Scorpio Man and Aquarius Woman (general characteristics, compatibility). Sexual compatibility between Scorpio men and Aquarius women

Compatibility between the Scorpio woman and Aquarius man is based on sexual attractiveness. The Scorpio woman is a known owner, so Aquarius cannot escape her jealousy. At the same time, absolutely unpredictable and unexpected actions await her on the part of this man.


It is not surprising that the Scorpio woman will be the main one in the union, but her actions will not be expressed directly; she is an eminence grise. Available to her different ways management of the partner and everything will be quite confusing if the partners do not decide to change something. This union is an amazing combination of unpredictability and stubbornness. Aquarius and Scorpio, although they live together, are each on their own.

The Aquarius man is a little cold and distant, while the Scorpio woman, in contrast, is full of passion raging inside. The compatibility of this couple is reminiscent of playing with fire - Scorpio has such intensity of feelings that it hurts even the cold Aquarius. She will try to impose her worldview on Aquarius, which will limit his unpredictable antics. He will force her to do household chores, since he is completely unsuited to conducting everyday life.


The sex life of this couple will be stormy and varied and will absorb them whole for some time. But after the first period of the relationship, when the partners enjoy each other, they will have difficulties in distributing roles. Aquarius will become the obvious leader, and Scorpio will be the implicit one.

The union of an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman can be considered successful for building family life. Here a sense of duty regarding family, children and work will be cultivated. You should know that since Aquarius does not like frameworks and restrictions, he will sometimes throw out some trick to relieve himself of psychological stress. If partners accept each other with all their strengths and weaknesses, then their marriage will be very strong and long.

Business relations

A business partnership will work out well if people of these signs establish personal contact. It is worth considering that a Scorpio woman who is dissatisfied with her task will create nervousness and tension, which Aquarius cannot stand. Therefore, the Aquarius boss is forced to choose a task to Scorpio’s taste, and preferably one that she can do at home. Scorpio, in the role of boss, must know that for Aquarius to work fruitfully, he needs a friendly atmosphere and environment.

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Aquarius is a very unpredictable sign, and in this union he can behave especially unusually. This will make Scorpio jealous and cause him to show his possessive instincts. Scorpio, one way or another, will use all the methods available to him and try to take a commanding position in this alliance. What will come of this is difficult to predict, since these relationships themselves are an amazing mix of the stubbornness of the Scorpio woman and the unpredictability of the Aquarius man. It seems that both partners live together, but meanwhile, they exist completely independently of each other. Scorpio and Aquarius exist together, but each on their own. The Aquarius man becomes the clear leader, while in fact behind him is the Scorpio woman, who often turns out to be the one eminence grise, managing the situation. Scorpio is full of secret passion raging within him, and Aquarius looks coldly aloof. The Aquarius man forces the Scorpio woman to take care of household chores, while she herself largely limits the freedom of Aquarius, imposing on him her own ideas about the order of the world order. Aquarius turns out to be much weaker than Scorpio and willingly submits. Although from time to time he tries to expand or even break the boundaries established for him and commits unpredictable actions that allow him to relieve the burden of the tension that has accumulated by this moment. And everything calms down again.

Sexual compatibility of Scorpio women and Aquarius men

Scorpios almost deify sex, understanding the power it has over people. Aquarius, on the other hand, treats physical intimacy somewhat more detached, and in order for him to fully surrender to this process, he must fully trust his partner. As the relationship between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man becomes closer, their mutual passion intensifies, which ultimately captures the partners completely, so much so that they can spend whole days in the bedroom, only getting out of it in order to refresh yourself. Unfortunately, family life- this is something more, therefore, contradictions that arise in everyday life can introduce dissonance into intimate relationships.

Business compatibility between Scorpio woman and Aquarius man

Business relations This couple is largely dependent on personal. If Scorpio and Aquarius get along well with each other or are even friends, then their joint work will proceed very well. Aquarius men should know that Scorpio women only work well if he likes the task he received, otherwise Scorpio's dissatisfaction will lead to a rather nervous atmosphere. It’s even better if Scorpio has the opportunity not to sit in the office all day, but to take work home or work remotely. Aquarius also needs a calm, friendly atmosphere, in addition, workplace they must be decorated in accordance with their own ideas about aesthetics.

What a Scorpio woman needs to know about an Aquarius man

Aquarius does not try to hide their true feelings or wear masks. If something upset him, you, Scorpio, will immediately notice it. But the Aquarius man doesn’t always say what he thinks. And not at all because he is insincere or trying to hide something from you. It’s just that his thoughts are significantly ahead of his words, and he doesn’t have time to express them out loud. Aquarius also loves to surprise people, and sometimes they just want to see the surprise on your face, Scorpio. So, for example, you can complain for a long time that your car is already very old and shabby, while the Aquarius man pretends that he does not hear you at all. Suddenly, one day, waking up in the morning, you see under the window a new car that you have been dreaming about for so long. When you throw yourself on your loved one’s neck, he may well pretend that he has no idea what you’re talking about.

What an Aquarius man needs to know about a Scorpio woman

The last thing Scorpios are going to do is adapt to someone or be guided by someone's opinion, especially when it comes to their personal life. Scorpio women do not allow anyone to control them, which may be why they understand you so well, Aquarius. The only difference is that, unlike you, Scorpios do not demonstrate their independence to anyone, they keep it secret. You also need to know that Scorpios remember the insult inflicted on them for a very long time and can unexpectedly take revenge when you least expect it.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man: chances for the future

This union cannot be called simple. A Scorpio woman can adhere to the same hobbies as an Aquarius man; she is also keenly interested in what is happening around her, however, due to her bright expressed feeling owner, the Scorpio woman will try in every possible way to limit the freedom of Aquarius and put him within very strict limits. On the other hand, they have many common interests and always have something to talk about. Finally, they have excellent sexual compatibility. In general, this relationship has every chance of long-term continuation.

How compatible is a Scorpio woman? love relationships with other zodiac signs

She is independent and freedom-loving, he is a thief of other people's emotions. They seem to be against each other, but this is only at first. Over time, the Scorpio man will be able to awaken bright emotions in the Aquarius woman, although he will really have to try. She is rather cold, her love is sober, somewhat distant. This is not the heat we see in a Scorpio man, no. They have very different attitudes towards love itself, they want different things from it. She gravitates more towards love-partnership, in which she will find it interesting and easy. He also needs rich, concentrated love-eros, in which he could burn. It is unlikely, of course, that they will ever find golden mean, which would suit both of them, but they will definitely enjoy the search.

It will be a tough fight. An Aquarius woman in alliance with a Scorpio man will show her deep hidden sexuality - he will force anyone to liberate. And the Scorpio man, in turn, will be amazed by her unexpected thoughts - so exciting and unusual. He will always try to find the source of her inspiration - and he will never find it. Just as she will never hide from his desire - she will have to fulfill it. This couple can successfully try role-playing games and other ways to spur emotions and diversify their sex life.

Family and marriage

This will be a stormy, emotional marriage. The fact is that their values ​​in the field of family relationships do not coincide. The Scorpio man, as a representative of the water element, still dreams of a quiet harbor - in which he, of course, will create emotional storms. The Aquarius woman does not recognize formalities at all; she does not understand why one person should belong to another and how this is even possible. She doesn’t like to make promises - in general, it will be difficult to drag her down the aisle. If this does happen, the Scorpio man will receive a gentle wife, not devoid of imagination. She will not become an excellent housewife, but he will not be an exemplary husband either. Their family life will not be simple, but it will definitely be bright and not boring.

She knows how to make friends like no one else can. The Scorpio man will appreciate the devotion and loyalty of the Aquarius woman as a friend; she will always come to the rescue and be able to support. He, in turn, guarantees her exactly the same. They will misunderstand each other a little when it comes to emotions: it will be unclear to her why he wastes himself so much on something that, in her opinion, does not deserve time and effort. And he will not understand why she does not allow herself to live emotionally, intensely - like him. In any case, they will not have long arguments, they will simply accept each other for who they are.

Work and business

They will be able to achieve their professional goals if they work together. The Scorpio man will be the strategist; he will be able to outline a goal, but the Aquarius woman will have to choose specific steps that will lead them to the result. Sometimes she will be put off by his way of exaggerating problems, and he will be unhappy with her slightly aloof attitude, but if they want to achieve much, they will have to forget about these trifles.

These people meet on each other's path in order to grow spiritually. Well, or break up after the first meeting. The happy couple of these signs does not fit any standards: she has her own path, often incomprehensible to others.

Scorpio-Aquarius Compatibility: How to Seduce an Aquarius Man

It is not easy for a Scorpio woman to interest an Aquarius man at first sight. There can be exceptions only if this woman accidentally falls under his type of “ideal chosen one.” But this doesn't happen often. Let's think about how we can attract an Aquarius who has no personal prerequisites for interest? Firstly, the diversity of knowledge and non-standard conclusions. Aquarius loves everything that is out of the usual circle. And the Scorpio woman is very observant and analyzes any phenomenon deeply, getting to the essence. Of course, thanks to this, she has thoughts and reasoning on the issue that few people have, simply because most people “grab at the top” without going deeper. Such views and thoughts will seem very original to Aquarius (precisely because few people can hear them from). So Scorpio’s first weapon is to communicate with Aquarius and share your views with him. Secondly, the Aquarius man values ​​friendship. And a friend is best known in trouble. And if not in trouble, then in some kind common cause. In the process of working together, Aquarius will not only develop friendly feelings towards Scorpio, but will also discover many common traits with him, for example, rare persistence and perseverance. Look for opportunities for friendship, not romance - this is the second pillar on which the conquest of Aquarius stands. And finally, do not openly encroach on his freedom. You should not immediately tell him that you are extremely faithful in marriage and dream of a strong family. The Aquarius man likes to think about the future in matters of technology and politics, but not about his own future.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man?

This is a couple in which mutual respect reigns. From the outside, the Scorpio woman and the Aquarius man do not look very harmonious. People around you may wonder what connects them. Most often, each of them has their own friends who do not like their other half. Aquarius' friends feel that Scorpio is "taking" Aquarius away from their friends and ruining their friendship. And indeed, if anyone can restrain Aquarius’ impulses to be friends at any time of the day or night, it is the Scorpio woman. Friends of Aquarius quickly understand that the principle of “friendship is a 24-hour concept” is a thing of the past, and they learn not to make friendly visits at odd hours without warning. Scorpio's friends are unhappy with her Aquarius partner, because from now on the friend's attention entirely belongs to her beloved. If, with the help of synastry, you look at the relationship “from the inside,” you will see that such a couple was formed more for the spiritual growth of both partners than for ordinary everyday happiness. The Scorpio woman becomes an exemplary housewife and wife. But not because Aquarius “will be lost without her,” but because she realizes the high purpose of Aquarius to live in the future and bring something new into the world. By serving him, she herself becomes involved in his mission. Thanks to the Scorpio woman, a man learns not to spread himself thin. She gives him external control, and if Aquarius does not rear up, but understands that his indignation is dictated by internal problems of fear of control, then he quickly learns self-discipline and is capable of truly great things. Among Aquarius associated with a partnership with Scorpio, you will not find Aquarius-projectors who are busy inventing a perpetual motion machine.

What are the difficulties in a union between Scorpio women and Aquarius men?

A couple of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man have two main difficulties. They appear only in good, loving couples, because couples in which there is no love break up very quickly, before they even reach the stage of encountering difficulties: they are very different. But it’s not a sin to fight for your loved one. Let's see what exactly interferes with the happiness of this couple. First, there is the issue of compromise. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are very stubborn. A woman is more inclined to doubt that she is right, but if she has thought everything through and made a final decision, she will stick to it. The Aquarius man rarely doubts his decisions. As a result, the couple can seriously quarrel. Most often, disputes concern money and the distribution of the overall budget. They have different views on who should lend and in what cases. As a result, Scorpio, having forbidden her partner to give his friend “a tenner before payday” for beer, risks that Aquarius, out of spite for her, will give all the pay to his friends, and on the condition “they will give it back someday.” In this way, Aquarius can recall his resentment, for example, because Scorpio recently used her last money to buy cold medicine for her three-year-old godson, but forbade him to “help out a friend.” He will not see the difference in her actions and his own.

Secondly, and this problem is much more serious, Scorpio is very partial towards Aquarius, she is ready to do anything for him, he is her most beloved and important person, and this automatically sets him apart from all other people for her. Aquarius treats her the same way as other friends and evaluates her from a position of objectivity. This confuses Scorpio - after all, it seems to her that she, too, has the right to count on special treatment.

In order to prevent quarrels in a couple due to the fact that neither one wants to give in, it is better to divide the “spheres of influence” in advance. Scorpio and Aquarius must agree in what cases and which of them has the right of final decision. The best distribution would be one where the woman becomes “responsible” for all subjective and personal moments, where sensitivity and feelings are important, for example, for the atmosphere in the family (and, therefore, for which guests to invite and which ones not to be allowed into the family “fortress” "). And Aquarius should be entrusted with objective relationships with society (for example, which of their friends and when the couple will go to visit). As for the fact that Scorpio wants (and quite rightly) to be “special” for her partner, and not take an equal place among his other friends and not be subject to the same evaluation as friends, then she should raise her partner. She is able to gradually explain to him that if he does not forgive her what he does not forgive others, then she will do exactly as much for him as others. In particular, she will begin to wash and cook no earlier than his friends begin to do the same for Aquarius. In general, astrologers have noticed that Aquarius men often have problematic parental families. Therefore, Aquarius needs to be taught how they differ family relationships from friends, and not expect that he already knows this.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man at work

Such cooperation can be either very problematic or very productive. Most often, these people simply refuse to work together - they are too different and do not understand each other well. If forced, then everyone pulls the cart in their own direction. But if suddenly Scorpio appreciates the golden grain that is in the ideas of Aquarius and begins to bring his ideas to life, then both can become very rich.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

Working in the same team, they rarely intersect and try not to work together because they do not understand each other’s working style well. In the case of a partnership, it will be successful when Aquarius generates innovative ideas, and Scorpio implements them. They can make a fortune by introducing new technologies.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate

Bad combination. Aquarius does not tolerate control over himself, and Scorpio loves to control everything.

When a Scorpio woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss

A rare combination: Scorpio women are in the role of subordinates just as rarely as Aquarians are in a leadership role. And to be next to each other at the same time is a real game of fate, and a meaningless one at that: they have such different attitudes to work that there will be little productivity from this union. However, Scorpio can manipulate Aquarius using his democratic nature.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man in friendship

Scorpio is impressed by the friendly, easy-to-communicate Aquarius. And Aquarius himself is capable of being friends with anyone. Apart from friendly jealousy on the part of the woman, such friendship can be strong. In addition, both signs belong to the fixed (permanent) cross in astrology and tend to build long-term relationships. Cheating on partners on the part of this couple is hardly possible. They are not so attractive to each other that it would be worth forgetting about obligations for the sake of an affair. In addition, Aquarius highly values ​​pure friendly relations and will not interfere with sex in them, and for Scorpio to cheat, he needs to feel the attraction and sexual fire in a man. She will not cheat out of sport or boredom. An intellectual Aquarius is not her type of man.


Psychological compatibility of Scorpio men and Aquarius women in relationships

A connection between two fixed signs is only possible if each of them is ready to make concessions. Scorpios living in their inner world, pay close attention to the nuances of other people’s behavior, trying to unravel the deep motives of their actions. Their inherent keen observational abilities, which allow them to make such observations, contribute to the fact that Scorpio men make wonderful doctors. On the other hand, this feature of their character often irritates others, since few people want to be examined under a microscope. Aquarius women live by speculative ideas: having initially formulated for themselves some images or ideals, they then relate them to them to evaluate the realities of life. Preferring to defend the interests of certain groups, they are not inclined to pay attention to the problems of individual individuals. When these Scorpio man and Aquarius woman come together, the mutual attraction of the partners is quite sufficient to create a love passion, although they should never forget about the differences that exist between them in order to avoid the emergence of serious conflicts. The structure of these relationships is unique.

The approach of these air and water entities to life is very ambiguous. For example, Aquarius women (Air) do not even allow the thought that their views may not correspond to the truth. Perhaps they formed this belief on the basis personal experience or it is an ingrained belief system, but, be that as it may, they will insist to the end on their own infallibility. Scorpio men (Water) also consider their judgments as the only correct ones, despite the fact that in in this case they are not guided by logic, but only by their feelings. Thus, both partners are a priori convinced that they are right, which naturally has a negative impact on their relationship.

Sexual compatibility between Scorpio men and Aquarius women

Representatives of water and air signs are initially attractive to each other, which adds additional energy to any of their interactions. Scorpio men are simply intoxicated with sexual desire for their air partner, viewing him as a priceless prize that must be won by them.

However, only those who can captivate their imagination will be able to achieve the favor of Aquarius women. And since they zealously adhere to their inherent prejudices, it is not at all easy to carry out such an intention. The shortest way to the heart of an Aquarius is through expressing immoderate admiration for him - he will simply faint with happiness. Once in the bedroom, these two can have a good time there, provided they don't have too many expectations.

Business compatibility between Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

In the professional and business sphere, this couple seeks not only financial gain, but also satisfaction from quality work done. To feel comfortable with each other, they need moral justification for their joint plans.

What an Aquarius woman needs to know about a Scorpio man

Scorpios interpret this world differently than you, which they have every right to do. You have your own ideas about life that you. Aquarius, with righteous arrogance you will defend at all costs. Scorpio men trust their deep instinctive feeling, which cannot be justified logically. You can only try to find out what exactly they are experiencing and try to be sympathetic to their opinion. After all, there are many ways to interpret existence, and they all have a right to exist.

What does a Scorpio man need to know about an Aquarius woman?

Scorpio man, Aquarius are afraid of long-term attachments. They like to move from one love conquest to another, and therefore would prefer to remain an unattainable ideal, rather than materialize into someone's specific partner. In relationships, Aquarius women adhere to a style that, as they consider, is “special” - in its form, way of communication, and so on. This is a consequence of their duality - in this way they satisfy that part of their nature that strives to live only by its own rules. If you are too intrusive, they will no longer perceive you as their equal. By allowing your Aquarius to feel free and not bothering him, you thereby deprive him of the reason to rebel. And when he gets tired of fluttering around, he will return to the nest that you built together.

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Aquarius woman: chances for the future

If there are favorable natal charts these two can become devoted and respectful life partners. It is important for Scorpio men to have a clear understanding of their partner; albeit, in their opinion, too rational and independent. As long as Scorpios trust Aquarius women and are aware of their intentions, this union will have prospects. People born under these signs are endowed with business acumen, ingenuity and can use their talents for mutual benefit. Thus, Scorpio men are able to track market fluctuations, and Aquarius men can predict future consumer preferences.

If they manage to establish such mutually beneficial cooperation in business or romantic relationships, it will be a sure sign that both are strong and independent enough to be of undoubted interest to each other - if their inherent prejudices are overcome. Aquarius women should understand that their partners often judge things based on their emotional motivation. They themselves, giving too great value logic, impoverish their sensory perception of life. On the other side. Scorpio men must develop an open-minded approach to the intellectual way of knowing. Until now they have perceived it as something isolated, mechanical and soulless, but now they will have to admit that its use brings undoubted benefits, especially in those cases where objectivity is necessary. These two have something to give each other, but first they need to deal with their own biases, which may be the biggest obstacle to the success of their relationship.

How compatible is a Scorpio man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?
