Which famous Hollywood actors live modestly. The most modest Hollywood stars

We are used to thinking that celebrities only eat in restaurants, drive exclusive cars, and if they buy clothes, then only haute couture.
We learned about 14 world-famous celebrities who are accustomed to living modestly, despite fabulous fees.

Jennifer Lawrence

The Hunger Games star is used to spending money wisely and knows the value of every cent she earns - she drives a Volkswagen Eos, is interested in sales in stores and uses discount coupons. IN hometown actress (Louisville), her name is given to the cardiology department of a children's hospital - the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (Kosair Hospital), to which Jennifer donated $2 million.

Keanu Reeves

Even as Keanu rose through the ranks, he preferred to live in hotels or rent an apartment. He does not have a huge amount of things, there is no security, and he travels quite calmly to public transport. The actor gave 90% of his fee from “The Matrix” (about $80 million) to make-up artists, special effects specialists and other colleagues on the project, and gave 12 stuntmen a brand new motorcycle.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress is careful with money and tries to teach her children this. Sarah sews their clothes herself (she only buys shoes in stores) and loves second-hand stores. Sarah auctioned off the shoes of her famous heroine, Carrie Bradshaw, and donated all the proceeds high school music, art and performance.

Kate Middleton

The Duchess often goes out in the same outfit and loves budget brands. For example, the jacket and blue dress are from Zara, and the dress on the left is from Hobbs, which Kate got for about 1,750 rubles. Kate is constantly involved in charity work. One of the latest charitable programs is Heads Together, which addresses the mental health of youth, veterans, the homeless and other groups of people at risk.

Vincent Kartheiser

The star of the TV series “Mad Men” does not buy a car as a matter of principle, uses public transport and lives in a very modest house. As the popularity of the series grew, Vincent became irritated by the huge number of things around him, and he decided to get rid of them (he gives away everything he doesn't need).

Christian Bale

"Batman" even after fame came to him, lived for a long time in one-room apartment together with his family, had no cell phone and no bodyguards. “Wealth means nothing to me. If a robber broke into my house, he would burst into tears,” the actor said in an interview. The actor decided to donate all the proceeds from the distribution of the new film “The Promise” to charity.

Leonardo DiCaprio

At one time, already a well-paid actor, Leo drove a regular-class car, a Toyota Prius, and prefers commercial flights to private jets. In 1998, the actor created the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and donated to 30 different charities, including Amazon Watch, National Geographic: Pristine Seas, Save the Elephants and the World Wildlife Fund, $15 million.

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer manages to combine the status of a Hollywood star and the role of a housewife. Garner often goes to the regular market for groceries. The actress has been collaborating with the Save the Children foundation (dealing with children's rights and children's education and specializing in helping children in developing countries) for 10 years.

Keira Knightley

The actress sets a monthly limit; if she wants to buy more than this amount, she wonders if she really needs it. Knightley says that by maintaining a luxury lifestyle, you can't truly connect with people who live differently. Kira is selling the dresses she wore to various events to raise money for charity.

Russell Crowe

The Oscar-winning actor could definitely afford a luxurious life. But he chose to move to Australia and bought an ordinary ranch and an old jeep. Crowe says he found what he had been looking for for a long time: silence and nature. Russell regularly donates large sums to various organizations, including a Jewish school in Montreal that was damaged by a terrorist attack in 2004.

Hayden Christensen

The actor who plays Anakin Skywalker decided to move to live on a farm; he even plows the land himself on his own tractor. Hayden also cares about the environment - his farm runs on solar energy.

Reese Witherspoon

The actress spends money carefully and is used to saving. Reese believes that spending on luxury is not justified. The actress also tries not to spoil her children and teaches them financial discipline, buying only the essentials. Reese is taking part in a campaign to collect items for disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada. Also, together with Matthew McConaughey, they presented a charity screening of the cartoon “The Animal” and raised $100 thousand for charitable foundations.

Jessica Alba

Jessica is a frugal mom and founder of eco-friendly diaper company The Honest Company. She doesn't throw away things she grows out of. eldest daughter, and passes them on to the younger one. The American magazine Forbes included the actress in the ranking of the richest women in the United States who made their own fortune, but despite this, Jessica is not shy about buying budget clothing brands and traveling on public transport.

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino has a hobby - he collects films, but he is indifferent to cars, no matter how luxurious they are. The red Chevrolet Malibu (which Travolta drove in the movie Pulp Fiction) belonged to him, but Quentin was not interested in it, and the actor wanted to get rid of it. He said: “No, I just don’t need him. I like Geo Metro much better."

Expensive cars, huge houses, sparkling diamonds: you can flaunt your wealth and spend your profits for show. Or it can be the other way around...

Sarah Jessica Parker

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The star of the TV series “Sex and the City” is not at all like her heroine Carrie Bradshaw with her manic passion for expensive shoes from Manolo Blahnik, designer items and the desire to look stunning all the time - Sarah treats her appearance much calmer. Her net worth is estimated at $100 million, but Sarah finds it difficult to forget her childhood, in which her family of eight was forced to survive on unemployment benefits. And queues for coupons free food she also cannot forget - the humiliation that she experienced as a child left its mark and partly determined the lifestyle that she leads, having already become the mother of three children and the wife of actor Matthew Broderick. Their family lives in the prestigious Greenwich Village area of ​​New York, but apart from buying a home, Sarah and her husband do not make any ostentatious expenses. Private jets, expensive tourist trips and fashionable restaurants are not among their hobbies. Thrifty Sarah kept all the clothes she wore in the series “Sex and the City”, and also said in an interview that she considers it quite normal for children to dress in ready-made clothing stores, and not in custom-made designer items.

Sarah Michelle Gellar

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The actress (we remember her from her roles in the series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and the films “Scooby-Doo” and “Cruel Intentions”) and her husband Freddie Prinze Jr. known for making their personal life practically unknown - the couple rarely goes out, preferring to spend free time with his two children. The couple's net worth is about $15 million, but their lifestyle is very modest. In an interview with Self magazine, Sarah admitted that she always cuts out discount coupons from magazines and enjoys buying things on sales. On top of that, the actress is an active volunteer, spending not only time on participating in charity events, but also money. As she herself admits, her way of life was influenced by her upbringing: her mother often repeated that you can always help other people, even if you have nothing.

Zooey Deschanel

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When Zoe filed for divorce from husband Ben Gibbard, documents were leaked and her monthly budget became public knowledge. The star of the films “500 Days of Summer” and “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” was hardly happy about this circumstance, but thanks to it, the public was able to look into the pocket of a Hollywood star, which in itself is not a common occurrence. It turned out that Zoe's monthly income averaged 95 thousand dollars a month, but her expenses were no more than a quarter of her income - only 22.5 thousand dollars. The actress invested the accumulated funds, the amount of which was not disclosed, in stocks and real estate. In general, Zoe is a worthy example of what in America is called “responsible approach to spending money.” However, Deschanel is not only involved in accumulation - she is also known for her participation in charity events. You won’t find this actress in expensive boutiques with designer clothes either, since she has repeatedly stated that “style is not at all the same when you’re wearing the most expensive thing.” In general, the actress passed the test with honor copper pipes– fame has not turned her into one of those stars who engage in “conspicuous consumption.”

Tyra Banks

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The former model for the Victoria's Secret brand did not limit her career to walks on the catwalk - she managed to create a successful TV show "America's Next Top Model" and increased the size of her bank account to an impressive $75 million. However, this does not mean that Tyra can now afford to buy everything she wants. Who is stopping her? She herself! “I often ask my accountant if I can buy such and such a thing, and I hear laughter in response,” Tyra said in an interview with Forbes magazine. “Yes, I’m frugal and always have been.” Her thriftiness, if not stinginess, is quite eloquently evidenced by the fact that Tyra has the habit of collecting soap and shampoos from the hotels where she stays (and she travels on business quite often) to later use at home. In a recent interview, Tyra’s mother confirmed this fact, supplementing it with the story that her daughter sees nothing wrong with saving the wings of the chicken that guests had not eaten the day before, so that she could cook an omelet with them the next morning. Also, Tyra Plyushkina, that is, Banks, uses an ordinary paper notepad to conduct business, not wanting to spend money on an expensive smartphone or tablet, and believes that in an ordinary fast food diner near her house the food is no worse than in an expensive restaurant.

Jennifer Lawrence

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The Oscar winner can be considered a role model for those who prefer to live frugally. Fame hasn't gone to her head at all. She still lives in the same rather modest apartment that she bought when she moved to Los Angeles, and buys big house doesn't plan. While some other stars have personal assistants help them make purchases, Jennifer enthusiastically uses discount coupons and visits large stores with affordable prices. When choosing cars, the actress also does not show off - no Bugatti-Maseratti, she owns budget Volkswagen and Chevrolet Volt.

Until recently, her condition was assessed different sources in the amount of from 2 to 7 million dollars, and after participating in the third part of the film “The Hunger Games” it increased by about 10 million more, however, this did not prompt Jennifer to give up her habits and start wasting money.

Leonardo DiCaprio

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Leo was a relatively little-known actor until he catapulted into the starry sky from the deck of the Titanic in 1997, after which he immediately became not only the most recognizable, but also one of the highest paid - now his net worth is over $200 million. At the same time, Leo’s spending is quite modest, with one exception - the actor bought an island for $2.4 million near Belize. However, in other respects, DiCaprio does not look much like a millionaire - he is an environmentalist, he even spoke at the UN, so there is only one car in his fleet, and that is a Toyota Prius.

Leo once said in an interview that he does not like to spend a lot of money, since having sufficient personal funds guarantees him creative freedom as an actor. At the same time, Leo is known as a generous donor to the needs of charitable foundations for the protection of environment– with its help, $39 million was raised only for the protection of tigers. He even created his own charitable foundation named after himself, which, among other things, is engaged in a drinking water purification program, thereby helping almost half a million people in Africa, in some areas of which drinking water has become a shortage.

Paul McCartney

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With a fortune of a billion dollars, Sir Paul probably might not save much, but he is extremely careful with money, as his daughter, designer Stella McCartney, spoke about in an interview. She called her father a stingy man - Stella didn’t really like the fact that Paul refused to pay for her education in private school and she had to choose the regular state one.

The ex-Beatle also “became famous” when he hosted a birthday party for his then-wife Heather Mills, at which guests were forced to pay for drinks. When she and Heather were divorcing, she did not miss the opportunity to jab Paul, saying in an interview that one of the reasons that prompted her to file for divorce was that McCartney refused to give money to charity, saying that he preferred to increase his wealth rather than waste it .

Kristen Bell

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The actress, known for her role as Veronica Mars in the TV series of the same name, and her husband Dax Shepherd are famous for their frugality. Kristen speaks about this quite calmly, recognizing the use of discount coupons as one of her favorite pastimes. She also says: “My husband and I are country boys and we are not at all ashamed of it.” The “country boys” have already earned about $18 million together, but they still haven’t become more wasteful. With particular pleasure, the couple recalls their own wedding in an interview: while other celebrities organize luxurious ceremonies in exotic places, Kristen and Dax simply got married in a courthouse. “The whole ceremony cost us $140, including gas to get to the venue,” they boast.

Warren Buffett

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You won't find this man's name in the credits of Hollywood films, but in the world of finance he is a true superstar with a fortune of almost $60 billion, the second place in the ranking of the richest people in America and the title of one of the most influential people on the planet from Time magazine. But wealth practically did not change his habits. Surprisingly, one of the world's most successful investors lives in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska, which he bought in 1958 for $31,500. He could dine in the most expensive restaurants in the world and pay the bill without any problems, but he prefers burgers from a nearby diner and cherry Coca-Cola. Luxury cars, smartphones and expensive equipment are also not his thing; Warren prefers to lead a simple life, ignoring the latest achievements of science and technology.

But he pays much more attention to charity, and even bequeathed 99% of his fortune to the Bill Gates charitable foundation. But he won’t forget about the children either: as Warren says, he plans to leave the children enough money “so that they can do something, but not so much that they can do nothing at all.”

Eva Longoria

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The star of the series “Desperate Housewives” in the last season earned 375 thousand dollars for filming in one episode. And although she failed to achieve success in big cinema, Eva was successful in restaurant business and publishing cookbooks, which eventually led her to having $35 million in her accounts. However, in life, Eva is different from her eccentric heroine in the series. The actress was influenced by her childhood, which was spent in an extremely poor Mexican family, when she and her three sisters often did not even have food. In addition, the path to fame turned out to be long and difficult - due to the actress’s small height, only 157 cm, they did not want to cast her, however, being an extremely persistent girl, Eva still made her way to fame. Therefore, Eva does not squander money, but carefully counts: yes, she spent it in 2007 on a wedding with now ex-husband basketball player Tony Parker $1.5 million, but at the same time sold exclusive photography rights to one of the magazines for 2 million. And in addition, she also made money on contracts with sponsors: all guests received gifts from famous brands, which also paid Eva extra for the possibility of such a promotion among several hundred rich and famous guests gathered.

Tobey Maguire

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Toby's parents, his father a cook, his mother a secretary, divorced when he was two years old. Toby grew up in a rather poor environment, which affected him himself - he was not used to wastefulness and did not get used to it even after he earned almost $30 million for filming three parts of the film “Spider-Man”. In one of his interviews, Toby said that he would not like to spend all his money and then be faced with the need to act in film to earn a living. Now he can afford not to act - lately he does this quite rarely, preferring to spend time with his wife and two small children. Jennifer Meyer, his wife, by the way, is not famous, she is an ordinary jeweler. True, her dad is a film producer, but this is hardly a marriage of convenience on Toby’s part, because they got married after he became a star.

Yes, he bought a large estate in California, but he does not consider this purchase a frivolous one, rather, on the contrary, a successful investment in real estate that will increase in value over time. Toby is also modest in other habits - he is practically a vegan, does not wear leather or fur.

We are used to imagining stars as darlings of fate who lead an idle lifestyle. Everything they have must be luxury: from food to travel. We can only admire their lives, which we cannot afford.

However, not all rich celebrities are used to throwing away money. Among them are those who prefer to live modestly and donate money to charitable projects. Let's take a look at these humble heroes.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese buys only the essentials for his children and tries not to spoil them. The actress actively advocates for the prevention of breast cancer and is the chairman of the Avon charitable foundation.

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood actress became involved in humanitarian aid in 2001 after a trip to Cambodia. Since then, she has founded several charitable foundations, and in 2013 she received a humanitarian Oscar for her services.

Quentin Tarantino

The scandalous director does not need jewelry and luxury cars; his real passion is film props. In addition, Tarantino regularly helps victims of natural disasters.

Konstantin Khabensky

In 2008, he lost his wife to cancer. Then the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation began helping children with brain cancer and has already saved hundreds of lives.

Sandra Bullock

The movie star is actively involved in charity work: she has already donated $1 million to the Red Cross four times.

Keira Knightley

Kira has a certain monetary limit for the month, which she set for herself. Anything that goes beyond the amount is a reason for the actress to think about whether she needs this thing. Kira believes that a rich life is not for her - so she will not be able to communicate with ordinary people.

Keanu Reeves

The actor has long deserved the most modest rich man. He does not buy mansions and prefers public transport. He gave almost all of his fee for the film “The Matrix” ($80 million) to other actors and make-up artists, as he considered that their salaries were too small.

Keanu founded a foundation to fight cancer, which he flatly refused to name. He was prompted to do this by a personal tragedy - the actor’s sister was sick with leukemia.

Jennifer Garner

The Hollywood star can often be seen at a regular market in simple clothes. Jennifer works with the Save the Chidren Foundation, which specializes in helping children in developing countries.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress not only saves money herself, she teaches her children to do the same. Sarah Jessica is a frequent visitor to thrift stores, and she sews clothes for her children herself.

Parker is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and a member of the Hollywood Women's Political Committee.

Kate Middleton

It would seem that a royal person should not live modestly. However, Kate has a different opinion. In everyday life, she can often be seen wearing clothes from Zara, Hobbs, H&M, and she invests her savings in charitable programs. This fact has helped her gain immense popularity around the world.

Christian Bale

The actor, whom we know and love for his roles in “The Dark Knight”, “The Machinist”, “American Psycho” and other films, is not a fan of luxurious life. He actively donates his fees to charitable causes. In an interview, he admitted: “Wealth means nothing to me. If a burglar broke into my house, he would cry."

He recently fulfilled the dream of a 4-year-old child with leukemia by appearing in a Batman costume.

Hayden Christensen

This sweet guy got tired of the expensive Hollywood life and moved to a farm, where he farms the land and drives a tractor.

Russell Crowe

The actor bought himself a small ranch in Australia and an old jeep. Or he could live large in Hollywood. In addition, he regularly helps not only various foundations, but also his fans who need help.

Jessica Alba

Jessica is one of the very frugal moms. She wears simple clothes and does not disdain public transport. The actress even founded an eco-friendly diaper company. She has repeatedly taken part in various charitable events and companies: in the fight against AIDS, in the search for missing children, in organizing assistance to children in Africa, etc.

Jennifer Lawrence

Star fever is definitely not about Lawrence. The popular actress drives a modest Volkswagen Eos car, enjoys simple entertainment (buying snacks and watching TV), and donates the money she earns to charity.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Back in 1998, the actor created the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Today, he is most concerned about environmental issues - the actor was recently appointed UN Ambassador, and he made his own film about climate change.

Based on materials:

Few people will refuse a level of income that will allow them not to think about spending and allow themselves any purchases and travel.

The heroes of this material have earned so much that they can definitely afford everything. But they prefer to spend money on charity. The most modest stars are in our selection:

Keira Knightley

Kira set a monthly money limit for herself. If she needs to purchase something beyond the agreed amount, she thinks whether she really needs this thing.

Knightley says that the luxury lifestyle is not for her - it will prevent her from communicating with ordinary people.

Angelina Jolie

Back in 2001 in Cambodia, she became convinced of the plight of the inhabitants and began to actively engage in providing humanitarian assistance. “My eyes were opened, I realized what was worth spending money on,” the actress noted in an interview.

Since then, Jolie has created several charitable foundations, and in 2013 she received a humanitarian Oscar for her services.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese admitted that she does not like to spoil her children and buys them only the essentials. Reese also takes part in collecting clothes and toys for disadvantaged children in the USA and Canada.

The actress is the chairman of the Avon charity foundation and is an active advocate for breast cancer prevention.

Konstantin Khabensky

In 2008, Konstantin lost his wife, who became a victim of cancer - then all the family’s savings were spent on treatment. After his wife died, Khabensky organized a fund to help children with brain cancer and has already saved hundreds of lives.

Keanu Reeves

The actor does not buy huge mansions and travels by public transport. He gave 90% of his fee for his role in the film “The Matrix” ($80 million) to make-up artists and other colleagues, as he believed that their salaries were too low.

Keanu founded a foundation to fight cancer, which he flatly refused to name. He was prompted to do this by a personal tragedy - the actor’s sister was sick with leukemia.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe could afford a luxurious life, but instead he lives in Australia, where he bought a small ranch and an old jeep.

He regularly helps not only various foundations, but also his fans in need of help.

Jennifer Lawrence

Star fever is definitely not about Lawrence. The popular actress drives a modest Volkswagen Eos car, loves simple entertainment (“buying snacks and watching TV”), and donates the money she earns to charity.

Sandra Bullock

The popular actress shares the opinion that “money doesn’t buy happiness,” and therefore donated $4 million to the Red Cross.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Already in 1998, the actor created the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, a charitable foundation, where he transfers a significant part of his earnings. The foundation recently awarded a record $20 million in its history, which will be transferred to 100 organizations for environmental programs.

Christian Bale

The actor, whom we know and love for his roles in “The Dark Knight,” “The Machinist,” and “American Psycho,” is not a fan of the luxurious life. He actively donates his fees to charitable causes. In an interview, he admitted: “Wealth means nothing to me. If a burglar broke into my house, he would cry."

He recently fulfilled the dream of a 4-year-old child with leukemia by appearing in a Batman costume.

All these singers, actors, directors and models have become very famous, while they themselves admit that they are very shy. What is it like for a shy person to be a star? Many of them have an alter ego, which copes with the work in the cinema, at a photo shoot or at a concert. Stars simply turn into other people for a while. During interviews or on TV shows, they have to be themselves, and then it is especially difficult. So, which Hollywood celebrities are the shyest?

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens was shy as a child and never outgrew her fears. In a recent interview, she admitted that she was very, very modest as a child. Many things still scare her. For example, she gets very nervous when she has to attend various events. However, her career is just beginning, perhaps with age Vanessa will have an easier time dealing with fame.

Kristen Stewart

Stewart explains that she is only seen as arrogant because she is actually very shy. She feels awkward during interviews because she doesn't like talking about herself. That is why she is often called rude and distant. Journalists should show respect: not everyone is ready to open up to the public in the way that is expected of stars. There is nothing to blame about this.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez was a popular Disney Channel actress. Fortunately, she did not grow up to be a celebrity like Miley Cyrus, who is not familiar with embarrassment at all. Selena remembers her first audition: it didn't go well because she was too embarrassed. She felt like she had failed and had to endure the failure for a long time. Now she has a very successful career, but deep down Selena remains a sweet and modest girl who is not entirely confident in her abilities.

Johnny Depp

Maybe that's why Johnny is so often reincarnated on screen. He's shy! He is introverted and prone to paranoia, he does not like fame and does everything to live in the shadows. Indeed, not much is usually known about his personal life.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica has been under the attention of journalists for more than ten years. Her ups and downs, known to the general public, are something she has a hard time coming to terms with. Jessica considers herself very modest. Acting talent is a gift that she is forced to share.

Steven Spielberg

The director is comfortable being on the other side of the camera; he does not like to participate in filming. He never felt confident, he was always in the minority, he was awkward and shy. He is never the center of attention in the company of friends. Maybe this gives him the opportunity to observe those around him, which is so important for talented directorial work.

Jessica Alba

Jessica openly admits that she doesn't like being the center of attention. She is satisfied with the role of mother and wife. For recent years she still managed to gain more self-confidence. That's why she never uses stunt doubles. Among other things, she even had to master kung fu for one of the roles. This helps her feel more confident.

Elton John

Who would have thought that such an outstanding performer could suffer from embarrassment. Friends admit that under the singer’s mask hides a modest person who seems completely insignificant to himself. What irony! Surprisingly, Elton is a real modest person and prefers to keep his personal life secret from journalists.

Keira Knightley

Kira admits without hesitation that she does not like parties, she always prefers to hide in the corner. She is comfortable talking with someone alone or just drinking cocktails. She struggles with getting along with a lot of people and attracting attention; she loves peace and quiet. In everyday life, she tries to stay away from the paparazzi.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle is a real beauty, but she is also very modest. She is one of those who prefers to sit somewhere in the corner and not attract much attention. However, over the years she managed to learn to communicate with people more openly, and now Michelle feels a little more comfortable in public.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt openly admits that he is very shy. The characters he plays on screen help him divert attention from his real personality. What an irony, considering that he and his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, attracts the attention of journalists with every step she takes.


Cher is widely known to be very shy and reserved. At the beginning of her career, she performed in a duet with Sonny Bono, who was her source of self-confidence until she managed to find her own style. It should be noted that in any situation Cher remains true to herself. She was able to express her opinion on many important issues.

Gene Hackman

Hackman has been a movie star for decades. He has an incredibly diverse range of roles and is a favorite of many people. His modesty has been with him since childhood, so he tries to stay as far away from the attention of journalists as possible, although he is considered one of the most talented and versatile actors in the world.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts successfully copes with her shyness. She manages to stay true to herself and act naturally in front of the camera. However, she doesn’t like fame at all. She's come a long way from the shy star of Pretty Woman running away from fame.

Lady Gaga

Who would have thought that Lady Gaga could be shy? However, perhaps this is why rarely anyone sees her in everyday life. She doesn't date other celebrities because she's very shy. Hollywood stars make her feel awkward; she feels like she doesn’t fit in with their circle.

Rene Russo

This stunning model turned actress was discovered at the age of sixteen. Despite her long career, she is very modest, and this despite the fact that her face has appeared on the most significant covers in the world of fashion and beauty. In addition, she played in many films.

Richard Gere

Richard Gere was a complete introvert as a child. He believes this is one of the reasons he became an actor: it helped him begin to express his emotions.

Tom Cruise

As a child, Tom Cruise was extremely shy and suffered from dyslexia. One way or another, he managed to find the strength to overcome his shyness. His fame helped him open up to the world.

Tom Hanks

Without a doubt, Tom is one of the best actors in the world. At the same time, he is surprisingly shy. According to his biography, Hanks moved around a lot as a child and was unable to make good friends. As a result, he grew up to be a rather reserved person.

Claudia Schiffer

Sometimes people who find themselves in the spotlight do better with cameras than with real people. Working as a fashion model helped Claudia a lot. She had to play different roles, good and bad, which helped her open up.

Justin Timberlake

As a child, Justin was very introverted. Then he realized that he could sing and attract people's attention, and his attitude towards life changed. It's hard to believe that Justin could ever be silent. Timberlake's mom jokes that until he was eight years old, his world was limited to his own sneakers: he always walked with his head down, looking at the toes of his shoes.
