Abdominal warm-up. The most effective set of abdominal exercises

Yours complete guide on abdominal exercises.

All athletes, whether hockey players, baseball players or football players, strengthen their abdominal muscles by doing basic exercises. This is great for professional athletes, but what about the guys and gals who just want to tone their abs and see that coveted 6-pack? How can they choose the most effective exercises for the abs to see the six-pack on your stomach? Or maybe a secret flat stomach lies elsewhere?

First, let's face it: everyone's abdominal muscle structure is different, and most importantly, everyone's amount of subcutaneous fat and metabolism are different. Some guys have to work out to the point of exhaustion before their abs become ripped, while others seem to have a six-pack appearing without much effort.

Regardless of which group you belong to, effective abdominal exercises for training in the gym or at home come down to movements in three planes: frontal, sagittal and transverse. By doing abdominal exercises in cycles, you'll keep your workout intensity high and are likely to burn more fat.

Ready to train your abdominal muscles? Let these 30 abdominal exercises at home and in gym will serve as the best training guide you've ever met.

Roll-outs with a gymnastic roller

Get on your knees and hold the roller on the floor directly under your shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the roller forward until you feel tension in your core muscles. The hips should not sag. Roll the roller back to return to its original position. Do as many repetitions as possible while observing correct technique performing the exercise.

Partial torso raises with raised arms

Lie on your back, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, straighten your arms and lift them up. Keep your arms in this position throughout the entire exercise. Perform a partial lift of the torso, and then slowly return to the starting position. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with a barbell

Place 5kg weight plates on the bar and kneel down. Shoulders should be above the bar. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the barbell forward until you feel your hips begin to sag. Return to the starting position.

Russian twist with barbell

Grasp the bar with both hands almost at the very end. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate the bar to the left, moving your feet as necessary, and then rotate to the right.

Crunches on a fitball

Lie with your back on the ball, place your feet on the floor and place them shoulder-width apart. The ball should support your lower back. Place your hands behind your head, pull your chin back. Lift your torso up until you are in a sitting position.

Leg raises on parallel bars

Take an emphasis on the uneven bars. Bend your knees slightly and then lift them in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Lift your heels off the floor and lift them to a height of about 15 cm. At a fast pace, alternately lift your legs up and down (scissor style).

Front Squats

Place the barbell on a power rack at approximately shoulder height (if there is no power rack, then grab the barbell from the floor to your chest). Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. Raise your elbows up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Remove the barbell from the racks and support it with your fingertips. As long as your elbows are raised, you will be able to hold the barbell. Take a step back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly outward. Squat down as low as possible, maintaining a arch in your lower back.

Lumberjack exercise

Place the handle of the exercise machine at shoulder height (or attach the resistance band to a stable object) and grasp it with both hands. Stand with your side to the handle, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your arms. Stand far enough away from the machine to create tension in the cable. Turn your body away from the machine in a movement as if you were cutting down a tree. The legs must remain motionless.

Lying leg raise

Lie on the floor and grab a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support. Straighten your legs and lift them up to a vertical position. Lower your legs down, but don't place them on the floor, to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles before starting the next rep.

Russian twist with medicine ball

Sit on the floor holding the medicine ball with both hands. Straighten your arms in front of you. Explosively twist your torso to the side and then return to the starting position. Make a similar movement in the other direction.

“Running” while lying down with a medicine ball

Get into a lying position supported by a medicine ball. Bring one knee toward your chest and then quickly move it back while bringing the other knee toward your chest.


Take a lying position with your toes on the fitball. Bend your body in half, rolling the ball toward you with your feet until your torso is upright. Roll the ball back until your body is straight again. Then place your shins on the exercise ball so that your body is in a straight line and your outstretched arms are above your head but still on the floor. The body position should resemble Superman flying down. These movements constitute one repetition. Tightening your back muscles, return to the starting position (lying up) and begin the next repetition.


Take a lying position, bend your elbows so that your forearms are on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position.

Pull-ups with knee raises

Hang from the horizontal bar using an overhand grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lift your knees toward your chest.

Push-ups with cotton

Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Push off the floor so that you can clap your hands in the air.

Reverse crunches with an expander

Lie on your back and place the resistance band around your feet. Cross the ends of the resistance band so that they form the letter “X” and grab the opposite ends of the band with your hands. Bend your legs so that your knees are close to your chest, and then lift your torso off the floor. Straighten your legs while moving your arms back behind your head. Shoulder blades should not touch the floor. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with fitball

Place your forearms on the fitball, take your legs back and straighten. Tightening your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball forward until your arms reach straight position. When you feel that your abdominal muscles are no longer tense, return to the starting position by rolling the exercise ball back.

Leg raises while sitting on a bench

Sit on a bench and hold a medicine ball between your feet. Straighten and raise your legs in front of you. Pull your torso back so that your body is straight in line. Hold on to the bench to maintain your body position. Lift your torso up and bring your knees to your chest.

Side plank

Lie on your left side, place your left forearm on the floor. Raise your hips so that your body is in a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles. You should rest on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot. Hold this position, tensing your abdominal muscles.


Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Bring your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left leg straight. Now take your right leg back while bringing your left knee towards your chest. The movements should resemble running.

Raising the body with a ball throw

Sit on the floor, hold the ball with both hands at chest level. Place your feet under a heavy object to maintain proper body position. Lie with your back on the floor a few tens of centimeters from a brick or concrete wall. With an explosive movement, lift your torso, throw the ball at the wall, and then catch it on the rebound. If you have a partner, you can throw the ball to each other.

Bar in star position

Take a lying position. Spread your arms and legs as wide as possible. Your body should take the shape of a star. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your body straight for 30 seconds.

Raising the torso with a barbell

Lie down on the floor. Hold an empty or lightly loaded bar over your shoulders, as if doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Raise your torso to a vertical position. Hold the bar overhead as if doing a military press.

Place a barbell on the floor to your right and place your feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back, squat down, and grab the center of the bar. right hand. Tighten your core muscles. Keeping a slight arch in your lower back, push your heels off the floor to stand. Hold the barbell tightly so that the apparatus does not swing. Make sure to keep your spine straight throughout the exercise. Do not lean towards the bar.

Plank with circular movements

Place the fitball on the floor and lie down with your support on it. Place your forearms on the exercise ball, keeping your body straight and keeping your abdominal muscles tight. Using your elbows, rotate the exercise ball in a circular motion, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

V-shaped torso lifts with fitball

Lie with your back on the floor. Hold the exercise ball between your ankles. Stretch your arms behind your head. As you lift your legs, simultaneously lift your torso and take the fitball in your hands. Lower your torso to the floor and repeat the movements, lifting the exercise ball and holding it again between your ankles.

V-lifts with medicine ball

Lie on your back on the floor, holding the medicine ball behind your head with both hands. Straighten your legs. Tighten your abdominal muscles. At the same time, raise your legs and reach your toes with the medicine ball. Your body should be in a "V" shape during this phase of the exercise.

Raising the torso with weights

Lie on the floor and hold a weight plate against your chest. Bend your knees at an angle of 90°, but so that the entire surface of your feet remains on the floor. Keep your chin at chest level throughout the exercise.

This is a standard abdominal exercise. It is during crunches that the rectus muscle comes into play. abdominals(it is responsible for the abs on the abdomen), the pectoralis major muscle, the external and internal obliques, and the transverse abdominal muscles.

Execution. Make sure to keep your middle and lower back pressed to the floor. This way you avoid engaging the hip flexors. Try to keep your hands at your temples, do not reach up with your chin and neck. The abdominal muscles should lift you up. When ascending, you should exhale deeply, inhale in the lower position.

Perform three sets of 30 reps.

This exercise is aimed at working out lower press(abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus abdominis, oblique and transverse abdominis, and quadriceps.

Execution. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body and press them to the floor. Raise your legs off the floor and perform crossing movements. While performing the exercise, make sure that your lower back is pressed to the floor. The lower your legs are, the greater the load on your lower abs. If you find it difficult to keep your legs at this level, raise them a little higher. If you feel your lower back lifting off the floor, raise your legs a little higher. Make sure your legs are straight.

This exercise is also aimed at working the lower abs (abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus abdominis, oblique and transverse abdominis, and quadriceps.

Execution. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body and press them to the floor. Raise your legs above the floor and perform walking movements with a small amplitude. Socks should be pulled towards you, your lower back pressed to the floor. The lower your legs are, the greater the load on your lower abs. If you feel your lower back lifting off the floor, raise your legs a little higher and hold this position. Make sure your legs are straight.

Perform three sets of 30 seconds each.

This exercise works the rectus abdominis, external oblique, quadriceps, and tensor fasciae lata (thigh muscles). This exercise is more aimed at burning fat, rather than working out the relief.

Execution. Lie on the floor, raise your knees bent (the angle should be 90 degrees), stretch your arms in front of you. Raise your upper body towards your knees, reaching forward with your arms. Exhale while going up, and inhale when going down. Try not to lift your lower back off the floor or lower your legs. Make sure that your chin is not pressed against your neck.

A simpler option for performing this exercise is to cross your arms and lie on your chest. More complex - hands are placed behind the head or at the temples.

Perform three sets of 10 reps.

During this exercise, the main load is directed to the oblique abdominal muscles, but the rectus abdominis, quadriceps and tensor fasciae lata (hip muscles) are also worked.

Execution. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. The feet should rest on the floor. Perform a crunch in which the right elbow reaches behind the left knee toward the middle of the thigh and the knee moves toward the elbow. While performing the exercise, try to raise your upper body so that your shoulder blades come off the floor. The lower back should be pressed to the floor. Do not press your chin to your neck or pull yourself up with your arms. When twisting, exhale, in the starting position - inhale.

The closer the feet are to the pelvis, the greater the load.

A simpler option for performing this exercise is to have the non-working arm extended to the side (forming a straight line with the shoulder girdle) and pressed to the floor. This will give you extra support while twisting.

Perform 30 repetitions on each leg.

This exercise works the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis, and leg and buttock muscles (gluteus maximus).

Execution. Lie on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Start making movements with your feet as if you were pedaling a bicycle. At the same time, lift your upper body, trying to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Alternately stretch your right elbow to your left knee, your left elbow to your right knee. The exercise can be performed at any pace. Try not to press your chin to your chest or pull your head up with your arms. Don’t forget to breathe correctly: exhale every time you twist.

Perform three sets of 20 reps.

During this exercise, the core muscles are included in the work (rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, dorsal extensor, trapezius muscle, biceps and pectoral muscles), buttocks and leg muscles (thighs and calves).

Execution. Get into a plank position with your forearms resting. The elbows should be positioned exactly under the shoulders, the stomach should be pulled in (the navel is pulled towards the tailbone), the back should be straight (there should be no arching in the lower back). In this position, swing with a small amplitude. When moving forward, your shoulders should be in front of your elbows, and when moving back, they should be behind your elbows. Make sure that your back and legs constantly form a straight line (without bending or, conversely, an arch in the lower back).

Do the exercise for one minute.

You can watch the full video with all the exercises.

Have you ever regretfully refused something you liked in a store? And the length is good, and the color is pleasing to the eye, and - lo and behold! - the price is right... But no matter how you suck in your stomach, it’s as if hints at several months of pregnancy.“But just recently I was like a reed,” you think with the usual sadness and head to the shelves with loose-fitting clothes.

Stop, don't buy another hoodie! - calls “Beautiful and Successful”. Try to turn back time to your recent self! The main thing you need now is -

Why simple? After all, it would seem that the more intricate, the more sense. Maybe. But not in our case:

  • You don't need super mega results right now. It's enough just stop being “a little pregnant.”
  • There are enough difficulties in life as it is. The thought of having to train while constantly referring to a picture or description can completely kill all motivation.
  • Simple exercises can be done at home, on your own, without the risk of injury. However, for training to be effective and safe, There are some rules to remember.
  • To begin with consult your doctor. For some diseases, simple abdominal exercises must be performed with great care. If you feel any discomfort, stop exercising immediately! Only tension and mild muscle pain.
  • As we know, training alone does not guarantee a return to “reed” parameters. You'll have to connect reasonable nutrition.
  • There should be up to an hour and a half between classes and meals.
  • Important breathe correctly: relaxation - inhale, effort - exhale.
  • Watch your hands. During exercises, it is better to cross them over your chest or keep your palms at your temples. Interlocking your fingers at the back of your head can create unnecessary pressure on your neck.
  • Even simple exercises This is quite a serious load for all abdominal muscles. Therefore, before starting classes you need simple warm-up: walking, bending, squats.
  • All exercises, depending on your preparation, need to be done 10-30 times, possible in 2 approaches.
  • And lastly: in order for the waist to be perfect, the site advises to load equally all muscle groups. This means that the program must include simple muscles, as well as oblique muscles.

Simple abdominal exercises

  1. We rise to the chair. The exercise trains the rectus muscle. Lie down on the floor. The legs are bent at a right angle - the shins lie on the chair. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your torso towards the chair. The exercise can be performed without a chair, but then the load on both the stomach and lower back increases significantly.
  2. "Bike". The most famous and simple exercise for the press. Perfectly strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Lying on your back and bending your knees, imitate the rotation of the pedals.
  3. We raise our legs. For the rectus abdominis, lower abs. Lying on your back, legs at an angle of 45°, feet on the floor. Straightening your knees, raise your legs so that they form with your body obtuse angle. Later, you can make the task more difficult by simultaneously lifting your upper back with your legs.
  4. Twisting. Mainly strengthens the oblique muscles. Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Lower your bent legs to the right, then to the left - 10-15 repetitions in each direction. The back and shoulders remain pressed to the floor.
  5. Like walking on a tightrope. An original, but nevertheless simple exercise. Lie on your back with your right leg raised at a right angle. Bend at the waist, wrap your arms around your leg and, moving them, reach for your toes, as if you were climbing a rope. Then lower to the floor and repeat with the other leg.
  6. "Crawling". The exercise, in addition to everything, perfectly stretches the leg muscles. Performed from a sitting position, straight legs spread to the sides. Leaning forward and moving your hands along the floor, “crawl” forward as far as you can. Stay a little in this extreme position and then “crawl” back.

All these simple exercises to strengthen your abs can give you a boost after just a few weeks. quite a tangible result, although they will only take you about half an hour to complete.

However, it happens that even these 30 minutes for some very good reasons are not enough for sports.

The main thing in this case is don't be idle.

Fortunately for all the totally busy ladies, gymnastics can be done unnoticed by others. Mandatory, as with any physical activity, the main condition is regularity.

Discreet abdominal exercises

  1. Pull your stomach in. Hold this state for about 15 seconds, then relax your muscles, and so on 10 times. If you remember to do the exercise as often as possible, ideally every hour, the effect may pleasantly surprise you. At the same time bowel function will improve.
  2. From a sitting position slightly lift your straightened crossed legs off the floor. Press your upper foot onto your lower one. Bottom - resist. Then change legs. 10 times every hour is enough to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abs.

Of course, such gymnastics cannot replace a full-fledged complex, but it will not let you stand idle.

Too primitive, you say. But our goal was simple abdominal exercises.

In addition, let me remind you of the words of one of the most talented athletes of the last century, Bruce Lee: “Simplicity is the highest level of art.” He really knew what he was talking about!

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fitness expert, instructor at Bereg studio

To see six-pack abs, you first need to monitor your diet. This really determines how your abs will look. Secondly, it is necessary to perform exercises, and not necessarily only on the abdominal muscles. If you don't primarily train your abs, then exercises that target your legs, back, and other large muscle groups will work, and your abdominal muscles will also be fine. It is definitely worth noting that you do not need to come to training in a stressful state - such exercises are absolutely useless, since you will not be concentrated on accurately performing the exercise. Come refreshed good mood, and then you will definitely achieve the desired result.

As for the technique of execution, it should be noted: any exercises on the abdominal muscles should be done while simultaneously exhaling and drawing in the stomach. This will improve the effectiveness of each exercise.

And I would like to add: do not monitor the number of repetitions performed, rely only on your feelings. The moment you begin to feel your muscles, how tense they are and how they work, only then begin to count the number of repetitions in your approach. You can do 5 sets of 20 repetitions, or you can do 3 sets of 15. And most likely, the latter option will be much more effective for your muscles, since in this case you were as involved in the process as possible and did not allow yourself or your muscles to relax .

Every girl dreams of having a flat and attractive tummy that attracts the attention of others. It’s much more pleasant to receive positive attention when everyone looks at you and admires you than to realize that the gaze of others is attracted by your saggy sides and less-than-perfect abs.

Remember that there is no magic exercise that, if you do it every day for 5 minutes, you will get a perfect stomach and a toned figure. Our body is a complex complex in which everything is interconnected and, if you want to achieve results, you cannot focus on one thing.

Once you realize this, it will be much easier to work on yourself and the desired effect from the exercises will not be long in coming.

Here is the maximum list useful exercises for the abdominal muscles, which will help you get yourself in order efficiently and quickly.

1. Plank

An effective exercise that many people don’t even know exists. But by doing it, you strengthen your abs, hips, shoulder girdle and buttocks.

Your back should be perfectly straight when performing; if tension increases, stop the exercise immediately so as not to injure yourself.

Tighten your buttocks, this will make the exercise much easier.

Do not bend your legs at the knees, this will create excess stress.

The picture shows a classic plank with emphasis on the elbows. Never place your elbow joints wider than your shoulder joints. Thanks to this rule, you will not cause harm to your joints.

Completion time – until the first unpleasant sensations arise, but no more than two minutes. It is advisable to do this no more than once a day. Here the principle - the greater the number of repetitions, the better - does not apply.

2. "Crunch and bicycle"

Lie on the floor, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Remember, never interlock your fingers, this can injure your cervical spine! Try to touch your elbow to the opposite knee, while the leg that is not involved in the process is straightened.

Number of repetitions – 3 sets of 10-15 times.

3. “Elbow to Knee Twist”

Lie on the floor, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Don't clasp your fingers. Then cross your legs as shown in the picture. Touch your right elbow to your left knee. Next, switch your legs and stretch, respectively, with your left elbow to your right knee.

The number of repetitions is 15 times on one leg and 15 times on the other.

4. "Twisting"

Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees. Place your hands on the back of your head, do not clasp your fingers. The lower back should not lift off the floor. Straining only your abdominal muscles, pull your head, neck and shoulder blades forward, but not with your arms! You should feel your abs tense. Smoothly lower yourself back down.

Number of repetitions – 2-3 sets of 20-25 times.

5. “Double Twist”

Lie on the floor, arms along your body. Then, tensing your abdominal muscles, simultaneously pull up both legs, while lifting your torso towards you. The hands should touch the legs, as in the picture. Return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions – 1-2 sets of 10-15 times.

6. "Scissors"

One of the most famous and simple exercises. Lying on the floor, extend your arms along your body. Do not raise your head, otherwise there will be excessive stress on the cervical spine, and no one needs this. Raise your legs completely straight above the floor and, imagining that they are scissors, cut the air from left to right and vice versa.

Number of repetitions – 2 sets of 15-20 times.

7. "Reverse twist"

Lying on the floor, raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to your torso. Stretch your arms along your body, do not raise your head. After this, trying to tense your abdominal muscles, stretch your legs towards your chest. If this is too difficult, you can bend your knees at first.

Number of repetitions – 2 sets of 10-15 times.

8. "Mountaineer"

A good thing not only for training your abdominal muscles, but also for cardio training. Get into a position as if you were doing a push-up. Do not arch your back and lower back; there should be one straight line from your head to your feet. Raise one leg as shown in the picture and pull it towards your chest. The abdominal muscles should be tense. After lowering your leg, pause and raise the other one.

Number of repetitions – 2-3 sets of 15-20 times.

9. Toe Touch Crunch

An exercise that looks very simple, but is difficult to perform. Lying on the floor, raise your legs vertically. Then, reach for them with your hands to form a kind of letter V. Touching your toes, lower yourself to the starting position.

Number of repetitions – 1-2 sets of 8-10 times.

10. "Vacuum"

Extremely useful thing, which, unfortunately, few people use. This exercise will allow you to tone the transverse muscle, which is responsible for making your stomach look flat.

The starting position is the same as in the figure, the body is relaxed. Draw air into your stomach and then exhale completely. Try to exhale even after the air has completely escaped. As you do this, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Execution time and number of repetitions – 3-5 times for 20-30 seconds.
