The names of the cardinal directions in English. How to correctly navigate the terrain using a compass - practical tips

, west , east).

The directions north and south are determined by the Earth's poles, and east and west (related to the rotation of the planet around its axis) by the visible rising and setting of celestial bodies. Since ancient times, people have determined the approximate southern direction by the position of the sun at its zenith, the eastern direction by the place of its sunrise, and the western direction by the place of sunset; the northern direction (in the Northern Hemisphere) was determined by the North Star. On modern geographical maps the north side is usually at the top: in this case, the south is at the bottom, the west is on the left, and the east is on the right. On ancient, and sometimes modern maps, the south or east could be placed at the top. On star charts, east and west are reversed [ ] : the card “appears” to be not located under, A over observer.

When orienting a person in space, the principle of four sides is also used: “in front”, “behind”, “left”, “right”. In this case, the directions are not fixed and are chosen relative to the person himself.

The principle of fourfoldness is reflected in folklore, customs, and religious rituals of many peoples, including Slavic ones:

  • “go to all four directions”;
  • Trypillian four-part altars were precisely oriented with their four crosses to the cardinal points, even if this direction diverged from the orientation of the walls of the house, etc.

In addition to dividing the circle into four directions - north, south, west, east - as orientation problems developed, additional divisions with intermediate directions were introduced: northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast; There are now eight directions in total. Later, the following intermediate divisions were introduced: north-northwest, west-northwest, etc., bringing the number of directions to 16. After another division into intermediate directions, this process was completed with the introduction of 32 directions.

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    ✪ “Zavriki”. Episode 05 “Cardinal Points” HD | Educational cartoons for children

    ✪ Geography 3. Cardinal directions - Shishkina school

    ✪ Sides of the horizon. How to determine the cardinal directions. Part 1


Colors symbolizing cardinal directions

The traditional color of the south pole of a magnet and the magnetic compass needle is red, and the north pole is blue. Red is traditionally associated with warmth, and blue with cold. In the Assyrian calendar, the north was called the Black Country, the south was the Red Country, the east was the Green Country, and the west was the White Country. City gates in ancient China were painted accordingly.


To designate the cardinal directions, 4 Latin letters are often used: N, S, E, W (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in English- North, South, East, West), or S, Yu, V, Z (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in Russian - North, South, East, West.

In addition, in the history of Russian maritime navigation long time The German names for the cardinal directions were also most often used and are still used today - Nord, Suid, Ost, West (Nord, Zuid, Ost, West).

This is most likely explained by the fact that in the era of Peter the Great - the beginning of the 18th century, when the navy was born Russian Empire, many terms in the Russian language came, as is known, from the Dutch language, and there the cardinal directions have the following names, which are largely consonant with their related German ones: N -noord (north), O - oost (ost), Z - zuid (south) , W - west (west)

The need to determine the cardinal directions on a map is due to the fact that compilers of exclusively electronic maps often neglect the need to indicate the main cardinal directions. Consequently, if you missed a geography lesson at school, you have to think for a long time about where is north and where is south on the map.

You will need

  • – electronic or paper card.


1. To determine the location of the cardinal points on an electronic map, try rotating it. If the map does not rotate, but is fixed in one location, you can safely conclude that north is at the top, south is at the bottom, east is on the right, and west is on the left. If necessary, determine the secondary cardinal directions: northeast in the upper right corner of the screen, southeast in the lower right, northwest in the upper left and southwest in the left bottom corner respectively.

2. If the electronic map rotates (say, on navigators the map moves in accordance with the direction of movement), carefully look at the screen. In one of the corners, say, in the upper right (as in the example), there will be an indication of the direction of the cardinal points in the form of a long two-color rhombus. Remember, the north is always scarlet. Accordingly, discover the other cardinal directions; to do this, rotate the map so that the north is on top. In this case, the south will be below, the east will be on the right, and the west will be on the left.

3. In order to determine the cardinal directions on a paper map, turn it so that you can read the inscriptions. At the same time, make sure that the inscriptions go from west to east, and the top of the letters and numbers is at the top. Now you can boldly say that north is up, south is down, west is on the left, and east is on the right.

4. Another method for determining the cardinal directions on a paper map: look at each perimeter of the map and find a four-pointed star somewhere in the corner. The entire side has letters: C or N (north), Yu or S (south), Z or W (west), B or E (east). Determine the cardinal direction according to these directions.

5. When it comes to an old handwritten map, keep in mind that cartographers used to point south. To determine the cardinal directions using such a map, you need to find the star designation indicating English letters S, N, W, E, which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in English - South (south), North (north), West (west), East (east). If there are no marks, find the described area of ​​land on the current map and check the direction of the cardinal points.

Knowing how to navigate the terrain is acceptable; it is not so necessary in the city, but what to do if the usual landmarks in the form of houses and streets are missing? Simple rules, some of which we have known since school, will help you determine your location in conditions where there is no compass or GPS navigator.


1. The easiest, but also the most unreliable method is to determine the sides Sveta by moss, tree branches, melting ice and snow, etc. It turns out resin coniferous trees protrudes more enormously from the south sides. The moss is larger on the north side of trees, stones and rocks. The snow melts faster on the southern side of the hills and under the trees, but in the ravines, on the contrary, the northern side melts faster, because... the southern one is blocked by a slope. Use this method in addition to others, which will be discussed below.

2. Parties Sveta It is possible to correctly determine in the forest if there is a clearing. Clearings are cut severely from north to south or from west to east. You can also look at the numbers on the poles located at the intersection of the clearings. The smaller of the four numbers are marked on those sides of the pillar that face north and south. The smaller number of those pointing to the west and east will look west, because The horizontal numbering of pillars in Russia starts from the west.

3. To know sides Sveta allowed in the sun with support wristwatch. To do this, turn the dial so that the hour hand points to the luminary. Divide the angle between the hour hand and 12 o'clock in half (before lunch it will be the angle to the left of 12, after lunch it will be to the right). The axis passing from the center of the clock through the resulting point will point south.

4. In addition, the luminary will help determine sides Sveta by your shadow. If you stand with your back to the sun at noon, the shadow will point to the north (accordingly, the south will be behind you, the west will be on your left, and the east will be on your right). From spring to autumn, the star is in the east at 6:00, in the southeast at 9:00, in the south at 13:00, in the southwest at 15:00, in the west at 18:00.

5. Since ancient times people have determined sides Sveta by the stars. The morning star - the planet Venus - is so named because it appears in the west in the morning, immediately after sunset in the east. In the morning hours it is the only one visible in the sky.

6. In addition, you can determine north with the help of the North Star. Mentally draw a line through the two extreme stars in the Ursa Major bucket, extend the line to the extreme stars in the handle of the Ursa Minor bucket - the most brilliant star is Polaris.

Video on the topic

It is possible to determine the cardinal directions using at least ten methods. Nature itself will help you navigate the area. Most correct method- this is a compass.

However, if a compass is not at hand, then you can correctly determine the direction of the world: 1. According to the polar star. She always points north. In the sky you need to find the constellation Ursa Major. This will only work if the sky is clear. The North Star is located at the end of the Ursa Minor bucket, and the distance set aside five times will help you “reach” it, equal to side big ladle. If you mentally draw a perpendicular to the earth from the polar star, then north will be in that direction.2. According to the constellation of the Southern Cross. This method allowed for use in the southern hemisphere. The Southern Cross is four stars. To the left of it are the pointer stars. If you draw a perpendicular through the Southern Cross and intersect it with the line from these 2 stars, the direction where they intersect will be south. 3. By the sun. If you have a watch, you can use it in clear weather. We direct the hour hand towards the luminary. If you divide the angle obtained between 12 o'clock and the hour hand in half, then this middle will be the direction of south. You can use this method from 6.00 to 18.00. 4. By the moon. Again it will take hours. The radius of the moon is divided into six parts. Let's see how many parts of the moon's disk are visible at a given minute. To the hour when tracking is carried out, you must add the number of visible parts if the moon is waning, or subtract it if the moon is waxing. The resulting number should be marked on the dial and pointed at the moon. In winter we draw a line between this line and the number 1, and in the summer between the number 2. The median line will direct to the south. It is possible to determine the cardinal directions based on natural indicators: 1. Everyone knows that moss grows on trees on the north side. The same applies to stumps, snags, stones, etc.2. Snow melts faster on the south side of rocks, hills and slopes.3. Birds fly north in the fall and south in the spring.4. In the heat of summer, the resin on spruce and pine trees comes out mostly from the south side.5. Mushrooms choose to appear on the north side of trees. They actually don’t grow from the south.6. Ants make their houses on the south side of a tree, stump or bush. Also, the southern side of the anthill is more flat. 7. Oaks and pines grow mostly on the southern slopes; beech, spruce and fir love the northern slopes. 8. Near stones, the soil is more wet on the south side.

Video on the topic

Since ancient times, people have used the system of cardinal directions to determine location or direction. Previously, people navigated by the stars. After that there was compass invented, it replaced the astronomical system in most cases. Every hunter and pathfinder has their own system for determining the cardinal directions. Let's talk about how to detect the east in different conditions.


1. Before everyone else, you need to know what the cardinal directions are. To do this you need to know their location. We will consider our own body as a reference system. Regarding it, north will be directly in front of you, south at your back, east on the right, west on the left. Finally, first you need to correctly position yourself according to the signs that determine the direction of the world.

2. The most primitive method of finding east is by following the compass needle. To do this, place the compass on a hard surface. Where the blue arrow points, there will be north. Consequently, east will be on the right.

3. The further method is based on the use of the sun. It lies in the fact that the luminary invariably rises in the east and sets in the west. Once you know where the star rises from, you will be able to determine the east. At noon you need to stand with your back to the sun, then the east will be on the right, and the shadow will point to the north.

4. At night you need to navigate by the stars. To do this, we find the constellation Ursa Major. We find the two extreme stars from this constellation (the end of the bucket, not its handle), and plot the distance between them five times, to the constellation Ursa Minor. The last star in this segment will be Polaris. She will be the beginning of the handle of the Little Dipper's bucket. Now we mentally draw a perpendicular from it to the Earth. This perpendicular will be directed north, therefore, east will be on the right.

5. It is also worth paying attention to “folk” methods for determining the cardinal directions. Moss and lichen grow on the north side of rocks and trees. If the weather is quite hot, then the release of resins from spruce and pine occurs more on the south side. The origin of mushrooms on trees usually occurs on the north side. Mostly anthills are located south of trees and bushes.

Video on the topic

Determining the cardinal directions is often a challenge for modern man. Not everyone learned geography on a scale, and not everyone knows how to use a compass. It is never harmful to refresh your memory with useful knowledge.


1. You will know the direction to the west as soon as you determine where north is. If you face north, west will be on your left.

2. In addition, the luminary can indicate the direction to the west when it sets. It sets precisely in the west.

3. West is opposite to east. A star is rising in the east.

4. If you have a communicator based on iOS or Android, then, as usual, you can find a “compass” application in them, which will show you the cardinal directions (not very true).

5. If you suddenly have an ordinary compass with you, place it horizontally and determine the north, and then the west. The measurement will not be entirely accurate due to the difference between the magnetic and geographic poles, but it should be sufficient for most needs.

6. If it happens at night, watch the stars. Not only that you can set north by the Polaris (Alpha Ursa Minor), stars from all directions move slightly differently: in the west they will move from left to right and from top to bottom (traditionally half an hour is enough for tracking).

Video on the topic

A compass is a device designed to determine the cardinal directions and navigate the terrain. All magnetic compasses have a needle, and most models have a disk with a scale, numbers and letters printed on it. We will talk further about what they mean, how to use them and how to use a compass to find out the location of the cardinal directions - north, south, east and west.

The direction of south or north on the compass is indicated by an arrow, and the scale is then “adjusted” to it.

compass needle

The needle is the main element of any magnetic compass, although there are models in which the needle forms one whole with a disk on which a scale is applied.

The arrow always turns along power lines Earth's magnetic field, which means it shows the approximate direction to the Earth's poles. While one end of the arrow points north, the other end will point south.

In the literature you can find information that the red end of the arrow points to the north, but this is not always the case. The manufacturer decides what color to paint the northern part of the needle, and this often does not coincide with what is written in various sources. In addition, sometimes the arrow is painted in colors that do not include red, for example, blue, white, black or even green.

One of simple ways To figure out which part of the arrow is north, that is, points to the north, is to go outside with a compass at lunchtime in clear weather. Order further actions next:

  1. See which side the Sun is on. At this time, the star is located close to the south direction.
  2. Take the compass in your hand and place it in a horizontal position with the arrow pointing upward.
  3. If the compass is equipped with a locking lever, then “disable” it: the needle should be able to rotate freely on the pin. After this, the arrow will be positioned in the north-south direction.
  4. Determine the northern and southern parts of the arrow: the end of the arrow that will be directed towards the Sun will be southern, and the opposite end will be northern.

It should be noted that this rule is indicated for the countries of the former CIS; in the tropics and in the southern hemisphere it may not work due to the fact that the Sun at noon may be in this area not in the south, but in the north. This is important to consider in order to avoid mistakes.

There is another method, but it is more complex, although it allows you to determine the northern direction in both the northern and southern hemispheres at any latitude. To do this, in the morning - around 6 am - you need to stand so that the Sun is on the right. In this case, the north will be in the face of the person conducting the experiment. Accordingly, the part of the compass needle pointing “forward” will be north.

Now that you have decided on the sides of the arrow, you can use a compass to determine the location of the cardinal points. To do this:

  1. The compass is taken in the hand and placed horizontally.
  2. The arrester, if provided in the design, is disabled to allow the needle to rotate and indicate the direction of north and south.
  3. The north direction is determined by the arrow readings.
  4. The person faces north.
  5. All other cardinal directions are determined: south will be behind, east will be to the right, and west will be to the left.

When working with the compass, you should avoid the proximity of iron, steel and other objects that have a significant magnetic field (for example, knives, mobile phones, motor transport, railway tracks), as well as the wires through which it flows electric current(for example, power lines). All these objects can distort compass readings.

Scale and letters

The compass disk, located under the arrow, is often lined. Most often, rumbas and a scale are applied to the disc.

The “star” inside the scale is a collection of points.

Rumbas indicate the cardinal directions, of which the main four are - north, east, south and west - although there are often intermediate ones corresponding to the northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest. In total, there are thirty-two points of reference, which can be found on some “sea” compasses.

Depending on the compass model, directions may be indicated by alphabets different languages. I came across two varieties: in one, the rumbas were written in Russian, in the other - in Latin.

Compass with symbols on the scale in Russian.

Let's look at the four main rumbas in different variations:

  • N (North) or C (North);
  • E (East) or B (East);
  • S (South) or Yu (South);
  • W (West) or W (West).

To use the compass to navigate the cardinal points, you need to hold the compass in a horizontal position and turn with it so that the northern end of the arrow points to “N” or the corresponding letter of the Russian alphabet “C”. As soon as this happens, the reference points on the compass disk will correspond to the cardinal directions.

By the way, you can determine the cardinal directions using a magnetic compass not only in open space, but also in closed space, for example, in a dense forest, in an apartment, in caves, catacombs and under water. In all these cases the compass will work equally well. The main thing to remember is to keep your distance from sources of magnetic fields.

The scale marked on the compass disk is usually presented either in degrees or in thousandths and is needed to determine azimuths to an object or select the direction of movement. With its help, more complex problems are solved than determining the cardinal directions, which we talked about in

This is the basics of working with a magnetic compass. Anyone, even the most unprepared person, can master it within a few minutes. However, despite its simplicity, this knowledge is fundamental for such a difficult discipline as orienteering, and gives a beginner a feeling of confidence in the very first stages. own strength, which is so necessary to start learning and mastering more complex techniques in the future.

The compass is one of the most ancient instruments on Earth. Thanks to it, you can quickly understand how to navigate the terrain and correctly determine the direction. How a compass works, how to use it correctly and what knowledge and skills are needed to fully master this device, you will learn in the instructions and video review.

The location of the cardinal directions is sprayed along the device's dial, which helps to correctly navigate the terrain if there is no magnetic or electromagnetic interference. The instrument's needle invariably shows the north magnetic radian, marked with the first tip, while the second will indicate the south. You just need to figure out what indication the symbols on the compass have.

When orienting, it is necessary to take into account that the compass data does not coincide one hundred percent with the geographical ones, since the needle tries to be placed along the magnetic meridian, showing the geomagnetic poles of the earth, which are not identical to the geographical ones. This error in the light directions of the planet on the compass is called “magnetic declination”, and it does not have a stable value.

How to determine cardinal directions

The compass mechanism is simple and ingenious- magnetized pointer placed in the housing under clear glass to the center of the dial (dial), when released from the stopper, the north tail will show the north pole, and the south tail, accordingly, will show the south pole. The limb is marked with the cardinal directions using letters. If the device is domestic, then the letters will be taken from the Russian alphabet, but if the device was not made in our country, then in accordance with international designations, Latin.

The dial has a circular scale of 360 degrees, which is divided into 4 identical sectors, increasing clockwise. The size of the scale step for an individual device may be different, however, in any case, any of the directions of light is delineated by certain degrees:

  • north is marked 0 degrees,
  • south - 180 degrees,
  • east - 90 degrees,
  • west - 270 degrees.

Determining cardinal directions using the device is quite simple, but in order for the mechanism to point in the right direction, a series of steps must be followed simple rules.

The device must be given an exact horizontal position - for this it is either placed on flat surface, or hold with an open palm slightly below chest level.

There should be no magnetic interference nearby, such as:

  • accumulations of metal,
  • railway track,
  • power lines,
  • as well as other similar interference.

If these requirements are not met, the arrow will show the wrong direction.

Once the compass is in the correct position, the lock will need to be released, playing the role of a brake or stopper.

The released arrow, having wavered, will take a firm position when the specially marked northern tip indicates north, and the opposite one indicates south.

After this, you need to align the tips of the arrow with the cardinal directions marked along the dial.

In order to determine a route on the ground, it is necessary to correctly select the desired direction of the path, corresponding to the desired part of the map or outline.

Directional designations

The cardinal directions are designated as accepted throughout the world letters on the compass, which are understandable to any inhabitant of the globe, but Russian-language letters are also possible.

  1. The northern direction is denoted by the Latin letter N (in Latin - north) or the Russian letter - C (that is, “north”).
  2. The southern direction is shown by the Latin S (in this ancient language - south) or our Yu (that is, “south”).
  3. The eastern direction is marked with the Latin E (in Latin - east) or the letter B of the Russian alphabet (that is, “east”).
  4. The Western direction corresponds to the Latin W (west in Latin) or the Russian Z (that is, “west”).

Salting (that is, clockwise) it looks like this: at the top - N (or our C - “es”), further on the right side of the limb there is - E (or our “in” Below - S or our Yu, on the left - W or our Z.

Landmarks for the directions of the world, both for maps and globes, and for compasses and terrain, will be placed identically:

  • if you position yourself facing north, the north pole will be in front;
  • the south pole will be behind;
  • the eastern direction will be located along right hand;
  • western - on the left hand.

It is important to understand that the compass, due to the presence of magnetic declination, does not indicate directions one hundred percent correctly! The compass error determines the magnetic declination.

Considering that the device indicates geographic light directions, in fact they will be to some small extent shifted by some amount in degrees. Since the geographic and power poles of the earth do not coincide, it is necessary to make corrections when accurately calculating the azimuth before the upcoming long route. If the expected path is not very long, and the magnetic declination does not exceed 10 degrees, then it makes sense to do without corrections.

Declination is mainly indicated outside the map fields for a specific area. If this is not indicated, it can be found in the reference book - magnetic observatories regularly update the magnetic declination values ​​in degrees that are typical for a particular area.

The eastern declination is distinguished. It occurs when the needle of the device deviates from the north geographic pole to the east, and the westerly direction when the needle deviates to the west.

Please note the following:

  • Western declination is indicated by a minus (-);
  • eastern - plus (+).

Correction for the declination value, which is calculated from the device (or, in extreme cases, from the reference book), will allow you to establish the true settings of the light directions.

The path is first measured by azimuth, and according to it they move across the terrain. The calculated azimuth angle is the value in degrees obtained between the direction of the path to the desired object and the meridian. Then the azimuth that was found from the map will be true, and the one obtained using a compass will be magnetic.

Calculating azimuth

The map shows the true meridians meeting at the point of the true geographic pole. In this regard, the angle between the meridian that goes north and the course of the path obtained from the map is will differ from the angle found using the device, since the compass needle is located along the magnetic meridian, and not at all geographical.

If there is an eastern magnetic declination in this area, then its value must be subtracted from the azimuth, which was obtained using a compass on the spot, so that its value converges with the true azimuth, which is found on the map. That's why it is designated by the “-” (minus) sign.

If a western deviation is observed in this area, then its length must be added to the magnetic azimuth in order to obtain the true value. That's why it's marked with a + (plus) sign.

You can be calm about your calculations, because corrections for magnetic declination provide a guarantee that the trip will take place within the planned boundaries and will coincide with true geographical indicators, and the route will not deviate from the map.

Even though progress spoils human society with digital navigation techniques, the classic compass with a magnetized needle is as popular and reliable as ever. Its operation does not require power, the presence of a satellite or a cellular tower, which means that this device will never fail: it will not break, will not run out of power, etc. And even a child can determine the cardinal directions on the compass.


This video will help you learn how to use a compass.

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Hello again, dear friends! Guess the riddle!

When this friend is with you,

You can do it without roads

Walk north and south

To the west and east!

Did you guess it? Here's a hint for you! This is a device that helps you navigate the area, not get lost in the forest and find your way back. Well, of course it's a compass!

Someone might smile: why use a simpleton compass today, if in the world latest technologies You can pave the way with modern navigators!

Of course, you need to keep up with the times and make your life easier with the help of fashionable technical gadgets. But what if suddenly in a deep forest the super-conductor’s battery runs out and you don’t have a spare one with you? Or will the GPS connection fail? What should we do then? Even though it may not be useful, each of us should at least know how to use a compass so that we can easily use it when necessary.

Lesson plan:

How did the compass come about?

Before teaching you how to use this simple device correctly, I would like to briefly tell you who came up with this little thing that helps you find your way.

Where do you think the compass was born? You won’t believe it, but the Chinese are here again! According to some available facts, prehistoric instruments for determining the cardinal directions appeared among them even before our era. Later, from the 10th century, the Chinese used it to determine the right path in the desert.

From China, the compass migrated to Arab sailors, who so needed a guide. A magnetized object placed in water turned to one side of the world.

Europeans found the necessary device by the 13th century and improved it. The Italian Gioia made the dial and also divided it into 16 parts. In addition, he secured the arrow on a thin pin, and covered the instrument’s bowl with glass, pouring water into it.

Many years have passed since then, scientists have been improving the compass all the time, but the European idea itself has not changed today.

What types of compasses are there?

The types of guidebooks depend on where they are used.

Magnetic devices

Electromagnetic devices

They operate by magnetic induction and are used in aircraft and ships. They are not magnetized by the metal, so they give less error.


They work using a special device called a gyroscope. This is a device that responds to changes in orientation angle. Such devices are used in shipping and rocketry.

Electronic compasses

This is a new product of recent decades, which already looks more like a navigator, as it picks up a signal from a satellite.

How does a regular compass work?

To learn how to navigate, you need to understand what a regular compass is and how it works. I propose to consider the well-known Hadrian model.

A magnetic device consists of a body and a needle located in the center on which the arrow rests. Most often, this arrow is painted in two colors: one tip is blue and the other is red. A properly working compass always has a blue arrow pointing north, while a red arrow, accordingly, points exactly the opposite - to the south.

It also has a scale. It is called a limb and consists of numbers. The outer scale of numbers is divided by divisions from 0 to 360. This is the degree, or angle, of rotation of the arrow. The direction of movement is determined by it. In addition, the cardinal directions can be signed on the limb in Russian or English capital letters:

— C or N indicates north,

- Yu or S means south,

— B or E points east,

— W or W shows where west is.

Before using the compass, it is checked. To make sure that your device works without errors, you need to place it on a horizontal surface and wait until the arrow freezes, showing where north is. Bring any metal object. Under the influence of a magnet, the arrow will deflect in its direction. Then we remove the metal from the field of action and observe our arrow.

If our compass is working properly, then the arrow will certainly turn to its original position to the north.

This is important! Magnetic compass Do not use near power lines or near railway tracks. The arrow begins to reach towards the metal, so the mechanism does not work correctly.

Learning to walk by compass

You can learn how to use a compass before going on a long journey with it in your apartment. So, here is a short instruction that will help you master this simple device and use it to return safely from your trip.

Here our work with the compass ends. We go to the next room to pick mushrooms and berries. When the time comes to return home, we take out our compass and begin to look for the right path.

  1. We place the compass on the palm of our hand. Set the arrow towards the north.
  2. We build a return line: through the center we connect two numbers: the azimuth point and the one that indicated our initial movement, namely to the “neighboring forest”.
  3. We return to where the azimuth is directed.

If you have returned to the original point to the conventional landmark, then you can safely go on a trip. If instead of the kitchen where you came from, you suddenly returned to the bathroom, then it’s still too early for you to go to the forest. Need to practice.

This is important! If your path is winding and often turns in one direction or the other, experienced travelers advise dividing it into sections, choosing a separate landmark at each section and writing down its data. It will be easier to return from point to point.

How to transfer a path to a map?

Some tourists find it convenient to follow the map, where symbols. Sometimes it's just necessary when you don't know exact coordinates, and the required place is drawn only graphically. How to find it several kilometers away? You need to transfer your course to a regular card.

  1. Place the card on a flat surface.
  2. Place the compass on top of the map so that you use its edge as a line from your current location to your destination.
  3. We turn the device until the arrow hits the north indicator. But! The pointer is not on the device itself, but a pointer to the north direction drawn on the map (the so-called geographic north).
  4. As soon as the arrow of the device connects with the arrow drawn on the map, we look at the number - the azimuth, indicating the place where we are going.
  5. We remember the destination number and remove the card.

Navigating around the map also helps when you get lost. To do this, just find on paper a landmark near which you are, for example, a river or a road, and using the instructions described above, go to the desired place.

Both the West and the East seduced me.

But I never believed them!

I've walked and sailed hundreds of miles and roads,

But the soul is always eager to go north!

It's true that everyone has a path,

Yes, it’s not often simple and familiar!

And walk along it, don’t get lost, don’t turn aside,

Someone who is magnetized like me can do it!

Are you sure that there is nothing complicated about using a compass?! But this simple device can become an indispensable assistant! Therefore, take it quickly, spin it, train, because summer is coming, and this good time Test your knowledge and have an orienteering competition!

To consolidate the information received, watch the video lesson, and if something was still unclear, then after watching everything will definitely become clearer.

Friends, do not forget to subscribe to blog news so as not to miss new ones interesting articles! And join us" VKontakte»!

“ShkolaLa” bids farewell to you for a short time with wishes for good travels!

Evgenia Klimkovich.
