Number of calories to lose weight. How many calories should you eat to lose weight?

Age Floor female male
Height (cm) Weight (kg)
Lifestyle sedentary lifestyle sports 1-3 times a week sports 3-5 times a week sports 6-7 times a week active activities sports 1-2 times a day

Let us explain how we calculated How many calories does a person need per day?. For some reason, there is a strong opinion that for an ordinary woman the norm is 2000-2500 kcal per day, for a man even more. Well, if a woman is short, or, on the contrary, very tall, do they really need the same amount of calories to maintain their vital functions? Let's do the math.

At the moment, one of the most accurate formulas is considered to be the Muffin-Jeor formula, developed in 1990 (the Harris-Benedict formula is also widely used - but it has been proven that it is less accurate)

For women: OO = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age - 161

For men: OO = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age + 5

2. To obtain the total calorie consumption per day it is necessary to multiply the basal metabolic rate by the following coefficients:

  • Sedentary lifestyle: GS x 1.2
  • Light activity (sports 1-3 days a week): OO x 1.375
  • Average activity (sports 3-5 days a week): OO x 1.55
  • High activity (sport 6-7 days a week): OO x 1.725
  • Very high activity (very active sports every day, high physical activity at work, training twice a day): OO x 1.9

We consider a woman height 160 cm, weight 70 kg, age 30 years, office worker.

OO = 10*70kg + 6.25*160 - 5*30 - 161 =1389 kcal

Calorie consumption: OO*1.2 = 1389*1.2 = 1667 kcal.

It turns out that in order not to gain weight, a 30-year-old woman, 160 cm tall, weighing 70 kg, busy with office work, needs to consume no more than 1667 kcal daily, and not the mythical 2000 kcal. Moreover, with age and weight loss, calorie consumption further decreases (see the formula).

Let's calculate how many calories you need per day to lose weight

Now you can determine how many calories you need to lose weight. Purely theoretically, you need to receive fewer calories than the total daily consumption calculated by the formula. How much less?

To safely lose weight, experts advise reducing daily calories by 20%, i.e. daily calorie content multiplied by 0.8. You can, of course, also reduce your caloric intake (and many people who count calories do this), losing weight will be faster, but here it is important to find a balance between speed (and when you immediately see the result, you will gain strength) and the safety of losing weight (without slowing down your metabolism, which can happen if you reduce calories too much).

For very rapid weight loss, a deficit of 40% is created. That is, for our example, 0.6 * 1667 = 1000 kcal.

But you should remember: Safe calorie limit without medical supervision - 1200 kcal (for women) and 1800 kcal (for men).

For our woman - 0.8 * 1667 kcal = 1334 kcal is necessary for safe and comfortable weight loss

Why do we need a zigzag (or rollercoaster) of calories?

This uneven calorie intake throughout the week does not allow metabolism to decrease. The zigzag method is also used to overcome the plateau effect. In addition, there are days with increased calorie content (for example, Saturday). It is convenient to use such days for various events: holidays, picnics, barbecues, and so on.

Counting calories is the most effective method getting rid of excess weight. At correct use it can give 100% result. Knowing your individual daily calorie intake, you can adjust your diet and achieve your goals faster.

Parameters influencing diet choice

The diet should be based on the characteristics of the body and the required amount. nutrients. To calculate how many calories you need per day, you should consider:

  • daily activity level;
  • age and gender, since men need to consume more calories than women;
  • availability of training;
  • body parameters, which include height and weight;
  • usual diet.

Thus, having in hand necessary calculations and knowing how many calories you need to eat per day, you can adjust your diet and achieve the expected results faster.

Women's and men's daily calorie intake

Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are three key microelements that provide the body with the necessary energy and support biochemical processes.

The female body requires less daily caloric intake than the male body. This is due to the inherent genetic ability to quickly gain weight for full procreation.

The average kcal per day for a woman is about 2000 kcal. If you need to lose weight from calorie norms for different age groups women who have different activities and diet, take away 500 kcal or 10-20%.

At the same time, the number of calories per day should be reduced gradually, otherwise a sharp reduction in the supply of substances necessary for the body can provoke disruptions in menstrual cycle, weakened immune system, slow metabolism or heart problems.

In order to determine how many calories a man needs per day, it is necessary to take into account that they have an accelerated metabolism and are prone to fast weight loss. Therefore, the diet for representatives masculine should consist of a diverse set of products.

The average calorie intake per day for a man is 2400 kcal and can fluctuate due to age, exercise intensity, lifestyle and weight. To lose weight, men, like women, need to consume 10-20% fewer calories than required.

The daily requirement for calories, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, fats for working women and men is presented in the table:

How many calories do you need to lose weight?

In order for the body to activate protective mechanisms by slowing down metabolism, you must understand exactly what calorie deficit is needed for weight loss. Experienced nutritionists advise calculating how many calories a person needs per day, and then subtract 10-25% from the results obtained.

It is important not to reduce the calorie content of the daily menu below the needs of the basal metabolic rate, since such a weight loss process will be accompanied by loss muscle mass and general discomfort.

You can create a 40% calorie deficit per day to lose weight very quickly. But it should be remembered that the safe calorie limit without the supervision of a nutritionist and doctor is 1800 kcal for men and 1200 kcal for women. Otherwise, a person will not only lose weight, but will lower their immunity and simply deplete their body.

Online calorie calculator

The daily calorie intake calculator will help you find out:

  • how many calories do you need to eat per day for your body to function normally?
  • how many calories do you need to lose weight;
  • How many calories does it take to gain weight?

To calculate calories for weight loss, you must indicate your height, weight, gender, age, and level of physical activity. You don’t need to do anything else, the online calculator will do everything itself.

Age: years

Floor: Male Female

Weight: kg

Height: cm

Activity: minimal/no physical activity Basic metabolism 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensive) Every day Every day intensively or twice a day Daily physical activity + physical work

Formula: Mifflin - St. George Harris-Benedict

Calculation of daily calorie intake can be done using two different methods: one of the most modern, according to the Mifflin-San Geor formula, developed in 2005, and according to the older, but still popular among nutritionists in our time, the Harris-Benedict formula, known since 1919.

Drying the body

Drying the body is a set of actions, the implementation of which reduces the percentage of adipose tissue in the body, maximizes muscle relief, and also burns subcutaneous fat.

Drying the body for girls and men consists of cutting carbohydrates in the diet, drinking more water, increasing the consumption of high-protein foods and sports nutrition.

According to the advice of experienced nutritionists and trainers, to saturate the body with useful elements with protein, it is necessary to consume vegetables and fiber, as they combine perfectly and enhance the absorption of each other.

To compile proper diet you should calculate your life expectancy online using a calculator. Thus, you can find out not only your individual calorie needs, but also the required ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, based on the goal being pursued.

Application of knowledge about proper nutrition and diet planning is one of the main factors influencing the process of weight loss. The effectiveness of losing weight depends on many circumstances, but only a comprehensive approach to the existing problem will help solve it effectively.


The article is bullshit and was written by mediocrity. It seems that the numbers in the table for calories and useful substances from the daily ration taken from the ceiling. Brain at active work, during mental work, consumes about 30% of ALL energy received from food by the body, and in the article such people of mental work are equated to those engaged in light physical labor.
That is, engineers and scientists according to their rations and their nutritional value equivalent to scrubbers and laundresses. It is with idiots like these who compose such articles and tables that the degradation of society and the collapse of states begin.

01/22/2019 14:15:00, NwePR666

How many calories should you consume per day to lose weight?

08/29/2018 16:42:03, Marina

Every day I train

08/11/2018 10:36:23, Victoria

Comment on the article "How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Online calorie calculator"

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. Good night everyone) Share, those who are losing weight, what do you think about the KBZHU? There is so much conflicting information on the Internet, it’s already dizzying.

I looked in my app to see how much I was eating. I'm severely undernourished on protein! Weekends are still back and forth, but weekdays are a complete mess. On weekends, it comes out to somewhere a little less than 90 g of protein per day. On weekdays - 30-40 g. But you need, like, 218. But there seems to be more fat than normal. The coals are normal. Or maybe that’s right, maybe I don’t need so much protein.
Although, for me, all these programs and calorie content are somehow not calculated correctly. They write from 1500 to 2200 kcal. And I have a little more than 1300, and the weight comes off very slowly.

Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with Thank you very much! This is approximately what I have in terms of calories now, but I kept thinking that this was too much for me. I'll see what happens...


Tell me, how long have you been eating like this? Down there, I read that you don’t have enough strength for ordinary household activities. With normal nutrition, there should be enough energy and building materials for everything. Construction materials taken from proteins and fats. Energy comes from carbohydrates (and partly from fats). Here you just have a shortage, since you don’t have enough energy. Hormones rule everything. The lower the caloric content, the greater the lack of sleep, the more stress the body experiences, the more unfavorable the hormonal background is for weight loss. First, you should find a full-fledged maintenance caloric intake, in which your weight will not change and you will have enough strength for normal everyday activities. Also improve your sleep. And only then (able to complete comfort) create a small deficit and subtract 10% for weight loss.

As far as proteins are concerned, your protein intake is just normal, quite a sufficient amount, if there is no active sports activity and you are over 40.
But there is a critical shortage of fat! A minimum of 0.8 g per 1 kg of your weight is required.
There are also few carbohydrates. This amount of carbohydrates reduces the efficiency of protein absorption, reduces the functional activity of the brain and contributes to stressful hormonal levels, which can lead to breakdowns.
The total calorie content is clearly underestimated. You need to calculate adequate calorie content, look here [link-1]
After calculating the total calorie content, calculate the amount of protein and fat, the remainder of the calories should come from carbohydrates, but not less than 150 g.

Conference "Weight Loss and Diets" "Weight Loss and Diets". Section: Need advice (Good afternoon, without any sports, sitting at home, I lost 1500-1600 calories, how can you eat 1200 calories while exercising?! And don’t forget that for a woman the lower limit of normal body fat is 20...


Without any sports, sitting at home, I lost 1500-1600 calories, how can you eat 1200 while exercising?! And don’t forget that for a woman the lower limit of normal body fat is 20%; if you drop it below that, there may be hormonal imbalances

lack of nutrition causes the body to want to put aside a supply of even one cucumber or cabbage. You need to eat according to your body's needs.

Counting calories. Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. To lose weight, a woman needs comfort in everything: balanced diet with a very small calorie deficit (10-20% of total calories), physical. activity for pleasure, without fanaticism, good sleep and...


tell it to me!
I'm losing 2400 kcal;)

Calculate your calorie consumption using this link - [link-1].
Yes, for a woman, usually 1200-1400 kcal is due only to the basic metabolism (at rest, going to work internal organs and systems). That's why general exchange, including household activities, sports, etc. even higher than these figures.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. but listening to yourself and eating right and losing weight or maintaining weight is still aerobatics and you need to come to this, because...


when I was actively losing weight in 2013, I ate 1.5 and even 2 kg of food per day :) yeah, and I lost weight very quickly :) I didn’t stretch anything :)

I’m not dissuading anyone from counting, on the contrary, I’m agitating, I think this is one of the most effective systems for losing weight, BUT now I’m just trying to stop myself from starting to count again, but to focus on hunger levels

because during this period, without calculations, I realized that KBZHU calculations are needed for 6-12 months in order to understand everything about the products, their composition, their digestibility by your body, in order to understand how many calories are there, what the composition of the products is

but listening to yourself and eating right and losing weight or maintaining weight is still aerobatics and you need to come to this, because this is the only way you can change/adjust your eating habits/behavior and maintain weight for a long time

Therefore, this time I will not specifically consider KBJU, I want to complicate the task for myself and at the same time listen to myself more, learn to trust myself, I want to be in harmony with myself, in agreement, I don’t want any more violence for myself

but now I have a different attitude towards myself - I like myself, I love myself, bun, skinny, whatever, I LOVE myself, period! if you manage to lose weight - good, no - no big deal :)

I will eat right and exercise - and come what may :)

According to your reports, your nutrition is normal. You need a week or two to see what the dynamics of the weight will be, if there are plumb lines, then it’s yours. If not, then lower the coals or play in the menu.

Bowls of salad are wonderful! they don’t have so many coals, they have more fiber, which is good for the intestines and for weight loss :) but 250 g of rice is a rather large portion, if you don’t feel like it, eat 150. In general, according to your report, your intake of coals is uneven, still try Divide into 3 servings per day, and it is better for breakfast + lunch + afternoon snack, although this is individual.

It all also depends on how you ate BEFORE losing weight, if you ate 2 times a day, then yes, you need to get used to 4-5 meals a day. Then you will be hungry like clockwork.

When losing weight, the main thing is daily caloric intake, and how to break it down is up to you. It's worth listening to yourself! There are no excesses in proteins and fats, either the norm or below. How is it calculated daily norm calories to lose weight?

about fats. - gatherings. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and There are a lot of articles where I write about 10% of the total caloric intake per day. I found several articles that indicate that an adult...


You need 1 gram of fat per kilo of weight. Proteins - the same amount, if there are serious ones physical activity- up to 2 grams per kilo of weight. The rest is carbohydrates up to the required calorie intake.

Everything is much simpler. The norm of fat is tied to a person’s weight. And this is logical. Usually 1g per 1kg of body weight is enough. In most cases, this is somewhere in the range of 60-100g per day (for women and men). Of these, the share of vegetable fats is approximately one third, i.e. 20-30g, and the share of essential PUFAs is around 2-6g per day. The norm of cholesterol in the diet is 300-400 mg per day. If we evaluate it as a percentage, then for women it is preferable that 30% of the diet be fats, since they are responsible for the production of female sex hormones, as well as the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. For men it’s less, around 20%. With breastfeeding, the fat norm is higher, around 100g per day. When losing weight, you have to limit fats, because 1g gives more than 9 kcal, and the fat content of milk decreases.

For example, yesterday I spent 500 calories in a whole day, lying flat :))) And today - an electric broom :))

Look for a BMR calculator on the Internet - there are plenty of them on the Internet. There is a general one - there height, weight, gender and age are taken into account. There is a more accurate one - there you need to know the percentage of fat.
Although my calculations are approximately the same. Next you need to multiply this figure by the activity coefficient. Sedentary work is 1.2.

With a weight of 65 kg and a height of 175, my calorie norm is 1630. That is, I need to eat exactly enough so as not to lose weight and gain weight.

Of course, you need to keep in mind that the body is not a mathematical formula and all these calculations are just for estimation. Because there are a lot of conditions in which metabolism slows down or, on the contrary, increases.
That is, it seems to me that you need to calculate the starting point and observe - if the weight gradually increases, then you need to reduce the amount of food, if it decreases, then increase it.

UPD Only with these activity coefficients you need to be more careful - “light” and “heavy” loads are too subjective concepts. I take the minimum coefficient, and take into account the calories burned during training manually (I have a watch with a calorie counter)

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. Section: -- gatherings (scales that count calories). Polaris kitchen scales with calorie counting.


Do they do express food analysis themselves? In our laboratory we have express analyzers for some products, so one costs 60 thousand dollars;) I think the accuracy of these scales as a calorie calculator is very approximate. Yes, still a hell of a moment. During analysis food products in certified laboratories the error reaches decent figures due to deviations in the composition of natural raw materials. In other words, 100 g of unpolished rice can contain both 315 and 370 calories. So think that what they will write to you there is statistically average - the same as what they write for free on the Internet

And the point is :))) Nothing “burns” in the human body :))) The calorie content of dark chocolate is higher than the calorie content of potatoes, but you will recover faster from potatoes than from chocolate :))), no matter how strange it sounds.

It is believed that you need to consume 1200-1600 kcal per day. Supposedly, this is a full daily norm. However, there are diets in which the daily calorie intake is no higher than 800 kcal. In this case, the weight comes off very quickly. But, unfortunately, it returns just as quickly. How many calories do you need to eat to start losing weight? After all, we want to leave the result for a long time.

How many calories do you need per day? In order not to lose weight, we need to spend the same amount of calories as we get from food. Everyone has their own norm of how many calories they need per day. Therefore, it is necessary to first find out exactly how many calories you should consume, based on your exact data: height, weight.

Individual calculation of daily calorie intake

Individual calculation of the daily calorie intake is carried out using the following formula:

10*weight in kilograms+6.25*height in centimeters – 5*age – 161

Then the resulting figure must be multiplied by your activity coefficient.

Ratio 1.2 – very low activity (office work, do not play sports).

Coefficient 1.375 – light activity (play any sport 2 times a week).

Coefficient 1.55 – moderate activity (sports 3-5 times a week).

Coefficient 1.725 – high activity (playing sports every day).

Coefficient 1.9 – very high activity (training 2 times a day or heavy physical labor).

So, by calculating your calorie level, you can determine how many calories you need per day. When losing weight, reduce this figure by 20%. Then you will gradually reset extra pounds without harm to the body.

At the same time, you must monitor the quality of your diet. Review your menu. You should have at least 5 meals a day. Moreover, the last meal should not be later than 19.00. Most worst enemy These are “fast” carbohydrates. They are absorbed very quickly, and you are hungry again. These are sugar, honey, glucose. Therefore, for example, it is preferable to eat “slow” carbohydrates for breakfast. This is porridge. If you want to lose weight, then cook porridge in water, not milk.

At lunch you should eat the lion's share of protein foods. Proteins are found not only in meat, but also in legumes and rice. If you combine rice and beans in one meal, then you do not need to eat meat, since you will receive all the necessary proteins that your body can better absorb.

Carbohydrates are also necessary for the full functioning of all systems human body. The main problem with all diets is that they practically exclude carbohydrates. Because of this, a person who goes on a diet with minimum quantity carbohydrates, you may feel dizzy and weak.

You can also experience such troubles yourself if you sharply reduce the number of calories. It is no coincidence that we wrote that you can reduce the calculated number of calories by only 20%. This is what nutritionists advise. A sharp reduction in calories in your diet will affect your health.

For dinner, avoid heavy food. The ideal option would be stewed or baked vegetables. You can also make a salad from fresh vegetables and herbs. Learn to eat salads without mayonnaise. The calorie content of such salads is immediately reflected on your scale.

How many calories should you burn per day?

The answer to this question depends on what goal you are pursuing. If you want to lose weight, then you need to burn more calories than you consume. This is achieved through physical activity and various training sessions. Different types Sports “burn” calories in different ways. For example, running stairs burns 12.9 calories per kilogram of your body weight. This is the largest number. With other types of exercise, fewer calories are consumed. Running at a speed of 8 km/h burns 6.9 calories per 1 kilogram of weight. And when walking – 4.5.

To correctly calculate how many calories to consume per day, it is important to know the level of energy expenditure human body in the process of his life. That is, you need to calculate the basal metabolism, in which calories are consumed for the functioning of organs, performing any actions and various types loads

As a rule, each person has his own (individual) basal metabolism. And, depending on your lifestyle, its level will be either higher or lower. So, for example, for people with sedentary work, the basal metabolism will be fewer kilocalories, and for active people - more.

By the way, it should be noted that when calculating calorie intake per day, terms such as calories and kilocalories are often used. The fact is that these two concepts are considered identical. But the term “calories” in interpretation is narrower and refers only to the amount of energy that is required to heat 1 degree of water. Although it is applicable to establish the nutritional value of products, as an abbreviated version of the word “kilocalorie”.

Calculation of human basal metabolic rate

To calculate basal metabolism, formulas are used that establish energy costs for both women and men. The general formula for women is: 655 + (9.5 x body weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years). For example, with a height of 170 cm, weight 75 kg and age 30 years, the number of kilocalories will be: 655 + 9.5 x 75 + 1.8 x 170 – 4.7 x 30 = 1532.5 kcal.

For men general formula looks like this: 655 + (13.7 x body weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x age in years). For example, with a height of 185 cm, weight 80 kg and age 30 years, the number of kilocalories will be: 655 + 13.7 x 80 + 5 x185 – 6.8 x 30 = 2472 kcal. But these calculations are not complete. And in order to establish the exact calorie intake per day, you need to multiply the resulting figure by the activity coefficient.

So, for light physical work, the activity coefficient will be 1.4, and for mental work - 1.6. If a person is engaged in moderate physical labor, then when calculating calories consumed, the result should be multiplied by 1.9. With heavy physical labor - by 2.2.

Calorie intake per day varies by gender. That is, for men their number will be higher than for women. Age also affects – a young body will need more calories. As a rule, young people have a more active lifestyle, and as a person gets older, he becomes calmer and more measured. Therefore, age is also important when calculating calorie intake.

Taking into account all the data, scientists have derived the total number of kilocalories that a person should consume. At the same time, they took into account gender, age and lifestyle. So, for example, for men who are sedentary, the daily amount of calories at the age of 19-30 years will be 2400 kcal. And at the age of 31-50 – 2000 kcal. With the same lifestyle at the age of 51 and older, 2000 kcal will also be enough.

How many calories should women consume per day with a similar rhythm of life? It is also important to distinguish between ages here. For example, from 19 to 25 years old it is recommended to consume 2000 kcal. And at the age of 26-50 – 1800 kcal. Women who are over 51 years old should consume 1600 kcal.

With a moderate lifestyle for men aged 19-30 years required quantity calories is 2600-2800 kcal. And at 31-50 and older – 2400-2600 kcal. For women aged 19-25 years, it is recommended to consume 2000 kcal per day. At the age of 26-50 – 1800 kcal. And over 51 years old - 1800 kcal.

How many calories should you consume per day for an active lifestyle? The daily norm for men aged 19-30 years is 3000 kcal. At the age of 31-50 – 2800-3000 kcal. And over 51 – 2800-2400 kcal. For women, the daily calorie intake at the age of 19-25 years will be 2400 kcal, at the age of 26-60 - 2200 kcal. And over 61 years of age, the amount of calories consumed should be 2000 kcal.

Pregnant women deserve special attention. Since ancient times, it was believed that for the proper development of the baby in the womb, expectant mother must eat for two. And as a result, she became overweight. Therefore in modern society Entire groups have been working on this issue. various specialists who found that the basal metabolic rate of a pregnant woman increases by 25%.

How many calories should you consume per day while pregnant? If at in good condition a woman needed approximately 1850-2000 kcal, then during pregnancy she needs 2500 kcal, and by the end of the term - 2800-2900 kcal.

How many calories should a child consume per day?

For children, the calorie intake should not be too low, since their body is constantly functioning, gaining strength and vitality. And the rate of energy consumption depends only on their age.

How many calories should babies under 4 months consume per day? Their daily intake is 550 kcal. This is the number of calories a child gets from breast milk. And at the age of 4-12 months, the baby needs to consume 800 kcal. For this, complementary foods must be introduced, since milk alone will no longer be enough.

At 1-4 years old, the daily calorie intake will be 1300 kcal. And at the age of 4 to 7 years – 1800 kcal. If a child is 7-10 years old, then his daily intake will be 2000 kcal. Starting at age 11, the number of calories consumed will be differentiated depending on gender.

How many calories should teenagers 10-13 years old consume per day? For girls, their daily amount will be 2150 kcal, and for boys – 2250 kcal. At the age of 13-15, girls are recommended to consume 2300 kcal, and boys - 2500 kcal. Boys aged 15-19 years should consume 3000 kcal. And for girls of the same age – approximately 2400 kcal. Starting from the age of 19, adult values ​​are used to establish daily calorie standards.

It is also important to remember that a child’s life activity differs significantly from that of an adult. Therefore, if children constantly run around and eat more, this is normal. You shouldn’t overfeed your baby, but you shouldn’t underfeed him either.

4.3 out of 5 (24 Votes)

It's no secret that each of us has our own daily calorie needs; it cannot be the same for everyone. This indicator is influenced by many factors: age, gender, lifestyle, sports or sedentary activity, etc. To calculate the number of calories needed to lose weight, you should find out how many calories are needed per day to ensure normal functioning of the body and maintain weight at the same level.

Our body produces energy by processing nutrients. The consumption of this energy is different for each person and depends on nutrition, lifestyle, level of activity, etc. That is why, by eating the same, some people lose weight, while others, on the contrary, gain weight. All energy processes carried out in our body are measured in kilocalories (kcal) (one kilocalorie is equal to the amount of heat required to heat 1 ml of water by 1 °C). As a rule, any product includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates in different proportions. When we overeat, our body receives significantly more calories (energy) than it needs, as a result of which they begin to accumulate in the body in the form of fat deposits. Of course, gaining more calories is much faster and easier if you exclusively eat foods rich in fat. On the other hand, healthy food is not always at our fingertips, especially when we are away from home. So how many calories do we need per day?

It is widely believed that a woman needs from two thousand to two and a half thousand kilocalories daily; for men this figure is even higher. What if, for example, a woman is very tall or, conversely, very short, pregnant or breastfeeding, a student or an athlete? Will the number of calories be the same? Let's figure it out.

There is a very popular formula today that can be used to calculate the number of calories required daily. This formula allows you to get an approximate result; for a more accurate one, you need to take into account many other information.

Important factors that have to be taken into account when calculating the daily amount of calories are our age and gender. Over the years, the body's energy requirement decreases. And yet, this formula is designed for adults, so you should not use it on your children. In addition, men require much more energy than women because the muscle they have uses more calories than fat.

So, let's move on to the calculation itself. First, you need to calculate the number of calories (energy) required to maintain normal natural processes (breathing, thermoregulation, etc.), defined as 20% of your current weight.

Then you should calculate the number of calories expended through physical activity, for which the previous result obtained during the calculation should be multiplied by your activity level as a coefficient. At sedentary life, when you spend most of the day in a sitting position, your activity coefficient will be 0.2; if during the day you are busy with household chores (washing dishes, ironing, cleaning, etc.) - coefficient 0.3; if your daily routine includes, in addition to household chores, morning exercises, work for plot of land, work is accompanied by constant movement - coefficient 0.4; for active and constant sports – coefficient 0.5. The result should be added to that obtained previously.

After this, you need to find out the number of calories spent on digesting food, it is 10% of the sum of the results obtained through previous calculations.

Now we need to sum up the results of three calculations, thereby we will know how many calories we need per day. To clarify, 2% should be subtracted from the resulting amount for every 10 years, starting from the age of twenty. For example, at thirty we subtract 2% from the amount, at forty we subtract 4%, etc.

In order to lose half a kilo of excess weight per week, you need to cut your diet by 500 kcal daily (or less, in which case you will need to make up the difference through exercise). This method is a gradual, safer weight loss. Higher rates of weight loss ultimately, as practice shows, contribute to its rapid return.

There is also another formula with which you can calculate your daily calorie needs, the so-called Muffin-Geor formula, which was developed in 1990. In addition to this, the Harris-Benedict formula is well known, but studies have proven that it is less accurate.

So, the calculation. First, we calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories required to maintain normal body functioning, using the following formula:
OO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age - 161

  • sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • light activity (sports 1-3 days a week) - 1.375;
  • average activity (sports 3-5 days a week) -1.55;
  • high activity (sports 6-7 days a week) - 1.725;
  • very high activity (daily active sports, high physical activity at work, training twice a day) - 1.9.
In order to find out the number of calories you should consume daily in order to lose weight, you simply need to consume fewer calories than calculated by the formula. For safe weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the daily caloric content of your diet by 20%, that is, multiply the daily caloric content by 0.8. In general, the lower safe limit for calorie restriction for weight loss without medical supervision is considered to be 1200 kcal.

Another interesting and very simple formula for calculating daily energy requirements was developed by fitness trainer Lev Goncharov. Weight is multiplied by 28. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, getting about 1904 kcal daily will keep your weight at the same level. This formula was calculated for those who have no physical activity at all in their lives and who do not play sports.

In order to find out the number of calories needed to lose weight, you should multiply your desired weight by 28. To calculate your ideal weight you need: height minus 110, for men – minus 100, then multiply by 28.

There is a formula for determining the daily calorie intake, taking into account the woman’s age, body weight and coefficient physical activity.
18-30 years -(0.062 × M + 2.036) × 240
31-60 years - (0.034 × M + 3.54) × 240
From 61 years old - (0.04 × M + 2.75) × 240

where M is body weight in kg. The result obtained is multiplied by the physical activity coefficient: low activity – 1.1; moderate activity - 1.3; high activity - 1.5.

Count calories, eat right and give your body moderate exercise. Then your weight will be in perfect order!
