What not to do on Good Friday before Easter. Good Friday - what kind of day is it?

The statute prescribes abstinence from food. Only water is allowed. As a relief, you can eat a little food in the form of dry food after lunch, when the holy shroud of the Savior has already been taken out in the churches.

Good Friday commemorates the terrible events of the crucifixion of the Lord. Orthodox man must be imbued with a special understanding of the price at which the salvation of all mankind, the whole world, was achieved. The price is incredibly high - the death of the Son of God. On this day the One who has not committed a single sin dies. God himself leaves his life in order to give the opportunity eternal life in heaven for everyone. The salvation of Christ was accomplished not only by the people who lived in those days, but also by all ancestors and descendants. That is why everyone strives on Friday to strictly and elevate their mind to the memory of terrible historical events. It is necessary to put them through your own, to feel the whole tragedy of what is happening.

Holy Scripture tells that at the moment of Christ's crucifixion the sun darkened. Nature shuddered at what she had done to her Creator. An earthquake was observed. These natural phenomena were confirmed by further data from astronomers and other scientists. Thus, it is known that on the day of Christ’s death, the darkness that enveloped the earth was a solar eclipse.

Good Friday is the apogee of God's love for man. The Bible says that God's love for people is so strong that He gives His Only Begotten Son. This was decided by the eternal council of the Trinity before the creation of man. On Good Friday, the divine plan of God’s suffering for the sins of people is embodied, and this reveals the height of the Creator’s love for creation.

Therefore, Christians all over the world strive to preserve this day in holiness and purity.

Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. This is a special date for all Christians, regardless of the teachings of which branch of the church they adhere to. The church service on this day is different from the usual one.

Good Friday

In Latin, Good Friday is called Dies Passionis Domini, and sometimes it is also called Great Friday. Despite the differences in names, the day when Christians remember Godmother of Jesus, his removal from the cross, as well as burial, is equally important in Catholicism and in other branches of this world religion.

According to the charter, on the night from Thursday to Good Friday, Matins of Good Friday should be served. At this time, twelve fragments in turn from all the gospels, which speak about the Passion of Christ. In the intervals between different gospels, hymns (antiphons and stichera) are sung, which tell how Judas betrayed Christ for 20 pieces of silver, condemning his betrayal and greed, the betrayal of the Jews. A considerable part of the hymns is also devoted to the description of the Passion of Christ in all its greatness.

Never on this day, except in rare cases when it turns out that it coincides with the Annunciation. In this case, John Chrysostom is read during the liturgy. On Good Friday, instead of the liturgy, the so-called Royal or Great Hours are served; during this service, a paremia is read - a special part from the Old Testament.

Services for Good Friday

In the middle of the day, Vespers is performed with the removal of the shroud. This service, dedicated to the placing of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb, ends the cycle of Good Friday services. The shroud is taken out and placed in a place of honor, in the center or temple.

The Shroud depicts Jesus Christ lying in the tomb. Usually he is depicted in full height.

The shroud is decorated with flowers, incense is burned around it, and placed on it. During the service, you are supposed to stand with your head bowed near the Shroud, as it symbolizes how Christ sacrificed himself for the Salvation of all mankind. Read the canon “Lamentation of the Mother of God”.

In the evening, Saturday Matins is held, then the Shroud is taken out. This signifies the burial of Christ. On Good Friday, the best texts of the Divine Services are read, which are recognized as masterpieces of church poetry.

What should believers do?

The most zealous Christians do not eat anything until the Shroud is taken out, and for the rest of the day they eat only bread and water.

Good Friday is a time of temptation. According to the tenets of the Christian religion, on this day it is especially dangerous to fall into sinful behavior, so you need to observe a particularly strict fast.

Tip 3: Why September 11th is a fast day for Orthodox Christians

There are many different holidays and memorable days in the Orthodox church calendar. It is noteworthy that some of the red days Orthodox calendar are lean.

On September 11, the entirety of the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the holy great prophet John the Baptist. This man was called by Jesus Christ the greatest of born by women. Saint John is called the Baptist of the Lord - he baptized Christ.

September 11th is a fast day for Orthodox people. This day in the church calendar is called the Beheading of John the Baptist. The Church honors not only the memory of the prophet, but also remembers the terrible event of the beheading of the latter. Saint John, by order of the wicked king Herod, had his head cut off. The reason for such an atrocity was the teaching of a certain Herodias, the woman with whom Herod slept. The holy prophet denounced the king for his prodigal cohabitation with his brother’s wife, who was Herodias.

During the celebration of her birthday, Herodias' daughter Solomia danced in front of King Herod. She pleased the king so much that the latter promised to give her everything she wanted. As a result, Solomiya, after consulting with her mother, asked Herod for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. For the sake of the promise, Herod ordered the head of John the Baptist to be cut off.

The memory of this atrocity prompts Orthodox people to keep a strict fast on September 11th. This is the duty of honoring the holy prophet. This day is also a clear example of how human passions can control people.

On September 11, according to the charter of the Church, it is forbidden to eat not only products of animal origin, but also fish and vegetable oil.

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Remembering the Holy Saving Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Father! forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
OK. 23, 34

On Great Friday, the holy, saving and terrible suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He willingly endured for us, took place and is remembered by the Church.

Committing to Good Friday“following the holy and saving passions of our Lord Jesus Christ,” the Orthodox Church on this great day marked all times of the sacred events of the salvation of the world with a divine service: the time of the capture of the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and His condemnation by the bishops and elders to suffering and death (Matthew 27: 1) - Matins service; the time of leading the Savior to Pilate for trial - the Divine Service of the first hour (Matthew 27:2); the time of the condemnation of the Lord at the trial of Pilate - by the completion of the third hour; the time of Christ's suffering on the cross - the sixth hour; time of death - ninth hour; and the removal of the body of Christ from the cross at vespers.

There is no Liturgy on Good Friday, because on this day the Lord Himself sacrificed Himself, and the Royal Hours are celebrated. Vespers is celebrated at the third hour of the day, at the hour of the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, in remembrance of the taking down of the body of Christ from the cross and His burial. At Vespers, the clergy lift the Shroud (that is, the image of Christ lying in the tomb) from the Throne, as if from Golgotha, and carry it out of the altar into the middle of the temple. The Shroud is placed on the tomb, on a specially prepared table. Then the clergy and all worshipers bow before the Shroud and kiss the wounds of the Lord depicted on it - the perforation of His ribs, arms and legs. The shroud is in the middle of the temple for three (incomplete) days, reminiscent of the three-day stay of Jesus Christ in the tomb.

At the morning service on Good Friday, the Church solemnly proclaims the gospel of the suffering and death of the God-man, divided into 12 Gospel readings, called the Passionate Gospels. The reading of the 12 Gospels on Good Friday originated from the Apostolic tradition. About reading 12 passion gospels Saint John Chrysostom mentions Good Friday. He says: “The Jews attack Jesus Christ with fury, and on their own they torture Him, bind Him, lead Him away, become the perpetrators of insults inflicted by soldiers, nail Him to the cross, reproach Him, mock Him. Pilate did not add anything here on his part: they do everything themselves. And this is read to us when we are all in assembly, so that the pagans do not say to us: you show the people only the brilliant and glorious, for example, signs and wonders, but hide the shameful. The grace of the Holy Spirit has arranged it in such a way that all this is read among us on a national holiday - precisely on Maundy Thursday of Easter (that is, on Friday Holy Week), when men and women stand in great numbers, when the whole universe flocks together, then this is preached with a loud voice; and with such and such public reading and preaching, we believe that Christ is God.” “Now all of us,” said Saint John of Damascus on Great Friday, “have gathered to hear about the cross, we are filling the Church, crowding each other, sweating and exhausting ourselves.”

The readings of the passionate Gospels are preceded and accompanied by the singing: “Glory to Your long-suffering, O Lord.” Indeed, His long-suffering was extreme, His sufferings were terrible. According to the Church and St. John Chrysostom, during the terrible and saving suffering of the Lord, each member of His holy flesh “suffered dishonor for our sake: the head from the crown of thorns and the reed; face from blows and spitting; cheeks from strangulation; mouth from the offering of vinegar mixed with bile; ears from the blasphemies of the wicked; shoulders from beating; the right hand is from the reed that they gave Him to hold instead of a scepter; hands and feet from nails; ribs from copy; the whole body from nudity, scourging, robe, feigned worship and crucifixion.”

Each reading of the Gospel is heralded with good news, and at each reading those present light lamps: this significantly indicates the triumph and glory that accompanied the Son of God even during His extreme humiliation amid reproach and suffering and testifying to His highest holiness and Divinity. The Lord, going to voluntary suffering and death, Himself predicted: now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God was glorified in Him, then God will glorify Him in Himself, and will soon glorify Him (John 13:31-32), that is, “along with the cross,” says John Chrysostom. The Lord’s suffering for our sins was as painful as it was glorious for the Lord. Enemies go to take Him to suffering and death - and they fall before His Divine omnipotence and are healed of their wounds. They are angry against the Savior, but His innocence and highest holiness triumphs over their blinded malice. Those who, either out of fear or greed, have renounced the Lord, confess their sin against Him either with tears of repentance, or with the death of despair. The Apostle Peter washes his renunciation of Christ with bitter tears of sincere repentance. Judas the traitor, seeing that the Lord was condemned to death, gives in to despair and returns 30 pieces of silver to the high priests, saying: he sinned by betraying innocent blood. The high priests, instead of consoling the person who served them, only increase his despair and show their weakness and indecision before the truth, saying to Judas: “What is that to us? see for yourself." “Are these not the words of those who themselves testify to their villainy and madness, covering themselves with a meaningless mask of feigned ignorance”? Desperate Judas threw the pieces of silver into the church and hanged himself. But the pieces of silver, as the price of blood, on the advice of the high priests, were not put into the church treasury. “Do you understand,” says St. John Chrysostom, “how they are condemned by their conscience? They themselves see that they bought the murder, and that’s why they didn’t put it in the corvan.”

God-man on the cross; one of the thieves crucified with Him, denouncing the other for blasphemous words, confesses Jesus Christ as Lord, and His innocence and Divinity. Finally, for the glory of the Crucified One, terrible signs follow one after another, announcing the atoning suffering and death of the Most Holy Saints and admonishing the crucifiers (1 Cor. 2:8). In the Temple of Jerusalem, the curtain is torn in two, showing that with the death of the universal Sacrifice on the Cross, the end of the ancient tabernacle came and the way to the sanctuary itself was opened for everyone (Heb. 9:8).

Archpriest G.S. Debolsky,
"Days of Worship Orthodox Church", vol. 2

Hymns from the service on Friday of Holy Week of Great Lent

Today he hangs on a tree, He who hung the earth on the waters: He is crowned with thorns, He who is the King of Angels: he dresses in a false scarlet, he clothes the sky with clouds: he who freed Adam in the Jordan was strangled: the Bridegroom of the Church was nailed with nails: the Son of the Virgin was pierced with a spear. We worship Your Passion, Christ: we worship Your Passion, Christ: we worship Your Passion, Christ, show us Your glorious Resurrection.

“Now He hangs on a tree, He who hung (established) the earth on the waters; The King of Angels is covered with a crown of thorns; The one who dresses the sky with clouds dresses in clownish purple; He who liberated (from sin) Adam in the Jordan accepts strangulation (slapped); the Bridegroom of the Church is nailed; The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear. We worship Your sufferings, Christ, we worship Your sufferings, Christ, we worship Your sufferings, Christ, show us Your all-glorious Resurrection.”


Gospel of Luke

They also led two villains with Him to death. And when they came to a place called Lobnoye, there they crucified Him and the villains, one on the right, the other on the right. left side. Jesus said: Father! forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. And they divided His garments by casting lots. And the people stood and watched. The leaders also mocked them, saying: He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ, God's chosen one. Likewise, the soldiers mocked Him, coming up and offering Him vinegar and saying: If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself. And there was an inscription over Him, written in Greek, Roman and Hebrew words: This is the King of the Jews. One of the hanged villains slandered Him and said: if You are the Christ, save Yourself and us. The other, on the contrary, calmed him down and said: Or are you not afraid of God, when you yourself are condemned to the same thing? and we are condemned justly, because we accepted what was worthy of our deeds, but He did nothing bad. And he said to Jesus: remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom! And Jesus said to Him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Now it was about the sixth hour of the day, and there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour: and the sun was darkened, and the curtain of the temple was torn in the middle. Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said: Father! I commit My spirit into Your hands. And having said this, he gave up the ghost. The centurion, seeing what was happening, glorified God and said: Truly this man was a righteous man. And all the people who had gathered to see this spectacle, seeing what was happening, returned, beating their chests. Yet those who knew Him, and the women who followed Him from Galilee, stood in the distance and looked at this.

OK. 23, 32-49

And all the people who had gathered to see this spectacle, seeing what was happening, returned, beating their chests.
OK. 23, 48

What kind of spectacle was there that left the audience completely bewildered? What was that spectacle that captured the lips of the spectators with silence, and at the same time shook their souls? They came to the spectacle to satisfy their curiosity; they left the spectacle, hitting their chests and taking with them terrible bewilderment... What was this spectacle like?

Not only people looked at this spectacle: all the Angels of God looked at it with horror and deepest reverence; celestial objects no longer attracted their attention; their gazes were directed, riveted to the spectacle that opened on the ground. The sun saw something it had never seen, and, unable to bear what it saw, hid its rays, like a man closes his eyes at a sight unbearable to him: it was clothed in deep darkness, expressing with darkness a sadness as deep as death is bitter. The earth shook and shook under the event that took place on it. The Old Testament Church tore its magnificent veil to pieces; This is how the most precious clothes are tormented and not spared in the face of an inevitable, decisive disaster. And all the people who had gathered to see this spectacle, seeing what was happening, returned, beating their chests... What kind of spectacle was this?

There was a spectacle that we now contemplate in memory, in the church service performed, in the sacred Image before our eyes. The spectacle was the Son of God, descending from heaven, becoming human to save men, cursed, killed by men.

What feeling, if not a feeling of horror, should completely embrace the heart at this sight? What state, if not a state of complete bewilderment, should be the state of mind? What word can be uttered at this sight? Will not every human word die in the mouth before it comes out of the mouth? And all the people who had gathered to see this spectacle, seeing what was happening, returned, beating their chests.

Those who came to look at the Savior, hanging on the tree of the cross, like ripe and scarlet fruit, returned in bewilderment and horror, those who came to look with a testing mind, out of pompous and false conceit, returned, beating themselves in the chest, returning in bewilderment and horror. Faith was silent in them. The darkened sun cried out to them, the trembling earth called out to them, the stones called out to them, parting with a crash and rising above the graves of the dead, suddenly revived by the death of the Savior. Those who were vainly curious returned in horror: in horror not from the perfect murder of God, but in horror from the menacing gaze and voice of the shuddering, insensitive nature that expressed its knowledge of God before humanity that did not recognize Him. They returned, beating their chests in fear for themselves, for their flesh and blood, for the sake of which the blood was shed and the body of the God-Man was tormented.

While the Jews, who rested in the Law, boasting of an extensive and accurate knowledge of the Law, were perplexed, looking at the event predicted by the Law and the Prophets, looking at the spontaneous Sacrifice of which they were unconscious priests; while the Jews were perplexed and returned, agitated by fear and a gloomy premonition of their own disaster, a pagan centurion stood before the cross and the Sacrifice, standing without retreat. It was impossible for him to leave, because he commanded the guard guarding the Sacrifice: this happy impossibility was given to him, because hidden in his heart was faith, obvious to the Knower of the Heart. When nature proclaimed her confession of God, the centurion gave an answer to the mysterious voice of nature, gave an answer to the mysterious confession with a confession open and public. Truly He was the Son of God, he said about the executed stranger hanging before his eyes, recognizing God in the executed stranger. The Jews, proud of their knowledge of the letter of the Law and their ritual outward righteousness, were perplexed before the Son of Man and the Son of God crucified on the tree. On the one hand, they were struck by signs - an earthquake, the tearing of the church veil, deep darkness that came at noon; on the other hand, they were blinded and hardened by the carnal mind and proud self-delusion, representing the Messiah in the blaze of earthly glory, a magnificent king, conqueror of the universe, at the head of a large army, among a host of luxurious courtiers. At this time, a warrior, a pagan, confessed the executed wanderer as God; at this time, a criminal confessed Him as God. Come down from the cross! - the blind Jewish bishops and scribes mockingly said to the God-man, not understanding what an all-holy Sacrifice, what an all-holy and all-powerful Burnt Offering they offered to God, “let him come down from the cross, so that we can see and believe: at that time the rude, ignorant robber recognized Him as God, ascended to the cross because of His Divine righteousness, and not because of His sin. With his bodily eyes he saw a naked man, crucified near him, subject to the same fate as himself, a helpless beggar, condemned by both spiritual and civil authorities, tormented, executed, and still tormented and executed by all expressions of hatred: with the eyes of a humble heart he saw God. The strong, glorious, intelligent, righteous of the world showered God with curses and ridicule - the robber turned to Him with well-intentioned and successful prayer: remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom (Luke 23:42).

The Ever-Virgin Mother of God stood at the cross and the Lord crucified on it. Her heart was pierced with sadness like a sword: the prediction of the holy elder Simeon was fulfilled. But She knew that Her Son, the Son of God, deigned to ascend to the cross and offer Himself as a sacrifice of peace for rejected humanity; She knew that the Lord, having completed the redemption of men by death, would rise again and co-resurrect humanity with Himself; She knew this - and was silent. She was silent before the greatness of the event: she was silent from the abundance of sorrow: she was silent before the will of God that was taking place, against the definitions of which there is no voice.

The beloved disciple of the Lord stood at the cross. He looked at the height of the cross - in the incomprehensible love of a voluntary Sacrifice he contemplated Divine Love. Divine Love is the source of Theology. She is the gift of the Holy Spirit, and Theology is the gift of the Holy Spirit. She revealed to the Apostles the mysterious meaning of atonement. For the love of Christ embraces us, the disciple and messenger of Christ preaches the gospel, reasoning like this: if one died for all, then all died (2 Cor. 5:14). Because of the infinite love that the Lord has for humanity and which the Lord alone is capable of having, all humanity suffered on the cross in the person of the Lord and died in the person of the Lord. If humanity suffered in Him, then it was justified in Him; if it died in Him, it was also made alive in Him. The death of the Lord became the source of life.

Suddenly the voice of the crucified Lord came from the cross to the Ever-Virgin: Wife! Behold, Your Son; then a voice to the beloved disciple: Behold, your Mother. Destroying on the tree of the cross the sin of the forefathers, committed by them at the tree of paradise, giving birth to humanity in new life By life-giving death, the Lord enters into the rights of the Founder of man, and declares His Mother, according to humanity, the matter of the disciple and all his disciples, the Christian tribe. The Old Adam is replaced by the New Adam, the fallen Eve is replaced by the immaculate Mary. Through the crime of one, the Apostle said, many were subjected to death, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of one Man, Jesus Christ, abound for many (Rom. 5:15). Through the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ, countless and ineffable blessings have been poured out on the human race: not only has the redemption of men been accomplished, but their adoption as sons to God has been accomplished.

Enlightened by the contemplation of the great event, let us return, beloved brothers, to our homes, and take with us deep, saving thoughts, striking these thoughts into our hearts. We remembered, we vividly contemplated the act of Divine Love, an act that exceeded words, exceeded comprehension. The martyrs responded to this love with streams of their blood, which they shed like water; The monks responded to this Love by mortifying the flesh with passions and lusts; Many sinners responded to this Love with streams of tears, heartfelt sighs, confession of their sins, and drew healing for their souls from it; Many oppressed by sorrows and illnesses responded to this Love, and this love dissolved their sorrows with Divine consolation. Let us also respond to our Lord’s love for us with the sympathy of His love: by living according to His all-holy commandments. This is the sign of love He requires from us, and only this sign of love will He accept from us. He who loves Me will keep My word; He who does not love Me does not keep My words (John 14, 23, 24). If we do not respond to the Lord’s love for us with love for Him, then the blood of the God-man was not shed for us in vain? Was it not in vain that His all-holy Body was tormented for us? Was it not in vain that the Great Sacrifice was placed on the altar of the cross and sacrificed? Her intercession for us for salvation is omnipotent; Her complaint against those who neglect Her is omnipotent. The voice of the blood of righteous Abel ascended from earth to heaven, and appeared to God with an accusation against the one who shed this blood: the voice of the great Sacrifice is heard in the midst of heaven itself, on the very throne of the Divine, on which the great Sacrifice sits. The voice of Her complaint is at the same time God’s decree, pronouncing eternal punishment on the enemies and despisers of the Son of God. What is the use of My blood: should I never descend into decay? The all-holy Sacrifice speaks, accusing the Christians who were redeemed by Her, who took Her price into themselves, and cast Her along with them into the stench of sin. This terrible crime is committed by everyone who takes the hooks of Christ, their soul and body, redeemed by Christ and belonging to Christ, and creates their hooks of a harlot by various copulation with sin. Do you not know, says the Apostle, that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will punish him. Amen.

Good Friday is a day of mourning. Our ancestors honored traditions, and each day of the Christian calendar carried a special, sacred meaning, prescribing certain actions, and they were usually associated with a historically significant event. In our hectic age, customs are lost and forgotten. And not all Orthodox believers remember what events this day is associated with. Let's answer the question - Good Friday - what is it?

On this day Jesus Christ was crucified. An unjust trial was first carried out, after which the Savior was subjected to terrible torture. And this holiday serves as a reminder to people of this sin, of the painful death of the Son of God and his subsequent mournful burial. A wave of grief swept through the world on the day Jesus was mocked and crucified. But, despite this, there were then those who believed and waited for his resurrection. That is why today on this day we mourn and keep a strict fast, but we have already prepared colored eggs and baked goods for Easter, as a sign of our unshakable faith in the Renaissance.

This day is dedicated to grief at the same time hope and faith in miracles. Believers ask on Good Friday for the forgiveness of all sins in order to meet bright holiday Easter clean.

Good Friday in 2019 falls on April 26th. Holy Week, named after Friday, in 2019 falls on the period from April 22 to 27, not counting weekends: they are considered holidays. All week long, believers strictly fast, and with the onset of Good Friday, many completely refuse food, according to church regulations. It is a sin to regale and delight one’s flesh on the day of the Savior’s death.

Almost all beliefs that fall on Good Friday are in one way or another connected with the death of Christ. So, for example, among the Poles it was believed that a person who regularly fasted for three years in a row Holy Week, will be able to know in advance about his death. This means how to prepare for a meeting with the Almighty and get a chance to appear before him as “pure” as possible.

Prohibitions on Good Friday

The mournful nature of this day imposed many restrictions and rules on the daily life of believers. These include:


  • On this day, housework is postponed: cleaning, laundry, garden work. Even holding a knife in your hands is considered a great sin. People once believed that clothes washed on this day and taken outside to dry could become covered with bloody drops.
  • Do not work on the ground. Anyone who disturbs the earth on this mourning day may bring misfortune upon himself, and everything that is sown on Good Friday will most likely die or not produce any fruit in the future.
  • Many believers, who honor the traditions of their ancestors and adhere to strict fasting, try not only not to wash themselves, but not even to wash their face on this day. Nothing should distract from prayer: a person must devote himself entirely to spiritual cleansing.


  • On this day, it is strictly forbidden to attend entertainment events or simply have fun. Children conceived on this day risk being born sick or becoming murderers in the future, and people who drink on Good Friday risk becoming dependent on alcohol. This is a day of mourning and sadness, so even listening to music is a great sin. On this day, even prayers are not sung in churches.
  • It is impossible to carry out various activities on this day magical rituals, fortune telling, conspiracies. Such actions are a great sin.

Good Friday Rules

Visiting services

Believers on Good Friday are required to attend three services: morning, afternoon and evening, at which the story of the life and death of Jesus from the Gospel is read. Each of them carries great meaning and sacred significance. In order to emphasize the peculiarity of this day, liturgy is not served in Christian churches.


As mentioned above, this day is the strictest throughout Lent. People haven't eaten anything since the morning, not even warm water was unacceptable. Only after three o'clock in the afternoon was it possible to eat some bread.

Thanksgiving of Christ

On Good Friday, after the removal of the Shroud, which every believer, even the smallest, had to venerate, people thanked Christ for taking upon himself the sin of all mankind.


Good Friday is accompanied by many signs, customs and superstitions. Some of them contradict Christian rules, some have pagan roots, but nevertheless many believe in them and observe them. Of course, this is a purely personal matter, so you should not impose your opinion on other people. Here are a few of the many examples of rituals and signs of Good Friday, which were formed a long time ago and continue to be present in one way or another in our lives:

  • If on Good Friday 2019 after the last service you bring home twelve lighted candles, this will bring peace and prosperity to your home.
  • If a believer endures the thirst that torments him on Good Friday, then throughout the next year not a single drink will harm him.
  • Rings consecrated on Good Friday will become one of the strongest amulets that can protect you from the evil eye or illness.
  • It was believed that it was on Good Friday that something that had been damaged could be found in the house. To do this, they took a candle brought from church after the service and lit it. It was important to go around every corner of the home, and where the candle began to smoke or crackle, there was something that could bring trouble to the owners.
  • If one of your friends or relatives suffers from alcoholism or the evil eye, then stove ash taken on this day will help him get rid of these ailments.

Beliefs regarding finding a “damaged” item by the crack of a candle or how prosperous the future will be depending on the first person you meet, spread beyond Good Friday and acquired details such as “a woman with an empty bucket” and “a black cat that also broke mirror". Most of these signs exist thanks to faith in a miracle, in some kind of foresight and tips from above. And it is on Good Friday that people expect these clues to be the most obvious, warning about the future, even if it promises evil.

Good Friday Customs

The customs that arise over time around this day often contradict each other. For example, a ban on any kind homework is replaced by the ritual of baking Easter cakes. It is believed that baked Easter cake will have healing properties and it won't spoil for a long time.

Another contradiction relates to the prohibition to disturb the earth on this day. A version appears that parsley, dill or peas sown on Good Friday will bring big harvest and make your land more fertile. Over time, signs change. Some are superimposed on others, new ones are created, old ones are modified beyond recognition. To believe in them or not is the business of every Christian soul, but there is no doubt that they are all connected with Good Friday for a reason. This is a special day, even though we may not be able to fully understand its difference from all the others, why it was chosen as the day of the death of Jesus Christ.

There is also an opinion that Good Friday is undeservedly considered the most mournful of the days of Lent. The explanation lies in the fact that Jesus voluntarily accepted torture and the pain associated with it, and subsequently his death in the name of atonement for the sins of all people. He did not even want to ease his fate by drinking wine, which was intended for criminals who were destined for a painful death, and dulled the pain. This means that the day is truly great, but in the sense that it marks salvation from sins. And it should be celebrated as a holiday, and not as a wake.

It must be said that such a view does not have an army of followers, but it has a right to exist. How exactly to spend each of the days of the year and Good Friday is the business of every Christian, in whose soul lives his own censor, who always understands what is actually a sin and what is not.

In Christianity, the last Friday of Lent is usually called Holy Friday. This is the last Friday before the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Easter 2018 fell on April 8th. Accordingly, Good Friday is celebrated on April 6th.

IN Catholic tradition Good Friday has already passed as Catholics celebrate Easter a week early. Catholic Good Friday fell on March 30, and Easter on April 1.

Good Friday in the Gospel

The Gospel says that it was on Friday, after Christ was betrayed by Judas, that Christ stood trial. It fell to the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, to fulfill his judicial duty.

Christ was accused of organizing a riot and incitement. Although the procurator did not agree with the decision to condemn the prophet to death, he still did it.

Christ, along with three criminals Dismas, Gestas and Barabbas, was condemned to death on the cross. The Bible also says that in honor of the upcoming Jewish holiday of Passover, one of the convicts was to be pardoned. Pilate was forced to succumb to social pressure and was unable to free Christ by releasing Barabbas.

Passion of Christ on Good Friday (photo: gorod.lv)

Because of the passion of Christ, which the prophet experienced on that Friday, the name Good Friday came about.

It is worth noting that part of the way the cross for Christ was carried by a certain Simon of Cyrene. The Gospel of Matthew says: “As they went out, they met a certain Cyrene man named Simon; this one was forced to bear His cross” (Matthew 27:32);

Christ rose again on the third day after the crucifixion. On this day Christians celebrate Easter.

Do's and Don'ts on Good Friday

The last Friday of Lent is actually its culmination. All actions on this day should be aimed at spiritual improvement, repentance and the needs of the soul.

Orthodoxy has a negative attitude towards all manifestations of noisy fun, celebrations, and feasts. Therefore, on Good Friday it is better to refrain from carnal pleasures: songs, dancing, shopping, “get-togethers” with friends, going to bars, cinemas, etc.

How to spend Good Friday (photo: stil.kurir.rs)

According to church canons, on Good Friday you should completely abstain from food. But it is worth noting that this is a ban for clergy, monks and zealous parishioners. On Good Friday, if possible, you should limit yourself to modest food without oil.

Believers are advised to devote Friday to prayer, repentance and helping others. It is also worth attending the morning and evening services at the church.

Signs for Good Friday

Despite the fact that the church gives specific advice and guidance on how to spend Lent and Good Friday, this day is also overgrown with superstitions and signs.

So, on Good Friday it is advised not to use sharp objects, even a knife. Do not work with tools, such as shovels, pitchforks, saws, rakes, scissors, etc. It is also advised to refrain from hairdressing and cosmetic procedures.

There is no point in having fun on Good Friday because the entire next year promises tears.

The Church calls to leave all worldly everyday affairs and devote the day to God and your soul. But the people still believe that bread prepared on this day will become a talisman and will receive healing properties.

Good Friday is considered the most strict day of Holy Week, and indeed of the entire Lent. On April 6, Christians around the world will once again remember the trial, crucifixion, suffering and burial of Jesus Christ. Popular beliefs report prohibitions on this day. In addition, it is the penultimate day of Lent.

Good Friday is a special day. Before the Shroud is taken out, it is customary to pray and give up entertainment. You can only eat bread and drink water. Nevertheless, believers are sure that those who do not believe in the miracle of the Lord should not adhere to the rules of Good Friday. It's better to do as your heart tells you.

What not to do on Good Friday: prohibitions on the last Friday of Lent

According to church traditions, you should completely abstain from food on this day. In the evening you can eat some bread and drink water. On this day you cannot have fun and have fun; singing, listening to music and dancing are also prohibited.

All housework is prohibited on Good Friday - sewing, cutting and cleaning are prohibited. All work should be completed in advance, in Maundy Thursday. The church also prohibits any work in the garden. Our ancestors believed that plants planted on this day would not bear fruit.

According to ancient traditions, it is better to avoid any cosmetic procedures on Good Friday. Hair cutting and coloring should be rescheduled for another day. It should be noted that on this day drinking alcohol and smoking are also prohibited, and you cannot indulge in carnal pleasures.

What not to do on Good Friday: what is allowed to do on Good Friday

On Good Friday, every Christian believer must attend a service and read a prayer. People have long believed that 12 candles brought from Friday services would protect the house from misfortunes and bring good luck if placed throughout the house.

Although work is prohibited on Good Friday, Easter baking is allowed. Moreover, baked goods prepared on this day do not spoil or become moldy. Moreover, according to folk signs, has healing properties.

Among the people there is interesting belief for moms. A child weaned on this day will grow up healthy and strong.

What not to do on Good Friday: fasting and signs of Good Friday

On this day, believers abstain from food completely in order to prepare for Easter spiritually and physically. In the afternoon, a little bread with cold water. It is worth noting that this is allowed to be done only in the evening, after the removal of the Shroud.

People believe that the starry sky on this day indicates a rich grain harvest. Our ancestors believed that on Good Friday one should not spit on the ground, otherwise the saints would not protect and protect throughout the year. According to popular belief, blood stains may appear on laundry hung out to dry on Good Friday. Therefore, it is better to refrain from doing laundry on this day.

Another sign says that a person who can abstain from food and drink throughout Good Friday will learn of his death in three days.
