Numerology for business. Protection against the evil eye and damage yourself at home

from 11 to 25 March 2019

Call on your Guardian Angel for protection

High frequency protection. Call to Guardian Angels. Conducted at a distance using photographs and in person.

Buy Apply as a participant!

Venue: Moscow (address will be sent after registration)

Meeting “Gaining Strength!” with Lana

Only on this day will the most secret knowledge of gaining Power become available to you!

The meeting takes place outdoors on Palm Sunday.

At 12:00 there is a meeting for the Initiates and work with them. Set of Power for Witchcraft.

At 13:00 there is a meeting for non-Initiates and work with them. Set of vitality.

Attention! The meeting has no analogues, as it is held in the Spring on Power Day. The most secret knowledge of the Power set will be available to you at this meeting.

You need to take with you: a women's head scarf for women and Divits, for men - a black scarf or prayer shawl, for non-Initiated men a towel is suitable.

Cost: 5,000 rub.

Reservation: 500 rub.

The meeting is led by the witch Lana, a student of Alena Polyn.

Apply now!

Venue: address sent after registration

Ritual for acquiring what you want “Easter”

Don't miss the strongest day of the year to get what you want!

Only on April 28, Alena Polyn will perform a ritual for you to acquire what you want. You must send a photo and name. And also your real wish for this year (the year will be counted from Easter to Easter).

How to protect yourself from negative impact. Mantras for health and healing from negativity.

How to remove the evil eye at home

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye on the Internet

Your envious people and ill-wishers may be watching you, but you may not know anything about it. It's better to play it safe, because even if you don't believe in the existence of the evil eye, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take three minutes to read this article, where I explain to you (in my opinion, quite clearly) why you may be susceptible to this scourge.

How to neutralize other people's envy?

Nowadays people communicate in all sorts of networks. And everywhere they post photographs of them beautiful, successful, wearing cars and diamonds. Well, or just happy. Of course, most people who see your photos on the networks don’t care who you are, what you have there, and how. But there will definitely be a couple of individuals with not very pure thoughts. It could be ex-wives(those who have not completely let go of their ex-husbands), mistresses (who sleep and see their lover leaving his wife), friends (friends with failed careers, with a constant lack of money and who have no success with women), girlfriends (constantly jealous of your happiness, but carefully hiding it), mothers-in-law, who sleep and dream of how to free their son from his shackles. Mothers-in-law also come across with similar thoughts. Former classmates who were jealous of you all through school... Children's photographs are very vulnerable. It’s not for nothing that some resources impose restrictions on posting photos with children.

The fact that his thoughts will return to this ill-wisher is absolutely certain. But this doesn’t make it any easier for you! This energy will begin to affect you now. I offer you my skill and my energy to protect your photos. Send me your photos for protection. Payment is made after the work is completed. The price for the work is symbolic.

No one will ask you whether you believe in damage and the evil eye or not. They will simply silently envy you - and the damage is right there!

Unfortunately, many people categorically do not believe in the existence of energies. You can often hear that " I don’t believe in damage and that means no one found it on me t." No one will ask you whether you believe in it or not. They will simply envy you. Your beauty, your health, your success, your family happiness, your new fur coat or car, your newborn baby. The reasons for envy can be listed endlessly. It can be an incredible little thing! For example, a new ring on your finger! Or the fact that you are successful with the opposite sex! Yes, someone will envy you for being smarter or smarter. . Or the boss will praise you for a job well done, but not your colleague (just not for that). And it won’t necessarily be said out loud. And it won’t necessarily be someone else’s. best friend or friend. Thought is material! Thought is a flow of energy.

Energy, in its initial form, is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative. And only a person can give it one direction or another. Imagine that a person who has the ability to exert a strong influence will envy you (he may not even know about it). And this person activates negative energy with the help of your bad thoughts. After all, it is logical - if the thought is negative, then the energy is negative. And, accordingly, if they envied you, they added negativity to their thoughts. And you took it upon yourself. And if you do not protect yourself, then this energy begins to affect you in the most unpredictable way. Imagine that a person wishes you harm on purpose? After all, there are such people, you know! What then does the energy of his thoughts turn into for you?

I can still convince you of this. But it’s not just me who talks and writes about this. There are other resources too. I’m simply offering you my help in protecting your photos and images on the Internet.

Protect your photos from the negative impact of envious people and unkind eyes.

Payment is made after the work is completed on protection. Payment can be made at any Qiwi terminal near your home or at any Sberbank ATM. Online payment can be made using Yandex-Money. Cost of protecting ten photos symbolic.

I work only “live”, no automatic uploads - you send me your photos to my email address, which I will send to you. Your photos will not be saved anywhere on the Internet. They will also be deleted from my computer as soon as I finish working with energy and send the photos to you. No automatic sendings - everything is individual for each person, that is, for you personally. Write me a message, indicate the number of photos and your email address. Here you can find out the price and write a message.

What will I do with your photos? I will place a translucent image with special words that will reflect all the negativity from your photos. Also, I will work on your images energetically.

Protect your photos from the evil eye, damage, and negative influences on social networks and the Internet.

There are many amulets and amulets in real life. But a photo on the Internet is still something digital that cannot be touched. Of course, you can try to protect yourself. Some people advise writing some text on the photo (I write special words to protect against damage and the evil eye, which were taught to me by an old Ukrainian woman who spent her entire life healing people with her energies) and this will serve as an additional barrier to protection from the evil eye. You can read a prayer in front of the photographs. But, unfortunately, not everyone can work with energies. Therefore, contact a specialist. That is, to me!

Protection against the evil eye and damage yourself at home

There are various conspiracies and of course prayers. Moreover, you should not be afraid of the word “conspiracies”, because this is the same prayer, only, so to speak, not official.

Many people believe that a numerological forecast is needed only to understand oneself, determine how successful a year or even a day will be, choose a name for a child, and choose a partner. Not many people know that using numerology for business can help you find answers to questions of a commercial nature.

Numerology for business

First of all, you need to establish the exact start date of the facility, that is, the Inauguration date. We find out the vibration of the name of the object of interest by summing up the numbers (corresponding to the letters) that are part of the name of this object. The future can be determined by summing the number of the Inauguration Vibration and the Name Vibration.

It often happens that a seemingly prosperous company experiences difficulties in everything; this, among other things, may be the result of the fact that the Inauguration Vibration and the Name Vibration do not form a harmonious unity. If things are going well, although the Title is not the best, we can say with confidence that this is the result good combination these Vibrations. In the case of a favorable combination, the Vibrations will mutually intensify.

So, first we determine the Vibration of the name of the enterprise and get acquainted with the interpretations. Example: A company that produces cosmetic products, “Venus” - 3+6+6+6+9+1= 31=3+1=4

The vibration of the name of this company corresponds to the number “4”. As you can see, the vibration is quite favorable for a company with this type of activity.

Numerology for Business: Number 1

There is no doubt that this is a cutting-edge enterprise. This could be a concern or agency, which in its activities relies on innovative, sometimes even revolutionary ideas. If a company is engaged in the production of some products, then these products will have the same features. Often the equipment or goods that are produced here are new to the market, sharply different from everything else. This Vibration promises success.

Numerology for Business: Number 2

A company with such a Vibration will too often encounter all sorts of obstacles. This Number is not overtly commercial in nature. It will be most favorable for enterprises that are part of larger associations. The success of such associations will depend on the mutual influence of Vibrations corresponding to the specific participants of such an association.

Numerology for Business: Number 3

This Number is most favorable for those enterprises that are related to the general improvement of life, as well as if they are related to products or activities that bring pleasure and joy to people. These can also be all kinds of entertainment centers.

Numerology for Business: Number 4

This Number symbolizes mainly companies that produce solid, durable products - be they luxury goods or essential goods. This Vibration promises significant, although not immediate, income. The company will slowly but surely accumulate capital and expand. You shouldn’t rely on luck or chance; well-coordinated work, successful deals, reliable partners will ultimately lead such a company to the top of Olympus.

Numerology for Business: Number 5

Quite changeable vibration. Businesses with this Vibration tend to be in constant motion and turmoil. Most often, these enterprises bring large profits. However, internal conflicts often arise in them: administrative, personal, or related to the products produced. These could be travel companies, marriage agencies, companies organizing all kinds of presentations and other events, etc.

Numerology for Business: Number 6

This number will be most favorable for those enterprises that produce essential goods. These enterprises can also be associated with the education system or with the hotel business. It is also suitable for those companies that produce children's products, this could be children's clothing, food, toys. The development of such firms will be uneven; There will be both ups and downs.

Numerology for Business: Number 7

The vibration of this Number is favorable for companies producing beautiful, sophisticated and elegant goods. It could be jewelry, clothing, accessories, etc. These products are often named famous people, which guarantees them high quality. The vibration of this Number will promise universal recognition and popularity. Very often, fortune will throw lucrative deals and offers to such enterprises.

Numerology for Business: Number 8

This Vibration is suitable for large-scale projects. Businesses under the influence of this Vibration usually gain international fame. This Number symbolizes high investments that bring millions in profits.

Numerology for Business: Number 9

This Number is not very favorable for business owners and manufacturers who are solely concerned with generating income. But there is no Vibration more suitable when it comes to charities and institutions.

Numerology for business: sum of vibrations

Now we sum up the Vibration of the title with the Vibration of the Inauguration.

Example: The inauguration of the Venus company took place on March 12, 2001 1+2+0+3+2+0+0+1= 9

Sum of Name Vibration and Inauguration Vibration 9+4=13=4

The future of this company will be influenced by the vibration of the number “4”. Let's get acquainted with the interpretations.

1 – target number; the future associated with this vibration promises success and recognition.

2 – promises both ups and downs for an enterprise; it will be quite difficult for small firms to stay afloat, since the vibration is quite changeable.

3 – There will be unexpected turns, and success, however, it cannot be said that stability awaits the enterprise, but the vibration of this number symbolizes adaptability, so the company will eventually cope with any situation.

4 – Since the vibration of this number means stability and strength, the future of a company with such vibration will be quite reliable; competitors and other “well-wishers” will have to work hard to remove the ground from under its feet.

5 – This vibration is favorable for those companies that are accustomed to taking risks, since the future will present plenty of situations where it will be necessary to put everything on the line. Travel and experience will help you achieve excellent results in business.

6 – The future associated with this vibration promises reliability and stability, although not a very large income.

7 – The future will be quite successful. The company will not be left without attention, and its products will certainly be in demand.

8 – The vibration of this number promises material success. Any monetary transactions will be very profitable and profitable.

9 – A wonderful future awaits, the implementation of the most daring plans. Owners of companies with such Vibration should not forget about charity - otherwise, in pursuit of material things, they may be left with nothing.

Oksana Koledenok, numerologist

Numerology of money involves attracting money with the help of numerology, not only in the field of business. After all, you can simply find money on the road, receive a will, win the lottery, earn money as an employee, successfully sell something valuable, etc.

But I decided to focus specifically on finding money in own business. This topic, in my opinion, is much more interesting!

Money numerology associated with personal business is called business numerology.

Well, that’s all, the wording is over, everyone understands what we’re talking about, now we can move on to the essence.

Selecting a business based on a person’s date of birth

Choosing a business is a delicate matter... You know how it sometimes happens: a person seems to have everything in place: talent, opportunities, time, and hard work, but the business is not going well! Why? One of the reasons for such failures is the elementary discrepancy between your date of birth and the chosen type of business.

After all, your date of birth is not just a calendar date, but a certain cumulative energy of numbers that largely reflects the meaning of your life! I call this meaning a “karmic task,” but let’s not get hung up on the names, it’s important that you get the essence.

Business Numerology

Numerology of business - here you can tell a lot of things, twist clever formulations, juggle terms to impress the public... But I always prefer the ESSENCE, simple and understandable, to abstruse theories.

And the point is business numerology The point is that if the business you choose does NOT suit your original spiritual purpose, then you cannot count on serious results. By the way, spiritual purpose does not depend in any way on what religion a person belongs to or whether he is an atheist.

Now it is clear why, of all types of numerology, it is the topic “numerology - money” that has been most successful. After all, only spiritual numerology determines the spiritual purpose (karmic task) of a person!

It is spiritual numerology that suggests which energies a person should realize during his lifetime, following his karmic task.

So, for example, if a person’s karmic task comes down to the realization of creative energy, then in the chosen business there should be a lot of creativity, original ideas, the need to constantly come up with something, to contrive, to get out.

And if a person’s karmic task is to maximize the manifestation of rational energy, then business should be extremely logical, accurate, rational and completely predictable (as far as possible).

If a business is chosen in strict accordance with your individual karmic task, your spiritual Destiny, then the chances of success increase many times over!

A small note: even using such a powerful tool as business numerology based on spiritual numerology does not relieve you of the need to conscientiously and persistently develop your business.

Laziness, lack of self-confidence or systematic repetition of the same mistakes will ruin any most successful enterprise!

business numerology and favorite numbers

So far we have only spoken relatively about choosing a business.

However, numerology for attracting money also involves choosing a business based on.

Every person has favorite number. A number doesn’t become a favorite “just like that.” We love exclusively those numbers that suit us energetically, that are in tune with our internal spiritual and intuitive impulses, even if we do not feel them and do not try to formulate them for ourselves.

Therefore, when the energy of a business corresponds to the energy of a favorite number, this also dramatically increases a person’s chances of success in his entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, very often we love the numbers of our birthday! That is, many people’s date of birth consists of their favorite numbers (I have checked it several times).

But even if the favorite number does not coincide with the number of the birthday, it still symbolizes birth - the birth of something pleasant and joyful for us. Otherwise, this number simply would not be our favorite number!

In general, love is always associated with Birth at all levels of human Existence and Consciousness (from the coarsest, material levels to the subtlest, spiritual). Therefore, the connection between your birthday number and your favorite numbers is much wider and deeper than you might imagine.

Considering all this, it would be wise if, if possible, you try yourself in a business that, even if it does not exactly correspond to your birth number, is in harmony with your favorite numbers. It is advisable to choose the most (!) favorite numbers.

Finally, I want to note - for those who want to know more " living wage" There is no pure Energy in nature, including the energy of numbers and the energy of business.

Only a combination of different energies in certain proportions gives prerogative (main) directions. So, for example, it is impossible to go strictly south or strictly north; there will still be a deviation towards the west or east. Simply put, any business is a kind of energy mixture.

There are 11 types of numerical energy in every business:

— energy of internal maturation (energy);

- the energy of the “explosion”, the energy of the Beginning (energy);

— the energy of logic and rationalism (energy);

— the energy of intuitive thinking and love (energy);

- energy of equilibrium, balance (energy);

- energy of creativity and competition (energy);

- energy of self-love (energy);

— energy of surprises of the Divine Hand ();

- the energy of wisdom and diplomacy (energy);

Numerology for a business can become a real guiding star, which will determine a lot in its profitability and fate in general. What aspects are most important for this? great value and how to make them favorable? Let's talk about how business numerology recommends naming a company and what the opening dates and main milestones should be.

Many business people Before creating a company, firms do not pay attention to the numerological vibration - neither its name nor the start date of its activities. And it is completely in vain, because just like a person, an organization, being a separate unit, is subject to the vibration of the name, which is made up of the letters that make up its composition. And it’s very good if it is in harmony with the products and services offered by the company.

However, to begin with, it is worth noting that even the best, “correct” meaning of numbers in numerology in business is not able to replace ideas, plans, good product or services, marketing and customers. But if the date of creation of the company and its name from the point of view of digital patterns are chosen correctly, then this can become another factor in the success of the enterprise.

A business name should not only be catchy and easy to remember, it must be chosen correctly from the point of view of numerology. It is no coincidence that the largest companies use the help of specialists in this field of knowledge, have the right name and appear at the right time.

Just a note. If you dig even deeper, then when choosing a name for a business, it is worth looking at the numerological portrait of the future entrepreneur and finding out whether the business he wants to start has a chance of success. The fact is that it often happens that potential activity does not always coincide with the natural capabilities and talents of the owner. Most often, he just wants to earn money and decides to start a business that, in his opinion, is most profitable. Unfortunately, this creates inconsistency, imbalance—and problems.

There is no need to explain to anyone that the name of the organization is a business card; everyone who comes into contact with it in one way or another hears it, and thus it affects the subconscious of people. Large companies and concerns are well aware of this, so the product names they create are never a matter of chance. Each letter in the name has a certain meaning in determining the potential of the company and indicates the main features of the enterprise.

The most desirable numbers for business from a numerology point of view these are 1, 3, 8. However, if the sum of the vibrations is one, a problem arises because it is difficult to harmonize it with the other elements so that the enterprise has a favorable fate.

Business numerology: name + date = fate of the company

The main goal of starting a business is to make money, so you need to support your activities with numbers that lead to an increase in material wealth. As numerology for business suggests, profit numbers are, first of all, 8, 3 and 1 (this was already discussed a little higher). What exactly, what parameters should such numerical vibrations have?

From a numerological point of view, the main thing is the vibration of the company name and the start date of the enterprise.

Of course, there are other, less significant factors. For example, you need to consider the numerological portraits of employees.

Selecting the correct name and date of foundation of the company is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but it is possible. Selecting all the elements does not guarantee 100% well-being, because it is not always the case that 8 always and everywhere means success, and 7 means failure. Even the most good choice The title will not generate profits unless the owner and employees are properly dedicated to the project. The vibration arising from the day the company was founded will support it or, conversely, weaken it. If it is not chosen correctly, the business owner will face additional difficulties, and his useful activities will have less effect. Sometimes the chosen title is so bad that it's only a matter of time before it fails, even though it initially seemed like it was going just fine. Thus, the numerology of starting a business and choosing a suitable name is not entertainment, since all this can influence the future fate of the enterprise.

Before choosing, you should think carefully about what you want from the business, which characteristics you would like to reduce and which ones you would like to increase. After all, the name of the company will attract specific people with specific goals. In addition, it is important that company employees interact with it.

What should you consider? From the point of view of calculation, state registration acts and other official documents are examined, which display the full name of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity. However, a shortened name that functions in the minds of clients (that is, without the last and first name of the owner, all “OJSC”, etc.) is also of great importance.

Numerology for business: how to name a company

  • a, i, s, b – 1
  • b, j, t, s – 2
  • in, k, y, b – 3
  • g, l, f, e – 4
  • d, m, x, y – 5
  • e, n, c, i – 6
  • e, o, h – 7
  • f, p, w – 8
  • z, r, sh - 9

Vowels and consonants

The “soul” of a company is the sum of its vowels. Everything immaterial is contained in this type of letters. This hidden possibilities for development, creative assets. The “body” of a company is the sum of its consonants. Consonants are how your company is perceived by others.

An illustrative example of how the opening of a business is “supervised” by numerology is the fact that the name of the well-known drink “Coca-Cola” was created by an American, knowledgeable about the laws digital vibrations. It contains as many as four threes, which mean entertainment, communication, popularity, while the number of consonants and vowels gives an eight - the vibration that brings success and money (read more about this number below). There are many examples of names chosen in this way.

Business numerology by start date

The day a company is registered or the date a product is launched on the market is for an enterprise the same as a person’s birthday is for a person. To calculate it, you need to add the day, month and year. For example, 07/10/2018 = 1+7+2+1+7=18=9

Just a note. Additionally, specialists, as in the case of a person’s birthday, can calculate the so-called peaks, thanks to which you will get more detailed information about your company, its capabilities and difficulties it may encounter .

If the right name is chosen and the company started at the right moment, taking into account numerology will be useful not only for the date of opening of the business - in the process further development It is still worth paying attention to the days - for example, if you plan to take out loans for development, etc. (then you need to pay attention to the date the document was compiled).

If the money is safely received and the task is to release it to the market new product, then its name should also be chosen so that it makes a profit. The moment of introducing a product or service to the public is also important. The same applies to advertising. So, if you place an advertisement for your company or product on a day with vibration 9, then you can’t count on a special effect, because 9 is the beginning of the end.

In addition to choosing a name for the company and planning the day and opening, it is worth paying attention to the vibration of the establishment in which you will do business. It is calculated in the same way as for a residential building - you can read about it.

Numerology: what does a business number mean - the meaning of individual numbers

Business numerology: number 1

Number 1 will be ideal for a company that wants to bring non-standard, innovative products or services to the market, dreams of implementing ideas that have never been proposed by any company. The unit is associated with innovation, avant-garde, new technologies. This vibration will support a dynamic and disruptive organization that operates, for example, in the field of sales, consulting, services, especially if it is based on innovative solutions.

Number 1 brings with it significant strength and energy, signifies success, the beginning of everything, pioneering, as well as bravado. Well suited for individual entrepreneurial activities, in which the owner is the most important link.

Business numerology: number 2

It is believed that the number 2 is not a very beneficial digital vibration for the activities of a typical business. This energy is calm, low-dynamic, aimed primarily at cooperation. In contrast to one, this figure does not mean leadership and the introduction of innovative ideas. On the other hand, deuce is an interaction, a partnership, so from this point of view it is also good for companies, although it will not bring stunning profits.

This vibration is stable and calm. It is suitable wherever contact with people is very important, but, as already mentioned, you should not count on great financial success. Such a business numerological number will be good for private kindergarten, laundry, bakery, medical center, some kind of foundation, consultation, that is, a place where interpersonal contacts are especially important. However, one should not count on a great public response to the activities of such an organization, since the deuce favors, rather, peace and tranquility, ensuring the absence of high-profile scandals and unpleasant situations fraught with loss of reputation. However, it is often considered that this vibration is not very profitable for business also because it promises a lot internal problems- in particular, emotional, personal ones - among the company employees themselves.

Business Numerology: Number 3

Vibration 3 favors entertaining activities related to art and communication. It will be ideal for a pub, bar, radio, TV company. The number 3 is associated with creativity and beauty, so it can justify itself in a hairdresser or beauty salon. It is considered very happy, dynamic and cheerful, but, as numerology warns, 3 for a business name can be bad because it threatens excessive “dispersion” of energy and extravagance, which is not appropriate everywhere.

Number 3 attracts happy events, favorable circumstances and opportunities. It’s just the troika that makes us get acquainted with the right people in the right place and at the right time.

It will be ideal for a hotel, motel, entertainment center, newspapers, publishing houses, arts related businesses, e.g. art gallery or advertising agency, design organization - wherever contacts with people, beauty, creativity, creation are important.

Business Numerology: Number 4

The numerological four is synonymous with hard work, systematicity and responsibility, therefore it is ideal for companies in whose activities detailed, labor-intensive, time-consuming work is important. for a long time actions. This digital vibration is solid, but quite heavy, because it lacks dynamics, ingenuity, flight of fancy and, above all, the flexibility that is so important for business. It pays off especially where tradition and a solid foundation play a vital role.

Profit for a company with vibration 4 will appear only after painstaking, intense, persistent systematic work, with the consistent construction of stability.

The vibration of the four is said to be ideal for businesses where it is necessary to build strong foundations, where systematic work is important, e.g. construction company. Four is also loyalty, predictability, so this vibration will be good for an accounting company, security company, bakery, sewing workshop.

Business Numerology: Number 5

A 5 signifies movement, change and even confusion, so in a company with a 5 vibration there will always be something going on. This number is justified where quick decisions are required and frequent changes are needed. In such a company, things can lead to frequent misunderstandings and conflicts. Five attracts unexpected events, as well as the most different people. Numerology of numbers in business suggests that this is the number of knowledge through experience, and thus it can bring a little chaos to the activities of the company. Business with vibration 5 is a lot of ideas, changes and therefore great flexibility.

This number is flexible, it does not like routine. This figure is suitable for business where variability and cognitive processes are important, for example, in the case travel agency, advertising agency, design bureau.

Business Numerology: Number 6

Six is ​​the number of harmony, care, family, home. This is a good number for a hotel, school (especially primary), kindergartens and nurseries, psychologists' offices, companies that want to produce home household appliances. Family companies with vibration 6 will develop well and increase their income. Such vibration will also justify itself where harmony, aesthetic sense and good taste are important, that is, in a beauty salon, hairdresser, gallery, design bureau, in a company that produces scenery, decorating premises, etc.

The downside is that in a company under the auspices of the numerological six, something will go better one time, worse another time, that is, you can’t expect “iron” stability. But on the other hand, she is perceived very well by people, they usually love her, but this is also very important factor success.

Business Numerology: Number 7

Vibration 7 is wisdom, analyticalness, reason, elegance, independence. This number is usually recommended for companies that want to produce refined, elegant, luxury products - so-called top shelf, high-end products. It will justify itself in literary, research, therapeutic activities, as well as in any highly specialized treatment. 7 is, first of all, knowledge and professionalism. Employees of an organization with such a vibration must constantly improve their skills.

It is often believed that the numerology seven is not beneficial for any company, because its destiny will be isolation, it will not be too visible among the rest. But this is not always necessary. For example, the number 7, associated with knowledge and science, can be a good digital vibration for an establishment that is developing something that is not for the masses.

Seven will bring peace of mind, but does not guarantee decent money - unless it is more likely to be " side effect» activities of the company, and not the main goal.

Business Numerology: Number 8

The number 8 is considered the vibration typical of business, bringing great profits and success. Numerology 8 is ambition, belligerence, perseverance, enterprise, being attuned to matter, and courage.

This is a solid and reliable figure, which is suitable primarily for large companies. It provides development, push forward and good organization. A business owner with vibration 8 should not be afraid of change, because it will only lead him along the path of development.

This is a digital vibration that is suitable for a bank, a large concern, a real estate agency, or a company aimed at mass production of something. Most global companies use vibration 8. But when choosing it, you need to take into account significant expenses, huge financial investments, and also have a bold, even daring, business plan. Unfortunately, 8 often brings scandals, scams and fraud.

Business Numerology: Number 9

The number 9 is the vibration of ending, so it can indicate a quick closure of the company. 9 is, first of all, a humanitarian orientation, focus on other people, charitable activities, mercy, altruism. A company with such a vibration will not bring profit - only satisfaction and appreciation for the work done.

If the numerology of a business is exactly like this, then you will need to constantly invest the money you earn and also report your own. This is a company focused not on profit, but on helping others - a very dubious benchmark for business.
