Free meals in schools: who is eligible and how to apply. How to get a meal allowance for schoolchildren

Everyone knows that on the eve of a new academic year Parents whose children are in school have a lot to worry about. It is necessary to update the child’s wardrobe, purchase textbooks, and new school supplies. With the start of the school year, parents are faced with another problem associated with certain material costs - providing their child with adequate nutrition. To help parents, the Samara City District Administration has introduced a measure social support aimed at solving the problem of schoolchildren's nutrition.

From 06/01/2011 approved in Samara uniform orderproviding free food schoolchildren, studying in municipal educational institutions cities.

In the new school year, free breakfasts will be provided to:

1. children from families with an average per capita income, the amount of which does not exceed the subsistence level established in Samara region;

2. orphans;

3. children in difficult life situations;

4. children whose parents are employees of municipal educational institutions of the city of Samara;

5. children from large families.

Free four meals a day - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner - will be provided to cadets studying at cadet schools No. 95 and No. 170 on a 24-hour basis. The remaining cadets will receive free breakfast and lunch.

To receive free meals for children from families with an average per capita income, the amount of which does not exceed the subsistence level, parents must apply to the place of study of the children, presenting certificate of average per capita family income And certificate of non-receipt of child food benefits.

To obtain a certificate of the average per capita family income, parents must contact the Department of Social Support and Protection of the Population at their place of residence or place of stay and submit the following: documents:

  1. parents’ passports and copies thereof;
  2. birth certificate of the child (children) and copies;
  3. marriage certificate (divorce, establishment of paternity, etc.) and copies;
  4. certificate from place of residence about family composition;
  5. certificates from the place of work of both parents about where, by whom, for what time they work and about income for the three months preceding the month of application;
  6. if parents (or one of the parents) do not work - work books and copies thereof;
  7. if the parents (one of the parents) have never worked anywhere, a document on education and a copy thereof shall be submitted;
  8. if one of the parents (or both) is a private entrepreneur, a certificate of registration of business activity (and its copy) and a certificate from tax office about income for the three months preceding the month of circulation;
  9. certificate of education of the child (children) in a general education institution.

It is important that this year, to determine the average per capita income, only married parents and their minor children, as well as children studying full-time in educational institutions under the age of 23, will be included in the family.

Please note that a certificate of the average per capita family income is issued by the district Departments of social support and protection of the population within 10 days after submitting all the necessary documents. However, parents will have to apply to their children’s place of study with an application and a certificate of the average per capita family income by September 10. Therefore, work on issuing certificates of children’s education in schools in the Kirovsky district, as well as certificates of the size of the average per capita family income by the Department of Social Support and Protection of the Population of the Kirovsky District will be organized in August.

In the Kirovsky district, the Department of Social Support and Protection of the Population is located at: Samara, Metallurgov Ave., 11,( 992-21-36. Reception days: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8-30 to 17-00 (lunch break from 12-30 to 13-30).

Additional reception days will be organized for working parents: on Saturdays – August 20 and 27, 2011 from 9-00 to 14-00.

Those parents who do not want their children to eat free meals at school can apply food allowance for a child studying at school, if the average per capita family income does not exceed the subsistence level in the Samara region per capita.

Right one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) is entitled to the benefit and is paid a monthly child benefit.

Size Child food allowance is 350 rub. per month.

To assign a child food allowance, you must submit an application to the Department of Social Support and Protection of the Population, who have been assigned a monthly child allowance, and submit the following documents :

  1. copies of passports of the child’s parents (legal representatives);
  2. documents on family income for the last three months preceding the month of application;
  3. a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  4. a copy of the savings book in the name of the applicant;
  5. for persons replacing parents - a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force; or an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship) over children;
  6. a certificate confirming that the child is studying in a state or municipal educational institution or a certificate from a state or municipal educational institution about the child being in individual education;
  7. a certificate from a state or municipal educational institution stating that the child does not receive free meals at the place of study.

Copies of documents must be provided along with the originals or certified by a notary. Documents are updated annually.

We remind you that most citizens from 03/01/2011. payment was stopped monthly child benefit due to the fact that they did not provide information on family income. All citizens who have submitted documents to obtain a certificate of the average per capita family income will receive this benefit at the same time.

In addition, in the Samara region for several years now there has been such a measure of social support for citizens with children as annual one-time benefit at the beginning of the school year in the amount of 200 rubles. for every schoolchild. Either parent can also claim this benefit.

Head of the Department for Organization of Targeted Social Payments

Kalashnikova Vera Viktorovna

Some categories of our country's population are in dire need of support. It is carried out by social protection authorities. One of the support measures is free meals at school. Social protection authorities are represented in every region of the country and are always open to people, as they have entire websites with specific phone numbers and addresses.

Social support employees compile special lists, following which free meals are provided to children. Also, each school has a special position whose responsibilities include informing parents and monitoring the compilation of a list of applicants for free meals.

Types of subsidized meals

Free school meals consist of one breakfast, but it is possible to add lunch to it. What does this depend on? It depends on the budget capabilities of the region and how much money is allocated for one student. There is also this option: parents receive discounts when paying for lunch, and the student receives breakfast for free. In any case, parents will have to pay the difference between the allocated funds and the cost of food.

Categories of beneficiaries

Your child's school can provide information about who is eligible for free school meals. First of all, it is necessary for large families (3 or more children) and low-income families.

The following may also be eligible for social assistance:

  • children with disabilities;
  • orphans;
  • children in difficult life circumstances;
  • children of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

Documents for receiving food benefits in 2018-2019

It is not enough to have many children; you must confirm this with the appropriate documents in order to get food benefits for your child.

So for large families, the list of required documents is as follows:

  • parents’ passports and child’s birth certificate (original and copy);
  • a certificate reflecting the composition of the family;
  • marriage certificate;
  • photographs of parents (3 x 4 cm), which are needed for identification.

It is worth noting that the paperwork will take about ten days. Only after this the school social worker will receive lists of children in need of free meals.

The main thing is not to miss the moment when your certificate of large families expires, otherwise the child will not be given the right to eat for free. If a large family is still low-income, children can receive two subsidized meals a day.

Documents for low-income families

For such families, the main document is a certificate, which includes an amount of income that is necessarily below the subsistence level. Documents also include copies and originals of children’s birth certificates and parents’ passports. But if the parents are not officially employed, they will have to contact the Employment Center, where benefits will be paid in the future. Here if you for a long time If you don’t work, you may not be registered and your benefits may be denied. Then there is the option to report the amount of your income yourself so that your documents will be considered.

In the event of a divorce, the parent receiving child support must provide an officially issued certificate of the amount of child support paid to him over the last three months. If a parent evades child support, the bailiff service can issue a certificate regarding this fact.

Parents of disabled children must present a photocopy of the disability record and a certificate indicating the expiration date of the benefit.

For schoolchildren who have lost their breadwinner, you will need a copy of a certificate confirming this fact.

Children in difficult life circumstances are a rather vague concept, so they should be discussed separately. Parents need help class teacher, who, having studied the entire situation and completed the necessary papers, will transfer the case to the guardianship authorities. If they take it out positive decision, then the child is provided with a food benefit for a period of one year.

Many adults, when sending their children to school, don’t even think about who is entitled to free meals at school in 2017, and it’s no secret that a lot of money is often spent on this. All issues related to benefits and payments and privileges for certain categories of citizens, including children, are dealt with by social care authorities, and if you think that your child is entitled to preferential meals, contact social workers. In addition, all the information you are interested in, as a rule, is available on the official websites of social services; advice from the journal Privateness will help you understand this issue.

Types of subsidized meals, and who is entitled to free meals at school

Before we talk about who is entitled to free meals at school in 2017, we should say a few words about what types of meals there are. Depending on the capabilities of a particular region and local municipality, and if the child falls into a preferential category, he will be offered three preferential meal options:

  • The standard option is when the child is offered a free breakfast, but lunch must be paid in full.
  • Free breakfast and lunch, but this type of reduced meal plan is not common.
  • Providing benefits for paying for lunch, but in this case you will still have to pay some part of the cost of lunch.

Be that as it may, you should not ignore the opportunity to save, because the money spent on food can be used for clothes and other needs of the child. Now it’s worth figuring out who is entitled to subsidized meals:

  • First of all, free school meals are provided for children from large families. In this case, we are talking about families where three or more children are growing up.
  • Free school meals are also provided for the loss of a breadwinner, and this is quite justified, because raising a child alone today is extremely difficult.
  • It is also practiced in all regions of Russia to provide free school meals for children of single mothers - this is one of the most common categories of beneficiaries, since women quite often give birth to children without being legally married.
  • If you can prove this status, you can qualify for free school meals for low-income people, and every year, unfortunately, there are more and more such people.

Regardless of which category of beneficiaries a child belongs to, adults should know what documents are needed to apply for free meals at school. Often the process of collecting them takes a long time, but it is worth it. To get advice on this issue, you don’t even need to contact a lawyer, because explanatory work is part of the responsibilities of social workers, who must tell you what documents are needed for free meals at school.

For example, in order to receive free school meals for large families, you will need to provide copies of your parents’ documents and a marriage certificate; you will also have to collect children’s birth certificates and a certificate of family composition. Parents will also have to take an ID photo (standard photo size is 3x4 cm). A child whose mother has collected a package of documents that includes all of the above documents, with the exception of a marriage certificate, can apply for free meals at a school for children of single mothers.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with low-income Russians, who must prove that the funds they earn or receive in the form of benefits and alimony are not enough to provide food for the child. Perhaps your child falls into another category of beneficiaries, so it is worth knowing exactly who is entitled to free school meals in 2017, and, in addition to the listed categories, these may be the children of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, as well as children with a certain disability group

Previously, compensation for meals at school was provided in full by the state, and lunches were for all children, regardless of the income level of their parents. About a year ago, the catering system in schools was reformed.

But the fact is that the amount allocated to provide for each child was only about three rubles, which is clearly not enough, especially based on the needs of the child’s body for nutrients Oh. But as of recently, only students up to the first to fourth grades, as well as children from large and socially disadvantaged families, will be able to eat for free.

Nutrition compensation is the amount that the state will return to parents. But this is only part of the cost of lunches, and a lot of paperwork is required to complete it. There are also documents that regulate all nutrition-related issues.

In order for a child to develop and grow, he needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients and microelements. It is important not to skip meals to avoid disrupting your diet and to ensure you have energy throughout the day. Therefore, school lunches are simply necessary, especially if the child lives far enough from the place of study, or has extracurricular activities after the school day. A common mistake many parents make is that they either give their child a certain amount for lunch, which the child often spends for other purposes. Usually this money is used to buy products such as chocolates, buns or sweet water, and this is in best case scenario. Sometimes a child can spend allocated pocket money on slot machines, computer games and much more. In other cases, parents do not give money at all, trying to provide sandwiches and other food from home. But psychologists say that after a certain age this can lead to constant bullying, so many students simply throw away such breakfasts on the way to school. There is no need to force your child to take sandwiches or other food with him, especially if he doesn’t want to. This can provoke conflicts and lead to a significant deterioration in the relationship between parent and child.

It is for the above reasons that it would be best to provide your child with normal and nutritious nutrition, especially since the state is meeting them halfway. True, there are also some nuances, since all specific issues related to the provision of schools and the laws regulating this are the responsibility of the regions. So it is the regional government that decides exactly how much the state will pay parents, what students will eat, and so on, based on regulatory government documents.

The main documents on the basis of which preschool and school meals are organized by region, as well as payments, are state laws, for example, “On Education,” which was adopted after the collapse of Soviet Union. The standard provisions established by the government also determine the rules of nutrition and regulate certain issues.

According to the above documents, free lunches in kindergartens and schools should be provided not only to sick and low-income students, but also to children belonging to the following social groups.

All large families have the right to free meals; At the same time, you need to know that, in accordance with the law, only a family with three or more children who are not yet sixteen years old is considered to have many children.

Children who are left orphans also have the right to receive meals from the state, regardless of whether they have guardians or are simply left without parental care.

All students with disabilities, as well as people with disabilities, regardless of group, must eat free of charge.

If a child has one or both parents with a disability of the first or second group, then the state provides him with meals at school.

Families that have lost a breadwinner (mother or father), including those receiving a loss pension, must be provided with lunches at school for all children.

Students from disadvantaged and low-income families, depending on the region, are entitled to one or two free meals during the school day.

Families who, for one reason or another, have a difficult financial situation, in some regions of the country can also be provided with school lunches at the expense of the state, but only if there is money in the budget for this.

For most, the main difficulties are related to receiving this compensation, since this requires collecting not only all necessary documents, but also write a statement addressed to the school director. Depending on the place of residence and family composition, different documents are needed; their list also depends on the type of benefit. Thus, large families must submit documents certifying the number of children. In addition to the birth certificates themselves, some areas may also require a local certificate for a large family. Guardians or guardians caring for the child must present the document itself and leave a copy of it certifying this fact. Parents with children with disabilities or disability, in addition to the disability certificate, they must also make a copy of the relevant medical certificate. Pupils whose father or mother has a disability of the first or second group can eat at school for free if the appropriate certificate is provided. Those families that have pensions from the state due to the loss of a breadwinner as the main source of income must obtain a certificate from the social care authorities.

All families recognized as low-income must make a copy of a certificate of benefits or subsidies for utility bills and those documents that certify their financial situation.

It is also worth considering that living wage set by each individual regional government. Therefore, a family is recognized as insufficiently wealthy only when any family member receives less than the current minimum.

The situation is also very difficult for those families who have financial difficulties for a number of reasons. Firstly, you need documents that confirm this. The second difficulty is that children from such families can receive free school lunches only if the places allocated by the regional budget are not occupied by other categories of beneficiaries.

Having dealt with the legal issues about compensation, many parents will want to know how exactly lunches are organized at school. The Institute of Nutrition determines and regulates the quantity and quality of food in accordance with the physiological needs and requirements of children. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age group and some other factors.

It will also be important for all parents to know what to do if their child is poisoned by school lunch. In some cases this can be life-saving; but for some parents it is important to know what needs to be done so that this unpleasant situation does not happen again.

Basically, food poisoning is observed in several students from the class at once. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to prove that the child was poisoned by the school lunch, and not by a pie bought at a nearby kiosk or other food. Therefore, at the first symptoms of poisoning, call the parents of other students and inquire about the health of the children. In addition, it can prevent severe poisoning if measures are taken in advance. If the schoolchildren are already in the hospital, then its management is simply obliged to notify the relevant authorities. If the application has not been made, then parents need to take matters into their own hands and contact the supervisory authorities responsible for the sanitary condition of educational institutions. Next, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate comes into play, and if serious shortcomings are discovered, then further investigation will be carried out by law enforcement agencies.

There is no need to panic, even if only one child in the entire class has been poisoned, but even at the slightest symptoms you should call an ambulance as soon as possible. Since absolutely all calls addressed to emergency services are recorded, this fact can confirm that parents have contacted the hospital. If, however, trouble did happen and the child was taken away in an ambulance to provide the necessary medical care, then you need to request a doctor’s certificate confirming the diagnosis. Despite the exact wording stated during the examination of the child (“suspicion of poisoning” or “poisoning”), this document must indicate some facts that will help avoid confusion. Thus, the certificate must contain the name and age of the child, the number of the educational institution, the exact time when the student was hospitalized along with the date, the name of the attending physician, the symptoms observed during hospitalization and the diagnosis itself. It is very good if the certificate indicated food poisoning. In addition, the document must have the hospital's stamp, the current date and a doctor's signature.

Even if the child’s condition did not require hospitalization, you can go to a local clinic or call a doctor for an examination at home, and thus obtain the necessary certificate.

Financial assistance to certain categories of citizens is provided for a variety of reasons. different types. These include subsidies, and other types of government-appointed support. Such assistance also exists in the area of ​​school nutrition. Lunches and breakfasts are provided to children of families of certain categories. Who exactly is entitled to such assistance in the coming academic year and what documents are needed in order to apply for it?

Table of contents:

Types of free school meals

Exactly how much money is spent on unpaid food for children in schools, and who regulates the distribution of finances on this issue, is established in Federal Law. It goes under the number 273-F3. The fourth paragraph states that free meals in schools are organized using revenues from regional budgets. The right to control and regulate this process is transferred to the management of these regions. And the food itself, its composition and the requirements that are put forward for it are regulated by general sanitary standards. Violation of these will result in severe penalties.

There are several types of free food. Which type operates in a certain territory depends on what budget the regional administration has allocated for social needs.

  • Breakfast is provided at the expense of budget funds.
  • The budget guarantees certain discounts on lunches and breakfasts in schools.
  • The regional office guarantees each student both free breakfast and free lunch.

Important fact

The legislation separately identifies families that fall into the category of low-income or vulnerable. For them, both breakfast and lunch are free, regardless of what type of subsidized food is available in the region.

Who is entitled to subsidized meals in schools?

It is worth noting that the legislation does not establish exact lists of categories of children who are entitled to preferential nutritional conditions. Such lists are established at the regional level and, depending on the territory, can differ quite significantly. But, if you do a little research, you can note the most frequently mentioned categories of citizens entitled to free meals in schools:

You can find out exactly which categories of citizens fall under the reduced food program from the administration. educational institution. Also, such subsidies can be assigned to a family that does not fall under any of the categories, but finds itself in a difficult financial situation. To do this, it is necessary to officially notify the school management and indicate exactly what factors led to the fact that it is now impossible to pay for the child’s meals in full. Each such situation is decided on an individual basis. And such a benefit, in the above case, cannot last longer than one academic year.

How to apply for food benefits at school

This benefit, like any other type of financial assistance, does not come into force automatically. The fact that the family has the right to such a subsidy must be notified to the relevant authorities by sending there the necessary package of documents. The deadlines during which people have the right to apply for free meals are set at the regional level. But in the overwhelming majority of cases they last from the beginning of the school year until the end of May.

It is worth noting the case when a family receives the status of having many children in the middle of the year. In this case, documents can be submitted at the time of admission to this category, and food benefits will come into force from the beginning of the next month.

In order to apply for free meals, parents must provide the school administration with the following documents:

  • An application drawn up for the director of the educational institution. It needs to notify him of the right to apply for free food.
  • A certificate providing complete information about the current family composition.
  • , confirming the birth of the child and his relationship with the applicant.
  • A copy of the identity documents of the applicant's parents or guardians.

Depending on which category the family applying for benefits falls into, the following papers may be needed:

The entire list of documents that need to be provided to the school administration for free meals can be found in the administration of the educational institution.
