Dream interpretation of a fight with a big one. Video: Why do you dream about a fight? What does Draka predict in a dream?

Many people ask why they dream of a fight in which I participate. Fights in a dream are a manifestation of suppressed or expressed aggression. In fact, you do not consider a fight or other expression of anger unacceptable for yourself and would gladly give blows to your ill-wishers in reality.

Modern society does not welcome real battles; one has to be content with scenes of fights in dreams. It is dreams that reflect your deepest desires and worst fears. The human psyche is so complex that these concepts are often confused with each other. In any case, if you are wondering “why do you dream about a fight in which I am involved” - one of the answers is because you dream about it.

If you often dream of fights with your participation, this is a sign of increased production of aggressiveness and anxiety hormones, and adrenal gland dysfunction is possible. It is in them that adrenaline and cortisol are produced.

If you don’t find a way out of aggression and increased sexual energy, you can easily get sick and fall into severe depression. Go to an endocrinologist and sign up for a sports section. You don't have to go to boxing or karate. Climbing, gymnastics, dancing, swimming - any sport with significant physical activity and competition will help cope with excess hormones.

A visit to the doctor is necessary to identify possible contraindications and metabolic disorders. For example, with diabetes physical activity need to be selected with great care, a special training regimen is required.

Hidden aggression, which manifests itself in fights in a dream, can be caused by alcohol or other active substances, poor diet, or excess animal proteins in the diet. When gaining weight and bodybuilding using muscle growth stimulants, there is a danger of increased levels of cortisol in the blood.

This explains the outbursts of rage among bodybuilders. The body cannot cope with increased doses of hormones. Change your diet and stop taking any supplements immediately. The aggression and fights in which you participate in a dream can spill out into real life.

Basic meanings of sleep

  • A massive fight in which you are forced to take part while making your way to the exit - be attentive to new friends and colleagues. They may try to pin the blame on you for all the mistakes and miscalculations since the creation of the world. A mass fight is a sign of general distrust and betrayal, fierce competition within society.
  • If you intervene in a fight in order to stop it, serious events await you that can turn your life around.
  • Winning a fight is a good sign; you have a good chance of coping with the situation.
  • If in a dream you run and catch up with someone to get into a fight, this shows strong anger, rage, and a desire to punish the offender. To kill in such a fight means you are serious. Go to a psychologist and find out the real reasons for the internal conflict, because in your dream both figures are just your own imagination.
  • Blood in a fight means family ties between the conflicting parties. Try to settle the matter peacefully. If the matter is serious and concerns property, visit a lawyer and get good legal advice on the issue of interest. This is better than emotional arguments and arguments.
  • Girl fight you're in - looks like you've got your eye on one young man, who enjoys your attention and receives dividends and benefits from all parties to the conflict.

What does participation in a fight mean according to dream books?

  • Miller's dream book interprets a fight in a dream in which you participate as a battle between the conscious and unconscious, an internal struggle. Famous psychologist warns of the danger of actual clashes and fights that you may provoke.
  • Medea's dream book admits that a fight in which you participate in a dream is a sign of strong disappointment in love. Anger at those closest to you is possible. This condition often occurs in teenagers. Adults usually know how to control their emotions. You are on the verge of a breakdown and need help from friends and family. If you can’t trust anyone, go to a psychologist.
  • The women's dream book interprets a fight in a dream as a sign of possible violence. Most likely you are exposed excess pressure from the family or at work. The fight you are participating in is a sign of internal protest. But it is quite possible that you are exerting pressure, putting forward exorbitant demands on others, and are indignant at their reluctance to comply. A fight in a dream is an attempt to cross out these people and take advantage of their resources without their participation.
  • Freud's dream book considers a fight in which you are participating as an energetic sexual act, with a dose of aggression. The dream can be caused by a tendency towards dominant relationships or masochism equally.


The question, what does the fight in which I am participating in mean, should first of all be asked to myself. A fight always means damage, torn and damaged clothes, and serious injuries are possible. Is it worth worrying so much and making sacrifices? Is there a goal that justifies fighting, even in a dream? Typically, the answer is no. aggressive people fight to protect their own ego, ambitions, without the slightest benefit to themselves.

You cannot accumulate hidden aggression within yourself. Jump with a parachute or bungee, fight in the ring. If aggression and fighting in a dream are of a sexual nature, find an appropriate club of interests. Ask your friend to spank you - it is quite possible that you will get great pleasure.

Those who are just about to enter into confrontation with an enemy in reality may have a corresponding dream. Fighting in a dream is not as dangerous as in real life, but the situation shows the extremely aggressive attitude of the sleeping person towards some person. This does not mean that a person is ready to immediately start a fight. However, he is angry with his opponent and will defend his rightness by any means.

A fight begins when the arguments in a dispute are exhausted, and emotions overwhelm. Primitive instincts awaken in a person when the fittest wins and, therefore, survives. Despite a highly developed civilization, people have not gotten rid of the desire to achieve their goals with the help of their fists. Let's talk about the meaning of a fight in a dream.

A fight can arise after a rude conversation or out of the blue. Friendly fights happen when friends jokingly push each other or throw pillows. In any situation, people release their pent-up energy and can look at the current circumstances more intelligently.

The philosophical interpretation of the question of why one dreams of fighting lies in the emergence of a contradiction between the mind and the subconscious. Education and life in modern society impose restrictions on a person's actions. A fight with an offender threatens with serious consequences, and unrealized impulses are reflected in a dream.

Many interpreters explain participation in a fight in a dream as disappointment in the surrounding reality. The reason may be either a collapse of plans or a break with a loved one.

Winning a battle means that bad events will happen a little later, but you won’t be able to completely get rid of negativity after a fight.

Interpretation of a fight by various dream books

The opinions of popular dream interpreters differ on the causes of aggressive sleep and its consequences. Some believe that a fight will not bring good luck and it is better to watch it from afar. Others, on the contrary, advise not to give up the fight and try to gain the upper hand in it, so that in reality the situation changes for the better.

A girl who watches her fans fight in a dream is a real coquette in life. She will receive a marriage proposal from both and will act wisely, not giving them a reason for hand-to-hand combat in reality.

A bad omen would be a fight between two women. The sleeper expects the machinations of enemies and troubles. A lady who attacks the dreamer in a crowd of people represents envious people and enemies who spread gossip behind their backs.

A fight with a lover foreshadows a successful union and prosperity. Life together will be excellent. You should not separate fighting people in a dream, otherwise in reality you will have to justify yourself due to an unfair accusation.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud interpreted the dream with a fight and a tendency towards roughness in sex. A man who has such a dream is far from a romantic by nature. He is persistent, stubborn and quite capable of raising his hand against his partner. For a woman, the dream speaks of sympathy for men younger than her.

If a person has a complex and is unable to express his feelings, his dissatisfaction can also result in a dream of a fist fight. It is easier for him to be a confidant of others than to start his own relationships.

According to Miller

Gustav Miller associated the dream with problems in business if a man dreamed about it. Anyone who gets involved in a brawl faces a battle with competitors. He is self-confident and professional, but underestimates their strength. The case may end in court or significant losses if the sleeper was defeated in a fight.

Approximately the same consequences await the dreamer if he is wounded in battle. Receiving a blow from relatives or loved ones - this is what dreams of a fight with blood mean. Such a dream entails the division of an inheritance, family squabbles or a break in relationships.

Spendthrift individuals dream of someone else’s fight, and the dream warns a young girl against getting involved with a fighting man. It’s also not worth stopping the fight, since this risks losing a woman’s reputation, and a man – being dissatisfied with financial issues.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A person fighting in a dream must remember who exactly he was fighting with. If the enemy was a person, unexpected incidents and stormy adventures are coming in life. A fight with an animal portends failure and trouble. Those who watch the carnage will have a cloudless and prosperous existence.

By Longo

The white magician had nothing against a brawl and showdown with fists. Such a dream shows the dreamer that he is ready to take fate into his own hands and not wait for the right moment.

The sleeper controls events and makes efforts to make dreams come true. He is energetic and assertive.

If in a dream you have to separate those who are fighting, the sleeper feels the need to interfere in the affairs happening around him. He doesn't care if they touch him or ask him for help.

Often the dreamer’s authority is not enough to attract him to the role of arbitrator, but this does not stop him. When, as a result of a fight, he also ends up with bruises, in reality his initiative will be punished.

Who has a dream: interpretation features

In everyday terms, a dream with a fight has non-fatal consequences. More often it reflects the strength of passion or emotion. Having understood the details of the dream, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the events that caused it and return the flow of life to its usual track.

Woman fights with woman or man

A girl’s dream of a collision means her constraint and secrecy. For a long time she did not give an outlet to negative energy, and the subconscious thus reflects the heated situation. A fight with a woman speaks of fierce rivalry with her in reality. Over time, others may be drawn into the conflict.

Fighting with a man in a dream - good sign. The woman is well aware that he is interested in her and gives their union great value. Most likely, the couple will experience a surge of passion, and the spouses will diversify their intimate lives. If a girl slaps a guy, she hopes serious relationship marriage comes with it.

A man fights with a man or woman

There are two main interpretations of the reasons for the night vision of a fight with a man. The sleeper is too tired of troubled family relationships and scandals with family members. Another thing is that he is full of strength and wants to take a leading position in the company, no matter what we are talking about: friends or the work team.

A dream with a confrontation between a man and a girl is much more positive. It promises a happy relationship or married life. The man has found his ideal and is very passionate.

Different situations in a dream

Only professional wrestlers fight in training and competition. For everyone else, a fight becomes the last way to achieve the truth. Quarrels and disagreements in reality are often mirrored in a dream, where the sleeper fights with an opponent.

Strangers fight

It is possible that a man is subconsciously jealous of his beloved. He doesn't know for sure whether he has a rival, so he fights with a stranger in his sleep. The union has certainly turned into love triangle, but the dreamer is ready to defend his rights.

Dreaming of beating a friend or friend means that communication with him is coming to naught. The sleeper wants to contact him more and more often, but does not know how to attract his attention.

Mass fight

According to Miller, being on the winning side in a mass fight guarantees the fulfillment of desires and the successful completion of plans. For girls and women, participation in the massacre indicates the presence of a large number of fans, if they were not seriously injured in it. In case of scratches and bloody wounds, the girl will face deception from a close friend or relative.

Loff believed that a man fighting with a crowd in reality would increase his status and gain authority in the eyes of others. When a guy bursts into a crowd of angry girls, he will be the cause of their quarrels.

Take part in the fight yourself

Getting into a fight even in a dream is far from best solution. Interpretations of sleep from different sources They promise separation, problems in the family and at work, and major disappointments. According to Freud, a man who has such a dream is an unimportant lover and avoids intimate relationships.

Another interpretation speaks of the imminent receipt of money that must be invested in a worthwhile project, otherwise it will quickly evaporate. There is a prediction about the unexpected arrival of a guest.

If the dreamer is beaten in a dream, he will soon meet a new love. Or rather, she will find him herself. The arrival of people pleasant to the dreamer is another interpretation of the dream. A fight with blood suggests that the visitors will be relatives. Income from long-forgotten plans and ideas is also possible.

Fight with a relative

A dream with a friendly tournament, rather than a bloodbath, marks the establishment of trusting and warm relationships with family. In the case when the struggle intensifies, the interpretation of the question of why one dreams of fighting in a dream speaks of pressing problems that require thorough study. Relatives are offended by something and try to convince others that their point of view is correct.

A frank conversation and search for a compromise will help the dreamer prevent a general discussion of his actions.

Victory in a fight

The one who wins the battle in reality will win the girl’s interest or advance in his career. Triumph over enemies or unfortunate circumstances is possible. It will be possible to find out what exactly will happen in reality by remembering who exactly was defeated by the dreamer. Fate will come to the aid of the sleeper if he wins the fight.

Dream books give a favorable forecast of the consequences of sleep in the near future.


Participation in a fight does not always characterize a person as a hot-tempered and unrestrained type. A young man who protects a girl from hooligans commits a noble act. He does not think about his own safety, worrying about his weaker companion.

Of course, it’s not worth starting a battle because of an unflattering remark thrown at you. It is better to resolve such an issue in words rather than with fists. However, in the event of an attack, you will have to fend for yourself.

The current state of affairs and previous events are different in each situation. Resentment towards an opponent can be burning and just. Giving vent to negativity, a person tries to resolve contradictions by fighting, but in fact they become much more serious. If you want to resolve the conflict, it is better to pull yourself together and try to discuss what happened without offending your opponent.

It happens that the culprit is a simple misunderstanding, and after a fight the relationship will deteriorate forever. For the sake of maintaining peace, it is worth making a choice in favor of a peaceful settlement of the dispute or bringing the warring parties to agreement. Fighting in a dream is also an unwise act, but it can be explained based on the context.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Tell me, have you ever fought in your life? Most likely, each of us has had the opportunity to be a participant or at least a witness to such an incident. Remember the sensations: this is an unpleasant process. You want to avoid fights always and everywhere, since this phenomenon is unacceptable and unworthy of a sane and civilized person. Despite this, during a night's rest, a frequent picture for us is a fight in a dream. What does it mean and how to correctly interpret dreams with its participation? Let's try to figure it out.

What kind of dream is this?

An interesting phenomenon is a fight. The dream book interprets it in most cases as a harbinger of a positive event awaiting you ahead. As evidenced by many professional interpretations, a brawl refers to the so-called changelings, when a terrible and negative event appears, on the contrary, good sign. Typically, such a dream symbolizes well-being, a burst of energy, and activity. In some cases, it means troubles at home, a disagreement with a loved one and various conflicts. Freud, as usual, when interpreting such a dream, focuses on sexual intercourse: according to him, the sleeper has secret sadistic inclinations. And Yuri Longo is sure: a fight is a harbinger that life will soon become eventful and full of events.

In general, if you happen to fight, know that in real life someone is very much indifferent to you. And, most likely, this is the one who attacks you: he is trying to “attack” the sleeping person, to remind him of himself, to interest him. If you emerge from the battle as an unconditional winner, expect good luck in all your endeavors and current affairs; if defeated, pay attention to your property; in the near future you may lose it.

Basic meaning

Remembering all the details, noticing every little thing and taking into account every detail is necessary when you interpret dreams. A fight can mean anything, depending on where it took place, how and with whom. The real meaning emerges from the role played by the sleeper, from the circumstances of the battle and its outcome. Typically, such dreams foreshadow opportunities, prospects and chances that need to be noticed in time in reality. The closer the fighting people are to you, the greater the likelihood of success.

The sleeper must understand that seeing a fight in a dream promises joyful events, and the unfriendly attitude of others. Most likely, you are overcome by strong emotions, and they can be both positive and negative. Passion, energy, greed, resentment - what torments a person in reality and transforms at night into a “pugnacious” picture. Perhaps this is a sign that you need to curb your feelings, calm down and try to think rationally, fairly and soberly.

How did you get hit?

One of the most important details. A dream in which you experience pain from blows or are injured requires a more careful and attentive interpretation. As we have already figured out, the opponent’s onslaught is directly proportional to his feelings: the more actively a person attacks, the more affection he experiences. But the damage you receive should not be severe - such a dream about a fight can be interpreted exactly the opposite.

If during your daydreams you are caught up or attacked on the sly, be prepared for the fact that your competitors are not asleep and are capable of delivering an unexpected stab in the back. Try to avoid conflict with the help of a resourceful mind and cunning. When someone kicked you, it means a pleasant monetary surprise or a quick profit, when they hit you with a stick - a sharp improvement in business or the smile of Fortune, when they caused damage with a mallet - possible illness. If you strike, do it with a whip, a whip or a club, expect victories in a difficult and lengthy undertaking.

Fight with friend and foe

Sometimes we have dreams where we fight with friends, close friends or good acquaintances. Such dreams also have their own interpretation. So what does it mean similar dream? A fight with a friend promises to strengthen the relationship between you. If they were excellent before, they will become even more trusting, but when you were in a quarrel, expect a quick reconciliation. You can also open a common business with a loved one, start a new business. Fighting with a girl friend is a warning. Take a closer look, is this really such a devoted and honest person? Perhaps her friendly disposition is illusory.

When the enemy is the enemy, it is also a sign of a decrease in tension in the relationship, a symbol of the end of the Cold War and even reconciliation. If in this case your opponent attacks you, he actually sympathizes with you, but life circumstances forced him to take a different side. When in a dream you cannot recognize a person’s face or see only his silhouette, this is also a sign of profitable cooperation and victory over all troubles.

With a woman

Often such a dream is interpreted as a man’s increased interest in opposite sex generally. Perhaps you will soon meet a very attractive girl with whom you want to have an affair. When you see a particular woman from your environment, it may be a sign that you are unhappy with her behavior, character or actions. The degree of irritation depends on the strength of the contraction and its consequences. Similar meaning you and your wife are having a fight: the dream book states that such dreams are a symbol of misunderstanding or alienation in a couple.

What is the meaning of a dream if a girl sees it? For a representative of the fair sex, fighting with a woman means rivalry: with a colleague - for career growth, a friend - for a man’s heart, a sister - for the attention of parents, and so on. Such dreams can be a symbol of your ambition, indicating that you are trying by any means to get more. Calm down the aggression or try to communicate less with the person you dreamed of, otherwise serious troubles are possible.

With a man

For representatives of the stronger sex this is an unkind sign. A dream (a fight with a man) promises you a meeting with an unpleasant person. Most likely, a serious competitor will begin to interfere with you in business, or a rival may appear in your personal life. Try not to panic: pay close attention to your surroundings to prevent the event. If you are trying to defeat a huge man or even a giant, reconsider your outlook on life. Perhaps you are too petty. When you watch from the sidelines a duel between rivals, this promises success in the business sphere.

If a girl dreams of a fight with a man, this is a signal that she has feelings for him. Perhaps the sympathy is not strong yet, but in the near future it promises to develop into real passion. When a woman sees two or more guys fighting, she should understand that in reality she is in the circle of attention: she has many fans and potential suitors. For representatives of both sexes, fighting a dead person in a dream means unusual adventures in which you will be required to show your ingenuity and rich imagination.

With relatives

Agree, seeing a fight with your husband or wife in a dream is not very pleasant. However, such dreams have different interpretation. Their interpretation directly depends on the real relationship between the spouses: if they are warm, they will become even stronger. Otherwise, this means accumulated hostility and aggression, which will certainly lead to a protracted conflict and even separation. If you're struggling with your mom, prepare for family conflicts that are already looming over your head. Perhaps you are the initiator of some quarrels, so try to be guided in reality not by emotions, but by common sense. A dream has a similar interpretation, where the father is the opponent. This is a symbol of the fact that you want to break out of your parental home and get rid of excessive care.

Fight with sister- warning. The sleeper needs to control anger, outbursts of rage, and forgive people for their shortcomings and imperfections. Also, such dreams may indicate that you have many complexes that you should have gotten rid of a long time ago. Fighting with a brother is a financial risk, which can ruin plans due to rash actions and haste.

Fight with animals

How should you interpret the vision if you dreamed of such a fight? The dream book most often gives the following interpretation of a duel with a bear: encountering an animal means dangers and difficulties. This may also mean that in achieving goals, a person from your close circle is pursuing his dream “through corpses.” When you managed to avoid the attack of a predator, you can breathe freely - the enemy’s insidious plans will not cause you serious harm.

Fighting with wolves in a dream means quarrels. It is also necessary to take a closer look at your friends: perhaps some of them do not deserve such status. Remember the phrase "A wolf in sheep's clothing"? That's it. Be careful and observant, then you can identify Judas without any problems. Seeing cats fighting in a dream is a sign of your uncertainty and fears about success, fear of the future, although there is no reason for such worries. When in your dreams dogs come together in a duel, barking and biting furiously, beware of the crowd, do not follow its lead. Find your own path to success, be individual and creative.

Mass fight and use of weapons

A massacre seen in a dream with the participation of many people foretells you fame, popularity and recognition. Although whether you will become famous in a positive or negative light is difficult to say. The answer can be found in the participants in the fight: if they look like convicts or bandits, it is better to be wary and carefully reconsider your actions. Fighting with knives and emerging victorious from the fight is fortunate. A cutting object is a symbol of destruction, but in this dream it symbolizes the end of a former life with its failures and problems. When you've stabbed your opponent a few times, expect riches. But if you were wounded, it means an imminent illness or trouble.

A fight with blood in a dream means a meeting with relatives. Perhaps you will go to visit loved ones whom you have not seen for a long time, or you will be invited to the wedding of a second cousin. Or you will find a relative whose existence you never knew existed. If someone is killed during a fight, you will be very lucky. Get ready for a real surprise that will change your life for the better.

Between people of the same profession

Yes, sometimes such a dream occurs. A fight, the meaning of which in most cases is positive, also foreshadows good events in life. For example, you witnessed a fight between people in uniform: sailors, soldiers, police officers. Most likely, in the near future you will be visited by a long-awaited guest, meeting whom will bring a lot of joy and even profit.

A dream about a professional fight between boxers, karatekas, and so on, on the contrary, does not bode well. You will face various difficulties on the way to achieving your goal, which is a priority. Don't give up, keep moving. The path to a dream is always thorny, but the end result is worth it. If you see a battle of knights or warriors in a dream, wait for the arrival of guests and be prepared for the hassle that such a visit entails. You will not experience any joy from the meeting, since you will need to solve the problem or lend money. It’s interesting if you dream of too much of a fight. The dream book focuses on strengthening the main meaning: what more people involved in the massacre, the sooner the prediction will come true, and the more strongly you will feel it.

A few more interpretations

We can give a few more examples of popular “pugnacious” dreams. If you separate your opponents, but they continue to bully each other, beware of unscrupulous competitors, criminal elements, or simply unbalanced people in real life. It is also a sign of your dissatisfaction with life. You are trying to change the circumstances, but so far it is not working. Be patient: by being fearless, you can achieve what you want.

Let's say you saw that a fight was just beginning in a dream. What does it mean when a massacre has not yet begun, but is about to break out? Such a vision promises unexpected help that will come from a direction where you did not expect. For business people, businessmen, entrepreneurs, financiers and bankers, seeing a fight in dreams means unpleasant meetings, an unprofitable partnership, an unprofitable project, the onslaught of competitors. Troubles with the law, all kinds of lawsuits, and also financial waste associated with these problems cannot be ruled out.

Why did you dream about Fight (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Draka is a word of Russian origin, meaning a battle with the enemy, a fight for dignity and honor. In a fight, justice is established in a radical way, although a new set of rules and order is imposed. Without faith in what is right, a person will not face attack.

A duel with the enemy is also necessary to protect eternal values ​​and defenseless people, personal and state borders. Such a fight is not condemned, but praised as a manifestation of courage. Why dream of a fight - the sign warns of danger, dishonest surroundings and at the same time shows determination and determination.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Fights?

  • Watching a fight in a dream is a waste of money.
  • For girls, seeing their beloved as a participant in a fight in a dream foretells that he is not worthy of her.
  • A man dreams of separating participants in a fight when he wants to achieve a high position in society. The dream tells the girl that there are evil gossips about her.
  • Why dream of participating in a fight? According to the dream book, you will find yourself in a whirlpool of events that you cannot influence in any way. Try to avoid new things - there will be no success.
  • Losing in a fight in a dream means losses, litigation.
  • Why do you dream of a fight, after which you are wounded, blood flows - to the betrayal of a friend.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Fight?

  • To see a guy fighting with a girl in a dream - the dreamer passionately desires to possess the girl from the dream. For a girl, a dream reveals a secret desire to be submissive to her partner.
  • I dreamed of a fight loving people- a series of quarrels, possible separation.
  • A dream about a fight tells family people to be attentive and patient with each other in order to avoid divorce.
  • Being a participant in a fight in a dream means you will stop understanding loved one, and he will be irritated by your actions. Cheat fate: go on a trip, visit your family. Aggression transforms into longing for presence in the house.
  • If you dreamed of winning a fight - you are successful with the opposite sex.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Fighting

Fight is a symbol associated in the human mind with the narrow-mindedness and hot temper of human nature. Fighting is the lot of men and a “fair” way to resolve a dispute or issue of honor. Our ancestors participated in fist fights to show off their strength and compare with others. Today, a fight is considered evidence of bad manners, lack of restraint, and the inability to solve a problem with words or peacefully.

  • Why dream of a brutal fight in which you separated the fighters, but even then continue to shake the air with your fists - beware of unbalanced people, criminal elements.
  • Seeing an animal fight in a dream means involvement in a scandalous matter; you have to judge the dissatisfied.
  • To see a crowd of people swearing and trying to start a fight, according to the dream book, a dream foretells help from the outside, which will come at an unexpected moment.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Fight, what does it mean?

  • Watching the fight from the side - take a closer look at your new acquaintances.
  • To be a participant in a crowded fight in a dream means be patient in the upcoming quarrel.
  • Why dream of provoking a fight - an internal struggle of motives. Sometimes it reflects a battle of minds, but not of bodies.
  • Actively participating in a fight, protecting others - the collapse of plans, disappointment in love.
  • Winning a fight in a dream means pushing aside unpleasant circumstances.
  • A fight with wild animals or animals means trouble.

Why do you dream about Fighting (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • Dreaming of participating in a fight means unpleasant meetings with rivals.
  • Seeing a mass fight in a dream is a tough, even cruel rivalry.
  • If you dream of a fight between men, your word will have considerable weight. Take this chance to achieve your goal.
  • Winning a fight in a dream means success with the opposite sex and respect among colleagues.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a fight:

See Party.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a fight in a dream means:

Participating will make you happy and happy. Seeing is a lucky opportunity to win, receive a gift, or invest money.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

A dream with a fight in the dream book is interpreted as:

Fighting, like any act of violence, symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If a man fights in a dream, this indicates his aggressiveness in relationships with sexual partners and the presence of sadistic tendencies.

If a woman gets involved in a fight in a dream, then this indicates that she has masochistic tendencies. Because of this, she may find herself a victim of sexual aggression. Such a dream also speaks of a woman’s desire to start relationships with sexual partners younger than herself.

If you watch the fight from the sidelines and do not interfere, then you love or dream of enjoying watching sexual contacts of other people, preferably with elements of sadism.

Slavic dream book

Dreaming of a fight means:

Seeing is well-being; to fight yourself is a surprise; fighting animals is a nuisance.

Azar's Dream Book

Fight dream meaning:

Towards separation

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a fight:

see - well-being; to fight yourself is a surprise; with animals, animals - trouble.

English dream book

What a fight might mean in a dream:

This dream most likely predicts troubles in your home. It’s as if you will no longer understand your loved ones, and they will be annoyed by what you say and do. After such a dream, lovers will experience the bitterness of a disagreement. If in a dream someone catches up with you and hits you painfully, the dream promises good luck to your ill-wishers, who are plotting something nasty against you. But if you respond to your offenders with strong blows, in reality you will upset the plans of your enemies.

A dream about a fight rarely promises good luck to anyone.

Dream book alphabetically

Fight in a dream means:

Seeing a fight in a dream means well-being, unexpected happiness.

To see animals fighting is to receive a warning about upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

Fighting with animals means that in reality you will face troubles in relationships with colleagues.

Fighting with people in a dream means getting injured in reality as a result of an accident or accident

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If a girl dreams of a fight, it means:

Unexpected guests.

Imagine that the fighters are just having fun; this fight does not bring any serious injuries to anyone.

Dream book of the 20th century

Why does a woman dream of a fight:

Not very serious skirmishes and fights in a dream: - they usually say that your tension in relationships with others subsides, and in reality no serious conflicts threaten you.

Seeing a big fight with dire consequences in a dream or taking part in such a massacre: this is a bad sign, warning that acute problems are brewing in your environment. conflict situations fraught with big troubles.

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