Zyuganov's speech after Medvedev's report. Gennady Zyuganov: The creation of a Government of People's Trust is on the agenda

Medvedev's government received high praise from the largest faction in the State Duma. "United Russia" was represented by speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who noted in his speech that Russia adequately and effectively responded to all challenges recent years.


“We are under open and aggressive pressure, but Western countries failed to achieve their goal and destroy the country’s economy,” Volodin said.

According to him, pressure has always existed - even during Russian Empire, both under the USSR and in the 90s of the last century. “But today, when our country began to develop at a more active pace, when it began to constitute real competition, this pressure acquired an overt and aggressive character. The sanctions announced against our country are aimed at stopping the development of Russia,” the speaker noted.

We responded to the challenge thrown at us with dignity and efficiency. We were able to ensure sustainability and stability in the macroeconomic sphere, in the development of the real sector of the economy, and in solving social problems.

Among the government’s successes, Volodin noted the low level of inflation: in 2017 it was 2.5% and was the lowest in the previous decade. In addition, economic growth has been restored in the country, a national payment system has been created, and an import substitution program is being actively pursued.

“The government managed to implement the main tasks set in the May presidential decrees. It was not easy,” Volodin stated.

The head of the Duma also set Dmitry Medvedev as an example to other members of the government. The head of the Cabinet answered questions from parliamentarians for an hour and a half, the speaker noted. He called on ministers to answer questions in the same detail during “government hours” in the State Duma.

Traditionally, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov and the head of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, expressed their disagreement with the positive assessment of the government’s work. The country's main communist is not sure that after the change of government, something will seriously change. He also believes that war has been declared on Russia and it requires an appropriate response.

Sergei Mironov, who had not noticed any changes in the country, was indignant at the fact that the government had failed to systematically solve a single social problem. In his opinion, the education reform ended with the population’s education level falling. Mironov made a similar conclusion regarding health care reform.

For some reason, the LDRP leader drew attention to the problems of waste disposal. The problem with landfills, in his opinion, comes from Soviet times. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in his usual manner, proposed filling the tundra with waste. “It’s such a huge country, let’s take the garbage to a place where no one lives. Let’s fill the tundra with this garbage. There’s no one to hold rallies there, the Moscow opposition won’t go there, they won’t get there either on reindeer or on foot,” said the head of the LDPR.

The expert community, commenting on Dmitry Medvedev’s report in the Duma, noted his confidence and openness to deputies on all issues. “Given that Medvedev met with the president before his speech, the Kremlin considers his work successful. This means that he will remain at the head of the new government,” believes political scientist Dmitry Fetisov.

In his opinion, Medvedev felt quite comfortable on Okhotny Ryad and this shows that there is a reasonable dialogue and working interaction between the State Duma and the government, which allows them to work together. The expert also drew attention to the fact that the speaker of the Duma made it clear in his speech about the importance of joint work between deputies and the government.

“Volodin also paid attention to monitoring the implementation of laws. And he is right that very often effective laws simply do not work due to the lack of control over their implementation,” Fetisov said.

The government works according to the agenda set by the president. Medvedev paid attention to each of the strategic tasks that Putin has voiced recently in his report.

The political scientist believes that the government understands the importance of developing science, highly intelligent technologies and the education system. This is a good sign for Fetisov. The same as the government’s attitude towards the regions and their budget policy.

The Prime Minister’s speech in the State Duma can be considered the final one for six years, noted political scientist Alexei Mukhin. “Medvedev focused on the social sphere, which was expected. The regions were promised to allocate 10 billion a year,” the expert said.

Medvedev publicly admitted that insufficient measures were taken to defeat poverty in the country. Mukhin considers this problem quite serious, despite the growth minimum size wages observed in recent years.

The political scientist called the speech of the head of government balanced. “Medvedev’s integration into the presidential agenda gives him reasons for deputies to generally evaluate his speech positively,” noted Alexey Mukhin. In his opinion, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and the executive hierarchy today demonstrated constructiveness and optimism for the future.

Dmitry Medvedev's speech in the State Duma lasted more than an hour, then the prime minister answered questions from deputies for an hour and a half. Opening his report, Medvedev noted that in six years Russia has traveled a path that other countries, even without sanctions, spend decades on.

As for the past six years, during which the current composition of the government worked, then, according to Medvedev, these were testing years. “A test of the strength of our economy,” he emphasized. “Never before in such a short period has it received so many strong blows at the same time.” According to him, among the problems that had to be solved were the global financial crisis, as well as the collapse of commodity markets, sanctions, and the closure of financial and technological markets.

The Prime Minister expressed confidence that Russia will be able to cope with US pressure in the form of another round of sanctions. As a result, he is sure, the country will use them to benefit its own economy. Speaking about the results of the government’s work in the economic sphere, Dmitry Medvedev noted that the Cabinet of Ministers has done a lot in the area of ​​eradicating poverty.

We have taken serious steps. The minimum wage was increased to living wage for the first time in history modern Russia.

This, in his opinion, will lead to the fact that the difference between salaries in different regions will become smaller. Over the past period of time, the government, according to the Prime Minister, has managed to bring the wages of public sector employees to the average level for the regional economy. Thus, according to him, the requirements of the May decrees of the head of state were fulfilled.

Medvedev is confident that the Russian economy has adequately passed the stress test of recent years and is preparing to respond to global technological challenges. According to the prime minister, thanks to targeted anti-crisis measures, it was possible not only to maintain the situation, adapt the real sector and financial system to new conditions, but also to support people, the most vulnerable areas, industries and enterprises.

According to the Prime Minister, deputies and members of the Cabinet of Ministers jointly solved the most difficult problems in the development of the country, finding optimal solutions to the most difficult situations. Dmitry Medvedev thanked the State Duma deputies for their joint work, noting that today’s speech on the results of the government’s work is the last report of its current composition.

Dmitry Medvedev today he is delivering a report to the State Duma for the entire six-year term of office of the Cabinet of Ministers, that is, in last time before the resignation of the current government. conducts a text broadcast.

17.31. Medvedev thanked everyone for working together “for the good and prosperity of the country.” The deputies responded by giving the prime minister a standing ovation. That's it!

17.18 . Sergei Mironov believes that the government, with tenacity worthy best use, follows a liberal course.

I also supported Minister Olga Vasilyeva.

17.11 . Vyacheslav Volodin explained the sanctions by the growing influence of Russia.

He called for mirror measures to be taken in relation to products that the United States exports.

16.56 . Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the usual style, “Russophobia arose in 1917.” And then the memory faded?

He suggested filling the tundra with garbage, “there is no one to hold rallies there, the Moscow opposition will not get there.”

He proposed replacing VAT with sales tax.

He self-critically called the party opposition “the three little pigs.”

16.55 . Zyuganov called for changes in the composition of the government, but did not propose Grudinin to high positions.

The GDP growth rate should be 7-8%, said the leader of the Communist Party faction.

He called to stop “pounding Vasilyeva from all sides.”

He called for the construction of 150 timber processing factories, “then we would become rich.”

16.38 . They ask a lot about the forest, about the fact that “it’s not just dead wood that needs to be collected.” It was proposed to create a Ministry of Forestry. Medvedev rejected this initiative, but shared all the concerns of parliamentarians.

16.19 . And Kudrin is not needed. Medvedev himself talks about the relationship between life expectancy (which was credited at the very beginning) and the prospect of raising the retirement age.

16.04 . “State registration of self-employed people is necessary.”

15.58 . "The comments that are being made are the opinions of individual members of the government and nothing more." Medvedev about Dvorkovich's statement, which...

As for the progressive scale, there are many questions and big doubts.

15.42 . “The actions of the economic bloc are aimed more at slowing down economic development than at stimulating it.” A question, or rather a statement, from the “SR” faction.

15.40 . Modern Russian weapons are not a reissue of Soviet decisions.

15.36 . The accusations against Russian Olympians are politicized.

15.29 . The regions' debts must be within their power. In general, existing practice will not change.

15.24 . A quarter of foreign investment goes to the Far East.

15.17 . In the wake of the tragedy at the shopping center" Winter cherry“The system of state control will change, business must also bear responsibility. Where is the Kemerovo shopping center?

15.03 . Separately, Medvedev praised metallurgists, the industry is updating its production capacity (how can one not help after this?).

15.00 . The elimination of environmental damage should become an independent industrial sector.

14.55 . “Over the past six years, business has come to believe in new technologies.” Have you noticed?

14.51 . For six years, the government provided 5% of GDP (Putin set the goal of 5% per year).

14.50 . Six years of Medvedev's premiership are a "stress test" for the Russian economy. Couldn't have said it better.

14.48 . Briefly about road repairs. Not a word about " ".

14.32 . The failure to comply with the May decrees is explained simply - “other economic conditions.”

14.28 . Poverty in the Russian Federation remains the most big problem, said Medvedev, who promised business support the day before Oleg Deripaska, .

14.21 . High-tech medicine is again presented as something that makes it possible to close hospitals in the outback.

14.18 . Life expectancy in the Russian Federation has increased by 2.5 years in six years. More than 80 years by the end of the next decade - this is the goal. (Now Kudrin will speak and say that the retirement age needs to be raised).

14.16 . Medvedev, like Putin, decided to use slides. Against the backdrop of Trump's threats to strike Syria. Something will happen?!...

14.15 . “Crimea and Sevastopol returned home, it changed the country and changed the world.”

14.10 . Medvedev called the past six years a testing time for the economy; the blows threatened the country with a “catastrophe,” but the Cabinet managed to cope. In addition, the authorities have gotten rid of “illusions” about our “partners”.

13.55 . Ministers walk in rows (not orderly).

13.50. It is expected that the speech, taking into account answers to questions from deputies, will take four hours. Vladimir Putin He promised to decide on the new composition of the Cabinet before his inauguration in May.

Below we publish full text speech by the head of the Communist Party faction at the Government report in the State Duma

G.A. Zyuganov:

Last week, in the article “Crisis in the Shadow of Illusions”, published in the newspapers “Pravda” and “Soviet Russia”, my detailed analysis of the situation in the country was published. It came out on the eve of the government report. Received a lot of responses. The results of this analysis are extremely alarming. We are obliged to warn society that the continuation of the current socio-economic course threatens Russia with a complete collapse.

Fundamental changes are coming, an entire era is changing. Aggressive speculative capitalism is writhing in the throes of crisis. That’s why truthful and accurate assessments of the situation and understanding of the prospects for our development are so important for us today.

A little background. I would like to remind you that in 2009, at the World Political Forum in Yaroslavl, Medvedev gave a fairly honest assessment of the situation in the country. I quote the meaning of his statements: the country has been driven into a raw materials impasse, it urgently needs modernization, corruption has struck all government bodies. You need a strong team and very efficient work.

The citizens of our long-suffering Russia hoped that real modernization would actually unfold in the country. After all, serious promises were made to society at all levels. Let's say Putin demanded the creation of 25 million new modern jobs. Although he did not say in which industries and how. 20 trillion was also promised. rubles to strengthen our defense, of which 5 trillion. intended for aviation, the most knowledge-intensive branch of the military-industrial complex. Moreover, during election campaign They were also given promises of powerful social support for the population. It was estimated at almost 6 trillion. rubles At the same time, a number of projects were announced to solve the housing problem, develop education and healthcare, agriculture

Time has passed, and now let's calculate what the country actually received.

Economy. To implement these promises, the government was obliged to achieve at least five percent economic growth. In fact, Russia has already been hit by a new wave of crisis. Economic growth decreased in the first quarter of this year to 1%, and industrial production indicators generally went into negative territory. At the same time, we received another million unemployed. More than 300 thousand small and medium-sized entrepreneurs went completely bankrupt. Only corrupt officials prosper: the louder the government fights them, the more abundantly they multiply.

What about our finances? In the same first quarter, 25 billion dollars flowed out of Russia, i.e. 750 billion rubles. At the same time, the government sent to foreign banks 900 billion rubles of oil and gas revenues. Almost 450 billion were taken from the treasury by a sharp decline in production. In total, in the past quarter the country missed more than 2 trillion. rubles

Now let's look at debts. State and corporate external debt reached $623 billion. Last year it grew at the highest rate - 17 percent. Plus, regional debts, which at the beginning of the year amounted to 1 trillion 400 billion rubles. And in the first quarter of this year they increased by another 500 billion rubles. Republics, territories and regions are simply stifled by lack of money. At the same time, the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves have shrunk by almost $70 billion, so that today they are $109 billion less than the external debt. As you can see, the situation is simply terrible. Let's face it, the country smells of a new default.

What is the government doing under such conditions?

It thoughtlessly and without preparation drags Russia into the WTO, which destroys the last surviving enterprises in mechanical engineering and in rural areas. Organized a pogrom in the army. Changed the militia into the police. He is carrying out an unprecedented robbery of housing and communal services, saddled with impoverished citizens and major renovation. It contributes to the fact that fires and chaos in the forest regularly cover the entire space of Russia. The uncontrolled invasion of migrants provokes a rapid increase in crime. With this policy, the authorities consistently incite ethnic hatred.

The country, in fact, has turned into a criminal training ground, into a commodity and commodity exchange. Already 90% of large property is under foreign control. We are more tightly tied than ever to the “pump” that pumps our wealth abroad. The share of raw materials in Russian exports has approached 90%. The import of cars, equipment, food, and medicines exceeded all permissible limits. We stopped producing the simplest products.

I want to emphasize that already oil and gas complex works mainly on foreign equipment. If its supply is cut off, everything will stop within two to three months.

Amid government talk about freedom of movement and labor mobility, Russian Railways is removing 235 interregional routes. They even canceled the Astrakhan-Volgograd train, which had been running smoothly since 1895. In essence, a new serfdom is being introduced.

What does the government see as a way out of this situation? Yes, everything is the same: who to rob, who to intimidate, and give something to your own. It is proposed to once again place all shortfalls on the shoulders of the people, three-quarters of whom eke out a miserable existence. Reduce all social spending: on education, healthcare, support for low-income groups of the population. And continue to sell off property, including strategic property. Continue taking money outside the border. Although the return on these investments of ours was less than 2% last year. We take out loans abroad at 5-8%, and business people we give them at 12-15%, or even 20%. In such conditions, no industry can develop normally.

The destruction of universities continues. Ministerial bureaucrats even propose to liquidate the Academy of Sciences. They are preparing to increase property taxes, which will affect tens of millions of citizens who have privatized their small apartments.

I'm not even talking about the pension reform, which is turning into another cynical deception. In order to “earn” the minimum pension by European standards of 40% of salary, a person will have to “plow” for 30 years. And this does not take into account university studies, military service and child care. Plus work for another five years after reaching retirement age. And at the same time receive a salary above the national average, which today is 27 thousand rubles. But not everyone receives this salary. In mechanical engineering it is 17-18 thousand, in the countryside - 10-12 thousand. Similar wages in culture, education and medicine. That is, the bulk of citizens who create the main values ​​in the country will not receive even this small pension.

And to consolidate such a disastrous course, they also impose political “modernization” on society: elections without choice. The party system is turning into a vinaigrette, into a slushy mess. And elections are a competition between administrative arbitrariness, criminal groups and information violence. Today, more than six dozen parties have already been registered, and another hundred are in line. Instead of a ballot, the voter will receive a long “Churov footcloth”, which no KOIB will swallow.

At the same time, the ruling elite is chattering louder and louder about some special reforms. But the most curious thing is who will carry them out?

Will Messrs. Golodets, Livanov and Fursenko continue them in education? These are the ones who have actually destroyed the entire system preschool education. Programs in Russian language, literature and mathematics have been cut high school. Instead of normal exams, the “Baba Yaga” Unified State Exam was introduced, which makes the whole country sick. The training system in vocational schools, pedagogical universities, agricultural universities and cultural and educational institutions has been drained of blood. The Academy of Sciences is shamelessly breaking down. Such reforms probably made the founder of the Academy, Peter the Great, turn over in his grave.

Who will be responsible for boosting agriculture? Is it really “hereditary grain grower” Dvorkovich and “lawyer-livestock breeder” Fedorov? Of his seven deputies, almost none was seriously involved in the agro-industrial complex. Of the 14 department heads, only two have a professional understanding of this work. At the same time, Rosagroleasing was turned into a branch of the prosecutor’s office, and neither prominent bankers nor farmers are visible on the board of Rosselkhozbank.

Will modernization and new technologies really continue to be entrusted to the “outstanding defaulter” Kiriyenko and the “chief privatizer” and destroyer of the country’s unified energy system, Chubais? By the way, only direct losses of the Chubais corporation Rusnano for last year amounted to more than 20 billion rubles. But these failures are paid for very generously from the state budget. The average salary exceeds 400 thousand rubles, and 483 million rubles were spent on the security of this office alone. At the same time, transporting the leading asses of the “nanists” cost taxpayers 855 million rubles. No wonder, because the rental of an Audi 8 car is budgeted at 1 million 600 thousand. Miracles and nothing more! In a couple of months of such “rental” you could buy a luxurious new car.

Let me emphasize again. This “feast during the plague” occurs in conditions where the situation in the economy, finance and politics is dire. When the majority of the country's citizens can barely make ends meet.

The lessons of Cyprus, the way the European Union treated Russian offshore lovers, should have told the authorities a lot. By the way, the Americans have already published lists of those Russian nouveau riche and officials who keep their capital in other offshore companies. Interesting fact: These lists include representatives from many countries other than US citizens. It is clear that a new special operation is being prepared - to transfer this easy money to their offshore companies and use it to cover the colossal budget deficit. The Americans know well how to carry out such a weaning; they have extensive experience in “dekulakization” of entire countries and peoples. And the government is unable to take measures to return these funds to the country, even to force its own officials.

The current situation is in many ways reminiscent of the events of fifteen years ago. Then, in May 1998, several months before the default, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation warned the authorities and the country about the impending collapse. We could have avoided that default. The opposition warned about the danger in a timely manner, but we were not heard. And only after the August collapse, Yeltsin was forced to gather all influential forces in the Kremlin and go to the formation of a center-left government led by Primakov, Maslyukov and Gerashchenko.

Are we really going to wait for a new default again in order to implement the proposals of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?

The Communist Party states directly: the country needs new course, new team, new strategy and new information policy. A new government is needed - a government of national interests, a government of people's trust.

It is impossible to get out of the crisis without strategic planning, without smart industrial and regional policies. Without a reliable banking system and loans available to commodity producers. Can't solve any financial issue without a state monopoly on income from mineral resources and the alcohol and vodka industry. We are not able to compete with anyone without regulating prices for energy resources, transport tariffs and housing and communal services. Without effective support for rural areas, small and medium-sized businesses. Without taming corruption, ratifying Article 20 of the UN Convention, which establishes liability for the illegal enrichment of officials.

It is impossible to solve any of these problems without forming personnel reserve, without caring about the teacher, doctor, engineer and scientist, that is, without a qualitatively new economic and social policy states. Under this Constitution, Putin and Medvedev have enormous powers. There is no need to waste time, you need to make responsible decisions. And not to shuffle the worn-out deck of “cadres” who don’t really know how to do anything, and don’t even want to be able to do anything.

Only a change in government policy can provide a way out of the crisis and prevent an impending default. political reform and the formation of a coalition government of national interests, responsible to parliament.

The famous science fiction writers, the Strugatsky brothers, used the very precise word “coekakers” to describe ebullient slackers, incompetents and amateurs.

It's time to stop the liberal carousel of governments consisting of such "coekakers" who only imitate activity and do nothing to revive the country.

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation,

Head of the Communist Party faction

V State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Economics, healthcare, major projects, social topics. Dmitry Medvedev today - with a big report in the State Duma. The prime minister's speech to deputies is an annual event, and he usually talks about what has been done over the past 12 months. But not now. This time everything is larger: the results of six years of work of the Cabinet of Ministers, of course, taking into account recent events. The speech began around noon, and the prime minister is still on Okhotny Ryad.

The executive branch is required by the Constitution to report annually to the legislative branch. But this report in parliament is unusual - the prime minister sums up the results of six years. This office has operated the longest in the history of modern Russia. But after May 7, the date the president takes office, a new government will be formed. The Prime Minister today called the report “the last for this cabinet.”

In general, the report was quite optimistic. According to Medvedev, his government managed to find ways out of the most difficult situations. The prime minister arrived in the Duma a few days after the United States introduced new anti-Russian sanctions, which led to instability in the stock market and a depreciation of the national currency. But, according to Medvedev, no one will be able to limit Russia’s development.

“These six years, absolutely obviously, this is not an exaggeration, not a figure of speech, were years of testing. Testing the strength of our economy. Never before had she received so many strong blows at once in such a short period. This includes the global financial crisis, the collapse of commodity markets, sanctions, and the closure of financial and technological markets. No economy, even the healthiest, is immune from such shocks, and ours, with its structural problems this simply threatened her with disaster. But we not only survived, we began to develop, no matter how hard they tried to stop us from the outside.

Contrary to common sense, both in America and in Europe they began to stubbornly impose on our country the role of an enemy and tried and are trying to squeeze us out of the world politics of world economic relations. By the way, the latest decisions of the US administration in this area are an attempt to fight us by unfair competition. Limit our development, create tension in the economy on the foreign exchange and stock markets. There is no doubt that we will cope with this pressure. We have already learned how to do this and will ultimately turn all these actions to the benefit of our own economy, our own economic development. But let’s not forget those who continue this anti-Russian policy, those who harm our country,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

Medvedev was asked about Moscow's possible reaction to American sanctions. According to the prime minister, response measures must be calculated, adequate and not cause damage to ourselves.

In general, over the years the country has realized that they need to be self-sufficient. More and more of our own industrial products are being produced. Russia has learned to turn challenges into development incentives. Medvedev called the past six years “a period of great construction.” These are record volumes of constructed housing, Olympic Sochi, the first stage of the Vostochny cosmodrome, sports facilities for the FIFA World Cup in Russia™, modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway. As for the social sphere, measures were taken to increase the birth rate and reduce mortality. The country's population increased by 2.7% over six years, to almost 149 million people.

“There are quite a lot of indicators that describe how fast the country is moving, what state the economy is in. But there is one indicator that is the most important, synthetic if you like, characterizing the whole picture of life in the state, in our country. This is life expectancy. Over the past six years, it has grown by two and a half years. Today, life expectancy in our country is a record high, almost 73 years. This, however, is an average figure, you also need to understand. We have passed the 70-year threshold that demographers believe separates developing countries from more developed countries. This is a qualitative leap that allowed the president to set a new goal - by the end of the next decade, life expectancy should be more than 80 years,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

Medvedev was also asked about solving the problems of shareholders and financial assistance to the regions, on which the level of salaries of public sector employees depends. In general, the May presidential decrees are being implemented, but there is work to be done.

“We understand well that poverty remains the most pressing problem in the country, probably the biggest one. But what we have managed to do over these three years, unfortunately, is not enough to defeat it. Measures have been taken and will be taken. We have taken serious steps, raising the minimum wage to the subsistence level for the first time in the history of modern Russia. Since 2013, it has almost doubled, as is known. From May 1 it will be 11,163 rubles. This will affect more than three million people. Moreover, half of them work in the public sector. Colleagues from " United Russia» asked whether the regions would find money to increase salaries. There, indeed, the situation is always not the easiest, given the increase in the minimum wage. I want to say straight out that we will definitely provide support. We have already allocated 36 billion rubles from the government’s reserve fund for these purposes,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

While preparing for the report, Dmitry Medvedev held a series of consultations with all factions of the State Duma. The opposition always has complaints. The communists and A Just Russia today criticized the work of the government’s financial and economic bloc. Liberal Democrats are generally satisfied with the work of the cabinet - they just need to limit the export of foreign currency from the country and reduce VAT. And United Russia is ready to support the cabinet, which had to work in the difficult conditions of Western sanctions and instability in world markets.

The Duma regulations do not limit the time the prime minister can speak. The report is still ongoing. Medvedev asked deputies in advance to be patient.

“The government stated that it would do everything to overcome the crisis and fulfill the President’s message, which said: “The country is obliged to reach a development rate no lower than the world.” The global development rate was 3.5 percent. We have twice as much. If we take away the raw materials sector, then in virtually all basic industries there is either a decline or marking time,” G.A. noted bitterly. Zyuganov.

“The main “result” of the government’s work over the past year is that our country continues to lag behind the pace of development in the world,” concluded Gennady Andreevich. - This is extremely dangerous. We could fall behind forever. Therefore, we must say directly and honestly: in order to reach global rates, a different financial and economic policy is needed. Let's see what they offer today."

“But the budget that has been approved for the coming years indicates the opposite. In order to fulfill the president’s next message, which sets the task of ensuring GDP growth by about one and a half times, it is necessary to have a rate of approximately 7-8 percent,” says the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“Our country had such a pace before the Great Patriotic War“Approximately 15 percent,” Gennady Andreevich further noted. - According to the results of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, the Chinese had about 10 percent. But in order to implement this program, we need to have an additional 10 trillion rubles in the budget tomorrow.”

“We had a meeting with the Prime Minister and his specialists a week ago,” said G.A. Zyuganov. “I asked him: “How do you assess the president’s message, and what additional reserves are needed?” He replied: “We counted. From seven to fifteen trillion. But I say: “Let's take at least ten. And we will calculate what is needed in order to implement this program.”

“But we also need to remember that, in essence, war has been declared on us,” Gennady Andreevich emphasized. - The US Permanent Representative to the UN recently, speaking at a university, said: “Russia will never be our friend. We will negotiate with her when necessary. And so we will constantly beat and punish her.” This beating and punishment has been going on for months now under the leadership of Mr. Trump, whom Zhirinovsky wanted to see as President of the United States. But soon Trump will catch up with Reagan in his anti-Russian and anti-Soviet statements. And also for attacks on our country.”

“The smell of war is in the air,” warned G.A. Zyuganov. - Then you must answer one more question: “How can you implement the planned programs in conditions of crisis and military challenges?” First, we need the consolidation of society. But we don't see any consolidation. The main result of the government’s work is the further impoverishment of citizens, which has continued for 42 months in a row.”

“Second, we need to take care of children and the elderly. We introduced the law on war children four times. Despite all the promises, it has not been fulfilled,” recalled the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“Third, we must make sure that people have good housing. Under the leadership of the Medvedev government, the volume of dilapidated housing has recently increased by 12 million square meters. And this volume is growing like a snowball,” Gennady Andreevich cited disappointing data.

“It is extremely important to do everything to ensure that there is an educated population. This applies to every family. Baba Unified State Examination continues to ruin our public education. This means that consolidation is not going well,” concluded G.A. Zyuganov.

“Everything must be done,” the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation further emphasized, “to mobilize reserves and resources. How? First of all, let's shake up the oligarchy. We sell approximately 20 trillion rubles worth of raw materials per year different types. The budget has never received more than 8 trillion. They don't want to take it. But they supported almost four trillion of our oligarchs. They promised that they would invest this money in production. But only four percent of this amount went into production. Everything else was stuffed into pockets and sent abroad. They also promised to help with salaries, pensions and scholarships. But the treasury did not have any real resources.”

“In order to cope, we need to master ultra-modern technologies,” urged Gennady Andreevich. - But nothing like that happens. Even the experience of the unique institution of Zhores Alferov remained only the property of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), but did not spread throughout the country. They promised that they would support our national enterprises, which turned out to be the most effective. They work brilliantly, a huge amount of money in the form of taxes goes to the treasury from them.”

“This government, while declaring stability, has not answered a single question. Stability of what? If development is stable, for this we need to have an additional ten trillion rubles tomorrow. And invest them in production, in talent, in super-enterprises, in national production,” suggested the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“If we are talking about the stability of degradation, then today it is obvious,” noted G.A. Zyuganov. - Or take high-tech products. We built the first 156 factories in China. Today China sells $496 billion worth of such products annually. Americans - by $153 billion. Three times less than China. We are seventy times less than what China sells. If you want to pull the country out of the crisis, inherit the Soviet experience, Chinese modernization, and effective transformations of people's enterprises. Then you can look forward with confidence.”

“With the financial and economic course pursued by the Medvedev government in this composition, not a single problem can be solved,” the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation emphasized in conclusion.
