowledge of a close, understandable goal and recognizing that the final goal is inaccessible to us, will we see consistency and purposefulness in the lives of historical persons; the reason for the action they produce, disproportionate to universal human properties, will be revealed to us, and we will not need the words chance and genius.
One has only to admit that the purpose of the unrest of the European peoples is unknown to us, and only the facts are known, consisting of murders, first in France, then in Italy, in Africa, in Prussia, in Austria, in Spain, in Russia, and that movements from the West to the east and from east to west constitute the essence and purpose of these events, and not only will we not need to see exclusivity and genius in the characters of Napoleon and Alexander, but it will be impossible to imagine these persons otherwise than as the same people as everyone else; and not only will it not be necessary to explain by chance those small events that made these people what they were, but it will be clear that all these small events were necessary.
Having detached ourselves from knowledge of the ultimate goal, we will clearly understand that just as it is impossible for any plant to come up with other colors and seeds that are more appropriate to it than those that it produces, in the same way it is impossible to come up with two other people, with all their past, which would correspond to such an extent, to such the smallest details, to the purpose that they were to fulfill.

The main, essential meaning of European events at the beginning of this century is the militant movement of the masses of European peoples from West to East and then from East to West. The first instigator of this movement was the movement from west to east. In order for the peoples of the West to be able to make the warlike movement to Moscow that they made, it was necessary: ​​1) for them to form into a warlike group of such a size that would be able to withstand a clash with the warlike group of the East; 2) so that they renounce all established traditions and habits and 3) so that, when making their militant movement, they have at their head a person who, both for himself and for them, could justify the deceptions, robberies and murders that were accompanied this movement.
And since the French Revolution, the old group, not great enough, is destroyed; old habits and traditions are destroyed; a group of new sizes, new habits and traditions are developed, step by step, and the person who must stand at the head of the future movement and bear all the responsibility of what is to come is being prepared.
A man without convictions, without habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman, by the most strange accidents, it seems, moves among all the parties that concern France and, without attaching himself to any of them, is brought to a prominent place.
The ignorance of his comrades, the weakness and insignificance of his opponents, the sincerity of the lie and the brilliant and self-confident narrow-mindedness of this man put him at the head of the army. The brilliant composition of the soldiers of the Italian army, the reluctance of his opponents to fight, his childish audacity and self-confidence gain him military glory. Countless so-called accidents accompany him everywhere. The disfavor into which he falls from the rulers of France serves to his advantage. His attempts to change the path destined for him fail: he is not accepted into the service in Russia, and he fails to be assigned to Turkey. During the wars in Italy, he is on the verge of death several times and is saved each time in an unexpected way. Russian troops, the very ones that could destroy his glory, for various diplomatic reasons, do not enter Europe as long as he is there.
Upon his return from Italy, he finds the government in Paris in that process of decay in which the people who fall into this government are inevitably erased and destroyed. And for him there is a way out of this dangerous situation, consisting of a meaningless, causeless expedition to Africa. Again the same so-called accidents accompany him. Impregnable Malta surrenders without a shot; the most careless orders are crowned with success. The enemy fleet, which does not let a single boat through, lets through an entire army. In Africa, almost unarmed inhabitants are being perpetrated a whole series atrocities. And the people who commit these atrocities, and especially their leader, convince themselves that this is wonderful, that this is glory, that this is similar to Caesar and Alexander the Great, and that this is good.
That ideal of glory and greatness, which consists in not only not considering anything bad for oneself, but being proud of every crime, attributing to it an incomprehensible supernatural significance - this ideal, which should guide this person and the people associated with him, is being developed in the open air in Africa. Whatever he does, he succeeds. The plague does not bother him. The cruelty of killing prisoners is not blamed on him. His childishly careless, causeless and ignoble departure from Africa, from his comrades in trouble, is given credit to him, and again the enemy fleet misses him twice. While he, already completely intoxicated by the happy crimes he had committed, ready for his role, comes to Paris without any purpose, the decay of the republican government, which could have destroyed him a year ago, has now reached its extreme, and the presence of him, fresh from a person's parties, now only can elevate him.
He doesn't have any plan; he is afraid of everything; but the parties seize on him and demand his participation.
He alone, with his ideal of glory and greatness developed in Italy and Egypt, with his madness of self-adoration, with his audacity of crimes, with his sincerity of lies - he alone can justify what is about to happen.
He is needed for the place that awaits him, and therefore, almost independently of his will and despite his indecision, despite the lack of a plan, despite all the mistakes he makes, he is drawn into a conspiracy aimed at seizing power, and the conspiracy is crowned with success .
He is pushed into the meeting of the rulers. Frightened, he wants to run away, considering himself dead; pretends to faint; says meaningless things that should destroy him. But the rulers of France, previously smart and proud, now, feeling that their role has been played, are even more embarrassed than he is, and say the wrong words that they should have said in order to retain power and destroy him.
Chance, millions of coincidences give him power, and all people, as if by agreement, contribute to the establishment of this power. Accidents make the characters of the then rulers of France subservient to him; accidents make the character of Paul I recognizing his power; chance conspires against him, not only not harming him, but asserting his power. An accident sends Enghien into his hands and inadvertently forces him to kill, thereby, stronger than all other means, convincing the crowd that he has the right, since he has the power. What makes it an accident is that he strains all his strength on an expedition to England, which, obviously, would destroy him, and never fulfills this intention, but accidentally attacks Mack with the Austrians, who surrender without a battle. Chance and genius give him victory at Austerlitz, and by chance all people, not only the French, but all of Europe, with the exception of England, which will not take part in the events that are about to take place, all people, despite the previous horror and disgust for his crimes, now they recognize his power, the name he gave himself, and his ideal of greatness and glory, which seems to everyone to be something beautiful and reasonable.

Belgorod State National Research University- one of the oldest universities in Belgorod, the largest university in the Belgorod region.

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    The history of Belgorod State National Research University is closely connected with the history of teacher education in Russia. The reforms of the 60s of the 19th century contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy, trade, military affairs and led to an increase in the number of educational institutions. Since 1872, secondary specialized educational institutions - teachers' institutes - began to be created.

    In September 1876, in the district city of Belgorod, by order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, a teacher's institute was opened - the ninth in Russia. From this moment the difficult but interesting path of the university begins.

    From a teachers' institute in 1919, during the reorganization, it was transformed into a pedagogical institute, then again became a teachers' institute.

    In 1923, a decision was made to transform it into a pedagogical technical school.

    In 1939 it was transformed into the Belgorod Teachers' Institute.

    The 140-year history of Belgorod State National Research University is inextricably linked with an entire era in Russian education. The reforms of the 60s of the 19th century contributed to the development of the entire education system in Russia. On May 31, 1872, the “Regulations on Teachers’ Institutes” was published, signed by Alexander II. And in the seventies, the first teacher institutes began to open in different cities of the country.

    The Belgorod Teachers' Institute, which opened in 1876, became the ninth teacher's institute in our country.

    Symbols of BelSU


    On the site of another educational and social complex there are classrooms, scientific laboratories, a Distance Learning Center, five dormitories, the Burevestnik sports complex, a Center for Preclinical and Clinical Research, and a polyclinic of the BelSU National Research University. The educational buildings of this complex are intended mainly for those who have decided to connect their lives with school (teachers of Russian and foreign languages, physics and mathematics, history, primary school and fine arts, physical education teachers, speech therapists, psychologists). But students are also trained in “academic” specialty options.

    Today, 25 thousand students from 85 regions of Russia and 76 countries of the world study at BelSU. The university trains specialists, bachelors and masters in 180 areas of training and specialties, and also conducts training in 26 areas of training and 80 postgraduate and doctoral educational programs. At the National Research University "BelSU" there are 12 councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses. Fundamental and applied research is conducted in 50 areas. The university has 9 educational and scientific innovation complexes; 50 research centers and laboratories, including:

    At the Youth Cultural Center of the National Research University "BelSU" there are 16 student amateur art groups.
    The corporate library system of the National Research University "BelSU" includes 11 reading rooms (including three rooms with open access to the collection), 9 subscriptions, and more than 1.23 million copies in the collection.

    The university has 9 museums (museum of history of the National Research University "BelSU"; criminology, zoological, forensic medical examination, history faculty, pedagogical faculty, international faculty, N. Strakhov library-museum, geological and mineralogical); Polyclinic of the National Research University "BelSU"; Equestrian school; botanical garden; health complex"Nezhegol."
    The Botanical Garden is a unique educational, scientific, sociocultural and natural object. The garden's collection includes over 2.5 thousand species and varieties. The garden area is 71 hectares.

    Educational sports complex BelSU Svetlana Khorkina. The building of the complex with a total area of ​​36.7 thousand square meters houses: a 50-meter swimming pool with springboards and towers (up to 10 meters high), an athletics arena, a universal games room, a chess club under the leadership of grandmaster Alexander Ivanov, gyms, gymnasiums, halls for table tennis, choreography and aerobics. On the site on the street. The sports complex “Burevestnik” is located on Student Street.

    Rating of universities in the CIS countries, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia by the Interfax information group with the participation of the British company QS and the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation position 40+ among 405 universities (2014)

    Webometric ranking of Russian universities by the Cybermetrics research group position 19 among 1,197 universities in the Russian Federation and position 1,766 among 15,000 universities in the world (2014)
    Rating of the best universities in Russia by the Interfax information group in the field of Life Sciences (2014) position 10 in terms of conditions for technological entrepreneurship; position 17 for scientific research

    The university took 34th place in the ranking of one hundred Russian universities that provide the best training for journalists in the country. The list was prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The rating is based on a survey of employers - managers of more than 110 leading Russian media outlets. The selection of universities for inclusion in the list was made on the basis of the average Unified State Examination score of students enrolled in the relevant specialties in 2014. The indicator of the National Research University "BelSU" was 20.4 points. For comparison, the maximum results are for Lomonosov Moscow State University – 90.7 points, St. Petersburg University – 69.5 and – 56.1 points. If we evaluate the closest alternatives, then Voronezh State University took 18th place (27.3 points), Yelets State University – 38th (19.5), and Kursk State University – 72nd (15.2).

    Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov

    The Scientific Library named after N. N. Strakhov is one of the oldest university libraries in the Belgorod region. The history of the library began with the opening of the Teachers' Institute in 1876.

    The library is the central library of the university's Corporate Library System. Today, the University's Corporate Library System has more than 1.23 million items. The service system includes 11 reading rooms (including 3 rooms with open access to the collection), 9 subscriptions.

    Since 2002, the Scientific Library has been a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA)Russian Library Association.

    Since 2003, the library has been a member of the Non-Profit Partnership “Association of Regional Library Consortia” (ARBICON) and a member of the Border Belarusian-Russian-Ukrainian University Consortium.

    In 2008, the “Belgorod Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge and Cultural Heritage in the University Space of the Border Regions of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine” and an action plan for its implementation were adopted. The Belgorod Declaration stands on a par with other international initiatives of open access to scientific and humanitarian knowledge (Budapest Initiative, Berlin Declaration, etc.).

    In 2009, an open-access electronic archive of scientific publications by university scientists was created - the third among Russian universities.

    In 2009, the library-museum of N. N. Strakhov, a Russian philosopher, literary critic, translator and publisher, librarian of the Imperial Public Library, a native of Belgorod, was opened.

    In 2010, with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, an electronic collection “Archive of the Era” was formed, reflecting the activities of N. N. Strakhov. In 2011, following the implementation of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art, by decision of the Academic Council of the university, the library was named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov.

    In 2013, the open access electronic archive was assigned by the ISSN International Center an international standard number for periodicals (ISSN: 2310-7529) as a continuously updated database among the first six Russian academic open access repositories.

    In 2014, an electronic reading room of the B. N. Yeltsin Presidential Library was opened.

    At the beginning of 2015, the open access electronic archive of the National Research University BelSU took second place among 21 Russian open access academic repositories in the international Webometrics university ranking.

    The library carries out humanitarian and educational activities aimed at the spiritual, moral, civil, patriotic, cultural and aesthetic education of young people, legal education, and the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among readers.

    Faculties and institutes of the National Research University "BelSU"

      • Legal Institute
      • Pedagogical Institute
        • Faculty of Physical Education
        • Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education
        • Faculty of History and Philology
        • Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
        • Faculty of Foreign Languages
        • Faculty of Psychology
      • Medical Institute
        • Medical College
        • Center for Additional Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education
      • Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations
        • Preparatory Faculty
      • Institute of Management
        • Graduate School of Management
      • Institute of Economics
      • Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences
      • Faculty of Mining and Environmental Management
      • Faculty of Journalism
      • Faculty of Socio-Theological

    BelSU Medical College

    The BelSU Medical College, one of the oldest colleges in Russia, dates back to 1932, when a medical college was opened in Belgorod by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars. It was located in a pre-revolutionary merchant house on the site of a modern building [ ] . In 1935, the technical school was reorganized into a medical assistant and midwifery school. In 1954, by order of the USSR Minister of Health, the paramedic-midwife school was transformed into a medical school. In 1992, the school received the status of a medical college. In 1997, the college became a structural division of Belgorod State University.

    Students are trained in the following specialties: “General Medicine”, “Midwifery”, “Nursing”, “Preventive Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”, “Laboratory Diagnostics”.


    The Alekseevsky branch of Belgorod State University (now the Alekseevsky branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Belgorod State National Research University" (AF NRU "BelSU")) in the city of Alekseevka, Belgorod region, was opened in 1999 in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation Federation. The branch in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, was created in 1999 by Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation. It is the successor of the Stary Oskol Teachers' Institute (1866-1917), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1917-1941), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical University (1941-1954), the Stary Oskol Pedagogical Institute (1954-1999)

    Scientific departments

    In 2004, BelSU announced a competition for the formation of new scientific departments of the university. As a result of the competition, the project of a scientific group led by Professor Yu. R. Kolobov from the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the SB RAS (Tomsk) to create a Center for Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnologies (NSMN Center) of BelSU was supported. In 2005, a scientific group of 9 people, by agreement between the heads of academic and university organizations (by way of transfer), began work at Belgorod State University.

    The main directions of applied research of the Center:

    • development of technological processes and equipment for the production of bulk metallic nanostructured materials for use in medicine and technology.
    • development of bioinert and bioactive implants in clinical practice for use in traumatology, orthopedics, dentistry and cardiac surgery.
    • development technological process and equipment for the synthesis of nano-hydroxylapatite for use in therapeutic and prophylactic preparations in dentistry and the application of biactive coatings on surgical, dental and orthopedic implants.

    In 2007, BelSU was among the winners of the competitive selection of educational institutions of higher professional education that implement innovative educational programs. This victory allowed the university to take the position of a regional center for innovative development in the field of materials science and nanotechnology, increase the research activity of university scientists and bring their developments to the industrial level. Among the priority areas of science at the university: nanotechnology, geographic information systems, information and telecommunication technologies, remote educational technology and health care. The scientific departments of BelSU employ scientists who returned to Russia from Japan, Germany, and Poland.

    Equestrian school

    The equestrian school is a structural division of the National Research University "BelSU". Her activities are inextricably linked with the development of equestrian sports in the Belgorod region, with the popularization of horse riding, with work aimed at implementing programs for equestrian tourism, cultural leisure, rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children, health promotion, development and formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality . Today the complex has two modern stables for 40 heads of horses, garages for vehicles and storage facilities with a total area of ​​700 m², a hangar for storing feed. Pets of KSH, horses - graceful handsome men different breeds: Trakehner, Hanoverian, Terek, thoroughbred riding, Arabian, Oryol and Russian trotter, Ukrainian, Akhal-Teke, Russian riding and crossbreeds work in tandem with both beginners and already professional riders.

    (in the direction of “Nanotechnology”). The essence of the project is to create a single Eurasian educational space, uniting universities of the PRC, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

    BelSU is included in the number of universities participating in the Presidential program for the promotion and dissemination of the Russian language in the Ibero-American region.

    Currently, BelSU cooperates within the framework of bilateral agreements with 170 foreign universities and scientific organizations in Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, China, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

    There are 16 joint educational programs with leading universities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the USA, including dual degree programs.

    Joint research programs are being implemented with leading foreign universities and research centers. Foreign teaching staff teach at the university. Scientists from the National Research University "BelSU" conduct scientific and teaching activities abroad.
